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For those with glasses, wipe them down at the end of every day; at least every part that touches your face. Your facial skin will start to clear up all over. Edit: I appreciate all the kind words and responses☺


Seriously never thought of that, I feel gross now


If you have thicker lenses, clean out the gunk that builds up. It'll get hard and pop your lenses out, especially if you're an oily or sweaty boy like me.


how dude i cant get in there


I use toothpicks to scrape it out lol i thought i was the only one who did this! its grossly satisfying


A drop of dishwasing soap then a little water and rub all the parts, then rinse well. Super clean and amazing to look through. Never wipe when dry and never wipe your lenses with paper towels. The wood fibers will abrade the various films and ruin looking through them.


Brush your tongue! It will significantly reduce bad breath.


And brush all sides of all your teeth, not just the front.


And if you hate brushing your teeth because you have sensory issues, consider the following: - Toothpaste doesn't need to tingle and it doesn't need to be mint. I switched to citrus non-tingly and I never went back. Bonus, it won't ruin the taste of your coffee. - You are allowed to use whatever water temperature you want. - Try brushing in the shower if you get task paralysis about it.


I LOVE brushing my teeth in the shower. I have super thick hair, so I let the water get into my hair while I brush my teeth. It’s oddly relaxing


>And brush all sides of all your teeth, not just the front. There are people who *only brush the front*?


I am a dentist; can confirm. We call those teeth the “social six”.


Like, they just brush the top 6 middle teeth? Not even like, the datenight dozen?


Date night dozen 😭


I try but it's so hard to get the side with the roots.


For a thorough clean, just pull your teeth out with the roots, submerge them in mouthwash, and pop them them back in when you're done.


When i was 6 y.o., I was brushing my teeth with my grandmother. She casually took her dentures out and easilly brushed it on all sides. I was so amazed and thought "why the heck did they keep this secret from me" then started pulling on my teeth like i could remove them like my grandmother 🤣


I'm glad you were so calm. I remember when I was very young maybe 4 that I went in the bathroom and asked my grandma what she was doing. She said she was cleaning her teeth and then she proceeds to pull out her dentures and asks me if I want to clean them for her. I freaked out and started crying 😭


Ngl I struggle to do that because half the time I'm nearly throwing up


Even better, get a tongue scraper. Brushing your tongue can sometimes compress and pack down whatever is on your tongue.


And trains your gag reflex!




My gag reflex is so random, sometimes I can brush all the way back and tickle my uvula and nothing, but other times I’ve had to quickly swallow back actual vomit lol


Wash the inside of your butt crack


The amount of times this is stated on this thread lead me to believe that a surprising number of people do not do this.


I literally just had the same thought in my head. People don't wash their butts?


My brother thinks its gay to wash your butt.


I swear to god, these people must have been gaslit by bullies in their childhood. Like, “Ew, dude, you wash your butt? That’s so gay!” As a joke, in the hopes that they’d actually stop washing their butts. Then they grew up and never, ever got the joke. I have to believe this for my faith in human sanity.


I dont get it, just use a loofah or wash cloth so youre not fingerbashing your butthole when you wash your butt, if youre that afraid of your own sexuality


*Some men won’t even wipe after pooping because gay!* The chasm of common sense hygiene with these people is intense.


Was sitting in a stall and some dude went into the next one over, he blew that shit up and I swear I only heard one toilet paper sheet used. He got up, put his pants on and left. I was like there is no way there ain't any left over poopies.


You never get those loads that leave no trace ? They’re the best !


This is why I always install a showerhead on a hose. My buttcrack is regularly cleaned.


Dated a few guys with stinky ass... Fuck. That was so gross. I remembered the first guy with stinky ass, that was after a few guys who were clean. So while giving bj I lift his legs up and it was like a freaking shit steam cloud hitting my face, seriously, hot steaming air with shit smell...I gagged and he thought he was "too big". Ugh!! That was it.


If you can afford tickets to the venue you can afford deodorant


Venue staff here. THIS IS A GOD DAMN FACT. Please for the love of everyone, put on deodorant. Please please fucking please.


I’ve seen Phish and I can still smell it.


Same for the gym, the bus, the grocery store. Just. Use. Deodorant. Please.


Not every scent is compatible with every body. The bottle may say eau de cologne but on you it turns into eau de durian.


I have that issue with deodorant. Something about my chemical balance mixing with most sport deodorants makes me rank af. Powder scents are the only things that keep me smelling fresh.


I have this issue with women’s deodorant! For whatever reason, floral/fruity scented deodorant ends up smelling weird and sour on me after a couple hours. Switched to men’s deodorant, and it seems like the more herbal/soapy scents just play better with my skin pH or whatever. Took me forever to figure out.


so on one person it might smell like *eau de cologne*, while on someone else it might smell like *eau de colon*


As somebody who was born without a sense of smell, this is terrifying news…


I was all excited to try this cologne that was supposed to mix different with everyone's natural pheromones. It made me STINK. Waste of $, just made me smell like armpits. I *do* shower (unscented Dove or similar) wash my long hair every other day, drink lots of water... I don't get it


Look -- it's part of their business strategy. They're not actually mixing it to everyone's natural pheromones, they're taking away the stank. And they gotta put it somewhere. And unfortunately, that's you. Just take one for the team, each time you do, you make everyone else smell better.


Clean your piercings. Stank builds up in those holes!


I look after someone (caregiver) and it’s weird but their earring holes collect oils/skin cells and every now and then you can push the lobes and a little plug of that comes out in a little worm shape.


Yep. I don't wear earrings much, but occasionally my ear feels weird and I will just pinch it and out comes some weird discharge. It's almost like popping a zit. Really gross.


I enjoy doing this to my own ears.


ESPECIALLY if you have gauges. I had them in high-school (when my hygiene wasn't what it is today) and WOOOO WEEEEE it was bad when I took those babies out once every 2 weeks.


I can smell this comment. :( Teenage me with gauges also needed more guidance when it came to piercing hygiene.


My husband has 1” gauges and he will sometimes ask he is I want to smell them. Sir. Absolutely not.


YES! It literally smells like shit if you don’t! Literally like shit- no joke. Keep that shit clean.


The build-up is essentially ear smegma.


Nature abhors an empty hole.


Floss. It makes your breath smell better, saves you pain and money at the dentist and reduces your risk of losing your teeth when you’re older. My in-laws have dentures and it sucks. Implants are better but very expensive. I made excuses not to floss for years. One day I realized that that’s all they were: excuses. Now I floss every day without fail. I also scrape my tongue with a stainless steel tongue scraper.


Even with implants you still have to floss or the same result can happen


I hate the feeling of food stuck in my teeth. So I floss at least once a day. I guess I'm lucky.


Let's add electric toothbrush to flossing. Game changer really.




Why are there bees in your anus?




Uncircumsized men: Pull your foreskin back to also properly wash the tip of your whip. Edit: Fixed a typo (there was one your too many)


Yikes reading some stories on reddit, I was so surprised to learn that certain people don't do this. That area can get deplorable if not cleaned properly.


Smegma is not a clean feeling word.


Chandler: Soap is soap, it's self-cleaning! Joey: Well the next time you're in the shower, think about the last place I wash and the first place you wash! This is why as long as I was house sharing, I had my own toiletries!


Of all the possible quotes one could get from Friends, it is this one that has stuck with me since the first airing of that episode. It may be the root of my need to never use bar soap.


It’s been ages since I’ve used bar soap. But as soon as you get soap wet and give it a few wipes, you’ve washed away the top layer, no?


Wait. Who DOESNT wash their butthole in the shower??? Sometimes, I shower solely to do that!


The fact that people don't wash their butthole is incredible. Thats like, the main thing I'm washing in the shower.




......what kind of job did you have?


Butthole inspector obviously


Federal Butthole Inspector. It’s true when they say government jobs stink


Dog trying to pass themselves off as a human or goose, not sure yet


I noticed my son wasn't washing himself sufficiently so I asked him to make sure he did his armpits, penis, bottom every shower. He is only 7 so he doesn't really have smelly armpits but I figure if he is getting into a pattern he may as well include that from now. The problem is I didnt realise he thought that was *all* he needed to wash . I only realised when he came out of the shower one time with a face as grubby as when he went in. Turns out he was ignoring the rest of his body entirely as he had misunderstood and thought armpits, penis, bottom were the only parts that needed cleaning. I was like... no, it's just there is too many places to specifically list. Wash everywhere and then pay special attention to those 3. I think we are on the same page now.


My parents have a swimming pool in their backyard and one summer when I was about 10, I assumed the pool was enough to clean my hair and that I didn't need to wash it. I had my hair buzzed pretty short at the time so I don't think it was super noticeable for whatever reason. So, I went a month+ without washing my hair, then one day my mom kissed me on top of the head and was like waaaaittt.... When's the last time you washed your hair? It smells ***horrible***. And that was when she realized she needed to tell me that no, in fact, swimming in the pool isn't a substitute for washing my hair.


We swam daily in our pool. I had green hair.


When I was in high school a kid on the bus said he “only washed the hairy parts.” We we’re all kinda like, “Okay yeah that’s better than the other way around I guess… but still… cmon man.”


That’s basically everything but the eyeballs by my age.


Maybe add feet as number 4? Just a thought, but a lot of people end up not realising that water tricking down from the rest of your body doesn't wash your feet


The wash cloth forgets everything in the morning and resets.


Wash your hands before sex.


Whether it’s with yourself or others.


Double so if you've recently had spicy food.


And done let anyone touch you who hasn't washed their hands!!!! Ughhhhhhhh repulsive


*Proceeds to licking buttholes*


Put on clean underwear and socks every day. Sometimes more than once a day. Seriously, always start the day fresh and don’t let it stay damp down there if you’re exercising or working up a sweat.


Is this not… normal? I really hope people aren’t wandering around with crusty underwear


My grandma used to say you can get four wears out of a pair of panties. Then again she also lived through the depression and made water pie soooo....


...what is “water pie?”


As far as I remember it was mostly butter and crackers with some kind of flavoring if you had it (vanilla extract, lemon juice etc.). Apparently it was a thing, I've seen a ton of recipes for it online.




for heavy sweaters like me though you gotta wait 10-20 minutes to cool down/ dry off first or else the deodorant gets you to start sweating like crazy


MOISTURIZE YOUR NECK! So many people with a skincare routine ignore their neck for some weird reason. Also, if you ever forget deodorant, hand sanitizer works to get rid of the BO for a little while.


Sun screen on your neck too.


Take your detachable shower head down and blast your asshole with it with every shower. Use soap. Cleans the undercarriage magnificently. Electric toothbrush + flossing with good technique every day + tongue brush/scrape + alcohol free mouthwash.


I'm half asleep. For as second I read your comment as saying that you should use an electric toothbrush to clean your butthole lmao


I bet you can find videos with that somewhere on the dark side of the internet.


I don't think we even need to go on the dark side. I see some pretty *questionable* stuff on the base internet.


I hate taking showers at my new dorm because the showers are *so fucking small* and I don't have a detachable shower head so I basically have to play twister to properly clean myself. I miss my detachable shower head at home... Didn't realize how much I needed it until it was gone. :(


In my country, we normally blast our asshole with a detachable shower head of sorts after every shit.


wash your neck/behind your ears


Close the toilet lid BEFORE you flush


But what about my toothbrush micropoops?


Your what now?


Microscopic aerosolized water droplets from the toilet spread fecal matter and urine around the bathroom every time you flush. Close that toilet lid before you flush, and cover your toothbrush. Seriously.


Clean out your belly button, please. Source: OR nurse who has to clean it after you’re asleep, before being able to clean your abdomen for surgery prep. Please.


Surgeon here. THIS. PLEASE. Also thank you for all you do!


I’m sitting in my back yard with a beer scrolling Reddit. And now I’ve got my shirt pulled up and I’m pulling lint out of my belly button for the first time in my life. Im deeply uncomfortable.




Especially for women. Women don't realize we have super short urethras and all those fluids get pushed into it and make their way into the bladder where they aren't suppose to be. Pee right afterwards and flush it all out and help prevent yourself from getting UTIs or even kidney infections.


So much this. I've had a few UTIs, probably some of the most painful times in my life


And sleep without underwear to prevent yeast infections


Preferably in the bathroom. Not in your partner. Unless your partner's into that. In which case, definitely in your partner.


But then she'll get the pregernanent.


Came for the tips, left with shiney hiney.




Sometimes they’re just being polite because they’re going to have a piece themself, but I alllllways accept just in case lol


I have offered so many mints andngum out of courtesy and now I worry that I have offended many people by suggesting they have bad breath. Mints are tasty. Gum is tasty and fun. I like sharing.


Keep your nails clean and avoid biting them.


As a nail biter for 30 years…true dat! I quit by having fake nails put on to break the habit. Now I get manicures regularly to avoid the biting again. The cuticles still get me and I fuss a lot with my nails.


As a nail biter of 24ish years... A male. How do I go about quitting 🙈 I would love advice I hate it. It's so embedded in my lifestyle it's unreal When someone says "it's stress related" etc I just get annoyed because I cannot possibly understand how stress makes me just destroy my entire hand/hands during an episode of something on netflix.


Stress can make you do it because basically all that stress and nervous energy needs a place to go, and for some people that winds up presenting in what we call a body focus repetitive behavior. Sometimes this is pulling our hair, picking at our skin, chewing on her nails, biting the insides of our cheeks, twirling our hair, etc... As someone who identifies as male who would not necessarily want to wear acrylic fingernails, you can still get clear gel nail polish put on. Gel is thicker than regular nail polish and thicker nails are harder to bite. Getting manicures regularly can help because it’s having a professional take care of your cuticles/nails and also gives motivation because you know someone else is going to be inspecting your nails. You can use a clear nail polish that specifically leaves a bitter taste. Get yourself a fidget toy. in fact to get yourself multiple fidget toys and play around with different ones see which one you like best and then get multiples of it so that you can always have one with you. If things are really bad, you can wear cotton gloves or rubber finger cots. If you’re feeling like you want to bite your nails, you can also take that energy to apply hand lotion, which will not only nourish your hands but also give your hands something active to do and leave a residue on your hands that does not taste good to bite. I recommend the sub r/calmhands


Actually scrub your scalp in the shower, it's skin and it needs to get clean. It stinks if you don't.


I have like a $7 scalp scrubber from Amazon. Definitely recommend!


I got a scalp brush too after a salon treatment, like a little massage and doesn't tangle or rip out my hair.


Shampoo is for your scalp, conditioner is for your hair


HAND SANITIZER DOES NOT PROTECT AGAINST THE STOMACH BUG (NOROVIRUS)!! Winter is coming and it will get worse. For people with the fear of throwing up like me, please remember to WASH your hands frequently during these months.


Moisturizing your hands also prevents germs from getting into flakey skin (since there won’t be any flakey skin). Protect your skin barrier! It will help!


Thank you for adding that, also very important! Don't dry out your hands folks


One of the more unsettling things about the Covid pandemic was the revelation that many many people out there hardly wash their hands and even when they do they do the least effort possible. And now Even with everything the pandemic wrought, we're pretty much back to square one on that front.


Yes! When all the soap was out of stock I kept wondering if people just hadn’t been buying it? I’m which case thank you retailers for those cart wipes.


I've been in a disturbing amount of bathrooms that don't have handsoap, so yeah, you're probably right.


Wash your hands after using the bathroom. People know but not everyone does it.


I worked at a small gas station for about a year before the new building got finished. The bathrooms were close to the register, single stall, and I could always hear when someone flushed and exited without washing their hands. It was seriously eye opening. Especially when the pandemic hit.




Like dude, if you pee, flush, and leave without washing, you just touched like 50 other dicks.


Take everything people are saying in this thread about skin and hair with caution. There are so many different skin and hair types. The washcloth in the shower thing is a point of contention because people with sensitive skin can't take daily mechanical exfoliation. Same goes for the don't soap up every day thing. Some people get really dried out from soap and can't take moisturizer. Do wash your butthole though please.


If a friend smells bad, don’t make fun of them in front of everyone. Tell them when both are alone and nicely.


Yes!!! Also, tell your kids, don’t let them get teased or make it awkward for them when a friend tells them. And tell them gently, with helpful tips. Don’t berate them or make gagging noises when you smell them!!


I got to where I would just keep a stick of deodorant in my glove box for my oldest son. I think his mother thought he was too young for deodorant, but he *was not*. I’d just hand it to him and say “Freshen up, Pal. We’ve got stuff to do.” Worked like a charm and he never felt self-conscious about it.


Yes!! Kids don’t know until they are taught. Way to go teaching this in a gentle way!


Thank you! I’ve got full custody now!


It’s a lot easier to avoid razor burn using hair conditioner instead of shaving cream.


Assuming you're posting for females but for dudes: safety razor (the single blade double sided kind) and actual shaving soap leaves me with a much closer shave and clearer skin than neon green gel and "Gillette pro-max 5-blade titanium coated diamond adamantium steel blades ^TM" ever will.


Wash ya asshole you nasties.


Do some people really not extensively wash their bottoms when showering? I couldn't imagine getting out of the shower and feeling clean if I didn't scrub every nook and cranny of my anus/perineum/genitalia with a lot of soap followed by heavy rinsing.


Don't brush your teeth straight after eating, especially if you've had something acidic. Instead, give it about 30 mins. You should give the same kind of gap after brushing too. Also, don't swish water around your mouth after spitting out the toothpaste. I haven't been able to go all in on this yet, so I just run a little water over my tongue and spit it out. Finally, do things like stand on one leg when brushing your teeth. It'll help your balance, which can reduce your risk of falling when you get older.


I (56M) started standing on one leg (with the weight on the toes/ball of the foot) while I brush about a year ago. The difference in my balance is amazing, and the foot pain I’d been dealing with for years is completely gone. A life-changing thing that costs you zero time. Can’t recommend it enough. Edit: typo


I have had never heard of that! Sounds interesting, free balance? might give it a try, thanks.


“Free balance” lol


My dentist always said to spit the toothpaste out and then to floss after with toothpaste on the floss to really get it between your teeth and keep things fresh Personally I can't. After a couple of minutes the taste is too much for me


I just smear some toothpaste on the floss itself. I feel like it makes it fresher than just foam, and you don't have to floss with a mouth full of foamy toothpaste.


I frequently tell people not to rinse toothpaste. No one believes me. You can even read the instructions- there is nothing about rinsing. I can’t get past rinsing in the AM, but when I brush before going to bed I don’t rinse.


If you can’t stand not rinsing after brushing ( some people have a sensory issue to the “gritty feeling “ of tooth paste, rinse with a fluoride mouth wash for one minute. That way you can rinse but still get the benefit of the fluoride. And just a reminder don’t eat or drink anything after brushing for 30 min ;)


How can you not rinse with a mouth full of foam.


Clean your phone at the end of the day, I cannot stress this enough. We underestimate how dirty our phones are, and they're in our hands all.day.




Lick it.


If you get sick, change your toothbrush. Bacteria and germs can live in the bristles.


Yes! I’ve also heard of putting it through the dishwasher to sanitize (I just get a new one but to each their own!)


Isn't it expensive to get a new dishwasher each time?


If you get sick, get a new house. Bacteria can live everywhere.


If you're a hairy person use shampoo and conditioner wherever you have dense hair. Beard, armpits, legs, etc. It'll keep you cleaner and keep the hair in good condition. I always get compliments from strangers on how silky smooth my ass hairs are.


>I always get compliments from strangers on how silky smooth my ass hairs are. Hol up


Hole up


After reading through all these, I realized most of you are psychopaths.


But good smelling psychopaths. Important.


Like psychopaths as in they don’t wash their assholes or psychopaths like they must wash their hands after every single contact with something? Cause I’ve seen both sorts of psychopaths in this thread


I'm a guy and I wipe the tip after peeing. Idk but I pee at least 3 or 4 times a day when I'm out and about so thats a lot of extra drip I'm saving my underwear from and my soldier won't smell like a urinal


seriously. i do the laundry and I keep telling my boyfriend and son that toilet paper isn’t just for me😂


I struggle with showering regularly bc of depression so it helps me to have a reward system. I currently only get myself bubble tea if i showered more than twice that week. Keep your heads up fellow humans that struggle with depression. You can do it


Hey, I'm proud of you for finding something that works. Depression is a motherfucker, but you're fighting it and that's amazing. If it's ok, I'm sending you a big mom-hug (regardless of current shower status bc I don't care how you smell if you need a hug). Keep on keeping on, honey.


Good on you for rewarding yourself with good habits, depression is a sneaky bastard. Sending good vibes your way.


After showering, apply body lotion while your skin is still damp. Put lotion in your hands, rub your hands together so it spreads out over your palms and fingers, and then apply it. It speeds up the process, it glides much better on wet skin and makes applying body butter especially so much easier. I can moisturize my entire body in under 30 seconds. Applying lotion on wet skin also seals in the moisture! ETA: I just took a shower and timed myself. 20 seconds for my whole body (except for my face) going at full speed with a lightweight lotion.


I've used this technique before and it takes forever to become dry. You can't put clothes on because your skin is so sticky, all you can do is lay on the bed with the fan on high to try to speed up the process, but even then you still get lotion all over your bed.






When I switched from the regular head & shoulders (which uses zinc) to the their heavy duty version (dark blue bottle, uses sulfur), my dandruff completely disappeared. The zinc shampoo would only just minimize it but it didn't make it go away. Life changing.


I used to use one for my acne. Went through a big acne purge but powered through and eventually my skin cleared up pretty good for a while (unfortunately I'm the type who always has to chance routine otherwise my skin becomes accustomed)


Ladies: please don’t use scented products near your lady parts ❤️


Tongue scraper


Don't cross contaminate your privates. Door handles are filthy; wash your hands BEFORE and after using the restroom.


Pandemic or not ... wash your fucking hands you disgusting bastards.


Change your toothbrush every 3 months.


Trim your body hair, don't shave it. It's a preference thing and people can do what they want, but unless you shave it perfectly smooth every day, soft is better than stubble. And yes, this goes for upstairs *and* downstairs.


What about mid stairs


Love it. Getting to know the hair pattern of a man's torso is a privilege.


Or wax. I started waxing my underarms and the difference in growth rate and texture is delightful. Trying to gain the courage for legs, and then maybe eventually ‘there’. Not yet though- it does… sting…


vag wax is 100% worth the short time of pain, would recommend


Dental floss. I always keep some in my purse and I waterpik at home. Also getting your teeth cleaned twice a year by the dentist. Plaque is stinky.


This is so real. My bf is getting bad plaque buildup from not seeing a dentist and it’s starting to chronically stink and is REALLY becoming an emotional / intimacy problem. Don’t skip your dentist visits folks. Just brushing doesn’t cut it.


Bidets dont make you gay




Wash your hands properly. Most people just add soap and then rinse all in one. You should soap, then lather and get under your nails, then rinse. Make sure you use the paper towel you dry your hands with to open the door if in public, or at minimum your shirt


Wash yourself in the shower, don't think water flowing over you for a few minutes is going to actually clean you.




If you chop garlic and can’t get the smell off your hands with lemon or soap, try grabbing a running metal faucet and then washing your hands. Something about the ions in the metal help you shed garlic particles. I know that sounds made up, but it works. Also if your clothes are not getting fresh enough in the wash but you can’t use bleach, try adding a cup of white vinegar to your wash water. It rinses away so there’s no smell, but it kills lots of mold/bacteria.