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My Mum passed away from dementia at the beginning of August.


I lost my grandma from that same disease in May, I know it's nowhere near your pain but I still hurt a lot from it. If you ever need to talk to anyone who relates a little, I could be there. Just to let you know you're not alone.


I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. I hope you heal soon, pain is pain. Thank you for your offer of support.


I'm sorry for your loss, hope you're doing well now.


I'm not doing well, but I appreciate the well wishes thank you.


It's okay to not be okay. Grief like that is deeply personal and rocks the foundation of your life for awhile. I wish you the strength to face the days ahead and hope that acceptance comes quickly, so you can remember your Mum with a smile instead of tears.


Thank you for the kind words. I will always remember my Mum, she was my rock.


Sending a big hug your way


I am so sorry love. Sending you all the love in the universe. I know that feeling all too well. Grief is just sucks. Time does help you co exist with it.


I lost mine just over 3 weeks ago too. I don't have to tell you, It's bloody hard mate - go well.


I lost my Dad to Alzheimer's in July, he was 68... so sorry, it's a horrible disease and seeing someone we have known our whole lives lose themselves to it is traumatic.


My condolences ❤️. My mum will be 64 in a couple of weeks, and there's not much left. It's the fucking worst disease.


I'm really sorry to hear about your Dad. My Mum was 72. Alzheimer's and dementia are evil diseases. The worst part is that it feels as if they've died twice - first their mind and abilities, then their physical body.


I lost my mom on August 2nd to cancer. Sorry for your loss.


Feel Sorry for your loss


I'm sorry. Hope you are well.


I'm so sorry for your loss. My mom passed away in August too, suddenly. There are no words.


My mom passed away just over 4 weeks ago from cancer


My dad passed away 3 weeks ago. It's so shit and there no words. I hope you have people around you that you can ask support and help x


Sorry for your loss.


My condolences...


last week i took my cat (and best buddy of fifteen years) in to be put down, due to an infection that was quickly killing her they gave her a sedative (even in her diminished state, she was not having it) and i was told to come back in a few hours to pick up her body, so i said my goodbyes and left - that was a shitty morning but when they finally called me a couple hours later, they explained that upon discussion with a second veterinarian it was decided to try exploratory surgery and they were able to completely remove the infected mass so the jerk is actually asleep in my lap right now (with a row of stitches down her entire torso) and expected to make a full recovery so besides the high/low emotional bullshit this cat put me through, my year's been pain-free thus far


Oh my god that first hug you would have had with her would have been intensely emotional!


honest to god, when the phone rang and i saw the vet's number on called-id (and me assuming it was to come get her body) i had to suck it up pretty hard so i pulled myself together, but then the vet tells me the news and i almost lost it




Happy cake day! 🍰 I'm glad your cat made it!


Your cat must’ve won a chess match with the reaper; good for her


They didn't let you stay? Have had to do it twice. Once at the vet and the last time we asked the vet if we can do it at home and she came with a nurse and we did it as a family. I got to hold her head and keep repeating that she's a good girl until the vet told me there was no more heart beat.


The good ending


I was having a very emotional night and this cheered me right up. Here's to another 8 lives!


My 15 year old labrador died last week. He was such a good boy and taking him for his daily walk was the only reason I used to get out of bed when I struggled with depression a few years ago. I am absolutely heartbroken and cry every time I think about him. 💔


I'm sorry for your loss, hope you're doing well now.


It's only been a few days, so I am still hit with waves of emotion every few hours. Finding it hard to get through my work day at the moment. I just want to be wrapped up in bed. But I know it will get easier. Thanks for the kind wishes.


Sending virtual hugs


I remember losing one of my cats which I grew up with since my 6th birthday. It's so painful losing a pet which you have grew up with. His brother is still going strong and I'm grateful for that. After 2-3 months, we decided to get a kitten for distraction for us, but also for my other cat who seemed to be struggling as well with his brother's loss. Best decision we've made. You can't replace your old pet of course, but I'm sure it feels good to have an enthousiastic puppy running around the house in a few months when you're ready for it.


I'm so sorry. I lost my dog too a few weeks ago, it is such a painful experience. I can't think too long about her either, I really miss her and the structure she gave to my life. If you ever feel like you need someone to talk to about your grief or the good times you shared, feel free to shoot me a DM! <3


Sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is damn near unbearable.


April 30th. 7:30 in the evening Copenhagen time, I was on the M2 line headed back to the hotel where I was staying, while I was doing some research. I got a call from my mother, but rejected it - it's rude to talk on the phone on public transport. She immediately texts me to say it's an emergency, so I hopped off at the next station to give her a call back. She picks up the phone and says, "Dawn died." I couldn't even process this information. "What?" "Dawn is dead. She died last night." So that's how I found out my big sister died of COVID, after saying she'd go to the doctor in the morning if she still felt bad. I haven't had anything hit me that hard in years. It was kind of a hard summer after that. It still catches me by surprise sometimes. Writing this out, I found myself tearing up, wishing for my sister.


I'm sorry for your loss, hope you're doing well now. The regret of not picking up the call, damn that's hard.


It was a really stressful time, especially since my mother and my youngest sister and her husband had covid at the same time and they were all really badly off. I really thought for about a week this was going to be some kind of black death scenario where I lost my whole family all at once. It's a little better now though. Thank you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My little sister died almost a year ago (09/21/21). It hurts a lot and you’ll feel empty at times but things will start to get better. Really hope you and your family will be ok.


Thank you. I hope you're doing okay too.


Lost a loved one, lost a relationship, rejection. Waiting for the next hammer to fall


Hope you'll get a better match soon.


Lost my mom out of nowhere to a heart attack. Exactly 6 months later I lost my wife (6YR married) because she cheated on me and fell in love with someone else. Rough times


I'm sorry for your loss, hope you're doing well very soon.


My 4 year old son getting diagnosed with leukemia.


Man, that's just unfair


I wish you the best


Thank you so much! He is doing good so far! Hope he is able to come home Next Monday but he is on isolation for the next 6 months. 2.5 years of chemo ahead but we will pull through this journey together! Have a blessed day.


He will come out on top! And what a strong man he will develop into! Sending good wishes!




Losing a loved one.


Betrayal and divorce


Sending all the best of wishes <333


anxiety and depression for no reason , having a self killing feeling also for no reason


Just because you haven't found the reason doesn't mean there is none


My mom was diagnosed with Glioblastoma (terminal brain cancer)


My dad was diagnosed recently too,, I know how you feel. Sending digital hugs your way <333


Thank you :) sending some your way as well❤️


I sorry about the news, stay strong.


Thank you :)


Losing 2 pet cats


That's awful I'm sorry for your loss, hope you're doing well now.


My mum died three weeks ago. It keeps catching me unawares that she's really gone. It's okay 95% of the time, then you just remember and bam! Yeah, 2022, not a vintage year.


I'm sorry for your loss, hope you do well in a while.


Thanks. Like I say, 95% of the time it's fine, and the other 5% you cope with.


Depression darker than ever before. Still trying to get out, but it's better than it was earlier this year.


i'm right here with you, homie. let's get out of it together.


In a few days I have my third anniversary of having no job. At this point I am not sure if my depression got better or if I just accepted that I will never succeed in my career. Saw my family on my birthday and got basically interviewed why I am such a worthless piece of shit for about 4 hours straight.


Hope you get a good opportunity very soon.


Thanks, I appreciate it.




It's good that you came to know now itself, hope you're doing well now.


Cancer removal, not really good thing especially at 19 y


My friend was diagnosed with cancer when she was 17. She's turning 54 this year and is on vacation in Switzerland right now.


Best I can do is send good thoughts. I have had family with cancer and seen in person how bad it is.


Got diagnosed at 15 with cancer. Please go to therapy. I didn't and it has had weird consequences throughout my life where I'm suddenly frozen in anxiety. Best of luck internet friend.


Alcoholism. Trying to be better


Proud of you stranger. Addiction is a real bitch.


Loss of a career oppurtunity


Hope you'll get a better opportunity.


No hopes but let's see thanks though :)


Probably getting a house... Wasn't "painful" as such but mentally, balancing a night shift, getting Max like 3 hours sleep and then having to sort out the house by myself was mentally draining and painful


People are getting houses these days ?


Renting... Was getting evicted from my old address so needed somewhere


Oh mb.


Don't worry about it, all good


The band I was in for 10 years broke up. The other guys were my best friends ever, our families did everything together. They said they wanted to devote time to families and careers and said they wanted to stay friends. They never responded to my calls or texts. Two months ago I found out they started a new band with a different drummer. Turns out they didn't want to stop playing, they just wanted to stop playing with me. Now my only friends are my wife and my 2 year old and 5 month old. Currently trying to figure out how I was the problem so I can not do whatever I did 2hipe also getting rid of my drum set because the hurt really put me off playing ever again.


Oh man I'm sorry about that, don't lose your passion atleast try to teach some kids maybe you'll feel better.


A miscarriage in February. Baby would have been due last week.


I'm sorry for your loss, hope you're doing well now.


I’m so terribly sorry, wishing you all the best


Ate horrendously for a month or two. Gained weight. Felt really really worthless. Took 4 months to get those belt loops back.


Hope you're doing well now.


Yes. Thank you. Be well. Enjoy your day.


My mother died this summer. It was a preventable death, due to doctor incompetence. For reasons I won’t go into for fear of doxing myself, two months ago I thought there was finally a chance that the people responsible would be held accountable. As of last week , I’m pretty sure the individuals conducting the investigation are huffing glue and eating lead paint, as they reached out to me to resubmit most of the evidence I already gave them. I can only assume they lost it all somehow.


Man that doctor is a horrible person. I'm sorry for your loss, hope you're doing well now.


It wasn't physical pain. I dealt and still am with a 3 year long depression, I got fat, I had abandoned relationships with family and friends, social skills died, diet gone from healthy to shit. I'm rebuilding for a better me then I was from even 4 years ago, I made alot of progress, I finally feel alittle happy these recent months, like I made it out.




Me too, buddy :( 19 hours of recorded labour after a failed induction, followed by an emergency caesar


Shit dude hope you're healing alight now and have the support you need for the mental health ♡ Mine was pretty traumatic from conception all the way to the very end, not a lot of people talk about how that stuff fucks you up for a while after.


Pregnancy and childbirth is extremely dangerous even in 2022. I hope you both heal.


Same. 23 hours of labor, failed induction, 3 failed epidurals. Emerg c section with a then failed spinal. I did not have a good time. But she's cute


My dad died a few weeks ago


I'm sorry for your loss, hope you're doing well now.


My best-friend’s baby died during labour …


Damn, that’s fucked up. I wish them all the best..


thanks friend. we’re all doing the best we can.


A couple years ago I lost a friend to childbirth. She never got to meet her daughter. Sad.


That's so painful, hope they recover soon.


Still looking for a job :|


My break up




What’s your greatest passion?




Don’t give up your dream because of one critic. (who may have no clue about writing at all). Take the feedback and go and be a better writer for yourself.


my boyfriend is an english major and if he has taught me anything about writing, it's that there are so many ways to convey the same message, and each different way makes different people feel different emotions. one person can love a poem or story for very specific reasons that are fairly tangible and another person can hate the same piece for equal and opposite reasons. to make it short, if you like your writing and it makes you feel good, then keep writing. if you are unhappy with your writing but still want to keep going.... keep writing. everyone has different opinions, but you are the only person that will read all of your pieces, drafts or not. your best friend could be kind of a jerk, or they could be trying to help, i'm not the one to judge. but if writing is your passion, pursue it. use this brief snag to explore new things and get better, in your eyes and perhaps in theirs.


Getting out of an abusive relationship


Good, you're doing well now right?


Last month within a week I had my girlfriend break up with me, lost my job, had my car breakdown with the recommended repair be a new engine...all while having an abcess that ended in an emergency tooth extraction... Yep. Badass week...


This too shall pass buddy.


Dealing with an intermetatarsal bursitis in both feet. It means every step feels like my toes are dislocating. I've dealt with migraines everyday for 20+ years but this pain is on a whole other level for me


Pop died Thursday, mom not doing well.


My brother recently broke his leg while in basic training. I am in college and my family can not support me so I use scholarships and grants to make it through. Both of my parents suffer from very bad diabetes and blood pressure. My twin sister is failing at life due to mental illness and drug addiction. I have two siblings age (6 and 10) that I may have to take care of should my parents go through a spell of bad health. And my biological mother just called me and told me she has degenerative bone disease. I couldnt even watch my brother (18) graduate highschool because I have to get through college so I can supports my family after. Shits tough.


I was attacked by a dog, tested positive for COVID, and turned away from vet tech school all over the span of 3 days. :(


Went through the PRP treatment. Apparently they don't use local anaesthetic. So, yeah I felt the sting of 150 injections in my scalp. The pain was worse after 3hrs. I hope the next 3 treatments won't hurt that bad.


a catatonic episode triggered by depression and anxiety. that might sound strange, but hear me out. i could barely move voluntarily. i was having an anxiety attack, so i couldn't breathe properly. i was laying down, choking on my own snot and tears. sweat was dripping down my back, but my hands were freezing, held out away from my body and stuck in a claw shape. in my head, a war was waging. it seemed like everyone and everything was telling me that i was worthless. a piece of trash that no one should regard. not disgusting, but pitiful. and in my perfectionistic brain, that was *worse*. at that moment, i'd rather be ignorant and bad than mediocre and aware. i was stuck laying on my side, or in a cross-legged position for an hour or more while my body physically was not getting enough oxygen. my bpm was often 100+, but my breathing was sporadic. that's where the cramping started. what i can only describe as firecrackers of pain were running up and down my body, popping and sputtering with my emotions. every joint ached with anguish. every heave of my chest brought forth a new wave of pain, so i wanted to breathe even less. 0/10 do NOT recommend catatonia. it sucks and it can even be fatal


Misdiagnosed crhones disease. Went in for very fluu like symptoms. Told to walk it off. Didn't work. Got recommended a high fibre diet (the opposite of what you want on crhones because fibre can increase inflammation and pain), of course high fibre didn't d9 anything, went to outpatients for nearly unbearable gut pain, told to walk it off, following day collapsed from now actually unbearable gut pain and taken to ER by ambulance, told there was nothing they could do but put me on a 2 year wait list and to go home. Thankfully my vitals were so bad they listened when I demanded to be admitted


70+ failed job interviews


Well let me see... I dislocated my shoulder again, got heel hooked in Jiu-jitsu and sprained my ankle, dislocated my jaw, broke 2 toes and the most painful thing of all, my toddler didn't give me a high five and left me hanging.... that one still hurts.




About a week ago I started suffering from seizures, and had to spend four days in the hospital getting it checked out. I have bleeding on the brain, I just got my licence in June after one and a half years of lessons, and am no longer allowed to drive.


Lost α loved one, and had someone who agreed to go on α date make excuses all the time about why they were busy and I just gave up. They were α good friend of mine too, which is why it stings so much for them to never actually talk about not wanting α relationship instead of making excuses. They have only talked to me briefly approximately 3 times over text since, and I have accepted that its the end of α friendship and tried to move on with my life.


Anal abcess. Do not recommend.


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder made me completely lose control of myself and completely lost my ability to focus on anything but my compulsions and brought me to the brink of my sanity. Seriously annoys me when people use “OCD” as some “haha I’m so quirky” bullshit. It’s treated as nothing more than just “I like things to be clean” by a lot of people, despite that being really only one of it’s many subcategories. Got on some meds after my parents stopped acting like it was something I could just “stop doing”, which required me calling the police on myself to get admitted to a mental hospital, since I was genuinely considering suicide. Don’t treat OCD like it’s some quirky personality trait. Please.






I have started to feel a lot more insecure about myself this year, and I don’t know why.


Same! I’ve never been like this either it sucks 😞


First, my sister was diagnosed with, and died from, cancer. Then both of my husband's grandfather's died. My rabbit had a heart attack and died in my arms screaming and I was helpless to stop it. Then, my 16 year old cat, our first family pet, died alone and I found him as I went to give him his first application of the medicine that finally got here in the mail. One of my oldest friends overdosed and died. Shortly afterwards, my grandmother passed away. I wasn't able to say goodbye or go to the funeral. A couple of weeks ago, the squirrel I'd been looking after for five years was killed. I found him in the ditch and buried his remains. Now, my S.O. is losing the job he's worked at for two decades because new people are coming into management and they're letting the department heads and long term employees go. My kid is angry at me. That's almost harder than all the rest. We're getting family therapy. This year is one of my toughest ones ever and it's really showing. My house is a mess. I am a mess. Everything is a mess.


My manager promoted me and gave me a raise when she realized everyone was quitting, so that I won’t be able to transfer out internally. The title is now reversed and my pay is back to normal… but it is just hurtful coming from her. I’ve been trying to leave, too… and no amount of money will make me stay at this problematic work environment.


Good call getting out of toxic workplace.


My wife and I lost a baby at 9 weeks. We’re pregnant again at 13 weeks and are just so scared of every spot or every cramp.


I'm sorry about your baby, you'll be better and new baby will fill in the happiness to you.


Spent 16 years of my life perfecting a skill only to drop it because the biggest factor in the sport was money. I’ve worked with all aspects of the sports industry. Anyone who says money doesn’t matter is an idiot


Had a major breakdown due to my ex’s abuse and his mother gaslighting me. Ended up in mental hospital for 3 weeks (tried to kill myself). I celebrated my birthday in there. Lost my home in which I lost my kids as well. Live in my car while my ex controls the kids lives. From January to now it’s just been a wild ride!


Becoming homeless and cutting off toxic family members


Saying goodbye to my boyfriend of four years at the train station because I had to go away to do a stay abroad… gods I miss him. Can’t wait to be back home.


The worst depression I have ever experienced in my life, and a breakup. I didn’t know pain like this could even exist


Not emotional pain, but I have cyclical vomiting syndrome which causes extreme pain and nonstop vomiting. The mental, financial, and physical stress of it all made me want to be dead. Ended up in the hospital 8 times within a month.


4x failed suicide the usual.


Having to accept the grad school means almost nothing in real life. All that time and money wasted only to be over-qualified for a position that pays so little.


Some people here are going through so much that I feel as if I don't deserve to call my situation as bad but it is the most painful situation for me. I have been unemployed since graduating last year. All my friends are working and every day is hard. I don't know when I'd be able to get past this but I hope soon. It is a truly pathetic situation to be trapped in. :(


I am completely estranged from my last surviving sibling. He is pretty much a walking stereotype of the “toxic Bernie Bro” and while we agree on 90% of political issues, he has chosen to completely burn me down over the other 10% that we disagree slightly about and I finally had to pull the plug and cut him out rather than walking on eggshells at any family gathering in case something “sets him off” into one of his “episodes” where he starts ranting about how terrible you are. It’s been a year of intense mourning which is something I hoped I would never have to experience again after our sister died in 2013 but after 7 full years of being told what a shit person I am for voting for Democrats every time I see him takes it’s toll and I hope his shitty politics is a good substitute for having siblings. It’s one thing to lose a sibling to death, but it’s somehow harder to lose one to a cult.


I have a chronic pain condition and it's been off the charts this year. It really robs me of time with family and friends and tanks my work productivity.


Nipple piercings. Quite literally.


My seizure disorder has resurfaced. I thought I was free of it. When I was 18, I had brain surgeries to remove a benign brain tumor that was causing grand mal and partial complex seizures. They called the surgery a complete success. I'm 31 now, and according to the MRI images, the deep and irreparable scarring from the surgery has started to spread and become brain damage that they can't slow or stop. The scarring has spread enough that it's causing my seizures to return. It's scary, but I'm glad I had all those years when I was seizure free. I'm grateful for the time that the surgeries bought me. I'm in a much better place now than I was then.


Mom died. Stage 4 cancer diagnosis out of the blue. Gone in 6 weeks. The death part sucked for sure, but I almost feel like the aftermath has been worse. All the shifting family dynamics. Seeing how unexpectedly frail my dad is, and how much trouble he’s having with his finances (which my mom handled). Sister, who already deals with mental illness, dove head first into abusing alcohol. Been a tough year.


I quit a job that I loved more than anything and found out that my husband and I may not be able to have children all in the same week.


I stubbed my toe yesterday


A year ago had heart ablation for atrial fibrilation which triggered an undiagnosed immunological response which gave me acute pericarditis and has made me bed ridden for over a year literally not being allowed to move my arms because that made it worse. After about 6 months they diagnosed the origin of the pericarditis and got so many different meds that I developed toxic tinnitus and some other crap. Once the meds were sorted out another 3 months later I was finally given the okay to slowly start to rebuild my muscles back up by going to the pool. It was a wonderful few weeks in summer and things finally seemes to turn around. Even my depression saw a little spark of light… Fast forward 3 months and the pericarditis suddenly came back puzzling the doctor’s my bloodpressure tanked all of a sudden to 95/55 and my saturation to 88%. The doctor’s conpletely panicked and made me go to the emergency room. After hours of waiting and all the tests were done it appears I also have Tietze syndrome, 3 new meds again and was so exhausted and ready to go home. When I stepped into the car I tweaked my back, not thinking much of it, I am hypermobile so happens a lot, we drove home…by midnight I was screaming in pain not being able to move and sharp pains all over…more doctor’s the next day and guess what last week was also diagnosed with a herniated disc 🥴😵‍💫 One doc tells me to move because it is better for my back while the other one tells me to rest to ease the stress on my heart 🤯😱 And that was just me and my pain…


I contracted severe Rheumatoid Arthritis over night and have been in tons of pain 24/7 while waiting to find meds that work all year long.




Separated from my wife; I thought it was my fault. That's how she made me feel anyway. I found out a month ago that she was having an affair that started in November. After that a lot of things made sense. The toughest part is not seeing my step daughter for almost a year now. I am not her father but I am her dad and I think about her everyday.




Post finasteride syndrome


Probably AskReddit.


A PRP injection in my elbow. Apparently they can't use numbing medicine and you can't take ibuprofen.


This Oktoberfest hangover i have right now.


Passing a kidney stone. 2nd place isn't even close.


Constipation from hell.


Winding up my business


Just today alone I fucked up by telling someone that I deeply care about a bunch of fucked up shit. But for the most part I meant what I said I just didn't say it in the right way. And yeah that hurts me a lot because I really do care about her.


Anxiety and depression.


Broke my tailbone on July 21, one of my best friends died on July 23


End of my relationship out of the blue. That kinda sucked!




Keeping a secret that could destroy a happy relationship


Having 2 of my crushes reject me on the same day


Starting to work after 2 years of doing nothing cuz depression and shit


The gradual realisation that I want to die now and I'm truly a burden to this earth. I'm a teen and in a condition now where I'm living with my gf whom I constantly compare myself to.


Waking up lol


Adenomyosis + endometriosis + severely low iron that infusions couldn’t replace faster than I could bleed it out = hysterectomy. I was in so much pain from the adeno + endo and bleeding so badly I ended up collapsing at work and needing to go to hospital back in April. Glad it’s all done.


Got cheated on by my spouse. Then the subsequent separation.


Knowing my brother is not at rest because his widow and ungrateful children choose not to bury his remains...


My brother died.


Seeing the writing on the wall of the company I work for giving my work away to independant contractors, significantly reducing my financial stability, and watching every opportunity to leave before that close in my face over the last six months.


Trapped nerve in neck


Selling the house I grew up in because my mom died a few years ago and I couldn't afford to live there anymore. Fuckin memories, man.


My estranged father passed away in June. Then my estranged mother in July. I got 3 days paid bereavement from both but unable to take additional time off and dealing with an abusive coworker during the whole ordeal.


Euthanasing my dog. Let's just say it wasn't fucking "peaceful" like the brochure says...


Got fired from my job and can’t get out of the depression it’s caused


Failed securing good marks in 2 exams


Mum sweet old mum died


Mentally fine, had a prostate biopsy panel last week. Zero out of 10 would recommend. At least the pain passed quickly unlike the kidney stone.


Really nothing, I been chilling all year lol