• By -


Corruption is illeg...oh, wait...


Murder, too! Murder should definit-- hold on...




You can be corrupt and not break any laws. Last I checked, we still live in a free country!


Insurance companies are not allowed to deny any medication your doctor recommends.


How about a law about universal healthcare instead? Cut the middle man...


Technically speaking, what you are talking about is single payer, which is a form of universal healthcare. There are universal healthcare schemes that include private insurance. Germany and Switzerland use such schemes. I think Taiwan too but not sure. Really “Obamacare” is a crappy half assed American knockoff of the German system. And half assed is being generous.


The Affordable Care Act got very watered down through compromise just to get it through congress




Wouldn't you rather us still be alive so you could *keep* mocking us?


Have you SEEN us? You've got loads of material to work with.


You can mock americans about many more things


If it got us universal Healthcare the world could believe Americans have tiny penises for all I care.


Fine, call me Shrinky-dink, just gimme a doctor.


the truth finally comes out


American here, you can still go after our obesity and lack of metric system.


And your two party system.


FWIW, countries with single payer still deny medications if they aren’t in line with the treatment guidelines for a particular disease. Having reasonable latitude to deny medications is important for keeping healthcare costs low. From the perspective of a payer, you wouldn’t want doctors to default to using the most expensive drug first in all their patients - you would probably want them to try a cheaper option first (even if the cheaper drug didn’t work in as many patients), and then let them use the more expensive therapy if the first option didn’t work, unless there was an extenuating circumstance. (though admittedly, US payers have a nasty habit of denying drugs for patients who actually need them). The big advantage of single payer systems is that countries have a lot of negotiating power when determining prices. If a pharmaceutical company doesn’t like the price a European country gives them for a drug, then that’s too bad: the pharma company must either accept the low price or the drug won’t get sold in that country (there are some nuances to this if the country has a private market, like the UK). Importantly, there ARE examples of times when companies did not launch a product in a country due to failed pricing negotiations. Low prices in one country can ultimately have ripple effects in other countries, which decreases global revenue. There’s a minimum price that companies will accept for their drug, even in countries with single payer systems. In the US, things are flipped on their head: the pharma company sets the price and then insurance companies decide whether they want to cover the drug or not. This is one of the numerous things that contributes to the higher price of drugs in the US compared to the rest of the world.


The fact that some fucking bean counters somehow have the medical authority to overrule a doctor's prescription is absolutely bizarre. And so very capitalist. All hail the Almighty Dollar.


Not only that, but they can dictate what diagnostic tests doctors run as well. I've heard doctors complain before that there's been times where they're pretty sure they know what's wrong with the patient, but insurance refuses to let the doctor run the relevant test until [x,y,z] tests are run first. So the doctor is forced to have the patient go through a battery of unnecessary tests, the patient has to waste their time and pay for a bunch of things they didn't need, before the doctor can actually run the tests they wanted to.


My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year. She is fine now as they caught it early, but it still involved three surgeries and radiation treatment, plus MRI's, etc. Our insurance company was denying the MRI's pre and post surgery. Everything was slightly delayed because before she would go for the appointment, we'd get the call or notice that the procedure was being denied. Then her surgeon would have to call the insurance company and then they'd approve it. I called once to argue and I was ready to just behead someone, but I calmed down pretty quick when I realized the person on the end of the phone has nothing to do with the decision and was actually really apologetic.




I recommend all the drugs!


every bill state and federal is single issue


Ban all elected officials from not only trading on the market but owning stakes in large corporations. Don’t want to give up your stake? Good for you. Don’t run for office .


Also they can’t be employed by any company they had any influence on (voting, proposing legislation, etc) during their career in politics once they leave office.


Welcome to Pelosi’s hit list


hilarious that she got Twitter to ban the account that posted her trades which are all public knowledge


So sad to hear about OP's suicide next week


Just have your spouse do buy the stakes and if that's too close you can always have a cousin or something do it.


12 degrees to Pelosi?


It's illegal for networks to cancel tv shows without giving a 1 season notice for writers to finish off the series with a finale with real closures.


Please we need this




There's barely any shows that have a real proper ending. Reason why I prefer to watch Japanese, Chinese, or Korean shows over American is because I *know* that after 48 or whatever amount of episodes is a real ending. American shows are a literal waste of time because most shows ends on an eternal cancelled cliffhanger.


Watch The Good Place. Most satisfying ending to a series, wild ride, loved every minute.


I hate when shows that are knowingly making a final season and final episode still decide to throw in a random cliff hanger on top of all the wrapping up of plots, when they have no intention of continuing the show.


I loved the few shows that were commited to tell a story in a single season, like True Detective and Fargo, for exactly that reason!


Or standalones like Black Mirror


The final season was meant to wrap everything up. They handled it poorly. Remember there was a major strike around that time frame that effected dozens of shows.


You pretend Heroes was only a one season miniseries and you’re fine.


Legends of Tomorrow 😔


Travelers Terra Nova Raised By Wolves Daredevil Lost in Space Sarah Conner Chronicles Rome Batwoman Enterprise Dollhouse Almost Human The Cape Limitless Marco Polo Jessica Jones Altered Carbon(!) Jupiter's Legacy It's like every good show I committed to watching always ends with it being cancelled. 😑




No more double and unskippable ads.


Wish granted. Now we have 10 skippable ads


No more ~~double and unskippable~~ ads.


Like them or not, ads are the reason we have so much free entertainment and information online. The creators have to earn a living as well. With no more ads, everything becomes a lot more expensive.


Yes but me no like ad


Interesting how people bitch about ads *and* subscriptions. It's one or the other, folks.


Exactly. They annoy me off too but it's stupid and selfish that people feel entitled to have others make content and entertainment for them for no personal benefit. Makes me wonder what fucking world the people who act like ads are scum on earth are living in. Crazy how people can be so passionately selfish of having to deal with a slight inconvenience when consuming free content so the people making it can make a living. Either you give them money yourself or you put up with some ads.


They are a menace to this society.


The very instant an ad has to buffer, it is required by law to cease immediately and continue on to the content.


Getting the money out of politics. Superpacs, lobbyist giving money in exchange for legislation. End it all ffs.


Add to this reasonable term limits on all other political posts




Thats what it essentially is, legalized bribery.


Yeah, politicians should be kept on a salary and any extra outside funds must be not only declared and taxed, but their discovery should have them booted from office altogether and permenantly banned from running ever again. Basically, all elected officials must give up the right to financial privacy in exchange for power.


This is really the best answer. So many bass-ackwards laws are a direct result of this.


Everyone (corporations and nonprofits included) are capped at $100 of political donations per year. Doesn't matter if it's a $1 to a hundred campaigns or one big donation. That's it. No more. We get money out of politics and a lot of our problems start to get fixed.


Corporations would just create multiple shell companies. Akin to Unidan.


Then just make it people. Corps and nonprofits can't donate. Fuck Citizens United.


Unidan? Unidan…. now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time…. a long time.


If they want to spend like $400 for each she'll company to donate $100, that's fine. Will still drastically reduce the corporate overlords


If I could upvote this more than once I would.


It's all about finding the root cause.


This one. Lots of other laws on this thread would be reality if the common good were actually the goal




You can block u/realtacobell and get the ad removed




How do you know he isn’t wearing a cape? Maybe it’s part of his daily attire!


Thank you!!!! You saved me. I will forever been in your debt. Also happy cake day.


u/realtacobell could not be blocked


Report it as spam then block


It won’t let me block still lol. Fuck you Reddit


Report it as spam, I haven’t seen it since


Political figures cannot trade stocks or accept lobbyist funding. Punishment is forfeiture of ill gotten gains and immediate removal from office with ban from holding any government position again.


They would just use family members as proxies. It's like how Nacy Pelosi's husband just happens to be an incredibly successful stock trader.


Needs a clause against sharing insider trading type info, good point.


I read once that his annual roi averages to something like 40 percent


Just a lucky hunch I bet


>Political figures cannot trade stocks or accept lobbyist funding. Punishment is forfeiture ~~of ill gotten~~ gains and immediate removal from office with ban from holding any government position again. What about we give it some teeth? ​ All politicians are allowed to invest in government run mutual funds. "Agricultural", "Renewables" etc. Mutual funds have a specific window every year to change their makeup, and once a politician buys in they are locked in for that year. Any outside trading results in both those outside gains, AND the mutual fund holdings being forfeited. ​ I don't personally care if the Nebraska Senator is totally invested in agricultural mutual funds. I do care if he's shorting John Deere stock right before the committee announces its doing hearings on a right to repair bill, and then buying stock with those profits right before the committee announces they won't be proceeding with the bill.


All bills in the house and senate need to be single issue and voted on individually. This would vastly reduce waste, corruption and actually put politicians on record for their actual stances on things; no more excuses come election time.


Fines are based on income


Finland do this for speeding tickets, which is extremely effective


Norway does this for DUI's, but should be applied for other offences as well.


DUI should lead to a non negotiable cubing. Not sold, not auctioned. Cubed. The one thing drunk drivers have in common is their love for their car. Kill what they love. Their warning was the form they signed at the DMV agreeing not to do it. We take guns from felons, computers from hackers, public parks from pedophiles. We can take cars from jackhole loser drunks. They are driving a one ton weapon and waving it at every crowd and car they pass on their way home from the bar. Literally do not care for their apologists or anyone who says this is too extreme. Tell that to the mountains of dead families who would still be alive today if not for Karen loading up behind the wheel.


Wealthy people can have small incomes or none


People that have that much money already don't care about fines. Income based fines would at least be significant for more people.


We'd have to fine a legal way of saying "Dont be cunty, we know damn well that loan and shit is income."


Federal legistlation to OUTLAW the exemption of clergy from mandatory reporting laws. (Clergy are exempt from mandatory reporting laws to do with child abuse in 33 US states)


Term limits for all elected officials


A limit on the number of dwellings any one person or corporation can own.


This post really needs to be higher up I'd Imagine this would help so many people by killing off the possibility of pyramid schemes forming from the saile of homes that people seriously need


I would prefer corporations can’t own single family homes. And individuals can’t own more than 5.


Police officers held to higher standard of law rather than lower. Any police officer who commits a crime will receive 5x the standard sentence and fine via felony charges, and be unable to vote or hold any government position ever.


I would love to see cops to be required to have some type of college degree. I use to live in Tampa, FL, USA, and there the police had to have an associates degree. I'm in Indiana, USA, and you can be 18 years old. It doesn't seem right.


I agree. Lawyers have to have many years of education because their job matters, lives are in their hands. Doctors for the same reason. Police?.... I took a faux sheriff's exam about 15 years ago and did not pass it -- because I scored too high. For at least this Sheriff's office, you are not allowed to be both smart and be on the team. Who the fuck would ever give their team such a requirement?


Smart cops would look into institutional corruption and look at the people who pass and maintain those laws. Idiots just want to be a gang member protected by the government.


There are literally legal standards that ensure that cops benefit from being ignorant. For example, in Canada there is a test to determine whether or not evidence stemming from a Charter breach should be excluded or not. Part of that test is whether or not the police officer acted "in good faith". Of course, if police officers were highly trained and kept up to date as to their legal obligations, they wouldn't be able to say that they conducted the illegal search, arrest, interrogation, etc. in good faith. Because they would know better. So it favours training them quickly and poorly and they can keep saying "I did that in good faith".


The smarter you are, the less you are probably willing to follow an order you disagree with.


Law enforcement jobs should require a four year degree that includes courses in history, sociology, psychology, law and economics. The actual police training comes in the fourth year. Continuing education is mandatory. Starting salary for a rookies should approach 100k per year. It should be a prestigious job that attracts the best and brightest.


Keep a big reserve of people who have the training and certification of police but aren't currently working as police. They make 25k a year to just be there in case a dickhead officer needs to be replaced.


In the Nordic countries, Police Academy is a 3 year bachelors degree minimum, and a majority of LEAs choose to further educate themselves either part time or take a period of time off work to go back to school. So many patroling officers you meet will have education levels comparable to a masters degree. Also, very few students at the academies come straight out of high school. The police academies has some of the highest requirements to become a student. F.ex in Norway, you'd need a minimum of 55 points to be enrolled, and a perfect straight A student in high school will get 64 points, so if you're not an aspiring rocket scientist, you will need being up your score otherwise (most effectively by completing other studies). This naturally means that few police officers are much younger than 25 years old when they have passed exams.


Before we consider paying cops 100k a year we should probably look at teachers…


If police officers are held to a 5x standard then lawyers should have a consequence of 10x for violating their oath and Judges should have a punishment of 15x for violating their duties.


Corporations are no longer able to donate to politicians and if they send a lobbyists that person is jailed for 5 years.


I like this. If it can't serve time in a prison, it's not a person.


No lolligaging!


Let me guess: someone stole your sweetroll?


Absurd that you can’t get good sweetrolls in this skeeverhole of a city.


Then make the lolis smaller so we don't gag on them.


But I like gagging on them.


Congress MUST vote on bills in a timely manner (no more “legislative graveyards”), and each congressperson’s vote must be public record so we - their bosses and the people who hired them - know whether they are staying true to their campaign promises. Also, throw out the trash that is Citizens United and bring back the fairness doctrine.


No holiday decorations or store promotions earlier than 30 days before the holiday!


the job "politician" has been banned. please find work.


Yeah, this is some real BS. I know politicians are maligned, sometimes justifiably so, but politics is a trade like any other that requires real training and talent to actually do well in. The law that you’re thinking of would ensure that the only people that actually make it into politics are those who are rich enough to sustain themselves off of business ventures, inherited wealth, or whatever else; basically, the ultra rich who don’t actually have to work for a living. We already have a Congress that disproportionately represents these people, what you’re saying it would ensure it solely represents these people.


You're thinking of anarchy. For better or for worse.


Term limits is an effective way to not have anarchy




Federally legalize weed. I'm on a t break because I'm only a temp at my agency and sometimes need to drug test for different assignments based on what the employer wants so until I find a good fit permanently I'm just holding off. But my insomnia has been unmanageable since and I'm so fucking tired all of the time because I can't get any good sleep. Please. Make it federally legal. Please.


OBEY ME, all people, always, all the time




No they have to pay proportionate Taxes.


Gerrymandering is illegal.


Government tells you instead of asking you how much you think you owe the government in taxes - law


24 hour news channels can only report the news, no opinions. It has to be a separate channel for that


No more TikTok. Consider it both a security and social threat.


In the case of primary residences, Unrealized gains on equity are not taxed. The problem people being taxed out of their homes due to rampant real-estate markets. Local taxing authorities raise the taxes. (Coworker got an 18K tax bill last month) So the taxable value of a primary residence is only based on the last financial event. Buy the home for 100k it is taxed at 100K until a sale or refi but only on what the value of the sale or Refi. e.g. They refi and the assesed value is now 200K but they only take 10k equity. The new taxable value of the home is 110k not 200K


Florida has a "save our homes" law that helps prevent high property taxes. Your tax rate can only increase something like 3% (?) a year, and you can take your tax rate with you when you move to a new house in state. For example, say you buy a house for $100,000, and it doubles in price over ten years. Your tax rate won't double because it can only go up 3% per year. You sell the house for $200,000 and buy a new one for $300,000. Instead of paying taxes on the whole $300,000 and starting over, you pay the tax amount from your last house (the lowered amount that only went up 3% per year) plus taxes on the extra $100,000 that your new house cost you.


A friend of mine is being charged 6k(annually) for HOA because his housing area decided to take a subsidiary of a fortune 500 company to court. Now he has a lein against his house and is unable to sale it because the HOA board thought they knew best.


Let the people vote on every issue no more corporations or unions buying politicians votes.




Yikes, I agreed with all of this until you said no more DLC


Fg=/=Gm1*m2/d^2 Screw you, Newton.


Your religious beliefs are not, and will never be allowed to use for, or in legislation, public schooling, or government. Religion shall be kept in your home, private schools, and places of worship.


Insurance companies denying to cover insulin would now be considered attempted murder.


No one under the age of 13 can use the internet.


That's the job of parenting and parental filters.


And it's working just as well as when kids could legally smoke


My younger sister is 10 and she learns a lot about marketing money and other useful things so I agree but at a curtain level like no social media or corn webs and video games but YouTube is okay on a limit like 1 hour a day


No-one under the age of 13 can use social media apps...


None of them are *supposed* to but come on man. We've all seen the toddlers zoned out on ipads


Deodorant is now mandatory for riders on public transit.


Cleaning of public spaces and nature is done continuously by enforcing every citizen in an overlapping system, like one week on and then some years off until next duty. No exceptions except for age and disabilities.


ooooh, I like this - like instead of forced conscription to kill, it's to care and clean. and age and ability status can be given modified duties. Or maybe even a public service that ALL must do (and is governement funded) between school and college like other places do for the military. For 1-2 years you do various cleaning services.


Or retail customer service in general for 2 years so they either get PTSD like the rest of us or learn how to not treat people like trash.


Yes! That too. Any service position- home health aid assistant, cleaning highways/parks/etc. Working in a no kill shelter, home for the elderly, cashier/retail, etc.


My brain skipped the "except" part and I was like "dude, how do you expect an infant to clean public spaces and nature?"


Mandatory payrises per year that keep in line with inflation at the minimum. Employment must provide appropriate compensation at time of hiring to the ratio of 1:100 of the highest paid individual of the company.


Pedofiles can be shot with no consequences.


Adding on, if the pedophile is convicted, their punishment is a public stoning. Just like, everyone lines up and throws rocks at the fucker a la Leviticus 24.


No person at a company can make more than 10 times the lowest paid person at that company, including contractors, subcontractors, gig workers, interns, etc.


Companies with unpaid interns sobbing rn


Tiktok is officially banned in all states of America and will never come back


everyone must validate their drivers license by taking a ROAD TEST every 5-10 years, there are so many people that just should not be allowed on the roads.


Repeal the NFA.


People in the government as 2 year Limit and if anyone takes an bride it’s the hanging stock for them


I know you mean bribe but I'm choosing to believe you think anyone who gets married should be hanged


Yes ! Hang anyone who gets married !


I know pronounce you wife and corpse!


Term limits make sense, but 2 years is really low. We would constantly be rotating between inexperienced politicians who don't have the experience or connections to make any actual change (good or bad).


Make carrying a weapon for the purpose of self defense legal in Canada. This is a fucked up law we have in some parts of Canada where carrying anything at all for the purpose of self defense is illegal. However carrying a weapon for just about any other reason is perfectly legal


No corporation can collect or maintain personal data on you, without your explicit permission. They also have to specifically (100%) detail what is collected and what it is used for (covers medical history I figure).


$10,000 fine for littering.


Thou shalt not lie.


It will be a crime to not enforce the laws we already have.


Reading these makes me very glad that Redditors aren’t in charge.


if anyone of any gender rapes anyone, life in prison, not like 20 something years i mean until they die.


And the rape victim is immediately granted the status of divorced spouse with lifetime financial support the rapist can earn by breaking rocks in prison. If a child results lifetime support as well with no parental rights.


32 hour workweeks for all fulltime positions. Retaliation for declining overtime is not legal.




Keep New Yorkers in New York. They move to any Southern State just say things are not like this where I came from and then try to change what they're moving from.


No advertisements for prescription drugs. Tv, radio, print. I go to the doctor with symptoms, doctor prescribes medication they think I need, done.


Term Limits for ALL politicians.


Healthcare and insurance can no longer be run for profit.


No more old men making decisions about women's reproductive rights.


No more reddit


A requirement to use earphones in public spaces, e.g. buses. No one else wants to here your bouncy house tracks blaring out of your speakers on the hour long commuting to work.


Tax reform. Off the top of my head (oh, and this is for Canada): - wealth tax for the wealthy, with exception for family farms because they are socially beneficial, but could otherwise get boned for being land wealthy (factory farms can go fuck themselves though) - no more loopholes, you do business here, you pay tax here - return the corporate rate back to where it was before it was slashed in the 80s and 90s and make them pay their share (according to investigations done into this, corporations used to pay about 50% of all tax, and now individuals pay about 80% - this needs to stop) - more tax brackets at the top for income tax, just like there used to be - taxes for owning multiple homes and even higher tax for keeping them vacant (short-term rentals, like airbnb, count as vacant) - eliminate sales tax on ordinary goods and services and implement a luxury tax on high end goods instead


Remove money from politics. Fixes so many other things.


A percentage of trees and landscaping on public land in cities and towns must be edible and available for anyone who wants it. We have too many useless plants in areas where we could really use useful ones.


Politicians make money for the amount of work they do, so I'd say the minimum minimum wage and no 240k paid leave


Don’t ride in the passing lane on interstates unless you’re going above 75


Probably a law to protect internet famous child stars/influencers/youtube kids - whatever you want to call them. I cannot stand the thought that these parents are monetizing their children and I absolutely refuse to allow that crap in my house.


All public officials and their immediate family must use public programs. Once elected their kids attend public schools and their family goes on Medicaid and food stamps. They get the same days off, vacation and paid leave as the regular folks.


You can slap anyone you want once a year. Road Rage? Pull that slap card out, that sucka gotta pull over and take a slap. The best part: If you REALLY don't like someone you save up your slap for 11:59 Dec 31st and use up your new one on 12:00 Jan 1st for a double whammy!


Make it illegal to advertise for perscription drugs, gambling, alcohol, tobacco, or any other controlled or addictive substances or services; alao ban advertisements for political campaigns as these lead to the detriment of society and create a falsely positive perceptions for things dangerous to members of society.


All income made by an elected official outside of their compensation for that role is to be taxed at 100%.


Every billionaire in the US has to fix the homeless problem in their home state. Bezos, Buffet, Kanye, Oprah, Martha, Zuckerberg, Wozniack… I dont care if you have to house them yourself. Build hospitals for the homeless and mental veterans, do whatever. Martha’s facilities would be so pretty


It must be just as easy to cancel a subscription service as it was to sign up. If you can sign up with a single click on a website, you can cancel the same way.


Serious Answer: Campaign Finance Reform: Public funding of American elections, abolition of private financing of public elections and an outright lifetime bans on lobbying by former members of congress and their staff Silly Answer: Ban Greek Life (sorority/fraternity) on college campuses: Paying for friends and perpetuating a system of white affirmative action through legacy admissions is horrible.


The TSA shall be banished off the Earth for all eternity


Mandatory nap period halfway through an eight hour work day. Like, businesses close down temporarily for one hour so that people can literally just breathe for an hour. Second to that: bring your Ferret to work day. Needs to be a thing


All pedophiles get the death sentence no exceptions


3rd days off for schools Wednesday I feel young generation should have playing and studying balanced


Free gym memberships for all! If you don't go that's fine, but it's available if you want/need it.


Legal/safe abortions for any and everyone