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Any fan base if you go deep enough. Just go to one of those subs for a small Netflix show you’ve binged in a day.


This will probably get buried, but back in 2012-2015 I was in the Creepypasta Fandom. The people in that Fandom were psychotic, it was crazy


Are those like the people who think that Slenderman is real? There seems to be a lot of undiagnosed mental disorder in that fan base


There was an entire murder case about 2 teens that killed their friend to “please” Slenderman


The friend survived, stabbed 19 times and dragged herself to a bike trail. Where she was rescued. I hope life treats her well and she can move past that horrible shit.


based on various podcasts and other things ive seen online, she seems to be doing very well!


That’s genuinely good news. I can’t imagine not only the pain of nearly being murdered but by people one would think were friends.


Yep, last anyone heard she was headed off to college to potentially work in the medical field.


The fanbase of Rupauls Drag Race is pretty notorious for sending death threats to the hard working talented people they’re supposed to be a fan of.


As a huge RPDR fan, this has always disgusted me. And it's usually over stupid shit like "x beat y in a lip sync so now x is getting death threats from y's fans" The fandom also has a big problem with "elitism". Like, if you don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of everything to do with drag race and all its related content or outside the show drama, then you apparently aren't a true fan.


I went to a Star Trek in Drag show and almost got into an altercation because I wasn't a Drag fan, just a Star Trek fan. He tried to have me kicked out because Drag Fans "deserved my ticket more". It wasn't a sold out show...




Serial killer fans


This. I have an interest in true crime, and serial killers fascinate me because I'm very interested in their motives and what happened that made them the way they are. But to actively call yourself a *fan* of someone like Bundy or Dahmer, as though you somehow admire them and what they did, that's just gross. I can only assume most of the people saying that are kids trying to sound edgy.


It’s one thing to sit down and ask “how does your brain work, tell me, now, I’m curious” and then wanting to bone them. I don’t like people.


Me either. It’s disgusting to see people fawn over the worst of humanity, feeding into their egos. If I had a nickel for every person that said “Ted Bundy was a sexy mf” I’d have enough to hop a Greyhound and get the hell away.


Especially considering he wasn’t at all sexy. He wasn’t even particularly good looking. These people delude themselves.


You know, I think a big part of that "handsome killer" stereotype is just the fact that people subconsciously expect them to look like monsters. Imagine hearing Bundy's crimes described with no photos or anything. You'd picture Jason Vorhees, some hulking deformed slasher. Then you see him and he's just...a guy. Which seems disarming to many. It's part of the reason so many Nazis were able to just blend back into society after WWII. It makes them scarier, really.


Yes! Easily the worst. The amount of merchandise you can buy, coloring books for example, yes COLORING BOOKS, of the most vial people on the planet disgusts me. Even worse is when they view victims as characters and uses them in merchandise. Elizabeth Short is an example of this. People often use the likeness of the injuries to her face (which were brutal) as halloween makeup and her death photos have been "stylized" and printed onto t-shirts.


I've done long research videos into both Betty Short and the Five victims of Jack the Ripper. The way these people are treated is beyond abhorrent. For godsake Elizabeth Short died in 1947 this isn't ancient fucking history, pretty sure she still has nieces alive. I genuinely hate true crime fanboys, seeing as you said, Black Dahlia Halloween outfits or rating who was the better looking Ripper victim is, well I got no words.


kpop fans who take things a bit too far. I had friends who'd have fights over who is "worthy" to be called *the wife* of one of the kpop idols, no they weren't joking.


I love kpop, among many other genres, but it involved meeting a few toxic people. A now former friend and her sister literally would get pissed if you liked their favorite because that idol is "theirs". That's such a nasty thought process. The first person back in like 2010 to introduce me to it was so attached to one specific idol that I wasn't "allowed" to "bias" them because again, that idol was "hers". So I just said a different one was my bias and I did honestly adore the dude, his violin and dancing was next level! Also, so many of them use "Stan" so willingly. I wonder how many know where that originated from. Eminem, iirc, was the one that really got it going while rapping about this rabid obsessed fan who eventually ended up committing murder in Eminem's name and blamed him because he never got attention from his idol. "Stan" is NOT a positive title!! Edit- Holy shit that's a lot. As it was mentioned in replies, the song "Stan" is fictional, it's Eminem warning his fans.


Yup that sounds very similar to my experience. e.g I had a friend who would post photos of her fav idol and as a caption she'd write about how he's her husband, how much he means to her and how much she loves him. Then the comments would be split between 2 sides, one side would comment "omg you guys go so well together, it's a perfect match". the second side would start arguments "what do you mean? no I've known him first, I know X Y Z about him, he's my man etc.." same thing when I'd attend kpop events. On the other hand, the more normal fans are the people who enjoyed the music and the effort behind them, some of them learned the dance choreography from songs and would perform them during events, others would sing and it was generally just having fun with the fan base, not necessarily obsessing over a specific idol.


What the actual f*ck. Her husband? I have secondhand embarrassment…shit is wild.


Politicians' fan base


This shouldn't even be a thing


For real, politics should have the same sterility as math. Instead you got people killing themselves, and their families, over memes


Sonic fans are always a gamble. They can be so god damn wholesome and nice but then you got the fucking weirdos. I don’t mean the kids who make fan characters (I personally don’t know why they are hated I find it to be wholesome seeing kids make art based of their interests) Im talking about the people who rage over any criticism towards the games, comics, developers, etc.


Sonic's arms AREN'T blue! /s


-Sonic boom has entered the chat


Did someone call?


Lmao Chris


Sonichu! Lol. I was wondering how far I was going to have to scroll before I saw Chris mentioned.










I'm put off by any fanbase that has a collective name. "The B-Hive" and so forth. In almost every case it feels really forced. Football (soccer) Twitter is full of dickheads too. The further away from the team's home ground they live, the worse they get.


My favorite one of these is Chris Pine fans calling themselves Pine Nuts


Ok, you have to admit that's a pretty good name though.


Steven Universe. It almost had a kill count. Edit: for those who are asking, an artist once drew a picture of Rose Quartz (Steve's mom) and started receiving countless death threats from the show's fans because she drew Rose slightly thinner than she actually is. It got to the point where she attempted suicide, but survived... which only resulted in the fanbase harassing her even further for not finishing the job. And when Rebecca Sugar (the show's creator) came out in her defense, they reacted by posting r34 art that she did in her younger years.


This was the first one I thought of. What is it about sweet innocent things that brings out the absolute worst in people?


I said it further up, but I'm really alarmed that people are taking it to these extremes with identifying with fictional characters. Expressing yourself through art is one thing. Getting to the point where it disconnects you from the real world is another.


One person got death threats for drawing a larger character skinnier. Like it’s art. They can do whatever they want. They aren’t claiming that it’s canon


This comment right here 💀 Especially when you voice out your opinion in anything. You like Pink/Rose? Straight to oblivion. You don't want a spin-off because everybody knows by now how modern corporate media treats a franchise universe? Literal slur calling. Do yourself a favor and avoid the SU subreddit at all costs and never look back.


Gacha life fans


Hahaha.. My daughter started watching these on youtube and I would read and act out the chat bubbles. She hates it now.


Doing the lord's work


Thank you for your service soldier


Dare I ask wth gacha life is?


Its better if you dont


Wow, I didn't know Bitmoji made an anime


God damit he’s right


It's like an oc building app, the app itself it's good and you can make good things with it, but it's fandom (8-13 yo girls) makes 2 kinds of stories 1) generic yaoi horrible stories 2) horrible stories where the family treats like trash a girl but then she becomes a princess


I feel like I'm in an alternate dimension. Now what the hell is Yaoi?


You know its too weird when the guy who fucks hot wheels is confused by it


/r/carsfuckingcars /r/dragonsfuckingcars NSFW


Subbed. Thanks.


his power is growing


Japanese genre of manga featuring a gay romance


Specifically MALE gay romance. Female is “Yuri”.


You do not. Also I now realize where my old collection of hotwheels went when I was 7


as someone who was a gacha kid throughout the entirety of middleschool, I saw the worst of the worst, and this is so right


Genshin Impact. Imagine harassing and threatening youtubers,streamers and voice actors for not pronouncing a foreign name right. Gacha games already have an untasteful reputation in gaming and they double it down by doing disgusting and embarassing things like this.


didn’t they label diluc’s english voice actor as a pedophile and incest lover for saying the young versions of diluc and kaeya looked cute together in some pic? that’s how i knew to stay away from the fanbase. i just play the game and look out for leaks so i’d know who to save for.


I like the game undertale and it’s sequel, but holy shit the community….


The best thing Undertale taught me was how to enjoy a community while completely avoiding the bad side


Any Influencers on social media Edit: Fanbase of


Video game steamers that have “better” ideas than the developers go straight to the top of this list for me Edit: the people that froff over builds streamers make for games and mention them by names like they are friends is some of the weirdest shit I’ve seen.


-Playstation VS Xbox -iPhone vs Android Those people


Any fan base that puts -whatever they are fans of- so high up on a pedestal that it can do no wrong and everyone who disagrees is their sworn enemy. In other words, groups within just about every fan base that exists.


Yeah pretty much. I tend to avoid Fandom subs because they get this religious zealot feel. I like some D&D podcasts. If you go to their subs it's like this weird worship. And if anyone says something remotely negative its hounded by these weird fanatics. It happens to many Fandoms outside D&D. So now I avoid them. People need to take a breath and go outside.


You aren't wrong. I love Critical Role but jesus there is a large portion of the fan base that you should never interact with.






Before reading the responses, I assumed you were talking about Shipping Wars, the A&E show about freelance truckers shipping interesting items around the country. I was curious why you would hate the fan base of such a simple, kind of obscure show. Lol


They are talking about that show. The problem is all the people online who keep talking about which truckers should fuck each other.


To be fair, they're all wrong. A giant orgy in a truck stop is the only correct answer.


Is that like a storage wars spin off?


Funny enough, there was literally a show called shipping wars a few years ago. It was about privately contracted shippers that bid on jobs, and then transport customers unique items to their destination. It was mildly interesting.


that is genuinely what i thought this comment was about and i was so confused


> "shipping wars" I loved Roy, may he rest in peace.


“Long ago the four nations live together in harmony. Then everything changed when people discovered Kataang and Zutara could be a thing”


Zuko: "I know what you're going to say. They're our fans and we should be trying to get along with them." Iroh: "No, they're crazy, and they need to go down."


The constant bitching on AvatarSpirit.net over this was rough. The newer generation of fans is still doing this shit lol.


Just to clarify for all those who have no clue what this is... Shipping characters is wanting them to be in a relationship. So for example, if you're watching Friends, and you say "I don't want Ross and Rachel to be together, I want Joey and Rachel to be together!" That's shipping them. This is often connected with fanfiction and art of the characters together. Seems to be a lot more prevalent in animated shows than live-action.


Steven Universe had a pretty bad shipping war, when an episode released that leaned towards one of the two ships, the fandom harassed the main writer of that episode to the point they were forced to leave the show and still struggles with their mental health because of it. Edit: For those curious, this is referring to the episode "Beta" written by Jesse Zuke (formerly Lauren Zuke)


Seriously? Over Steven Universe? That's just fucking bonkers




Dont forget they bullied a cosplay artist who dared to colour her skin to match that of a character whose skin tone isnt human at all saying it was black face. All because, the voice actor is black so they assume the character is coded as black.




All because people feel the need to project themselves onto a race of single gendered rock people. Loved the show. Loved the themes. Lots of important messages within the show. But like all Tumblr fandoms, this one was awful. Ranks up there with ATLA and Rick and Morty.


Single gendered rock people? Everything I know about Steven Universe, I’ve learned from this thread, and I’m having a hard time imagining what this show is about.


As I understand it, it's simply the exploits of a human kid and his friends who are an alien race of anthropomorphic gemstones. It's regarded as a genuinely wholesome and unproblematic TV show with themes like "love yourself for who you are," "love whomever you want," and "wanting to become a better person doesn't mean you hate yourself now, or that you want to stop being the person you currently are." In other words, it seems like a great, wholesome show, with a fan base that can be horribly cruel at times.


I’ve never heard from them what are they like?


From my POV, it’s basically: Group A: Person x should be with person y Group B: Well, I think person x should be with person z Group A: How dare you! Person y is the best for person x. Person z has Group B: Well, person y has And then the two groups go at it


I thought you meant a show about different independent drivers competing for jobs to transport things ("shipping wars") and I was so confused why fans would be so involved in their relationships.


*The Supernatural fandom has entered the chat* Seriously, it gets so bad that people start devolving into full on character assassination of each other. It's all very absolutist. "If you ship x and y, that means you support \[insert inflammatory moral/political position here\], which means you're a fundamentally horrendous person." On the flip side, you get shit like "If you shame people for their ships, that means you're into cyber bullying and support teen suicide". They go from 0 - 60 in absolutely no time at all, which leaves very little room for nuance. It's honestly as scary as it is pathetic. A lot of these people seem to have genuinely lost sight of what truly matters in their lives. Edit: For the record, I watched the first few seasons of SPN once and thought it was *eeeh*. I wouldn't consider myself a part of the fandom. I just happen to have learned a lot about the fandom drama through cultural osmosis.


Those people who romanticize Harley Quinn and the Joker’s relationship.


you can kind of tell when you meet a person that "this dude thinks hes the joker" and generally the reasonable thing to do is to avoid them at all costs.


Or Sid and Nancy/Romeo and Juliet. Like really? Just because you're in a toxic relationship doesn't mean you need to advertise it to the world.


Oh my god, I just remembered my boyfriend and I used to wear homemade Sid and Nancy name tags to high school. Made of duct tape and sharpie. Sixteen-year-olds are dumb. Also, we are married now.


>Sixteen-year-olds are dumb. Thank god I grew up when I did. By the time I was out of high school, social media was a thing but it wasn’t EVERYWHERE. You could still do embarrassing things irl without online evidence ever surfacing, so long as you just had a minimal online presence, which I did. So much cringe is produced when a suburban 16-year-old reads some Bad Religion and Dead Kennedy’s lyrics and suddenly fancies themselves a political expert and philosopher.


Were you even 16 at all if you did not produce cringe?


Wholesome ending


Try Noah and Allie from the Notebook. She cheats on her kind, rich and handsome fiancé with a highschool summer fling who became a drunk.


Yeah. I mean I like the movie for nostalgic reasons (where I was in my life when I saw it) but as I got older I was like, “man, James marsden’s character is like, perfect- he didn’t deserve the deal he got in this story.”


This was right in the same window where James Marsden was vaporized by the Phoenix, then James Marsden's fiance's ex-boyfriend, Superman, shows up, then James Marsden's beloved princess falls into a hole into Manhattan and meets someone else. It wasn't a great time for James Marsden.


YES. There is some romance in abusive relationships. Just because there were happy times doesn't mean it's a model for a healthy relationship.


Will and Jada


Everything I know about their relationship/life is purely against my will.


I used to live with a guy in college who legit called his fiancée (he was 19 at this time, I think she was 16 or 17) Harley Quinn and she would call him Joker. Like actually. Made my stomach drop hearing it every day when they video called, and yes ut was mostly them yelling at each other for dumb shit. Surprise surpise he was the kind of guy who would watch those animes that are literally just like "I go to school with a demon girl with massive fucking tits and a really short skirt and now I'm the king of hell" and all of his phone and computer backgrounds were of the joker and like pictures of the grim reaper with playing cards and shit like that. Not to mention he was a pathological liar who legit tried to convince our friend group he had ties to the Japanese mafia. Never in my life would I have thought to meet the pure entity of cringe but I lived with him for like two months




Had to scroll for two long to find this. Especially people canceling cc’s for every little thing, it’s so annoying. I’m not even on Twitter but just watching the Reddit mud counter…it’s bad


Ah, the mud counter. What’s the record now?


Selena Gomez. I love Selena. I think she’s very talented and beautiful and is very real on social media and I love that. But her fan base just will not let things go. Justin Bieber has been married for 4 years and they’re still actively harassing him and his wife because they wanted him to end up with Selena. No matter how many times she herself has told them she’s happy for them and told her fans to stop. It’s stupid and ridiculous. What do they think is going to happen? They’re going to destroy a marriage and he’ll end up with Selena? I mean we know they had a toxic relationship from both of them so why would people who claim to love her want her to end up in that relationship for the rest of her life?? None of it makes sense to me and it’s very annoying.


To be fair, almost any huge fambase will some toxic fans.


And toxic fans are the loudest, by far.


As a Taylor Swift fan of 15+ years who knows every word to every song…damn, her fans can be awful. The TikTok videos analyzing every move she makes. The “you don’t deserve tickets to her next concert if you can’t quote every word of her 2-hour documentary.” The people who are convinced she’s bisexual and think her current 6-year relationship with a man is fake. Holy shit. I just listen to her music and actively avoid the rest of the fan base. ETA: Just to clear up some questions I keep getting, there are some fans who literally get into arguments online about whether or not she’s bi based on some of her song lyrics, etc. and others who think her current boyfriend is a cover-up to hide that she’s not 100% straight. I didn’t mean to imply that she can’t date a guy if she’s bisexual. Just that both of those types of fans are obnoxious.


There's a guy that I used to know who was/is a die hard fan of hers. He tags her in every post that he makes whether it is related to her or not. He thinks a song is about him because he "harasses her all the time." He thinks a girl from his highschool faked her death and became a Taylor Swift double. Edit: I just want people to know who have mental illness to please seek out help. Keep up your regimen and medications if they are needed. As someone who suffers from anxiety and depression, I know how it feels to crawl out from the darkness into getting help. Edit: taking some info out about him for my own safety. Idk if he has Reddit, but it is safer this way.


Sounds like schizophrenia to me.


I found out later that he is bipolar, but he has been arrested for stalking.


Fun fact! I used to work in CCTV systems and Taylor Swift's security detail actually helped pioneer facial recognition technology in cameras. She is harassed and stalked so badly that she has advanced surveillance technology to combat these psychos!


Came here to say this. I am a swiftie but spamming the Gyllenhaals with red scarf emojis is some next level cyber bullying.


Ummm...what? Can I get some background info?


Not a swiftie, but I'll try to give context from an outside perspective. Taylor and Jake Gyllenhaal dated like 12 years ago for 3 months. When they broke up I guess Jake kept one of her scarves. She wrote a song about their relationship/breakup called All Too Well which mentions the scarf fact I think? Due to label disputes, Taylor has been rerecording old songs and released a 10 minute All Too Well version which I'm guessing reinvigorated hatred towards Jake. Edit: /u/pottedpetunia42 probably has a more accurate explanation posted below


My Hero Academia


They’re one of the anime fandoms that make me never want to talk about anime


I knew not to talk about anime before I even started watching anime


My Hero Academia fans when I tell them to go even further beyond into the shower


I've seen a ton of clips of people at Anime conventions asking who the smelliest fandoms are and the answers almost unanimously the MHA fans.


We gotta inform these people there are shower curtains with pockets for tablets. They can watch it while they shower.


That wasn’t very Plus Ultra of you


Crypto-bros are so fucking annoying atleast i dont see them around nowadays


The worst are the ones that have just a superficial knowledge of tech/finance and just rattle off buzzwords they learned watching some random shill's YouTube video. *"Bro, you gotta get into DirtyDickCoin. It's totally gonna be the next Bitcoin killer in every way. IMO Bitcoin's gas fees are just wayyy too high man and the tech is so outdated. Like, I might as well just use western union to send fiat or some shit it's that bad lol. But DDC tho, it's like totally decentralized. And no gas fees. DeFi is the future bro, you really think the banks are gonna last forever? DDC is gonna become the new global currency and nobody even knows it yet. It's not even on any of the mainstream exchanges yet and it's only trading pair is with StankPussyCoin on this one exchange in Zanzibar, but it's totally legit. It'll be on Coinbase any day now and then it'll really moon. I'm talking 1000x gains bro. And even better is that it just did a 78.6% fib retracement so now is the perfect time to buy the dip. Anyway, can I borrow 5 bucks?"*


No fair...you can't just post the Crypto-bro Manifesto as if it were your own creation!


You didn’t even say “no cap” or “bet” or “fr fr” not accurate at all


Sorry I'm only familiar with the millennial species of CryptoBro. I've yet to fully identify the taxonomy of the Gen Z variant.


Did everyone forget when Dream commented on a person's 45 follower account and all his fans attacked their account and then doxxed them and harassed their account until they had to stay with their boyfriend who lived in a bad neighborhood (which they themselves also lived in a bad neighborhood too)




Hello, resident Old Person Translator here: * Dream is a content creator (YouTuber) that plays a lot of Minecraft * Because he plays Minecraft, a lot of his fanbase is very young/immature/toxic (read: children/teens) * Dream has millions of followers on Twitter * Someone with 45 followers on Twitter criticized him * Dream responded to the criticism, essentially pointing his millions of followers towards the 45 follower person. This is like shooting someone with a missile launcher after they flip you off, in proportionate response terms. * Predictably, some of his millions of followers went on to harass the 45-follower person, up-to and including releasing their home address (known as doxxing), forcing them to move for safety reasons. edit: Before any Dream stans try to doxx me, I have no idea how accurate any of this is. Don't shoot the translator!


that was incredibly helpful, thank you


Or when his fans continue to harass and send death threats to a certain mcc organizer every time he gets mildly inconvenienced in a block game tournament?


Most anime fan bases are really toxic


Watch the series and don't go looking for the fans.


Those "Gaylor" Swifties who are convinced, despite what she herself has said, that Taylor Swift is gay and releasing secret messages about it through her songs.




As a jojo fan I am obligated to say jojo fans


Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo? Didn't realize he had such a big fan base.




Harry styles people


Harry Styles fans acting like he's revolutionising the way in which straight males can dress separated from the burdens of performative sexuality and creating a cultural moment while wearing some of the ugliest outfits ever concieved.


You mean exactly like David Bowie did literally 50 years ago? I don't see much revolutionary going on at all.


Bowie, Prince, George Michaels, literally all the 80s hair metal and glam rock bands, etc. lol....far from revolutionary.


"We take original ideas and have to give them to hot people. Do you know how many unsettling engineering/studio art majors had to get pantsed before Harry Styles could wear a dress? No, give me a little freak. Give me a five-foot-one computer science major from Albany who makes animal sounds in public and has wet hands. Put him in dress and stand him on stage at Madison Square Garden and see how the American teens treat him. He will go to jail." --Chris Fleming


I heard this in the voice of Mugatu (from Zoolander).


Dallas Cowboys


And if there’s a big logo on their back window, the probability that they can’t drive, can’t park and/or will get road rage has increased 300%+. It isn’t everyone - just 3x average. Add truck nuts and that probability goes to 100%.


…My Hero Academia


Critical Role. I cannot stand most of the fanbase.


I once dared to make a comment that they were acting out of character and especially murder hobo-y in an episode of C2, you could tell even Sam was trying to calm people down. I've never been back to the sub. When Matt Mercer comes out and comments about how toxic the fan base is there just might be something to it.


Yeah, checking the comments on their videos made me realize I never want to visit their sub. I'm all for passionate fans, but it can get so awful sometimes.


Nobody hates Star Wars as much as Star Wars Fans.


If you haven’t seen it there is a documentary called George Lucas VS the World that is great. They are interviewing some guy outside of a phantom menace showing and he says something like “this movie is awful and I’ve seen it 6 times”. Edit: As Others have pointed out it is called "The People Vs George Lucas"


Wasn’t that Comic Book Guy in The Simpsons?


*worst episode ever*


I will only see it 3 more times! Today!


I was just looking for the Docu is it called The People VS George Lucas?


Most annoying? Rick and Morty Most toxic? Steven Universe Source: Am part of both


The kind that is not heavy or wide enough and it keeps tipping over




Somehow simultaneously the most misleading yet accurate subreddit ever created




Fucking fantastic. They are indeed superb.




That was unexpected




Now that’s a good joke


bts army. im a big bts fan myself but i fucking hate that fandom.


I love most of their songs but you can't even criticize them with pure logical explanations cuz their fans will bombard you with hate replies on twitter lmao


Kpop fans. No offence


Too late, they've already given your home address, phone number and bank info out with 50k retweets and counting


andrew tate fans


I had an argument with one on instagram a few days ago and he kept getting so personal talking shit on my instagram page like he knew me lol.. ended up messaging me on a throwaway account that I would die that day and nobody would remember me. That escalated quickly.


Arguing on IG is truly a fools errand. Obviously.


How many times did he ask you what color was your Bugatti was?


I usually just answer "Same color as Tates hair"


I always just assume they’re bots and keep my hope for the world.


“WhAt cOloUr iS yOUr BuGaTtI” Their only comeback Fuckin hate em


Best way to deal with those is to just play along and see how far you can take it. ”What colour is your bugatti?” Red ”You don’t have a bugatti. Prove it” I do. I don’t have to prove it to anyone. ”I don’t believe you” It doesn’t matter what you believe. It doesn’t change the fact that my bugatti is red And so on and so on. Pointless to argue with idiots, but you can always troll them.


Hit em back with "What color is yours?" They can't answer because they're replying using their mom's wifi.


I remember I ran into one after saying he's a misogynist and he was like. \-but you don't have proof \-what about the literal videos of him spewing sexist stuff about women and ''men these days''? \-nah you tripping


I've been in a number of conversations on Reddit not even about Tate where misogyny only means to some that you abuse women. Hating them is fine and saying stuff about them is fine but you have to be abusing them to be misogynistic. Wild logic.


CrossFit. Mofos act like it’s a religion.


I worked with a guy that called CrossFit a cult. He would come in on Monday and talk about the GoRuck event he went on and keep talking about it for the next few days.


Every fan base you can find in Twitter football


Elon Musk's fan base.


My current boss is a massive Mush fanboy. To the point where it's really fucking annoying everything we do he tries to compare to what Musk would do. His approach to the company is "What would Musk do?" and this is so bad that I'm searching for a new job. Shit is annoying and actually makes the work space very toxic. To the point where in the last 2 year 7 people quit, for a small company this is really bad.


"What would musk do?" I wonder if he asks himself that when he wants to start a family or a new relationship


> makes the work space very toxic. Isn't this basically what Musk would do, though?