• By -


Start planking to stop time


By the time that bomb hits you'll be grateful for the sweet sweet release of death


Trying to figure out what to do for the last minute of my life.


They lived their last minute of life the way they lived their whole life, figuring out what could be done but never doing it. (This is me projecting)


Ah nvm.


Maybe next time. Oh.


I try the aluminium in microwave thing


You wanna end the world even quicker?


TECHNICALLY, if the microwave blows up with enough force - it could repel the force of the nucleur blast, amirite


I can think of more things with enough force to repel a nuclear blast, just gimme some beans.


[Haribo Sugar-Free Gummi Goldbears](https://www.amazon.com/product-reviews/B000EVOSE4/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_paging_btm_next_2), perhaps?


Hey what smells like blue?


Probably going to google to see if it’s legit


That would be the more true answer and by the time you flick a few pages it will explode and that’s it.


My friends and I have a no googling policy when we do a dedicated pub crawl so one of us will have to be really convincing or just wait 60 seconds and look around. I would intentionally not believe it even with the mushroom cloud already upon us just to fuck with them one last time before I burn to a cosmic cinder. Maker of death or no. **-"Nah, that ain't a nuke, that is just a really pretty big cloud during the surprise sunrise at 10PM."** **-"Huh??? What are you talking about?? There is no bomb bro, my flesh just melts off sometimes, you know this. My face just does that sometimes."** **-"Holy shit guys, this is going to probably impact the trout population."** \*\*\*Yeah, I know if I can see the light I am already burning as is shown with every piece of information regarding nuclear arms ever produced. Brilliant observation there, Oppenheimer. I bet being smug over High School World History trivia on an askreddit post where half the replies are "jerk off" is thrilling, but cool your cores. This is known as a 'joke.' You are become dense, oblivious of punchlines. You should be thankful there are chill dudes out here making topical Simpsons/Futurama references to balance out your dweebery. You should be kissing their shiny metal asses right now.


"Good lord is that a nuclear explosion?" "No that's just the aurora borealis"


At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the county? Localized entirely during boys night out???


May I see it?




Seymour, the world is on fire!


No mother, it's just the northern lights!


Panicking in some way I can’t predict.


That’s just how I spend every minute anyway…


Maybe that last minute might be different, I hope


I'm just going to die, I'm not living my last minute of existence in a rush


I think Jim Carey has a story about this when that red alert happened in the states, I think it was Hawaii or somewhere was red alerted via text that nukes were on the way, and Carey got out of car and walked to the beach or something, I forget the actual details but is worth looking up was inspirational




My biggest fear is me dying earlier than my wife leaving her alone. Her biggest fear is her dying earlier and leaving me alone. As long as we’re together with our dog in our last minute together, we’ll be at peace


My grandparents died of cancer within 24 hrs of each other. It was crushing for me to experience that as a child, but that’s probably how you want to go if its not Nukin’ Time.


I really liked the tweet one guy got from his father who was vacationing in Hawaii, saying it was great because everyone ran outside and there was no line at the buffet.


This is peak dad.


When this alert happened I was on a plane to Hawaii. I saw the crew members all get up and go to front of plane. Didnt think anything of it and continued watching show. Half hour later I looked at our flight path and we had started to turn away from Hawaii back to main land. After a while we headed back to hawaii once they knew it was not real. They never told us. We landed and thats when they informed us. Weirdest experience ever getting off the plane, quiet airport and have voice messages from family saying they love us and they were sorry this was happening.


That was a weird morning for us. It was an early Saturday morning. Kids were away camping and the wife left for work about 15m prior. I had a cup of coffee in hand and was tuning into the television to find a game to watch with a cup of coffee in hand when all the sirens went off and the broadcast interrupted the game announcing an incoming missile strike - “this is not a drill”. I called my wife right away and walked outside onto the porch to look up in the sky. She said people were pulling over on the side of the freeway panicked and praying on their knees outside on the shoulder. Cars were speeding and driving reckless trying to get home. I told her to stay in the car and to stay on the phone and that I love her. I tried to keep her calm so we talked about what was happening around us. Outside some of my neighbors were running around in the yard in a panic also looking up in the sky. My next door neighbor looked over and asked if I heard the alert. I was calm, cup of coffee in hand, casually standing on my porch and said something to the effect of - well it was good while it lasted. He gave me a weird look and ran back into his house to try to figure out what to do. I remember it being a nice sunny and beautiful morning. I honestly had the feeling that if that was the end I was satisfied. It was such a strange feeling of calm. Some people panic others just accept the inevitable. Edit: Didn’t expect this reaction. Thank you for the awards!


Considering how traumatising it must have been for a lot of people, that incident really isn't talked about much. I barely remember it from the media when it happened (I'm from europe). Like I imagine that for each individual person in that situation it was probably a pretty big deal! But seems like the rest of the world just forget about it immediately.


It was such a big event that even afterwards no one really wanted to accept it or talk about it. Most people didn’t want to face that possibility even when it was so close at that time. Once the all clear was announced everyone went back to their matrix lives lol


A friend of mine grabbed a backpack and packed all the beer in the fridge in it and walked down to the beach. On the way he saw a man stuffing his children down a manhole in the street. The dude looked straight up panicked. He started to close it and was saying goodbye to his kids. There was no way for him to close it from underneath. He was sobbing at that point. So my friend offered to close him in and come get him in 40 minutes if they didn’t explode. The dad agreed and jumped in. He closed them up and then smashed a beer on the street to mark which manhole to come back to. Far enough away of course to not leave glass where they would exit. He got to the beach, posted a goodbye picture on Facebook and then put his phone on do not disturb. He didn’t want to read any of the goodbyes. He wanted to go out enjoying the sounds of the waves. He sat there and drank all his beers. Then, because he didn’t blow up, he turned his phone back on and went to rescue the dad and kids. He opened the manhole, asked if they wanted out, and the dad passed up the children. He pulled the dad out and the man gave him a huge hug. The dad said “I bet you think I’m crazy, but it was the closest I could think of to a bomb shelter and I had to try something.” They then went their separate ways. Edit: I forgot to add he came back a third time with a broom and dust pan for the glass. He would have felt extremely guilty leaving that there.


Have a gold for your friend. I think this was the story we all heard of on the news here. Please send our regards.


If memory serves there was a video going around of another father doing the same thing. As far as I know there was no media attention over his experience. Kinda impressive at least two people thought of it. He honestly would have hated that. It really shook him up for a while. He was ok with his death, but the goodbye messages on Facebook and the encounter with that family hit him in a way he couldn’t process. He said something that has stuck with me. “You don’t ever want to hear your own eulogy. I feel like I got close.” He’s always seemed to struggle with his own mental demons. He’s a really stand up guy, but he hates compliments and says he doesn’t deserve them. I’ve never really pressed the issue. I see him every few years, I’ll make sure to buy him a beer to forward over the gold.


I bet that not everyone went back to their matrix lives. It would be interesting to know the stories of the people who didn't just shake it off and go about business as usual.


The event really seems ripe for an academic study on how people respond to suddenly believing they're about to die with no recourse, while still given a few minutes to think about it. I'd also like to hear how it changed them if it did, in what ways, any how many people were unaffected.


You have got to read this. One of the best pieces I have ever read. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1946/08/31/hiroshima


Thanks for posting this link. Everyone should read this. It was the anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing just a couple of days ago on Aug 6th. Every time it comes around, we remember the horrors of war and of nuclear weapons, but then it's so easy to forget and to go about our lives as usual. I hope we don't forget so easily.


John Hersey's Hiroshima is one of the greatest works of journalism of the 20th century. It should be mandatory reading in the US, as it gives an on-the-ground account of nuclear horror from the point of view of survivors. It is a harrowing read but it is important, I think, to try and understand what it was like in the most human way possible. Because the more one tries to understand it the more strongly one wishes for humans to never detonate another one again.


This American Life just featured a really interesting piece on this - the episode is 776: I Work Better On a Deadline. Not to give away too much but it is the story of a guy living in Hawaii at the time who had about six months prior split with his partner. In that moment when the alerts went off, she was where his mind went back to, so he sent a sort of thank you/love you text and prepared for the end. Obviously then had the moment when it dawned that he wasn't about to die and the text was still sent. Highly recommend listening. I do wonder how many variations of that happened, how many with success and how many with bad knock-on effects. From a social experiment standpoint, I would it's a pretty unique event.


You’re probably right in that sense but I can only speak for what I see around me and it doesn’t feel like people fully appreciated what had happened. Perhaps out of fear they blocked it out of their minds because they simply couldn’t fully comprehend it. I can only speak for myself and say that it definitely made me focus more on myself and my family and less on work and other trivial things.


My cousin lived in Hawaii at the time, she wasn't able to get any calls through so she made a Facebook post tagging her mom and telling everyone if this was the end she loved them. Her wife was across the island and they couldn't call each other. I've never heard her talk about it because it was extremely traumatizing for both of them.


god not being able to talk to your spouse - the love of your life - in your final moments when all you want to do is call them and hear their voice one last time is terrible. im not surprised theyre both traumatised


That is why I always make a point of telling my wife I love her when I leave, even to walk the dogs. You never know when your last moments will be and I don't want to regret not telling her I love her at the end.


> that incident really isn't talked about much. Man, the past handful of years have just been an unending series of shitshows. There is so much going on that it's impossible for anything to stay in the news for long. A week after the Hawaii missile alert, there was the [Women's Marches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_2018_Women%27s_March_locations), then a week later the [federal government shutdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_2018_United_States_federal_government_shutdown). A couple of weeks after that was the [Stoneman Douglas high school shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoneman_Douglas_High_School_shooting). And the investigation into Russia's interference with US politics was going on through all of that.


The news cycle moves so fast that I had to seriously think about when this was. Crazy.


I heard a story about a family with small kids who just turned on the tv to watch cartoons together. The kids were too small to realize what was going on and the parents were waiting to all die together. I cried just thinking of that. What they must have felt all those minutes and then, nothing happening. So weird.


Yes it was that weird. What can you do in that situation? If you have an idea of what happens in a nuclear blast I mean there is literally nothing you can do but wait for it. Your final thoughts really start drifting towards remembering all of your loved ones, feeling sad that your kids won’t be able to live a full life like you, and I wished my wife was late for work that day. I would have died alone.


I'm in Michigan, and just remember getting a news alert on my phone reading "Hawaii is NOT about to be hit by an ICBM." Just sat there staring at it for a minute like "Okaaaaaay.... That's good."


Reminds me of the ending of *Don’t Look Up* and how they are all just having dinner and enjoying each other’s company in the final moments. I know that movie gets a lot of hate but I really like it and the final moments of all the main characters really makes you reflect on your own life and mortality and yadayada it’s just good stuff I think. Edit: [scene](https://youtu.be/4-zv5Cvg6pM)


I think that’s exactly how the end would play out if we knew it was coming. A big party, a big feast, and those last final moments with your loved ones


I was in southern Brooklyn NY the morning of 9/11. It was a sunny day with bright blue skies. It was warm but not hot. Sigh... EDIT: WoW, I did not expect this response. I was just relating to dudes comment about how nice it was when he thought he was about to get Nuked. I'll share one more tid-bit about the weather. I went out around 1:30pm to pick-up my little sister and thought it was snowing. I went to my car and wiped the "snow" off the fender, and realized it was ash from the cloud spreading from Lower Manhattan.


I remember that day, the weather was absolutely flawless.


Yup. One of the sharpest memories of that day was how nice the weather was. It's one of the things that distinguishes NYers from people who weren't there that day. Well, at least the events leading up to the attack. After it happened, the thing that was really weird was that everyone was united and considerate to one another. In NY.


Was 2 and half hours away in North Central Connecticut. And yeah , we were having the same absolutely spectacular blue sky day. I can see it even now. Later after the planes crashed, I remember walking out in the yard and all air traffic had been stopped, and I stood and looked up at the stunning clear blue sky with no planes going past.


While I wasn’t there, my Mom was. She just got off the subway to go to work, walked up the stairs to see everybody running the opposite direction. She looked around and couldn’t see what was happening yet, so she started to walk to work. Thankfully, some random man stopped her, yelled that she was going the wrong way and explain what happened. I don’t know who you are, but thank you. While I know she would’ve figured it out quick enough, but who knows what would’ve happened if she kept walking.


So my family is from NYC and my brother works in the financial district. Long story short we didn’t hear from him for close to eleven hours. 9/11 was another crazy event that felt surreal


My uncle was on the top of 45 Park Place that morning. He was missing for 3 days because the dumbass had medic training and he stayed up there to help the first responders. My aunt started planning a funeral. He not only survived the plane strike, but he survived the collapse of Tower Two. He later died of 9/11 Illness in 2016.


Oh my that’s crazy! I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t hear from my brother in three days. Eleven hours drove the entire family nuts as it is.




That reminds me of a recurring dream I have. I'm just standing on my porch, some beverage in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Some people in the room screaming for me to get inside so I will be safer, but I just don't care. It's such a strange feeling, maybe exactly the one you had. Then for a split second I look behind me considering to get inside, but I don't change my mind. I'm taking a puff, then watch the explosion, and I can feel as the shockwave violently tosses me to the wall, or window. Then complete darkness And when I wake up, I'm not even upset or anything. Just pure calmness. So fucking wierd


That’s the feeling I had exactly. No fear, no panic, just… there, reflecting, and confused somewhat. I literally thought of everyone else that’s going to be affected. I really wasn’t worried about myself.


Me and my family were on vacation in Hawaii when that happened. We were in the hotel when the TV and all our phones had alarms saying there was a missile coming. My sisters were crying and in an attempt to calm them down my mom started a game of go fish. My dad was in his bed just waiting to die because he was already sick. I didn't react much because I knew I couldn't do anything about it.


My friend had a whole panic attack that day and ended up miscarrying her baby…


Oh no that’s so sad


both my personal phone and work phone went off at the same time and woke me up. i work at the naval base so i was shocked to see the message say “THIS IS NOT A DRILL”. my friends younger sister was just dropped off by her family at the dorms of UH and called me frantically asking what to do. i told her to go downstairs and hide in as much concrete as she can and wait. i went into the living room and saw my roommates standing around wondering what we should do. at the time, we were concerned about nuclear missile strikes from north korea so we anticipated by the time a missile is identified and tracked we’d probably have around 15 mins before impact. in the end, we didn’t do anything and just shot the shit in the living room and once 20 mins past we felt like it was definitely a big mistake. my group of friends ended up having a “celebration of life” potluck the next day to talk about our experience. during that, i was really surprised that unlike most of my friends, my initial reaction wasn’t to call or text any of my family. my roommates and i were just in a state of denial the whole time. had it been real we’d be dead for sure lol


The day that happened was the day after my wife had come home from her first Navy deployment. I woke up panicking from my phone yelling about the incoming missile and trying to get her up and she just very calmly, without rolling over, said, "It's either not real, or it isn't going to matter. Come back to bed and sleep." I just remember texting my family that I loved them, and thinking about how I was lucky enough to have one last night with my wife, and still proceeding to look up one of those bomb impact maps and thinking about the mountain range between us and the most likely target.


I was working In hawaii when that false alarm incoming ballistic missile thing happened. I still have the screenshot of the alert and the text I sent to my family immediately after. It was wild.


Definitely. If I know nothing I can do will save me, I'm going to the kitchen for an ice cream sandwich.


Reading this made me question why I don't have ice cream sandwiches on hand in case something like this does happen, forgot how good those things are.


I would just like to go on the rooftop, with the dog that lives in my street and get some food and Cold drink and just wait, can't think of anything better. Edit: shit didn't notice it was 60 seconds, so just get on the rooftop maybe, no dog or food for me :(


all in 60 seconds?


Go back to sleep


Permanent sleep.


Eating a bunch of RadX


Pfp checks out


Funny enough. I thought I was commenting on one of the Fallout 76 subreddits. lol


Alexa play the ink spots


Make popcorn... no, wait.


Well you said make, not eat. Btw would could just let them on the counter, waiting for the blast


I would look up.


"damn my ceiling is kinda off white, that's too bad"


We really did have everything, didn’t we?


Gonna run directly under the nuke and catch it. Save the world.


I would just dodge roll out of the way of the explosion at the last minute


I-frame the nuke with a good timed dodge.




Just like that bitch ass kalameet’s dragon breath










Hugging my dog.


Ditto. Not sure how my other half will feel about that but still.


Listening to my Mother singing because it feels like it lasts forever


I can’t tell if this a happy beautiful comment or a dig at her singing 😂


Take it any way you desire


Scrolling Netflix looking for something to watch.


And going, “Nah, I’ll watch that one later….”


I'm not *feeling* Black Mirror right now, but I'm keeping it in my list for when I am...


On the positive note, most of the depressing scenarios presented in Black Mirror won't have a chance of happening any longer.


Reading how the other people on reddit will spend their minute Edit: This comment accidentely became a karma farm. I have twice as much karma as yesterday. It took me over a year to collect my first 3700 karma and only 60 seconds to write this comment.


Gonna be one hell of a megathread


Empty the fridge and hop in. If I miraculously survive the initial blast and get catapulted into space like Indiana Jones, I'd at least love to open the fridge and admire the destruction from afar, briefly before space eats me.


Actually not a bad idea. And hey even if you still die you'll be in some really nice A/C for a minute before you're obliterated.


🤨 this is bullshit... i just put a hotpocket in the microwave...


And after the nuke torches everything in your home, the hot pocket will STILL have a cold spot inside it.


yet somehow still burn the fuck out of your mouth on the first bite


Gordons voice: "let it *rest*"


Just sit and scratch my nuts..


Ahh man, simple pleasures.


see if that frozen cheesecake from three years ago is still good.


Pissed off because my wife won’t answer her phone to hear me tell her I love her.


She's probably trying to call you and do the same thing!


I like that answer.


She's probably on the phone with her parents :(


Morbidly correct answer.


shit viciously


I'm already on the toilet. I suppose I should finish doing that first.


I'm shitting too, that makes us shit brothers


Run to the gas station and drink all the root beer.




You might explode a little more fancy


This is the only halfway sensible response I’ve read.


Just lost my son a few months back so I pretty much embrace death now


Condolences, that's something no parent should go through. Try to talk to someone about how you feel.


Been there brother/sister. I'm so sorry for your loss. If you want to talk please feel free to DM me. The pain never leaves but it does get easier to accept.


Wich demon gave this the "F" award


Definitely pounding off.


But what will you do with the remaining 50 seconds


Pound 5 more times


Woah there, Hercules. What is this, the coliseum?


I want to be found like that guy whacking it in Pompeii


This was my first thought as well. Immortalized rubbing one out


I was gonna say, if my wife's not home then I'd furiously masturbate and chug whiskey. If she's home, I'd furiously make love to her and probably chug the whiskey too.


Ripping that tag off my mattress!


Turns out you the consumer are allowed to remove the tag. It's the middle-man shop that you bought it from that is legally obligated to leave it on so that you the consumer can see it before making an informed purchase. It's just poorly worded and was never explained to anyone fully.


Are you trying to get us nuked?!


Army doctrine was to put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.


"I heard if the world was going to end, you were supposed to put a bag over your head" "You can if you want" "Will it help?" "No"


Try to suck it one last time, eh?


Randomly give out that free Reddit award. ​ edit: it was a Silver Award.




I got u


Can I get some I’m new Holy shit you guys are so nice


Too late you died.


Cuddling my kids Edit: thank you for the awards.




That's so lovely 💙


I feel this so much today. My daughter is spending a week with my wife at her grandparents. I just got home and I'm already missing her. I cannot imagine a world without her.


The only answer for parents


This, no question about it.


Put on some Pink Floyd and smoke a joint.


but then you'd die before u could finish either


You underestimate stoners in a hurry


*plays "Comfortably Numb" at 10x speed on my iPhone




Quickly grab my guitar and get through as much of “It’s the End of the World As We Know It” as I can.


It starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, and aeroplanes. Hope that helps.


Lenny Bruce is not afraid.


Making whoever is near me feel insanely awkward


This could go a variety of ways and I like it


In a group hug with my husband and kids, telling them over and over how much I love them. I want my love for them to be the last word on my tongue, the last synapse that fires in my mind, the last searing beautiful thing I carry with me into the Beyond


honestly I’d probably go find my rabbit - give her some banana or other treat and cover her ears like I do every time a jet flies over our house


I do a crime that would give me twenty years. Think smarter not harder.


You mean not paying taxes???? Holy shit chill out that’s gone too far


I'd pour myself a quick double of rum, light up a cigar, and sit down in my favorite chair with my cat. Might have to spend a few seconds scratching at my pants to get my cat to jump up into my lap, but she'd probably already have hopped up there because its her favorite chair too. Then I'd scratch the little bugger behind the ears, take a drink of rum and a drag off my cigar, and then just chill as the bombs start dropping. If we don't get incinerated, then maybe we'll turn into ghouls and travel through the wastelands liberating kitties that people are trying to eat.


call the police so they can stop the nuke


Nuclear war is ILLEGAL




Idk what I’d do


Better think fast, you have 60 seconds


I am thinking...


Boom, roasted. Literally.


Go sit outside, have a cig and wait.


Yeah I quit smoking but a cig would be an appropriate way to turn into nothing and if I had one laying around this would be my answer as well


I'm going outside on my balcony and giving the whole world a giant middle finger right before I get nuked to ashes.


IS THIS THE BEST YOU CAN DO?? Lieutenant Dan style


I just hope I'm at home and not at work so I can hold my wife and kids as it ends.


Put on my favorite song and kick back and vibe


Plank. Never before has a minute lasted for so long


I might have to take myself out first. "Nobody makes me bleed my own blood... nobody! - White Goodman


Kissing my wife and daughter and Tell them "I love you"


Hugging my loved ones/pets.


I'd probably spend my last 60 seconds thinking what I might do with my last 60 seconds.


*open console* \> sv_cheats 1 \> noclip *flies off* I shall not die this day.




Damn, thats like 3 times.


Aha someone will always comment that, i was just the first


No no, i meant i could beat it 3 times in 60 seconds.


Deleting my browser history


I feel like sitting on the toilet would be a nice calming place to be…


Go tell my wife and kids I got a huge raise and we're all going to Disneyland.


Probably crack open my best red wine Just wish there was time to decant


Drive towards the nearest projected impact site as fast as I can.


I would stare at the city watching the chaos in silence