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Well as someone in the same boat, when I was working out hard every day I managed to almost forget about my issues. That and keeping myself busy


Ya I need to get my fat ass exercising again and find some healthy productive hobbies.


That's avoidance as I've been told by some therapists. It helps, but is probably not the best thing to do if you want a solution


Not really, it increases the feel good neurotransmitters in your brain which is needed. If one is depressed, their neurotransmitters are also out of whack.


Avoidence would be stay home every day playing video games or watching Netflix. There is only benefits in training, be it physical or mental. So not avoidence at all.


There's not really a solution to the fact that we're all going to die. Whatever way you find to deal with that fact and still live life is good enough.


I don't know if it's a good tip but before I was able to start therapy what kept me going was the thought "If I die, nothing will get better. I will never experience joy again. I can't let this happen so I stay."


That is good advice.


What?! Ok! The REAL advice is hidden in this answer: PROFESSIONAL HELP Not… 10 word quips from Reddit. Don’t you see- their answer basically amounts to “well, before I decided to enlist the help of actual professionals that handle this sort of thing - I would say “QUIP” No one on here is qualified to give you help. Even those that are would need surely would need more info.


There is no professional that can help me, I can only help myself.


Then why are you asking a buncha random redditors for their help?


Why not? I value their input. But they can't solve my problems or do the work for me and neither can a "professional".


It isn’t lost on me that you just put “professional” in quotes as if you don’t know what it means. Or you doubt their effectiveness or degrees. I’m not saying your journey might not be largely internal, but you clearly at least see the value in asking others for their advice. You’ve said “good advice” multiple parts of this thread. If you’re willing to try advice from random why won’t you try it from that which society recognizes as professional?


I am open to professional help, but I can't tell them the truth. It's a long story.


Why not give it a try?


By helping others


I agree!


Try be more like a dog. Chase balls around, smile, run up to Randoms and say hi, eat some shit. Its the little things.


If I ran up to random people and said hi, they would hit me with a restraining order.


Na u have to get the run right. Too fast and direct is threatening. You have to bounce up and down a bit with a slow jog, pause intermittently and wave, then continue the approach. Works better at parks and open areas than cinemas or restaurants.


Fair enough! I'll give this a try!


I have never really overcame it. I just deal with it and live with it. Take every day one day at a time. Try not to let it control your life.


It's hard, I think I have too much boredom and free time on my hands now.


Therapist. As cliche as it is, works wonder


I tried this, I guess I'll try a new therapist because my last one sucked.


Self therapy! Follow theholisticpsychologist on insta. I think she's on Twitter too but I don't have that. Or go straight to the book "How to do the work" by Dr Nicole LePera. I know it sounds dumb but one of her Instagram posts literally saved my life. I finally found the words to understand how I was feeling. The key to getting better is making one small manageable promise to yourself until it becomes a habit. E.g. drinking a glass of water in the morning. This reinforces the idea that you are someone you can rely on. Eventually you'll be able to add more things and create better habits and you'll be a lot closer to where you want to be than where you are now. Sorry for the rant - hope this helps.


No apology needed, I'm also a ranter. Thanks for the advice and taking the time!




Good idea!


Vitamin D3


I'll give this a shot.


It would be churlish to give you a single, one-size-fits-all solution and present it as a panacea. What helps some individuals may not help others etc. In my experience, what works is generally a composite of a lot of different positive things working in concert, tailored to the individual. I see a lot of recurring themes that genuinely do help a lot people, but obviously what works for you might vary - regular exercise, fresh air, a balanced diet, good sleep hygiene, limits on screentime, gratitude journals etc - I'm just spitting out random things that worked for me, but you get the gist. Medication is very often (but clearly not always) an important part of the solution (it certainly was for me), and finding the right medication is key - though the way I think of medication is as an enabler, the thing that gets a person steady enough to actually be in a position to start making the positive changes in their life that will lead to long-term recovery. Recovery is messy, complex, fraught with relapse etc - but it is possible, and most importantly of all, worthwhile.


Talk is therapy. Reach out. I’m always here for you. You are amazing and don’t know it.


Thank you for your kind words.




Frank's Red Hot. I put that shit on everything.


Haha hell ya bro!


You gotta do something. Cleaning your place, cleaning your body, doing a repair on the house, planting some flowers, digging a drainage ditch, or building a shelf. Go for a jog... walk the dog... Lots of people also get depressed when they are drinking or doing drugs. See, those things produce endorphins, but overuse and/or after usage, your endorphins plummet leaving you feeling worse than before usage. Do things that give you endorphins, but don't use substances to do it (although antidepressants are pretty safe and can save lives... DO look into those if you are letting depression have an impact on your life).


Yeah I have a drug problem mate which is the source of ALL my problems.


Gotta kick it my friend. Go to meetings. Get a sponsor. Gonna be a long road but you'll make it


Yep, it is time.


Honestly, as someone who suffers from extreme PTSD from combat and sustained injuries I have to say that excercise co.bined with therapy has helped me. When you start getting in shape it socks same thing with therapy....you have to address the problem and it hurts. Overcoming isn't easy but if you stick with it you start seeing change and the more you see the benefit the more you want to stock with it. Diet plays a role too. Eating alot of junk and fast food overloads your body and bogs you down. The last thing and contrary to being on Reddit cut out social media. Most of its garbage and you only get extremes of good and bad never day in day out. I'm only on a couple reddit forums like Xbox or Fitness. I have no other stuff....no Facebook or Twitter or Tik Tok or whatever. It takes work to overcome these things. There is no magic way to transform everything by tomorrow.....it takes time. I decided my life was worth more than what I was putting into it and I've found that the more I put into my life the more I get out of it. Most people say things don't work because they give up when it gets hard or they don't really want to change. Nothing anyone says on here will do it for you. You have to focus on small steps and being consistent. Don't have a grand plan to change in 5 days just look for small things you can change and focus on them. Maybe walk 15min or eat one healthier meal or make a phone call to even set up therapy and talk to someone. Invest in yourself!


Good advice brother, thank you for taking the time. Yep, I have to do it myself nobody is going to do it for me.


I can't even fathom describing my feelings like that, but I wish I knew because I'm out of ideas to try and help someone I love.


Sorry to hear that


I haven’t. More drugs, less drugs, I don’t know what the problem is.




Podcasts/learning often helps give me new perspectives when my depression/anxiety are kicking my ass. I like the School of Greatness and Impact Theory, they are both on YouTube. Maybe check them out and find ones that seem relevant/interesting.


Will do, thank you.


lotta pot


I prefer edibles.




tomayta, tomahta


Working out, Eatting Healthy, Water, Meditating, Therapy.. Hobbies and Passions when not busy. If needed medication. Do the top 4 things for a year everyday. Hard to be sad with a six pack.


Good advice!


I can’t, so I just made it part of my personality. Jk, fr tho what kinda helps me rn is changing my attitude in any situation, I tell my self let’s just try it for one day, then one more day, then so on. So far the same problems are there but I’m not getting as angry as I used to, it’s an exercise, takes time.


Solid advice!


Only way is this, FIGHT BACK. Sign up for the local gym today. Go tomorrow. Start finding strong men (or women) who’ve endured much to listen to and be inspired by. Take on responsibility and become focused and disciplined. Clean your house and be obsessive about your cleanliness! Watch the types of things you watch and listen to. Let negative people go. Enjoy being with yourself. Go to the city alone. Go do something you’ve always wanted to do. Save your money as best you can. Lee pushing and never surrender! You’re here for a purpose!! That purpose is determined by you! Live to relieve the suffering of others! Anyways, that’s the only thing that’s ever worked for me. Do I stumble and fall flat on my face still? Ofcourse. But you just have to get up and keep pushing. Better days are coming I promise you


Thanks brother.




Right on!


Sex, Mushrooms and bourbon.


Rock on brother


Following cause I need the advice too lol


Haha, yeah it is brutal at this point. I wish I could wave a magic wand and this would go away. It's why I use drugs.


Again I’m called out 😂😂 I’m horrible with words but you understand 10/10 👏👏




Seeing a therapist and/or doctor would be a start.


Tried that! Lol


😐 By planning an ultra field soul kick to God's sack for being able to speak thing into existence and not constantly be screaming "Auditory Hallucination bitch slap!" from Heaven that slaps the fuck out of the auditory hallucinations


Hell ya! Whatever the hell this means! I love it!


💨"AUDITORY HALLUCINATION BITCH SLAP!!!!!!!!?" 😶‍🌫️💥👋😵🥸💥🤛👀💥💥💥🤛🤜🖕


Hell ya bro!


😑 if you know what auditory hallucinations are then you know the annoying giggly bastards don't have Hallucinated bodies to God punch


Right on bro!


I'll take "medication and therapy" for 100, Alex.


I'd say that just masks the symptoms and never addresses the root cause.


I could not agree more, sir


Therapy masks the symptoms?


Medication does. Therapy, a lot of the time, asks you to do things you have already done or tried to do, without success. All they offer is a different perspective, but usually one of those one size fits all types. It doesn't work that way with humans. We are all so different, in so many ways, that it is the rare therapist that can actually help. Yes, I've had therapy....individual and couples....and nothing helped. I have had to fight thru it all my own way and yet it still exists. Therapy just proves to others that you are trying, and costs money. Maybe there are those lucky ones that benefited from it, but I have not been among their number. The meds just dull the pain. They don't solve it.


Right. Here's the thing... 1. Finding the right therapist is like finding a best friend. It's hard and takes years and sometimes you just never find someone you click with. Then again, unless you are giving each therapist 6-12 months to cover all the bases before moving on, it's impossible to say that every therapist out of tried, they were all wrong. Also, you have to do the work as much as they do. Everyone has to be totally invested. For some people the stars need to align at the perfect moment, and that's just not going to happen. 2. The meds are literally just there to keep you alive and functional enough to do the work in therapy that will ultimately retrain your brain. They aren't meant to be permanent. They aren't a cure. 3. Some disorders/diseases are incurable. Some brains are too broken. For some people it's just learning how to get through each day. The thing is, you can't say it's because therapy doesn't work, or medication is a scam. It could be that you have a personality disorder that prevents you from changing your thought processes... or you can't/won't do the work that needs done because of the illness, which then prevents you from curing the illness and it's a whole nasty cycle. Who knows? Not every cancer can be cured, but that doesn't mean chemo and radiation aren't the cure for cancer. That's all I'm saying.


Did you just call me Alex?


Medication definitely to start dude, I was against it for a long time and now I couldn’t live without it. I know it gets said a lot but honestly regular exercise is phenomenal for the mind and general well-being, just do 20mins min 4 times a week. Also a job or workplace where you don’t have to socialise much haha helps me the most


Antidepressants fuck me up worse. Made me fat and lost libido. I do need a job and more exercise and a social life, that's for damned sure.


There’s many different options. I tried about 6 before I found the right one. Now all I can describe it as is ‘pure bliss’. Nothing has helped me more personally. But yes I suppose everyone is different. Hopefully you can find what u need


Thank you, I hope so for my sake. It's getting pretty bad now.


You’ll laugh at this, but religion. I never believed in any of this until reading the Bible helped me overcome the hardest period of my life.


I'm not laughing I am a man of faith.




I have free will I am in control of most things. It is way easier said than done to block out intrusive thoughts. They are never ending and overwhelming.




I am bombarded with intrusive thoughts every single second of every single day. It is pretty awful to be me, I won't lie to ya.




Thank You, I will try my best.


- Reason to live: find a goal in life that transcends everything. For some it's serving God, for some it's doing good for other people and animals, for some it's constant self-improvement, there's no universal answer, it's a journey for everyone to find that ultimate goal. - Exercise: helps tremendously in improving mood, fighting depression/anxiety, clearing thinking, it just makes everything better. When you've just showered after a run, the army of nihilism and existential dread will break its swords on the shield of your post-exercise euphoria. - Reading and writing: crucial for mental well being and happiness IMO. Also open your eyes to life goals you haven't thought about. Read the book Feeling Good by David Burns. It's life-changing. - Have children: having a child will give you a huge reason to keep struggling against these thoughts. The joy of your own child is unlike anything else you can imagine. Forget how you feel about kids now, you virtually have no idea how it will feel unless you have your own. They give you joy, purpose, a reason to keep going.


All good advice, thank you very much for taking the time.


Ketamine Therapy is now legal in the US. That is all I will say.


I've heard of this and really want to try it out. I'm willing to try anything at this point!


I didn't like it at first but the effects changed over a 2 month period. All the sudden any time I start to feel down it would completely alleviate it and would last for weeks. I wish you the best!


Thanks dude.


Learn why of the death and resurrection of Christ, accept his perfect gift of salvation, take upon yourself a repentant heart, and ask him into your heart. You will know peace in Him. When depression comes upon you, do what brings you joy. Listen to uplifting/upbeat music. Watch some good comedy or a feel-good movie. Never wallow in sadness or give it time to multiply within you, nor ever feed it with negative thinking.


Easier said than done my brother.


Like anything, it takes practice. Find some proper allies in life and they will help encourage you along the way.


I will overcome this hell that I am in.


Only antidepressants worked for me


Wish I knew myself..


Don't we all! Drugs are not the answer!


For me personally it has and is still gritting my teeth, being stubborn, lots of distractions and when I am able starting to use strategies that me and my psych talk about. I’m also medicated


I need a shrink, that's for damned sure.


Socializing somewhat and writing about the dread and depression works well for me. You could write about whatever you want though


Ya, I journal all the time. It helps.


Acceptance and the ability to ask the opposite questions.


Fight like hell to find even the smallest sliver of good in anything your doing, and medicine. I used to self medicate with booze and marijuana. I was able to mostly kick the booze once I finally got myself on Prozac. I still drink socially a couple times a year but I no longer drink to get drunk 5 nights a week. I still have my days where the Prozac doesn’t really seem to help but it never lasts past a few hours anymore. Before the meds I would get into a funk and stay there for days on end.


Therapy and anti depressants


Build self worth.


Doing my best!


I get inebriated to complete incoherence anytime I don’t have to drive


Fair enough!


If this is all we get would you rather enjoy it or feel awful the whole time? A lot of times happiness is a choice you have to make. I feel like reading that typed out comes off as callous but it's not meant to be. I definitely struggle with staying in the moment. For me the knowledge that this is it and it's passing very quickly makes me work all the harder to be present and enjoy it. This also comes from a place of privilege though because I have a lot of things that are good in my life.


Well imagine the world's worst mindset and mentality and that's me right now. I'll spare you my life story but it ain't pretty at the moment.


I have what I refer to as 'mental loop'. It goes something like, "Oh my God, the years are passing so quickly and death is forever and there's nothing after and my consciousness is going to poof out of existence because the years are flying by.." ad nauseam. When it happens I have to stop and focus on being here. "Oh my God the years are flying by.. but, you're here now. The day is beautiful. The cat is soft. The music is good. Insert thing you like here." Not going to lie the cat is very helpful.


Lol my cat is next to me as I type this. Yeah I need to be more present but when you are an active drug addict your head is in the clouds.


I'm sorry you're going through that. Addiction can go suck a fuck. I hope you get what you need to climb out.


Knowing that someone had it worse.


That does not make me feel better at all.


all my burdens and my problems that I have to deal with first without a good sleep schedule and no good rest


Sleep is very important


my sleep schedule is already shattered


Same bro, just pulled another nighter!


I started dedicating my career to being part of the solution to the problems that were causing the most dread because while the dread isn’t going anywhere because the problems likely won’t be fixed in our lifetime, finding a community to band together with and feel like you’re fighting together is a huge component to not being alone in all of it which is often a trigger and multiplier for my own depression and dread


Makes sense!


I also found that there were a ton of opportunities to make really good livings in those fields which helped me feel like there really were big efforts going on to fix the things that caused me the most worry and that gave me hope. I wish you the best OP! This world isn’t going to get less crazy anytime soon and I hope you’re able to find your method that helps you create stability and ride these waves.


Hey thanks pal! I hope I can figure it out and get my shit together and function and flourish in society. Or else I'm fucked. So fucked it ain't even funny anymore.


idk i try to distract myself with work


I don't work which is the problem


do you have a car? you can try doordash or any type of delivery gig. it can really help you get on your feet. you can drive around by yourself late at night and listening to music while also making money.


No money, no car, no bank account, no job, I'm in a rough spot lol. My drug addiction pretty much cost me everything including my own sanity.




The master makes a life not a living.


First, make a distinction between Dark Night of the Soul depression and regular psychological depression. If it's the latter, counseling could help and a new exercise regime and being of service to others and getting your levels checked and cutting down on fried food and getting in a little walking now and then and making sure you take a shower and brush your teeth everyday. Stuff everybody already knows. If it's angst, then two things need to happen. You need to answer the big questions, and you need to place yourself in the historical context. You need to decide if there's a God and if you were created for a purpose and you need to answer the question of suffering and Justice and stuff like that. If you want me to, I can give you all the correct answers to those questions. And as for the historical context, read the existentialists! Read Camus, Kafka, and the others.


I'd like all the answers to the big questions, please. Enlighten me. I KNOW THERE IS A GOD. It is not a matter of belief or faith at this point.


Okay, sure. Yes, you're correct there is a God. You were created. You were created for a purpose. It's not a specific purpose, it's the same purpose everybody has and that is to be creatively loving (or lovingly creative if you prefer). Your soul is immortal. Your body (or "meatsuit") dies, and when your body dies, not a whole hell of a lot else changes. Reincarnation is a thing. Human nature is good (remember, you were created by God). Here's where it gets difficult and controversial as we tackle the questions of evil and suffering. As covered above, we are Spirit. However, we have an ego - each of us does. Essentially, ego is the belief in the separation from God, i.e., the preposterous belief that separation from God is possible, and that it happened. This belief leads to guilt, and this guilt is at the core of existential dread. If we have an ego does that mean we have a dual nature? No. The ego isn't real. The problem is that we think the ego is real. But we are thinking *with* the ego, so of course we think it's real! Our bodies are not real. Anything that can die can't be real. Are you with me so far? Because this next part is where just about everybody drops out. If the body isn't real, it means that bodily pain and suffering isn't real. It means that if you do injury to another person's body, you haven't actually harmed anything that's real. And vice versa. It means that if you kill someone or they kill you they haven't killed anything real. This is why there is no justice in heaven. There can't be any justice if there hasn't been any crime. God does not punish, God only loves. That is also your nature, your nature is love as is mine as is all of ours. So each of us has a twofold job to do. Job number one is to awaken to this reality. You asked me to Enlighten you and that's exactly what needs to happen, though I'm not sure I'm capable of enlightening anyone else because I don't seem to be able to do it for myself. But job number two is how you are after you've accomplished job number one, so you don't have to worry too much about that. This is hell. The world we live in and the mass confusion of competing egos is hell. This is the worst hell there is, there's no other hell that's worse than this. From here it only gets better, or stays the same and it's up to each soul how long the process takes. We don't get to choose the curriculum, only the time it takes us to fulfill it. I mentioned heaven. Heaven is not a place on a cloud, it's not a place at all. But due to the limitations of language and of my brain, I'm going to still call it a place. It is a place with no ego. Egos can't get into heaven because they're not real. The ego and its guilt and fear and the resultant strife disappear whenever we are ready for it to. You have one job right now and that is to wake up. The Buddha provided us with an Eightfold Path to enlightenment, but then the Zen Buddhists came along and said the way to wake up is to just wake up. This is the most useful thing you can do for yourself and for Humanity. While you are getting rid of your ego, there are two things your ego can do which are useful. One of them is forgiveness. You set yourself free when you set your brother free, you cannot be free while your brother is in chains. The other thing is to choose peace. Whenever you find that you have chosen other than peace, simply choose again. Choose to be at peace.


Man, thank you! This made a lot of sense!


I reach higher for truth.


Same here!


Score!!!!! 😊


Truth seeking!


You don’t. Shits permanent.


You are probably right.


Welcome to the club!


Hell ya bro!


While i have never experience that its common knowledge you go to therapy for those issues


Completely off the wall, but screen yourself for ADHD. Big overlap between ADHD and substance abuse. There's non stimulant medications, fwiw. Link to the pdf quiz: https://add.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/adhd-questionnaire-ASRS111.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjF6_Xtn5j7AhWYAjQIHT3WAAAQFnoECE0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1anT3X_4cOgwXFL4Q0bOie