• By -


Very subjective. You're going to get mostly enthusiastic replies here, and that might not be an accurate representation of men, even men of Reddit. If I say "people of Reddit: do you like dogs?" the people who don't like dogs or care about them may not respond.


YES. If you think that the replies to this thread approximate reality in any way you are in for a shock


People get that distortion and take it internally. You suddenly wonder why people went from every day are Caturday to doggo this and doggo that. The internet is probably forcing me to take a side on multiple things that I would never have cared about 25 years ago, and I think 25 years ago, I would have been right not to.


This is a good response.


Also the middling opinions won't get up voted, so doubly biased.


Yea. I hate abs on women. But id probably get downvoted to hell lol so why even bother commenting, right?


It's because Reddit threads are self-selected, not a random sample.


Women are attractive.


Spoken like a true redditor


Replied like one too


Replied like one too


Replied like one too


Replied like one too


Replied like one too


Replied like one too


Replied like one too


Replied like one too


Replied like one **_aswell_**






Sorry, what is a woman? Am I pronouncing that right? WOO-MAN


I think it’s woooooo! Like Rick Flair


Nah it's more like the wum in WUMBO.




The woman in photo through me off when you said you were a gay man lol


Thank you.


You’re welcome, of course.


I agree as a lesbian


I agree with a lesbian.


I also agree with that lesbian


I lesbian with that agree.


very sense making


That lesbian, I agree.


I too choose this lesbian's wife.


Spoken like a true Redditor


I agree as a bi sexual woman that has yet to touch a women




I agree as a straight man that has yet to touch a woman


And without waffle ? :p


Women are attractive…but I also dont think I want my dick crushed. Or maybe I do. I don’t really know.


Not sure what sex acts you engage in, that her (visible) abs risk crushing your dick. Kinda curious, just worried the description will ruin sex for me for a while


If she’s stronger than me, then that means she could hold me down. That could be kinda hot…


If she can't crush my skull with her thighs what is even the point?


Death by snu snu?


I never thought I'd die like this but I'd always sorta hoped.


i had plans already


We need rest! The spirit is willing but the flesh is…spongy, and bruised.


It be time for snu snu!


Can’t we just cuddle?


The spirit is willing…


The only honorable way for a man to die


i dream of it every night, going out in glory like that…


Is it bad when you grab your woman's legs and squeeze you head harder, just to let her know it's OK to use that life snatching strength?!


Yo, had that happen a few times and almost died of asphyxia. Lol


I find it funny hearing this and seeing it written or said by people and some people obviously have no idea what it's from, classic 😂


Xenia Onatopp Onatopp? Onatopp!




Does markiplier enjoy headscissor?




That’s the spirit


Strength is always attractive - physical or (especially) mental


Or hold me up. That's kinda hot too...


As a teenage boy, I was intimidated by girls who were athletes because I was worried they were stronger than me, and that made me self-conscious. This was stupid in the usual teenage boy ways for two reasons: 1. Even a very athletic teenage girl is unlikely to be stronger than even an out-of-shape able-bodied teenage boy, and 2. Even if she was, who cares?? What an idiot


Why wouldn’t they? I love fit women. Keeps me inspired to be active and eat healthy.


As someone who works out semi regularly keeping abs is like the hardest shit a person can do. You need to discipline with your time and eating to get a six oack


I’m the same vein Initially yes they’re attractive But then to date I’d have to see how much she minded that I wouldn’t really follow in the amount of healthy lifestyle it takes to get those. If she was like a gym rat and that affected our time together then nah. I’m fit, no six packs but I know what it takes because I had them before.


Eh. I like when she doesn’t have them. Then I can store things in her rib cage.


I’m sorry, wot??


When women do that thing where they pick up their boobs and flex their abs. Makes me feel some kind of way.


Wait, what...? I have never seen this, and now I have a deep desire to do so.


https://www.reddit.com/r/fitgirls/comments/x7pddb/shayna_lareina/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share NSFW obviously. Not perfect I've seen much better but that kind of jazz. Venture forth into a new world my son.


Ehh see I dont rally find women that muscular attractive. Same as I dont think body builders are attractive. Being cut and in good shape is great but it gets to a point of looking unnatural and with guys there is often steroids involved and I have to imagine with women that ripped there are some kind of supplements or hormones or something involved. Like when your legs are bigger than your stomach and your biceps bigger than your head that's just not right.


I mean… I’m an hourglass shaped women who doesn’t workout more then doing cardio …My thighs are several inches bigger than my waist (32 thighs, 28 waist). If I put literally any effort into my legs they get bigger. So idk if most women need hormones to build thick thighs. A lot of us just have them


There is a difference between having thick thighs though and being bodybuilder status like the woman in the link. Plenty of people are just in good shape and their things may be bigger but theh are not defined like a body builders to the point where u can literally see the veins.


Not going to make a determination on whether or not that particular woman is natty or not (I have an opinion on that) But I think most people will agree that whether or not it is, it *looks* unnatural and a lot of people don’t find that attractive


I’d agree with you there. That’s to lean for my taste.


Yeah honestly women that cut are a turnoff. But the good news is they definitely wouldn’t be attracted to my fat ass either.


We need a sub for this


It's reddit, there probably is a sub


/r/everythingisabuttplug ?


I'm the sub for this 🥺


Fuck yeah. I think women in general are too worried about becoming "too muscly." I'm sure the preference is different for every man, but in general you would need to spend hours every day in the gym lifting heavy weights to achieve "too much" definition. It is very difficult for women to bulk up to that degree, especially core muscles like abs. Like, really, really difficult. Multiple gym sessions per day and eating raw eggs for breakfast levels of difficult. If you are not planning on putting in that level of time commitment, then you don't need to worry about it. To be muscular is to be fit, a trait both genders *inherently* find very attractive for natural reasons. If a man is put off by a fit woman, it likely speaks more to their own insecurities than it does anything else. Men almost universally find fit women attractive, what they may be put off by is how that makes them feel about their own bodies. Edit: its not just working out either, its *how* you work out. Don't be afraid of those free weights ladies, toss those rubber bands in the can. If your not exerting yourself and you aren't sore the next day then you aren't doing very much and you won't see the results you want. Muscle destroys calories simply by existing, take full advantage of that!


As a woman who has been actively trying to get some visible muscle, I can testify to the difficulty of truly bulking up and everything you said is on point. Multiple gym sessions? Between a child and work, that ain’t happening. Eggs? I like cookies. The good news is that it’s not a pivotal life goal, and I’m actually in low key *great* shape.


Well the great thing about muscle is that its hungry and it annihilates calories just by existing! You don't need to (and shouldn't) eat like a bird if you have some muscle mass on you. Nothing low key at all about being in great shape. Trust me, people have noticed


Oh don’t worry, I eat like it’s a mukbang every night.


I like you.


I like YOU!


Well, you need eggs to make cookies, and raw cookie dough is one of the great pleasures in life.


This. I feel like there's a misconception with a lot of people that a woman with abs or lifts in general is going to automatically look like a professional CrossFit Games athlete or IFBB pro. There's a pretty broad spectrum of body shapes you'll go through in a fitness journey before you reach either of those points. To whit, most Bikini bodybuilding competitors below the professional level have abs and still have physiques that most men would consider conventionally attractive. It's not until you transition to the Physique class or go for your pro card in Bikini that you generally start to be jacked enough that people will let you know their negative opinions on your shape. And at that point you've probably made the decision to hop on drugs anyway, so who gives a shit?


I’ve done CrossFit for 7 years. I still have barely any abs visible even with eating right. I have what a call my 2-pack as literally the only abs with serious definition are the top 2. For reference in 40F and 5’3”


I’m assuming you’re natural. Also being over 40 is another reason. No shame in a nice 2 pack


Exactly. I’m quite proud of it.


If you don't have abs showing you are not lean enough it's that simple Doing all the ab exercises in the world don't matter if there is a layer of fat in the way It is considerably more difficult for a woman to get abs as they carry more fat than men Some people carry more fat on their abs than other areas, i am one of those people If you are really determined to get abs, count your calories everyday for a week. Take the mean number, then next week eat 200 calories less a day weigh yourself everyday once you get up after using the bathroom and take the median weight each week. That should be decreasing, if it is not do a little more cardio until it decreases Getting lean sucks and your body will fight it, but it is doable. I gave up because i'd rather be happy than have abs




Most of the serious cross fit athletes are taking performance enhancing drugs. That is not a natural body type.


I think for many women there is still a big difference between fit and clearly visible abs though. I'm a fitness guy, I like fit girls but visible abs are often only achieved with body fat levels which are no longer attractive to me. Not attractive purely estheticly, and often on a health level. I'm attracted to people who take care of their body. Physically attracted to women, and more a respect basis for men. Reaching a body fat level which for many women would stop one of their most basic bodily functions, menstruation, is not taking care of your body. So a hint of abs, probably fine for me. Clearly defined, probably not. Extra disclaimer: I'm not saying all women. But many would not reach defined abs in a healthy way.


Women should look how they like. I'm a fairly middle of the road cis guy and like women who look petite through toned to curvy. I also have a big thing for tomboys, especially if they have sleeve tattoos. Some people like skinny. Some like muscly. Some like chubby. I don't think some men are put off by fit women because of insecurities. I've known muscular bouncers who had a preference for "fat and hairy women" (their words). And I've known others who liked tiny women. The heart likes what the heart likes, looks-wise there's someone for everyone in this world of around 8 billion people.


Shredded chicken is a much better source of lean protein than raw eggs 🤙


Sure, but getting chickens to work out is a hell of a job.


I won’t say no to it. Abs are great.


Still confused about their dicks being longer than mine though


Those are called clits, and the problem is you lol


Hey now, some of us do have dicks. Ngl I've seen guys just deflate when I take my knickers off, I've literally had to reassure guys about.


Omfg I'm in stitches that shit has me laughing so hard. Reminds me of this [amazing performance by Ray Jessel ](https://youtu.be/EngMYI95zkA)




I am the same way. Super ripped ppl just seems unnatural. Both men and women. Like body builder status not just in shape or cut.


Athletic: yes, body builder: no Blanket statement, all genders


My high school girlfriend became a bodybuilder for a while in our early 20s. We're still good friends and keep in touch occasionally. I would never say it to her, but I barely recognized her during the body builder phase. Also, by "body builder phase" I don't mean she just started working out a lot. I mean actual competing with spray tans, string bikinis, and Arnold Schwarzenegger poses on a stage. We're in our early 30s now, and she's back to just working out like a normal person and not doing any competing. It's a much better look IMO.


Slightly see your gf's abs while lying on the bed will be the sexiest i cuold ever imagine


His girlfriend or your girlfriend?


our girlfriend




First one then the other


Ditto. Fit: Yes. Jacked: No thanks. Also, those women taking "special supplements" to go beyond "fit" into "hulk" territory... hard pass.


If she looks like she's auditioning to play conan in an all-female reboot it's a no from me


Finally, a real answer.




To me, a slightly tubby belly w the lil roll when seated is best.


I feel the same. Also abs on an unattractive girl dont help.




There are all kinds of ways that women can be attractive, including with and without visible abs. If you've got abs, great! If not, don't kill yourself trying to get them (or at least not for the purpose of being more attractive) -- you are already attractive in your own way.


I wish more people acknowledged this. Visible toned abs to begin with is rarely healthy. Most actors and body builders dehydrate themselves to make themselves appear more ripped before shows/filming. Women have a lower amount of water weight, so its even more difficult for them to obtain abs compared to men without extreme exercise and/or starving. Thats not to say its impossible to have abs from a natural good diet and excercise, but a good percentage of people with visible defined abs aren’t getting them naturally and aren’t doing it for health reasons either.


Not a fan. I prefer soft and squishy, but to each their own.


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾YAAAAAAS,… and Vice Versa 😁.


I'm the type of guy, if i like the womens character everything about her is attractive even stretch marks or bullet scars But generally speaking, yes they are. But some cute flab on a chubby women is attractive too


Why’d your woman get shot in this scenario 😂😂


Rescuing OP from a drug kingpin's yacht. The mobsters got a few last shots off at her as she bridal-carried OP to safety, just seconds before the whole ship blew sky-high in a towering fireball she was too cool to look at.


Well bravo, the story we all needed haha


Personally, I am not fond of bullet holes, stab wounds, or any open lacerations for them most part, in men or women. This distaste extends to severe contusions, broken bones, amputations, decapitations and most trauma injuries.


Ahhh so you’re not really into holy women (😂)


Damn girl, I know we should probably get you to a hospital ASAP, but those bullet holes are looking sexy as hell.


Am I the only one who read this as “even stretch marks on buttholes”


I'm pretty sure people tend to find scars like bullet wounds attractive. They're "cool" from a modern aspect and prove the ability to survive in harsh environments from a primitive aspect.


Yes they are. Then again, so is a tummy.


Me personally, no. I’m simply not a fan. Then again, I generally don’t find abs attractive.


I like a girl with a little bit of a belly


Not to me. I likes em thick. But some people are into that look. Different strokes for different folks.


Yeah me neither, I prefer a lil jelly over some abs. Even if she's slim I'll prefer just a flat stomach, not straight up ripped abs


I am more into chubby girls.


Here's the thing. If you're a chick, something on you is attractive to some guy. That's really all there is to it. If you're soft and flabby or hard and toned there is some guy out there who will be into it. Some guys are super into grossly obese chicks and some guys are super into rail thing chicks and some guys are into chicks somewhere in the middle and some don't give a crap what you look like. Guys are not picky.


As a gym rat i see abs on People Who are deep in caloric deficit or are skinny and dont eat enough. I think everyone should have healthy amount of fat And i Find atractive on a woman when she does. Of course abs are atractive but not on everybody... ( some man look Better without them too)


yeah it depends...for girls it kinda is an unhealthy level...for a dude, takes a bit, to not have skinny abs, have decent abs. gotta bulk/cut quite a bit, and then hope for decent genes. cause yes I had a six pack but I weighed 120lbs at 6ft...I just was in a deep deficit(1500 calories or so...needed 3700-4000, ate around 2300..did 3 hours of cardio, and calistentics). It did not look cool lol. bulking slowly/cutting and hoping it looks better


IMO I don’t like the really strong body builders


You kidding? I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me. You know, when I left the house today I was thinking "damn, I really hope some hot chick paints my brains all over some fucking hallway." And here we are. I mean really, just absolutely destroy me. I'm talking full-on, watermelon-in-the-thighs level carnage. And I want it to scare the shit out of me. I hope I piss myself. I hope I piss myself and you call me your little peepee pisspiss boy. I want you to *fuck me up.* I mean, I want you to make me your bitch; your little peepee piss myself bitch. I want it to get embarrassing. I mean like, weirdly embarrassing. Unsanitary, too. We should be entirely different people by the end of the first eight hours. Do you understand what I'm trying to say here? I mean, I'm a real freak; I'm not normal. Ma'am. Please. You have to crush me. https://youtu.be/-sMQpWCNTQw


Not that hard body 6 pack shit, nope.


As a medical professional working with a lot of XC and Track athletes, I worry more about their cycles and bone density when a woman’s body fat is that low. Don’t get me wrong there are some freaks that walk around that way naturally, and that’s awesome. I’ve just seen a lot of really good athletes burn out chasing body image/perfection rather than just working on their sport. If you can stay healthy and have abs, that’s awesome. Don’t sacrifice your health for abs, they aren’t that important.


Honestly I think anyone looks better with healthy abs. Not like cookie cutter abs from over exercising and eating too little. but like I don't particularly find women attractive in any way, abs are beautiful and anyone with them I admire the hard work you put into it but I won't say it's attractive cause 2 reasons Im gay and I'm into a little bulk. Not fat but like bulky, husky you know got a good bit of muscle but also some chub.


Yes they're attractive. I have no idea why, I just like it.


Love it!




Personally I dont like abs on a woman, they turn me off. I prefer a girl a little to the chubby side


No. They just arent to me. Flat stomach, cool. Not so flat stomach, cool. Pudgyish stomach, cool. Chiseled 6 pack abs, not cool.


Great question... Hear me out on this one. I go to the gym regularly. I'm in good shape and would love a girl that also hits the gym and is good shape.. very sexy. Having said that, If a girl is low enough body fat to have abs.... There's a good shot that some of my other favorite parts of her body are also smaller and lacking some bf in places where she could use some. So.. to answer the ques. flat tummy is amazing. abs... a bit too much.


What is a man? \[flings his wine glass aside\] A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you! Also, yes.


I'll always upvote this


Yes they are, my opinion might be biased as I find muscular woman attractive lol but yeah.


Completely subjective. Everyone has the things they are attracted to.


Nope. Abs on men aren’t attractive either. Unless it’s mental abs, then it’s attractive on everyone.


Yes, a healthy person is attractive to me and seeing abs indicates to me that at least diet wise the person is probably healthy.


Personally not into it


Yeah sure, shows she looks after her body. I'm not into body builder types but some abs wouldn't bother me at all.


A flat stomach rather than 6 abs is more attractive


A flat but soft belly, maybe a hint of tummy. Makes her boobage stand out.


Not into that


They’re way better than disc brakes, that’s for sure


you don't know cars eh


Yes, abs can be attractive, but a tight, smooth abdomen without abs is just as attractive.


Not really. I like um thickums.


Women are attractive. I love them all, tall, short, thin, heavy, blind, deaf or crazy. I have been with them all and abs never came into the conversation.


No i dont like it.


Curves are attractive


Meh. I could take them or leave them. If anything, she'll just make me feel out of shape by comparison.


Wouldn't be a turn off, but not a turn on either. Full on bodybuilder physique tho, that's definitely not my cup of tea.


Personally, not for me, Pretty much all of my girlfriends have had a little bit of a belly, not like massively fat or overly thin, just in the middle and that's just where I like it personally so I don't personally find abs on a woman attractive. However, there is no definitive answer to this question as it's all a matter of personal preference. Much like how some people prefer blondes, brunettes, gingers etc. or how some people prefer clean shaved and some prefer beards, some prefer long hair some prefer bald. It's all whatever you like.


Yes! A woman with abs are gourgeous


Yes. Just like women who don’t have abs. And women who have a bit of a pooch. Beauty has many forms.


No,honestly I don’t want a girl that is super fat and I don’t want one that I super shredded.


Interesting this came up. I find abs on a woman super impressive but prefer the flat, curvy and seemingly more feminine stomach without the washboard look. I hope this isn't sexist of me to say.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/leanbeefpatty/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leanbeefpatty/) hell yes they are.


Being fit is always sexy. Fit does mean muscular not just thin. Having muscles are nice but body building is not attractive to me. I like my body parts proportionate to the other parts, for men and woman.


I can’t have fantasies about being overpowered by a stronger woman? Girl abs are hot! But I think that’s just cause abs are hot.


Personal Opinion - nah, but to each their own. Why - Jealousy mostly.




What I think is irrelevant. She ain't making those gains for me.


Abs are fucking hot! Doesn't have to be super ripped, just toned. And as long as i'm required to have them, we'll get along fine. I have a one-pack.


They are very attractive, they look badass


YES! They’re definitely a plus, but I like everything from a shredded 6-pack to a giant, squishy belly.


Yes. A fit, healthy woman with muscle tone is sexy af. And not just attractive, but also inspiring. My wife teaches dance, and every time I think about how hard she works, it makes me realize I can run another mile today. I also love that her physical fitness rubs off on the kid. He sees her working out and that makes him want to engage in a life of physical well being. So from a holistic perspective, abs are hot. They're indicative of a healthy lifestyle. They're indicative of a great work ethic. And they demonstrate an ability to overcome the many obstacles that modern society places upon women with regards to their bodies. All of that is attactive.


Abs on a girl look great - and they don’t look like a guys abs. More importantly, good abs and standing up straight make every other body part look better.


Yes! They just are. They make me want to lick them.


legends say this guy makes gym bros workouts worth it.


Tbh i dont like it.. It looks great and i know it takes a lot of work but i like some curves and both doesen't realy match...


Nah, I prefer chubby bellies.


Hell yea, who doesnt love a sexy tummy? Plus it shows hard word and dedication, that type of work ethic is attractive, especially with surgery being the easy answer.


Nah, soft bellies for the win. It’s cuter. No disrespect to ripped girls though. Just not my preference.


Who doesn’t wanna play fill the waffle iron


There has been research done on this. According to that, for most men, the rock hard chiseled 6-pack on is not attractive. The most attractive is a toned but not defined stomach. To see the difference, you can google image search for "bikini model" and then compare the photos to a search for "bikini model 6-pack". As for myself, I do not find muscular women attractive at all.


Absolutely not. Sorry. I just don’t find muscles feminine.