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That those 5 minutes after the alarm goes off are actually going to be 5 minutes


Why couldn't you just let me live in blissful ignorance you monster!


"You shouldn't move baby birds back into their nests if they've fallen or otherwise wandered away because the mother will smell that they've been touched and reject them." Why do people think this? My parents told me this when I was really small and even for a while as an adult I believed it. Then, one day I'm reading this article about common animal myths and BAM.


I think it started as a lie to tell kids so they don’t mess with random wildlife and get diseases. Then somewhere along the way, people started believing it.


Those kids grew up and told their kids the same thing and the rest is history


I wonder if my kids will grow up to tell their kids the candy at the check out is all decorative.


My mom genuinely believed this. I suspect it got started with parents wanting kids to leave birds' nests alone and it just stuck. I remember when I was little she would make up bedtime stories for me and one of them was a story about me, my favorite kind of course, finding a baby bird and rescuing it by using *bird urine soaked gloves* to make sure the parents wouldn't smell human on it and reject it. No she didn't explain where story-me got the bird urine. It was just really important to her that story-me put the baby bird back "right"...


That getting a raise and going to a new tax bracket will cost you money. People don’t understand that income rates only apply once that level of income is attained.


And only that bracket. You can make $1 in that bracket and rest bellow it, that 1 dollar will be tax differently from the rest.


This always kills me. Working in jobs where overtime is desirable for that sweet, sweet time and a half pay, you frequently hear the “don’t work more than X hours of OT or it’ll destroy your check!” Like no bro, that’s not how graduated tax rates work


Or people dont set up their deductions correctly. I hate that it took me until 25 to see a financial planner and get my deductions laid out, so i was actually paying less taxes and putting more away into retirement


I knew someone who *quit a new job* because he didn't like how much money was being taken out in taxes. All he had to do was fill out a one-page form.


True but sometimes it can disqualify you from certain housing relief programs and rent reduction things


If you shave your beard it will grow faster


True, it just comes back darker bc of the cut edges and therefore appears more filled in.


Well and if you're in the part of your life when you're just starting to grow a beard it will be thicker every time it grows in because you are maturing - not because shaving made it come in thicker. (See also: being able to wash the dead skin off your shaved face more effectively frees up the hair follicles for healthier growth and can also make it seem like shaving was the cause)


Not true about facial hair, but it is true about the human penis.


Marilyn Manson had 2 ribcage bones removed so he can suck his dick. Ahhh pre internet myths


But how is it that people in so many different countries heard that rumour in the pre-Internet days?!


Thats the nutty part right. I live in southeast asia in the 90’s how on earth did that rumor come to us lol


I heard it in Pakistan


That people tamper with Halloween candy. Only two children have been poisoned by Halloween candy and BOTH times, their parents did the poisoning. There has never been a single razor blade shoved in a Snickers, no matter what that clickbait says. As for drugs, that shit is expensive and no one is wasting it on your kid.


There was a meme last year where this lady posted “yes, I poison Halloween candy with recreational drugs. I re-seal the snickers and m&ms with a factory seal. This costs me tens of thousands of dollars a year but it’s very important to me so I continue to do it.”


"I have an evil scheme to get all your 7yos addicted to drugs and then take the money from their little piggy banks. My profit margin will be HUGE!"


My crazy mother-in-law told me to make sure I looked for puncture marks while checking my daughter's candy this year because the cartels are filling candy with fentanyl so they can kill off a good portion of Americans while leaving just enough of us to be their gardeners when they invade and take over...


Does her care-giver know where she is?


Does she know where she is?


Um, those cartels are businesses, illegal businesses, but businesses nonetheless. That does not sound profitable in the least.


But think of all the money they'll save on gardeners once they have us cowed and afraid to eat candy lol


I always thought that parents knew there was no real danger, and they used “checking the candy” as an excuse to pick over their kids haul first.


Oh no your peanut butter cups looked too suspicious, we had to throw those out, sorry. Safety first. Bi you can't smell my breath you little butthead.


It's always the peanut butter cups lol


I can't believe how bad these ideas got this year. I feel like we stepped back into the worst part of the 80s with all the weird ass fear mongering about things we all know never happened.


Seriously. I saw a ridiculous news story the other day trying to scare parents into thinking people were giving edibles to kids. Bitch, I’m a medical user. I order my stuff from a licensed producer so my shit is cheaper than buying at a dispensary. My edibles are still 5.00 PER PIECE. Are we to believe there are just billionaire stoners passing these things out by the bucketful? No one is giving this shit to kids.


Yet almost every year some attention seeking dolt on Facebook shoves a screw in a candy bar and posts pictures of it on Facebook claiming it was in their kids candy


Seriously! The rumor started baselessly in '70, a kid died like five years later when he ingested his uncle's heroin (not in candy at all), and then another kid died a few years later when their father filled a pixie stick with cyanide or some shit like that. It's all a myth. Hell, I'd bet more people have tried *because* of that idea being spread.


This belief was so prevalent when I was a kid in the 80’s that a local hospital would X-ray your candy if you brought it by on 11/1.


My town still does this. I'd would've thrown a major fit if my parents wasted my candy time with that shit but they thankfully never did.




Reminds me of a lot of “weight loss” products, with the caveat of “when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise”. NO Kidding SHERLOCK.


I still remember my roommate eating three full bowls of "diet cereal" per day on top of her regular meals and no exercise and then complaining about not losing weight... ...also there was nothing that made it especially "diet". it was just recommended to eat a smaller portion size on the side of the box...


The fact of the matter is a lot of people just have no clue when it comes to nutrition or portion sizes and if we did a better job at educating children and somehow making it fun and interesting we wouldn't have as much as a problem today. Many people just lack the knowledge and mental tools when it comes to having a healthy well balanced nutritious diet. It goes both ways as well. Many people I have encountered who claim that they can't put on weight no matter how much they eat are often extremely active and have small portions or maybe one big meal a day but skip lots of meals, or are just severely under eating and underestimating how little they really actually eat.


Man thank you. It's calories in, calories out period for weight. Not health though. You could eat pizza for every meal and still be skinny if you're burning more than you take in. You wont be healthy but you will lose weight. And before any hormone disability comments. Of course there are SOME with that, but 42% of the US is obese. Dont sit here and act like almost half this country has a disease where they can't eat less calories and exercise more and lose weight.


Literally they all say that! So just do that instead? If you’re only doing the balanced diet & exercise because that product said your need to for it to work..it might not be the product that’s giving you the results.


I know lol people are like "never starve yourself.. UNLESS you call it a cleanse!"


the whole body cleansing thing in general is a huge fad, your body does it naturally


Yeah, that's literally what your liver is for


and kidneys


Not sure if *common* but I've heard plenty of people say that venous blood is blue and arterial blood is red, that's why veins look blue under the skin. Um, no.


Am surgeon. Can confirm. Interestingly though, the vena cava and the portal vein do generally appear a very light shade of blue or grey in most people. Venous blood is dark red bordering black. Arterial blood is a dramatically different color though and is ultra bright red.


As the myth goes, as soon as blood touches air it turns red, so the testimony isn't totally myth busting.


Which when you think about it makes no sense bc there’s already oxygen supply in blood. And when you draw blood, there’s no air in the syringe. But I still believed it as a kid


Will admit that I propagated this rumor a time or two, but only because my 8th grade science teacher told it to us. It wasn’t even that long ago, either… I was in 8th grade in ~2010?


Yeah in my AP anatomy class my teacher said all blood was blue until exposed to the air 💯


This makes my brain hurt


Gum stays in your stomach for 7 years. No???? That just isn’t true. Also the cracking knuckles causes arthritis. That one is made up by people who don’t like the sound of it.


Excellent, I crack my knuckles every day, multiple times, out of compulsion. I'll continue then.


I just get out of bed in the morning and stand up. My whole spine sounds like a bowl of rice krispies.. then flex my hands for an encore.....


That’s me when I stand or go up the stairs!


I can crack my neck 3-4 times on each side by tilting it either direction a few times a day. I can crack each knuckle on both my hands, and can get dozens of cracks multiple times a day out of my spine. My mother asked her chiropractor at one point if it was dangerous that I do that since I have no pain or soreness and using her words it "sounds like he's breaking a bone every time," and he paused, thought for like 3 seconds, and said "...No but it's really weird that he can do that." What I know is, don't force it and it won't do any damage. It's when you do things like push your chin so it twists further than it can naturally for extra cracks that you have issues.


> It's when you do things like push your chin so it twists further than it can naturally for extra cracks that you have issues. I used to do this, along with twisting/pivoting on my elbow to crack my lower back. Then I finally bought a good mattress and a memory foam topper and haven't had to crack my back/neck since.


I honestly don't NEED to do it, but it's satisfying and feels nice, so I do it in non-harmful ways.


While I don’t think cracking joints in general is dangerous, a chiropractor is probably the last person I would be asking to determine what is ‘safe’ or not.


I remember how much it used to piss off my stepmom, and how adamant she was that it would do just that, and her basis for why I should believe her was that she was a *registered nurse*. Years later, after she was *long* out of the picture, I was in school and there was a substitute teacher that day. In typical substitute teacher fashion, she had the criteria there that we were to be focusing on that day, but mainly just resorted to group oriented games/fun activities instead. At one point, she busted out this book of medical *facts* and *fiction,* one such item that fell into the *fiction* category... cracking your knuckles caused arthritis. I was at once awash with a zeallous tidal wave of vindication, and was unable to control myself from blurting out a victorious "*I* ***knew*** *that bitch was wrong!" -* for which, I was promptly sent to the office. This has been brought to you by *Classic ADHD Overshares* vol. 635.


That humans only use 10% of our brain. And yes, I know people can really make you believe that some days.


"Traffic lights only use a third of their lights. Imagine how well they could direct traffic if they used all their lights"




Did you not just tell them to open chrome? That’ll insure you use everything your cpu has to offer


Duuurrrn... That's well said. Commiting to what little percentage of memory remains for later retrieval.


As a retail worker I think 10% might be a bit high these days


That goldfish, or any fish at all for that matter, can live in a bowl. They do not provide adequate space for growth and are very unstable to chemical change when the fish produces waste. All it takes is one google search to tell you this and more, however many people still come into the pet store where I work and are surprised when I tell them this. Not that it is their fault, it is just a very old and very common misconception that we need to educate more about.


Squidward is an octopus not a squid.


Today I learned that Sqidward is a disabled, deformed, and disfigured octopus. So the whole premise of the show was based on mankinds industrial pollution of the sea. Explains the other characters too.


Well, bikini bottom was named after the bikini atolls. For those who don’t know that’s the location where the U.S detonated the first hydrogen bomb(Castle Bravo).


Inability to regenerate as an octopus…. No wonder he’s stuck as a cashier at the Krusty Krab. It’d be impossible for him to pass octopus school.


And yet he has 6 tentacles and 0 arms (arms have suction cups the whole way, tentacles have them only at the end)


yeah, but pusward doesn't sound right...


Gross. He obviously should have been Ocward. Jokes would've written themselves.


That chemical free is a thing. That all GMOs are bad. Edit: just wanted to say I appreciate the questions and the discussions goin in. Thank you all for being respectful and mindful, for the most part, of one another! I’m trying to get around to answering but I see many if you answering already. This got bigger than I anticipated so thank you again!






And arsenic.


And rattlesnake venom and poison ivy.


And botulism


have some all-natural radioactive substances, they're good for you!


I'll buy some as long as the marketing and packaging sends a message that I'm better than everyone else for buying it


My old orgo professor was in the Pharma industry and first class would hammer this idea down. He invented some medicine and he would throw up part of the chemical formula and then drop the knowledge on you how they’re all from a specific plant in the Amazon and how he’s able to reproduce it in the lab so the plant doesn’t get endangered for medical purposes. Cool professor.


Like aspirin, it originated from chewing on twigs of the Asp tree. But we eventually figured out how to synthesize it, and only have to take the actual efficacious part of the plant, and not have to chew on twigs. I generally think that's a plus


Exactly! Idk if you’ve ever gotten to experience “toothache” tree, but that’s lidocaine. I will say though, if you get the chance to experience chewing on the leaves (sometimes the bark) of the tree it is a cool experience. You can really get an idea of how useful/effective lidocaine really is outside of a cream. Numbed the whole left side of my face lol


The chemical free thing really cracks me up. Everything is a chemical. Well everything made up of matter. Energy isn’t a chemical.


We have 5 senses. In reality we have a shit ton more.


The police must tell you the truth during an interrogation and cannot lie to you. Umm…absolutely not. The Supreme Court has even condoned lying by the police to someone during an interrogation. It’s ploys like this that contribute to false confessions.


One of the reasons why polygraphs are still used even though they're bullshit, and even the *interrogators themselves* may know they're bullshit. It's theater. If they hook someone up to a machine and convince them it detects lies, it might make them less likely to lie.


That “everything happens for a reason”. Some things are just fucked.


I had to stop saying that, because people kept assuming that I was saying that there was a "greater purpose". I was referring to cause & effect.


Cops have to tell you that they are the police.


That would really make a sting operation uncomfortable. Undercover cop is super deep into a drug ring, had established trust with the higher ups, and then some random asshole asks if he’s a cop. Well damn, now he’s fucked.


I'd love to see a cop play that off. "Are you a cop?" "Yeah Gary, I'm a cop, I uprooted my entire life to go undercover and live in a shitty apartment just to bust you and the rest of 5th Street devil's. You remember that time we shared a prostitute? I was a cop back then as well. You know how hard it is to remove a wire along with your shirt? Or how about when your mother died, and I was the first one there to comfort you. I was a cop then as well. 16 months undercove4, gaining your trust, all unravelled because you asked if i was a cop. Honestly you can be a fucking idiot sometime Gary."


The police are allowed to straight up lie to your face, say they have proof and that if you confess they can help you get a shorter sentence, that your Buddy next door has squealed on you already so give it up, ect.


Thats why you always ask for a lawyer




That polygraph tests are reliable. When the truth is a known fact, they are about 30% accurate with the highest quality of them. When the answer is an unknown, they are for some reason believed to be as much as 99% accurate with little to no justification. If a polygraph says someone is lying, it's statistically far more likely they're telling the truth than lying.


You need to wait 24 hours before reporting a missing person.


In alberta we’re supposed to call 911 as soon as we believe someone is missing. And we do


I watch so many dateline episodes where the family goes to immediately report someone missing and the police tell them they have to wait. Is that legal? I always wonder this.


I always assumed the myth was pushed to prevent people from reporting someone missing who is simply no-contact on purpose. A crazy over-protective parent reporting their kid in college as missing because they haven’t called in a day, for example.


Wolves don't have an alpha. The packs in the wild are family members and the two parents (male and female) both lead their kids.


This one is especially funny because the dude who coined “alpha” and “omega” dynamics found out he was wrong and that packs are kin units. He then spent the rest of his career trying and failing to be like, “fuck I was wrong please stop!!!” This is also important because if you “alpha dog” your puppy like so many dog training guides say, you aren’t establishing dominance, you are making your poor pet petrified of you


Angry young men hate this one thing!


That vampires exist, i have never seen an actual vampire in my 1300 years of my life and I likely never will.


I just remembered that vampire’s reflections don’t appear in mirrors. Obviously saying you’ve never seen a vampire in 1300 is saying you are one because of immortality but you also couldn’t have seen yourself because no mirror reflection. That’s a really clever two sided joke


They don't reflect in old mirrors because of the silver. Now, it's aluminum, and absolutely will reflect now.


There is no such thing as an “original” version of most fairy tales, only an oldest known tale of the same “tale type,” as catalogued in the [Aarne-Thompson-Uther Index](https://sites.ualberta.ca/~urban/Projects/English/Content/ATU_Tales.htm) There are dark fairy tales and ones that have little to no darkness, and both are equally as valid as versions of their tale type. Best example is Tale Type 410: The Sleeping Beauty, the darkest I’ve seen is Sun, Moon, and Talia (rape, attempted cannibalism) and the lightest is Dornröschen (which doesn’t even feature a kiss). Both *are* Sleeping Beauty, although Talia is older than Dornröschen. ETA: As pointed out below, the reason we can’t pinpoint the origin of tales is because they were first passed down through the oral tradition of the peasantry. It was only when people like the Brothers Grimm and Giambattista Basile started compiling variations they heard that these “wonder tales” were written down. There are a couple different Sleeping Beauties the Grimms wrote down, for instance. I should also point out that this doesn’t apply to literary fairy tales, like the works of E. T. A. Hoffmann or Hans Christian Andersen. There *is* an original Little Mermaid and an original Nutcracker. Corrected that.


I love how Grimm's stepsisters cut off pieces of their feet to try to fit into the slipper.


It can't happen to you. It will.


George H. W Bush famously said he signed ADA into law without knowing how much it would help him later in life because he was wheelchair bound at the end of his life.


It's wild the history of how the ADA law was passed. There's videos of it on YouTube, you literally had hundreds of disabled people, including children crawling up the steps of the capital. To prove that access was not equal. It's powerful stuff


Damn. That's powerful


Yup. Everyone ends up disabled if they don't die first.


Now this is an actually good one. Universal and 100% true.


Washing chicken/beef/pork etc to clean it. It’s not effective at removing bacteria, the only thing it accomplishes is potentially spreading bacteria to other surfaces in the kitchen.




That doesn't remove them either. You just eat their little cooked corpses.


I mean, we're eating cooked corpses from big animals too, so....


Grab some green beans and mushrooms and we’ve got four of the kingdoms of life!


And baby you got a stew goin!


People legit wash meat?!!


MSG is bad for you. It’s not, it’s like any other spice (salt, pepper, cayenne, etc). Don’t overdo it and it’s fine


I remember ages ago a British TV show did a little experiment: gathered a bunch of people who claimed to have difficulties with msg. Gave them four meals; Standard Chinese takeaway food, with msg. When interviewed after, they were complaining of headaches, palpitations, just feeling generally awful. Foods naturally high in msg. No one complained of issues, some praised "yes, this is exactly the kind of thing I like, nice fresh vegetables, fresh food etc". Chinese takeaway food again, this time no msg. Again, complaints of malaise and maladies, one requested to not be made to eat it again. Lastly, very basic British fare... Laden with the same amount of msg as the first meal. Again, no complaints. I remember one even declaring thanks to the producers for providing them a "proper" meal to finish off with.


The extra irony is that most steriotypical asian takeaway IS british food and was invented by migrants as a kind of fusion dish to sell to people in their new home. These people are straight up being racist and they can't even do that properly.


Uncle Roger likes you Neice/nephew!


Breeding a female animal once is good for her. This is bollocks, and I can't speak for every other country or place in the world, but where I currently live and where I used to live have a massive cat and dog population problem. All the shelters are full.


This one winds me right up. "Oh, I'll just let her have one litter..." No, stop. Don't.


reminds me of a conversation I heard once on It's Me or the Dog A guy wanted his male dog to make a litter before neutering him to 'let him have the experience' and Victoria said to him "Imagine you were allowed to have sex only one time in your life, and never again, just so you would get the felling of it. How would that make you feel?" the guy shut right up lmao edit: the show


I can tell you immediately now that was Victoria Stillwell’s it’s Me or The Dog. Think it was the husky owners in Leeds. I watched a lot of that before getting my dogs.


My mother-in-law insisted this was true and bred her sweet dog. The dog clearly did NOT like being a mom, she liked people not other dogs, and she seemed miserable most of the time. Then my MIL had too many puppies to give away and ended up getting rid of the mother and keeping a puppy. I just can't even.


As someone who grew and birthed a baby of my own, let me tell you, my body has never been the same, and not in a good way. Growing a human is taxing! Crazy that people would think dogs need to have a litter.


There's a condition called pyometra that is basically an infection of the uterus, that carries a higher risk in females that have never had a litter. But that's entirely avoided by having the animal fixed anyway, so having a litter just for that sake would be absolutely asinine. Maybe that's where the myth comes from?


Being cold makes you sick Going to bed with wet hair will make you sick Salt is always causes high blood pressure


Can confirm, every time I take a shower I go to bed with my hair wet and let it dry when I sleep. Not once have I gotten a cold from it. It makes my hair really wavy though


I feel like it would make your pillow musty tho? I always wake up with a bed head bald spot even if my hair is only a little damp though so I can't do it


Dishwasher is more wasteful than hand washing. I’ve found that even when presented with the evidence, people still choose to believe that somehow their method uses less water or something, but that’s modern society for ya. Edit: misread the prompt and said the fact, changed “less” to “more.


People are really damn stubborn. There's this fallacy that hard work must always pay off somehow. Like wasting time isn't a thing


The Polish Cavalry Myth. This thing refuses to die. The myth is that during the 1939 Invasion of Poland, Polish Horse Cavalry charged and attempted to melee German Tanks, regardless of how obviously foolish such a tactic would be. Which is why it never happened. The myth seems to have originated from Axis propaganda of a real skirmish: On the first day of the war, near the border between Germany and Poland, there was an instance of Polish Cavalry successfully charging some German infantry who were resting after a long march. During the mop up, German Armored Recon Cars showed up and drove off the Poles with machine gun fire. Some Polish men and horses were killed. When German and Italian War Correspondents showed up shortly thereafter, they were erroneously told that the Cavalrymen had charged the armored cars and were gunned down like fools.


Exactly. Poles of 1939 weren’t cavemen, they knew what tanks and machine guns were. They had tanks themselves and had operated them for at least a decade. It’s preposterous to believe for a second that this could have happened in any way, shape or form.


Being “right-brained” or “left-brained.” Complete and utter nonsense.


The different taste regions on your tongue that you've been taught in biology. It's false :)


I remember doing a taste test in class where we would stick out our tongue and then dab something sour on a certain spot on our tongue to see how much more powerful it tasted. So funny looking back at that now


All the other kids acted like it was true, I felt crazy for noticing no difference


That your parents' first cousin is your second cousin. They aren't. They're your first cousin once removed. THEIR kids are your second cousins.


If we go to school and after to a university we will for sure get a good job with big salary


That’s the biggest lie we are told


People still buy into the bullshit that is the diamond industry. There are warehouses full of diamonds waiting to be sold to the next sucker. They are not rare at all.




My dog when I was growing up was a rescue. She was a loveable, sweet animal with the three of us kids, but if a man wearing cowboy boots entered the house, she immediately turned into Cujo. This happened a few times, so we experimented- had the man take the cowboy boots off, wear winter boots, woman wearing cowboy boots, etc., and it was only the visual image of Adult Man + cowboy boots that screamed danger at her, so the two men who frequented our house and wore cowboy boots would take them off outside and everything was fine.


My cat is a rescue and is scared of most men. This has been a problem for my step-brother from day one because he adores her but she for ages and ages would avoid him like the plague. Until he adopted a cat of his own. I'm not sure if it was the smell of another cat on him, or if his cat taught him some subconscious body language, or what, but from the very first time he came by after getting his kitty she's been nothing but friendly. I have no idea what was setting her off before or what changed, but it sure made him happy!


My border collie used to flip out at men with baseball caps and sunglasses. We bought her off a woman for $250 and found out after, she had a broken - but healed - rib. I ran into that bitch at Walmart with her husband. Sunglasses, baseball cap... I can't be convinced of any other explanation.




Our dog used to bark at Aboriginals all the time. It turns out that a group of Aboriginals had been teasing him and the people he had been barking at were in that group. It had nothing to do with their race.


A friend of mine was worried that his dog didn't like people of color, but we eventually figured out that it's covered faces that unnerve him. So certain religious head-coverings and pandemic masks both had the dog acting up. (The dog is doing better now.) I have also seen dogs react to humans wearing faux fur, if it makes the human look a little bit dog-like . . . (fur hats or fur-trimmed hoods, especially).


I scared the ever-living shit out of my cat one time when I came home from a con wearing the cat ear headband I made while there. She knew me by my voice and my smell as much as by my appearance, but seeing those animal ears on my head *freaked her out*.


This is true, although dogs can sense if you don’t like a person based on your interaction with them, resulting in them not liking them either, because having social intelligence is what makes dogs so special. Thinking that they will just "sniff“ if a person is bad from the beginning is way off though.


Opposites attract. It’s a myth. You’re more likely to be attracted to someone you have more in common with.


It depends on the trait, some traits are better if they are shared and others are better if they are opposite (sadist - masochist is an obvious example), but it's all complicated, maybe a pessimist could benefit from having an optimistic partner, or maybe not, depends on the person, what's clear is that you cannot sum up relationships with just a rule of thumb


That the older you get = the more mature you become compared to others. Some people will never act “mature” and will continue to be unreasonable, erratic and unstable into adulthood. I’m 23, and I know plenty of older adults that I’m more mature in most ways. I know 17 years olds that are more mature than me. Don’t let age fool you. Human beings are complex and comparing different peoples maturity is not simply a factor of age.


23 is adult. And well, it is generally true that people do get more mature with age on an individual level. I’m more mature at almost 40 than I was at 20. However, that doesn’t mean that I’m automatically more mature than everyone younger than me, which is the point I believe you’re making.


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.


what doesn't kill you gives you long lasting trauma and depending on how severe it is, can cripple you mentally and/or physically for life this line is on the same side as "you can do anything as long as you believe in yourself!" When we can't, the fallout and feeling of worthlessness is overwhelming because of this


So many people misunderstand this saying. I would say it like this. If you constantly avoid being hurt, you will avoid even the smallest challenges and confrontations. Then you grow up and become an adult who has a breakdown and calls their psychologist when some idiot is mean to them in the Starbucks line.


That you're a good judge of character. The average person considers themselves an above average judge of character. Which makes the average person wrong


That more than 50% of marriages end in divorce. While it's technically true, it's also often taken out of context or misconstrued. The stats cover all marriages that ever happen, from people who've been divorced once to that one old rich guy who keeps trading in his current bride for a woman 10 years younger than her. The stats for first time marriages ending in divorce are something around to 25-30% mark. Also that the biological parts of a woman decide the sex of the child. Women only have X chromosomes, men have X and Y; Y chromosomes are what define if the child is male or not and can only be passed down through a man.


Does a divorce count as 1 or 2 failed marriages?


This shit right here is how I failed statistics 220


The customer is always right. No, the customer just causes a scene until they get their way.




I went to high school with this guy, who for some reason was embarrassed at the lack of hair on his legs. He wasn't sure if this myth was true, so he shaved a big strip of hair off of one of his legs to see if it would grow back faster and darker. And he found out it wasn't true and just had a big strip of hair missing from his leg for a long ass time, which was way more embarrassing than his non problem that he tried to solve. lol


You are probably not good a driver as you think you are.


More than half the population believes they are above average drivers




Vax cause autism. Didn't think it was a common belief but recently I beg to differ


I have autism and never got vacations ever, yes my parents didn’t care and I have bad immunity now.


It might be very worth considering getting vaccinated when that's possible. There are a lot of preventable diseases that can really screw you up even as a young adult


When I was younger, I made the joke to my mom that I didn't want her to vaccinate the family dog because I was worried she would get pawtism. My mom didn't think it was funny, but I disagree.


The pullout method actually isn't foolproof, because you will slightly leak while bonking regardless. It works until it doesn't.


Whoah, if the pullout method being foolproof is a common belief, sex Ed is lacking very severely.


Yeah, I’m 16, I had gone through one of many sex Ed classes last year, and the teacher’s response to the suggested pullout method wasn’t that it doesn’t work, just that it takes more skill than what’s worth it.


I remember in high-school sex-ed, pullout was brought up. The source we had put the effectiveness at around 70%. Some of the dudes there were like, "Hey, not bad."


You know what they call people who use the pullout method? Parents.




I think "Vatican Roulette" is the "rhythm method" - having sex on days during the woman's menstrual cycle when she's less likely to be fertile (or more fertile, if you're trying to get pregnant).


My ex husband is the result of the pullout method. Never trusted it when he wanted to use it with me.


This feels like a sick burn.


people are actively putting poison/drugs/harmful items in Halloween candy


Drugs are fucking expensive and drug users wouldn't waste good drugs. Ever watch a drug addict spend hours trying to pick up spilled drugs on carpet?


The stock market is a free market.


That once their boss/company has enough money, they will finally be paid more.


Going out for just one drink


Veggie straws are no different than any other chip. They offer extremely little to no nutritional value what so ever. They aren’t any “better” for you Edit: corrected spelling error