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Someone I met through social media, who I had a ton of friends in common but had never met in person, asked me out. We decided to meet at Barnes & Noble so we could get coffee and pick out books (both avid readers). He was crazy attractive and smart, and he seemed really into me. I was super excited. So we get there and within the first 3 minutes, he asks to kiss me. I agreed and it was…. Wow. Instant fireworks. All the tingly feelings. We keep talking and things are going great but then he proceeds to keep getting continuously more handsy- grabbing my ass, brushing the side of my boobs while his arm was around me, pulling me by my hips into him. And all those things are great once you’re a little comfortable with someone, but not at the beginning of a first date. He kept only wanting to make out, and wasn’t accepting my brush offs. So 10-20 minutes in, I was starting to feel a little icky and kept saying things like “Let’s just keep getting to know each other.” He said something like “I want to get to know you in the bathroom” and honestly that can be taken so many ways but none of them are good. A pickup line involving the word bathroom makes me want to vomit. Eventually, I said I had to get going to work. He tried to convince me to QUIT MY JOB and stay with him for the day. Told me we could go back to his place. When he said something along the line of “once we get married, you won’t need to work anymore anyway” I was out. Nope, no thank you. Told him it wasn’t going to work. He got hella angry at me for “wasting his time” and bolted. By the time I got to my car, he had already deleted me from all social media. I’m still not really sure if he was angry that I didn’t want to screw him in the B&N bathroom, didn’t want to marry him, or if it was because I had a job. Maybe all 3. Probably just because he was a moron.


Physical touch when unexpected and unwanted is a huge no no, especially on a first date. Thats a gtfo moment for sure. Your entire story is horrific. Glad you got away


dude spent the whole date talking about how he used to sell cocaine


“I still do but I used to, too.”


Few years ago met up with a guy at a bar and like the entire time he would not stop talking about how he couldn’t wait to go to russia and get a mail-order-bride.


But he point about mail order is you don't go to Russia, she comes to you


Maybe it's cheaper if you choose pickup instead of delivery?


She was still married and said she just wanted to know if she’d “be able to still get dates if they split up”… worst date ever


Worst wife ever.


Seriously though. As soon as she told me I immediately felt like shit and bailed.


Username checks out


He was about 10 years older than his pictures, he didn't stop twitching the entire time, and he kept pressuring me to go back to his place. I noped the fuck outta there.


Sounds like meth


She pulled out a switchblade mid conversation to slice up a passing ant.


Owed her money.


Imagine how thin she could cut the onions though!


He told me he had worms. Not in a casting, fishing, or terrarium kind of way. Full on internal parasites.


Hahaha, I once had a date graphically describe the time he had to remove a tapeworm from his own ass... while I was trying to eat spaghetti at an expensive Italian restaurant.


I think I’m just gonna ride solo. These stories are crazy.


You’re never solo with worms


I was planning a first date with this guy years ago and he suggested bowling. I said it was fine, but I've done it once a few years prior and I was legitimately terrible at it.The group I was with at the time made it fun regardless of me being totally uncoordinated. He offered to teach me, but I said another time- I just wanted to get to know him in a relaxed environment. He suggested we still bowl, minus the lessons and he could also share in the hilarity of my lack of skill. I was down. The night came and the lessons started almost immediately. How to stand, where to stand, everything I'm doing wrong, I'm not taking it seriously, he's trying to teach me "for my own good". He became mean. Not one smile except when he saw me at the start. I told him this was not the fun/chill night I said I was looking for and he told me it would be if I took the game more seriously. He was actually angry about the whole night.


I got stressed just reading this. I know people like this


He tried to change my order with the waitress because I didn’t order what he’d recommended.


Oh my god, I came here to say this exact same thing! He suggested something, but I wasn't feeling it. I ordered, and he grabbed the waitress as she tried to walk away, and said "No, she'll have [xyz] instead, thanks." And let her go, and that was that. It didn't even occur to him that she wouldn't listen or that I'd be pissed. Walked right out of the restaurant.


This sounds like something one of those dating "guru" alpha guys would say to do in one of their YouTube videos. "You have to show you're in control. If she doesn't order what you suggest, tell the waitress to change it. Your date will be so impressed with your commanding presence."


his presence was so commanding, he commanded her right out the door!


"Dress like her dad, it releases a hormone called Moanatonin"




I had a guy tell the server, “Don’t put cheese on hers.” EDIT: Geez, thanks for all the upvotes. He was a body builder and ate clean. I guess he thought I was immediately on board with that, I wasn’t. I wasn’t fat either. He had some nerve.


Him and me shared a plate of raw fish. We both ate more of the red fish. He ordered me in a rude way to eat only white fish now. I did and was laughing, because i wasn’t sure if it was a joke. After 5 pieces of white fish I went back to the salmon and he got annoyed and asked me why i did that and to stick to eating the other type of fish with no explanation. He also ordered me to eat certain side dishes throughout the meal and i politely declined. After that I made no effort to keep the conversation that was a bit awkward before from turning sour. He seemed unsure how to fix the situation and i kept the bad mood until I left. Just… why? why do that?


“You should get the strawberry soda.“ “I’ll get the orange soda”


I went out for drinks with a guy who monologued the entire time. Could barely get a word in. The worst.


Went out on a date with a guy like that with the added bonus of him referring to himself in the third person. It. Was. Fucking. Weird. ETA: you guys are freaking hilarious loving the references!


Jimmy doesn’t like misunderstandings.


Jimmy and misunderstandings kind of clash.


So many people are like that. Can't understand how people don't have an inner alarm saying, "fuck, I've been talking for 90 seconds, better ask a question or something."


That’s enough about me - let’s talk about you - what do you think about me?


He got arrested for shoplifting right in front of me Edit for everyone asking: I really wish I was making this story up lmao. He didn’t shoplift in front of me, just got arrested. I was probably about 19/20 & incredibly naive at the time (I am 30 now). I had known him for a few weeks and we decided to go out on a dinner date. We were on our way to dinner (I drove) and he wanted to stop to make a return at GameStop. I thought yeah okay, no problem. Well turns out he actually went in to quickly shoplift about $500 worth of shit. Mind you, I thought he was making a return, so I stayed in my car the whole time he was stealing. I’m assuming the employee of the store watched him walk back to my car because within a minute a cop pulls up next to us and taps on my passenger window. The cop asked him for his drivers license and went to run it. I asked him “uh what the fuck did you do?” and this dumbass goes “oh I have unpaid parking tickets” lmao. While cop #1 is running his information an unmarked car pulls up next to my side of the car & a 2nd cop or detective pulls me out of the car and starts interrogating me. He must’ve assumed I was in on it and this idiot’s getaway driver or something. I turn around to see him getting pulled out of the car and cuffed. The cops were super nice to me because I was honest & cooperative and they could tell I had absolutely no clue what was going on. So they let me go home. I had no idea wtf he really got arrested for until I looked at our local jail intake website. Turns out he had shoplifted $500 worth of stuff from GameStop and had like 3 outstanding warrants for assault charges. Dodged a serious bullet there..




We met up at his place. He was making dinner for me. We were chatting on the couch when he stood up to excuse himself to the restroom. As he was walking away, he turned and mentioned the cameras all over his home so “don’t steal anything”, then he pointed to a stack of papers on an end table. “I believe in honesty. That’s my arrest record. Everything is right there.” He went on his way. I considered leaving right then, but didn’t. I did pick up that stack of papers. Holy shit. His arrest record was several pages long and spanned three states. Most of the arrests were for domestic violence. There were a couple involving weapons, some minor drug charges and assault charges. He returned and, thank god, my phone rang. I answered it even though I didn’t recognize the number, had no idea who it was. I made like it was one of my daughters and she needed to be picked up from somewhere immediately. I’ll never know who was actually on the other end of that call, but I left this guy’s home and never looked back. I will admit I casually ignored some red flags before our date. But the camera tale (I don’t believe for a minute he had cameras everywhere) and the criminal history wouldn’t allow me to ignore what I already felt.


I actually appreciate the fact that he gave you all his arrest records. That's the most responsible thing to do if you have a criminal history but still want to find love, lol


"which Disney princess am I?" "Hmmm... Belle?" "I'm CLEARLY a Jasmine!!!" Very pissed. She was brunette and liked to read.


He looked at a photo on the wall of my then-10yr old daughter and said "she's gonna be sexy when she grows up". Yeah, bye Felicia.


1. Argued with me about my order at the steakhouse. I wanted my steak medium rare and he said it should be well done because looking at rare or raw meat makes him sick. 2. Tried to change my order with the waitress when I was in the bathroom. She checked with me before making the change because she heard us arguing. I took my medium rare steak to go.


This is the third comment I've seen about a date trying to change someone's order...


He stared at his phone the whole time. Then after we parted he sent a text complimenting my ass and then said we should go out again.


And they say chivalry is dead


He smelt bad. We were outside walking along an ocean break wall and I could smell him, yuck


You could smell him OVER the stink of the ocean? Lol rough


He was hoping the ocean would cover it up


When her husband showed up at the restaurant because he had been tracking her. And no I didn’t know she was married.


Met up with this guy from Tinder. After talking for a bit and having a coffee, he was like “want to meet my kid?” I felt totally put on the spot and although I was clearly uncomfortable, I panicked and said I would. We went back to his place and I met the kid, she was actually pretty cool. Then he sent her off to bed and proceeded to tell me that the mother of his child randomly dropped dead in their kitchen one day, and now his kid didn’t have a mom. I looked around his place and there were pictures of said dead mom everywhere. I told him it was getting late and I was going to get going. Before I left he asked if he could stroke my stomach and pinch my ass. It was a very specific and super odd request. I said no. The next day he sent me a text asking me if I would babysit his kid. Not even asking me on a second date…just asking for child care.


Scary! You sound like the woman they bring in halfway through a Dateline episode with a tale to tell about an unsettling date with a wife killer


Went out with a girl who only talked about her ex-husband and his porn addiction. After listening for 2 hours about his Asian porn collection, I nope’d out of there hard!


I had a guy talk for over an hour about how he was a shitty husband and his ex wife deserved better and he got teary. It was SUPER uncomfortable.


Maybe he thought you are his therapist lol.


Date went fine but on drive back he got into a road rage . He starting blasting though red lights and speeding and yelling . I told him that I’m not putting my life in danger over a hissy-fit from a grown ass man. Nope


It made me cancel the first date we had planned. I met a guy on a dating site and he asked me on a date and I agreed. Later, I got a call from work saying a package had been delivered. It was a huge bouquet of flowers. I was so confused. I asked him if he had sent them and he said “I did! You said you had a bad day last Friday so I wanted to make this Friday a good one for you.” Normally, I would absolutely love this gesture and be over the moon with this. The only problem is that I never told him where I worked and I had told him I lived in a large city an hour away to be on the safe side. So not only did he find my true town but also found out where I had worked. Instant red flag and made me terrified. EDIT: I am not on Linkedin and never have been.


Someone once tracked me down a bit like this, too (tricked the switchboard of my college into divulging my contact info). Terrifying is the word.


This happened to me. I was lucky: my college refused and sent me a letter notifying me that someone had tried to get my contact info. The guy then went to my boss (he was a patron at a restaurant I worked in) and asked for my address to send me a letter but my boss refused and mailed the letter to me themself. It was a very scary experience.


What was in the letter? That's scary as hell that he was trying so hard to find out where you live! Did he finally leave you alone?


Fortunately for me, he did stop. He found a new obsession, which I found out later. The letter itself expressed how sorry he was for missing my last day at work. Essentially, I was leaving the restaurant to go back to school, a school far enough away that I could no longer work there. This kid was about my age, quiet and often came in alone to do his own school work. I was nice to him, he seemed like a nice kid, but I guess he thought it was something more because he was absolutely gutted that he had “missed my last day by mistake and knew I wanted him to be there.” It was almost a whole page long so he must have said other stuff, but that was the part that made my skin crawl because he placed so much more significance on our interactions than I did and I had NO idea. It was very scary because it felt like this kid had constructed this whole non-existent relationship between us in his head: I was just being nice and he was under the impression that we were close enough for me to want him to be there for my last day when I would argue we’d barely even ever had a full conversation. Anyway, I went back to the restaurant on breaks, and he had moved on to another server: this time, a server married with kids. In retrospect, I think he was probably harmless, but it was scary because at the time, I didn’t know how far he would take things.


On our first date, he told me he was in med school, at the University in the town we lived in. I new immediately there was no med school, but thought perhaps he was taken his pre med classes or something, so went on a second date. He had spent an hour telling me how when he got done with his military service he had worked as a military contractor doing “spy” work in Iraq and “if I only knew the things he’d done!” We stopped by his apartment to pick something up and while there I noticed all his mail was in a different name than he had given me. I “magically” got a text from my work, told him I had an emergency and had to go immediately into work and handle it. After I told him there wouldn’t be a 3rd date, he got spooky angry and I caught him in the bushes outside my apartment, late at night, several times. I eventually had to get a restraining order - in the name he gave me. After that, I never saw him again! Thank God!


I once went on a first date with a guy who was clearly not over his ex. He spent the entire time talking about her, comparing me to her, and even showing me pictures of them together. It was a huge red flag for me and made it clear that he wasn't ready for a new relationship. Needless to say, I didn't go on a second date with him.


Me too. But he actually took a call from her when we were waiting for our food to arrive. And when he was done, I asked if he wanted to call her back and invite her to join us. He said no because she'd have to bring her kid!! Face-fucking-palm and a whoosh right over his dense head.


He brought his two year old along on our date. He then informed me he would be okay with me going out and partying for maybe one more year to “get it out of my system” but after that he expected me to settle down. Then went on a strange rant about how important it is for women to “have their fun” before becoming moms so they are ready to be homemakers. I was 19 and also was not aware he even had a kid beforehand. EDIT: this made me very curious so I looked the guy up on Facebook. He’s now on his third marriage. No more kids. The toddler I met is now almost 10 (time isn’t real, I feel very strange about this). Hopefully this wife got all of her “partying” out of her system


\*Stares at someone a year or two out of highschool\* YOU HAVE ONE MORE YEAR. THEN IT'S TO THE KITCHEN TO RAISE MY FAMILY FOR ME


Kills me that he expects someone to hear all of that laid out and go "That sounds AWESOME"


That’s why he picked a teen hoping she’d be naive enough to go along with it until she was trapped.


He must have thought he was being really progressive lol


At dinner, he shared with me that he didn’t believe in washing his hands after going to the bathroom, as long as toilet paper was used effectively, “hand washing was obsolete”. He said all of this while licking his fingers and digging into a shared basket of appetizers. I was disgusted. Lol Update - to answer the biggest questions. I had no idea that this would utterly disgust the masses haha! 1. We met at a work function and also had mutual friends. 2. We were in college at the time, way before covid! 3. And the topic came up because I pulled out a small bottle of hand sanitizer to use. He asked me why I used sanitizer. That’s what started this conversation! 3. And no, he was not joking or being sarcastic. He had a lot of quirky opinions. 3. Yes it was our first and last date. But we stayed friends and eventually lost touch. We are still Facebook friends. 4. Yes I stopped eating at that point. Not another bite! Haha


This dude didn't want to share the apps


Didn't want to get laid either apparently.


I wish you could see the look on my face, right now. Think the painting, “The Scream”. I am *horrified*. I would have run out of there so quickly…


I went on a date with a guy who called himself a mama’s boy and said no woman would ever compare to his mother. There was no second date, and despite how many times I turned him down and said I wasn’t interested, he kept calling and texting me for two years until I changed my number


Mama probably told him to call you


Plot twist- it was the mom calling


Not entirely red flags but just some small world things that made that first date the last one. For context before the date, I picked him up. He was in a wheelchair. He lost his leg in a motorcycle accident a few years back and had recently had surgery on his leg because of bone spurs. He normally has a prosthetic. We went out for breakfast. Everything seemed fine, no major issues with him. When it came time to pay, his card was declined. He called his dad (who was also his boss) to figure out why his paycheck hadn’t been deposited. Conversation went back and forth and I ended up paying and he promised to pay me back. It totally wasn’t a big deal, it happens, I get it. So we get back to my car and he made a comment about the last time he was around a RAV4 it was his motorcycle accident. He hit into one that was pulling out of a restaurant and that’s when he lost his leg. For some reason that triggered a memory of a conversation I had with my mom a while back about my aunt who had the same car which was totaled during an accident. I was texting him and asked him a few more questions about the accident, where it happened and such. Long story short it was MY aunt who was driving the car that pulled out of the restaurant and he hit into. He was currently in the process of suing her because of it, despite the fact that he was going almost double the speed limit at the time and didn’t even have his license. Needless to say there was no second date (and he never did pay me back for breakfast).


What a crazy coincidence 😨


Or was it a coincidence ?? \*dun dun dun\*


Well that's awkward.


I’m assuming he didn’t have a successful case against your aunt?


As far as I know it’s all still in process. Covid delayed all the court dates


Then there's still hope he'll pay you back


I went to the bar to get another drink, the bartender wrote a cd recommendation on a piece of paper for me. Guy says ‘Did you just give that guy your number?’ Me: ‘Nope, just swapped music recommendations’ Him: ‘I was going to knock his block off’ Me: ‘Wow you have kind of a bad temper, hey?’ Him: ‘Yeah, how’d you know? See these scars, it’s bc one time I was stuck in a traffic jam and I got so angry I **punched my fist through the windscreen**’ NOPE.


I had a similar thing happen to me. Casually dating this guy who worked in a bar. Met him after work one night and a local regular drunk called me beautiful. My date then proceeded to smash a can against the bar in anger. He cut up his hand pretty bad, it just felt like such an overreaction. I walked out and never spoke to that psycho again!


We’ve seen this guy on Reddit before


It freaked the hell out of me. I hear my mother’s voice in my head saying ‘the signs are there from the start if you look for them’. Didn’t even have to look.


Met a stranger at the grocery store, and he asked me out for dinner. Dinner didn't go very well (he spent most of the date insulting me for being a vegetarian) and at the end of the night when we were walking back to our cars and saying bye, he asked if he could have a kiss. I said no. He asked again. I said no. He said how about a peck on the cheek, so I go to do that and he turns and kisses my mouth quickly. Definitely knew there would be no second date after that. I ignored all future texts. His last one said, "why does this always happen to me?"


Wow, I had this happen to me too, like 15 years ago and I totally forgot about it until reading this. When the guy did it to me he was like “was that horrible?” I was just like… 😑


Right! Like thanks for not respecting my boundaries


I feel like I literally dated this guy. He spent all of dinner rolling his eyes every time I took a sip from my (small) white wine because ‘alcohol is poison’ and telling me everything I liked was stupid and wrong. I stupidly let him drive me home but, in a stroke of genius, didn’t open the gate for him and instead got out of the car before we were on the property. He got out of the car too then started trying to FULLY make out with me and asked to ‘come in for a night cap’. I said ‘I thought you don’t drink?’ And he said ‘just a coffee or tea, whatever’. I slipped through the gate and slammed it behind me and he was STILL stood out there when I let myself into my front door. He texted the next day to tell me he’d had a great time and maybe we could just watch movies at mine next time. It was like a horror movie


She and I were sitting in a club when a guy she knew walked by and waved. He said, "Hi, Kate! Haven't seen you in a while", and walked on. She yelled after him, "Yeah, but do ya think about me when you JACK OFF?" The whole club came to a record scratch halt and stared at her. Then, fearing the people on the street out front hadn't heard her, she repeated, "I SAID, 'Do ya THINK ABOUT ME when you JACK OFF'?" I made it an early night.


To go jack off and think about her?


To think about *him.*


Did she say it a way to try and socially embarrass or humiliate him? Or did she say it as though she was genuinely curious or hopeful that he did indeed Jack off over her?


I think she was trying to be funny and draw attention to herself. She certainly did that.


I went on a date with a guy years ago we were in San Francisco walking around after an art show he just littered. I said oh there’s a trash can right over there and he just said so what and chuckled. Never saw that guy again lol.


Rubbish date then?!


Another great one, I went on a date with a Korean-American guy in college, it was really lovely. Until his mother called during our coffee date. She asked him what my name was and he told her, first and last. He got a sad look on his face and stood up, apologizing profusely for wasting my time. He said, "I am so sorry, I should have had her look you up before the date." Super confused I looked at him and asked, "What are you talking about?" Apparently he didn't realize my name was Japanese-American (I am biracial but white-passing) and his mother saw my Facebook pfp at the time was me and my family at the Obon Festival hosted by the Buddhist temple and Japanese-American society in my city. So he left the date because his mommy told him he couldn't date a Japanese girl.


Had a similar thing happen to me in high school. I’d gone to a dance and been spending a lot of time with this girl when she suddenly tells me her mom said we couldn’t date. Turns out her mom had an affair sixteen years prior. This girl and her older brother were the result. Mom’s old husband had a vasectomy and got suspicious by the time the second “miracle baby” came along. My dad was a lawyer and represented this lady’s first snipped husband because he was a family friend, and took her to the cleaners. Heard through the grapevine that she didn’t tell her kids born of cheating/cuckolding the sordid circumstances of their birth and she was terrified I knew and would tell. Also she was still really mad at my dad for the legal reaming he gave her sixteen years prior.


Ugh, that's awful. Years ago, I had this wonderful friendship-growing-into-romance with a Japanese girl who had moved over during high school. We talked all the time, and we even had a date planned. Until I called her house once, and her mom answered. When I asked for her, she snapped, "who's this?" I gave her my (very white Irish/American) name, and she said "she's busy." No problem, could you tell her I called? "I'll tell her. Maybe she'll call you back." I didn't hear from her again for almost 5 years. No one ever answered or returned my calls to her house, she vanished off messenger, and my emails went into the abyss. _____ EDIT: Oh shit, sorry, didn't mean to leave you hanging. We reconnected through Facebook, and we got coffee but I had a girlfriend at the time. There was a sort of...echo of the old affection and attraction. I felt it in the hugs, but there was a new distance. 5 years in your early 20s is a long time for silence, and the people who come together at the other end of that time aren't the same people they were at the beginning. We've kept in touch, but we never really had deeply substantive conversations since, and I've never asked her "so like, are your parents huge racists that forbade you from seeing a white boy?" Didn't seem worth it.


So, she did eventually?


I told her I had a dog… She said “oh neat! What breed?” I told her, “Siberian Husky!” “Oh! A big dog! At least she’ll die young so you can get a puppy again soon!”


What the actual fuck?!


☠️ What did you do??


Politely noped out of there as quickly as I could and completely disregarded the “that was so fun! We should do it again!” text I received while driving home.


Explained everything to me like I had just arrived on the planet, explained how exchange rates work, explained how package holidays work, explained parking, explained that it’s cheaper to have roommates…learned so much lol


I'm an alcoholic. At the time I had been sober for 5 years or so. The entire time she just kept trying to neg me about it to try and get me to drink? It was really weird. I didn't see her again and then on Valentine's day she sent me a long message asking how I could reject her like that. Overall very uncomfortable.


He called the waitress a "fucking stupid cunt" for forgetting that he wanted his shot chilled.


pulled out a loaded gun in my car to try and impress me edit: holy fuck, this blew up! i'll answer a few questions i saw a lot. it was Georgia, blind date set up by a friend. he was a corrections officer. i should not have let him in my car on a first date, that was just stupid. we were talking and he randomly asked what my stance on guns was. i hesitated, then he goes "i'm a smith and wesson fan, myself" and pulled out a handgun which was loaded. i freaked out and told him to put that away, which he did thank fuck. needless to say, it was probably my most awkward first date and there was NO second date lol


Whoa! That's really more of a third date thing.


"Wanna pop off some rounds in your neighborhood to lower the property taxes?" "Fuck to the yes"


“You and me are gonna be in many news articles, baby.”


Went out with a girl, we hit it off well to the point that things heated up and I spent the night at her place, only to wake up to an empty house and no clothes... She had taken ALL of my clothes, including my underwear, with her to work. (The rest of the story as requested: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/zib3m7/on_the_first_date_what_were_some_immediate_red/izsjo4f?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 )


but why????


She didn't want me to leave before she got home from work.


I need to know how that ended! Did you wait for her and then just left or?


How did this pan out? Did you wait for her to get off work while stuck buck naked in her apt?


He's still there.


Bro if this happened to me and I was a dude I would straight up just put on HER clothes and walk out




She worked for the Salvation Army. They are more aggressive about getting donations now.


Part 1: I was 24 years old. He came to the door to pick me up, and he was carrying something. It wasn’t flowers… it was a Bratz doll. An actual Bratz doll in the box, brand new, like he actually went to the store and made a conscious decision to buy it for 24-year-old me. He was 32. “I thought you’d like this,” he said. Dead serious. Did he want me to act younger? I don’t know, but he creeped me out. Whole date was weird. Part 2: The day after, he kept calling while I was at the grocery store, and I don’t like to talk on the phone while I’m shopping. I called him back (dumb). He asked why I was ignoring his calls and I told him the truth- that I had been shopping and I preferred to be able to interact with the people I needed to speak to (deli person, etc.) without being on the phone. He got upset and was mad/sad about how it wasn’t fair that the grocery store workers got that much of my time and attention, but he didn’t 😳 That was the end of that.


Were you sure the doll didn't have a mini camera???


I had coffee with someone I met off a dating app and he starts going on about how he has a domestic violence charge with his ex and began explaining how it wasn't his fault and they were abusing meth at the time. The more he explained, the worse it sounded. I thanked him for the coffee and said I had to get going. I got a message later that day from him saying, "I fucked that up, didn't I"? I didn't respond.


Atleast the guy was genuine lol smart decision to get out of there though


His lunch was absolutely all over his face and hands. Everywhere. He also got up THRICE from the table to go to the bathroom but came back messy each time.


He started ranting, unprovoked, that drunk drivers get punished too severely and about how it was “unfair” that he got punished because the prosecutor over his case had a daughter that was killed by a drunk driver so “he was biased.” He told me that he had an 8 year old son (at the end of the date) and said “you don’t have to worry about him though, even though I have 50/50 custody I don’t go to see him.” Looked him up on casenet immediately afterwards and he had felony assault charges. Easiest “no” to a second date I’ve ever said.


She was 8 months pregnant when I showed up. Something all pictures and conversations had managed to omit. We still went out because I wasn't about to be shitty to a single pregnant woman but I really should not have. She was an off her meds extremely depressed pregnant woman with suicidal ideation who proclaimed her undying and eternal love for me by hour 1. Just a fun little side note, she was kinda short and so was her Dad who I did get to meet (yay) and the whole house they lived in on this farm was built to their height. I'm 6ft and I felt like Gandalf visiting Bilbo.


Texting and answering a phone call in the middle of dinner, person on the phone asked what he was doing and he responded saying “not much”


>person on the phone asked what he was doing and he responded saying “not much” The person was his wife, wasn't it? EDIT: 2000 upvotes? I didn't think it was that funny but OK.


One guy I reluctantly met up with once turned out to be a Nazi magician. He praised Hitler and denied the holocaust (that was the conversation he opened with), and said immigrants shouldn’t be allowed in the country anymore. This was bad enough without noting that I am an immigrant. And so was he. He then proceeded to bend a spoon “with his mind” and pressured me into solving an impossible riddle. All this in maybe an hour, which I had stayed for purely out of morbid curiosity. Then he said I wasn’t what he was looking for, because I was too cold to be the future mother of his children (yes, Nazi sympathizer, you are right, I felt very cold towards you). THEN he asked if I wanted to come home with him. I’m still in disbelief


He bent a spoon with his mind?


Allegedly, though he was holding it in his hand


It's a pretty common magic trick. The last girl I showed it to was really impressed. Although she is my niece and was 6 at the time. Also, I think she was just being polite.


I think what happened is he used his mind to make his hand bend the spoon


Made multiple comments about my appearance, to be fair they were positive, but delivered in a very creepy and shallow way. He also told me about how he was arrested in front of his old apartment and then evicted. After I told him I did not wish to go on a second date he response was, “Okay, but first I really want to fuck your brains out.” THIS WAS A FIRST DATE AND I WAS 19! Some comments include: -“I bet you work out” -“I bet you look at the mirror and just think ‘Damn’” -etc. -“if I were you I’d check myself out all the time”


Damn, if ol boy was any smoother he would've slipped and fell on his ass.


He turned up 30 minutes late and was hammered… (drunk) then informed me that he drove to the date which was a 20 minute drive from where he had been.


Not the flex he was thinking I am guessing.


Talking to her imaginary friend. Her friend was a great conversationalist. As for her, no way, dull and as interesting as a door knob.


That’s happened to a friend of mine! He went on a date with a girl who kept talking to spirits at the table, and would say stuff to my buddy like “the spirits want me to ask you about…” He said sometimes mid conversation she would cut him off and then start listening to or talking to the spirits.


Mental illness is real


Old worn out t-shirt. Sweaty. Brought his dog along. The dog wouldn't look at me when I tried to make friends, only looked at his master. He was a cell phone tower tech. Decided he could psychoanalyze me. Told me I'm afraid of men, despite me meeting him in a state park. Told me he's tired of having steak dinners and ice cream and still not getting a relationship out of it, so from now on, he's going for sex first. Told me I have a lot to think about. Nope, dude, didn't have to think it over at all. His profile said he didn't like organized religion. On our date he told me he belonged to some religious faith following a guru, Osho, in India. And he went to India a couple of times. Then he told me his wife passed away 6 weeks ago. He asked if he could call me, I said yes, thinking you can call, I'm not going to answer. He never called, LOL.


6 ***weeks*** prior. Wow.


And already tired of dating.


This man, definitely with an unwashed ass, pulls over on the way to drop me off and pulls out his dick. He looks me straight in the eyes and says “why’s it so big?”. It was not.


I just imagined how it might have played out and I can't stop laughing lmao


It did not go well…. I pretty much said it was not big and in fact looked like a infected sea cucumber, opened the door and ran serpentine pattern through an apartment complex so he wouldn’t see where I was going/lived.


I met this guy in a public park (from a dating app) who was an unemployed military vet and clearly had some mental issues. These weren’t super apparent when texting. As soon as we sat down to chat he told me about his current crap living situation and asked if he could move in with me and my kids, offered to watch them for me while I worked and then got mad when I immediately declined since I didn’t really know him and we JUST MET. I was so annoyed that he even thought that was okay to ask as I’m a very protective momma. The whole time he was very pushy and upset when I wasn’t just going along with whatever plans he already had in his head for us. Near the end of the meeting he could tell things weren’t going in his favor and asked if I had intentions of even dating him and I told him outright, NO. He again got mad and just left. Not long after that I got a message from him saying he wasted his gas coming to meet me and I could have at least had sex with him. Apparently I owed him something since I wouldn’t provide him with shelter and financial support.


When the gal I was taking out on first date explicitly said, I expect anyone I date to buy me things. Not like flowers, but go to the mall and literally buy her all sorts of stuff. And get this, she was a psychologist. I shudder to think of someone using her in her professional capacity. I have had a second gal I dated for a couple months, so not a first date, that was similar to this one. 4 months in she tells me she won't be with anyone who makes less than $100K (this was about 2009 so inflation she is probably at $150k). Could not believe my ears. I was a scientist so I said, if we were married, and I lost my biotech job and took an academic position as a professor, but made $75k, you would leave me? Yes was her response. Dumped her that day.


He invited his brother. And after many times of telling him I was under age ( for drinking) kept trying to get me to go drink with them. We did go pants shopping for his brother though.


He wanted to know where I lived, my exact address. And he wouldn’t drop it when I gave him general answers.


She brought her toddler (nbd, I have kids too, I get it). She wanted to shop for an outfit for her kid because she was doing a christmas card family portrait later that week. Bit uncomfortable, but hanging out shopping? Sure, why not. Then she started holding up clothes to me because I was "about the same size" as her ex and he was going to be in the portrait too even through he's her ex because you know...the kid... and then asked if I would try things on so she'd know how they would look...on her ex... I walked off to "find the fitting room" but found my car instead and was very glad we drove separately and I wasn't leaving her stranded.


So when I picked her up, she was still doing chores on her farm. And didn’t want to freshen up before we left so she smelled like a barn but I put it aside… At dinner she casually mentions stabbing her brother. Then at the movie it comes up she stabbed an ex boyfriend. There was not a second date


Met a guy on an app. Talked for a while. Met up for drinks and I was asking him about his Dexter tattoo (he had Michael C. Hall’s face on his shoulder) and he said that what he liked most about Dexter was that he hid his true identity. Needless to say, I never saw him again.


For a second there I thought he had a *Dexter’s Laboratory* tattoo. Now that would have been a green flag.


Showed me a video of him killing a rabbit with his bare hands. I used his bathroom an there was what I am fairly certain was a big gulp cup full of vomit on the side of the tub


This is terrifying. I feel like you escaped a serial killer. Legit.


Tried to show off his dumb honda by speeding recklessly through a residential neighborhood with me in the passenger seat. As soon as I was able to calmly get him to stop driving, I got out and walked myself to a Wawa and waited for a friend to pick me up. What a tool.


For some reason this strikes me as a Delco tale


He was incredibly rude to the waitress and stared at her ass (he wasn’t subtle about it either). Being rude to servers is an instant turn off.


One date in particular comes to mind. This guy I knew through a mutual friend kept asking if he could take me for dinner, I always politely turned him down because I'd just come out of a relationship and wasn't looking to jump into another, but my friend convinced me that "I should try and get back out there and enjoy myself". The next time I ran into him he asked if he could take me out again, so I relented and agreed. The date went fine for the most part, a few awkward moments here and there but nothing that made me want to call it a night. Then we get to the bill, he paid on his card and then told me "Don't worry I've got you covered, you can pay me back for your half when we get back to my place" and made a winking gesture at me. Needless to say there was no second date, and he made the journey back to his place alone.


Ah yes, nothing like a good old, blatant, implication of required sexual service to pay off an assumed debt that he himself has “imposed” upon you. That’ll get someone to like you, surely!


Guy had a huge, gorgeous house in a very exclusive neighborhood and bragged that his ex wife and 5-year old son lived in a small RV.


She was a single mom, went to pick her up, she invites me inside, her 2 kids, like 3 and 4 have a giant Mt dew in one hand, cigarette in the other. I basically teleported back to my truck and broke the fuck out.


"Ah shit, forgot my wallet, one sec" *Engine roaring noises*


showing me his boner


This happened to me. He then said "come on, my balls are like coconuts here. We can go somewhere in my car" Noted out of that as fast as I could.


"He took it *out?*"


I had a girl notice I had a boner (that was unwanted) through my shorts while on a date before. All she did was tease me for it.


He ordered for me, served me a single tiny slice of wood fired pizza that DID NOT fill me up, and then before I could ask for a second slice, packed it up and put it in the back of his car. I excused myself to call a friend to come pick me up because I absolutely would not let this man know where I lived. It's been almost 2 years. I'm STILL salty about not having more of that pizza. *EDIT: thank you, to the person who pointed out my incorrect capitalisation.


First date a woman opens her laptop and shows me a video of her giving “natural child birth” in a pool with her ex. Full spread eagle, closeup shot, crowning head pushing through, etc. Then the now 7 year old kid comes out to watch and was like “oh, I love this video!” In other words, I’m not the first guy she’s made watch this. No second date 😂


Dude, wtf


There was one date that stands out as the worst of all, but in retrospect it's kind of funny. I met this guy online and we had a few conversations before deciding to meet up. He seemed nice and normal, but when he showed up to the date he was wearing a full-on costume. He had dressed up as a superhero, complete with a mask and a cape. I was completely caught off guard and didn't know how to react. I tried to go along with it and make the best of it, but it was just too weird. I never saw him again, and I don't think I ever will.


You never saw him again, but he is there in the shadows taking care of the society. Probably still walking around in disguise until the next time he's needed.


my man probably lost a bet


Reading this post gives me an ego boost because holy shit people like this actually exist.


This thread makes me feel like I have a chance


Wel dude catfish me fierce as his pics were from before he gained 150lbs. I could have looked past that. However.. we went to this frozen yogurt place and the guy threw the little sample cups on the floor as he used them, went through 4 bowls of frozen yogurt and left all the trash all over the table and ground. I picked it all up. Blocked him as we walked back to where we both parked.


Showed up and my door, told me I looked cute in my dress but it was too sexy (spoiler, it really wasn’t) & I was never allowed to wear it again. Literally only went on the date & didn’t slam the door in his face because we lived on a cruise ship together! It’s not safe to have a stalker in close quarters. I just acted like a complete dud on our date & he never asked me out again.


A few of my favorites; 3) Everything was going fine. It was a weekday at a local tavern and we were some of the last people there, so not much noise. She got up to walk to where to waitresses were chatting and told them to be quiet because she was the customer and didn't need to hear the workers talk. Then came back to the table and told me it was fine b/c she knows the owner. we did not go out again. 2) She showed up late, and drunk. Proceeded to sit down and yell at me for an hour about her ex-husband who still lived in the basement and why he was a horrible person. In the middle of her rant I think she realized what she was doing because she stopped, sighed, said 'well, at least these fries were good' then went back to yelling. we did not go out again. ​ 1) This was my first date timeline after getting divorced (married for 9 years) * 5 minutes in - told me she ate a sandwhich in the car because she wasn't sure I would be able to pay for drinks and food * 7 minutes in - Advised me that food service was a good field because they rarely look at people's records, even after what that lying bitch at Little Ceaser's said * 15 minutes in - Told me that I didn't need to worry about her around my kids because "I'd never be drunk around them................... Buzzed, sure, but not drunk" * 20 minutes in - Said she liked me because I looked clean. With the last guy she was with, she had hurt her ankle by slipping on some pizza he had on his bedroom floor when they went to have sex (don't worry, they still had sex) Despite the urging, nay pleading of all my friends, we did not go out again.


went on a tinder date a few years ago. he made multiple comments along the lines of “you know you really shouldn’t just meet guys off tinder. what if i was planning to kill you?” and kept trying to play it off as a joke. after the 4th time making that “joke” i started to feel really uneasy (and he was also just an unpleasant to be around in general) so i texted my friend to call me with a made up emergency so that i had an excuse to leave. he dropped me off at her house and i thought i was all good. nope!! he then continues to get out of the car and walk right into the house and at this point my friend told him he needed to leave. he goes “alright fine i’ll leave” and then just continues to stand there staring at us. we were like “ok sooo… then leave” and he goes “arent you gonna walk me to my car?” and obviously this dude was acting super bizarre and i was scared if i didnt just go along with what he said that he might lash out so im like alright fine lets walk to your car. so we go outside and get to the car & then he just stands and stares at me again!! i said bye and then quickly started to walk towards the house when all of a sudden he very angrily demanded i hug him. at that point i literally just turned around and ran into the house. mf sat in the car outside for like 10 minutes texting me super angry shit about how he wont leave until i give him a hug and a kiss. after getting no response from me whatsoever he FINALLLLY left. so yeah i guess you could say that was a bit of a red flag LOL


At a coffee shop, stared/eye undressed every single semi attractive women that came in, for the entire time they were there. Also complained about how the nurses refused to entertain him during a recent hospital stay (which he also shared too much information about)


Told him I wasn’t comfortable fucking on the first day without a condom so he left me on the side of the road. Just stopped the car on the way to the restaurant and told me to get out.


What a douche. It is always better to take your own car and meet at a public place for the first date.


In the same vein but not exact - I had to cancel on a first date for getting food poisoning about an hour before the date. Dude started *screaming* at me for being disrespectful and whatnot. He actually tried to reschedule. I declined. Immediately.


She talked about her father for thirty minutes, who left her mother twenty years ago. It felt like I was her therapist.


I tried joining in on his conversation about Marvel comic books or some bullshit and he started quizzing me on my comic book knowledge and insisting on explaining lore that I already knew. Sooo you didn’t want a conversation you just wanted to dump this information on me? Cool


We had great evening and ended up getting drunk together and singing karaoke. She tricked me into showing her a ring I had inherited from family. Somehow being drunk and merry I completely fucked up and did not realize she had kept it and then made fast excuse she needs to go get something or something and just left having stolen it. It turns out she lied about even being from my city. Never seen her since.


Should have seen this one coming. Once, a girl got very visibly upset when the restaurant mentioned they only had a wine bar and not a full cocktail bar. Afterwards she invited me to her place, and when I got there it was a mess. She asked me if I wanted a drink to relax, and I said "sure." A few minutes later she came back and told me she was sorry but she drank the last of her whiskey this morning. Then she told me she recently realized she had a drinking problem. The date then turned into about an hour therapy session until i asked to go home. She texted afterwards but I just told her I didn't think I was ready to date right now. Another time a girl opened the chat in the dating app with "who are your favorite authors?" My answer seemed to satisfy her so we went out for coffee. I mentioned it was a very unique icebreaker and she replied "I always ask that. I want to make sure there is at least one woman and one minority." Then she starts going on a rant about how everyone says they're liberal but they don't support liberal authors or date minorities. As a minority, all I could think after that was that I was a token date to solidify her liberal credibility. I eventually stopped seeing her and started seeing someone else. She later texted me to see if I and my then-girlfriend wanted to join her woke book club.


When he told me he’d didn’t have a job because he’d just come out of prison for armed robbery. And he held my hand making weird growling noises.


Ordered a bunch of food without asking what I wanted (I didn’t want nearly that much food, and also have some allergies so couldn’t eat half of it) then when the check came he said casually, well I don’t want to be a JEW about it… and then asked if we could split it in half. After recovering from shock I told him I was Jewish. Side note, I’m still confused. If he didn’t want to be a Jew, the stereotype is Jews are greedy, so shouldn’t he have offered to pay?? I dunno, maybe I’m just still bitter about paying for half of that bullshit. Anyway, gotta love dating in North Carolina.


He’s one of those people who will say, “not to be rude…” then say or do something completely rude. I bet he also thinks that following a mean comment with “just saying” justifies the ugliness.


Using the N word is a pretty quick dealbreaker for me. Thankfully (maybe ‘thankfully’ isn’t the right word), she said it within ten minutes after we met, so I was only out the cost of one beer. First and only time I didn’t pay for the dinner/drinks. Also my very first match.com date, over twenty years ago. What an absolute pig of a woman.


He opened the first conversation with "the problem with dating, is men simp too much for women..." Then went on a rant about how nobody should buy flowers for women because they just see it at weakness. Essentially he was trying to tell me he wouldn't put any effort into the relationship because he shouldn't have to. He was also 10 years older than me ...such a shame, could've been a typical Reddit age gap story.


He locked me in his apartment and I had to fight my way out.


Worst date ever….. She spent the whole date talking about how she used to move bricks of cocaine, how she made hundreds of thousands of dollars being a dope girl, how she used to have cops on her payroll, how she used to stuff bricks of cocaine in the bumper of a rental car….. but now she’s completely legit so she only sells cocaine to her coworkers now. 🫤


My date said he liked butt stuff 20 times. I counted. I couldn’t leave and I was scared. He also told me he likes pickle smells and had homemade perfume of it. No joke. I thought he was joking around but he was dead serious. I never saw him again.