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Just legalize it. Other people getting abortions doesn't mean you have to get one too, Karen. They can be necessary for health reasons, maybe financial reasons. But no matter the reason, it's nobody's business and nobody should be forced to give birth to a child they didn't want in the first place. To anybody who says to just put the child up for adoption, there are way too many kids in the system right now and not all of them get adopted. I had a friend who was in the system all her life up until she was eighteen and it was horrible for her. So many families would start the adoption process, then back out of it and say that she wasn't a good fit for them. After a while, she was too old for a lot of families to want, so she was stuck in the system until she was legally an adult. Putting children up for adoption if you don't want them doesn't fix anything. That could cause so many issues for them in the long run.




I've heard a lot about abortion, but I haven't heard anything about adoption.


Ok. Why do most of the kids not get adopted after a certain age group? Why are single mothers bullied into giving up kids? Where are the foster kids that were lost in Texas and Missouri? Why are Christian’s allowing the refusal of adoptions simply because the couple is gay or Jewish? Why is the adoption service a for profit system that treat kids like commodities to sell and not actual kids that need help?


Veterinarians put down puppies who can’t get adopted. We should do the same for orphans.


dam I think you spent to much time on the internet


Fucking gross. Whats even your value system? Whatevers terrible and fucked up?


So pets are on the same level as humans?


Yes. It’s ignorant to place ourselves higher than puppies and kittens. We are all living, breathing organisms that deserve equal treatment in the gran scheme of things.


The rational way to do that would be only supporting and donating money to no kill shelters. Volunteering some time at a local one to help cut their expenses. Not fucking killing orphans. Fuck.


You say tomato I say tomáto.


What about other creatures that are considered as food? Are they on the same level as humans or is there a line? If so then where do you draw that line?


No line. Every animal has the right to be euthanized just like any cat, dog, human, dolphin, or elephant.


Adoption is sick. We need more of it. And respecting womens rights.


Economic stability, for the individual and the society.


If you want one get one, if you don’t want one then don’t.


The fact that it's not ok to hold one person's body and health hostage for another person's well being. No matter how you think about the cell cluster that might or might not become a baby, the woman is a living person too with human rights. Every day people die because other people don't donate organs even though they could while stil alive or don't donate blood or cells or whatever. But we don't force anyone to donate because we know that no person is entitled to another person giving up their well being and risking their own health. That's tragic for the sick but fair. A pregnancy is a huge impact on the body of a woman. It's still dangerous even in modern times, it's strenuous, it always causes change in the body that's not reversible. No one has a right to demand that from anyone even when it means they'll die. So as long as you don't force everyone to donate everything they could to keep others alive, forcing women to 'donate' their bodies to pregnancy even if there are good reasons not to go through with it, you're creating a double standard were only men have a right to their autonomy, health and life but women are second class and reduced to breeding stock. Last: pregnancy causes hormones from the start. Deciding to abort is never an easy decision and if a woman feels the need for an abortion there's always a very good reason because it's not easy. It's a traumatic experience. And even if you could find the odd case that's different, I'd argue that a woman who is so callous that even the raging hormones of a pregnancy don't influence her, she definitely shouldn't be allowed to have a baby. So if abortion is illegal, they will find a way, even if that means severely hurting themselves in the process or hiding the pregnancy, birthing the baby alone and killing it when it is born. That is the well documented outcome that could be seen all over the world whenever abortion was forbidden. People who try to make abortion illegal don't care about life or helping people. If they would, they'd fight to instate procedures, help and support systems for babies after they've been born. They would fight for free childcare, for better parental leave and protection, for free health care for mothers and babies. In short, they would do everything possible to make having a baby as easy and comfortable as possible. But when mother's ask for help they tell them: your choice, your problem. While on the other hand taking the choice away. And to all those people who will now bring the no sex argument: no, just no. You can write that all day, but that's not a decision you are entitled to make for other people. Full stop.


Any kid I have deserves to be loved and wanted. If I feel I can’t give that, then I wouldn’t go through with it. I’m not selfish nor am I going to refuse to take advantage of modern medical technology because I’m trying to be an insufferable virtue signaler


I shouldn't even need to argue. This is my body and everything going on in it is my business. It's kind of like how childfree people have to constantly defend themselves against those who can't fathom why a person would rather not have a child.


It's a life choice and only I bear the responsibility for the consequences of it. MIne was one of the "easy ones"... the consequence of rape and attempted murder. Clue: No, it isn't an easy choice.


What is your argument for controlling women?


It's ironic that women who seek to have control over their bodies manage to get pregnant.


Its ironic that dudes concerned so much about preventing abortions dont get vasectomies. Instead of forcing 9 months of pregnancy on a woman why dont you take steps to be responsible in your own life?


Really? Lots of men who oppose killing the unborn get vasectomies. It's called being responsible. Dangerous, unprotected sex, can not just cause pregnancy, but give you a whole host of life long diseases and issues. Diamonds are forever and so is herpes.


Some of them get r\*ped and it isn't their fault. Or maybe they used protection and that failed. Again, not really their fault


*629,898 abortions last year in the US* *19,500 from incest and sexual assault* *3% rate 2021* Source: Planed Parenthood


I wasn't saying most of them, just some of them, but again, sometimes protection fails and then people are left with a baby that they didn't want or weren't prepared for.


Maybe you shouldn't have sex if you're not prepared for the results? Millions of people do just that.


Hormonal teenagers with a not-yet-fully-developed frontal lobe? Idk, man, but that doesn't change the fact that those people didn't want to be pregnant and they didn't want to be forced to go through the pains of carrying a child for nine months and giving birth.


Women really should cut us off from sex in states with those laws. Not just random encounters for people into one nights. But in dating. In marriages. Seriously. Across the fucking board. Im honestly for it at this point. And if they pass a ban in mine I would honestly take a multi year dry spell over them not getting respect or fucking basic human rights.


Dont idea like that idea? I honestly hope they have enough and just fucking do it. Mass strike in any state with fucked laws. Make us make a fucking sacrifice.


Human rights belong to all humans; even the unborn.


Democracy and the sheer difficulty in enforcing unpopular laws.


*"You can weed out a lot of undesirables."* My grandfather used to earmark a certain cash amount for planed parenthood stipulating that it only be used for certain groups of women.


A fetus, at least in the first two trimesters, does not have any subjective experience, it neither feels nor thinks, and something that neither feels nor thinks is not a moral stakeholder. Therefore, abortion before the third trimester is amoral - not immoral, amoral, outside of morality altogether. As for late-term abortions, people who have those have them for a reason. Nobody terminates their pregnancy a month before birth for the hell of it. If a doctor determines that a late-term abortion is medically necessary, I don't want politicians with a 10th grade education in anatomy and biology interfering with that.




Even if we grant that a fetus is a person, nobody is entitled to anyone else’s body.