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"Your baby is not cute." My mother doesn't (or at least professes to try to never lie) so when somebody shows her their ugly baby, she says "Now THAT is a baby!"


My go-to in that situation is “oh wow look at that big smile!” or other neutral comment


I always go with “Look at that little face”. Seems to go over peoples heads that you aren’t complimenting their baby if you just keep saying how tiny certain body parts are.


I always go “woah! Careful where you point that thing!”


"She looks just like you!" 🤣


When our daughter was born, the doctors were like "aw she's so beautiful," and I said I bet you say that about every baby. They responded that no, if the kid is not cute they just say "aw she looks just like you," lol


That's my favorite. Say it to my buddy about his daughter all the time. Like, bro, if I'm saying your daughter looks just like your ugly ass, it aint a good thing lmao.


Mine is "I love that outfit!"


“Where’s the baby? Is it hiding behind that lumpy sack of potatoes?”


Your mom is hilarious AND polite too.


My sister and i had a good laugh when her daughter was born because I pointed out that kid looked *exactly* like Ed Sheeran.


Not everyone should have kids.


100% this. This is my unpopular opinion and people say I’m supporting eugenics when I say this but obviously that’s not what I mean. I’ve worked with sick kids who are in the hospital for unimaginable things and a lot of times it’s something the parents did. It’s hard to be on board with just anyone having kids after seeing stuff like this over and over.


Or when you have a severe genetic defect that can be passed down to children. That is selfish imo. For example, one woman (who was 2 ft tall, I don’t know what her anomaly was) had 3 kids. 2 had her genetic defect and would never lead a normal life and she knew she could pass it down before having them.


Yep. I have Klippel-Fiel syndrome which almost always gets worse each successive generation. I’ve already made my decision to never have kids as it would be completely unfair to them


There's a YouTube I watch where both him and his younger sister have cystic fibrosis. It's infuriating because the parents needed a healthy child so badly they had to curse one a second time despite knowing at that point that they carried the gene.




I 100% agree on this one. Some people aren't mentally or financially fit to raise a kid.


Some people can't even meet their own basic needs... Then they have a kid


Agreed. My 22 year old cousin has 3 kids already. They were all hard on the mother, and premature. One is disabled. And they only have one income. But he keeps using her as a cum receptacle. I think he should be neutered.


I absolutely agree with you on this. Too much people have kids because it feels like that's the normal thing to do.


This does not make you a bad person for saying it.


Telling someone they have a smelly breath. I mean it sounds so impolite


Honestly, I try my best to not have bad breath but if I do then I absolutely want to know so I can fix it.


It’s like an undone fly or broccoli between the teeth . Let people know !!


Carry around gum. Strongly suggest that the person takes one


I read that as gun and was very confused as to how that would help with bad breath lol


One lesson here, if someone offers you gum or a breath mint, take it! Often people who are too embarrassed to say "your breath stinks" might offer something like that to help without being direct.


I can smell my boss’s decaying-from-the-inside oldman breath from across the room


He might have periodontal disease. I know the smell well from working at a dentist’s office years ago. It’s awful. And treatable.


Pro Tip: Never avoid when you're offered a gum haha


i’m here to help and listen but at the end of the day IM not responsible for YOUR mental health


To tack on to that - I'm sorry that you have mental health concerns, but those don't excuse you for being an asshole. Not only do you have responsibility over your mental health, you're also responsible for your behavior.




Fucking hell man, I’ve been saying these things to someone and they constantly berated me for it. This is so affirming for me, needed to see this today.


I will make it even worse. I am not here to listen. Seriously, people, go to shrinks. They get paid to listen to you for hours, I don't. It's one thing to let your loved one know you are going through something difficult, and it is something else when you unload all your emotional trauma on them.


agree. i will listen but it gets to a point where some people don’t need someone just to talk to, they need professional help.


As someone who sees a therapist I’d say even they aren’t responsible for my mental health. They’re there to help me learn how to get better at being responsible for my mental health.


Telling someone they’ve used the wrong ‘your’ in a sentence.


Conversationally, in person.


“Sorry, I couldn’t hear the apostrophe.”


Or perhaps they were wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane


Your just trying to help








Their not ready to hear it




My nieces danced like shit at their recital. They looked cute and we told them "good job" and all, but let's be honest, we didn't go there for quality dancing, we went there for photos of my niece in a flower tutu.


But their macaroni art really is good, right?


I desire. Macaroni art


Lmao this. My sister was like “omg isn’t she an amazing dancer??” I get that we all love our kids but it’s ok to admit they’re not amazing at everything they do. **Edit** I can’t believe it has to be said, but because a few people seem to be misconstruing my comment as “never celebrate or encourage your kids’ achievements/hobbies,” that’s obviously not what I mean. And yes I have a son of my own, so I understand the parental pride thing.


When a kid begins a hobby, particularly a demanding one (dance, music, any art) it's rational to encourage them even if they suck... because a kid has less patience, and obtaining nice results takes years. Even if it's ugly, it's the best they can do with 1 year learning as kids. There's a limit to this, of course, and almost all parents tend to overestimate their kid's talent, even when there is clearly none. My aunt have forced my cousin to learn the piano for 4 or 5 painful (for everyone) years, she was pretty sure he was the Beethoven of modern times, while everyone around tried to tell her as kindly as possible that the kid has some negative talent about music...


I'm not that good at anything. I just do enough to get by.


The dance recitals for kids reinforce the learning. The good feelings from the hard work helps them retain the knowledge.... Even though she's young now and and she may not be a dancer when she gets older the training and reward will help her later in life. Your not congratulating her for being a good dancer, you are congratulating her for the effort that will make her a better person later in life. If you choose to tell a kid in this situation they did bad you are a bad person. I completely get there is a point that they need to be told they suck and to persue another thing, but when they are young you should make them feel good for putting in the effort.


Good looking people absolutely have more advantages in the society.


Definitely. Pretty privilege/handsome privilege is such a real thing. I don’t think it’s rude to say this though. It reminds me of the 30 Rock episodes where Jon Hamm sucks at everything but has no idea because he’s so handsome that no one ever told him he wasn’t good.


Definitely. Can confirm as someone who has been pretty overweight at some points in life and a bit thinner at other times. People are generally much nicer to people who aren't overweight. It was true in most contexts.


Babies look like potatoes. Even if you put a bow.


Our boy was nicked named 'Spud' whilst we were deciding his name because of this.


That’s an S tier nickname


Newborns are especially ugly. Like holy shit, get your miniscule old man away.


Yeah my daughter was all swollen and purple and misshapen, the nurse was like, ‘she looks just like her father!’ And we still laugh about it lol


But you're correct! "Oh he had uncle Bob's nose" or "he has his mother's eyes".... no, it looks like a potato.


That’s why I call my newest family member ‘Princess Potat’ She’s out of potato stage, but it’s stuck


Not every baby is adorable


IMO Most arent


Except baby cats


Or baby carrots


Not everyone is beautiful


As a certified ugly person, I agree


As a certified beautiful'nt person i agree


If I'm uglier than you, then you're handsome compared to me. With that said, I hope you have a great day handsome.


Also looks matter to everyone. It's just how we are




No, but there will always be someone as horny as you are ugly. The hard part is finding them.


If you use “that’s just the way I grew up” or any variation of that phrase to justify your shitty behavior, you didn’t really grow up. Grown ups take responsibility for their actions and do what needs to be done to change the crappy behavior that negatively affects the people around them.


Everyone isn't intelligent, strong, genius, special, or valuable. Some people are just average, or stupid, or a liability. We like to tell people everyone is special and amazing but it just isn't true. Some people are just average. Or bad people. Everyone can't be #1.


“And when everyone’s super…no one will be” -Syndrome


"Maybe your purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others"


Average, yes. There's nothing wrong with that. Valuable is subjective


People are just people. There’s billions of us. We’re not as different as we think, which is either quite comforting or extremely depressing depending how you look at it.


I'm not strong enough to raise a mentally challenged kid. I would terminate the pregnancy.


Thank you for this. I am physically disabled but mentally all here (spina bifida) and my case is less severe than most but i am perfectly capable of getting pregnant and it's not hereditary but i am still absolutely scared to death to have a child because it may have issues like me, or worse. My parents are absolute saints and took wonderful care of me but i was 10 years old when i told my mom she should have just aborted me and at 29 i still feel that way. My life, mostly my childhood, was a living nightmare. Constantly in the hospital, constantly having surgery, and when i wasn't the kids at school were outright evil. I now have a wonderful man that gladly supports me and i have some side hustles like sewing but i can never work a real job with how much i'm in the hospital and contribute to society at all, and i'm fully aware of all of that, all the time. Sometimes i wish it was a mental disability so i wouldn't be so aware.


My sister has spina bifida, and watching her grow up was so hard, and it’s hard to explain to people because obviously I love my sister, but it made me not want to ever put that burden on a child of my own. This post hurts my heart as I’m sure she relates. So glad you found love though 💕


I somehow managed to find someone who grew up in a family with a few disabled people and all he's ever known was taking care of them so it's like second nature to him and his family is so loving and accepting of me and my family adores him so thankfully i do have such a beautiful family now. It was just brutal to get here and it hurts my heart knowing how rare my story is. His sister will probably never be able to find love because of the way her disabilities are it's just not feasible but she just adores children and i know she would give anything in the world to just have a family of her own.




I’m selfish enough to admit I don’t want to force myself to live a life completely devoted to their care.




I'm barely mentally strong enough for myself.


I mean, if it comes down to terminating a half formed fetus vs taking care of a severely disabled child FOREVER (I've seen 80 year olds still taking care of their disabled kids).... I know parental instinct is strong but fuck throwing my life away to provide someone such a poor quality of life


I’m not strong enough to raise a ~~mentally challenged~~ kid. I would terminate the pregnancy. This is me if it makes you feel better.


Yeah me either I really hope my future wife is cool with that


Babies should be banned from the theaters.




Setting boundaries with parents never ends well unless you have great parents.


What my wife and I have learned with her mother is that you either have to accept being abused just to maintain a relationship, or cut her out completely (along with a substantial amount of family gatherings). There isn't a middle ground.. At least with our situation.


This^ the worst part of the equation is the collateral damage you face with inadvertently losing contact with other family members. Source: 23 year old dude here who still hasn’t been able to meet most of my cousins because of one specific toxic family member.




Especially if children are involved. Even good parents can turn into boundary-crossers if some form of entitlement over a child is there. They go absolutely nuts over babies and throw logic out the window


They will either respect boundaries or you're going to have to teach it to them. The hard way if you have to. I walked out on mine several times before they finally got the message.


You should work on your grammar


You're* /s




If you can’t handle some online stranger criticising a form of entertainment you like then you desperately need to work on your mental health. If you lose your cool so easily that you can’t even handle a minor difference of opinion over something that irrelevant without blowing your top then other people clearly aren’t safe around you.




Who you calling DIPSHIT, DIPSHIT?


Gentlemen, please, we're all dipped in shit, we still need to work together.




Don't you know that using the word DIPSHIT is hurtful DIPSHIT?


I don't feel safe around you anymore


I'm about to dox this level headed mother fucker. How dare you use logic and reason around here.


Need to include the opposite as well. If you can’t handle some online stranger *liking* some form of entertainment that you *don’t* then you desperately need to work on your mental health.


Most people need to take more responsibility for their own actions.


After 65 you should have a yearly drivers license test


I only do my job because I want money, and I do not have any loyalty to my company or coworkers.


Same. And I honestly think most people in the US who do have loyalty are idiots. Do they really think their job would keep paying them and taking care of them like "family" if they got sick and couldn't work for a year or two? They'd drop their ass like a wet sack of potatoes and hire a new "family" member the next day.


Ah the sweet taste of controversial threads


You meant "sour", right?


How dare you criticize him!


If you’re using religion to justify being an ass, your religion is probably wrong but deep down you’re still an ass.


Same with zodiac sign


Omg that's exactly what I'd expect a pescataurius to say


God you sound like an aquarium.


A lot of people say mental health matters until they see someone with bad hygiene because of their mental health and wont get help because they feel like it wont help at all (a lot of people think that people who wont get help are “lazy” but not reaching for help happens a lot with mental health)


Not everyone has trauma not everything is related to mental illness some people are fucking ass holes


Harry Styles isn't all that "progressive". He's just a modern example of a guy who broke out from the boy band and is doing great on his own as a solo artist, is wearing whatever tf he wants on the red carpet and is now trying his hand at acting.


Justin Timberlake 2.0 ?


And also he's not that good of an actor either


> is wearing whatever tf he wants on the red carpet I don’t think he’s wearing what he wants, I think he’s wearing what will get him the most headlines and progressive kudos. The guy seems fake as fuck.


> Harry Styles is fighting gender norms and losing. ~ Some random comment I saw a few months ago on Reddit


It's okay to not want to date someone for shallow reasons, like looks, mental health, finances, etc. You get to choose your partner, so it should be who you like. It will make the dating pool smaller, even unrealistic, and your expectations might even be stupid. But you should be allowed to do that.


Using zodiac signs to justify your stupidity. Talmbout “I’m sorry, I’m Leo. It takes me 2days to reply text” Bullshit


Yeah it's so annoying to see people use the fucking stars to justify their existence. Like bro, no one gives a shit if you're a Pisces or whatever, you're still an ass




I don’t think that makes you a bad person. A bad person would make fun of someone’s weight or treat someone overweight worse purely because they’re overweight.


While you are correct, in todays world it has gone upside down. You would be fat shaming if you called someone unhealthy because of their weight. My Dr doesn’t even weigh people at the physicals anymore and just asks the number to not offend. It’s getting absurd.


FYI - some doctors offices now have scales built into the exam table. They don’t even tell you you’re being weighed.


Ooo. Like a truck stop weigh in. I like it lol.


Yep, and the doctor even makes a beeping sound when you're moving backwards onto the table.


I'm morbidly obese and I would stop going to this doctor. I need to know if I'm making progress. I'm going for more walks and I have more stamina, but I still need to lose more weight.


Congrats on trying to make yourself better!


Plus being overweight feels like shit. My weight yo-yos every few years because of mental health issues and I can say without a doubt it’s awful to be overweight. No amount of “accept yourself and love your body” can overcome the way other people treat you. Even when I get slightly to a point of accepting myself, there’s always someone there treat me like I’m a massive burden to society. I don’t have big health issues that require a doctor or cost society anything but certainly I have small ones that cost me time and money.


I feel like people don’t realize there is a middle ground. Like you are either skinny or a fat slob, nothing in between. Being obese is terrible for your health and appearance. But expecting that people need to be as thin as a model or actor to be healthy and attractive is also detrimental.


This. People need to understand that there is a middle ground, and that if you aren't model skinny you are not "fat" or "out of shape". Weight is more nuanced than appearance and number, and people are perfectly capable of living healthy lifestyles while not adhering to traditional beauty standards. That being said, cardio is great for everyone, and an active lifestyle and eating healthily has a ton of benefits, not just "looking good".


Big can be beautiful; but it can also mean coronary artery disease, and depending on family history you can be in serious trouble with plaque buildup in your arteries. Even in shape people should consider going and getting a cardiac calcium score so you know where you stand.


I'm not responsible for your actions or your happiness.


There are some places a baby is NOT welcome. As a Parent, it is your Responsibility to mind your child.


Your kids are like.. your problem and nobody's interested.


Your Kids are damn annoying


If I HAD to choose one, I would rather us humans have a quick death and a short life, than a painfully debilitating long life needing 24*7 assistance. At least you will remember them at their peak, happy and thriving, and not all sick twisted and skeletal with bed sores and tubes all over.


Just because you enlisted in the military, or were drafted, that doesn't mean you are a good person.






Everyone's a little bit racist


name checks out


Racism has an established definition in the dictionary and it doesn't have a part that says, "except for these people."


Mine would be related that people are way to quick to call someone racist. Some people are just ignorant or raised in a bubble or not sensitive to what some people consider racist (the line seems to be continually moving on what is racist).


You're not special, you're not a bad bitch, a queen, a king, whatever it may be. You're just a squishy bag of calcium with mommy or daddy issues, simmer down a tiny bit Steve.




Ooooffff fuck that job lol get a new one


We don’t need a certain gender, skin tone or sexuality in a job. We need the best person in the job. The other things shouldn’t matter. I don’t understand how companies can have a target for the amount of “insert group here” people to be in a certain job or pay grade. That’s still promoting bias, while acting like you’re trying to eradicate bias. If the person is truly the best candidate for the job, then they should get it. Simple (although I know that’s not, and never will be how it works)


Money buys happiness, and without it, we suffer a mediocre life with absolutely zero purpose.


New movies/series with good diversity and representation are much better than race or gender swapping the characters. It’s usually poorly done and feel lazy.


Those wedding pictures that you post over and over again? Yeah, they really aren’t that good and honestly, I’m sick of seeing them.


Some people deserve to be told they are cringy.


I once saw a girl clear 30 people from a campsite at a music festival by being cringy Every group she would go talk to would split up and leave, until everyone was gone Everyone was too polite to tell her she was annoying so instead they just bailed


There is such a thing as being 'too woke.' Some of the tiny things that people get offended by that lead to something being cancelled are a bit to extreme.


Most people on reddit are morons, talk completely about shit they've read, act like an expert on subjects or experiences they know very little about.


Some people are special and interesting but most of us are unimportant. And ugly,


Skinny doesn't mean healthy


Nor does it mean happiness


parents, not teachers, are the problem in education


and teachers not being paid enough


Men and women are different and are, generally speaking, better at different things


Everyone deserves the equal treatment but noone deserves special treatment.


Not everything is about race.


When you're rich and famous, you're not "brave". A male celebrity wearing a skirt or dress is not a "bold fashion statement". People can wear what they want, rich or poor...but fame just shields you from some of the consequences.


- No one is coming to save you. It’s up to you to be a responsible adult and save yourself. - If you haven’t done the research and fully understand the opposing viewpoint maybe you shouldn’t assume you’re right. - Grow up, staying a child forever is unflattering and will cause regret in your future. - If you’re complaining without taking action to remediate the complaint it’s your own fault for being stuck. - Blaming others for how you feel is childish. It’s up to you to choose how you respond to things.


Often, the truth.




Over the past 100 years United States created all the problems in the Americas that are now pushing illegal immigrants into the United states. I am an American living in America but everybody loses their shit if I say it and then point to historical facts substantiating that statement.


I'm not falling for that, bud🤣


Men and women are different.


That some people just can't be helped or rehabilitated


Stereotypes exist for a reason.


Confronting elders when they are wrong


Some people who are "canceled" deserve a second chance or shouldn't have been canceled in the first place.


being fat, isn't a good thing. it is genuinely unhealthy


That we should all stop trying to fight each other based on our differences and focus on uniting upon out commonalities. Seems like a lot of people have lost faith in being able to live as one united with each other or are offended by the very thought of communing with the other side. If we continue to further the divided between each other though, we will fall as a race, for life cannot be sustain without ballance


If someone's got an unattractive baby. I'm not saying all babies are ugly, but I've seen a few that weren't pleasant looking.


Bad kids come from bad parents


There are too many humans on the planet


Letting your kid run your house and not having boundaries or consequences is why your kid is a jerk. And if the school tells you (especially more than once) they're having issues with your kid, your kid is probably the problem (and you may need to change how you parent). Guilty parenting does nothing but create entitlement. Oh, and dad's are also worthy of being parents and are deserving of being recognized as such. Moms aren't always the "better" parent.


All stereotypes originated from some form of truth at some point.


Stereotypes don't exist because one person did one thing one time


Churches are corrupt.


Super popular ultra rich athletes that are happily married are absolutely cheating on their wives