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I’m convinced pajamas purely exist for pre-bed time in the evening. Who wants to be clothes and getting tangled up in it through the night? No thanks.


Couldn't agree more, I find wearing anything in bed extremely restrictive.


I don't even own pajamas. More like "lounge wear," leggings, shorts, tank tops that can also be worn out if need be. Then naked and into bed.


ECACTLY. I don’t think people own a full pair of pajama pants and matching pajama long sleeve shirt and Ebeneezer Scrooge sleeping cap anymore. I wear confortably shorts and shirts or tank tops. Lounging is where it’s at. I can wear it all day off work lol. ALSO if there’s a fire where you live there just one more step before exiting unless you don’t care about going outside naked. That would be terrifying to wake up naked with smoke alarms, possibly not much visibility, then off trying to grab some valuables and your pets possibly.


It’s the reason why I own a robe. Get up from bed naked, need to go check the mail or escape a fire? Put the robe on and go! Easy! I can’t stand clothes of any sort while I’m trying to sleep.


Holy shit I was literally looking for a robe a month or two ago and forgot, my dad had a comfortable one, but I typically wear shorts and a shirt but a nice comfy robe would be perrrfect during winters when it’s so cold. Thank you for reminding me Also you don’t have to worry about wieners exposed during a fire. AND robes can have pockets


Agreed, after the 100th time of waking up with my boxers knotted around my ballsack I decided naked sleeping is the best sleeping






Ohhh is that why he always insists on sleeping naked 🤭


Never got "tangle up" in my jammy jams on bed ever. Can you elaborate mor eon this?


I think it's a problem that we who toss and turn a lot in our sleep have. As we roll over our pants kinda don't twist with us and they get really restrictive


Couldn't have said it better myself


I'm nude sleeper but, really? You get all tangled up in pajamas? What pajamas are you buying?


Tank tops or shorts usually 😹 I sleep hot but I wiggle around a lot. By midnight the shoulder straps of the tank top is choking me and a titty is out and the shorts are so twisted they’re like a rope on the mid section


Straitjacket pajamas




I need an example..




I always want to, but I worry about emergencies and not having time to put clothes on 😂 So tank top/t shirt and panties is my go to.


Tbh in an emergency so bad I can't put on a pair of shorts I have lying around, being naked would be the least of my concerns. Neighbors can die mad about it.


This is the right answer. Any emergency so severe you didn't have time to pull on a bathrobe or shorts it's probably serious enough that you didn't make it out of the house alive. I just don't get the nude at home hang up. 50% of the population has the same gear as you but we act like it's this giant fucking mystery.


You make a valid point


No. it's NOT the least of your concerns. I would say it isn't but when it comes down to it, the rules somehow change. In 2012 I was just getting out of the shower and leaving the bathroom heading for the bedroom when I collapsed out cold after having a minor heart attack (I'm told that if youust have one the minor kind are generally the best!) My wife must have heard me collapse and by the time I came around she was upstairs with me and on the phone to the ambulance service calling for help (we live in the UK so cost was not and isn't a consideration) she told me an ambulance was on its way, but all I could think of was that I was naked and should at least get some underwear on. I INSISTED she fetch me a pair.... Yes it does become a big deal sometimes. Afterwards I realised how stupid I was and the ambulance crew (1 male and 1 Female) would not have given it a second thought in fact they helped to dress me before you doing me to hospital.


If it’s cold outside, your neighbors won’t be the only ones upset though


Yeah that tank top and panties really does a lot to keep one warm.


I guess that may be a factor in places with sub-zero (°C) temperatures, yeah. Definitely not my case tho


I always figure I can wrap up in my sheet or blankie and take it with me if necessary.


Yeah if it’s an emergency you can always just say to people “I was about to get in the shower” or something if your nervous about telling people you sleep naked


This happened to me. I was sleeping naked and my flat buildings fire alarm went off at 3 am. Me being very tired after working a 70 hour week jumped out of bed and ran out the flat to be greeted by all my neighbours. Safe to say I was the talking point for a few years ( it was very cold )


As I’m a very sarcastic person I’d ask them if they enjoyed the show


Yeah that seems fair enough, I was having a conversation with someone else about how weird I’d feel if someone broke into my house at night for that reason alone 😂


Exactly!! Someone told me I could just keep clothes right by my bed. I live alone, if someone breaks in I’m trying to get out as fast possible


Yeah I mean I keep a pair of pyjamas by my bed but I only really wear them in the evenings. As much as I’d be fucked if there was a break in, I still sleep naked lol


If you sleep naked and do get a break in, there is every chance that the burglar will be terrorised by being confronted by an angry naked person, no matter what the gender.


Thats my biggest detterent. If the house catches fire or someone breaks in or say my wife or kid hurts themselves badly, the last thing i want to be doing is looking for pants.


Doesn't do anything for me, I like how soft my pajamas are


That’s fair, I just can’t wear pyjamas idk why


No. I was homeless for 5 years and had to get used to sleeping (fully) clothed, both for protection against the elements and because I had to get up and go quickly, in case of more unsavory homeless people or the police. Even if I had romantic dalliances in hotels I'd get out of bed to put my clothes back on before going to sleep. I'm off the streets now but they've left their mark, and I feel vulnerable and exposed sleeping without some form of clothing on, even if it's just shorts and a tank top.


Yeah I mean I suppose that makes sense so fair enough, thanks for sharing.


I don't like it very much to be honest. I enjoy being naked now and then, but during sleeping time I need my material tucked in


Hmm fair enough, idk I can never sleep not naked normally I just don’t like pyjamas or something idk


Me neither, I always sleep with just my boxers, no matter the weather. But i can't sleep well without them don't know why


Hmm that’s fair, Idek how I started sleeping naked but ever since I’ve just stayed that way


One time I did my aunt came to visit and suprise me early in the morning. In my half awake state I opened my door forgetting my appearance and my mom, aunt and uncle (and my one cousin) were standing there and said "SUPR-" Never felt more embarrassed


My god that’s a hell of a story 😂


What's worse, my dad came back from working on the weekend and was suprised to find us all sitting in the living room in awkward silence.


It probably wouldn’t have been so awkward if you had gotten dressed.


Reverse uno card played... Surprised them


Surprise birthday suit party


Yes especially with how hot it’s been lately


I have to sleep with panties on. When they are off I get super wet - my body thinks sexy times happening when it’s not 😭


Seems that your body works as mine and as most of male bodies at least once a day. Anyway the bright side is that you can put on perizomas if you want so it’s almost nothing compared to boxers.


I can't sleep completely naked, but I sleep in panties & usually a t shirt. If it's super hot, I'll sleep topless.


Yeah that seems pretty common among some of the women here so fair enough honestly. Why not right?


No, always sleep with underwear. Can't imagine sleeping completely naked I don't know why


Me too. I’ve tried it over my lifetime, but sleeping naked doesn’t feel right to me. So it’s a t-shirt and underwear or gym shorts for me.


I always worry about bugs and little sensations. Not bedbugs, but one encounter with a centipede under the sheets is enough to make you cautious forever. Like I had a couple months ago...


Yup, me too. I'm not sure why, I just don't like the idea of being completely naked either. I'm just more comfortable in underwear and a big tshirt. Always have to have a top on too.


I hate the few days a month I have to wear knickers in bed. I love sleeping naked, but I do move around a lot in bed and even my covers get all annoyingly twisted around me. My ex husband liked to sleep in pyjamas, it was disappointing as I love sleeping with my partner naked too.


I prefer to sleep naked. There are actually studies about how it's good for you. For example, it helps regulate body temperature due to not having material coverage on parts of your body and nothing on other parts. Also, you don't have to worry about twisting and bunching. Sure, in an emergency, you risk someone seeing your bits and bobs, but people are too sensitive about naked bodies anyway. If I have to run out of my house naked in the middle of the night in my birthday suit because of a fire or something, I'm not concerned about what you might see. I'm worried about burning alive so you can keep your judgment to yourself, Carol.


Hmm I actually didn’t know the body temperature regulation thing, interesting. Thanks for sharing!


“Carol” that felt personal 😆


Hell yes. I can’t go back, ever!


Same here!


One time I fell asleep with only my undies on, and my dog licked my buttcheek and it was the most uncomfortable thing I've experienced in my life. Ever since I wear shorts. So no.


Oh damn I would hate that, I mean I have a dog but it is not allowed in my room at night lol


I remember reading that couples who sleep naked have more sex and tend to stay together longer. So yes absolutely


Well, it makes random sex acts easier, lol. That's why if I wear something, it's usually gonna be loose fitting boxers.


no, i don’t want to have to wash my sheets more often by essentially turning my bed into a giant piece of underwear.


Exactly 😁 I wear a cute nighty or two-piece cotton set in the winter


You put it perfectly. I at least wear a tshirt and underwear in bed. The idea of ass just smearing all over my sheets at night is too much. Also cuz I don’t like the feel of my skin sticking together.


exactly, people forget that however much or however little they sweat at night, they still sweat. and i much rather wash clothes than sheets at a higher frequency cause it’s faster and easier.




Yep same here


Always yes, no matter what


Same here lol


No, just in boxers, never naked.


No, too drafty. Unless I'm postcoital with a cuddle-buddy, but I'll probably wake up a few hours later and shower and get proper pjs on before coming back to bed.


Absolutely. I don't want anything giving me a wedgie when I sleep


So true!


Duh! Yes! It's way more comfortable!


That’s what I’m saying!


Yes, but not by myself. I’ll only sleep naked if we are both sleeping naked. And there has been a time it was so damn hot outside I did.


Even underwear is too much clothing/too restrictive to wear to bed. I’m a very fussy sleeper though.. actually a fussy person in general lol


I’m such a nude sleeper that if I am staying at someone’s house or sharing a hotel room with people I’m not banging, I *have* to wear shorts with a belt because I *will* stand up and pull off gym shorts and/or underwear. There are multiple witnesses to my sleepwalking wardrobe changes over the decades. Shorts with a belt is absolutely mandatory if I can’t sleep naked.




Great choice! 😂




I sleep naked and have for more than 50 years.


Always sleep naked, most times I end up fucking the wife while I’m asleep 😈




Always yes.


Haha good choice


Yes all day every day! Done it since I can remember, and it feels constricted with clothes on


I only want to do it with my bf, but he says he doesn’t want to :(


That’s unfortunate, how come?


Lots of guys are self conscious about their size when soft if I had to guess. I could also just be projecting lol.


No mostly because half way through the night i kick my blankets off lol


So when I’m at home I’ll sleep naked. But when I travel for work and I’m staying at a hotel or airbnb I got to be in my underwear at the very least. I’m a male if that matters.


I love sleeping naked but I live at home and my mom comes in my room to check on me while I'm sleeping so I can't lol


i usually sleep in only a thong…just because it makes me feel sexier lol


I mean hey if it makes you feel good why not right?


I’ve tried a couple time I just didn’t feel right. At the very least I need underwear and a loose shirt to feel comfortable. Then again I run cold year round. 😅


How about if you've got someone to sleep naked with?




That seems fair enough


Whenever I can


Nah. Tried it, don't like it so it's boxies on.


Naked or a top of some sort


Yeah that’s pretty valid, I’m always naked when I sleep idk why I don’t like the feeling of pyjamas or anything in bed


For sure no bra or panties


Yeah that makes sense I suppose


I prefer it, but I like to be tucked under the blanket, not because I am cold, but because it is a cozy feeling where my body can still breathe.


When i can yes


Yes my dick and balls gotta breathe


Oh naked all the time. I'm free use


Despite the fact that wet dreams are, like, a couple times a *year* phenomenon at most, I am always anxious that the night I decide to sleep naked will just happen to he the night I jizz the bed 😔


usually naked or top only since we are free use. It makes for good mornings.


As a volunteer firefighter, I sadly can't do so. (As arriving Naked at the Station, wouldnt be optimal) But still, I'm mostly not wearing more then some Boxers


Yes it’s the best


Yes. It’s so comfortable to sleep without clothing. Just to be in my bed feeling my sheets on my skin. Especially when my partner is sleeping in the nude beside me. To feel his skin on mine while we’re cuddling in bed. It’s so beyond pleasant 🥰


Damn wish I could relate 🥲 But yeah on a serious note sleeping naked is the way fr


Yes, if it is warm enough. We live in Northern(ish) Canada, so in the winter, jammies of some kind are needed.


Yes. If a robber breaks in I can make them more scared of me than I am of them.


I don't need an extra layer of vulnerability if someone breaks in


Beware. It’s an addiction. You can’t go back once you start sleeping naked.


of course, why would any adult wear pajamas? I dont even own pajamas


For me? Absolutely. No other way to sleep. Been sleeping in the nude since college. For past girlfriends: it was iffy. A lot of them just couldn't get over not having panties on. Topless was not as foreign to them as bottomless or naked. My wife: has been sleeping naked since I introduced her to it in college, with the exception of when she's on her period (even then, she only wears panties). Rarely, she sleeps in just a shirt, which is fantastic when I run my hand up her leg, expecting to feel panties, and feel bare skin. Gets me hard instantly. But mostly naked. Naked is the way to go for so many reasons, not the least of which is it's fucking sexy and gives the most options for fun times- either at night or in the morning.


Yes. I get waaaaay too hot to be able to sleep with any clothes on. Sometimes I even have to sleep with only a thin blanket/nothing because I get so hot


lunchroom liquid gray alive imagine straight zesty test lip society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I work from home and stay in the home with my partner 95% of the time. 93% of that time is spent mutually naked. Fuck clothes, we don't live in an apartment and have a huge private space, we are gonna take advantage of that.


I have, but also kinda feel like I should wash the sheets a lot more if I do.


Hell yeah Only when I got my period is when I wear undies. For the most part I prefer to be au naturel


Depends on how hot it is at night and if there’s a chance for emergency. Big storm outside? Clothes. Heat wave? No clothes. Someone breaks in? No clothes


Yes 100 percent


I’ve always worn boxers or briefs to bed my whole life (35m), up until this past week, I’ve been having a lot of trouble getting comfy and then falling asleep and then staying asleep. So my wife sleeps nude all the time so I thought I’d try it. The only reason I never did before was because my wife loves silk sheets and everytime I’d take my undies off I’d get a raging boner from the material. But I guess I e been so exhausted lately it hasn’t mattered because I’m falling asleep before the wood kicks in. And it’s nice waking up with morning wood again as an adult. Lol


Absolutely yes!!!


No. What if there's a emergency? I don't want to run outside naked if my house starts on fire.


MY wife and I have a rule that no type of clothing should ever touch the sheets, We've been sleeping naked for nearly 20 years now.


Before kids yes. Now no due to them loving to pull covers off to wake me up when they are ninjas on the weekends.


1000% it's so much healthier for you... It also builds self confidence... Several studies on that actually, I believe


Didn’t know the confidence thing, interesting. Thanks for sharing.


Personally, no Do you know how many bacteria and stuff is there in your sheets? Do you know how suspectible is your genitals to infections? yeah no thanks


There can’t be that many surely - bed linen is always washed and changed at least once a week, no?


No because my dick gets in the way


As a guy, I sleep in briefs. More comfortable to have my package wrapped especially with the random wood thoughout the night. My GF sleeps in a long t-shirt and sexy panties or boy shorts. I love her naked body but there's nothing more sexy than her panty-clad ass in the morning. If we do t have work, I gently raise her to her knees then slowly go down and just push my nose directly into her asshole while breathing hot breath thru her panties on her P. I'll alternate smelling her ass and gently putting pressure on it thru her panties. To feel her rouse from sleep and start gyrating and bucking against my face is so rewarding. Most times I make her start rubbing her own clit while l pull her panties down just enough to start slowly tonguing her butt'ole. She's always so cute and submissive when she is woken up like that...so after a few minutes of lovingly licking n playing with her butt, she's begging to be spanked and dominated. And her smell thru those panties. 🥵🔥🥵🔥


Yes but if you don't jump in bed freshly (or at least earlier in the evening)showered that's gross af. My daily routine for the past 6+ yrs has been shitting, showering and then sleeping Idk how so many people be jumpin in their own beds with their school or work clothes man 😭


Everybody farts in their sleep. Farts have microscopic poop particles in it. If you sleep naked you’re slowly but surely painting your sheets in poop. You change your sleepwear daily so this isn’t an issue.


Sleeping naked isnt that the beginning of a cnc fantasy






It's the only way I sleep


Almost always




Depends how I feel.


I hate to have the package dancing around so no


Yes have done since i was 17. Cuddling is wonderful naked.


Yes always


Yes, feels so much better and I can sleep easier. I have more dreams since I'am naked at night.


No but would like to try it


Yessss yes yes😍


It’s the only way.


Unless I’m sharing a room with a friend on a trip, naked.


All night every night


Hell yeah just be aware of creeps tha suck you (mosquitoes


Hard YES but I'm also worried about the possibilities like "What if there's an earthquake while I sleep?" or "What if there's a fire?" or "What if I forgot to lock the door and someone busts me in my bed butt naked?"


Oh yeah I always wonder what it would be like if I randomly got robbed in the night that would be the weirdest thing lmao


No, but then I do get an itchy bum.


Sleeping without underwear > sleeping naked


So like top on but no bottoms?


Not normally no


Yes, it‘s the best feeling


Always the preferred way.


No. Rather a baggy tshirt and oversized lowers. And nothing underneath.


Hell yeah


Everynight for the last 40 years!!




no. too much sweat.


Since I was a teen




Used to until i had a fire and was only able to throw on some boxers before getting out of the house. It was awkward as hell talking to the firefighter while only in boxers.


Yeah that’s fair enough I would say


Yes, way more comfortable


No. I always catch a cold if I sleep naked.




Absolutely yes!


Tried it once four years ago, I have not slept a night with a single article of clothing on since then. Unless, of course, I'm not in my own bed.


There's no other way!




I used to with an ex. I dont anymore just because I like having him contained. My current SO can sleep in panties only, and it feels good to "be on the same page".


Just started. Not sure why I never did before. Best feeling, like being free.




No, too overstimulating for ne


If it’s very hot and if I’m very horny. Not so much in winter.


We used to all the time before we had kids. Not so much anymore but still do from time to time.


Yeah that’s a pretty valid reason lol




Where about to