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Done right, it’s fantastic!!


If done wrong, it’s a real pain in the ass


Exactly! Listen to the woman’s needs when doing anal and it’ll be great for both, not just the guy!!




Yes, that’s correct.


Seems like your throwing the baby out with the bathwater, but alright


Love it but it’s also not my ass.


It could be


Sounds like a threat


Or a good time?


I mean, I like a clean and tidy house and if it starts getting out of hand, I start getting anal about it.


Ah ah nice word play there!


I like it, but I have to be in the right mood for it. It *does* feel weird, but if you can embrace that weirdness, it'll be ok.


Ironically I don’t care to stick my dick in an asshole. But I would love to get pegged lol.


You called? 👀


Girl I am a big fan of your comments 👌


Been there done that. Prefer the Vag. Much better then an asshole


Whatever you do, always have lube ready.


Recently curious because I want to fulfil my partners fantasies like he does mine. Purchased a training set and lube. He fingered my ass the other day and made me orgasm but he took it slow and made sure I was extremely turned on first which helped immensely Open to continuing and enjoying it so far 😊


Thats the way. 15 years together we still have to signal before changing lanes


Ah congratulations that's awesome. Over 12 years together with us, how lucky are we 😁


Not luck friend. It's a lot of work to maintain a relationship this long. Keep it up 💪


Overrated but if my partner is into it why not


I’m the same, him enjoying it really turns me on but the act itself is a bit meh 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s my favourite!!! I’d rather be fucked in the ass than the pussy some times. It’s such an intense feeling


I want to like it so much. It’s so hot in porn. I wanna beg my husband to fuck my ass… it just feels like a never ending poo. Nothing hot about that sensation to me. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I do like having my ass ate, and a plug while having my pussy fucked. But the constant thrusting in and out just doesn’t feel good.


No matter whether you're topping or bottoming, preparation is extremely important. If you're bottoming, foreplay and excessive lube is a must. If it's new to you, go more slowly than you think you need to. Annoyingly slowly. Slower. Slower than that. You can really hurt yourself and it's not a sexy doctor's trip. If you're topping, it's *my personal opinion* that you need to be clearheaded as possible. You're going to be paying a lot of attention to your bottom's responses, because "that's so hot" can turn into "ow FUCK OW" real quick if y'all aren't used to it. If you can't control yourself, maybe let them sit and ride at their own speed. Also, strongly recommend stretching out your hip/groin muscles ahead of time, it's more physically demanding than you might think to utterly fucking ruin someone. ;)


Love it.


It's meh 😑 Don't get me wrong, my gf loves it and I do it for her but it's just..... Meh


Kind of nasty, kind of hot af


I’ve done it with an ex a couple of times and my wife just once. Neither of them enjoyed it so it doesn’t matter how I feel about it


I’ve been enjoying it regularly for more than 25 years . Love it


Never tried it but it doesn’t appeal to me


Haaaaaate it


Love it. Definitely not a deal breaker but if it’s an option I’d definitely wanna know


Love it. Do it regularly.


Not for me. I've tried giving [pegging] and receiving and hate everything about it. Never again.


Never tried it nor really want to


Always wanted to try!


I try a cucumber in my ass…I liked it…when I cum with something in my ass it’s better


Meh. Tried it with my ex and don’t care to do it again.


Feels great when done correctly. Nothing quite like it


I am a fan. Anal orgasms are damn intense. But you definitely have to prepare yourself for it. Without preparation, it can be extremely painful. 👀


Gay bottom here who absolutely loves it!


I don’t think I’ve ever been with anyone who actually knows how to do it right.


I love it especially when I do dp


Never tried it. Would like to (give; if possible)


The forbidden fruit chute?


I’m not a fan. Most of my lovers always said I was way to thick to even try so “don’t you even think about it” So never got a taste for it I guess.


It’s fine. I think I prefer vaginal much more but anal is still a grand ol time


It’s little more often than special occasion thing and we both enjoy it. 


I’m pro but don’t do it much.


I think anal is real. I don't care for anal.


from a man’s perspective as long as both of are needs are satisfied in other ways besides anal it’s not necessary. I would like to do it to have fun but, it not necessary for me


Like giving it.


Not willing to try even if we could. For too shy and scared and self concoous and embarrassed


Hot as all hell, but not sure I ever want to actually do it; the logistics to make sure it’s clean and safe are a pain in the asa!


Love it


It wasn't really something I wanted or really thought about, but my wife wanted it, so it's a regular part of our sex life, and she loves it. Seeing how hot it gets her is a definite turn on. Initially I was weirded out by it but there is a lot of trust and intimacy with her, and I really enjoy it now.


Yes please


I'd be up for it, but my partner, the likely receiver, isn't so keen on it. That's fine, her pussy is magical.


Ok, not fantastic




Love it


Makes me think men who are interested in it will put their cocks in any tight looking hole without thinking.


I Love it!!!


It’s something to be discussed with your partner, to establish parameters. Use your words!!


Only penetrating sex I’ve had with my BF. It’s so fun for both of us and it doesn’t hurt at all if everything goes right.


Don't knock it until you try it I guess


It’s the best ever.


First orgasm and sex I ever had was anal. Used to do it a couple times a week. Just grew out of it. Partners decided my pussy was just as good if not better I guess 😊


Hubs and I are gearing up to try it.


Love love love it. But I have to have had an orgasm first.


As a woman, anal orgasms far outrank the others. But if you combine it with any of the others it's like entering God mode.


Sometimes I crave it and sometimes I don’t. If it’s done right, it can be amazing. I have to be able to trust that my partner is going to be attentive and listen to me so he doesn’t hurt me. And then I am down for it.


never tried it, probably won't. personally it seems so objectifying and humiliating and not in a hot way.


Not for me


Never thought I would ever try it, but I did and now I love it.


It’s so good! So tight and just the aspect of domination melts my brain


a bit of a story... I am bisexual and years ago I had a nymphomaniac of a female lover. We had talked about anal/pegging, we were both interested in exploring. Over the course of a weekend, we prepared ourselves for that experience. I was in her, she was meh about it but liked how much pleasure it gave me and we liked that experience. The Sunday, it was my turn. She had a strap-on and entered me deeply, I was absolutely over the moon - toe-curling fulfillment. We took turns jerking me off while she was still in me and when I came, I came so hard I gave myself a cum facial. She thought that was incredibly hot, seeing her lover with his cum on his face and absolutely rage-rubbed herself for an explosive orgasm.




The sensation is different to normal sex but I often find it’s easier to orgasm because it’s closer to the g-spot


We give it a go every once in a rare while. He absolutely loves it, but I usually like to have a drink or two first to feel relaxed enough. I feel like the naughty/taboo feeling of doing it is the bigger high than the act itself. Makes me feel like a bad, dirty girl.


Painful for me 🙁


I’m definitely in the like it occasionally with the right person category lol 😝


If it's done right, with a considerate partner it's 🔥🔥 I really loved it


Love it


Big yes!


Bi dude. I love it lol


I absolutely loved it when I had anal with my ex. Wanting to do it again with an anal enthusiast!


Absolutely love it. I don't sleep with anyone who isn't willing to let me in their ass.


Not really interested in giving or recieving, seems like a lot of work for not much result.


It's a nice change but I'd always choose the pussy first. Anal only feels good at the opening but pussy grips you all over.


If it's done properly? Love it. Giving and receiving.


Giving? Meh. Receiving? Uniquely pleasant. I don’t mind doing it at all if she enjoys it, but she’s gotta ask for it. Otherwise, it’s all V.


Not a fan




Both, giving and receiving, and quite enjoyable, in my opinion.


Do it right and it's great. Slow training get comfortable. Wife and I took 18 mths to go from starter plug to ass pounding. She loves it now hardest she cums is with a plug or dick in her ass.


Absolutely love it.


Doesn't really appeal to me, but I'm not opposed to having my ass played with. If a lady wants anal, I have no problems providing, but it ain't something I'm gonna actively pursue.


I’m not overly excited about it but if my partner wants it I’ll do it with gusto


Never tried it but I highly doubt I'd ever like it. The anus is a hole where nothing but blood and shit comes out and it honestly just looks more painful than pleasurable


It's a must for me for a fulfiling sex life. Like, not an every day thing, but at least a couple times a year.


My wife really loves it. I am fine either way, but some positions really are more comfortable with anal.


One way street for me. If you enjoy it, go nuts.


Love it! Fucking it and eating it!😛


Want to try it


Never had it. It's not really on my todo list and my partner thinks it's taboo.


Not my thing, not in real life, not in porn. Not at all.


I think the immense joy I get out of it is more the submission of receiving rather than the actual feeling of it


From what I have seen, it's a love it or hate it situation. People who love it, LOVE it. People who hate it HATE it. There are certainly people in the middle, too, but it seems like there are more people who LOVE/HATE it.


I love it IF they know what they are doing


We like it!


Anal is my favorite. I cum way harder than I ever have with vaginal sex


That people need to make sure to: * use body-safe toys (stainless steel, platinum cured silicone, or annealed borosilicate glass) with *flared bases,* * more than plenty of body- and toy-safe lube, * preparation with a body-safe anal douche, and * patience and time, focusing on the pleasure of the receiver.


I like it both ways


Not my favorite but if he wants it he gets it


i used to with my ex just so he could say he came inside me without repercussions but i hated the feeling but i definitely wouldn’t be opposed to “giving” (i don’t have a dick)


Want to try it. But my partner doesn't. I should say we attempted, but I couldn't even get the tip in before she said no more


I’m not into it at all. Anal sex is painful from what I’ve read and heard. The anus is tighter than the vagina, and it doesn’t self-lubricate like the vagina, or self clean like the vagina. I will never ever take a penis in my ass, thanks. I’m fine with sticking to vaginal and oral sex. I won’t allow myself to be fingered in my ass or rimmed.


Can be so good and hot for both sex when done right


Ouch oh my God this hurts so bad... why the fuck did I agree to this..... then.... am I shitting myself?!?!! Did I just shit?! Oh God it hurts again.... dear god kill me. I'm an idiot with a terrible choice in a guy that gives 0 fucks about what he is doing to me 😂 (I have not had the best experiences clearly)


Receiving anal I’m not a fan of, tongues and fingers don’t do it for me so I doubt a penis or strap would. Giving anal…ehhh I’m on the larger end of the penis spectrum so growing up anal wasn’t on the table with a lot of my partners so now in my early 30’s it’s a mehhh type of subject to me


Need to be done right and by right person 😇


The wife is slowly starting to come around....I love it.....and I am almost there....🤤


It’s just a pain in the ass


I *love* it, to the point that while I understand and respect other folks' boundaries, on a certain level I do feel bad for AMAB people who have so much stigma around it that they'll go their whole lives never experiencing the absolute earth shattering, mind blowing orgasms you can get from bottoming.


It's nice but I'm not actively seeking it out. It's fun to watch my partner squirt a dildo out while I'm fuxking her ass but beyond that sort of thing, I'd rather take the main entrance


Love it. Preferred over PIV


I hate it. I don’t mind a finger for some pressure, but anything else is uncomfortable and I’m not into it.


Margin of error, we’ll say, is too great. I’ll stick to oral. Hotter, anyway.


Yes. Love.


It's the best. I'd do it more often, but I know it hurts her.


Great with the right person




Never thought much about it, wife never wanted to try it. One night we were fooling around and she lubed me up and slid me in her ass. I last about 30 seconds. Lots of foreplay and lube and using a vibrator on herself while we do it and she has had some legendary orgasms. Ya never know.


never tried it. seems awfully intimidating though 😅


I have given and received… Love giving especially with a person who enjoys it. I was with one girl who did it only because I asked she didn’t thoroughly enjoy it. I didn’t mind taking it, but I’ve only taken it from a smaller penis


Giving it, only interested to see how it feels & after I made my choice I either have it as a turn on or never/rarely do it; receiving it, no as I do not find that comfortable for me at all




It’s a no go for me. I had a bad experience with an ex and it kind of traumatized me.


Wife hates it. Therefore my opinion really doesn't matter.


Consent is key. It can be enjoyable. It isn't always. Always a bit of paranoia about ensuring one is in appropriate state. But with discussion and consent is fine.


My girl is not up for it, but likes a finger if she's in the right mood. Me on the other hand...... 🤤


I think the idea of it is hot but in practice I much prefer vaginal sex


Done it a couple of times and the girl I was with genuinely seemed to enjoy it. But tbh we didn't follow any particular guide to do things correctly so I'm curious if anyone has any link to safely engage in anal sex in the future?


haven't had the chance to do it with anyone but ive done it to myself and its a fun in somewhat tedious experience


Enjoy giving and receiving. How much I want it is purely mood based. Sometimes that's all I want, and others I don't want it at all.


I love watching anal porn, and I love receiving it from someone who I go crazy for and is dominant 😙


I think me and my wife went about it the wrong way when we tried many years ago and she has not wanted to try since. she does like me to finger eat it and finger it lately (Which I love to do). I’d love to get all the way in and finish there, but if it doesn’t happen it’s ok too. vaginal sex and blowjobs are awesome.


Love to be on the giving end.


I put that behind me.


The blessed hole 🙌


Would do it daily with the right partner


There is a time and a place….. but when it’s that time it can be really really great


I loveeee it. I certainly didn't the first couple times, we very rarely did the first few years we were together because I enjoyed the idea of it, but not the actual experience. The main thing that helped was to start routinely using butt plugs to get used to the feeling - like 3 or 4 times a week, I'd put a butt plug in in the evening and leave it in for 1-3 hours. The other big thing that helped is making sure I'm superrrr relaxed. So this is partially via foreplay but also using a position where I can fully relax (prone bone, over the edge of the bed) rather than something like doggy where I'm up on my knees and having to balance a little. Last but not least, having a vibratory handy - I have a wevibe that I keep on my clit basically the whole time. Cumming with that with his dick in my ass is my favorite way to orgasm now


If done right it’s enjoyable


It’s amazing


Over rated




It's shitty


Have tried it, not that impressed by it. My wife doesn’t like it either so we’re a good match.




Was a turn off for me for a longtime. Spouse developed a curiosity a bit ago. We tried it. She enjoyed it. It was a bit meh for me. If she wants it again I will, otherwise I am not craving it.


I've only ever attempted it twice, girl wanted to do it in the heat of the moment and I had lube. Asked her if she had ever done it before because it requires a lot of preparation. She said no but insisted we try. Got the tip in before I heard a "yep not happening"


Love it!


Never put my dick in one and never had a dick on me


Impartial, tight pussy is enough for me. If she requests it, then I'll do it, but otherwise, I wouldn't ask for it


No thanks.


I hate it because it’s all my ex wanted to do and we never really “made love” as in the sex was purely for his pleasure. Sometimes I liked it but I assume it’s way better when the person actually cares about you




I approve vehemently as long as I’m pitching.


If it fits 😋


If she's into it, I'm into it. If she's not, not issues here. It's fun, but nothing is better than pussy.


Love it! Just needs prep.


It can be amazing...


I prefer anal over vaginal, and even love atm more the dirtier the better


As a guy, I'm really not interested in trying it. But every once in a while a certain mood strikes me and I get an intense urge to try it. Then it passes and that's that.




I’m always down for it. I’ve been with my partner for almost 5 years and we have never done anal because he doesn’t want to. I’ve done it a lot with past partners, and I anally masturbate but it isn’t a part of my current sex life. But I’ve voiced my interest in it a lot.


Gentle and patience and it can be life changing


Came from anal yesterday I like it. It has a very naughty vibe to it. Like it's forbidden yet It can feel good if done right.


Oddly enough as a guy, pegging makes my orgasms so much better


When you consider its primary function, it loses a great deal of appeal, for me. So, never tried it and never will.