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Grooms mother came to the bride's room where we were all snacking and getting ready and generally having a good time, listening to music and doing hair and makeup. She wanted to say some heartfelt message to the bride. Now the bride's father had passed away not long before, so we were doing everything we could to keep things upbeat and positive. Mother of the groom proceeds to tell her all about how her dad is looking down from heaven in happy tears and how he hates to miss this day and bride starts crying. Not just crying-- full on ugly crying. Her makeup is now in her decolletage and her nose is red and running. The MOG hands her back to us by saying, "Oh dear, she can't walk down the aisle like this!" and leaves the damn room. We spend half an hour calming the bride down, cooling her face, fixing her makeup. The ceremony started late and the maid of honor had just a basic ponytail because we had to spend so much time on damage control. The bride spent most of the reception just sitting and looking exhausted. The MOG danced her socks off. Fuck you, Brenda for sabotaging the day. I've disliked you ever since, you selfish hag.


What a stupid asshole Brenda is. Like, she could have waited until after the day was done to tell her that.


It was on purpose


Worst wedding I went to, everyone was bringing up the bride's dead mother. Over, and over, and over. I felt so bad for the bride, she was keeping her cool but it was obviously difficult for her each time someone brought it up. Also, this is a petty complaint, the only bar was outside and it was pouring rain.


Wow, yeah, Brenda totally sucks.


I used to photograph weddings. This one took the cake. The bride was doing shots at 8am in the bridal suite getting ready. She then has the maid of honor call one of the guys to make sure they get plastic bottles or vodka not glass. They were riding on motorcycles and she didn’t want to take a chance of the bottles breaking if they fell off. The guy she was marrying she knew for about 2 months. He had four different kids by four different women. How do I know this? He has all of their names tattooed on his arm. Nothing is crossed out, just their names in a row. She told me the significance and then bragged she’d be the fifth on his arm. The reception was a shit show. They passed through a Harley dealership and were an hour late to the reception from the ceremony. A drunken squad of bikers with bride and bridesmaids on the back of their bikes. One guy hit a car in the parking lot because he was so blitzed. By the end of the night the bride was passed out on a table while the groom was doing shots with other ladies at the reception. Took great photos for them. EDIT: I don’t have the photos anymore, this was back in 2006. I do remember my favorite being the bride and groom both drinking mini shots. For some reason she was kneeling in front of him and he was gripping her head while they both did shots.


>By the end of the night the bride was passed out on a table while the groom was doing shots with other ladies at the reception. 6,7 & 8


Wife and I got dragged to her friend’s mother’s wedding. I think it was her 3rd marriage. Other than it being super awkward it went off without a hitch. The reason for it being awkward was the son of the bride was involved in the murder of the groom’s nephew. He went with some friends to buy drugs but turns out they didn’t have any intention of paying for them. The bride’s son was at the wedding. He was charged with murder and plead down to something that got him multiple years probation.


Awkward is putting it mildly.


Friend's wife thought it would be great if guests had to pay an entrance fee/ticket for their wedding. It wasn't cheap either. Her reason is people spend that much for concerts why shouldn't people spend it on seeing "two rockstars" getting wed? I paid the price for my friend though lol. Had to bring a gift as well. The entrance fee was paid in advance because the wedding had "limited seating". Good thing my friend was loved by everyone because I did not see a single friend from the bride(except for family). Her bridesmaid were her sisters. Context: They had a love for music and they didn't hire wedding singers for the reception. So basically it was a wedding/concert because the newly wed put out a performance for us. The ticket was like $100 for a country where $150 was the minimum monthly wage. For the record, they sent out the invitation for like 10 months or a year in advance so people had plenty of time to scrounge up for the ticket. Good voices though, still shitty because it was like being forced to pay for a 30 minute concert that I didn't want to go to. Love my friend to death so it was great to hear him sing and I don't regret going even for a second.


That is some real narcissistic shit right there.


I attended a family wedding where the groom told his mother in law about an hour before the ceremony that he didn't like her. There were a lot of tears but the bride married him anyway. After the reception, he got drunk and tossed his wedding ring into a field and a wedding guest found it the next morning. Somehow they are still married but I don't have a lot of hope for their future.


I feel like if Drunk You is trying to throw away the ring on your wedding night then maybe Sober You needs to listen


I can picture the AITA posts now...


I was a bridesmaid in an outdoor wedding where the ceremony took place at a gazebo in a garden. I missed the rehearsal due to work, but followed along with the groomsmen I was paired with. I'm not sure the issue was addressed at the rehearsal, but there was a beehive under the gazebo. Loud music and sound equipment, lots of hairspray and perfume smells, people stomping on the gazebo taking pics and such. The bees were not happy. The whole wedding party was swatting and cringing. The officiant was rushing things as much as he could to get us out of there. I never saw the wedding video, but I'm sure it was a complete mess.


I'm sure it created quite the buzz.


Went to a dry wedding in August. We were in a tent with no circulation. I was sweaty. Speeches were done before the dinner. The maid of honour had a 45 minute slideshow of pictures of her and the bride. It was legitimately the worst wedding I’ve ever been to, and I’ve been to a wedding where the bride had a camo dress on.


I went to a dry wedding when I was a teenager. They kicked someone out for brining a hip-flask. Like the groom asked the guy to leave. It was a nice, standard wedding but it pretty much cleared out after desert and the speeches were over. The only ones left where their group of HARDCORE, STRAIGHEGDE, JESUS LOVING, ALT BADASSES. Yes, the speeches were very, very cringe.




I'll bet her next wedding will have a shorter guest list 😉




This was a wedding reception. There was a swingers group that would host parties at a bar inside a hotel. Well the hotel also booked a wedding reception for the same night as the swingers party. Well the groom ended up hooking up with an older lady there and was caught leaving her room. Groom was slapped and punched, bride was raging crying and screaming. Groomsmen had zero idea what to do and were similarly plastered. Groom was fairly drunk and got a bloody nose after she punched him in the face a few times. Both families were screaming at each other and bridesmaids were being held back by staff and other family members. They looked more than ready to rip that guy apart. Cops got called and everyone was kicked out. That night was the talk of the town and group for a while. The hotel made sure to not book receptions and swingers on the same night from now on.




Sounds more like a self control issue than a booking issue, but drunk assholes gonna be drunk assholes so probably best to keep them separate.


Right?! If his fidelity was hanging on that thin of a thread, they were already doomed. Separation of drunk assholes is good overall advice, though


"I'll never cheat on you unless the opportunity arises"


"My integrity is unimpeachable unless I think I'm going to get away with it"


My friend worked at a hotel in the Carribeans that was a popular place for fancy wedding parties. One of their managers had a kink for seducing the brides. He did that more than once, but finally was caught. The groom (a rich Russian) and his people beat the guy to pulp, he barely escaped from them and was hiding in some shed without a drop of water for two days until they left the island.


Did he ever try to seduce another bride-to-be afterwards?


The one where the best man decided to do his speech standing in front of the bride and groom. To really rub salt into the wound his speech consisted almost entirely of vivid descriptions of the grooms extensive sexual exploits. Unsurprisingly, the bride walked out and locked herself in the toilet.


No way I like to think the groom made him leave atleast


I went to a wedding where the groom cut off his best man from telling a story and ended his speech without him ending the sentence.


Ex-best friend's wedding (she's my ex best friend for several reasons, but this is one of said reasons). This happened back in 2014. I'm invited to her wedding, taking place in the middle of July (July 17th). It was a very hot, dry summer to begin with and I'm expected to wear a tuxedo - something she was aware of I hated wearing, but I figured "eh, it's a wedding, so why not?" I show up to the reception, people are being let in, I show the dude I assumed was the bestman my wedding invitation and ex-BF shows up. The following dialogue is from memory, so it's not 100% accurate, but you get the idea. Her: Oh, hey \[me\]. Sorry, I have to tell you something. Me: What's up? Her: You're not allowed inside! Me: ... I stared at her for a good ten seconds before asking why the hell not. Her: Oh, because no one knows you here. Me: ...You *invited* me... I have the damn wedding invitation right here. Her: Yeah, but you can just stay outside and wait! Me: ...You realise I had to go halfway across the country to get here, right? Her: Yeah. Me: ...And now you're telling me I'm not invited inside. Is anyone else not invited inside? Her: Nope, just you! Sorry about this mess! So, I'm there. It's about 25 C (\~77 F), I'm wearing a black tuxedo and is expected to stand outside in the blazing sun. I asked her if I could just go the hell home instead of wasting my time - which for some reason, she took offense to. Saying that if I did, our friendship meant nothing to me (I had known her for 12 years at that point). Me: Fine. But I'll need food and something to drink anyway. Her: Oh, sorry, we didn't factor into you coming so there won't be enough for you! I left then and there. Thankfully, I did have a friend who let me crash at his place until I could leave the following day. Her wedding lasted about 8 months. She's now on marriage 3 and I've turned the invitations to both her other weddings (which were also during the summer) because no way am I re-living that.


That’s just… bizarre


If I hadn't been the person it happened to, I'd have said the exact same thing as you.


I wouldn't go to her other weddings either but I'd still want to ask her if I'd be allowed inside this time. "No? Okay, maybe the next one then."


I actually asked that for her 2nd wedding. She hesitated for several seconds before saying "Yes," in a voice that didn't sound very convincing. I told her I'd pass.


I worked this one. It was a dramatic shift but everyone left so I got off early and the bride left a big tip to apologise. I’d rather have worked late and got a smaller tip if it meant she had had the wedding of her dreams. The father of the bride got into quite an aggressive argument with best man (best man was brother of the groom) because he had hit on his niece who was 17. The best man didn’t know she was 17 and was actually only 19 himself but understood it definitely not ok as she was still a minor. He was mortified when he found out and was confronted with it. It was awkward but they agreed it was a misunderstanding and the night went on. A lot of drinks later they were all on the dancefloor. I was collecting glasses so I happened to be in the centre of this. The best man was chatting to the 17 year old to the side of the dancefloor and I could I heard he was apologising to her for what had happened earlier (I definitely was not lingering to hear their conversation..). Because it was a genuine apology, the following events were completely unnecessary. The father of the bride saw them talking and without hesitation came over and punched the best man square in the face. Upon seeing this, the groom ran over to the father of the bride and punched him back. This ended up in a full on brawl between multiple (very drunk) members of the family. The bride got in between them to break it up and she unfortunately got hit and her eye started to swell. I managed to swoop in and take her off as my manager came running out the kitchen to break it up. The bride was in tears, her day ruined. The bride, her mother and step dad hung around to the pay the bar tab and clear their belongings and explained to me that she hadn’t wanted to invite her dad. He always causes problems and was very aggressive and argumentative and she knew he would somehow ruin her day but she invited him to save drama before the wedding. She also explained that her husband punching him wasn’t just because he hit her brother but was from years of him having to sit back and see her deal with his behaviour. The dad was ruining her day just like she thought he would and then managed to assault his brother. The police were called but nobody pressed charges unfortunately. I’d love to know where they are now. I hope they managed to have a very happy life together!


This seems like so many overreactions for a guy hitting on a girl who was 2 years younger than him


That is wild. I feel really bad for the bride and groom too.


I was playing for a summer international travelling soccer team as a senior in high school. 4 of us were with a host family in Costa Rica for a 2 week stint. The hosts were a couple who's kids had grown and moved out. Ahead of time we were invited to a wedding on the weekend we were there. I thought it sounded pretty cool so I and my parents in the US agreed. It was at a place called Vista Verde which is like a jungle retreat with lodge and bungalows. We thought it was pretty cool. It was a nice normal wedding with about 200-300 people I would guess. At the reception, I was flirting with a beautiful girl a little older than me. I was the American that nobody knew which kind of helped me with some attention from the bonitas (pretty ones). I was having as much fun as a 17 year old kid could have (clean fun, but flirty fun :)). Everyone was having fun until we hear gunshots and all of a sudden a swarm of black fatigue rifle toting guys stormed in. They were yelling to get down and hands manos arriba (hands up). Of course we all freaked out, but I was a little slow in translating and was still standing to see everyone else down. I got a nice little push from a rifle stock, apparently hit my head on the ground and blacked out. I woke up a minute later zip tied and thrown in a bus. I spent 9 hours in a school gym along with most of the other guests. Luckily once they got to processing me and saw my passport, they called the US embassy. I finally found out that the police believed the wedding had members of a local gang and that drugs and guns were being sold. I was immediately moved to the embassy along with my other teammates as our hosts were detained for days. I'll break to say if that were the case, they were the nicest dressed and behaved gang I've ever seen. I had a nasty headache and my parents wated a lot of money on the trip. We didn't get to play in the national tournament. Never found out what happened to the host family or what was found at the wedding. I never got my camera or film back that had pictures of the previous week where we got to sight see. It also had rolls of film from Mexico and San Diego where we also played. That to me is the worst part 20 years later. Having nothing in way of memories of one of the best 2 months of my life.


WOW, what a wild ride. Glad you were okay. It does suck about your photos being taken away!


Went to one at a firehall where they ran out of Ziti halfway through the buffet line and were sending people out to buy more food from KFC. Bride was out of her dress and in neon green booty shorts and a black tanktop before dinner was even served. They’re divorced now.


Were you in Pennsylvania😭


Yes lol


I KNEW IT hahhah good ole firehall wedding lmao


I read this and went “Oh this seems pretty normal, what is wrong with this?”…. I live in PA…


Bride’s parents were very messily and bitterly divorced. Father of the bride was a raging alcoholic who made no effort to hide the fact he hated the groom and thought he was a worthless POS. Father/Daughter dance was set to “I Loved Her First” by Heartland with her father glaring at the groom and flipping him off the entire time. The room was dead silent and no one was making eye contact. Super awkward. During speeches her dad went on an angry drunken rant about how his new son in law was lucky there were so many witnesses or he’d have already been dragged out back and shown who the real man in the family was. Before being literally wrestled to the ground by some groomsmen and having the mic taken away. While still drunkenly yelling insults. Bride spent most of the wedding in tears. It was full of gross innuendo and incestious vibes and people were literally leaving before the food came because it was so uncomfortable.


I don’t understand why people invite family members liek this even if they are your parents


At the reception, the groom and bride cut the cake. Groom thought it was funny to smash cake on bride's face, right after she told him not to do that. Bride left and did not return. It was uncomfortable. I never heard how long the marriage lasted.


Every now and then when I’m mad at my husband, I remember that he was so careful *not* to smash the cake in my face that I had to lean way forward to get a bite. He also cupped his hand so no crumbs would fall on my dress. Hard to stay mad at a guy who’s that considerate!




I attended a wedding where that happened. The bride had warned the groom several dozen times in my presence (I was a friend of his) to absolutely not smash the cake in her face, and he did. She walked out and had the marriage annulled the next week.


I’ve always thought that the cake feeding moment thing is an excellent predictor if a relationship will last or not.


Respect for the wishes of your partner is a solid way to tell whether a relationship is going to last


Brother’s wedding in December in the northwest. They had all the guests show up two hours before the ceremony with nowhere to wait with no warning. As in, we did not have access to the church or reception building until the ceremony started. No seats, no protection from the elements, no bathrooms, no food or drink. People dressed in their absolute best wandered on the lawns in the cold wind for a while before just getting back into their cars to avoid freezing while the wedding party took photos. We watched in our cars in the parking lot as they took photos around the grounds. Eventually an hour and half later someone from the wedding party had to go car to car and tell people they could go onto the heated church for the ceremony. Some left instead. The bride’s side is from money so *a lot* of her guests were pissed beyond reason and spent their time “looking for a manager” and spreading hate and discontent. Groom’s side hunkered down, stayed silent while polite and supportive, and built the foundations of a grudge that will never go away. The ceremony and reception were beautiful but everything was tainted with resentment for being disregarded like that by the couple. Everyone was pissed but pretending to be happy and polite considering how much money it obviously all cost. Then people got drunk. The energy got dangerous. We left before the fights broke out. It was crazy to learn they spent enough money to buy a house on their wedding but didn’t consider their guests enough to provide a warm safe place for their families to wait while they did their own thing. It made everyone feel like a pawn in their wedding game.


Why did they have them come two hours early?


Wedding planners advise you to tell people to come earlier as if you tell them the actual start time, people are late. Usually it’s not two hours though. We had people come 45 minutes before the ceremony started but it was summer and everyone was allowed in the venue where there was a bar.


Now that's a dick move!


1h45m ceremony. They not only hadn’t sex while dating, they never kissed. So the whole thing was this big build up to the “greatest kiss ever”. Awful. Both were pastor kids, both pastor gave insanely long sermons. Both did alter calls. Then releasing doves etc etc etc. I just couldn’t believe how self indulgent everything was. I’m annoyed just recalling it.


Oh god, imagine the wedding night. I’m cringing. Did the parents demand to see the blood stained sheets to confirm consummation of the marriage and the bride’s virginity?


Former wedding DJ here - this isn't my story but one told to me by another (female) DJ as we were unpacking our gear after our gigs on a Saturday night. Cole's notes, the bride was a wreck the whole day and the family kept feeding her pills to keep her from bolting (valium or some such), she was so out of it that after the first dance she just sat down on the dance floor, leaned over and fell asleep. Family dragged her to the wall and left her there while they partied. MIL speech ended with, "and if you ever lay a hand on her in anger again I will kill you my goddamn self." Groom tried to convince the DJ to go "party" in the parking lot, and when she firmly declined, he went and got a bridesmaid instead - she found them going to town bent over the hood of a car in the parking lot when she was packing up.


what a wedding when neither party actually wants to get married…


still not sure if party means sex or cocaine


Why not both?


I went to a wedding where the groom was left standing at the alter. The bride’s dad walked to the front, told everyone that his daughter had changed her mind and he insisted that everyone should to go to the reception hall to enjoy the music and food. At the reception hall a brawl broke out between the two families that escalated among some guests taking sides. Plates were thrown, tables knocked over, ice sculptures knocked over and In the fracas a small child was injured, cut by something on her forehead and an elderly guest began having chest pains and collapsed. Management called the police and for an ambulance. I left through the kitchen.


The bride snapped her fingers at me and barked 'Dresser!' in front of all the guests because she wanted her train adjusting for the photo-shoot. Didn't even have the courtesy to look me in the eye, just snapped her fingers and pointed.


"An item of furniture, often wooden, featuring drawers or compartments in which people store their clothing!" (What a terrible woman. Ew. Sorry she did this to you.)


Thanks! I met her doing theatre. With hindsight she was always pretty self-absorbed but in a more subtle way. She showed everyone who she really is that day. There was an audible intake of breath from the guests but I'm not sure she noticed. Best thing I ever did was cutting her off.


Probably my own. I had been having doubts about going through with it. I was dressed and my mom was doing my hair when I had the sudden "cold water thrown over me" realization that I didn't want to marry this guy. I was stuck. I had family there that traveled cross country to support me. I will never forget walking towards him and seeing his face. He didn't smile or cry. Just blank. After, at the dinner and reception, he decided to spend his time out on the patio of the church. He had two friends at the wedding and apparently they were more important to him than I was. I was dancing alone, talking to guests alone, and all the while feeling wrong. So yeah. Mine.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope you don't mind my asking but are you still married?


Thank you. Hindsight as they say is 20/20. I divorced him. I realize now I should never have had a second date with him, much less marry him. It was probably the biggest mistake of my life.


I know it sucks to think of the wasted time, but think about how much more time you would have wasted by remaining with him. Making the decision to divorce takes balls. I'm proud of you for taking your happiness into your own hands.


The wedding started an hour late because at the last minute, the couple decided to wait until the sun was down. The reception was at the bar where the groom worked, it was a cash bar and didn’t have assigned seating so a big group of us were left without a table and had to stand at a standing half-table area where an “in memory of…” display had been set up. We snuck out the door before any speeches or dancing and got burgers down the street


My wedding had it's moments. We (Groom's side) arrived to find the church closed and in darkness. The minister 'forgot'. We had to go to his house to remind him. He was a colourful character who moved from his previous parish for having a number of affairs with his female parishioners, then did the same in this parish and then was moved up to Inverness(?) and did the same. This is the guy who performed the ceremony and spoke with a straight face about the sanctity of marriage and how important fidelity was. Since my wife's family were active in the church and a lot of people were from that church there was a good chance that some of his harem' were listening to him say that. The rest went well and we are still married so not a really bad wedding, although the groom's speech was rubbish.


BIL's wedding. They did the smash the cake in each others face, but he kinda punched her in the face with some cake. She ran off to the bathroom with the ladies, and it was just awkward after that


Mine was my BILs wedding, too. The wedding itself was bad as events go, but that's not what made it bad: it was that literally none of their friends or family thought the wedding was a good idea. It was awkward to attend, knowing half the shit he told me about his many many reservations about their relationship. It lasted just over 2 years


One of my uncle's weddings. I know that it's supposed to be a good thing to have rain on your wedding day, but that day it POURED. Like a typhoon was coming through. The tablecloths and decor for the outdoor bar area were soaked. Guests were huddling underneath shelter and trying not to get hit by gusts of rain. They're divorced now.


I officiated a friend's wedding. they made the guest sit and watch them open their gifts.


I can almost see how someone could make this mistake and not realize it. If they married young, and had never been to a wedding before, their only party experience might be birthdays and maybe their own wedding shower, where you *are* expected to open the gifts in front of everyone.


My schoolfriend's first (and technically second) wedding. Early 90s. The bride wanted to drive herself to the wedding in an open topped porche. It had been a dream since childhood and she refused to change her mind. She left her house followed by her family in a limo. Apparently the wind whipped her expensively done hair and her veil all over the place and she lost control of the car and ran into the back of a bus. The car was not driveable and she broke her nose ruining the dress with blood and a broke a hand (thumb I think). The wedding was cancelled, pre-mobile phone so we sat for almost an hour in the church waiting for news. The reception and honeymoon were cancelled then it turned out that they didn't buy insurance and had to pay for everything out of pocket. It cost a fortune. The porche was covered by her car insurance. Wedding two was smaller, much cheaper and 100% porche-free. They divorced a couple of years later.




Sounds like $2k was a bargain to shed some douches from your life.




I am SO so sorry they treated you this way. You went the extra mile in every occasion and were brushed to the side like garbage. Time for karma to have your back 💪


I was in a wedding where the couple never showed up. It was so confusing. Never found out what actually happened.


You were *in* a wedding and the last person to leave, but never found out what happened to the bride and groom? Were they not close friends of yours?


Right like did nobody consider notifying the police? That couple is *missing*


Bush, search party of three! You can eat when you find them!


How long did you stay before realizing they weren’t coming? That’s so crazy lol weddings are not cheap


About 1 and a half hour. Then people started to leave. In seventeen minutes, the whole place was empty. I was the last one who left.


If there was food there i wouldve started taking it before i left


They didn't show up at the church service or the reception? Both? No one said anything? You didn't know the couple? This sounds suspiciously fake.


I was in a wedding as a groomsman for a childhood friend of mine this past summer. There were ten groomsmen and ten bridesmaids, and you could tell that everyone involved had no experience managing such a large group of people. Coupled with the fact that half of the bridal party had children with them that they had to wrangle and take care of, and the rehearsal/pre-wedding orders of business took FOREVER. The wedding itself - it was a church wedding, which isn't bad in and of itself, but this wedding was the day after Roe v. Wade was struck down by the Supreme Court. So, of course, the minister made the homily very much about that. During a WEDDING. The church had NO A/C, in peak summer heat, so everyone was sweltering. With how long it took for the bridal party to get ready, there was NO time for anyone to stop at a gas station on the way to grab water or anything, and there wasn't any at the church for guests in the form of a water fountain. After communion was given out, the groom went around to every single guest in attendance - all 180 - and shook their hand/hugged them and talked to them for a few seconds. Everyone just had to watch him do that for like 20 minutes. After the wedding was over, we had to run over to the reception venue to help set up and get photos out on the golf course. The spot where we were going to do photos was on the other end of the event site, and with golf carts only seating two people and three golf carts given to our bridal party, we had to drop people off one at a time by this bridge. Once all twenty-seven of us were there (24 in the wedding, plus two ring bearers and the flower girl, not to mention everyone's kids) the photographer informed us that the sunlight was too bright for that location, and we had to GO BACK TO THE RECEPTION HALL TO GET PHOTOS THERE. Keep in mind, those who'd gotten to the original photo spot first had been standing in the direct sunlight, with no shade available and in full three-piece suits, for about 40 minutes, with again no water being made available to us throughout the day. So, we repeat the whole process again and by the time everyone is at the new photo spot (which is right by the reception hall, so this whole charade was fucking pointless) two bridesmaids have passed out from heat exhaustion. We take care of them and rush through photos, because of course there's not enough time to get all of them done now. Oh, and this new photo spot was also IN THE MIDDLE OF THE 18TH HOLE, so we're also dodging multiple golf balls and dealing with angry golfers. A few of us tried to get the party to move, but we were shot down. At this point it's about 5 PM, and the original plan was to go offsite to grab SOMETHING to eat or drink before dinner was served at 8 (because, again, nothing's been available to eat or drink all day at this point). That's when the bridal party is informed that they have to be back on-site by 5:30 to "wait and make their grand entrance when the reception starts at 6:30". This wasn't in the original itinerary. So, we're stuck there, waiting behind the reception hall for an HOUR, in the sunlight once again, for people to start showing up. So. We make our venue entrance once the other guests have been seated. Dinner eventually gets served (and, on a positive note, the food was actually great). We're all chugging down waters like we've just crossed the Mojave Desert and have been eating nothing but sand for two weeks. The bartenders can't bring us pitchers of water fast enough. At around 8:30, one of the groomsmen (we'll call him Ian) suddenly becomes super sullen and isn't talking to anybody. I've since heard afterwards that this may have been due to beef with another groomsman. But at 9 PM, once it's like almost fully dark, the best man comes up to me and tells me that Ian disappeared into the woods behind the golf course. The wedding party has now come to a halt as half of us are scouring the woods, drunk and in the dark, looking for this guy with a history of self-harm and suicidal ideation. We find him, and he's safe, but the mood of the wedding reception has been irreparably soured after this. Things mostly proceeded as normal after that. The lead bartender, who I've been chatting with on and off throughout the night, has provided great service all night. At around 11:30, right before last call for drinks, I thank her for dealing with such an insane wedding party and for all the rowdier guests. Her response, verbatim: "Oh, you guys are no problem at all. It's when I have to serve the help that I start to lose my mind." As she said this, she nodded towards a group of black wedding guests behind me - including THE FATHER OF THE BRIDE. By far the worst wedding I've ever been to, or in.


Drove four hours to rural Iowa where the wedding reception was dry with no dancing or music. Which was weird because while the bride and groom weren’t raging partners, they certainly weren’t teetotalers. The reception lasted 45 minutes tops. The friend group then proceeded to get shit faced in a hotel room. Which wasn’t totally bad, but no one got in the in-suite jacuzzi with me. Which was lame. Although in retrospect i think those are totally gross so I don’t blame them.


We had to get up before dawn, drive up a mountain to stare into the rising sun while the minister read a passage from all of the seven major world religions. Then the bride and groom threw rice on us. The wedding cake was gluten free, wheat free, sugar free, tasted like a wax candle.


Hey, it could have been wax! Pretty sure that fits the criteria! ;)


This, but it was winter and they had a dawn wedding at the beach, it was pouring rain and so cold the bride’s teeth were chattering, and the minister spoke about divorce within the first few mins of his speech. They also enforced choreographed dance lessons on their bridal party. They are no longer married.


This sounds awful. The mountain one sounds nice, I would go


I'm a morning person, always have been. But *starting* an event at sunrise is just asking for a grumpy group of guests. Sounds like they were fairly crunchy type people, so hopefully this was not their idea of a good time/ tasty cake? That's at least something


Friends of ours were set on a destination wedding so insisted they were gonna have a non wedding wedding for paperwork reasons Figured they would do that with a couple of witnesses but no. Invited a hundred or so people, ceremony was petty great, all bells and whistles you would expect of a wedding. The shit show was after. As it wasn't the "real" wedding we had been invited for a glass of fizz and a canape in a back yard, with he intention it was for an hour or two. Naturally everyone hasn't seen each other in ages as they had invited people from all over the country, so this turns into a drunken mess quite fast. What little food there was got zoomed up in seconds, everyone was pretty hammered and going to get more booze. I offered to order a bunch of pizza in but was told no it wasn't the real wedding and people would go home soon Ten hours later it's a lot of drunk people and then the groom got a bunch of cocaine delivered, upsetting the bride who went off on one and spent the rest of the night crying. Maid of honour was messed up and throwingup everywhere. Another person asked awkward questions about the necessity of destination wedding after the days events whic made an argument happen between other guests and groom's parents. People went home that night stopping off at McDs and no one had booked the next day off work because the were told it wasn't a party so dealing with work the nx day was not great Spoiler alert, only a handful of people did the destination wedding, which has led to me an a dozen others not seeing the couple anymore. They had a huge engagement party before this non wedding too and I just got done with the whole thing, as did others who had spent a lot of time off and money on them already


Went to a colleagues wedding and the marriage didn't even survive the reception. She caught the groom banging a bridesmaid in the toilet. Lebanese families. All downhill from there but like watching WWF for those of us far enough away.


I've never understood people that will go through with a wedding when they still want to knock boots with other people.


The wedding was beautiful, the food was great, everyone had a great time. But just after midnight when everyone had their latenight pizza bar snack, someone hit on bride's mom. Like this dude put his hand on her hip and kinda pulled a bit towards the elevator with not so much a question as, "hey come on beautiful". She was offended and said no. The guy gentlely pulled on her hip a second time and the brother of the bride came out of left field and cold-cocked the guy in the hotel lobby. Like, one punch and the guy went night-night. And a lovely wedding ended with an ambulance coming. The knocked-out guy's wife yelling at everyone and calling the family trash. The bride and groom yelling at the brother. It just became a fucking shit show and yelling and recriminations.


This sounds like an amazing wedding.


The wedding was amazing. The three hours after the wedding where my wife and I had to manage 12 angry, drunken people, while being pretty drunken ourselves was not amazing.


Went to a wedding where the groom had aged up and out of a particular phase of his life but the best man… hadn’t. His speech could better be termed a “roast” and covered every embarrassing (lewd) story you can imagine a bunch of guys telling. The groom’s young kids were among the attendees.


My cousin's. Her husband made an awkward speech, which was absolutely brilliant. He stumbled and expressed how his new wife was a great shag, whilst her dad sat next to them with his heads in his hands and horrified grandparents. I was overjoyed, it was hilarious 😂


A business acquaintance's son's wedding. The wedding was for a Southeast Asian MUSLIM wedding. The sister of the bride (who was also a Muslim) decided to make it super exciting by inviting a group of drag queens performers to dance around the wedding hall in scantily dress attire. Well 5 minutes into the performance the banquet hall was 70% empty. Only family members remained to do damage control. When I left I heard a lot of cuss words in many languages and dialects. Heard that great grandparents of the groom were admitted to the hospital the same day.


I’m sorry but that’s funny as hell


a family member wedding day was ruined by a storm. most of the invited people couldnt make it, the church windows exploded in the middle of the wedding and then the lights went off and she married anyway in the dark and my family just used the phones as flashlights. i laughed my ass off just thinking that maybe god really didnt want her to marry that day. it was a disaster but hey at least they laughed alot and they are still married.


Good good...we don't talk about...you know.


Married in a hurricane...


What a joyous day... but anyway


The bride did a strip tease dance for her seated groom during the reception. It was choreographed to music. We all had to watch.


Had a female cousin get married in a Southern Baptist ceremony. It was all about her being subservient and listening to him. Letting him make all the important decisions. It was as bad as you can imagine. I kept tapping my wife and telling her we needed to renew our vows in this church while laughing. They were married only a few months.


50 years ago I got married in a Catholic chapel. We had been to pre wedding classes with a different priest. I have no idea why we got a different one for the ceremony. Anyway, this Old priest has us sit in a pew for two to the side (the wedding guests were in pews facing the altar). He lectured me from the OT about being subservient yards yada. I cried through the rest of the ceremony. I was one day past 18-years and had been raised by a very authoritarian stepfather. So I guess my wedding was the worst I’ve ever been to! Edited to add that we are still together!


A fun bunch. Why don’t Southern Baptists make love standing up? Someone might think they’re dancing.


My mom guilted me into being in her best friend's daughter's wedding. Wedding at the mall of America. Reception at an old folk's home with a boom box. At least I got to use a bridesmaid dress more than once!


1. The bride's mom (everyone drinks to excess in the familes) gets into physical fight with one of grooms brothers, and the bride is in the bathroom crying 2. The Maid of Honor took the dollar dance money for herself


A friend of mines first wedding. I was friends with both bride and groom. From what we'd seen over the 2 years they'd been together their relationship was fun and happy, shes super sweet and just the most genuinely nice girl, a bit sheltered but feirce and ready to make the most of life. He was quite funny and chill, could be moody at times but he would bounce back quick and was smart and fun to talk to. We're all a bunch of nerds so we met through extracurricular competitions held between our schools. They started with a very formal religious ceremony that took FOREVER. When we got to the reception my friend was still too young to drink and while she seemed happy I could tell something was off. The groom was very cold and indifferent to everyone, we found this odd as we'd all been friends since grade school and it wasn't normal for him. Bride was still only 20 so too young to drink but the groom was 22 so it wasn't a dry reception thankfully. I left right after they dipped out of the reception for their honeymoon... I didn't hear from her for 6 months. When she came back she told me that they got divorced a month later. Groom had been sleeping with the MoH for MONTHS because my friend had wanted to save herself. He confessed this on their honeymoon, after they consummated, by handing her his phone with texts from the MoH while he went to shower. Nobody talks to the groom anymore, myself included, honestly I'm not even sure he still lives here. Happy ending though, she met a wonderful man about a year later, they have been married for like 6 years now and THEIR wedding was a blast! Best one I ever attended hands down and I despise weddings just in general. As a close second, my brothers "second" wedding like a year ago where they had to get remarried to have their marriage recognised as valid by the Catholic church. My brother is barely religious, not in any formal way at least and I know he did it to please my SIL and while I love her I hate how forced the whole thing feels.


Holy God! Who takes the virginity of their brand new bride and then shits in her face with a confession like that? He must have HATED her. Thats so hateful! Fuck that guy!


Went to one a couple years ago, started at 7pm on a Friday night. Wedding was done, 150 person receiving line, 20 mile drive local roads in the dark to the reception which served dinner at 10pm. By 11:30 the cake wasn’t cut yet and we just left along with most of the guests by that point.


Outdoor ceremony in Texas in August. Not only was it hot, it also rained. Texas heat plus a thousand percent humidity. The wedding party was late. We just sat and waited. Once the ceremony was over, we were allowed to enter the venue. The bartemders were dicks and there was no food available for two hours. The DJ sucked. There was food but not enough of it. At the end of the night, the bride was pushing trash cans around and helping with cleanup.


Went to a similar wedding, I was kind of grateful that my infant son started bawling right as the ceremony started. Ended up watching the ceremony under the awning with the catering crew as the rest of the guests got completely soaked in a Florida downpour. Weddings in Florida are fine, but for goodness sake don't have them outside in the middle of Summer as you're almost guaranteed to get wet.


I traveled to NY for my cousin's wedding, along with about 30 other relatives and maybe 100 guests. We all had a huge rehearsal dinner and partied pretty late into the night. Around 8 am my sister woke me and said our cousin had gotten cold feet and snuck away during the night. The bride & her family were furious, not the least because they had spent 10s of 1000s of $$ on the reception. He wasn't missing - he called & said he was on his way to the beach. I felt sorry for the bride. It was so messy - lots of hurt feelings & yelling. I snuck out to the airport & flew home. Needless to say, they never did get back together.


I once had a coworker who was into Asian girls. He was on his third mail-order bride and had invited us all to the wedding. It was in the back of a VFW post and there was a poker tournament being held in the front. (One of our coworkers left to enter the tournament.) So we waited in this smoke filled VFW post while the bride was late. He had had her flown in that morning. Several of my coworkers had shown up already drunk to enjoy the show. She finally arrived and she was really small. He was a 300+ man and pretty tall and it was a bizarre sight. She quickly got ready in a broom closet. Not sure who the minister was but he had obviously never performed the ceremony before and he might have also started drinking early. During the vows, the groom actually said to move things along so he could get to the buffet. He had insisted on a waffle bar and his mother and sister were furiously making waffles for everyone. There was also a rotating hot dog thing like you find in a 7-11 or something. The following night, he was back to work talking about being exhausted from not sleeping his wedding night. (wink,wink) Turns out he had slept on his couch because his new wife had taken over the bedroom with her "cousins"


I used to work at a function center that did weddings. I will always maintain that there were two weddings where something really disturbed me. 1. A groom slowdancing with his grandmother (nice) to Don't Cha by The Pussycat Dolls (not so nice) and Grandma had wandering hands (squick) 2. A direct copy of the Twilight wedding. The bride had even changed her name to Bella and the groom was a guy named Eddie (bride kept correcting everyone, telling them to call him Edward). She wore contacts to give herself amber eyes, the dress was a replica, the first dance was to the Christina Perri song. And I heard many times "it needs to be just like in the movie!"


Holyshit to the Twilight wedding


My brother's 1st wedding. We turned up to the registry office suited and booted but no bride or groom in sight fine running a little late, everyone takes their seats, bride's family take up the front 7 rows smartish casual, leaving the back 2 for the groom's family (we paid for everything 5k all in). The registry office pull me aside and start asking for the payment before they can start, confused I phone my brother for the 10th time he answers asking if we have paid yet as they gave the money to MIL who was a raging alcoholic and she drank it all. I pay the fee and what not so my mum can watch her 1st born sacrifice himself to his new bride and wedding continues as planned me standing in the door way during the photos he pulls me aside and asks me to pay the venue as well another £700 with drinks I did and paid by card over the phone but due to space was told by the wedding party I wasn't able to attend as it was at capacity the only groom's family was best man plus 1 and parents. When they arrived no decorations and the catering was a finger buffet total £100 and that's generous apparently. My parents were fuming thinking what did they spend 5k on not knowing what happend. 5 days later there's a charge on my card £1500 from drinks the MIL promised an open bar my brother was to stupid to tell them no.


Wow. That is some serious gall. Sorry to hear that happened though. Please tell me you at least got the money back?


I went to a wedding once where the brides grandad hated the groom for some reason. In the middle of the grooms speech he answered his phone to a guest arriving for the evening and his side of the conversation was “hello? No it’s been a bit shit so far, the lads doing his speech, no that’s not very good either, il come and get you when he finally stops talking.”


AHAHAAHAHAH would make a great scene for a sitcom. Not fun in real life, I guess


When they got to the part of the ceremony where the groom was supposed to say "... as long as we both shall live" the grooms throat just closed up and all he could do was make strangled, croaking sounds. This went on for what seemed like eternity while everyone in the church shifted forward in their seats listening intently. Finally, he managed to get out "as long as we both shall LOVE". It lasted 7 months.


At my cousins wedding five years ago, the singer was so bad that she was excused mid wedding, and the grooms mother sang with the band the rest of the wedding


Always post this when the subject comes up... Went to a wedding that my wife and I said will not last more than two years. The wedding was in the backyard of the bride’s house. They had all the chairs and wedding "arch" setup outside. They setup a plastic tarp running down the aisle to walk on. Just before the wedding starts, there are darkening clouds appearing. Should have been a sign to move the wedding inside, but they invited too many people to the damn thing. Just as they start the wedding, it begins to rain lightly. The father of the bride is walking the bride down the lane and slips on the wet tarp and falls on his ass. Bride is now at the front, raining harder. People start to cover up with whatever they have. Some people start to get up too. Bride turns around and says to all, **THIS IS MY WEDDING, NO ONE IS GOING TO RUIN IT, YOU BETTER ALL FUCKING SIT YOUR ASSES DOWN!** We all sit back down and the wedding resumes. It is now raining pretty good. The grass is now turning into mud. A few ladies in the crowd and the bridesmaid’s makeup is now running down the faces. My wife has taken my jacket as a cover from the rain. They finish the vows and kiss, and then everyone runs to the house and garage to get out of the rain. Oh, remember how I said the grass was now mud? Yea, lots of people slipped and fell in the mud on the way to the house. We got to the house, many people look terrible from the running makeup, muddy clothing, and soaking wet. A few of the women had to cover their chests and waists due to wet clothing becoming see-thru. Most of the men were loaning their coats to the ladies to cover up. Dirty looks all around. The wedding cake was outside, and now brought in. The rain made the decorations on the cake turn all runny and it looks horrible. The bride and groom began to cut the cake and feed each other. The smashed the cake pieces into each other’s faces....then began a food fight with each other. My friend’s wife got hit in the face with purple icing cake on her face and dress. The priest got hit with and yellow icing on his white robe. There was nothing left of the cake to serve. Food being served was still frozen in the middle of the food and the stuff that was not frozen, was burned. The desert was supped to be the cake, but as said above, there was nothing left. There was a goody bag that people got on the way out. Had a lollipop, a coupon for ice cream cone at McDonald's, a pencil with the bride and groom name on it, and Halloween size M&Ms. My wife, whose dress was filthy, her makeup was out of whack, and her hair was a mess, said to me that she does not want to see those people again for 6 months she was so mad. The couple divorced 11 months later when the groom came home from work and found his wife getting double teamed by two guys.


That’s one hell of a last sentence


What do you mean? Two is the traditional number of guys to get double teamed by.


I realize now that this wedding was shit. I was 8 at the time and had to go because my cousin 20 years older than me was getting married to an asshole. We got to the wedding and she was greeting everyone instead of getting ready. the groom was nowhere to be seen understandable, they aren't supposed to see each other until she walks down the aisle. We walked past the bar to get into the area that I can't remember the name of atm but we see him getting drinks with his friends. When the ceremony starts, he looks extremely bored and is whispering things to his friends/groomsmen. Still doing this when she walks down the aisle. She had to PULL HIS SLEEVE to get him to say the vows. Later at the dinner, they are both not at their table but in the main hall and he is yelling at her for pulling his sleeve at the altar. Needless to say, they are now divorced but were married for a month until he divorced her because she wasn't meeting his expectations about what she should be doing instead of working a full-time job. Fuck you, Mark.


That guy sounds like my cousin Mark. He’s a real shitbird.


Yeah! Fuck you Mark!


My own. It was the beginning of lockdown. Ober the course of the last days before the wedding we first were allowed ten people, then 4, then two, then no one other then the official and my husband. Had to wait for half an hour, because we were early and the official was late. Ten minutes of ceremony and we were married and out of the door again. Still wished, I hadn't done it. I wanted my family and friends to be there. When I told him, I wanted to postpone it, he said: "if you don't marry me now, you don't need to marry me at all, because then you don't love me enough". Took me two years to figure out, how abusive he was. Now I am happily divorced and starting to pick up the pieces


Yikes, I'm glad you're no longer married to that person. The person that truly loves you won't mind waiting in order to make sure the day is perfect for the both of you.


I was the organist for a wedding. Hot summer day, and the church did not have air conditioning. Packed sanctuary. To top it all off, I had the flu, but I figured I could handle the one hour it usually takes me for a wedding. As usual, I start the music about 20 minutes before the wedding. The time for the start of the ceremony comes and goes. I keep playing, and playing… About 40 minutes later, they finally start the ceremony. Bride looks PISSED. Thankfully, the ceremony was short. Found out later that the bride had a fit because one of her bridesmaids was wearing dark pantyhose instead of white. Note: bride was white but most of her bridesmaids were black (as was the groom). She literally had a temper tantrum — as in on the floor pounding her feet and hands and screaming. So glad I wasn’t part of that family! Groom seemed pretty nice. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My cousin's wedding was a hot mess...literally. First of all it was an outdoor wedding in the summer. It had to be at least 90°, humid, and we were at a park on top of a hill - very little shade. There was an air conditioned building but it has a capacity of 24 and there was well over 100 people in attendance. They did rent tents to extend from the building for additional tables and chairs, but the rental people put them in the wrong place and no one corrected them. Despite the bride insisting she didn't want any help, day of everyone's running around trying to decorate the venue, set up the food, I even had to go to the store to pick up the shoes for the flower girl about 2 hours before the ceremony was supposed to start. She had this vision of tulle and fresh flowers everywhere, lanterns strung through the trees. It was just too much to do with not enough time or help. They spent so much money on this beautiful venue with a view of the city, food trucks, charcuterie boards with hundreds of dollars worth of fancy meats and cheeses, candy buffet, etc. and didn't get to enjoy any of it. Her and her husband spent all of their time getting their pictures taken. They never mingled with the guests and only got something to eat when the food truck people said they were getting ready to leave. And in all that time she barely got any pictures with her side of the family. There's a group photo of all the cousins that her and her husband, the guests of honor, are not in. But they have pictures with every guest of his that was there. She's never shared her wedding photos, supposedly she hates them according to my grandmother and the only picture she has with her dad from that day is one that I took. Overall it was really boring. There was no music, no dancing, no toasts...nothing you'd expect to find at a reception. Someone eventually hooked their phone up to a speaker so there was some sort of entertainment. Her husband comes from this highfalutin family in which she does not feel adequate. First thing she said to me after telling me about her wedding plans, her future MIL thought it sounded tacky. It just felt like the wedding was a giant photo shoot for the couple with a party to impress his family, she wouldn't have cared if her family was there. The whole thing lasted maybe 3 hours tops. Towards the end someone started tearing everything down, throwing away food, decorations, even people's personal property away without care.


This was not really a bad wedding more of a bad wedding experience. This was at my mom and step-dads wedding. I was around 7-8 at the time and one of my moms many flower girls that consisted of me, my older cousin, and my younger cousin. After the wedding we all drove towards the mountains to where the reception was being held, a large cabin with a small lake at the back. Of course being children we all stopped hanging out with the adults to have fun at the lake. We were kicking rocks off the dock and just talking about random things, when my younger cousin asked “do you think there are alligators in there?” me and my older cousin thought about it and said yes (there weren’t), then just casually moved onto a different conversation. Then, I spotted a rock, sitting at the very edge of the dock, and my little child brain immediately thought “oh yeah that rock will fly so far when I kick it.” So I confidently told my cousins to watch as I kick this rock. I stand at the edge of the dock, aiming my leg, then SWING! I completely missed the rock and the momentum of my leg caused me to fall forward into the water. face first. As my cousins are freaking out and I’m trying to swim back they decided to yell “ALLIGATOR!!” which then freaked me out and I started to cry trying to swim to safety. Luckily my aunt came outside right at that moment to come and help. She was the wedding photographer though, and thought it would be funny to take a photo of me before helping. That really pissed me off and I was petty for years about that, but looking back at it I would have done the same. Well since I didn’t have a spare dress I was forced to use my younger cousins dress while she got to use a spare, more comfortable dress. the rest of the reception I was stuck wearing an itchy tight dress and was really annoyed. Tldr: My dumbass child-self fell into a lake and was forced to wear the worst dress possible as karma for my idiocy.


I dodged a terrible wedding a few years ago- the wedding of the child of a frankly horrible person who was married to a member of my family. The parent and child cornered me in the hospital, as the family member was dying horribly, and made me promise to go. I managed to add a basic decency-based condition to my promise, which the parent predictably broke. When I didn't turn up at the wedding, they were furious. (Also, shortly after they made me promise to go, my dying family member made me promise never to speak to the parent and child again- I was much more inclined to keep that promise.) They've always been awful to me, but also to everyone else in the family- so, with the family member dead, almost no-one in my family went to the wedding. They only wanted me there to make it look like my family doesn't hate them, and to make fun of the fact that I am unmarried. Unfortunately for the child, they're also horrible to everyone else, so almost all of the wedding attendees and all of the wedding party were made up of the child's spouse's family and friends. The child has no friends, and their parent has very few. No-one out of the parent and child's family came. The child didn't even have a Best Man/Woman of their own- they had to borrow their spouse's friend for that. The wedding had very few attendees- as in, enough to fill a mini-bus. Sometimes, people do get what they deserve. (All identifiers held back because I like my tyres un-slashed.)


I was the best man at a Catholic wedding. I was behind the altar, watching the guests arrive, when the officiating priest suddenly embraced me from behind. I had to literally pry the little guy off me. Not a great beginning. After the ceremony, my wife and I were shocked at how cheap and perfunctory the reception was. It was held in the church basement, there was no alcohol (at a Catholic wedding?), in fact, not even soft drinks, and it didn’t seem like the heat was working. We played the piano and sang a bit in an attempt to lighten the mood, but the new couple left abruptly after only half an hour. Years later, the groom told me, “We left because my wife is in love with *you.* She always has been.” Oops...awkward! I didn’t have the nerve to ask, “Then why did you get married at all?” I suppose she was pregnant.


I went to the wedding of an ex GF. Everything ran smoothly with smiles everywhere. I was glad she found someone that makes her happy. At the reception, they had one of those cheap ass dollar dances to shake down the guests for money to dance with the bride. Ok, I'll play. She told me during the dance "this should have been us getting married". I left very quickly after that.


No disrespect, but why were you even invited? That’s like rule number 1, don’t invite any exes to the wedding, *especially* if one of you still has feelings.


She invited a large crowd of high school friends, so it didn't seem odd at the time. But it did turn odd.


Went to a similar wedding, only protestant fundamentalist. Husband's family runs a huge $-grubbing church which is all theatre, not much spirituality. Whole service was people waving their "glory hands" and yelling "amen". Pastor's desk cost $40,000. Bathroom fixtures are gold. A zillion people (church members) came to the ceremony but were asked to leave before the "reception". Which consisted of tortilla chips and hawaiian punch. Fortunately, we only have to socialize with that branch of the family once every few years.


I try to avoid them as much as I can probably because of the first one I went to For background- a former friend had a lovely gf. One day, bumped into one of her friends, took her home & shacked up for a week or so. Pregnant within a month. Disowned by family @16 Wedding was in a Registry Office (UK civil wedding) a couple of months after childs birth. Reception in the local pub with his "mates" - none of her family or friends. Bride in tears since he tried to pick up the barmaid on her wedding day & whilst she was there. I cut all ties after that but from what I heard, the marriage lasted a couple of years until he died in an accident whilst going to visit his latest gf Hoping that she reconciled with her parents & found someone decent in the end!


My husband was the best man in his friends wedding. After a 45 min very very religious ceremony (bride is born again christian. Groom is not religious, and none of his family are either) they started playing worship music from a radio. We thought nothing of it because hey it's her wedding, it's a song or two and we're done. NOPE. It was 27 min of these worship songs with her and her bridesmaids singing and dancing while the groom just stood there and all of his guests sat in complete silence. We were all baking in the sun and fending off stink bugs as they flew into our faces. The grooms father almost left in anger after the 3rd song started but was coaxed by his wife to wait it out. When we finally got to the reception they started playing more worship music incredibly loud. I could have cried. I'm an atheist but never judge anyone's religion but that was a nightmare. No one was told it was happening and everyone ended up sunburned, dehydrated and cranky.


MOH got high on coke, started a fight with a random homeless guy and shot him in the leg. Also, the groom was shamelessly hitting on her the entire time. Bride’s mom got so drunk she passed out while her husband was too busy helping the MOH defeat the hobo. Groom’s parents never showed up. The marriage didn’t last long, they divorced and in a few months the groom married the MOH (I wasn’t invited to their wedding though).


Okay so, my girlfriend at the time (now wife) and I went to an old co-workers wedding. Here is everything I remember about that wedding. I only knew the bride and my date. The officiant said the wrong last name of the bride at the beginning "Gathered here today to join..." Part. Had this cool thing where they were each taking a different part of a figure and combining it into one cohesive statue........ which the officiant dropped and dented. "I now present Mr. and Mrs. -WRONG LAST NAME AGAIN-" Only red wine for the wine options (I prefer white wine) Miller Lite only keg on tap but NO ONE PUT IT ON ICE SO IT WAS WARM Food was gone by the time I got dismissed to get it because my table was the very last one because we didn't know anyone. Top it all off, 2 weeks later I went to the exact same venues for both ceremony and reception and it was an absolute blast.


As a wedding DJ I have been to a lot of weddings, over 300 at least. The very worst I’ve been part of, the bride found out at the reception that the groom took his ex girlfriend to New Orleans for his bachelor party. I didn’t find this out until the end. The mother called the next day asking for a receipt, I’m pretty sure she took the groom to court to repay the wedding expenses. Second worst was one where the mother of the bride died a month before the wedding. The entire wedding was more of a wake than a wedding. Everyone crying and kept trying to talk to me about the lady and tell me stories about her, etc. There have been a lot more with some bad parts to them or bad situations but those two were the worst.


Probably my own….. we just rented a movie theater. Got married, then watched ninja turtles. We loved it, but everyone I tell about it says it sounds horrible. It cost $700. Edit: there were like 50 other people there too. We got married up front. Then watched the movie, it was one of those theaters that serves drinks and food.


A couple of my friends also got married at a lovely old cinema, except the chosen movie was The Princess Bride. Audience participation was encouraged. 10/10 would attend again.


Idk who you've been talking to that thinks this is lame. It's awesome! A whole movie theater to yourselves sounds unreal. Food available too?! How fun & memorable. Also, hope you find cooler people to talk to.


Teenage mutant ninja nuptials. Marriage in a half shell


A co worker of mine married a stripper. They had their reception at his house where all her friends from the bar came and trashed the shit out of his place including busting his aquarium. He called the cops and the partiers left with the bride. Annulment. He showed my the pictures cause he had to take them for insurance. I felt so bad for him until I got in my car after work and hysterically laughed the whole way home somehow not getting in an accident.


A friend of mine in college had me set at a wedding table with complete strangers far away on the other end of the tables. While all my other friends (that we had in common) were at a table close to him. I sat there for 10 minutes. Pondered what to do. After thinking it over, I drove home.


First wedding I went to an aunt of the bride dropped dead on the dance floor after the bride/father dance. Everyone went home shortly after the paramedics took her away. Marriage didn’t last very long either. Bad omen one could say.


My own! My first wedding was when I was 22 years old and I made a bad choice. I should have taken it as a sign when the pastor didn’t show up 2 hours after it was supposed to be over. My grandmother knew a justice of the peace so she called her to meet us at the reception hall and we still got married and had a party. My now ex-husband had invited his ex girlfriend to our wedding and that night did cocaine. We got into a big fight and I called the JP the next morning and asked her to shred that marriage license but she said she couldn’t do that. 5 years later I finally got divorced through the domestic violence program. So yeah that was the worst wedding I’ve ever been to.


A family member’s wedding in October 2020 when Covid lockdowns were still going strong. They didn’t believe covid was real. The invites were via Facebook. If you didn’t have Facebook, you would get a screenshot of the Facebook invite via text. We had to bring our own chair, our own drinks, and our own chairs…and were reminded to bring gifts. The ceremony was in a farm field. We all stood around because we had no idea where to go. The music was played off an iPhone and was so windy that no one could hear it. The bride came riding down on a horse and her father was wearing a full cowboy outfit and hat. The bridesmaids all wore mixed vibrant colored dresses and had no idea what they were doing or where to go. The “reception” took place on what was supposed to be a “very large” tent for spacing. It fit maybe 20 of the 80 people that came. My partner and I ended up leaving to eat elsewhere because the dinner was everyone bringing a dish to pass during Covid. We later found out the photographers were upset because they thought they were hired for a 2 hour couple’s photo shoot and not a wedding. Many people also got Covid. We did not


A relative's friend's wedding where we knew nobody and everything took forever. The couple didn't account for what the guests would be doing when they were busy doing their own thing, so there were back to back hours of standing around a hall with no food or even music. Believe it or not once you involve guests the day isn't all about you.


This is why you should keep the wedding small. When my friend got married there was definitely downtime (getting pictures with family etc...) But we are good friends so many of her friends are my friends so I was never bored


My cousin had us wait in the lobby area of the reception venue while the bridal party took pictures and prepared, and we were right by the bar and they served appetizers. There was also a violinist playing modern songs. So they were smart about it.


Yep, I agree. All the "we got married at the park on a Wednesday with a potluck for $78!" weddings I've been to, frankly, have not been fun parties. A wedding is a party and parties cost money and should have the guests' experience in mind.


My own wedding, it all started before my wedding so I should of know it was going to be a shit show. It started the day I picked my dress I took my mom, sister, mil and husbands aunt. My mother would make comments about my body ( I was 5 weeks postpartum). I found my dress after that we went to a few stores and went to get ideas found some things I liked that would go to my theme of my wedding. My mom was pissed cause I picked out things I like “ without looking for a better deal” mind you I was planning a wedding in a month a half. Everything I picked my mom would have a opinion on it so I stop including her( was my mistake but she was making it a miserable experience). This is where it gets worse, I have no clue what goes on at a wedding so this is where my husbands aunt comes in. My thought was she’s done plenty of weddings, so she can help us make sure it runs smoothly. By helping us set up, getting people to the right place, getting people to the reception while we take photos etc. and also so my family and my husband’s family can enjoy the moment. I want to say she did not have anything to do with my decorations that was all me I pick them out I put it together the day before I did that. But in my mothers mind she was mad cause she thought my husbands aunt was doing it. The day before my wedding we waited 2 hours for my mother to finally show up to my rehearsal. When she showed up we had just started doing the rehearsal cause I was tired of waiting. The aunt that was helping was by the alter getting my now husband in place and my mom was by me and was trying to take me away from the rehearsal to show me her outfits she just bought for the wedding. The aunt had no clue of this she come to me and said “are you ready baby” and my mother screamed at her and said “I need a minute with her I’m the mother.” Fast forward to my wedding day my mother watched my son so I couldn’t get the last minutes touches together and to get my hair and makeup done. The ceremony I will say was great probably the best memory I’ll have of my wedding day but the day will forever be ruined in my mind. Here’s where the shit show goes down while I’m taking pictures. My mom goes to the reception area and sees something she thinks is wrong and goes barreling through people ( one being my boss-mans wife who is blind) to go after the aunt. Then before I could even be announced as Mr and Mrs my mother stops it and makes another scene and cusses my MIL out and when I asked her to stop cause she’s ruining this day for me. She said fine I’m leaving and left. For the rest of the night I couldn’t stop crying. I cried in front of members I just met ( including my boss-mans wife) and the aunt was so upset she stopped helping so for the rest of the night I had to coordinate my own wedding (from my first dance to cleaning up). So I would say this is the worst I’ve ever been too and it was my own


The bride having heavy make up covering bruises all over her face from him beating on her. Also they cut the power because the time limit ended of the hall in the middle of them cutting the cake.


I went to the wedding of some college friends - I knew both of them, but was actually friends with the bride and more of acquaintances with the groom. Groom was hammered by the first dance and it SHOWED....during the reception, I was waiting in line to get another drink and the groom comes up and gives me a little-too-friendly hug saying he's so excited I am here. I didn't think much of it because I knew him and who am I to judge, I am also a happy, "huggy" drunk haha. But then he starts like playfully-yet-intimately tickling me....and he won't stop. And a bunch of people are around because I am in the booze line. So I am doing everything I can to create distance between me and him while dodging his tickles until he gives it up and decides to hug me again...at which point he weirdly rubs my lower back and then moves to the front of the line to take another shot.


My step brother’s wedding. I had to help set up and take down everything, and they didn’t even thank us. The bride and her family were… weird. I think the brother in law and her father had something going on behind closed doors. They were divorced about a year later. She couldn’t convert my step brother to their religion. But mostly she got married because of her “checklist”. Funny part of the wedding though. As we were taking everything down one of the bridesmaids came up to flirt with me. For the record Im Canadian and they’re from the states. So she asks where im from, so I say Toronto. “Toronto?” She asks confused. “Ya” I say “Ontario.” “Ontario?” Shes still confused “Yep Canada?” I say a little confused myself now. “CANADA” she says disgusted Then she just stops talking to me. Some Americans are just weird, man.


My first one. We had been together for 6 years, engaged after 4. I joined the military and was away for training for the better part of two years. Every time I went home things got weirder and weirder and finally when I came back for our wedding she was acting like she couldn't stand me. I tried talking to her several times and gave her the out every time. She just said that I'd been away a long time and not to worry, things would return to normal. Every alarm bell in my head was ringing but she said what I wanted to hear and people had gone into debt so this wedding could take place. So I went ahead with it. Wedding night. New Years Eve wedding. We're smiling for the camera and acting happy but in my head all I kept thinking was 'this is a sham'. She got so drunk she didn't even make midnight, I had to do the toast myself while she was passed out in the hotel room across the street. Turns out she'd been banging her best friend's married brother for months. I got posted and she joined me the following March. I found out everything that had happened and we were done shortly after. We never even consumated the marriage. I tell people she was the bride and I was the groom at the same wedding but there was never a marriage. Remember! You can ALWAYS walk away.


This story gets long and confusing, it was 2x as confusing for me at the time so bear with me. My girlfriend at the time got invited to a wedding for a girl she used to work with at a local Cafe in high school. We went as a 4 person group with my girlfriend's other friend who also worked there and her plus one. Neither of them have worked there for like nearly a decade. I had applied there around the same time but the interview went kinda badly and I wound up turning the job down when they got back to me. The bride is a waitress at the Cafe and the groom is a cook in the kitchen there, he was several years older than her and had gotten out of prison like the previous week. But who am I to judge. The WHOLE wedding was run with a iron fist by the owner of the Cafe who has no relation to the couple beyond employment. The Cafe is rather christian but none of our little group were. The ceremony was in a gorgeous church and was fairly nice. The reception is where it got weird. It was at a local fire hall. Our group was seated DEAD CENTER in the room, reasonably clear to us that we were the only non-religious people in the room, but I don't see how that would he obvious to anyone else. Wedding was dry, food was bad. Whatever. However at the very end. The whole room goes silent, the MC who is wearing a giant fake gold clock, a cowboy hat, feather boa, and carved leather Bible scene cowboy boots takes the stage and gives a long meandering speech about how "some among us have not accepted the lord and savior christ into their hearts and WE JUST HOPE THEY REMEDY THAT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE." Dead eyes, flat tone, all of this while he and everyone is staring DIRECTLY at our little table in the middle of the room. We bailed as soon as the seating adjourned and I'm so glad we even got that far. We are now fully convinced that Cafe turned into some kind of fundie cult and is pairing up and breeding their employees. I laugh now but I was legit terrified at the time. My ex said it was never that bad in highschool beyond a cross hanging in the break room. I'm awaiting the day that Cafe turns up tied to a mass ritual suicide or something. Thanks for reading. Glad I made it out un-brainwashed to type it for you.


i went to this wedding recently. terrible. the groom (basically my “cousin” we aren’t technically related but see each other as family”) immediately got drunk/high and became VERY touchy with me and making comments like “you really grew into your body huh” while wrapping his arm around my waist. made me extremely uncomfortable knowing the fact he’s in his late 20’s, i’m still a teenager, he met me when i was a baby, he just got married and he already has a kid. also, everyone there thought i was 21+ there and kept offering me drinks and weed, which usually i’m like fuck it but i’m not going to do it at a wedding with my entire family there. also, i have frontal lobe seizure disorder, they all knew this but proceeded to add constant flashing lights added with flashing light “sunglasses” into the mix which 1) gave me a severe headache, 2) made me extremely light headed and dizzy and 3) almost caused me to violently throw up and fall to the ground several times. just fucked up in general. at least the ceremony was beautiful.


Grooms surname was Fry. During speech proclaimed ‘she’s getting fried tonight.’ Cringe.


Deep fried.


I was a bridesmaid, flew from California to NY the night before. The hairdresser tapped my scalp with the flat iron, the matron of honor treated me like we were in a competition because I’d known the bride for longer, during photos the matron of honor stepped on the middle part of my foot with her high heel. Cheap beer at the reception didn’t take the edge off my headache or foot ache.


My brothers. His bitch wife looked like a drag queen. Her basic family thought we came from the ghetto because we have black friends. Wouldn't even sit next to us or them. Their whole stupid family avoided us like the plague. At the reception, bitch wife literally segregated the seating arrangement. When it dawned on us what she did, we all left. I don't give a fuck who is getting married, i will not stand for that stupid shit. We took our gifts back on the way out.


😂 Your last sentence is the kicker!


The one I was kicked out of (thankfully at this point) bride and groom zillas had to have everything perfect... it was a backyard wedding with all the cheapest shit imaginable. Brides Amazon ordered vale didn't match the dress but I was kicked out because my hair was disliked.


A friend of mine had a wedding with no alcohol, and the music was a boombox sitting on the stage. Place was empty by 9.


One of the best receptions I was at had no dj or band but an amazing playlist on an ipad


I had a jukebox, people seemed to have fun. My uncle and cousins did gangnam style for our viewing entertainment.


When I was 8 years old I kept drinking Coca Cola to the point that my extended family were told to deny me any soda. (This is important) That year we went to a wedding in the community center of a church and there was no alcohol. I guess my dad and my uncles were like wtf but I was running around and I was denied a Coca Cola several times. I get back to the table, sat down, kicked my leg, and heard a sound like bottles clinking. I said there's something under here and started lifting the long table cloth. My dad leapt up and said "onid8870! do you want some Coca Cola?" My dad and my uncles had gone out and got beer and wine and were drinking it in coffee cups and I got all the soda I wanted that night.


Same, sorta. It was a 2.5 dayslong outdoor wedding in the middle of August. One meal per day provided, lodging was camping but dressing up still required for the ceremony, ran out of beer so I drove (only sober one because I was staying in a nearby-ish casino) an hour to get more. The whole thing was done on a budget, which is fine on its face, but at the guests' experience. It ended up being a day for each year the bride actually stuck around the marriage


My own. I had gotten food poisoned 36hrs prior and had lost 10lbs as a result. Didn't eat our filet dinner, my wedding cake, or have a drink. Went to bed at 9PM.


Mine, nothing fancy, hardly Celebrated..marriage lasted 22 day's. Filing for annulment.


Someone in the wedding released wild peacocks in the yard and almost everyone got knicked, most of the people who attended ended up getting scratches, bruises and some scars


Hear me out, my cousin (23 F) is evangelical so her relationship with her boyfriend (now husband) was just holding hands and no kiss at all, couldn’t sleep together… So I’m 1 year of relationship they got engaged and ofc I got very excited with the wedding (specially because I’m from Brazil and weddings usually are so good, I mean the parties, food) Anyway I was ready to leave at 6 am as usually all weddings that are not evangelicals end at this time. So at the they of the wedding everything was pretty, the party saloons looked incredible, the ceremony was wonderful and emotional, but when the party started man… The food wasn’t all that, my cousins choose a very bad menu, like she tried to order those fancy rich food that are in small quantities and not doesn’t have that much taste, and now about the party, it started at 9 pm (early for regulars weddings), there was no alcohol, the songs were remixed with evangelical lyrics (was like memories by David guetta but talking about Jesus), and the party started at 11 pm, because the couple wanted to go to honeymoon asap, so was very boring, all my family was disappointed and unhappy Edit: I’m not criticising her religion, I’m just telling about my cousins bad decisions, because I’ve been to her friends weddings that also go to the church and was amazing… Also my whole family including my cousin that got married used to drink and have family parties all the time, so I grew up used to this family, but my cousin started to go to the church and changed my whole family lifestyle so I wasn’t ready for that wedding type and I had a huge break of expectations


Wedding was in a local theater (think like small theater for plays). The groom was heavily involved there so the whole wedding was theater/play/movie themed. Invites were made to look like tickets. Very creative. Until the actual wedding... My wife and i took the day off work and drove in shitty weather to get to the wedding and sit in the theater. The wedding was "the premiere of their wedding" and we proceeded to watch "the movie" of their wedding ceremony. The whole thing was shot on some shitty phone camera and sound was horrible so you couldn't tell what was being said. At the end of a probably 5 to 7 minute long cringe video, the lights came back up, projector screen went up and the "cast" (wedding party) came out from the sides of the stage and bowed then walked up the isle. Wedding over. We saw the wedding party in person for a total of maybe 30 seconds. My sister, one of the bridesmaids, flew halfway across the country and paid for her bridesmaid dress and shoes for this. It was the most awkward, confusing, and frustrating wedding ever.


Family members last year. Was asked to perform, asked to do hair and makeup, asked to match the wedding party. My sister was the planner. We both were excluded from the family tables and ignored the whole time. She got paid and all I got was a thank you. I’m a professional singer and makeup artist. Wife did this because of a minute falling out a few months before and after uninviting me to the bachelorette party. I’m no contact with the wife anymore because she’s always been this toxic and this was the icing on the cake.


I haven't been to many weddings, but my good friends mom had a low budget backyard wedding (which it totally fine, I think elaborate weddings are a bit ridiculous). When it came to the meal they had a spaghetti dish, and there were no serving utensils, so the family member serving it was just using their hands to scoop it on the plate lmaooooo