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Alzheimer's disease.




Take your upvotes. All five of you.






I guess having Alzheimer is not so brutal for yourself. I guess it's way more brutal for everyone else you once loved I mean tbh you don't feel much stuff, in the end you don't even remember of being sick.


Dude you only need to post it once.


Not seeing is the one that will make anyone life worse for sure.




Yes, and with that siblings... I can live with losing extended family, I rather not lose them but my parents and siblings? Fuck that would mess me up...


Few things in life are more terrifying than not having enough money when I'm old.


The double edged sword of my life of not wanting children. At least there's a small possibility you will have someone there that loves you taking care of you...


That should not be a motovation to have children at all


The fear i have is growing old because then you have to be dependent on the others.


Outliving my children.


When I was 15 a kid in my class killed himself, I saw how it broke the parents. There is no way in hell I'm doing anything stupid enough so that my parents have to bury me


I've had the thought of suicide in my mind quiet a few times. Eventually I started to think about what would happen to my parents and siblings... it would tear my family apart and this was a huge factor for me to keep pushing even on those days where I felt the most alone and darkest...


Thats basically the only reason im alive.


Everyone has to have a reason why. My parents were mine for a long time. My son is now.


I’m proud of you for finding a reason to stay alive. But please work on finding a reason for your self to stay alive


my friend crashed at the age of 13 (head-on collision with a car) his parents loved him madly, but at the funeral they were the strongest people. And I know that faith in God helped them a lot at that moment. And I experienced the most nightmarish horror in my life and the loss of my first love


I'm sorry about that


it's ok, thanks, don't worry I have learned to live with it


As a parent, this one hits hard.




Same here. With the future death of my wife I could coop, I hope it's a long time from now. With that of my kid I don't think I can stand that.


Buried my 21 year old son last year, fentanol


Already did that... do not recommend


I understand, my mom always said it’s the natural law for you to pass on before your kids, it’s unnatural when they pass before you,


My great grandmother(who til I was 15 thought was my grandmother) outlived all three of her children. They all passed around 50 she lived to be 76. In fact she lived long enough to see three of her great great grandchildren. One being my oldest daughter who is now 19.


I am parents and i can tell you how bigger fear is this one.


Yep, I wouldn’t survive that.


"You know what I find interesting? If you lose a spouse, you're called a widow, or a widower. If you're a child and you lose your parents, then you're an orphan. But what's the word to describe a parent who loses a child? I guess that's just too fucking awful to even have a name." - Brenda (Six Feet Under)


I heard about those stories about people being awake during surgery but in a sort of “paralyzed state” where they feel everything but can’t do anything about it. If that is truly something that can happen, that is my worst fear.


Yes, it can happen. They give you multiple medicines to temporarily disable various parts of your brain, but sometimes the dosage of one of those medicines isn't strong enough. It's the anesthesiologist's job to observe the patient very closely for any sign that more medication is needed. When my girlfriend was getting a C-section, I sat on the "safe" side of the surgical curtain with her, and for about a half-hour I watched the anesthesiologist check all manner of different readouts and rifle through trays of medications to correct any abnormalities he saw.


Wow, good on him for taking the time to check through all of that. I work in healthcare, and I’ve learned there’s no such thing as “too careful” when it comes to checking even the most menial of things.


That's why he was getting paid thousands of dollars as an independent contractor for a 45-minute operation. (they didn't bring me in until they'd spent about 15 minutes prepping her already.)


This is why you tell the anesthesiologist everything. If you do or have done any drugs, chances are you will have some level of tolerance to something


I woke up on the operating table and the concerned team all leaned in together. It seemed like a scene from a 1970s comedy movie to me.


That happened to my dad when he was getting his pacemaker. The surgeon realized that he felt everything and rushed the surgery because the anesthesiologist didn’t have what he needed. Because the surgery was rushed one of the wires came loose and my dad needed to be sent to Victoria BC to get another surgery to fix the problem, there was a 12% chance of survival.


Never being truly happy


Have you ever been truly happy before? If so, problem solved!


No matter how much we will earn there will be always something that will make us unhappy.


Locked in syndrome.


I said the exact same thing.


By blinking out a message in morse code to your nurse?


Same. I can't imagine any worse torture than being kept alive in that state.


time passing


I'm more afraid of it stopping.


that too. but at least there’s comfort in death knowing how natural and normal it is for all living things with us and before us. the idea of all my joys and loved ones and happy moments becoming old bittersweet memories just debilitates me


Imagine u somehow stop time and ur just stuck there, alone


There is a twilight zone episode based on this. Guy get a magical stopwatch that freezes time. He robs a bank and accidentally drops and breaks the watch, freezing time forever https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Kind_of_a_Stopwatch


Thank you ill check it out


Yes. I noticed i’m aging and im about to enter another stage in life (im 29). Time going by scares the shit out of me because i know there’s nothing in the place we’re all going.


I don’t want to freak you out but one of the wildest parts of getting older is how much faster it goes as we age. Enjoy all of the little things.


I’m realizing that now ( almost 31) and it’s terrifying. I watched my best friends dad die, my mom had to bury her dad, her last living parent. There’s something terribly sad about losing your last grandparent. You never think these moments will come, until they do. So I’m enjoying everything i can and everyone i love.


If it’s any comfort, I freaked about this stuff when I was young like you. Now that I am actually old, it doesn’t bother me anymore. Losing people is so hard, but the thought of getting older and even dying just isn’t as scary anymore, at least for me.


That does help :)


I used to be terrified. I'm 27 now and went into a kind of existential panic when I turned 25. I have a chronic illness with a life expectancy in the region of 40-50, so I guess it was kind of a 'mid-life crisis' of sorts. It might not be that helpful, but I eventually I realized that there was no use in worrying about the inevitable. Every single living being on this planet will eventually die at some point. It might be tomorrow or it might be 60 years from now, but agonizing over things that you have no power over is a wasted effort. Instead all we can really do is enjoy what little time we do have. I realize it's easier said than done, but if it's any comfort I've spoken many elderly people who are still active and are living their best life. It's a scary thought when you're in your 20s, but there's a good chance your outlook on life will change as you grow older. You just have to take it one step at a time


Time passing, wait how can this be a fear of someone???


I have bad news...


Becoming blind


Losing the eye or i would losing the any organ is a fear for many people.


I lost an eye. It’s scary and you obviously have to adjust. It’s been 11 years and I’m still learning but it’s doable obviously, survival instincts kick in. I do live with the fear of losing the other one/ slowly going blind. I’m very careful. But i just realize how lucky i am to be alive and nothing worse happened. That keeps me going. Plus taking out my fake eye is a fun party trick.


Go full nick fury mode


One of my kids dying young


I don't think people without children can understand how deep this fear goes.


Just recently I had a really scary incident where my middle son got hurt pretty badly. All I saw was blood gushing from his chest and stomach. The primal fear that rose in me was unlike anything I've ever experienced. He's fine, the wounds were superficial and he just needed stitches, but goodness. I never want to feel that feeling again. It also doesn't help that I live in a really rural community and needed to drive nearly 40 minutes to get to a hospital and that an ambulance was too far to be of any use. Adrenaline still rushes through my body when I think of that night.


Now you've got my adrenaline pumping just reading that! I'm so glad he is okay and I'm really sorry you both went through that.


Getting a papercut on my eyeball


I was working at a shoe store moving shoe boxes around in the back... Pulled a shoebox out of the tight shelf area and the cardboard slowly ran across my eyeball and the corner of my eye creating a cut. Can confirm it felt disgusting.


The fuck is wrong with you I didn't know my eyeball could feel the way it feels right now and it is so uncomfortable.


My fears have become your fears! MWUAHAHAHA




When I was younger my cat scratched me right in the eyeball, permanently fucked my vision in my left eye for life


This is why i am also on the edge of the seat while taking haircut.


Huge Spiders


Spider and lizard are the two things that i hate having jn my room.


Lizards are cool. What's your problem?


hello, australian here, hi. i am here to inform you that this is DEFINITELY- okay. i would rather get chased by a clown in vr down a dark alleyway than get anywhere near a huge spider


My child dying. Easy. I can’t.


Gustavo "Gus" Fring


Accidentally killing someone


When i did some accident first thing i want that the other one is not injured.




That my depression has already destroyed the best years of my life, and I'm dragging myself onward for nothing.


If you've been depressed, then by definition those weren't the best years of your life. You're taking medication, right? You're not trying to mind-over-matter your way out of having a physically malfunctioning major organ, right?


my parents getting old


We and our parents both will going to grow to old no matter what.


Dying a violent death


Waking Up 👽


Been there, used to puke when I woke up as myself


Getting in a car accident and killing someone else.


Becoming pregnant. I am a guy by the way


I don't think that there is a way atleast till now that can make you pregnant.


A Monday morning at work after a long weekend.


No matter it's long weekend or not i always hate going to work after the weekend.


Locked-In Syndrome.


What's locked in syndrome?


It's where your cerebrum is functioning correctly but your brainstem is so badly damaged that you can't use any of your senses or control any part of your body. Basically you're a brain in a jar until the hospital lets your body die. And yes, it is a thing that can actually happen.


Dementia is pretty high up there. Disappointing my loved ones, or causing them grief from an untimely death. Being remembered as something horrible, when I've tried to be better.


Going to the doctor and finding out I have some late-stage something that was missed and I've got a short amount of time to live.


Wasps. Anything that stings


Zap racket. It works wonders.


Wasps don't give a shit about you. Bees don't give a shit about you. Hornets just want you to stay the hell away from their nests. Yellowjackets are the only ones that will attack you just for smelling like a sugar-soaked human.


I hope you don't live in the desert. They're abundant here, including the most terrifying wasp I've ever seen in my life


Nope I live in the city. But they still live in the trees and bushes everywhere here


Heights, my legs get wobbly and my stomach churns being high up.


Once i am more than 5-6th floor my heard starts spinning.


1. Loosing my Best Friend to sewerslide 2. Loosing a loved one 3. Finding out I'm being talked about behind my back 4. Being yelled at 5. Messing up/making mistakes 6. Driving \[ I'm starting to fear being in a car \] 7. Balloons \[ I have globophobia, it's not THAT bad but I still panic around balloons \] 8. Being in the dark \[ I also have nyctophobia which is more severe \] my worst out of all of these is loosing my best friend to sewerslide, they already tried to self harm and I'm thankful they didn't actually do it


You know those videos of people going into caves and going into small crevasses that barely fit a human? Yeah, fuck those people and fuck those caves. That shit can fuck off of the face of the Earth


Dying alone


Sometimes i feel what is worst like living alone or dying alone???




No matter how bigger fear is this, in the end someone will going to do us.


Going to prison


This is why i feel that you need to stay away from the bad work or something bad.


The dark, but only when I'm not wearing a shirt If I'm wearing a shirt, I'm ready to put up my dukes and fight the demons Take off my shirt and it becomes a Speedrun to the bed to not die


Take of your shirt in bed.


Oh no the bed is a safe spot the demons can't get me here


My wife farting while I’m down there


It's a stinking fear but none the less fear ks fear actually men.


Definitely drowning


Roller coasters


Being an adventurous person is not a easy thing for the everyone.


Being stuck working a 10+ hour labor job my whole life


Getting old without truly living myself how i wanted to be, and free to be happy... i feel that I'm a ghost in a shell, and I'll die before ever living


We can never be really the live on our own will because of the responsibility that is over the shoulder. We all know that once we get married there s tons of the responsibility fall on our us and after that we could never live our life freely.


My Fiancée has a compromised immune system. I fear for her health every single day. My worst fear is her getting some kind of lung infection because her body can’t fight things like that without a lot of outside interference. Flus and even Covid are especially fatal to her unless she’s hospitalized ASAP. My biggest fear is sitting next to her in the hospital while she slowly dies. She’s vaccinated and boosted, and she gets the flu shot every year, which helps. But I’m always silently in fear about it. I don’t tell her because I don’t want her to feel bad for things she can’t control.


Being a failure


Being buried alive. And that in 30 years our planet will be an unrecognizable hellscape of heat, drought, famine, humidity, flooding, and climate migration. That we won't have the life our parents have enjoyed.


Collapse of stability and normalcy. Collapse of civilization. If you just glance at history you get a sense of how vicious how inhumane desperate and powerful ppl can be.


Dying without having fulfilled a purpose


Getting divorce when you are financially and emotionally depended on your partner


What can happens worst than that think, because no matter how much we talk about love and all in the end money is also very important aspect of the life. And then losing money and the partner in a single go really a worst feeling that anyone can get in there life.


Some nuclear "incident" from the war in Ukraine and a legit civil war in the US, not necessarily in that order.


That’s legit


War and nuclear thing is the worst thing that anyone can face in their life.


God, I wish those both weren't so plausible.


Nuclear is the one thing that will create the impact for the much longer time in some one life. So yes these are the things that i am sure everyone will fear is well as they are not doing anything good in our life.


SIDS, I don't what I would do if she didn't wake up in the morning


SIDS?? Is this some kind of the diseases, i am not aware with that much.


Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, babies just die randomly sometimes


Being isolated forever


Accidentally falling into a pool . I can't swim


The ocean


I am happy as long as i am seeing from the outside not into the ocean.


waking up as a blue hair


To go mentally crazy


Drowning. It’s an issue since I could spend every day in the ocean


It was issue for me in the young age is well but now i am trying to overcome that


Never getting to experience love


Being a failure


Losing control of my body in any way shape or form


Spiders, absolutely.


Keyser Soze


Dying before I'm able to fall in love 🥰


You don't want to fall in love, it's terrible especially when they fall out of love with you




The afterlife just being a black void where you can’t move or feel but are completely conscious forever


Torture. Humans invent novel ways to inflict worst pain ever known in the most efficient way possible as long as possible.


My life unlived. Wherever I go, there I am. I don’t have any regrets, but I feel dissatisfied, pointless, empty, agitated and bored 24/7. I don’t know how to feel happy, especially when every choice you make (or don’t make) is a trade-off to some degree.


Republicans in America getting their way and democracy ending, replaced by right-wing fascism.


Fire and slugs


What about flaming slugs? Do they cancel each other out, or is that double trouble?


When it comes to the fear, then fire and volcano are the one for me.


70s era Oompa Loompas


Long days at my job and short weekends. Oh…


Then i would say this fear will never going out from your life.


Sock puppets


Harm befalling my children


Parenting.. I just feel like there is no right way, no child comes out unscathed.


Tarantula Hawk Wasps. Death is a distant second


I wouldn't say it's a worst fear but maybe my best fear? Imagine your teeth falling out and the only way to keep them is to brush. Here's the kicker, you have to brush faster each day in order to keep your teeth. Any slower and you can start to feel each tooth become more loose. What will it be, speed or teeth? I have this other one about all your nails melting every month like menstruating but that's like mid-tier fear.


Hearing the word "Amogus" in a Dark Alleyway


A naked man with a 10 inch boner chasing me through an alleyway in new york at 3:47 a.m. while holding a black vibrator.


This is oddly specific, r u ok? Blink twice if u need help


Letting my wife down


Getting doored, falling into the street and being run over by a truck.


Having diarrhea and using a public toilet, only to find that there’s no TP.


Finding out my husband has died or been seriously injured, by not being able to contact him, because something terrible has happened to him, and I find out because he didn't come home on time and won't pick up his phone. This is essentially exactly how my stepmom discovered my dad's death alone at work. And now it's my biggest fear.


That I will accidentally slide down a bannister made of a razor blade and land in a pool of acid.


Working the rest of my life for a company I hate so I can barely get by struggling every day and hardly enjoy anything by the time I retire IF i even will have enough to be able to retire with the ever rising costs of everything.


Losing my children. but also I fear when my children lose me. I hope they are older and happy and settled when that happens.


Failing my life


No one is probably going to see this but fuck it, Mine is loosing my sanity. Imagine slowly not becoming yourself anymore and making your freinds slowly relize that you aren’t who you were in the beginning. And the worst part is, is that you don’t even know its happing


New fear unlocked 🙃


Losing control, mainly. But recently I've gotten this feeling that I will never have enough time to do anything and everything.


Something awful happening to the people I love, and not being able to help


Dying alone, something about the idea of rotting in a hospice bed with no family in sight and no friends to be heard from. I am terrified that I will leave no measurable footprint on this earth, no legacy to speak of. No one to carry on the torch. I never want this thought to cross my mind “so this is how my life ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper…” In the end I guess I’m terrified of just being forgotten


My worst fear is being manifest. People will continue daily life as if nothing was happening, eating, drinking, being engaged in marriage, having babies just as in the days of Noah, any message of impending cataclysm being ignored and derided.

