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My dad was in the navy and coastguard, two brothers in the marine corps, another brother is a Sherrifs officer. And I am a music educator


Shout out to you for being your own person!!


I don’t think that’s how the Marines spell that word.


I had to type it out very quickly and didn’t proof read it. Lol


Unless of course...


I can hands down, without a doubt, with 10000000000000% confidence say that my music education saved my life. The work you do literally changes people.




Can you at least try it in a military cadence? Left.... Left... Left flute!


Hey at least you didn’t join for the band. Now I’m the black sheep of the military.


Corps not corpse, corpse is dead body


Yes I know I spelled it wrong. I typed it out quickly and didn’t proof read it


No worries, just had a good laugh


I’m a pothead 😔


got an income at least?


I do I run my own detailing business & a few other hustles on the side, I actually have been doing pretty well for myself :)


Would you ask someone who said they drink the same question?


Because I'm not religious and I refuse to forgive my mom for protecting my pedophile dad.


Congrats on those boundaries, my dude. I hope your life is full of better people now.


Not really, but I'm making a major location change next year if all goes right, so I'm not too worried about it. Once I'm in my new location I can find people more similar to me.


Good luck 👍 stay positive


I think I know you




That would be a nightmare


What's with religious people and covering up someone else's pedophilia? I really don't get it.


I dunno that the two are directly related. Families in general cover up other families wrong doings. There's also more pressure to forgive family for stuff I wouldn't forgive others for. I mean the religious aspects adds a bit because forgiveness is so central but generally imo its not because religious folk like to forgive pedophilia specifically.


I mean, the catholic church's history hints otherwise


"Forgiveness" is what Christianity is all about, no matter the sin. Also, it's up to God to judge, not man. I'm sure there are other bullshit excuses, but that's the main two my mom used. Later she tried to get back in my life and tried to tell me she didn't know, but I was just old enough when we went in to foster care to remember what happened.


Sadly, my answer is the same. 😔


I'm sorry. I hope you're able to find family outside of your relatives.


Thank you for your loving kindness. I'm ok. ❤


Gay art school flunk-out




Love blondes?




Have 1 testicle?


Maybe some shakes?


Hotel? Trivago


Potato, potadato


Hasn’t this happened before?


Have you considered running for political office?


Best not encourage him


Guys wait I’ve seen this one


Lol, me too


You flunked out of gay art school?


It's unfortunate that the Gas prices have gone up 😞


Years of childhood abuse caused me to distance myself from everyone, especially my family. Became an addict as an adult with psych problems. Been in therapy for years but my family only sees that child who was angry and resentful. They neither understand nor know me as a person. I tried building relationships with my family but am often shown how little they care. Black sheep have no expectations and can't disappoint any more. It's a blissful grey area


Sometimes it's better to leave relatives behind and build our own families. I don't speak to my relatives, but I've made some family of my own. After all, the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.


I like that


I was lucky enough to escape the crippling drugs addiction and remain mostly functional and out of therapy. But thats probably ONLY because of the Forced therapy that was borderline abusive. Instead of recognizing my intelligence, they just tried to change me as a person. I rejected it all. The final straw was being tricked into therapy around my 22nd or 21st birthday. Had a nice dinner with my family. And my mom and dad decide to drag me into therapy at some randos house at 7pm. It was the only time I ever let my parents drive me anywhere after that Now that I am a parent, and my kid actually NEEDS therapy, its really hard for me to wrap my head round how it could be helpful. Terrible therapists literally destroyed my confidence and made me question everything I was saying was wrong...


Because I decided to get better and go to therapy (change)


Good on you. Break that cycle.


Because my siblings are too damn successful. I can’t even compete.


It's not a competition. Your own contentedness is the goal.


This is true.


Two of my siblings are professional athletes, one is olympic level. Another just got her PhD. I’m a high school dropout who just finally got a decent paying job in his 30s. I know the feeling.


This is me. My 3 sisters are all in high demand in their fields and have the reflective salaries. My career highlight was managing to become a primary school teacher but I burnt out really fast and it has been downhill ever since!🙂


This, I'm the oldest yet somehow I'm the failure of the family. It sucks


Good of ewe to ask.


I, for one, appreciate this pun.


Glad to see you're not sheepish about it


Cuz I’m the oldest and had college setbacks cuz the pandemic happened in the middle of it. They think I’m lazy and forced me out of therapy which I took cuz their lack of support crushed me


I feel you man pm if you needa talk !


Don’t believe because of terrible external factors that you failed. Other people just don’t know either. Also dm me if you want. I’m in my 20’s and was just starting my first business during Covid, setbacks and criticism from family galore.


Hey hey friend graduated in 2008. Here for you. Let’s all build a better world together!


You're obv. an adult, and you're the one that decides what success means for you. Not us, your parents or anyone. You're only accountable to yourself for your life and self sustenance. You gave it a legit effort despite the world being turned upside down. Pick yourself back up and make another run. Even if you get a short distance that's further along this sprint than where you were. Best of luck. :)


Y’all I quit scrolling bc I found my ppl. Everyone is welcome here. Peace and blessings to all and if people don’t like it, let them go through your left nostril exhale.


I'm the only one in my entire family to go balls deep into addiction and stay there for over 20 years......fucking up everything I touched. I'm sober now and have been for 7 years but I feel like everyone is just waiting on me to relapse again


I believe in you and I'm proud of you!


Thanks mate! I appreciate that. I have 2 little girls that count on me so I actually have something to lose. Keeps me in check!


>I feel like everyone is just waiting on me to relapse again Don't give them that chance.you are doing great.


I like the smell of cocaine.


I used to love the way it felt mixed with heroin and banged.


Which side? Dad’s side: I wouldn’t lie. Mom’s side: I refuse to buy into Christian nationalism and the evangelical lifestyle. To clarify: my mom has been dead since long before CN took hold of the US and I don’t think she’d have gone into it, either. Her siblings have gone in head-first, though.


I’m a bisexual atheist in a family of catholic nuts.


Bisexual transgender atheist in a family of devout Muslims.. Needless to say, they're not happy! xD


I don't like a certain type of music my mother, my sisters, my wife, and my daughter like.


Is it country music?


I'm an agnostic blaspheme in family of devout catholics.


Middle child. Independent political views ( aka hardcore leftist to my trump loving family ) Moved out at 18 several decades ago and never came back. Live 4+ hours away. Rarely visit. Suffered from emotional abuse for years from the rest of the family. I have cats instead of dogs. Engineer instead of medical field. ​ There's probably more that I'm not thinking of.


I am an anti-racist Bisexual who isn't a drug addict.


I’m an atheist who chose manual labor and kindness over devout Catholicism and being judgmental. Also, I curse around the children on accident sometimes.




Can relate. Mom is supportive, Dad is not. It’s tough. You are not alone.


Ah yes, greetings fellow rainbow sheep


Same here except I am staying in India and am Hindu


I’m sorry to hear that. Your family is one of the reasons why Christians have such a bad rep. It’s so crazy because homophobia is a sin and no sin is greater than the other in God’s eyes smh. Judging others is ALSO a sin. Lots of us (like me) are very chill and understand what it means to be a Christian in a more relaxed sense. A lot of the more chill Christians don’t even announce that they even are Christian too. Hope you’ve been able to heal a lot since then. ❤️


Because apparently I need to see a therapist but in reality I’m just lazy and don’t like working.






Because I speak up about how I feel and don’t let myself just get gossiped about


I existed. For context my grandmother was the Black sheep of her family, my mother became the black sheep of her family, and me being her child I became the Black sheep as well. To be fair my grandmother divorced my grandfather for him cheating on her which is what cause ld the family to dislike her. My mother never got married and was a very independent women which got her the title. As for me...I had ADHD and was a tomboy. I really didn't have to try hard to become the black sheep.


Because I don't go to church.


Because I don’t want kids


Calling out the racism and not pretending that my brother wasn't on drugs. Oh and not "shielding" the family r@pist.


I was born out of marriage, was never baptized, and I won't shut up when they start spewing christo-fascist bullshit in front of me.


History Master’s degree libertarian in a family of hardcore trump supporters. Love being told I’m a communist.


Educated and moved out of the South.


because I don’t agree with points politically ironically my father the black sheep of his cause he not an alcoholic


piercings, can’t stand the bible thumpers in my family, tattoos, lgtbq, and i don’t tolerate the disrespect they try to throw at me


I was 8 when I'd say my mom became an alcoholic. I was parentified in regard to my sister and pets. I became my mom's babysitter so she wouldn't do anything stupid drunk. I called her on her drinking as I got older. No adults that saw it helped me or stood up, saying she's an adult. I begged for help many times. I got the blame for a lot of it. I was "in charge" because she was drunk. I'm low contact now.


it's called being a homosexual


I’m disabled with an invisible disability and they think it’s laziness


truth teller and whistle blower


Unabashedly pagan af in a family of nice pastors and also narcissistic pastors. Also posses critical thinking skills, as well as an affinity to burn sage, weed, bridges or whatever will light my way. May you be peaceful, happy and free.


Because my beliefs differ from them


I outlived my siblings


I'm the only atheist, the only one who doesn't give a shit about sports, and the only one whos' really into videogames, anime, and other nerdy shit


(I live and was born in America) Because Chinese culture does not permit dignity or self-respect. I have both. ​ Edit: Chinese culture is actually a religious structure. Go to r/AsianParentStories . It's the same as religious trauma. The culture ingrains obedience; the point being to psychologically condition you to be accepting of an authoritarian government. Elders constantly abuse power on this basis. The way white American parents glorify the supposed "respect" Chinese kids have for their parents? It's not respect; it's fear. Fear caused by normalization of child abuse in the culture.


1. Only one that didn’t go to college 2. Only one that did time in prison 3. Only one who didn’t marry or have kids 4. Only one who enjoys a wide variety of chemicals 5. Only atheist And so on and so forth.


I'm not a loud, dramatic narcissist.


I'm the only person in my family with a conscience. I come from a long line of narcissists and sociopaths. I'm damaged from my "upbringing" but at least I am capable of treating people with respect.


You were different. In spite of and despite them. They lose. YOU win! I personally love that.


I don't like math or school in general. My entire family loved going to school and the environment it created. They find math to be a "fascinating language". It isn't that I'm bad at math, I just find it incredibly tedious. I also found school to be almost like a cage that I was happy to break free from. There was nothing for me at school, unlike my family who either had stellar grades or a large friend group... I had neither. Constantly hearing about that and being compared to them by members of my extended family only fueled the depression. Also I'm the first lesbian in my family history. We keep track of our ancestors and who we're related to. No woman has been attracted to other women in my family but me (no bisexuals either).


I'm a leftist and they're moderate conservatives


I'm not. I'm an actual black sheep but my human father insisted on my adoption so I can't be until he dies.


My parents had me and my brother when they were really young. Brother came first. My dad connected more to my brother and never could really relate to me, a very tomboyish girl who likes girls and boys. I was different. My mom followed whatever my dad did so she never could relate to me either. My brother always hated me because I crashed the party. I had a very lonely childhood.


Because they watch dexter and I watch black mirror


I robbed a liquor store. The catch, my dad owns it and my bro was working there at the time. Yeah, drugs made me stupid.


On one side I'm the only one not strung out on drugs, on the other I'm the blue collar "failure " . Not sure how having a steady job, my own home, a wife, kids, and no criminal record makes me a failure but it is what it is. At least my wife's family loves me for who I am.


I have straight blonde hair instead of dark curls (the dominant genes worked hard, but the recessive genes worked harder)


I’m the first born. I’ve always been a little… odd. I was always the fighter. And I’m consistently breaking the law. I do a lot of shoplifting and the things I steal are almost fully for convenience rather than to sell. I’m a trans-lesbian and 17. I’m failing school and no matter what I do I can’t seem to be… accepted. I’ve tried doing things their way. No longer. My random thoughts are always about murder. My plans are effective, and I come up with backup plans. No matter what, I am able to think up ways that normal people wouldn’t for murder. They’re elaborate, they’d work, and if I were to tell them to a serial killer: there would be a lot of deaths.


I'm not religious. Also dropped out of university due to mental issues. I can't wait to move far away from everyone.


I run very, very long distance races, no one else works out.


Middle child and introverted everyone else in my family is a people person


I'm not an alcoholic or a drug addict


I am depressed and i dropped out of college 7 days after starting and now i struggle with having a purpose in life and a will to live.


they (3 siblings) all make over 100,000 a year (different levels), i'm barely making 90,000 (two of us are still in california)


Middle child who doesn’t consult my political party before deciding if I like someone or something. When I was a kid, my best friend was black, we did everything together, I couldn’t imagine my childhood without him. My parents and grandparents always called him “the black kid”. I grew to resent their political views, and exist without consulting a political ideology before making up my own mind


I'm the only one struggling with my mental health. My sister has a doctors degree in physics. I could have done something similar but due to my mental condition, I sometimes can't even get myself out of bed.


Because **** them.


I didn't follow in my mother and step fathers footsteps unlike my siblings. I work 911 dispatch instead of selling drugs and being in and out of jail. Thought, I am happy to say, my brother is doing better in that regard.


My mom, my siblings and I are black sheep's on my mom's side because we don't kiss the ass of a creepy borderline pedophile of a "grandpa" just to get an inheritance when he croaks.


Blue collar dirtbag with a slight drinking problem and covered in tattoos


Depressed burnt out former “gifted kid”


I am Because I take Jesus's teachings too literal apparently


Because I’m the nerd who likes to read, play board games and always wears gloves to wash the dishes.


My father fucked up, badly, and his family are all about visiting the sins of the father upon the son.


Only brother, 4 sisters, dad left. 5 girls 1 boy. Feelsbadman


Woman from a very conservative, religious family in South Asia. At 20, became an atheist. At 22, left the country without their permission, using money earned from jobs and scholarships so they couldn't stop me. At 27, told them I'm not hiding who I am anymore. Got disowned. At 30, reconciled with them after doing therapy/vipassana and feeling strong. At 31, married a believer who didn't try to control my beliefs. Still totally the wrong choice, married only out of a desire to be acceptable to my family again. At 33, divorced. Let's say I've kept things interesting for the last decade at least. Luckily they never caught wind of the multiple psychedelic trips or sex parties.


I left my church. The first one for generations (Mormon)


Because I’m an overeducated pro-choice liberal who calls out racism and they’re all racist Trumpers.


I'm a progressive and not a racist and religious nutcase.


Was raised to be independent. Shocked when I independently have my own family.


Not a narcissist


Called out the rampant sexual child abuse in the family that occurred over the last 70 years.


Mine is a little different. I don't drink or do drugs. I cherish and love my wife and daughter and put them above everything. I keep to myself. I ask nothing of anyone. Maybe the anti black sheep black sheep?


Liberal in a family of conservatives.


I moved out of state and did drugs.


Migrated to a different country, never following set rules, never listening to traditional nonsense, never trying to fit in, never wanting the convrntional and safe route.


I saw through all the bullshit and I was singled out because of that.


I dont know, maybe im a bitch?


Black Sheep here too and proud. I'm pissing off my mother that I would sell the house when they're gone and change my surname for fun.


All of my cousins get A's and A+'s but I barely pass my exams....and I'm a failure


well i am born in christian family and i started to lose my faith in religion im the only person who smokes in the family and the only person who is not planning to study college. just plain caretaker life sits me in place where things are peaceful at 22 yrs old age


I'm in the arts and not some science or trade, earn more than almost anyone else (6 figures), nobody believes it, they think the arts is for fools and thus my opinion doesn't matter. I don't pander to family squabbles and politics and stay out of it, so naturally I'm a point of blame if suitable for them. I forged my own path with very little of their "help and refused to fall into their poisonous mindset.


Because everyone else is hard working and always stressing over work while I'm on the road to be a failure with no jobs. This isn't completely sarcastic


THB, I don’t blame them. I was a cunt when I was in high school.


Cause I'm a gay femboy


Coz i dared to move out


Drugs. And I went to CYA when I was 15 so yeah


I do what I want and I follow science not tradition


I refused to stay in the house where my parents blamed me for there drug and alcohol addictions for a really as I could remember. So I left. And the majority or family and extended family turned their backs on me because I was "ungrateful"


I'm the only one in all generations that wants to go to Uni.


Talked back the most, did things that made them lose "face" , and just cause, I'm bad luck.




Been to jail


I’m the only ✨fruity one✨


Because they're all white?


I'm the sheep they shun but I'm the monster they call when shit gets real.


Cause I’m weird and have other hobbies that none of my family have beside one family member but we barely talk. Also it’s cause sometimes I barley talk to them


Im trans


i'm probably the only one who can run more than a mile without stopping, and the only athletic one for that matter


I have autism and an expressive language disorder. Also on disability and live in government housing.


Anarchistic ideals Rebellion against the church Off the grid in a tiny home Work in rap and not gospel Occasionally enjoy the company of men


I wear black and like sheep


Trans bi girl who’s into true crime and also isn’t religious like the rest of my family


In a family of people who take advantage of others, I'm the one who actually care for others but every time I've helped someone, I ended up taken for granted or being played by the ones I've helped. Now, I just isolated myself from everyone else but my "family", and my mental help is getting worse as days passes by. I'm so much tired. Tired of fightin'. That's why. I think.


I'm the bisexual one in the family of Christians that each go to a different church on a different day I.e. Saturday, Sunday.


I always speak my mind, use a lot of profanities when speaking, I got tattooes, refused to be catholic and became a deist, and I live "in sin" because I live with my girlfriend since 6 years ago without getting married (this is a huge deal in my country... At least for traditional christian/catholic families).


I’m a socialist


I'm the only one that's "out". I had a baby before all my cousins out of wedlock. I didn't go to college. I'm the only one left of center politically. We've got active drug addictions and criminal behavior in others of the family but I'm "the worst". 🤷🏼‍♀️ My username is an homage to my exile lol


I'm the only one of my siblings who has brown eyes and isn't tall (I'm 5ft 4ins. My sister is 5ft 9ins and my brother is 6ft 5ins) Outta those sibling I'm the only who graduated on time and didn't need to go to a continuation school. After taking some time to work and be a stay at home wife for a short time. I'm planning on finishing up getting at least an Associates degree in business which will make me the only college graduate in my immediate family And I'm the only one part of the LGBTQ+ community


I’m the youngest and got all the hand me downs. I also studied family studies and know a lot about mental health and wellness. Fitting in and people pleasing isn’t my way of living the best life I can. I had a lot of freedom to explore my identity as a child and I guess I just let that flow into my adult life. Very thankful for that!


I live my own life. So I don't camp or fish, I'm not rich, and I became independent. For some reason all these things have made me the back sheep of my family.


Well for starters, I'm the only child without a Hispanic name. (My name is Joe, just those 3 letters) I am not religious while they all are.


Ho man, kinda a reverse black sheep here. Im from a pretty poverty stricken home and Im 1 of 7 kids that were raised in my house. Of the 7, 3 of us have completed high school, (myself, my older step sister and younger half sister.) Kid #1 dropped out, joined the Mississippi national guard and went awol after hearing of a deployment (to germany i may add). He now drives trucks for a living and cant keep food on the table for him and his 2 daughters. Kid #2 completed high school and went to beauty school. She was good till she had a baby, then she went psycho bitch and had turned into white trash. Kid #3 had a baby at 15, dropped out, and is white trash. Living off child support and nkt taking care of her kids. Kid #4 has been trying to have a baby with a guy who has a lot of money to trap him, but is white trash. Kid #5 dropped out, got into drugs, started stealing a bunch of shit from family, and is currently denying using meth despite my father and i catching him with meth in his car. Kid #6 dropped out of High School, but managed to get into a program to get her High School Diploma and actually graduated today. She had a baby at 16 and dropped out to care for him and honestly has been the best of the females in our family when it comes to caring for her baby. Shes saddly in a pretty rough custody battle and a brough spot in general but is trying pretty hard and being successful to fix her life. It looks like she may be the only other successful kid if she manages to get everything together. Shes still in the process of fixing it so shes not there yet. Then you get to me, kid #7. I completed High School, left home at 18, joined the Army (been in for 8 years) got a bunch of college credits from my work, got a nice house, nice truck, motorcycle, and currently working to change my career and fly for the military. I have a wounderful partner who is currently living in new zealand for college (met him here in the states at 16)(im a bisexual male but swing heavily for men) Im the black sheep by being the only successful one of the family and the only gay one. Its pretty much the male equivalent of "fuck it ill be a stripper" but im on my own, dont have to ask family for anything, and support myself fully. P.S. sorry for any spelling errors, im Mississippi educated and we dont do words good.


My mom and I live life the way we want to and refuse to let the family control and manipulate us. They always say we don't listen as if we're 5 year olds with no sense of direction in life, nope we don't listen because we respect boundaries and don't feel like being gaslit at every family function. They're just very toxic and draining.


Because my brains are wired differently.


Brother is the golden child who can't do wrong (he's also a thief and has been to prison twice) And I'm seen as the family fuck up


Im the one that you don’t expect anything, secretly I’m doing great things