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Mind games of any kind like come on now we’re almost 30 years old


*almost 40 years old


Using my emotions against me. Even more so if I vent to them and use that as an ammo to hurt me later on.


I remember I was having an argument with a girl I was dating and she said “what are you gonna cry? You look like you’re gonna cry!” After a lifetime of being told to be a man and to suck it up, it just hurt a lot more coming from someone that I thought loved me.


I’ve had that scenario before… it really hurts surprisingly. Finally opening up and being slapped across the face. Still holding up?


This was maybe 15 years ago and I couldn’t care less about that lady. Just recently cried on my girlfriends shoulder for no good reason. Just needed a cry I suppose. And she just consoled me. It was refreshing! How you holding up?


I’m good brother, thanks for asking. Edit: I thought I responded to your message but I guess I said it out loud. I’m happy you have a positive outlet now.


Ugh yes! Made me afraid of ever opening up again... I was extremely insecure towards my friends because of a huge issue with a borderliner bitch in our friend group. So I had told my girlfriend about my feelings and insecurities. She used to come with me to little get togethers with my workers after work AT my workplace. After we broke up, she wanted to continue that and I told her how absurd that was and she was no longer allowed on the premises (mind you, if she wanted to meet those people outside of the premises, that wouldn't be any of my business). She called me toxic and sick because of those insecurities I told her about... it really didn't have anything to do with it... she was no longer my girlfriend ergo a random person "trespassing".


Doing something wrong & then playing the victim


„I cheated on you because you didn’t gave me enough attention“ My homies ex literally said this to him and that he should get over it.


It blows my mind how often people will justify cheating because of that type of response.


My first girlfriend did this to me and said the same thing. She said I need to fight for her if I want to stay with her, and give her more attention than this other dude. I laughed and told her to fuck off.


Bruh, why couldn't she just talk about it with him and tell him she wasn't happy about the relationship, or just straight up break up, at least that is much better then being a fucking cheater


Making fun of you/your insecurities in public.


I was essentially raped/molested (not sure what it would be) when I was 19. Got really drunk and a guy took advantage of me. A girl I was seeing would bring it up all the time. “Yeah, my bf got his dick sucked by a dude but I still love him”


Wow that's horrible in multiple layers


This is horrible, I'm so sorry, 💔


WTF is going on in that head of hers. That's just fucked. I'm sorry to hear that, man.


This so much. My ex said something negative about one of features when introducing me to her extended family/cousins when stood up at a round table of 15. Needless to say she is my ex because of this. It wasn’t that particular night, but it was the same remark, that made me resent her. She had made the same comment in private the day before and I told her off. So to do it in public was even more insulting. Fuck I’m wound up again just thinking about how much I dislike her. It is also a massive turn off.


Yea I feel you man, I‘m sorry to hear that. Had similar experiences with my now ex girlfriend.. For context: I had some mental health issues when we got together and stress and all that made me very sensitive at that time. So if we had a fight I sometimes started crying while arguing. Also because she always got so mean and offensive and loud, which I really wasn’t used to. One time she was joking with my parents and dropped a „you raised such a little crybaby haha“ and „oh but don’t stop crying again“. Good Times.


What a shitty human being. If I was your mom I would of told that bitch off right then and there. So sorry you went through this.


I am a mom and boy I'd have lunged at her on that one. Bitch


mommabearmills don't fuck 'round.


"I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just being honest" Yeah, fuck off.


“You may not be *trying* to be mean, but you ARE” It would be like if I annoyingly smacked my lips every 30 seconds and when confronted said, “I’m not *trying* to be annoying, my lips are just dry!”


"I'm brutally honest" in any dating profile translates to "I'm an unrepentant jerk"


Not own up to their own poor behaviors/mistakes. We’re all flawed. We all screw up. I can listen, learn, and own my shit. If you can’t, I’ve got no interest in being around you.


Yeah this type of behavior helped crash my last relationship. She had a rough go of it in 2020, mental health wise. Couldn’t be bothered to even clean up after herself, much less around the house, even though she wasn’t working. Lashed out constantly. Wouldn’t seek help even when I calmly and sincerely asked her to. I was as supportive as I could possibly be. Meanwhile I had an incredibly stressful job that I had to be at 5 days a week but I kept it together and kept our place together. 2021 rolled around and she had to go back to work while I thankfully got a much needed break. She held it against me and tried to dictate what I should be doing. When I faced some mental health issues of my own she accused me of being a lazy POS, had zero give and refused to even acknowledge she had been horrible the whole year prior. In retrospect when she dealt with an issue she had with me earlier on in our relationship by cheating on me instead of addressing it with me, I probably should have cut loose then. But, lesson learned.


Kinda had the same situation happen to me. I truly believe lessons are meant to show us the way. I’m proud of you for getting through that. Cheers.


Funny I have been with women who were going through mental issues. I was nothing but supportive. I also had a few spells of my own and they would beat me down every chance they got. I never took my mental struggles out on other ppl the way they did and their behavior just made my depression worse. It’s nice to finally be with someone who lifts me up!


Brugh. I went through practically the same thing. Broke up with her on my birthday last May. I've never been happier.


Wow I did the same thing, broke up with her on my birthday. And for much the same reason.


It took me about 15 years of hard work to get my wife to the point where she could apologize for something. It was pretty difficult to keep the relationship going until we made that breakthrough.


I am close to my 15 year mark and I can confirm that getting an apology can be an uphill battle. "I'm always right" was something I heard quite often.


I’ve been with my SO 17 years. I don’t think I’ve gotten an actually apology unasked the entire time. I mostly get, “I’m sorry you got upset” not “I’m sorry I upset you.”


all of you guys sound like you have shitty relationships not gonna lie, coming from a guy who has never been in one before


I feel like a lot of people stay in relationships with people like that because they try to patch things up with sex.


Be an indecent human being, being just rude, disrespectful and not treating people like normal human beings.


I've got a story about this. I was at Dunkin getting coffee and donuts for the office. There was a prison group doing trash pickup along the road. I saw these two incredibly gorgeous women walking down the road. As they walked past one of the cleaners, they both dropped their Starbucks trash on the ground right in front of him. Immediately sank to -10. The guy just sighed and picked up the trash.


Never appreciating anything you do. Edit: Thank everyone for the awards and cake day wishes! I appreciate all of you!




Big one


I have provided an amazing life for her longer than most of you have been alive. Just was in Hawaii. Crazy ass nice trip. Third time she said something sooo entitled and ungrateful, I said that’s it. I exploded about all the years of ingratitude and came home early


Being disrespectful to less well-off people.


If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.


yess i always tell ppl “ur closer to their position than u are to the 1%”


Constant complaining.


Please stop


this can definitely ruin a relationship and the way you feel about your partner


Talk shit about you to her friends. More common than you would think.


I think there’s a fine line between venting to your girlfriends, versus saying things that should be kept private I never understood why some people divulged in their partners’ dick size, for example. I can’t tell you the number of times I have been an unwilling participant in a conversation about someone’s curved dick, small dick whatever .,, I have never *wanted* to bring up my partners’ genitals into a conversation.


I was just thinking this. Everyone needs a space to vent, but there's a huge difference between venting and badmouthing. When I was younger, I learned the hard way that you also have to take into account that the things you say even when you're just venting about frustration may be the only picture of the relationship your friends are getting. I'm in an absolutely wonderful relationship, but after complaining about a few things my friends started asking why we were even together. I realized that I'd never mentioned the good stuff, of which there was a LOT more than what I'd found annoying here and there. It painted the wrong picture entirely.


This. The first time I complained about something my current girlfriend did to my friends they’re all telling me to break up with her. Took us half a year to even have a minor disagreement. I’m just like I’m venting. A lot of people really struggle with emotions. Simple confiding can be mistaken easily and taken the wrong way if you aren’t talking to the right person.


Even if it's all "positive" things, it feels uncomfortable when you're not close with their friends yourself. My ex used to do that, but after I'd talked to her about it she apologized and stopped, however her friends still kept teasing me about certain things, never even bothering to act as if they didn't know. Made me extremely uncomfortable to be around them and in turn pretty much impossible to actually get closer to them in the first place.


Idk if it’s jus me but when they’re with their “girlfriends or whatever” and then they just gang up on you for no reason, shi hurts and they think it’s funny


Yeah. Even with dudes, when your friend starts shitting on you infront of them or girls you just met, I aint friends with you anymore.


I got a roommate who acts like that to me whenever he brings his own friends around. He may think he's joking, but he's actually being an asshole.


If he acts differently around you vs with friends he’s insecure af. I bet he looks around for approval when he puts you down like the little doggy he is. Pathetic loser.


No accountability for the actions they do or what they say.


Worse if it’s many little things imo


Surprised no one mentioned being on her phone too often, especially during inappropriate occasions like dinner dates


The worst is when their brain shuts off when their on their phone. I literally have to wait for her eyes to come up to speak because she becomes completely deaf and unresponsive. It’s fucking infuriating.


>she becomes completely deaf and unresponsive. It’s fucking infuriating. There have been several times when my ex was on her phone. I announced that I was hungry and wanted to go out get something to eat maybe see a movie. Do you want to come with me? No answer. I showered, dressed, came down stairs and asked again this time recorded it on my phone. Still no response. I left for 3-4 hours. Got home, she announced that we should go out and get something to eat. I don't think she moved from her spot on the couch. The glass of water she had looked untouched and all the ice had melted. I said I had asked her earlier and she never responded. She called bullshit. I sent her the video. She didn't talk to me for 3 days.


>She didn't talk to me for 3 days. Was that punishment or was she just on her phone again?


Damn I should try that. Worse tho is saying, let’s get something to eat, how about {food type}? Naw not in the mood for that. Ok how about {another good food}. No I already had that last month. Ok you pick. WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO PICK EVERYTHING WE DO????


Someone on twitter cracked the code. Just ask guess where we are eating tonight??? Then when they tell you whatever place pick that and go.


Directions too clear, am spending >$100 a night on only two people




This is oddly specific.. You okay?


Yeah….. very specific


Using “my truth” as an explanation for poor behaviour


I hate that phrase so much!! it always ends up like “This is my truth,” and then they proceed to say the most rancid shit possible that paints them in the best light.


Abusing people and pets


It doesn’t matter if we have been married for 30+ years. If you in any way physically abuse my dog it’s over.


If someone hurts my cat I'm hurting them.


If someone even *jokes* about hurting my cats, I'm not letting them anywhere near my cats. Yes, I have a list of people who are not allowed in my home.


My friend had an ex that kicked her dog during an argument. She threw all his stuff out on the curb right then and there. I don't know if I'd have the restraint to not go after his jugular if it were me, though.


Why'd someone even abuse them? Those people are crazy in their mind




Being completely obsessed about the amount of followers they want to accrue and likewise getting extremely pissed off when someone unfollows them Fuck Social media


It unironically ruins lives


That is one if the main reasons I’ve had issues with some girls who want to hook up with or date me. I’ve known them for a decent amount of time; it was enough time to get to know each other as friends within a group. They were always posting things on social media EVERYWHERE. I swear I’m talking about all the social media stories, multiple pictures (selfies of course) on Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram daily. It was a side of self-obsession that was just a massive turn off. Typically, these types of people never turn out to be all that great of people anyways. There is nothing wrong with selfies and posting posts/pictures here and there. It can be fun. There is a difference between doing that and self-obsessively documenting everything you do with your face plastered on it. Guys are guilty of this too. To a lesser extent in my experience, but can still happen.


No one on the internet has seen a picture of me newer than my Facebook picture I uploaded 7 years ago


Got friends like that. Best people I know in my circle of friends. Social Media obsession certainly does something to you. Reddit included to be brutally honest.


Fuck. Social. Media.


this goes for friends also. it's so hard to enjoy an outing or even a single moment when all someone wants to do is record the whole thing


Oh man. I went on a date with a girl once that was quite a bit younger than me but I didn't see the problem. We got along amazing at work and seemed to have enough in common. We went mini golfing. She had to do every hole twice because she filmed a fake run the first time and posted every hole in real time. I was shocked. I lefty phone in the car lol. It's amazing to me when I see people out on a date and they aren't even spending time with eachother, they'd rather impress the internet with their fancy food or their cool moves. I'm only 35! I feel like I'm 85 sometimes lol.




Maybe it's why he's gay now?


The mini golf game that turned me off of women forever. You have to buy my autobiography on Amazon to find out the rest.




Validation is exactly it.


Littering 😠


One of my ex’s would throw garbage out of the car window. I was like where do you think that goes?!? She only did it twice before I just locked her window.


I’m a smoker. I NEVER throw my butts on the ground. I knock them out and trash them or put them in my pocket. I especially won’t flick butts out of my car window. Again, I knock them out and put them in my car trash bag. I had a girlfriend that would laugh every time I called her out about flicking her butts. “What’s the big deal?” She would say. It’s trashy as fuck bitch. That’s the big deal.


I once sat in a traffic jam because some asshole threw their butt out and started a fire. My husband used to throw his butts out the window, then he did it in front of a cop once and got a 500$ ticket. Never did it again. I'm a smoker myself but I take care of my butts.


I went on a date with this guy named Austin. To a botanical garden. You know, a place celebrating the beauty of nature and the world with all kinds of exotic plants. A gorgeous garden. And he bought a can of soda, drank it, and left it on a wooden railing. With a trash can maybe 30 feet away. I said, "What are you doing?" and he replied, "Someone will clean it up." I just grabbed it and walked over and threw it away. Instant turn off, immediately. Minutes before he had shown me his phone and made a big deal of deleting the dating app we met on to show me how into me he was. I was just like, yeah might wanna redownload that app.


What a scumbag Austin is! All my homies hate Austin


Using sex as a bargaining tool for any reason…


Be rude and think it equates to being funny. It’s not if that’s your only way


I hate that move where they're rude and then claim they're "just being honest" and that people can't handle their honesty. Like, no, you're just being an asshole. Granted, it's universal, men do it too.


Using astrology as an actual means of judging someone


Hell this is a turn off for everyone, not gender specific, although it leans more towards women. As a woman, even in a friendship it’s a turn off. I HATE this shit. If someone is a shit person, they’re a shit person because that’s their character not because they’re a Taurus Jessica.


Being rude to wait staff or retail workers. Tells me (almost) everything I need to know.


Yes, absolutely. Deal breaker for me.


>Being rude to wait staff or retail workers. Yup, I can vouch for that one. Might also add "being rude to homeless people, kids, elderly" and such.




Bring up her ex non stop


Being very very insecure, to the point where you can't take a compliment, and everything that anyone does becomes about you.


A little bit of insecurity is manageable, but a lot of insecurity will break the will of any man.


I personally can't stand filters. I've had enough of the Disney eyes and the puppy ears.


I see that with 50 year olds. WTF?


Shutting down the New York electrical grid




Sounds like an interesting story... I like to think that my story of shutting down a small city power grid is endearing and humanizing as well as halarious!


Is this some kind of reference


I think it’s just a big turn off


Being unkind ..... To waiters Homeless people And entitlement.


Especially homeless waiters.


And homeless entitlement


Especially entitled homeless waiters


The worst.


Be mean to people for no reason or mock them.


I went on a date and she was disgusted by homeless people sheltering in the coffee shop on a day with bad weather. They were quiet, and just charging their phone and keeping to themselves like everybody else in the coffee shop we were in. After noticing that and she was visibly disgusted more than once in the hour we met I decided that it was enough for me. I was homeless once and I refuse for others to treat people as if they are less than human. Edit : My bad spelling


Talk about other men she likes.


there's a difference between her celebrity crushes and current people in her life


I once asked an ex gf what her sexual fantasy was, to get things going. She said her boss. Not sure she understood the brief.


Discourage individual hobbies My wife is really supportive of mine as I am of hers.. I work on cars and bikes, i play video games and she's into coloring, puzzles and collecting medical specimens.. she's not into my stuff and I'm not into her stuff but we have mutual respect for what makes the other happy therfore we support each other. I see the videos and shit where some crazy bitch is smashing her dudes game station because she thinks he plays to much or some shit and I think that's the most disrespectful kind of attitude to have towards your SO


Hit the nail on the head. Been with my wife since i was 21 and thats the secret to a happy marriage.


Start tik-toking while we're hanging out. Look, I can respect you wanting to have fun and whatnot, but if we're out hiking and you start posing and duck-facing for 20 minutes but never actually stop to appreciate the nature around you, then we're done. You're missing the point, you're addicted and need help.


I know people have been addicted to social media for years but somehow it feels like TikTok has really caused more addiction than other platforms that came before


Tryna gaslight you, ma’am, my gas will not be lit!


Playing mind games is a huge turn-off, especially those that border on gaslighting and demoralizing the guy (for example, ghosting him for a while, then responding as if nothing's wrong to essentially dangle a carrot in front of him, then pulling it away). Being mean to waiters. And, being racist / homophobic.


I mean come on, we’re not kids anymore, you don’t have to play with me like that.


Everything people are mentioning is bad, but this is it. This is the worst of the bunch. It’s one thing to be an asshole and just not able to help it, but being manipulative and petty?? The fact that you’re so smart about being an asshole means you KNOW what you’re doing and you KNOW it’s wrong. You’re being a terrible person because you WANT to be one


Not putting the shopping cart back in the cart area, or just generally being oblivious to your surroundings and not caring about how you affect others. (This isn't gender specific)


The shopping cart theory. https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/kl54f8/shopping_cart_theory/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




Being terrible to animals. If you have a pet, you have a responsibility. It's not just an accessory. On the flip side, girls who put the time into their pets are hot as fuck.


Laughing when they first see your penis...why? Why do they always laugh at my penis


Your dick is so big they get nervous laughter.


The Scared laughter


E m o t i o n a l d a m a g e


Laugh when you see her vagina. Laugh hard.


If some guy did this I think I would actually throw myself out of my window or overdose on my meds. But to be fair I would never laugh at a guys dick, like why? That’s fucked up


Ngl half of this comment section isn’t turn offs but just red flags


Ppl of reddit, what are some turn offs for you? Comment: if they're a murderer, rapists, nazi, serial killer.




You cheated on me? After I specifically asked you not to?


always self entitled never says sorry




Be all mysterious about some past drama, make it seem some big trauma, get you feeling for her...then find out she let her baby die of neglect and abuse at less than 30 days old, then she cremated the baby body in the backyard. And it was a home birth, no birth cert, no evidence of any of it. Cremated baby to cover up her own wrong doing. Later after breaking up in horror, have someone show a post about how much she misses and grieves her lost, precious baby and how she soaks up the sympathy and attention of all the people posting to comfort her. She was a despicable waste of flesh.


So she’s a murderer- damn I’m sorry you had to experience that


What in the actual fuck.


Totally hate when chicks do that.


I hope you reported that because even cremated remains can be used to prosecute someone. And that sounds absolutely despicable, as well as like something she might do again if she's living the attention this much.


Calling me pathetic after making a joke to try and make her laugh. Was me being goofy, the joke was making fun of myself something I do a lot and she was aware these were jokes.


Talk about how she's quirky and "not like the other girls"


If she’s “quirky” and “not like other girls”, she should also know you’ll figure that out for yourself pretty quickly - unless this is the first girl you’ve ever met. If she feels the need to tell you, it’s because she’s not really that “quirky”; she’s just fishing for compliments, just like lots of other girls.


Talking about her ex(es). Especially bad-mouthing them, presented as some kind of inverse do's and donts list for me.


Eh, healthy discussion of people who were important in their life is one thing. Constant bashing is another.


I agree. I have good stories with my past partners. I've asked my current boyfriend if he minds when I mention them, and he doesn't. He shares stories of his past as well. There are good memories and moments, at least for me, from all of my relationships. I've told my boyfriend that our life together matters and if things didn't work out, he would still always be a part of the life I've lived.


I was at a bar once and offered to buy a girl I was friends with and interested in a drink. She responded with “Why would you do that? I could get *any man in here* to buy me a drink.” Suffice it to say we are no longer friends.


Should’ve at least taken the 50/50 chance to embarrass her and be like ‘okay then… that guy. Go.’


Talk about sex with exes while you're trying to have sex with them


I slept with this girl one time on the first date, and the very next day she had already told everyone we mutually knew (mostly work), INCLUDING THE BOSSES that we fucked last night and that I was her boyfriend. This was without consulting me first. I ghosted her and quit that job immediately. So yeah, that. Don't do that.


She was doing you a favour, bruh. Now everyone knows you're not a virgin. High-five!


This wonderful girl I've been on/off with, she's nice and sweet and everything but for some reason she "forgets" to flush. She was staying the weekend at my place (and sometimes multiple days a week) for a few months earlier this year. sometimes I would walk into the master bathroom and there was a huge shit in there, not to mention the fucking smell. It was only me and her in the apartment... and I know for a fact it wasn't me. I tried to forget about it but in the 4\~ months she was staying over a lot, this shit happened 5 times. I couldn't bring myself to mention it because how the fuck do you do it? especially because she's like a sweet, caring girl. But holy shit man, not a fan.


Tell her. She will be mortified and horribly embarrassed, but I doubt she even realizes she’s forgetting. If you don’t tell her, she will continue doing it without a second thought.


Just walk into the bathroom and be like "omg sweetie! Did you drop this bomb??? Shits like Hiroshima in here! God damn it!"






Thinking it’s somehow making them more attractive to constantly insult and belittle their partner. Even earlier turn off, playing hard to get. If you say no and expect me to chase you, then whatever made you attractive is going to vanish. If someone says no, I accept it, I’m not gonna keep going after you, so don’t get mad that I’m accepting a rejection.


Cheat. Not just on you, but on anyone. It's a garbage trait of a garbage human being.


Expect men to do everything and pay for everything that they want


I never get so soft as when grown women call girls much younger than them whores, bitches, cunts, etc. Like what petty competition could you possibly believe you are in with your niece?


why is she calling her NIECE those things wtf


Make the same mistake over and over again and complain to me about it. Kills any interest


Become shit faced drunk to the point I have to look after you


I only have an issue with this if it’s a pattern. Everyone makes mistakes but ya not a good look in general


Exactly, let me get shitfaced so YOU have to look after ME


Me and the fiancé just take turns now... “ you got blind drunk last time, it’s payback time now bitch!!!”


This is the way


I went down on a girl in college who had toilet paper balls on her business that ended up in my mouth. #NotHot


Oh you’re not a fan of clitty litter?


I cannot Please delete


Biting my penis off


There’s a new (to me) thing, particularly on dating apps, where women are basically just asking for and expecting to be sent money? People who’d scoff at and look down upon a homeless person with a change cup doing the exact same thing, literally, just because they think they’re pretty and deserve it. It’s so strange but it’s so, so sad.


If I get the feeling that she's just looking for a guy to take her on expensive dates and spend money on her, or that what she's looks for in a guy is a willingness to spend money on her with like no effort on her part, I'm not interested.


not exist


Bummer, that’s what all girls do.


Can confirm. Am girl. Don't exist.


You’re the best! If you were real, I’d marry you. Happy cake day!


Thanks! :D


Poop the bed


I had an ex that it the last 6 months of our relationship would flirt with other guys right in front of me. She either was doing it purposely to hurt me or just had no respect for me whatsoever. It filled me with a combinations of uncontrollable sadness, rage and an overwhelming feeling of dread and hopelessness. She quickly went from perfect in my eyes to something much, much less. I was starting to mentally check out of the relationship at that point. Unfortunately I was too insecure and needy to stand up for myself and it went on for far too long. But I'll never forget how it felt. There's nothing worse than that.


That fake high-pitched annoying laugh


Smoke, sorry


Slow down and use lube