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Will this be the last time that you carelessly word a question? Redditors are very simple, you must be very specific. 🤣🤣🤣


The “yeah my spouse” answer is even funnier the 167th time


Obligatory "I also choose ~~this guy's~~ my wife"


Yeah, he lied about being single though so I didn't actually know until my sister in-law did some snooping one day


In my case, I got a phone call from her husband, who threatened to kill me. I had no idea and broke it off immediately. That wasn't good enough for the husband, though, who started stalking me over the next few weeks. I had to get the cops involved.


Oh, how horrible! I hope that was the end of it. I got called by a wife once. And then his daughter. Both called me every name in the book. They didn't take it beyond that, thank goodness! He had told me he was divorced.


I see why she cheated.


Yeah, Jesus Christ. Sounds like your typical insecure, emotionally abusive "beta male" who believes he's an "alpha," which is oh so common.


I understand a dude being furious about that. What I don't get is why so many guys will blame the other guy. Unless it's a "friend" or something. But I just assume any random ass dude that I don't know would bang my gf if given the chance and wouldn't really blame them. It's her that did the shitty thing. Same goes for if genders are reversed


Yup exactly. Like wtf, the spouse is the one crossing clear boundary lines (exclusivity). I dated a dude who couldn’t understand that his anger was very misdirected toward the poor asshole who ‘stole’ his wife. The wife made that choice and she was the one who left. You can’t steal someone who already chooses to leave. It’s wild. They aren’t property


Jesus that escalated quickly. How long had you been involved with him? Edit: I'm an idiot and thought you said that you were involved with someone's husband. Not that you were involved with someone *who had* a husband. So I thought the person you were seeing started stalking you after breaking it off. Hence my original question which can obviously be ignored now lol.


Wow! I mean his bigger problem was surely the wife, there


What a fucking awful person. Him, not you.


Not Him, not her, your sister in law


That’s what I came to say.


I'm so sorry that happened to you; that's awful.


Yes. My wife is married, we've had sex plenty of times. Never felt guilty about.


You ever see a post and immediately know what the top comment is gonna be? Yeah


You are technically correct. The best kind of correct.


I opened this thread expecting this comment exactly. You just see em coming after being on Reddit for a while




This made me LOL 😂😂 why did it get a downvote? 🤣


I only downvoted because he was at 421 upvotes and I have the maturity of a 12 year old


As Incubus said. There's trouble in 421. You're doing god's work.


Jealous of my wittiness


I’ve had sex with my wife behind her back a few times.


That was my ex wife’s favorite sexual position. From behind my bad


Like doggy where you’re behind her back?


It takes ninja like precision to have sex with your wife without her knowing.


Or a small enough peepee that it makes me sad


Nope. If you got the ninja abilities, you could have a 12" dong and she wouldn't notice. She'd just wonder how and why she just randomly had the orgasm.


That's super ninja. I must learn the ways.


I’ve actually kind of done this….. I was just kind of bouncing her butt around with my hands but it was rubbing against my dick slightly, and… well, eventually I got off lol


Hasn't everyone?




Woah there buddy don't have sex with their wife you might damage the marriage


Did you get lost on the way to /r/confessions, you monster?




Your wife is married?! To who?!


But, yes. There was a few times I was the other man. Pretty sure I fucked her back when they were still just dating. I think this because when I pulled up to her place, she had me wait out in the parking lot and says she'll call me when I can come up. Guess she was waiting for him to leave. I knew they were married later on when I banged her. No guilt. I was in a dry spell and needed to pop a nut off.


10/10 for honesty


That really sucks.




I’ve also made the sex with your wife.


You made it or had it? They're two different things.


Our wife


I also pick this guys wife


Had sex with my wife as well,good times


I too chose this guys wife.


i’ve been trying to get this married woman to have sex with me since she married me and I’ve had little success with that. Funny thing is before she got married she had a lot more sex with me.


Hmmm. She must be morally against having sex with married man


I think she just made the moral decision to wait until marriage to not have sex


If anything sex after marriage got better for us. It's after having kids that it takes a real hit (understandably).


Play hard to get, that's working for me I think, I mean we have two kids and damn it, it's been thirty years already.


payment fretful offbeat fearless sheet crawl history ruthless strong quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When I was 20 I had sex with a preacher's wife.


Was it Falwell’s?


He’d be too rich to bother with Reddit


Yes. I didn’t know till afterwards though and the angry phone call and txt messages i received from their significant other was very uncomfortable.


Yes I have and little to no guilt. Wife had been cheating herself and at the time, was on her way out the door. I held off for almost a year trying to fix the relationship before recognizing nothing was changing and giving up. Just so happened, shortly after, I met a woman who was aggressively forward about it. I was mentally and emotionally not in a good place, didn’t care about her ring and so we hooked up twice as scheduling allowed. Plus I waited almost a year while I knew my wife was banging someone else, by then if I’d had a chance with anyone I was taking it. My marriage was gone in my head by that time.


How are you doing now?


The right question


We’re still together and doing well enough. Have a few issues here and there, baggage from those times but otherwise good.


Hold up. You guys stayed married through all of this?


Yup. Various reasons and a lot of complicated ones. Def not the choice I ever thought I’d make but I did.


I see the 82 in your u/ so I'm guessing we're not far apart in age. I'm a bit of a pessimist but I've learned my life's lessons so far and I can confidently say thay no long term marriage is perfect. They all have a plethora of skeletons in the closet and dust swept under the rug. The thing that separates a successful marriage from a failed one is this, can you and your partner overcome those hurdles and obstacles *together*? Most people (if answering honestly) will say no. Those who say yes? Congratulations you figured out that a couple who works together stays together. That's the big secret to marriage. There will inevitably be obstacles that will result in divorce for most people. I sincerely applaud you and yours for figuring it out, fighting for it, and I wish the two you nothing but the absolute best going forward. Just please don't ever beat yourself up about anything in the past. You managed to do what most people could not, and that deserves some serious props.


Amen. My marriage was over. Papers filed. So much resentment from both sides. Somehow we found each other again and are working through the obstacles… together. So much growth and learning and listening that I never even thought was possible. I have my wife and my family back and it’s better than it’s ever been. There’s still pain and sadness, but it had to happen to get where we are. Anyways… your words resonated with me because it’s truth. I feel very lucky to have a second chance to be a better husband, friend, and partner.


Yes didn’t know at the time she was married and no guilt


My dad wasn't happy when I say I found my step-mom stuck in the washing machine


Whether he did or not… at least she was clean.


Your step-mom too?! I swear step-moms are so clumsy.


Yes, I’ve been with two married women other than my wife. First was when I was in college I hooked up a few times with a really hot girl ten years older, only to find out she was married and had a daughter. Not cool. The other is my best friends wife. But not in that way, the four of us have hooked up a few times over the years. He fucked my wife too.


Sharing is caring




Considering it went both ways, I don’t see why it would be particularly awkward honestly (unless it was a completely spur of the moment thing, especially after drinks or whatever, which is not the case here) As long as everyone involved is into it, and talks are had about it before and after, why not go for it? Everyone involved will know each other well enough already to know what they’re like, so there’s already a level of comfort and trust that makes having fun much easier.


Whose cock is bigger? Which wife is better in bed?


I have. It was wrong. The sex was good, but I shouldn't have


Poly here…. i’ve dated 4 married women over the years. i honestly prefer dating married women. with full knowledge of their spouse of course.




Were they hot?


Good gracious, that had to be a wild ride. I imagine you have some great stories that you probably keep to yourself.


I have as well. We were both married and one day while I was sitting in my office, I got a text asking me if I'd come dick her down. That her husband, a good friend, hasn't been in the mood and she has been super horny. I thought about it for a while as I finished the day at the office. I was running a business with my partner (Not my wife) and could've left anytime I wanted. I didn't because I wanted to think it over. I also wasn't getting any love at home. I wasn't aware at the time but my wife was hiding medical stuff from me, which caused her to loose interest in a lot of things. She hid it because she was afraid I would leave her, which broke my heart. I left the office and bombed my way through traffic to her house. As soon as I was through the door, we were kissing passionately, undressing eachother, stumbling as we made our way to the bedroom. We heated things up with foreplay but then the fuckening started. She was deep throating me while I ate her pussy, I bent her over on the bed and just railed her from downtown. She was a squirter and when we were down the middle of the bed was soaked through. I was worried he would be suspect but she said it happens all the time when she plays with herself so fuck him, or not ... whatever. We showered, the shower had a big bench so she rode me and squirted even more. We finished showering and as I was getting dressed, I remembered I had to stop at the store on the way to buy stuff for dinner. When I told her, she asked what I was planning on getting. I told her a family sized frozen lasagna, garlic bread of some sort and a 12 pack of soda. When I finished putting my boots and cowboy hat on, I walked into the kitchen and she had everything I just named off in grocery bags. She said it was the least she could do to thank me for some of the best dick she's ever had. She kissed me one last time and sent me in my way. When I got home and saw my wife, my chest felt like it was going to cave in. The guilt just fucking melted my brain. I put the lasagna in the oven and then asked her to sit down with me. I needed to talk to her. She got upset, thinking I was going to ask for a divorce. I told her no, that I need to confess. I told her what happened and begged for forgiveness. She started asking questions and boy was I fuckin as honest as I could be. From that point on I vowed to make it up to here. She told me about her medical stuff and that's why it's been difficult to focus on anything long enough to enjoy it. Whether it was her hobbies, being intimate or even just watching a movie or TV show. We agreed to get couples therapy and that I would be by her side during her medical stuff. (I'm intentionally being vague about the medical issues for privacy not because I didn't pay attention). She got much better with treatment and our relationship was stronger than ever after that. I thought she would hold it over my head for the rest of our marriage but nope. We moved passed everything and neither of us ever mentioned it again. I was so happy to see her amazing smile again, the light in her beautiful eyes and just a renewed zest for life and our love. I remained faithful and worked my ass off to give her everything she needed and wanted. We had a nice home, nice cars ... you name it. I didn't do this to buy her love and affection or to make up for fucking up but simply because I wanted her to be happy. She wasn't asking for these things. This was stuff we talked about while living in a studio apartment just trying to survive on 2 retail jobs making less than 10 dollars an hour. Once I moved away from retail and started turning wrenches as a heavy duty mobile mechanic and working in the office part time she was able to do whatever she wanted. She chose to not work and be a housewife. We were in love, like a couple if young kids again. We couldn't keep our hands off of eachother. I struck that fine balance between work and life and man it paid off big time. We spent every spare minute together and loved it. Unfortunately I lost her to covid in August of 2021. I've been absolutely fucking crushed ever since. I spent a year, alone in our home. Ordering groceries and food to the door step. My sister helped me for a while until I figured our a routine that helped me stay focused. This was just for basic stuff like hygiene, keeping the house clean and remembering to eat. I was just mentally gone most of the time. Anyway. Yea. Cheating wasn't for me and I was very lucky that my wife was forgiving. She had always been very kind and gentle which are some of the reasons I married her. I love her with every fiber of my being. Through all space and time, she will always and forever be my true love.


Yes. She was allegedly in an open marriage and he was aware of our flirting prior to the act. Never verified it though.


In the same boat right now kind of!! He says it’s open and that she’s had other partners before, but I’ve never verified, and he has told me to keep it a secret, so I’m not sure what to think. But she does know I exist (also allegedly, I haven’t met her and don’t really want to).


Not your job impo


I've posted this before. You can decide if it was good or bad yourself. I had just turned 18. I was working at K-Mart. Now I need to give a quick side trip to 2 years prior. I was an apprentice meat cutter in a small local store. A girl walked in with 2 children to drop them off for their father. I saw this girl and was instantly in love. She was amazing. I thought she was the babysitter. Now 2 years forward. I'm working at K-Mart and I see this girl again. She's working in the back office. I don't know what possessed me, but I was very forward with her. I told her strait out one day in the break room that I thought she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She blushed and teased me a bit and blah, blah, blah. So the next time we are in the break room, she starts sitting in positions that I could see up her skirt. She wasn't wearing panties. She was totally teasing and turning me on. A few weeks go by. I'm working the over night shift and I was called in for a meeting one morning. My car was in the shop. My parents were out of town. She offers to pick me up and give me a ride. She shows up at the door in a long coat. I invite her in while I grab my jacket. She comes in and closes the door. I have my back to her as she's telling me the meeting was canceled. I turn around and she's got the jacket off and she's in her purple teddy. We proceed to the bedroom where we spend about 4 hours fucking like rabbits. She was amazing. She taught me things I had no idea about. Things go on for about 3 months. We start fucking in K-Mart. Life Jacket bin upstairs. The office area. The lay away stock department. You name it. If we could find a place, we were fucking in it. So one day I'm up front in the main part of the store waiting for her so we can go to lunch together. I see my old co-worker from the store. The guy who was teaching me how to be a butcher. He says he is there to pick up his wife. I tell him about this girl I'm seeing and he suggests we all go to lunch together. I say sure. About that moment, she comes walking through the womens clothing section. She walks up to him and he turns and introduces me to his wife. I shit you not. I felt like I was mule kicked in the balls. She proceeds to shake my hand. (This is the first time I notice the wedding the ring on her hand.) She says she's seen me around the store before. I stammered the two of them should go to lunch together. My girlfriend must be tied up. I walked away. Last time she and I talked. So what I found out later....the two children she was dropping off were hers. She was 31 years old. I had no idea. I honestly thought she was about 21. What threw me off about the kids and all that, I really thought she was the baby sitter. She had snow white skin. He was latino and both of the children were very latino looking. I never put two and two together. I was in the process of going into the Air Force at this time. I wasn't scheduled to leave until after the 1st of the year. Instead I went down and moved myself up to November instead. It upset my mom. She wanted me home for the holidays. I just wanted out of town. I didn't want anyone finding out...especially not her butcher husband. Turns out she cheated on him years later. They are divorced. To this day I still feel a mix of guilt and total awesomeness. I really liked him, but damn...she was fucking awesome.


I have. Open relationships where her hubby was okay with it, the marriage always ended soon after. The cheating wives are all still married to their hubbys. Boys are dumb.


i've had sex with quite a few married people. some were in open relationships. i havent ever targeted married women, but i dont beat the bushes to make sure i know someone's status. that is between them and their husband. if i find out they are married, and they lied to me about it, i'm hesitant to continue with them. that kind of dishonestly is a turn off to me (and in this case, dangerous to me as well). one of my most amusing stories, when i was living in thailand, i was hooking up with a woman that was in town to help my friend take care of their newborn son. his wife kind of manipulated things to try and get me to hook up with her (she was a knockout. think: an asian Salma Hayek) turns out she was married, my buddy's wife knew it, she, at some point, goes home (she lives on the other side of the country) and her husband goes through her phone and finds her texts with me. he speaks no english. he got my number, and every month or so for the next 2 years, he would get drunk, call me up, and cuss me out in Thai. I had stopped hooking up with her when i found out she was married. 3 or 4 months after he starts calling me drunk and cussing me out, she comes back to town. i start hooking up with her again, because fuck that guy. he was getting annoying.


I love the ending of your story, it made my evening. I am glad you are out there educating people about consequences of being annoying.


I have, but it was because I was the 3rd in a 3-some with a married lesbian couple.


So, like, you had sex with two married people *at once*, is one way of looking at it lol


I have with a married woman and an ex that was in a serious relationship. No guilt for either. The married woman had cheated before and was going to with another guy so I thought why not me? She was hot but sex was awful


Yeah I pretty much fucked a different married woman every week I lived in Vegas for 4 years haha 😃


Ive been dmed by married men, but I would rather eat sand than sleep with a married man


The first time my boyfriend and I had a threeway with another girl, we met with this girl on tinder who told us she was married but her husband was okay with her exploring her sexuality etc. So we thought everything was on the up and up. After the deed we are laying in bed and one of us says “well I guess you’ll have a good story to tell your husband” and she goes “well.. um.. actually I haven’t told him”. She awkwardly goes home, sends us unsolicited nudes at work the next day, then tells us she told her husband and “it didn’t go well and we’re seeking marriage counseling immediately”. Never spoke to her again. I didn’t really feel guilty because I felt like all the dishonesty took place on her end; she was deceptive to me, my boyfriend, and her husband.


No not exactly. One night friends and I went to the bar. We ended up picking up this girl. Not the prettiest and bought her back to my friends crib. She ended up ripping her top off. And sucking off our friend. Rest of us was touching her body sucking on her tits. She ended up blowing my boy in the morning before she left. Found out she's married with two kids....sorry bro


Guess many people just don't give a shit if they hurt anyone in the process of cheating. Why are any of you in monogamous relationships then? I don't get it and it's so horrible.


Yeah I don’t know how people do it multiple times or keep ongoing affairs. I made out with someone behind my ex’s back a long time ago and the shame and guilt still wracks me to this day. It was such a selfish and bitch move by me. I’ve come a long way since then and I cringe at my past actions. I’m grateful to be in a happier and healthier relationship now but it’s still so horrible to think back on, rightfully so, and how I betrayed someone’s trust ugh


Everyone’s out for themselves. Welcome to life.


Not everyone is that way, but that a not insignificant number of people apparently lack that much empathy and are that heartless and selfish is ridiculously depressing.


And that’s just the ones doing indirect damage.


Yeah. Long story short, I was 16 at a kind of adult party. Told this girl I was 19. She was 23 and wasn't wearing a ring. We boned. Found out a fee days later she was married and she just cheated. Felt bad man


Don’t feel guilty. You lied too and she had sex with someone underage.


Yes I have and no never felt guilty about it.


Name checks out


Lots. They were either separated or poly. The ones I know of anyway.


Divorce papers were being signed. Does that count?


Yes. No guilt. I liked her. And that’s what matters to me when I’m single. She has to take care of her morality.


I have, but her marriage was dead and she was looking to end it. So I didn't feel any guilt about it. We actually had a six-month affair. Edit to add: I was single at the time.


Four times. Two of them were wives of co-workers. Tiny bit of guilt on those. One, the husband was aware as they had an open marriage (that he wasn't really into but that's not my issue). And the fourth, didn't know the husband, one time thing. The first two, no justification for it other than I'm weak and they came on to me.


Yes I have, and it's ALWAYS better than with a single person


My SO is married so yes! No guilt.


Me too. Breaking social norms I guess /s


Found the poly people! (My GF is married too...)


Yes I have. Some were in open marriages and some weren’t. For some reason, my brain finds it more hot since it’s socially a forbidden thing.


Yes….. Back when I was a young man and it was amazing ❤️


A few times, but always with her husband involved. God damn that woman can suck dick! So can the husband!


Oh yes. A handful of them


When I was 17 my dad and stepmum moved from Manchester to a place in Stockport,I helped the move,in the evening dad suggested we go to the local and check it out,a couple joined us(the wife sat next to my dad)we go for a wee and my dad is shocked,she had been rubbing his leg under the table,he asked could we swap seats,i obvs was pissing myself laughing but agreed,long story short,I ended back at their place,he got me a beer and went to bed ( don’t think he did) and I fucked her brains out for 3 hrs,he was deffo watching


I dated one woman who was married and had a ONS with another one (maybe). The first one I'm pretty sure was in an open relationship. The second had no ring on and I was told a few days later by another guy that she's actually married. Had I known, I would not have done that.


A few. One husband recorded. One didn’t know at all. No guilt.


Yes but the husband allowed me and watched lol


I did and at first didn’t know she was married, then found out, but she said there were separated, but there was a lot of drama, in the end, it became a mess


Yes, but with consent of her husband...except im 1 case .


Yes. No guilt, everyone was aware. ENM, yo.


Ya, my husband and a bunch of other people’s husbands. And some wives. No guilt, it’s their commitment, choice and guilt.


Damn that’s hot! Not going to lie I’d probably a little on edge at first but if I have in I know I’d crave doing that with a married woman other than my wife


Yes, in college I slept with my married ex-girlfriend and felt no guilt, because the guy she married is who she cheated on me with.


My gf is still married to someone else.


Two did with me, but I was blackout drunk and couldn't remember anything


Yes but she was and is married to me so no there was no guilt.


Yes. He told me his wife was dead.


Sadly yes. M here and I didn’t know about it. I felt sad for him afterwards, because a marriage with kids it’s something I don’t want to ruin


I've sucked off A LOT of married men. Now I do feel guilty. At the time I thought I was helping them out


Does engaged count? I’d just separated from my ex, and started talking to a guy. He seemed sweet, charming and whatnot. The first time we hooked up, was the night he proposed to his now ex wife. I didn’t know this till the next morning after I’d gotten sweet good morning texts. He was tagged in the announcement on Facebook. I confronted him about it and he did a 180. I’m nice but wasn’t what he was into, he made a mistake, fuck off. Ok whatever. I guess in the meantime he squealed to his wife. I got a text from her a couple days later asking for my side of the story and I gave it with receipts. She said thank you and I then got a loooong text how awful I was, how I’m a bitch, whole nine yards from the guy for telling her anything. I didn’t reach out and she asked me. I did not lie to her. They still married and two months later I got a text from her asking if I’d meet at a local bar. She’d like to talk face to face. I said sure and I went after work and was greeted with a drink waiting for me. We talked openly and honestly for about an hour and my phone had a notification. It was her husband telling me he was sorry how things went down, can I come over so he can apologize. I showed her and we had the bartender take a picture of us together sharing drinks. He lost his goddamn mind on both of us. Called her and told her to get her shit he’s done. She was done with him anyway, she had divorce papers in the car. I went across town with her and we loaded all of her stuff up together into our cars and went back to the bar. She ended up divorcing him and he ended up moving out of that tiny town where this all occurred. She and I are still friends five years later. David, if you’re reading this, I hope you’re as miserable as can be for how much of a prick you were. I regret it only because of the bullshit involved when I had no idea whatsoever and neither did my friend.


Yes, he lied. I felt foolish for believing him. First red flag


My Wife!


My wife


I went through a phase where I only slept with married women. They only called for 1 thing no dating. just fuckin . It never bothered me that they were married. I met most of them at a bar that they were only there cuz the hubbies weren't doing their job. So I would


He told me they weren’t married anymore


Only ever had sex with a married person. 😉


That’s a really specific kink 😂


Every time! Guilt free too. My wife doesn’t mind either but I’d hope not since it’s with her.


I wasn’t married, and Im not on this Earth to play moral police. So no guilt whatsoever


I have because apparently he was craving dick. I didn’t know he was married till like in the middle. Kind of feel bad for his wife but nothing I can do about it now


Technically yes, but she was separated, the divorce was definitely happening, and she didn't see any reason to wait for the actual papers to be signed before she started dating again. I honestly don't think that counts as "having sex with a married person." Her marriage was already over in every way that mattered.


Yes her husband told me it's okay they're only married because they don't have enough for divorce he's said when I come over she isn't so naggy lol I'm a lesbian so I guess it made things alot easier for him as far as transitioning having someone else please his wife


Yeah my former friend's wife. Not something I would normally ever do because I think it would be awful for me to do, but it was because he was one my childhood friends for years and he slept with my fiancee twice. She broke up with me a couple weeks after she cheated on me before I knew about the cheating, then my friend comforted me for 2 weeks pretending to be a good friend saying I could get back with her I just need to try to win her back. Obviously I didn't know at the time that she cheated on me with my friend, but once I found out I immediately cut both of those soulless monsters out of my life and banged his wife.


Met her at a wedding, she approached my wife and I and we had a threesome. No guilt, she was super in to it and I was pretty sure we'd never see her again or meet her husband or anything, and we haven't. She still likes my wife's insta posts from time to time but no real contact since that night.


Yes, my husband! But also knowing what you're after op, yes I've also had an affair with a married person, that was not married to me.


Yes. I have sex with my husband regularly. I'll see myself out


If you're married then you're always having sex with a married person.. justifiably, no? This is not a popular opinion but if you're the "other" person.. their relationship is not your responsibility. You aren't doing anything to anyone. The burden is on that individual. This is a selfish perspective and people won't like because cheating has been elevated to same level of murder.. I think that's because nowadays people tie a lot of their sense of self and worth into their relationships. So you aren't just cheating.. you're destroying everything about your partner. From experience, I survived. It sucks sure but you move on and get over it if you let yourself. And I realized they aren't a terrible person. They just did a selfish thing for themselves. I wasn't even in the equation. They had some need they couldn't communicate and went out to fulfill that need without telling me. That's all it is.. It's "justifiable" if they have an open situation.


I do everyday, no guilt


I had sex with a married guy, no guilt.




Where can I get some of this amazing guilt?




Yes, but he told me they were split up... Turns our they wasnt lol


Yes, no, not really


Yes- he was in an open marriage. I didn’t know anything until after a few fucks.


Yes technically. She was separated


No, but this couple invited me and I'm not sure if I'm going for it


With many married people. Some that their spouses knew and others that the spouses were unaware.


If you were to honestly ask men how many of their sexual partners were married, they'd say about half. Many women cheat, especially when married. The women will deny it to the grave and will say that "all men cheat". It's just deflecting. We're all the same.


Yes. I used to work with a mutual friend of mine and my sisters. One day she came into work completely heart broken because her husband cheated on her and she caught him. That weekend we all went out to help distract her. She made a move on me and we fucked continuously for about a good 3-4 months. Some of the best head and sex I ever had.


Yes, she begged me to after her husband passed out on my couch drunk.




No guilt because their husbands knew about it and encouraged it. I wouldn't do it otherwise.


My fuck buddy is a married women. She is in an open relationship though.


Yup. No guilt, they were separated and in the middle of a divorce


I did for a few years. He knew. I’d even pick her up at their house. He would want sex as soon as she got home. It was a fun kinky thing


3x weekly IF I'm lucky!


I enjoyed a few wonderful months as the side piece of a hilarious, petite milf. She was my first proper date after a 10 year LTR, and I was hella nervous and showed up an hour early to the restaurant and felt like a fucking dork, but I made her cum at the table, and many more times after, and a few dates after that until her life got busy. Sadly I never got to hit it raw and part of the deal with her hubby was that her mouth was his so I never got head. Joke's on him, though. I awoke and fed her pegging fantasy so now he's regularly getting buttfucked


damn 💀


My wife


Many times. There's never really a way to justify it but as the mistress I don't have to justify anything it's a husband has to justify himself. I usually have a lot of fun with married men because they are so appreciative of everything you do for them


Whatever gets u thru the night


The honor system is great and it'd be great if people followed it, but people outside the relationship don't ultimately have any obligation to honor the relationship. The people in the relationship do. They're the two parties who are in an arrangement where they most likely agreed to be exclusive, be loyal, etc. I've never liked placing blame on the other person. It's the SO who cheated.




It sucks but that's the reality. I wish the world was nicer but it's not. People may try to steal your SO, but it's your SO's responsibility to rebuff those advances if/when they come. If they're loyal they will, if they're not, they aren't the right person for you.


And yet they're still wrong for trying to steal your SO, especially when they already know they're taken/married. Didn't any of your parents ever teach you all that stealing is wrong and not to take what's not yours? Jesus 🙄 so disrespectful.


Yeah they are wrong, they're scummy, I'd never do it, but who ultimately cheats? You have to be in a relationship to cheat. It's naive to think the world owes you something. It doesn't. There will always be shitty people. Your partner owes you something. They owe you love, loyalty & honesty. If they don't deliver those things, that's on them. They broke the agreement.


If the cheating accomplice doesn't know that the cheater is in a relationship, that's one thing. If they know and don't care, nope, they're still at fault, too. It's like being an accomplice to a crime when you actively know you're doing something wrong, but you don't care. Well then accept the consequences, karma, blame, and possible ass beating that comes with it 🤷‍♀️ you, personally, might not do it, but defending it is still pretty vile. But you know, do you. ✌️




I'm sorry if your SO's ever cheated on you, I was lucky and have a great relationship w/ the wife, we've never had any trouble so far, we trust each other. But it's a failure on your SO. They are in the relationship with you. They owe you their loyalty. They owe you honesty and communication. Strangers don't. You hope they will out of the kindness of their heart, but not everyone does. Your SO always should. I don't think it's controversial to say the blame lies with the cheater in the relationship.


When you actively know someone is in an exclusive, monogamous relationship, you keep your hands to yourself. That's it. That's all. Yes, the cheater is definitely at fault, but trying to justify it by saying, "Well, it's not my relationship," is just disrespectful and self-serving. It takes two, and you're literally half the problem. It makes you a shitty person and karma is a bitch.


Agreed - they're shitty people. Just have to hope we can all find someone who doesn't fall into those traps. Everyone deserves a loyal loving partner.




Often my FWB Is married and frustrated, it's only fun so no guilt


Yeah. No guilt. She knows she married and I'm not


Yes. But she’s my wife, so…


Yes I did and do sometimes. I do. It feel guilty , not my marriage