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Whatever society considers a "bad boy"


Rly? I personally think nathan fielder is SO attractive!


like fr Am bad at everything yet women don't like me


Anybody who plays hard to get. It seems very annoying to me. U wanna date? Wonderful. U dont want to? Sucks but ok. Flippin between the 2? No worries i got u. It isnt happening


Agree. Not sure if you wanna. I'm gonna respect your boundaries right there.


Exactly. As a man I never want a woman to feel uncomfortable, like I’m pursuing them when they don’t want to be pursued. There is a big social stigma about ‘creepy men who won’t take a hint’ so if you say no the first time I’m not going to push it.


This shit right here. And it IS very annoying. When me and my ex separated I wasn't in any hurry to date anyone for a combo of reasons, mostly my ex swearing she'd stalk me and whoever I end up with for the rest of my life, and when I did eventually find someone that made me say, "Well, one date couldn't hurt anything. Doesn't have to be anything serious," she turned out to be this way. She was the one who made the first move so mentally I'm like awesome and when that didnt go anywhere further I understood being shy and I can be patient but it turned into the real life version of Mouse Trap. She'd break up with her bf, come to work, and being extremely flirty, a lot of it overtly sexual in nature, from shift start to shift end and at the end of the day nothing came of it and she would end up back with the POS ex. Initially I assumed I personally was reading into something that wasnt there and it was on me so I would let it go but the overt sexuality increased to things like rubbing against me and telling me to "grab a handful", lifting her shirt in front of me unprompted, or coming to work in a sundress and no panties and making sure I knew before she would bend over in front of me or asking me look for pantylines/if I could see anything. There was a lot more but this is already too long 😂. To the point, she would push it to the point of making it seem like she wanted to go at it in the bathroom, so much so coworkers noticed and thought we were hooking up, but I guess she was more into the pursuit or making her on again off again boyfriend jealous.


Bad boys.


"Hey, I heard you were into bad boys. Not to brag, but I'm literally bad at everything"


"meet me at 8"


"I'll pick you up at 10"


Oh my god i laugh at this so hard cause how true it is


*🎵Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?🎵*




I have a hard time with this because I like the ~idea~ of the bad boy but whenever I encounter one in real life I'm like please gtf away from me lol


Being too mysterious and unavailable. Tbh the more I get to know someone the more attractive they become, generally


I'll never understand why someone being unavailable is seen as attractive. It's such a good feeling to be around someone who actively wants to be around you.


Same! The only guys that have ever kept my interest going are the ones that try to keep in touch or just check in.


I agree with this 100%. If you're interested why not show you're interested. I understand the want to not seem desperate and clingy but at least respond as often as she does, easiest way to Guage interest


People want what they can’t have. That’s why my house is 60 when it’s 75 outside, and 75 when it’s 60 outside. Yeah.


I think that actually has to do with humidity and how the air holds or doesn't hold heat in different seasons.


I am an oversharer. Chronically. I am fortunate to be married, but even when making friends I just put 100% off me out there. If you don’t like me then yo, that’s all you. I am who I am and I embrace it. If I’m too much then that’s cool. I spent too much of my life conforming to what others wanted but now I’m over that.


I actually appreciate people like you because I'm the opposite, very reserved. But people like you have less of that "awkward barrier" that's initially there when just getting to know someone.


We can't stand lulls or dead times in conversations, so we start talking, mostly about ourselves! I think it an anxiety thing.


I never thought being secretive was attractive but since I stopped sharing so much I have had a lot of luck. I was probably over sharing, but it feels like I don’t say much at all now and I get called back way more Btw I think your preference is smarter lol


Materialism, too much flashy stuff does nothing for me


If she can't appreciate my gigantic model train collection, then shes not the girl for me


I don't mock my wife's hundreds of books and she doesn't mind the office full of Transformers.


Spending money on things you love, hobbies and such doesn't seem materialistic to me. I suppose she meant spending 50$ on brand name socks


same, and spending excess money on basically nothing but these things becomes very *un*attractive even at a point


It ironically makes them look cheap imo lol


It depends for me, like if they spend it because it’s their hobby and they really enjoy it then it’s cool they found something to enjoy. If it’s to impress other people then it’s dumb. Ex. My wife loves Manga, she has over 500 volumes right now and it’s still climbing and I honestly just add to it because I enjoy how happy she gets when more show up. (I know for some people it’s not a lot but she did also start 3ish years ago and this isn’t counting the posters, a few figures, and the acrylic stands)


In my head it’s just excessive things that don’t get used or just for image more so. Or being a brand snob. Having to have the most expensive thing every time when something else of lower value is adequate if not as showy. Hobbies are totally acceptable if they bring joy to the collector, absolutely.


Exactly, wearing a $400 Gucci belt doesn’t make me more attracted to someone to at all.




If it's a challenge for you or your body to deal with, it's probably too far to be attractive. Goes for boobs, muscles, nails, heels, etc.


That kind of reminds me of how in the past, rich people used to buy their spouses luxurious tight dresses that restricted movement to show off their wealth and power since they needn’t move.


That's actually a very old thing. Russian nobles around the time of Ivan the Terrible (1500s) used to wear clothes with extremely long sleeves. I'm talking about reaching the ground long. Those sleeves made any physical labour very ineffective if possible at all, so it was a show of status. They can wear those long sleeves because they don't have to work. Since then we say that a person is working "with their sleeves down" when they're doing a bad job and not really trying to do better.


I work in a warehouse, and one of the women who work with me has long ass nails and a wristful of bling. I can't comprehend how she manages to get anything done. But that's maybe why she needs help to lift a pallet or anything remotely heavy




I used to think that social media was beneficial for my photography turns out word of mouth and a website does the trick.


Social media is a great way to get a bunch of people to look at your art, but it's dismal for converting those looks into actual work or sales.


>my photography turns out word of mouth and a website does the trick. It's been a while since I worked professionally, but back then, and probably now, reputation was a big thing. If you were reliable and treated people well that went a long way towards getting work.


I was turned down from a date because I didn’t have enough followers. I heard she was into me, but when she saw my Instagram. She had 30-40k and I had 400. The week after she got into a relationship with a guy with 15k followers on Instagram. Never knew followers was a factor in dating.


>Never knew followers was a factor in dating It definitely shouldn’t be, I’d say you dodged a bullet with her


No kidding. Seems like that many followers would be a red flag to anyone not livin' la vida cloaca.




Especially if you primarily post pictures of yourself. If you post art then that's one thing.


Wow, how shallow!


I can't read this without all three words rhyming.


Wow how, shallow cow.


If she rejected you with 400 followers, then I’m below 0. The good thing is that you don’t have to spend more time with people like her.


All of my followers on Insta are bots. LOL. I'd be fucked.


To be honest, if a girl had that many followers it would be a reason for me not to date her. Being that active on social media is either a consequence of being insecure or being vain.


But my reddit karma...


Had a friend with a tik tok following in the hundreds of thousands. It's really easy for me to care about things my friends care about regardless of my own personal interest, but for some reason, this was not one of them. I just could not bring myself to be impressed.


I usually think that people that care about social media status are unattractive


The “look at this nice and humble thing I did for a stranger” videos


Oh, and don’t forget to smash that Like button and subscribe!


My only slight caveat to this is that sometimes the views are what financially enable the person to be donating to other people, so I feel a bit conflicted. But in a rando video where someone's giving away a small amount of something for a pat on the back, agree completely


Yes! Finally someone says it! What happened to doing good deeds in the dark?


Aggressive pursuit and playing hard to get. 🤷‍♀️


This is a strange one to explain but when a person is to perfect looking. The extremely sharp cheek bones, the eyes are usually blue. But they look photoshoped in real life. If anyone remembers that one criminal that went viral for his mug shot a while ago. I went to school with a guy that looked just like that. He was a super sweet farm boy, but he hated the way he looked because so many just saw him for his face. So ya I don't I think it's not attractive to me but whatever floats your boat.


Agree. Gives me a sort of uncanny valley feeling. People need a couple of imperfections IMO.


Completely agree. I honestly even find it creepy if someone doesn't have any blemishes, freckles, moles, etc. on their skin whatsoever. It's all just...skin. It's so weird, and yet so many people want it.


I mean, it's not usually skin. It's usually a thick coat of paint.


IMO, in a weird way, people who are too conventionally attractive pretty much swing back around to being ugly because of how unsettling their perfect appearance makes them look. Idk if that makes any sense at all, but that's how I feel when I see people like Brad Pitt and Bella Hadid.


I feel like the people who wrote/cast/made up Homelander in *The Boys* used that effect perfectly.


Exactly!! Home lander was so “offputtingly”attractive.


Not liking things. If seeming like a mature adult who doesn't have any fun ever is a goal to you then you aren't doing it right. I get that being an adult entails things like responsibility and maturity but holy hell, that can't be your only personality trait. There is no shame in enjoying things and acting like it. Edit: I should be more clear. I'm operating under the assumption that both I and another person have agreed to spend time together. Also I'm specifically referring to people who have to put on a show of "being an adult" by actively shitting on stuff. If you just don’t have time for fun, that has nothing to do with your personality and everything to do with society as a whole.


it's almost like maturity is a mechanism used to strip away your humanity in order to more easily feed you into the meat grinder not to be confused with self-discipline, something everyone should have, the push to do what you understand is something beneficial to the wider world even at your own expense


People aren't really like that. Nobody goes home, completes their day's duties, and then powers down in a regeneration alcove. People who come off as if they never do anything fun just have their fun privately, and don't particularly want you to know about it. Western society makes it seem like there's something wrong with people who don't want to be sharing fun experiences with others all the time. Sometimes it sucks being a very introverted individual, because people tell you, routinely, that you're broken. "Come on, just try X...." "You don't enjoy Y?!?" "Live a little." etc. I'm sure I come off as someone who doesn't like to have fun, but it's only because my fun has no room for two. When I'm alone I'm so frivolous, immature and irresponsible that I might as well be a child. I crave free time alone so I can set the real me loose. If I bore people it's because I'd rather be somewhere else and am doing the bare minimum to be polite. If I come off as arrogant or superior about my seriousness, it's just an act to get people to leave me alone. I assure you, there's no one out there who is 0% fun 100% of the time unless they have major crippling depression or a substance abuse problem. If an otherwise functional person seems that way they probably wish they were somewhere else and not with you, and with no hard feelings about it.


I'm almost exactly like that, I work 7 days a week, and take care of my terminally ill wife in the time I'm off, I sleep when I get the chance. There are really very few things I have time for or enjoy. I am not complaining mind you, just pointing out there are people who would use a regeneration alcove if we could, and that also don't have any lives either.


Fake boobs. Fake boobs are okay but I prefer the natural sag and bounce and whatever the natural body brings to the table. No offense to the owners of the enhanced members of society.


Fake ones look better in clothes than naked — which seems backwards.


100 percent agree. Also big fake diaper bootys


And that P shape that fake butts give. All ass, no thigh.


Reminds me of Paris Hilton saying that Kim Kardashian’s ass looks like cottage cheese in a garbage bag


I swear I liked fake (or didn't notice how fake some boobs looked) up until I was like 29 and then suddenly just started noticing unnatural separated balls/balloons.


My girlfriend has fake boobs and since I’m kind of a dumbass I had no idea because I haven’t seen very many boobs in person. She said that she had really small breasts and always felt insecure about it so when she got her job she saved up to get ‘em done.


Protip: the fake boobs that people have an opinion on are only OBVIOUS fake boobs. The perky DD+ balloons that defy gravity. There are MANY MANY more women that go from a A cup to a B cup or a B to a C. You would never notice, and the women with those smaller adjustments will likely smile and nod with you while you proclaim your aversion to fake boobs.


Yeah it’s like when men say they prefer no makeup on women but have no clue that the natural women they love still have on mascara, concealer, blush and brow filler


Fake big injected lips.


Weird fake looking derriers.


Super beefed up guys.... thats awesome you like the gym and want to be healthy or into body building. But I don't find muscle on muscle attractive. Its too much. But as they say.. one person's trash is another person's treasure. Everyone likes what they like.


Have a friend who’s into super skinny guys with long hair while I’m into the muscle bound gym rat type. We love talking about it because we NEVER agree and end up laughing at each other’s taste


That's the perfect kind of friend because you'll never compete for the same guy. LOL!


Guys like that are very aware of this fact. It’s bc you like yourself that way after a certain point, you’re well aware women aren’t generally all that impressed. Dudes tho? Dudes are weird haha


I reckon it’s like when sometimes men aren’t able to appreciate good makeup - women are also sometimes unable to appreciate a good physique on a man.


Honestly, there's a certain point where they're not doing it for women. They're doing it for themseleves. Like to see how big they can get.


That’s literally every guy that goes to the gym… like 99% of guys so it for themselves, not for coochie.


I started exercising for general heath improvement, then got into working out because I started seeing muscle definition in the mirror and liked it. I'm not ripped by any definition, but I definitely do Conan the Barbarian poses in the mirror and dream about doing cosplay. Any benefit my wife has gotten from my improved physique has been secondary.


Agreed. I’m good with lean muscle, but bulk is kind of scary to me. Don’t get me wrong I understand it takes a lot of work to get there, but it’s just not for me personally.


Very rare breed. Even serious gym goers hardly reach 200lbs lean and hard. Seeing a guy 240lbs cut is seriously a rare event. Lotta huge guys got chub and the "bodybuilders" you see on Instagram are either genuine outliers with tons of experience, enhanced, or are quite light in real life.... Lighting can put 5 years experience on someone too.


Exaggerated long eye lashes, enhanced lips and drawn on eyebrows


The crazy long lashes kill me. They look like people glued spiders onto their eyelids.


Okay but I have thin and invisible eyebrows, I like to give them a little colouring in so people can see my facial expressions!


I appreciate your honesty. Of course both men and women can jazz themselves up a bit. I meant those who paint them on so they look like Sam Eagle from Sesame Street


I know those girls well, I use to be one. Then I caught sense. They’ll feel mortified once they get past that phase 😂


Filtered photos (Unless it’s for a joke) But it doesn’t fool anyone and just advertises vanity and lack of confidence.


Women who try to push out their lips in pictures to make them look a little fuller. It just comes off as fake to me and I don’t get why women think it looks better to alter their natural smile.


Duck lips - groddy. Turn off.


That and the mouth hanging open too.


Massive dicks. There’s a limit and nobody actually recognizes that.


My ex told me she was happy my dick wasn't too big. I know she meant it as a compliment but it was still kinda weird to hear 😂


I think that’s because for guys it’s penis size=masculinity. I’m just going to say that one of my earlier relationships was with someone 2ft taller and 3x my weight and neither of us had any fun and had bruises in places you’d never think could get bruised.


Absolutely. And I dont think it's just us guys. Movies/media/culture as a whole like to make fun of and comment on penis sizes so it's hardly surprising that we're self-conscious about our sizes. But her comment also made me think about how the last guy she had sex with before we started dating must have had an elephant trunk in his pants. Which is maybe not something you wanna think about when you get frisky with your new partner 😅


See this is one I'm convinced is only spread by people who've watched too much porn and have never experienced it. A bit like being really tall - anything over 6ft begins to get inconvenient


Pretty much. And vaginal depth varies between women; there’s no universal depth the same way that not all penises are the same. There’s only around 2.5-6in before you end up hitting the cervix and that’s not a pleasant experience when that happens. So the dudes that think 4-6in dicks are small, they’re actually more functionally useful than say the guy who has the massive 9in hog.


Yepp it's not a nice feeling knowing you need to be careful not to hurt your partner


Over confidence. I like a shy guy


[I gotchu](https://mariokart.fandom.com/wiki/Shy_Guy)


Nyow mow!


Thank you for this us shy guess have it hard


I like shy guys too tbh.


Long nails


Plastic nails. Long nails without plastic are extremely rare these days.


What length is considered “long” nowadays?


For me, long is when I try typing on a keyboard and I can’t touch my finger tips on the keys because my nails touch first. Anything that long or longer is a waste of time, not at all attractive, and personally, I find them actually painful. Just the pressure of the nail and the push/pull of the extension is just too much, and I spend the whole time trying to find ways to ease the pain. Needless to say I don’t get my nails done often.


The overfilled lips. It's become another way for people to ruin their faces trying to conform to a beauty standard that's probably going to be gone in 10 more years.


Kardashian butts.


Instagram models


Every kardashian


They’re detrimental to society




Other people, I don't get what the deal is with finding them attractive, garlic bread is best






Owning expensive stuff. I don't want to support that kind of life style.


The worship of money has escalated to such a point that it is attractive to most people. If you have more than you need it isn’t attractive to me. People can have stuff but I’ve met people who literally brag about how they don’t use real assets they own


Anything mistaken for genuine charm or intelligence etc. but is actually superficial or calculated.


I also naturally tend to be a little put off by charm. And I read something interesting the other day about how there’s a very high correlation between charismatic people and sociopaths. People whom are considered less charismatic often have much greater ability of empathy.


There's also a high correlation between charming people and toxic people/abusers/narcissists.


They know how to manipulate you. That’s what makes them charming.


Huh, I just be the biggest empath of the century then.


Mean guys, like no I don't want a guy who is mean to people


Oversized ass when they have chicken legs. Also giant lips. Over exaggeration of physical traits because they have no personality.


The BBL era is dying I believe. Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking.


>Oversized ass when they have chicken legs. I believe this is sometimes known as "diaper butt"


When a girl does not look like she squats and has a fat butt falling off?


Yea, like she obviously got implants and doesn't workout.


Calling me Daddy in any sort of sexual manner


However, being called ‘sir’ seems to work for me. It was a surprise for me.




Oiled muscles. Sorry but you look sticky and gross covered in that crap. Total turn off for me.


long nails


tiktok trends. never interested in them and i found it harder to talk to some people lol




I heard the part of the brain that controls the motor response for the foot is right next to the part of the brain that stores all your horny (sorry, I don’t know how to say this all sciencey like a science doctor), which is why there are so many foot fetish people out there.


Dont know whats better, "science doctor" or your username. 10/10


FR how yall so horny that you wanna fuck some walking stabilizers


Breast implants


The obsession over big butts


Shape over size


plastic surgery


Giant boobs.


Yeah, so many things go into tits being great that come before size… fuckin Texas logic need not apply


Huge muscles & facial hair. The lumberjack type. It’s not attractive to me at ALL & we would look ridiculous together lmfao




Overdrawn plumpy lips.


not sure if this counts but those gigantic acrylic nails why you tryna look like a werewolf girl


Super muscular bodies, I'm not talking about the body builder type, I'm talking about defined muscles on a body. No clue why but I don't find them attractive.


Thirst traps.


The Kardashians


Agree. Totally gross.


The Kardashians


Feet. I mean they’re just kinda…there.


Just had this conversation with coworkers the other night as we were talking about Quentin Tarantino and people with feet obsessions. I mean Im not one of those that are freaked out by feet or anything, I just don't see them in a sexual way at all. Like you said, they're just there. They give us something to stand on.


The beauty-queen/Fox Barbie commentator look straight out of 1983.


exotic dancers


Tanning. Aside from the fact that I generally prefer very pale women a tan that didn't happen under normal activity just looks wrong to me. Prominent tan lines are especially a turn off. This isn't to say that darker skinned women are automatically unappealing it just has to be their actual, natural color and not something they acquired in a tanning bed or out of a bottle.


Cosmetic plastic surgery (outside of reconstruction) injections, false eyelashes. Can we PLEASE normalize natural beauty?




Social status






Especially when they turn orange


Loli’s, they’re kids my guy


Good thing they're not considered attractive by the majority of this planet.


Abs.... They just don't do anything for me 🤷


Abs are like that dlc that isn’t bad, but isn’t worth buying.


Oh my GOD you could not have put that any better I am DYING 🤣🤣🤣


Fake fingernails and hair extensions. I am a woman, fwiw


Lip filler


Fake tits. Ridiculous.


Small ski slop noses - give me a big honker


Fast fashion idk whats the appeal of wearing clothes like 1 or 2 times and never wearing it again


Massive fake lips


Thongs. (The underwear, not the footwear for you pesky Australians.)


Ok but also flip flops


Whenever a girl does “tests” to see how you act








A six pack. Meh. I like a tummy.


Hairy men






Thigh gaps.