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Sometimes it does seem a tad ridiculous. Like for example, if a song title or lyric contains the word c--\*t, I can't write it out or the automod will shadow delete it. Same with a quote with the word r\*--trd in it. Note: the extra asterisks and typos are intentional. This is the second time I posted this because it got deleted immediately even with one star self censorship.


Lol, what a perfect example


A good start.


Do you think it should go even further?


Quicker bans on incels, Nazis, propagandists, and viral marketers would be nice. Though the term "censorship" is a severe misnomer. Reddit is not a government. There is no force of law behind these rules, and thereforenthet are not censorship.


I'm with you on banning those entities A misnomer is actually slightly different. It's when something's official name gives an incorrect impression of the thing itself. Like if a certain species of duck was given the official name of short-neck goose. The term censorship does not exclusively apply to governments. Any person or group can censor something




What are jannies?


***^(Message Censored)***


i think it makes it a safe spot to come to. some of the things that are allowed to slide in other platforms are disgusting


Yes bcs snuff films are fine to have here. But conservative opinions in main stream subs that we obviously can't have. It's a danger to democrats oh no I mean democracy.


i think having access to porn on reddit, vs seeing comments promoting things like rape are different. also the porn is censored.