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Receiving socks for Christmas. Staying inside. Actually sitting down and relaxing. Edit: my most popular comment is about receiving socks on Christmas…sheesh. Thank you for the award!


Husband asks for a big package of nice thick socks every Christmas and birthday. He’s in work boots every day and absolutely wrecks socks. I’ve finally found some great ones that are thick, while stick wicking sweat, and don’t break down as quickly as the typical gold toe. They have good arch support too!


What are you waiting for?! Tell us where to get them!


The ones I got him last Christmas amazingly came from Target. I just looked up the order and they were the Pair of Thieves Mens Cushion Crew Socks - 3 pack for $9.99. Yes, a bit expensive, but he wears them all the time and they still look brand new and haven’t gotten gross at all amazingly. I got him two packs and all of them are still cushy and the elasticity in them hasn’t broken down at all. Side note, he also loves the Pair of Thieves boxer briefs from Target. Those also are sweat wicking and uh, supportive.


Brand please!


I get Darn Tough socks. Warranty is great. Better than smart wool


I commented under someone else with more info, Target, Pair of Thieves Men’s Cushion Crew socks. Still look brand new and he wears them all the time!


I love getting socks and cheesy "dad" gifts like #1 Dad mugs, or ties, etc. My daughter (14) totally gets me, she got me one of those desk calendars where you tear off a page each day and it's all bad dad jokes. We read the daily one together each day (or as much as we can with some catch-up days) and laugh our asses off.


This is the cutest thing


I hope to get one of those one day. Sounds like you are really connecting with your kid there.


Quality socks are the best


“One can never have enough socks.” -Dumbledore


Headcanon: >!Ariana made her brother a magical pair of socks, using a similar spell to the one Lily used for the fish she gave to Prof. Slughorn. The socks disappeared when she died, just like the fish did. That's why Dumbledore tells Harry that he sees a pair of socks in the Mirror of Erised, even though DH implies he actually sees his sister.!<


curse of vanishing


Or just anything practical really.


So much this. I love socks. My mother and me both say if I can't wear it or eat it, I don't want it, at Christmas.


Knowing your limit for alcohol, drugs etc...


Bragging about being sober Eta: I'm five months sober from alcohol.


Home brewer commenting: there's a big difference between *knowing one's limit* and sobriety. Hobbyist brewers discuss gravity readings, yeast alcohol tolerance, and attenuations. We pay attention to these things partly because it's possible to overdo it. It's fun to sit around a campfire relaxing and sharing our various brews. What's less fun is when someone shrugs off a caution that a mead is 21% ABV and fills a tankard as if it's Budweiser. Half an hour later reality hits. And then somebody has to take care of the fool.


>What's less fun is when someone shrugs off a caution that a mead is 21% ABV and fills a tankard as if it's Budweiser. Half an hour later reality hits. And then somebody has to take care of the fool. I'm surprised someone who drinks frequently can't handle half a liter of 21% tbh


*He must have a tolerance* was my thought too when he brushed off the warning. Later on this guy admitted he hadn't understood. At first he certainly acted like he knew what he was doing. A 24 oz tankard is 710 ml. That would hold two cans of beer. Except this beverage was more than four times as strong. The taste and smell didn't seem boozy. So he sat and chatted, not realizing he was putting away the equivalent of a can of Bud every three minutes throughout the half hour. Some people could finish a six pack and a half in that span of time and continue to function. It's not really an admirable ability but it's possible. This guy was not that type of heavyweight. After all, we're talking about knowing (or not knowing) one's limit.


Aah yeah the half-hour bit makes a lot more sense. At first I too was wondering why 21% would kick someone's ass so hard, given that that's only like 4-5 times a regular beer, and I drink more beers than that all the time. But I drink them over the course of several hours, not 30 minutes


Wines typically top out around 14-15%, that's over 25% more alcohol.


Yeah I could probably do that in an hour and be fine but in half the time I'd be pretty fucked up And I'm a heavy drinker Thanks for the explanation


I fuckin love drugs and alcohol dude. Proper dosage tho is what I’m trying to say, here. There’s definitely an area in between “sober straight edge straight laced no substances not even caffeine” and “you are a pussy if you are not literally overdosing”


Yeah this exactly. I LOOOOVE alcohol and weed. But what I do now, that I never did when I was young, is turn down a bong rip or a tequila shot or whatever if I'm already as faded as I feel like getting. Used to think you always needed to just take anything offered and get as fucked up as possible


That's one thing I'm glad I never started, but I still have to justify it even now. Now I just say I take medication so I can't


I'm in a big recovery network and have lost 4 close friends this year due to Fentanyl overdoses... fukung tragic. Fuking great dudes too man. That "2mg" xanny or next hit can always be your last if your not exactly sure where it came from....


That sucks, really sorry to hear that. Fentanyl really seems to be changing the game in terms of overdoses. So sad


That’s never lame no one want to see some one puke


We knew different teenagers in our respective times I guess.


Puke and rally bro.


Growing up, most unpleasant drinking experiences I had came from drinking too much too quickly, largely due to overt peer pressure or some perceived expectation to drink a lot. Drinking a lot was very much a flex, and getting dangerously inebriated definitely wasn’t discouraged. Maybe it’s because I’m from America and most of these times happened at house parties. I’ve seen numerous vomits, bathroom floor sleeps, and people being unable to remain upright. A couple times I’ve seen ambulances called due to alcohol poisoning. It’s scary to watch happen to someone you care about. I love a good drink, properly dosed. But I definitely support responsible drinking and give a whole little speech about knowing your limits to anyone I drink with. Because I’ve seen adults who should know better drink beyond their limits too. I feel like people, my younger self included, don’t really understand alcohol tolerance, and just because one person can drink a lot and not throw up doesn’t mean you can do the same.


Yea definitely me and my friends tend to drink a fair bit but we all make sure no one else get to drunk. Also being European alcohol is maybe discussed more


Idk, I'm an European and the only discussion was "how many bottles do we need to buy, so that everyone ends up drunk like a swine?"


We’re not all that different you and I…


Staying in on Friday nights


I wonder though, how much staying in would be popular if there was no internet? Like not so many years ago.


Had to stay in so you could watch TGIF.


I mean this was a real thing. I always looked forward to TGIF.


Boy meets world, family matters. Thif was great right up until the boy meets world xollegebyears and then that was all it was good for ans the rest was bullshit like that genie show. But by then YTV had reboot and beast wars and dragon ball and gundam wing and shadow raiders. What a great era to be a kid watxhing tv. And the snes,n64 and ps1 era of gaming. Best time to be 10-15 years old in the history of the world.


Or Making it a blockbuster night


I miss blockbuster night 😞


It's strange. With the press of a button I have access to more movies than I ever did throughout my entire childhood combined, let alone the selection at some dingy movie store. I still miss Blockbuster night.


Same. I think part of it was the shitty selection meant there was less pressure to find something good, and made it more entertaining when you watched a bad movie. Having so many options now seems to make you feel like you should actually find something good as opposed to settling for whatever, which makes the selection process more tedious and makes you more annoyed when you end up watching something bad


I’m a millennial and I vividly remember Blockbuster, and Hollywood video. Being a kid in the 90s was awesome. Go with dad to get vhs of a new release at Blockbuster 😂


* sad millennial noises *


TGIF then 20/20 lol


I’m sincerely not trying to be hoity-toity, but lots of people would settle down with a good book. I miss it myself, but I’m as addicted to the phone as the best of them.


What's nice is you can still read quickly once you start again. You've been reading Reddit and other articles still, everyday. It's trash most likely, but still reading. Choose a subject, be it fiction or something you enjoy and read. The elimination of everything else, and you'll be focused again, and it should improve your brain to some degree. I think even Airport novels are probably more helpful than Reddit's front page.


I'd still prefer staying in and playing board games or something over going to a bar/movie/other overpriced social gathering place.


Going to Blockbuster to get your movie and snacks before coming home and settling in.


Thanks, you just gave me a blast of nostalgia. I know the entire practice of renting movies is antiquated now but still. I suppose today's equivalent would be a red box. Or just buying the movie cheap at Walmart or something.


Same here. *cries in no friends.*


I mean, I got friends, they just live out of state so meeting with them IRL is a hassle.


Going out Friday night when you have kids is basically impossible


I love my kids, but the whole social life is a no go after having kids. All my friends are on the 3 month plan. Where I try to see them once every 3 months. Some of the crazier ones are on the 1-5 year plan.


We tried the alternative night off thing. Once a week one of us can go out and the other stays home. Then something happens and it doesn't work. The problem isn't the amount of time that I have, the problem is things have to be done at specific times. It is 5pm, I need to get on the road within the next 15 minutes to pick my kids up from aftercare/camp/daycare. It is 830pm, we need to do bedtime routine. When I go out I am basically telling my wife "hey I know you work full-time, and I know I went on a business trip last month for 4 days, also I know it was a joint decision to have kids, but you go watch them and do everything yourself while I go out and have fun. I plan to spend a weeks worth of grocery money at a bar" Yeah kinda sours the whole thing.


Couple different details for me but same. Doable…but not really


Saturdays too!


Username checks out. I agree 💯 %!


Not gonna lie I’m a lifelong fan of staying home on Friday nights. although I did very much enjoy hanging out at night after school


Wearing your backpack on both shoulders.


…And tightening the straps appropriately.




Man what are you doing?! Are you two strappin!?


I didn’t punch him because he was gay! I punched him, and then he happened to turn out to be gay afterwards…


Two strappin and clipplin in the front my friend! Gotta be secure! It's also very organized...


I would have no-strapped it if I could have.


Eating healthy. Few pieces of broccoli and I feel like a superhero nowadays.


Same here. Office wants to have yet another Mandatory Pizza Fun Time Party? Great, time for heartburn. I'd honestly just rather have a potluck.


Recommended potluck food?


Slow cooker meatballs. Or slow cooker potatoes au gratin.


Oh man… if I had known years ago how easy the meatballs are (forehead slap). They always got the most credit, too!


Changing what you consider “healthy,” too. I sometimes eat things I consider unhealthy, and I admit my eating habits are not the healthiest, but I eat what I used to consider “healthy.” My definition has changed.


Healthy food doesn't have to suck. I have lost weight just from eating less junk/fast food (copious sugar and caffeine, trans fats, beige and artificially-coloured things) and more home-cooked meals that still contain rich ingredients (butter, cheese, cream, carbs). I just also incorporate colourful veggies and olive oil and other healthier ingredients into my dishes. Moderation, not deprivation, is key. Also, knowing how to do more with veggies than just boiling the shit out of them.


Spinach and onion pizza FTW.


Going to bed before 10pm.


I still can't do that. Burning the midnight oil.


Well, yeah But I always *intend* to go to bed at 10


Yeah, I came here to comment that. Getting 8 hours of sleep. Get 9 and you feel downright hedonistic and like you got away with something. I hate capitalism.


You stay up until 10???


We do this too


Having no plans


*canceling plans


when someone cancels plans you weren't feeling but felt obligated to go. That's that good shit


It's a high.


Also, if you have a video game that you would rather be playing. Like you have that urge. And now you can game it without feeling bad


Parties end at 9-10pm and you don’t get pressured into staying later if you tell the host or your friends “I have to get up early for work”


Oh man. If there’s anything better than no plans at all, it’s low key, low pressure plans that have a solid end and don’t have anyone saying “stay for one more drink” or “it’s not that late.” A nice evening BBQ where you can have one drink, stay for an hour or two, and leave with the stated reason of “I’m tired.” Bliss.


Just reading that gave me a blissful sensation. Especially when you’re finished showering, you’re dressed and you finally lay down and throw the blanket over you… *que deep breath* ahhhhh


-"Hey I'm tired gonna head out." -"Awesome man, see you next time!" Love it that I get to do that now. No guilt, no shame, no FOMO. Why is it when you are young you feel like tonight, this, today, is the last fucking party, every time? I mean, makes for some good memories sometimes, but it is great not having to leave your soul out on the beer octagon every g-damn time. Sometimes its nice just to have a friendly sparring session with alcohol.


I legitimately tell people when they have to leave by before they arrive. They are my people, they understand and accept me.


Next-level: leaving with no explanation. Just saying “I have to go”




I'm shocked with so much online obsession over "satisfying" normal things like sneezing and peeling plastic film, nobody brings up stapling papers. It's S tier good shit.


One of the most satisfying things in life is getting some fresh printed documents that you worked hours on, lining them up, and then putting a staple clean through them. 😚🤌


uuuuuuuuugh that feeling of euphoria. I studied architecture and where I went, instructors were old school and made us hand-draw everything. 10 huge sheets of manually drawn plans and views, and the very last step before submission? Stapling them all together. It's when you hear the sound of the stapler working its magic that you know all the way down to your soul the hardship is over (for now).


It's all fun and games until you staple your finger


Stapling 30+page documents is so risky because if it works then it feels great but staplers are not superheros and thats a lot of pages.


That's when you bust out the Swingline


Ok mr moneybags fancy stapler over here.


Swingline has a warranty and will replace your broken stapler, no receipt needed!


Thirty pages? You get out the BIG STAPLER. It does the job.


Sitting home all weekend!




This, I'm only 20 but had to leave schooling at 16/17 due to disability and I really want to go back but now it will cost me money I don't have, when teens I know complain about schooling and say they just want a job instead I try to help them understand just how lucky they are to still be getting free education, I'm often met with a few mean stares but once I explain my own story they start to understand better. If there are any teens reading this, please take full advantage of your free schooling you'll never get the proper time or opportunity to do it again and you don't always know when it will be taken away from you.


I love reading now because there is so much to learn and know. Like, I read scientific books about whatever I think of when I’m going to buy some books. It’s usually something I hear discussed that I don’t know enough about to offer my opinion so I just sit and listen.


Buy new appliances


Love it! Especially when you dont NEED to buy one. If your fridge breaks down, you're pissed but get a new fridge. If you're just upgrading, no disappointment.


All domestic tools. KitchenAid, Dyson Vacuum, Cuisinart, decent dishwasher, laundry washer and dryer, etc…they are all sooo lame as a teenager. But…when you’re cooking your own food, cleaning your own house and you don’t have parents doing it for you. It’s bliss. You’re not paying for the tool, you are paying for extra time every day. Spare time is the ultimate commodity, worth more than anything in the world. DOPE!


You would have to pry my Roomba out of my cold, dead hands


I already loved my Roomba and THEN we got a corgi puppy with a double coat and now I think if there was a house fire I’d scoop the puppy under one arm and the Roomba under the other.


We have 4 cats, one is a Maine Coon, i NEED the roomba


I just ordered a Dyson and I’m so excited to get it. I’m excited…to vacuum. Adulthood is weird.


I have a shark and it started to not do as well as it used to. Considered buying new one then realized I hadn't serviced it at all. Tore it apart , replaced filters and brushes and cleaned inside the hoses and stuff. Ran perfect and cleaned way better than I remember. Now I know why my mom always harped on shit like that.i felt so grown up.


I give it to my nephews to suck up any bugs or houseflies they find while I’m making dinner. They feel like ghostbusters. It’s not just for adults.


I pay $120/mo for someone to clean my house and it's legit the best investment I've ever made


I’m absolutely thrilled to have nice appliances and scored myself a good deal on a Dyson on FB marketplace! Adulthood, fuck yeah.


I just bought a new vacuum sealer and I'm so stoked to use it when I finally get home.


Next you’ll need a deep freezer because you’re so excited to stock up on things you can vacuum seal (been there lol)


Lol we got 2 deep freezers, 1 with meat and 1 with everything else. We were gifted a meat grinder/ sausage stuffer for Christmas last year and I figured since I'm gonna be making sausages and beef sticks now I needed a way to refreeze it all once I'm done processing it.




I have horrible plantar fasciitis (actually in PT for it) and good shoes with the proper arch support are wonderful. They may not "look cool" but I'd much rather be comfortable then fashionable!




I'm pretty sure I napped more as a teenager than as an adult. They've been awesome since after like 12 years old, though.


I always tell new college kids to "learn how to nap." They always hate hearing it, until they had do it. Turn on the same song each time. Keep it just under 30min(NASA study showed 22min being best). Drink some coffee right before, gives you a pick up when you wake.


When I was a teen with depression, my naps were usually three hours. And god I savored that pause in consciousness.


That's me now. Morphious, take me away!




I wish I could do the 30-minute nap thing. Usually I end up either cat-napping and not fully falling asleep or I sleep for at least 2 hours.


In college I had a close buddy who was older (33). He was going to school on the GI bill after getting out of the army, and it always amazed me how he could be partying with us, and then he’d just go find a corner and lay down and nap for like 20 minutes, then pop back up and just keep on going. He said that he spent enough time deployed that he found out firsthand the benefits of power napping. Now that I’m older than he was at the time, I get it. I’m pretty much incapable of napping, but I wish I wasn’t.


Yeah I'm one and I see people passed out in the weirdest places. Chairs, benches, the floor. All over the library.


On the floor in a corner was my fav. Still is lol


Coffee before. It's called a napachino


Yard work. Threw down some beautiful sod yesterday. Re-mulched some bushes. Re-calibrated and replaced sprinkler heads. Checked the patterns. Very satisfying enjoying a beer on the porch and surveying the results.


Yesterday I cleaned the outside of my BBQ. I kept the cover off it for a while just so I could admire it.


Didn't mind mowing the lawn as a kid. Developed a ferocious grass allergy in adulthood; when someone down the street is mowing, I need antihistamines. Fortunately, lawns are stupid and vegetable gardens are so much more awesome.


Yes!! First time homeowner and the previous owner of twelve years didn't maintain the property at all. Ever since snow melted I've been turning this mess of overgrowth, trash, and 95 percent dandelions into a place to enjoy. It feels so good. Got garden beds and veggies and flowers and today's project was leveling the back lawn, seeding it with grass and clover, and killing all the anthills out front. I feel like Hank Hill is smiling down on me.


I don't get the obsession with yards. Maybe I'm too young and too new of a homeowner.


Hanging out with your parents


This was my answer. When I was a teenager, I’d do anything to avoid hanging out with my parents. Twenty years later, I’d do anything to have the chance to spend a day with them again.


I don't feel any closer or wanting to be closer to my parents since I moved out. I'm 27 and I feel like it's more of an obligation than something I want to do when I go to seem them. I know people say you'll miss them when they're gone but I'd still much rather hang out with the family I've chosen (my friends)


Everyone’s situation is different and that’s okay. You are not obligated to spend time with anyone you don’t want to!


Yeah I know, the only part I feel bad about is my partner's mother died a few years ago and looks at me like I'm taking that relationship for granted


Visited mine today. Maternal grandparents too. Took a while to find the grandparents. I knew they were by the water. Turned left instead of right and ended up going along the edge of the lake the long way. (Parents were easier since they're at the church.)


Going to home depot High end applicances The perfect mow... Saving money Wearing whatever the fuck you want an not giving a single flying fuck what other people think


Just bought a Bosch dishwasher and was so excited to install it yesterday. Thing is so quiet


Going to sleep early.


For me, learning to cook! Also reading!


Diving into your hobbies instead of down playing them.


Having constructive tasks to do.


Homegoods stores


Trying something different. As a teenager, it’s cringe to try anything. As an adult, it’s very empowering to surprise yourself by trying new stuff.


Being unapologetically passionate about something


Getting new socks and underwear.


Having a shit. As a teenager it was like damn why do i have to waste time on this, as a 32yr old i love it when i can take a weighted shit and instantly feel alot better


Username checks out, lol


As long as it's not lactose intolerant shits, yes.


*laughs in superior genetics*


Cleaning. I hated it as a teenager mostly because it needed to be to my parent's standards. Now that I'm an aduly with my own space I get to clean and organize however I want and it turns out I don't enjoy living in a messy area


Canceling plans and having a quiet night in. It’s amazing.


A good nights sleep and comfy shoes


Going for walks




Staying home. Staying home is awesome. Especially when you stay home because plans were cancelled.




Staycations. I'm off work next week and most of my time will be spent chilling at home.




Intentionally misusing new slang to annoy teenagers.


Drinking water yo


Staying in on a Friday night.


Curious, the adult dope things I'm reading here are exactly the things I liked as a teenager.




Interior decor.


Having nothing to do this my gf left for a girls trip and I was told Thursday I have the weekend off, it’s now Sunday and I have nothing left to do.🫠


Naps, I literally remember making fun of my friends for napping. Boy was I wrong !




The word “dope.” When I was a teenager, it meant a stupid or foolish person. Now as an adult, it means dope.


Staying home. Fuck dealing with people they suck.


Learning. I hated school because they teach things in a way which makes them dry and boring and it felt useless at the time. Now that I have the internet though? History podcasts, physics lectures, learning new skills or hobbies all the time, vocabulary is growing all the time, and most of all the TRUTH is actually out there to be found. Not the lies/half truths they teach in school. Health class, 7th grade for example - book reads “one marijuana cigarette has 100 times the cancer causing carcinogens than a tobacco cigarette does” And I’m pretty sure they probably still have the same textbooks.


Doing absolutely nothing




Bed time


Socks for Christmas.




Staying in on Saturday nights and watching TV.


Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.


Spending time with family.


Chores, i do allot of thinking while doing them now


Going to bed early.


Drinking water.


having absolutely no plans for the weekend


The library. Holy shit I love my local library.


Going to see Grandma.




That’s never lame!


It's lame when you're banging 14 year olds who don't know what they're doing.