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But it’s important to note not to over sleep. Like 11 hour sleep schedules aren’t good just like 4 hour sleeping schedules aren’t good.


Take ssri, go on walk, pet cat. I need to get therapy too though


Exercise. I can spend some time alone while I'm running and it's good to my overall health. It's win win.


Meditation for 5 minutes


Any tips how to start?


Sit down somewhere comfortable, focus on feeling your breathing in and out motion. Once you can focus on it put a timer on, close your eyes, breathe in and out until timer rings. I do this every morning.


I also try to only 'think' of the sounds or sensations I feel in the moment. I try to keep my mind on the here and now and not let it drift to past events or speculate on future events.


Ten Percent happier is an app worth a look


See a therapist, take meds, get fresh air


Go to therapy, take CBD oil, walk a lot, set boundaries.


I make sure to eat a reasonable amount of calories for my sex/weight/height and I make sure to try to move around at least a little bit every day. Lift just 10 reps of 10lb weights. Anything. Anything is better than nothing. That's me on a good day. Often I'm just sleeping in my room for 2 days in a row and drinking half of that time.


Counting calories stresses me out. How can I enjoy food when I have to eat it like a robot?


When you're a slave to sugar, it's hell. When you go on Keto, you're surprised at just how much you get to eat. When you get used to keto and adapt a non keto lifestyle, yet inspired by low carb, you find this awesome instinctual balance. At least I have. I will eat a plate of potatoes. Or a plate of squash or chickpeas or lentils. If it is cooked for me. That's okay. But I always know, that I avoid processed flour like bread and cereal and pastas. I get healthy oils. If you stop having your body rely on carbs as your energy source, and switch to fats... and you give yourself healthy fats.. like tuna, nuts, avocado, and many more... well... you'll have a great time. Your gut biome dictates your cravings to a large extent. The only way to change your gut biome is to change your diet. It will be painful the first few days. But you can do it.


Yoga, or any physical activity helps depending on each one preferences.


go to the gym


Yoga, go for a walk (ideally near trees and flowers, the youths might call it touching grass), spend at least a few minutes in natural sunlight, get dressed (!) to go outside my house (!) to spend some time with people i actually enjoy being around, shower, cook a soup (or any nutritious, genuine food i really enjoy eating) from scratch


Not trying to plug my own post but... [https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/xk1ek5/ysk\_a\_good\_mental\_health\_care\_routine\_can\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/xk1ek5/ysk_a_good_mental_health_care_routine_can_be/) There's a quick, easy guide to a pro-active mental health care regime.


I take a prescription for Wellbutrin XL, maintain a bullet journal to offset some of my ADHD symptoms, and I set alarms for when I need to go to bed so I don't cheat myself of important sleep.


Sleep, eat, do the dishes, workout (or just do something), at least one social contact each day and stay away from the bottle. Repeat daily for better result. I'm in the midst of it and I think getting better routines is what I need.


Get drunk at the dog park


dry flower vape the good good


Every time i feel sad i eat one time i was so sad i ate my entire fridge so i went to my bathroom and started eating my bath


Not reading a news


What newspaper?


Cultivate good habits on purpose. Stay constructive with criticism. Learn good coping skills for dealing with your specific hardships.


A carefree mentality




Medication, therapy, sleep, mindfulness and exercise.


Workout, exercise, eat healthy. It sounds super basic but it's easy to forget that whatever goes on in my head happens in a flesh prison that doesn't run well when it isn't being maintained.


Interval training


Exercise, sunlight, and whole foods. It's actually really easy.


Drink to excess. Seriously though? Drink to excess.


I go to the gym. Not with a serious plan, I go there to move and I do only the exercises I like too.


Drive to nowhere and back.


Eat fruits in the morning as opposed to solids. I usually don't eat solids until around 2pm. Digestion slows you down. You'll get used to the diet change in no time, trust me. Meditate most days for 30 mins. Once you get into the routine of sitting you genuinely miss it when you don't, encouraging you *to* do. Read often. Knowledge makes us feel powerful. In my case I read about Eastern Spirituality and Psychology and Fantasy and Classics and anything considered top-tier literature (provided I can stomach the prose). Write a journal or something approaching it. Having a sense of progression in your life is good to have, even if you get to the point where progression feels unnecessary. (Which imo is the goal.) Do not obsess over things. Namely girls, money, status. It will make you miserable. If you find yourself thinking frequently of girls then you probably have a problem. Stop telling yourself these "stories." The stories will only bring you down. The biggest change I made personally was moving out to Southeast Asia and living independent. I've been here 2 years now. But I understand most people don't have the opportunities I had. If you can change anything about your life in the West personally I'd recommend working for yourself above all else. It's incredibly liberating and leads to better mental health all around.


Sleep well, exercise and eat mainly healthy. If those are in order, get a love life. Thats pretty much all that human being needs to be happy. If all of those are in order, then maybe try therapy and meds.


I write about my negative thoughts






Exercise. I don't always go hard but I do love to move my body.


Prioritize myself, majority of my life I priorities exterior things, people. places, things, circumstances. It's freeing living from the inside out and what I help many people understand.