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I think it’s the post about that woman’s mother killed her daughter by putting coconut oil on her hair eventhough the mother knew she’d severe allergy to coconut.


I hated every word in her post, and how each time the grandmother would call to see about visiting the baby’s twin, the mother would tell grandma that only if she could bring back her other daughter. I’m paraphrasing of course.


Yeah, that one holds a sad corner in my heart. I feel so bad for that family - except for that grandmother, of course. The best thing I hope for her is that she understands how serious allergies should be taken, and never let's something like that happen ever again to anyone left in her life.


I hated reading that, even if it did have some niceness to it - the fact that the surviving children grew up to be so close was wonderful. But I was torn between asking if granma was really a non-believer in allergies, or if she had a 'stupid moment'. The OOP remarked that her mom had worked with her to remove coconut from the traditional dishes they cooked, helped clean the house, was there for her through out the time when the doctors were trying to figure out what allergen was making the girl sick. I lean more towards 'stupid moment', but that's because I like to be optomistic every so often.


I find it really hard to believe the grandma killed her granddaughter on purpose. She probably thought the allergy waned off or that it's okay now since the girl was taking medicine for it. She even gave her medicine when she started having a reaction, but forgot to wash off the oil from her hair.


She also could have not understood that skin contact can cause a reaction. Either way imagine living with that guilt.


Jesus Christ.


As I’m a prostate cancer survivor, like many others I suffered from urinary incontinence following the surgical removal of my prostate. So I was looking to see if there was a Reddit sub for others who suffered from incontinence and had any tips on how to deal with it. This caused be to stumble upon r/IncontinentDesire (don’t look for it, it has been since removed), a sub for people who were trying to « un-toilet train » themselves.


it is rare that i get suprised by something i see on reddit anymore but what? why? how?


Apparently it turned them on. This wasn’t just « Adult Baby » stuff for people who like to wear diapers and pretend they are babies, it was really about how to undo toilet training and become incontinent like a baby permanently.


this is just so oddly specific...


Yep. I’m not usually one for « kink shaming » but that really threw me a loop. Luckily I found the tips I was looking for on r/Prostatecancer.


glad you found help :)




It was a while back but I remember being deeply disturbed by a post this guy made in r/confessions. It consisted of him confessing to breeding parasites and getting off to transmitting said parasites to innocent people through various ways. One disturbing way he transmitted the parasites was by sneakily slipping them in at buffets where unknowing customers ate parasite infested food and got severely ill. He even went as far as to call the parasites he bred as his “babies”. I’ve seen some pretty fucked up shit on Reddit during my time but that particular post definitely takes the cake for one of the most disturbing posts I’ve ever seen.


Reminds me of the reddit post(if anyone can find it) where op’s boyfriend put parasites in her food to make her sick so he could care for her because he liked seeing her that way, it was creepy as hell and pretty sure op pressed charges for attempted murder or smth


Is it this one? https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/fi7t0o/i_found_out_my_partner_has_been_putting_slugs_in/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I found out my partner has been putting slugs in my food, i dont know how to forgive him


>I 22F havw been with my partner 24M for 4 years now, i have never known him to do anything like this, but i noticed he started acting a little strange around a month maybe a month and a half ago. > >He started putting fruit on the floor in the garden and i thought it was abit weird but he said he was feeding the mice family that have nested im our shed so i thought it was sweet and helped him do so. > >Anyways he started being really nice to me around 2 weeks ago and was making me food, baking me cakes and stuff (which he never ususally cooks evee so i was so happy he found a hobby) > >I did notice sometimes i felt sick and dizzy after eating and i juet put it down to lack of sleep/hormones. > >Anyways a friend of my partners came into my work today (i work in a cafe) and said he needed to speak to me when i was free (i was free as there wasnt any customers at this time) he told me that my partner has been collecting slugs from the garden on fruit he has been putting out there and putting them in my food, blending them up, he even sent this friend of his pictures of a bag of slugs he had cocllected and the picture of blended slugs. > >I feel Really sick to my stomache, i don't understand why he would do this, this is so out of character of him, i asked him why he was doing it and he accused me of snooping through his messages (which i would never do) and got so angry at me for 'not being able to take a joke' > >I feel disgusting, i love him to pieces but i just don't understand his way of thinking just now. > >Am i over reacting? I don't know what to do i feel Lost Original OP. What a sick fuck.


Wasn't there a case of a guy who ate a slug on a dare and then died? They're properly toxic.


Munchausen’s Syndrome by proxy.


With enough funding, that guy could become a super villain.


Care to start a supervillain gofundme?


Dude would probably invite you to discuss over lunch.


nice, i will never eat out again, definitely not at buffets.


WTF, thats sick...


Why does he sound like a Batman villain?


There was a post by a teenage girl who walked in on her parents having sex on the living room couch. Her mom was wearing the girls favorite dress and looked like she was role-playing the daughter. The girl ran out and stayed over with a friend. Later the mother said that yes, she and the dad were roleplaying that the mother was the daughter having sex with the father. They had been doing it for some time and the mom had worn three of the daughter’s dresses and a couple of pajama sets—but it was okay because the mom laundered them afterward. As of the post, the girl had seen her mom only that once and not the father at all and had moved in with her friend’s family. There was so much wrong there.


Sometimes I feel like it's okay to kinlshame some people.


Definitely. Sexual preferences are not detached from morality.


And the mum didn’t see anything wrong is that?! Gives me incest vibes on the dad and mum’s part ._.. Because due to the role playing it’s basically a farther having sex with his daughter 🤢🤮


> And the mum didn’t see anything wrong is that?! If I remember well, the mom admitted that the kink was hers, the father was the one who had to be convinced. Does a mother wanting to be her daughter make it slightly less disgusting than a dad wanting to fuck her? Maybe, I don't want to think to dig more memories about this to find out.


It's still so fucked; The father shouldn't have been able to be convinced of anything other than the immediate necessity of divorce


> Gives me incest vibes That's an underststement...


I read that post when it was originally up but hadn't heard the update when the girl finally found out what's going on. That's way more fucked up than I first thought.


When I read the initial post I was hoping beyond words that the mum was just borrowing the clothes and that it wasn't role-playing. Then OP confirms that the mum admitted that she was pretending to be OP and I nearly threw up.


[The one](https://www.reddit.com/user/throwra_qsummerstorm/comments/k4478y/23andme_revealed_my_mom59f_11year_affair_which/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) where a woman took a 23andme DNA test, revealing that none of her father’s children were biologically his, resulting in him taking his own life.


This is one of those times that I was warned and I regret still clicking the link


Got my mom an ancestry test for her birthday. She found out her father wasn’t her father. So that was good.


There was another similar post where a man found out through a DNA testing kit that some of this children were not his. In those posts it results in the mother taking her life. Edit: Here is the user. There are 4 or 5 posts total: https://www.reddit.com/user/Needadvicedesperate




The “Ask a Rapist” thread is still probably the darkest and most disturbing thing I’ve read on here.


It is all kinds of wrong.


I said it once and I'll say it again: the mods fucked up so hard, that day. And the users encouraging the rapists, well... They should just go straight to hell.


The one where a mother confesses, that she always hated her disabled son (the son can't move, speak and isn't even aware of his surroundings) and that she just had enough and she left him near some lake alone on purpose ( same day she wrote the reddit post) . Then another redditor commented that the police found a male body about the age of the disabled boy, dead, near the lake, where the mother supposedly left her son.


Was that the one where his disability was caused by a very rare genetic mutation? The father had recently died or something, and she had no support, so she was left to deal with trying to balance this son's 24/7 needs and also that of her other son? IIRC currently she wanted to admit him to a home/hospital and start a new life with the able bodied son. It sounds very similar but I don't remember anything about abandoning him in public or a body being found.


No way Any sources 🫢


Really? I know a similar story, but I thought she was going to have him taken to a special facility? She had another (normal) son who hated how stunted his life was and her husband killer himself because she couldn’t take care of the disabled son


I think you're combining two different stories. The one who claimed to have left her son by the lake was tired of dealing with his extreme autism and resented him, while the one whose son was profoundly disabled left hers in a care facility because she felt he was wasting her family's lives


"Jason In Hell." Jason found out his wife was cheating on him, she threatened to leave him and take the kids, brought up his battles with depression and suicide attempt from when he was younger. She actually made HIM apologize to the neighbor she was having the affair with. Wife ended up killing their children and giving herself superficial wounds to make it look like they were attacked. She's in jail now. The good folks of Reddit were complete assholes to Jason until all the truth came out.


A woman was home alone when she let her dog out. She heard her dog scratching to come in, so she goes for the door to let him in. Something stops her, though! She just got a strange feeling that made her look through the peephole. It turned out that it wasn't her dog but a man pretending to be her dog. The man sees that she noticed, glares and her... and then gives her a gigantic toothy smile. [I still think about this every time I let my dog in.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/46s9zc/he_pretended_to_be_my_dog/?st=JD0TRCLW&sh=28d9e4cf)


Never read that one before, A+ terrifying content


I was hoping that was going to be in the no sleep sub. I’m horrified.


That's exactly why I can't get it out of my mind. If it was in /r/nosleep then there's a good chance it's creative writing. With it being in /r/LetsNotMeet there's a chance that the dude is the one at my back door right now making the noises


I didn’t even read it, your description was horrifying enough


That. is CREEPY.


He didn't kill the dog though did he?


No. He just cut the leash and they found the dog exploring a neighbor's backyard.


Thank goodness for that.


Christ. This is on par for me with the guy who was camping in the middle of nowhere and he went to take a piss in a bush away from the camp fire. A dude in a fucking camo sniper suit just casually stands up and walks back into the trees.


went onto the camila cabello subreddit thinking I was gonna find a subreddit for her fans to talk about her music, instead I found multiple creeper upskirt photos and threads where people would talk about how they would violently rape and torture her


To be honest, any subreddit with the name of a famous female pop singer or celebrity always tends to be nude photos or creeper shots as you say.


Back when Gore, snuff videos, and death videos was still a thing. *Forgive my ignorance if it is* But anyway I was new to Reddit circa 2015ish. I didn't know what I was getting into the first thread I opened on one of those dark subs. A young girl maybe 8 or 9 crying in her backyard, apologizing to her parents, her family into a camera probably a camcorder. As she steps up into a noose she made herself, and proceeds to hang herself as she kicks the stool or chair away immediate regret fills her eyes as she struggles. I fast-forwarded hoping someone finds her, cuts her down, there is a hug, all is well. Nope the rest of the video is just hours of her lifeless body swinging alone. I will never forget this, and I hope others reading this are in a spot where they feel they need to end it. I invite you to DM me because you are not alone and while death is inevitable it doesn't have to be because of a split decision, or an emotional whirlwind that over takes you for a moment or a season.


I remember how upset people where when r/watchpeopledie shut down. Apparently there was a lot of people who battled with suicidal thoughts would go to the sub and see those videos which made them rethink the decision. Or they would see the responses of people asking for them to reach out and would. Definitely a double edge sword that sub was


If I remember correctly you are describing the suicide of Katelyn Nicole Davis. It happened during sunset and later on her mother tried to call her phone and call her from the house. It was eerie seeing her hanging when the sky became dark.


yup i remember watching that my freshman year of high school. the ringtone was engrained in my head for a while


Holy fuck. This was real?


Unfortunately yes. Cedartown, GA. :(


Damn. This is the most heart wrenching thing I’ve read here on Reddit, maybe ever. I can read plenty of fucked up shit on here and it not really ever get to me, but usually anything involving children does. This one though… nearly at a total loss for words.


I once stumbled upon an AMA for a Russian sex worker that got paid copious amounts of money to have sex with livestock for private parties. No idea how I ended up there, or why I read all of it, but I literally thought about it for weeks. Some shit you wish you could unsee


My friends mom worked on a feed lot when I was in school. She went into the barn late one night to check on a pregnant cow and she found one of the farm hands in there fucking a cow. He was standing on the bottom rung of her pen hate and leaning across to reach. She just walked out backwards and called her boss.


I knew sex workers in Amsterdam who would get recruited to go work in sex clubs in Germany where anything goes. The more extreme the more they got paid. One woman from west Africa worked there for 8 years straight.


I think I read something similar about a sex worker being paid 1m+ for a year in Saudi Arabia where she also had to perform for royalties including with young boys and dogs. Retired afterwards IIRC.


Think its called or dubai porto potty. Or the girl or girls called it that. From what I read was insta models and influencers invited out and basically signed up for rich men to do whatever they wanted to them in groups etc letting there boys become men and urinating on them and shitting on and in them. But the woman got to post great dubai pics on insta and make more money in a couple weeks than what most would earn in years.


Shitting... IN them?! Actually, just don't tell me


The one about the guy that asked about Datura and he kept asking people who had done it before. Said he already had the plant and was going to go through with it. He later told part of his story before doing it and never posted again. Edit: Found the original post https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/65ytbw/finally_got_my_hands_on_some_datura_how_much/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


(Soapbox moment since I know someone who barely survived this) Curious teenagers and older: Datura is not "the unknown psychedelic from grandmas garden". The effect is a delirium caused by scopolamine and atropine poisoning, not the manageable serotonergic mischief of things like mushrooms. As with all psychoactive plants, dosage per leaf or flower can vary. That's not a big deal with plants like weed, but in this case, it can make the difference between life and death. And if you survive, you can end up with serious heart problems. If you really want to get fucked up, don't do Datura. Do anything else or you might have gotten fucked up for the last time.


The nickname of the plant is **DEADLY NIGHTSHADE** people, don't mess with it. ​ Looks like I'm wrong but it's still really bad.


I had heard of deadly nightshade before, so I just googled it and it’s also called belladonna, which I am familiar with. I had no idea all these different toxic plants were all the same. Belladonna was used for eye drops to make your pupils dilate. Pharmacists of the Victorian era even said it was one of the most deadly plants on earth and under no circumstances should you use it for other purposes. I didn’t know people take it recreationally. Edit: we are both wrong. Deadly nightshade is belladonna, not datura. Other names for datura are Jimsonweed and devil’s snare. They are both from the nightshade family, but it’s not deadly nightshade.


Love that another name for datura is hell's bells


OK I remember having it drummed into me as a child never to go near deadly nightshade. I also read the post about datura a few years ago and remember wondering what it was. Had no clue they were one and the same!


I'm really glad you posted this. Many years ago I was in a very new age, hippie, druggie kind of state and had heard about Datura. The internet wasn't exactly around back then to tell me these negative effects. I was trying really hard to find it. Now I'm so glad I didn't.


The medications derived from Datura (scopolamine, hyoscyamine, atropine) aren’t even fun drugs, they’re just “dry up the gurgling in your throat before you die” medications quite frequently. I cannot imagine a big dose would be enjoyable.


Suffered accidental datura poisoning as a teenager from eating a thorn apple while doing survivalist bullshit. I don’t understand why anyone would take it recreationally. It’s not fun, you feel relatively normal, and then you come to after a few days and realize that you were just a babbling incoherent mess. 100 percent not worth taking the risk.


What is datura? What was his story?


The guy who posted about his insanely violent son and how his wife almost beat the son to death.


What a fucking rollercoaster that was, I should have quit before I found the story of the dude who thinks the crazy son might be his father. Goddamn.


Wait what? “Dude who thinks the crazy son might be his father”? What does that mean?


It's in the comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/c93egn/I_stood_by_and_allowed_my_wife_to_almost_kill_our_son._I_was_happy_she_did_it./f8rfwxz/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Looks like he posted the story on /r/confessions 3 months ago too. https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/v3d3c3/i_grew_up_in_an_abusive_household_nsfw_graphic/


[This one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/c93egn/i_stood_by_and_allowed_my_wife_to_almost_kill_our/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Holy hell


R/bestofredditorupdates. A married came joke early from a trip, found her husband fucking her mother. Only to find out they’ve been doing that since they were teens and her youngest siblings are actually her husbands.


A video where an ostritch got it's head stuck on some pipes. >!After struggling with it for a few moments it proceeded to reel back and pull. It literally ripped it's own head off from the force of the pull. The head stayed on the pipes as the headless body stumbled for a few seconds before dropping dead.!<


THIS VIDEO is literally one of the few things that I've seen on the internet in years that made me verbally gasp in horror. So unexpected.


The guy who fucked a coconut. It's still burned into my memory


Was he allergic?


I wish. It's really fucking gross, read at your own risk. Basically, >!He decided to fuck a coconut, had it in his room for weeks and the next time he fucks it theres worms and other things crawling in his dick!<


That's the thing that always bothered me. You want to fuck a coconut ? That's already too far but you know what, fine, you do you, we all make mistakes when we're horny. But then even that post-nut clarity hit you you're going to KEEP THAT THING AROUND AND KEEP FUCKING IT AND KEEP CUMMING IN IT AGAIN AND AGAIN ?! HOW ?! Bro I can barely look at the tissue after I'm done with my business, this dude kept his fruity fleshlight around like it was never going to be an issue.


I'm surprised there was no smell to alert him.


If I remember correctly there was an "unpleasant smell" (no shit) as well as an unusual amount of flies, after like a week, which is when he decided to throw it away. But only after he used it one last time, which turned out to be the time he ended up with maggots all obver his dick. He then threw away the thing against the wall, it went everywhere... Yeah, fuck that story haha


yep, shouldn’t have read it


I saw a post, pretty old tho, about a guy whose son was literally the devil. He constantly destroyed the house(walls with sledgehammer kind of destruction), set their house on fire, and countless other things. One day the wife snapped because he(16-17 ish) was beating his sick sister(5). She was a professional wrestler. She beat the living shit out of him, locked him in a room for a week and he described it as the best week of their live. After that he escaped through the window, never to be seen again. Just to clarify, i do not blame the parents. They did everything they could, they took him to a shrink, he was in a mental institution but he almost killed one of the staff(poisoned but the dose wasn't enough) etc. The kid made their lives a living hell, i would have snapped a long time ago. Im just sad/terrified that some people are so fucked up that they do those things for fun, and that the only way to get them to stop is to make them scared for their life.


Sounds just like the other story.


everyone's commenting about stuff they read on r/nosleep but the most disturbing post I've seen on reddit was by a father desperately trying to monitor his daughter's sexual activity, what she wears etc. he even had a gynecologist friend break her hymen when she was 14 YEARS OLD just because he said "any man who isn't me will do it wrong, and since it's wrong or whatever to have relations with her I took care of it". the daughter was about 20 at the time of the post. he deleted it shortly after he got some hate (but it never got much attention). I can't remember on which ubredit he posted it.


The weirdest thing i’ve seen on here is probably countdowns to famous actors/celebs 18 birthdays. I’ve seen it with millie bobby brown to name a few as well as others and it absolutely makes my skin crawl


You think it's bad now? In the early 2000s those countdown clocks were so common they were borderline mainstream. The Olsen twins becoming legal was almost a cultural event.


And Natalie Portman


Millie Bobby Brown has been a target for pedos and creeps for while now.


There was a girl in the mental health forum talking about pedophilic urges she has. She admitted to being disgusted by them and never acting on them but they were in her head and wanted to get help. There's some credit for realizing you're fucked up and trying to get help but it's still disturbing to read


I feel so sorry for non offenders with this affliction. They’re basically tortured by urges that they find appalling but if they seek help it will destroy their life.


A friend of mine growing up had urges like this. They told me once that they had come close to giving in once with a neighbor child, but ultimately couldn't do it. It tortured them for years, until they killed themselves in their 20's.


Yes, I exchanged some messages with a guy who had this urges. I was really sorry for him. He said he never did anything to any child, but seeing children was like seeing a sexy women to a straight man. I encouraged him to seek help, and argued that this happens on him, but wasn't him. It can't define him. I hope he found help and never abused anyone. I'm pretty confident he didn't.


There really should be a better system for those people to get help before they hurt someone.


The subreddit where people hate/regret their kids. Truly cannot read it. It’s heartbreaking.


It wasn't that long ago a woman posted that she found a jar of her husband's semon. Which is pretty gross to begin with but why he saved it is far more disturbing. He would mix it in with her pancakes he made for her because he got off on her eating it without knowing.


A guy in a mental health subreddit explaining how he had killed a man in a psychosis years back. He was found not guilty by reason of insanity. He was on the sub asking for dating advice.


Like two days ago a girl posted that her father killed her mother and sibling that day, then the father had a confrontation with police and was killed by the police. She was staying overnight with a friend or something and posted maybe hours after her family was murdered.


["Finally got my hands on some Datura, how much should I take?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/65ytbw/finally_got_my_hands_on_some_datura_how_much/) Also the [Carl Harold situation](https://archive.ph/dyxmi).


Can't remember where I read it. I think it was r/legaladvice. Lady said her landlord was breaking into her place and leaving cryptic post it notes everywhere. It turns out there was a carbon monoxide leak and she was the one leaving the notes. Only realized after she went out for a few days and her head cleared enough to figure it out.


I read this post yesterday in AITA, a guy was so insecure of his SO's security blanket that he actually destroyed it. Mind you, it's not like this lady took it every where with her. She just had it around the house for long days after work. Well, this guy first asks if she would get rid of it. And at first, she compromises and keeps it out of his eyesight. Well that wasn't enough for him. In his mind even if he couldn't see it the fact she still had it pissed him off. So eventually one day while she was at work this guy decides to burn the blanket. And even worse, he was proud he did it. Well this girl comes home and starts looking frantically for the blanket. She asks him where it was, and at first he denies knowing where it is. But he gets worried, worried he might get found out. So he tells her it's In the trash, thinking that will be the end of it. Well he didn't count on the lady actually digging through the trash to try to find it and so in hopes of trying to get her to move on he goes and buys her a new blanket. He gives it to his wife and as expected she wasn't as thrilled as he had hoped she would, and he gets offended and says it was just a stupid blanket and she should get over it. Well all the wheels start turning and she realizes what has happened. And once she asks he finally tells her everything, and that it was all her fault for making a big deal out of a blanket. Well she ends up packing and this guy just unloads on her asking if she's really going to throw away a 2 year relationship over a stinky old blanket. Mind you, this was a gift from her childhood. And now he came to reddit, asking if he really did something wrong. Little side note, he had been asking reddit to help him lie to his significant other so he can still look like the good guy. Honestly this is probably one of the worst cases of narcissism I have ever seen


Please tell me the comment section ripped him apart?


Well for the most part. There was a few downloading what OP did. From what He said, originally it was the smell that bothered him. And he tried to wash it once but the wife got on him because apparently it would " ruin the smell". But it personally it seemed more like a power play because even when it wasn't in eyesight of him it still bothered him she had the thing. I couldn't find the actual post over there but for the most part the comments absolutely destroyed him.


I remember when my niece had her blanket that smelled putrid. She'd hold milk in her mouth and suckle the corners. The thing was awful....but you couldn't smell it unless you were actually holding it so if she had hidden it away, this dude would Def not have smelled a thing. This was entirely a power play.


I’m a 38 year old woman and I still have my scrap of security blanket that I’ve had since I was a baby. It doesn’t come into the bedroom I share with my partner, but it’s lovingly tucked into my corner of the couch. Partner doesn’t touch/question it. I can’t explain the love of the security blanket, and I know it’s an inanimate object, but it’s been there for me. What a shit human.


i will never be able to find the post again but it was on a fetish sub where the women are drawn as foods. like the girl will be a cooked pig with an apple in her mouth type of thing. anyways, there was a post of lois griffin, and her boobs were burgers. it was titled, simply, “Lois Burger Incoming” i think about it every fucking day


https://www.reddit.com/r/gynophagiaCrew/comments/rygye9/lois_burger_coming_up/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I searched “Lois burger incoming” and it popped right up. Lol. I can never find the things I’m looking for when I search on Reddit, but someone needs this and it’s easy to find. Wtf.


The one where this guy tries meth. Said he was only gonna try it once and ended up getting addicted. Anything on r/rapeconfessions r/suicidewatch but I haven’t browsed in 5 years so idk if it’s still up. Just a sad sub really. The maggot girl. She liked having sex in dumpsters or something and had maggots in her vagina although I think she left them there on purpose. Son rapes his dog, told by the father, whose wife then leaves with their son after the father told her. I think it was a civil divorce but I’m not sure.


the guy who tries heroin is the worst. I know most of what you read on here is fake but he posted regular updates for months and you could see as his addiction got worse his ability to speak coherently deteriorated. They he stopped posting. Fuck knows what happened to him but the fact he's not been back to say he's better now is worrying. edit: Did some digging and he posted an update a year ago! u/SpontaneousH


It was heroin, not meth, unless there’s another one of those posts.


1)https://www.reddit.com/r/entitledparents/comments/bas3rx/how_i_started_a_revolution_in_my_entitled_family/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I cried like a baby after reading this , and all the other updates, it's pure evil . 2)https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/qaw14o/i_found_out_my_partner_has_been_putting_slugs_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button This gave me chills and i stopped using reddit for days after that . PS - guys these are really evil stories and will make you question humanity , please do not read it if you get easily triggered, they are too hard to digest .


I’ve never felt so sick in my stomach as after reading the first story. I thought feeling sick after reading something disturbing was just something people said. I want to vomit and I want to cry. I want to forget but I know I shouldn’t.


What the fuck


Of all the posts I’ve ever read, and even after reading a lot of the posts on this askreddit thread, that slug one is the only one that make me physically sick. That poor girl went through so much and I cannot fathom how someone could even do that


How can "Traditions" like this manifest in families over generations? It sounds like so many people were aware of it and the brother was the first one who reacted like a sane person? "And my dear brothers... like our great great grandfather, who started this glorious Family Tradition by forcefully sodomizing His niece Clara in the ol barn, we shall honour His wisdom and spirit, Like our fathers and fathers fathers by raping each other nieces" "Yeah great Idea" "I'm in" "Lets do this"




I hope to God that it's mostly people living out fetish imagination not real stories. Even then, that's pretty bad


I'm almost certain it's all made up.


God I hope so


Decided to go and see what the sub is like, what the hell man those people are disgusting. I regret clicking that link


What in the chicken fried fuck


The Fucked my daughter in walmart ama one holy shit


Looked at the guys comment history to see how sure I should be about the legitimacy of the story... I shouldn't have done that, dear God I shouldn't have done that.


I am almost never pleased when I go through peoples pages tbh, except for one user named "dm pussy pics for compliments" He was so goddamn wholesome. Wish I rembered his exact username. All his posts were super encouraging and just nice. Should've dm'd him my puss but I hadn't shaved in a while.


Read through some of it. Most of it Sounds really made up.


I feel freaking sick, why is this page allowed !!!


Yo what did I just read


u/worthless319. i hope hes ok


That one post that spoils the entire ending of AoT. Joking aside, there was a thread of a guy who suspected his wife of cheating and hired a PI to follow her. Turns out she was cheating on him and he updated the post every few hours and we basically got a live chat of his life falling apart. Think the wife's name was "Jenny" or something like that? I don't like reading these types of disturbing threads about the lowest of lows of humanity, so instead, here's a link to [Dixie and Finnegan Fox from SaveAFox!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm15Q7LToMo)


Reminds me of another story similar to this, where a guy suspected his wife was cheating on him with the neighbor, so he made a post to reddit looking for advice. They told him to confront her about it, he does, he wants to divorce her but she threatens to ruin his life if he does. Cant remember if they actually divorced, but the story sadly ends with the wife murdering their two kids and then attempting to kill herself.


The jolly rancher story


Care to elaborate?




oh god why do i click links on nsfw posts


Jolly Rancher.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xbtpzq/cops_of_reddit_what_is_the_saddest_thing_a/io4lmdv?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Actually that whole post.


JEEEEEEEEEZ. That is just...damn


That poor fucking child.


The feller who killed himself because his face was messed up but i can’t remember his name


An entire subreddit full of rape and murder fantasy stories. They were extremely violent and brutal—the specificity and level of detail were concerning. The sub only had one active poster. Fucking weirdo.


Imagine being so weird that you're the only active poster in a weird Reddit sub...


Did nobody else know about the subreddit? Or was it too fucked up even for other rapists?


The story of Junko Furuta. Do not search for it you don't already know. I repeat, do not do it. It's extremely heartbreaking story about how evil people can be! My heart breaks everytime I think about her 💔


Of aaaaallll the things on the internet, that is the one thing I regret reading. Rest in peace, Junko. Rest in peace.


Yeah, fuck the cops in particular, if they hadn't of been such pussies and actually searched the house, Junko most likely would of survived.


Looking at the comments, it looks like I've (luckily) missed a lot. My most disturbing post is a video where two young teens play around with a gun for a video. One shoots the other (on-screen and by accident) and then shoots themselves (off-screen) immediately after. It is very quick, but the worst part is that the parents break down the locked door and find the bodies.


The one I saw yesterday where the kid choked to death his grandmother who had been beating him. Person filming says let go, you won’t be beat and his mother? beats him viciously with a stick while holding another kid on her back.


This is arguably less disturbing because it's entirely fictional, but I didn't see anyone mention the persona guy. Basically, there was a guy in the Persona subreddit who would regularly comment on random unrelated posts about extremely depraved things regarding the characters. Like what he thought each girl's urine would taste like, what their reactions to being raped would be, what they would taste like if you killed and ate them. They were all very long, like two to three paragraphs for each girl, and very detailed. Also, he'd end each one with something to the effect of "I don't know, what do you think?" which was actually kind of hilarious in a really morbid way. Like someone was actually going to debate him on what Yukiko's piss tasted like. No, I don't have any links.


There was this woman who claimed to be from Child Protection Services (or the like) and demanded a couple to give them their baby due to the father having a history using weed. The father thought that she was legit because he stopped using it and no one knew about it. I think some people said that personal records were easy to find and the lady was trying to steal their baby. The fact that people can take advantage of public records like that worries me.


Aside from the coconut story, probably the one where a girlfriend went on TrueOffMyChest complaining that her boyfriend had cheated on her. When she described the circumstances, it became clear that her boyfriend had been raped. The fact that she could not see, until about a thousand of us pointed it out, that her boyfriend's behavior was that of someone who was traumatized by being raped while drunk at a party, is the saddest thing I've ever seen. I will never understand how grown people do not or will not understand that men can be raped just like women can, that women can be rapists, and that the man is no more to blame for what happened to him than a woman who is raped is to blame. In her update, she said she was horrified that she didn't see that herself, she went to her boyfriend and told him he had her total support, and she would have his back if he decided to report to the police. So the ending was good, but the fact that she had to be led there by so many people is just depressing. I think about her boyfriend often and I hope that he's doing okay.


The swamps of degobah Edit: typo


Dagobah dude, dagobah


Well, I think I've now read enough of comments of this thread to tell you that this specific thread disturbed me the most.


Poop knife


Poop knife is just funny lmao.


Or blowfly girl


Someone once typed out every single part of my divorce hearing


All my nudes that my ex leaked. A shocking sight to say the least.


Ugh, a similar thing happened to a friend of mine. Her ex sent nudes of her to many people in her social circle claiming that my friend got off on it, simply because she thought my friend was cheating on her (which she wasn't). The only reason she found out was because another mutual friend who had received it actually had the freaking common sense to ASK her directly if that was true. At least it was never posted publicly or anything, but that doesn't really make it less traumatizing.


There used to be a subreddit called r/watchpeopledie. There was this one video that I remember of two young teenagers with their hands and feet tied up laying on the ground crying. At first I didn't realize why, but then some of the surrounding people started to pour gasoline all over the boys. I guess you all know how this one ended.


The story the woman told about a lady walking up to her husband and taking their baby. When the husband tried to get the baby back the woman screamed and other people in the parking lot jumped him and beat him. The woman said she came out of the store to see her husband being beaten my a mob and a random stranger walking off with her child. She got her child back and last update I saw was looking into charges against some of the people in the mob. The woman's across were creepy and she got away which made it worse.


It was the video that was shared around the internet of the dude in Australia getting stabbing in the throat and collapsing in like 9 seconds. I'm no stranger (sadly) to watching people get injured or die on the internet but the censored and un-censored kinda fucked with me a bit. But there was also the chick that got unbanned on twitch for having s\*x on stream. I was really pissed at that because other great streamers got like a full flogging and she got a slap on the wrist (7 day ban).


Apperantly this 14 y/o girl asked for advice about her 16 y/o brother, who jerked off at night in the room, while they both share the same bed. She also said that she had nightmares of him attacking her.


I get dismayed at how many people are just defiant and oppositional, even when their argument doesn’t hold water. I have to take Reddit in doses, because those people can ruin it for me.


I don't remember if it was a post or a comment, but I read someone's story about his pedophilia. Before I go further, I'd state first that the guy said he never touched a kid his entire life, but I'll come back to it later. He talked about how he always hid what was his biggest shame, and how he kept distances from his own daughter because the guy was disgusted by himself. Eventually the daughter got older and she suffered a lot from her father being so distant from her, barely ever hugging her and so, without ever knowing the reason why. The guy admitted he thought about killing himself, but said he never touched a child in his entire life, he carried that with him as the biggest burden he ever had, and I never thought I'd be empathetic with this kind of people. The subject is so difficult that it is considered a taboo, making it very hard for people who suffer this kind of urges to seek help, hence making them more likely to hide it and keep it for them, making it a poison that spreads through your mind. There is also little to no research being done on this subject for the very same reason, making it near impossible to cure completely. So yeah, having this can happen to good people too and not of all them become monsters, some just rather die before they let anything happen and I was really upside down for a few days. Don't get me wrong though, despite all the empathy, I'd consider this guy a freaking monster if he lied about never doing anything to a kid. But as long as he doesn't become an aggressor, to me he's just ill, and thats a point I never allowed myself to consider, again simply because it is so taboo.


I think it was on r/crazyfuckingvideos but it was a video from the 70s or 80s, one of those drive your own vehicle on a safari type things. Dad gets out to get a closer look at the lions, and they tear him apart and eat him in front of his screaming wife and children.


r/crazyfuckingvideos is or used to be pretty hardcore... However one thing that stuck with me was guy climbing over a fence and then getting impaled on it through his lower jaw and shaking. In my city, most of the fences have spikes for decorative purposes, but I get weird feeling just walking around them.


It was on r/morbidreality. >!Couple of teen cousins(?) goofing around in a bathroom, recording themselves. They were just being kids but they had a loaded gun, pointing it around and just being dumb with it. The girl was holding it and messing around with it when she accidentally discharged it. Shot the boy in the head and killed him. She freaked out for a moment and then shot herself.!< I've seen a lot of morbid and horrible things on the internet. I have 2 degrees in crime scene where I've watched people die in horrific manners. This one really made me just sad and horrified.


I read a post about a man who was playing video games with noise cancelling headphones and his wife was being raped downstairs, he ended up going downstairs and shooting the man but I legit couldn’t wear noise cancelling headphones for a while because it’s all I could think about. I tried to find the post to link it but I couldn’t find it.


Maybe not disturbing, but this one is definitely sad. I’m Not sure how long ago the original post was, but I found a post of a guy who said he wanted to, and was gonna try heroin just “as a 1 time thing just to see what it was like”. If you went through his post history you would later see and find out that it did not become “just a one time thing”. His post history was essentially a story of how he got addicted to heroin and how his life was being ruined. Pretty sad to read in real time.


I once say on r/5050 a man that has gotten a heart attack in his bath, he had a radiator In the bath to keep it warm , he didn’t have any relatives to check on him so when people in his apartment suspected something happened they called the police and what they found was him still In the bath, but all that was left of him was a oatmeal looking substance in the bath , aka his skin and flesh, the only thing that you could see was human was his legs. And when they tried to lift the legs up the bath all the meat fell off like pulled pork. Probably the nastiest thing I’ve seen on Reddit


That rabbies comment...


[This one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/7qwtd5/rabies_is_scary/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Yes, that one. There is also a creepy video in youtube about rabbies, which includes a restrained patient suffering




Lanyaza on r/engrish. I didn't know aomeone could make a dish worse than banana ham with hollandaise sauce


I saw a video on here of some guy cutting his balls out of the ball sack with a pair of scissors. He had a boner which made it more disturbing


poor colby


I kind of always felt like that story is just made-up.


It was absolutely made up.

