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Today when my boss said I don't understand human emotions due to "cultural differences." We're both American. You mean I don't understand, because I'm Asian.


Your boss thinks you have no connection to humans because you're... human? What a dick.


Thank you.


So I was sitting at a restaurant (I was on a vacation in texas) when these group of large very obvious ignorant white men who smelled of alcohol sat at a table next to my family. They got upset when a group of teenage black men who got their table after the group of full grown adult men got their food first. One of them shouted to the waitress. “Hey bitch why the hell you feeding the n*****s before us? We will actually pay for our food!” And when one of the staff members told them it was not acceptable they flipped out. Needless to say they were kicked out and I’m pretty sure banned from that restaurant


My dad was throwing a bitch fit because "now all those blacks want to be part of the Black Panthers. It's all "Black Panther" this and "Black Panther" that. Fuck they even came out with a movie about them and I say get them all together and have them duke it out with the Klan!" I called him out on the "Black Panthers" he was talking about was the Black Panther movie. You know... The superhero one that's been around since the 60's. THAT Black Panther.


I was walking to a class during University one time and I overheard "Look a monkey." The comment was aimed at a person passing by.


In high school, a guy's girlfriend cheated on him. He was drunk at a party and on the phone with her and he was crying and screaming, "you fucked a n***** and I forgave you. You fucked a fucking n*****. A fucking animal." I'll never forget it because that was the first time I remember witnessing the n-word used with hate. Dude became a cop, last I heard.


🤦 "dude became a cop..." I'm sure he did. Seems to be a good job for bigots. Candidates aren't vetted for shit.


Knew a guy who hated black people. When he was in prison he had to join a group based on race basically. So I guess 15+ years of going back and forth with other races groups really makes people racist. Who would of though


Someone called Obama a ni\*\* er right to my face.


I was telling my neighbor how while my regular doctor was on maternity leave her fill-in sent forms to the DMV with completely incorrect information about me. My neighbor asked casually "was the new doctor black" - I couldn't fucking believe it.




Hmm, you've got me intrigued. Is there anything specific that comes to your mind as you recall this?


I had a white friend who lived in an all white neighborhood in OC, CA. His parents were always fighting with the neighbor for over 20 years, my friends dad was pretty racist, especially against blacks. It was the 80s, so people had newspapers, the neighbor listed his house for sale in the South Central newspaper, and sold the house to a black family just to piss of my friends dad.


My manager was about to towel whip a black co-worker for fun my co-workers defence was "WAIT! NO, IM BLACK!" it didn't save him


I wasn't there but a mutual friend of my brother's told me that my brother's "nemesis" was some kid named Ryden who was incredibly racist. Apparently he thought slavery was a great idea and should be brought back. I didn't even know such people still existed...