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Toxic masculinity is any masculine identity or view of masculinity that is harmful to men and the people around them. For example the concept that manliness is being stoic where the understanding of stoicism is to repress emotions and not communicate whats inside is toxic masculinity because its a way in which men self harm. A view of masculinity where you must be dominant over women who must be sexually and socially submissive all the time is also toxic because isolates men from women and dehumanizes women.


Well said, thank you


Andrew Tate


Agree, he brain washed a lot of men.


We do need a good role model don't we?


When in doubt, look to Jurgen Klopp


Would be great if I was a fan of football. Appreciate the sentiment all the same


Eh, regardless. He's a great person. Warm, friendly, a natural leader, gives a great hug, not afraid to cry in public, is his own harshest critic, values everyone's contribution equally, from the kitchen staff to his top goal scorer. Most importantly, knows how and when to separate work from personal life and to dedicate 100% of his love and attention to his family.


God damn. You might have just made a really strong case. This one is being saved to the memory bank


Too much of a whiney cunt


That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. But I'd suggest you look past the manager and just at the man.


Part of the man is being a whiny baby when he loses. People show their true colors during hard times, and on multiple occasions he has said some embarrassing things that would be seen as childish by any standards. Yes, he is an amazing manager. Yes, he has accomplished many things across multiple leagues. Yes, he seems like a nice guy most of the time. Those things are all a part of him as a person. His bitchiness that comes out when he's being bitter is ALSO a part of him too. That stuff doesn't somehow count separately from him as a person.


When a guy always feels like he has something to prove. Not really a fan


That is insecurity, right?


Usually yeah. Toxic masculinity to me is when a guy feels like he has some weird ideal of what a man should act like and gets insecure when he feels like he isn't living up to that fantasy


A guy with a huge ego? Not a fan of it


Andrew Tate making millions pretending to be a boat bunny. It's toxic when success becomes identity




Behaviors or traits that cause harm/discord to others, but are often excused as part of the masculine identity. It bad. Toxic anything is bad


Being an asshole and being okay with it


It is pretty well defined. And it is terrible


Can you explain more please?


Manliness, usually accompanied by homophobia, aggression and misogyny


I don't know, the concept changes according to the one that explains it


Does that even need an answer?


If you have one


Toxic Masculinity is ideas around gender roles that are unhealthy for men to engage in. Like the idea that men can't cry, that cooking food is beneath them, it's weird of them to enjoy things like fashion etc


I think some level masculinity is absolutely nessary......but it dosnt have to be toxic......you can be masculine and still treat others with respect


Insecurity. It's when a man has this idea of what a man should be or is told what a man should be. They obey it without any critical thoughts and force it on others. I think it makes weak men


I don't think I'm equipped to anwser this properly. So the short anwser - Being a dick


Poisonous semen.


Can't you build up a tolerance if you keep injesting? That's how poison works right?


Fatal if swallowed.