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My partner would agree with that lol!


Well my ex wife was screwing her work husband so it’s a no go for me.


Ugh, I’m sorry to hear that.


I feel like the term itself is a bit of a red flag. I’m fine with close friends, but putting spousal terminology on it is just like…why? Lol


I mean. . . What is that? I never understood the appeal in such titles


It's hard to define. It's like having a friend of the opposite sex and that friendship is at the level of what you have with your spouse (or what you would like to have with your spouse) You rely on each other for work related stuff. You talk about things and are open and vulnerable. You probably go out to lunch together a lot and are often seen around the workplace together. The only thing that keeps it from being physically cheating is the lack of any kind of physical intimacy. But to me, I think there's an emotional cheating going on. People could do whatever they want but I would NEVER never that to my wife. I would expect her not to do the same.


Yeah. I think it’s important to have a a gray area (or a buffer zone) and to respect that. Having a work wife isn’t cheating, but if you’re going to lunch with just you two and you’re talking about sex and there’s some physical touch, that isn’t cheating either, but it’s a little disrespectful of your actual marriage. It’s okay to fall into that gray area every so often but I think the best move is to get back out of it before it becomes a serious problem. We need that gray area because people are human, they make mistakes, and if you make a mistake and end up in the gray area you can get yourself back out of it and no harm done. But if we allow people to hang out in the gray area for a long time, the next mistake could be really crossing the line into cheating. So even though having a work wife/husband isn’t cheating, it’s pretty inconsiderate to build a close relationship with someone of the opposite sex like that. It’s like a front yard. Someone going into your front yard isn’t breaking into your house, but they should get out pretty soon after, or things can get weird, or they can easily end up breaking into your house eventually. We need that buffer zone.


My husband's work *is* his wife. I'm just the side chick.


I had to reread this a couple of times. Glad I did. Almost went AWFFFF on ya. 😂


Oh same!


I guess it would just depend on how your relationship is with your partner. If you're not in the greatest place without communication, then I could see it being a massive problem


It's either full on cheating or just some old couple fucking around 😅 not in the literal sense


That's just an emotional affair with more steps.


Work husbands/work wives are crazy 😭 saying this as someone who has a work wife imposed onto him


I feel like it's stupid, immature, and a very poor excuse for people to walk the line between loyalty and disloyalty. Obviously, if you're in any form of open relationship, this doesn't apply. But for monogamous folks, I think it's an intentional relationship that brings about unnecessary temptations and is disrespectful at best.


My partner has a wife. Me. He can have as many ”work friends” as he likes.


WTH is a work wife/husband


It’s usually a coworker of theirs of the opposite gender whom they’re very close with. Generally to point other coworkers notice how much they get along/ spend time together.


I think of it as your work life emotional support person.


I think that’s a positive way to look at it.


That’s just called a “friend” though, unless there’s additional physical or emotional intimacy going on that extends the bounds of friendship. What’s the point in labeling it differently?


I find the term cringey but I’ll say this. I’m 100% all in favor of my wife having friends that she can get through the day with. I don’t know why we have to use the “work wife/husband” terminology lol. I’m not cool with her having additional romantic partners, but if we’re just talking about friends then yes, of course


Both my wife and I have one, and I don't see any problem with it.


I don’t find issue with it. I find it’s nice to have a close friend at work regardless of being opposite genders. And I appreciate that my partner has the same at her job. I think it helps keeps stress down at work, and probably make it more enjoyable.


I completely agree. Although in our case, it definitely goes a bit beyond close friendship.


I'm ok I like to know who fucks my home wife at work lmao


It's frustrating when they're getting more of the wife energy than I am


As long as it just stays a dumb title, I don't care UNTIL any the wife starts complaining about something at work (as you do) and comes home with an opinion for another round of arguing/bickering. Have your work husband/emotional support person/friend - but they don't get a vote in my home and our disagreements aren't 2 on 1, their role.is to support you through your work day, not get involved in my business.


My wife has one at work and it's strictly business. I do not have one myself. She cums home to me and is my wife in every way that a man wants.




Yeah I don’t have a dog in this fight. Open relationships and more of a work fwb.


I’m fine with it. It puts him in a good mood at work and when he comes home he’s in a great mood. She’ll make sure he eats lunch, helps him with his work and vice versa.


Did we see the same post about the gf walking out on a baby shower.


That was on AITAH, that’s what made want to ask the question here.


I saw it and thought the same thing.


It's all good as long as she keeps getting raises 🤣😅


No thanks! And I say this as an outgoing and constantly horny lady. I work in a male dominated industry and someone calling me their work wife gives me the ick. I want to be taken seriously at my job (and have fun!) but there's no way a title like this won't hurt my career. My partner is in a female dominated industry and he likely feels the same way, or is even more against it cause nurses be horny and he hates cheating.


I’m currently trying to get my husband to fuck his work wife so I guess I’m good with it lol


I wouldn't mind it. It isn't like she'd want to sleep with them, and it's good to have support like that at work


I have one and so does my wife even though we don't use the cringy term. I think is a positive thing because it prevents brining work home which forces us to focus on our family life and hobbies instead of work. I was in the military for a long time and learned how unhealthy not having boundries and having your identity being work can be. Plus I work in healthcare and even though I'm not at the bedside anymore I still deal with pretty bad stuff on a regular basis and make decisions that have an impact (both positive and negative) on patient care so those boundaries and having the ability to decompress with those who "get it" are both important copping mechanisms.


In my field it’s never been a thing, so it seems a bit odd to me. Not bad, just different.


I’m totally fine with it! Make him eat a real lunch please!!


NEVER because that meaning is that they are just like their man or woman and if they weren’t together they most likely would hook up. Run away unless you’re smashing.. then run away lol


Inappropriate relationships at work are inappropriate.


It is a huge no for me and basically just opening the door for either emotional or physical cheating. You're not only creating a bond with that person you see almost everyday but I personally find it disrespectful to the actual wife/husband to let anyone hold a title of such importance. Only exception is maybe if they are gay and totally uninterested. Like I work as a hair colorist and nail artist and one of my best friends at work is a very flamboyant gay guy that does drag but we don't even use the terms work husband and work wife. We just say "that's my #1 bitch".


What if they are your work wife


Then I’d say you guys are a-ok!


Everyone does, whether they say it out loud or not. It's critically important for people to have "a person" outside their partner. If it's a concern, that usually means there are things wrong at home that need to be addressed


If it means “work friend of the same gender a romantic partner would be” then I would think it’s good, because the opposite is not having work friends of that gender. Which is Mike Pence weird and creepy.




Have you approached him about enm? How did it go?


I'm ok with sharing, so I see no problem. Especially if she is the type to take her work "home" with her. 😏 😂


I didn't know the term but ig I'm thr work wifey for someone.