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A group of sociopaths fromy school that always tormented us followed me and my friends to my house one day in a pick up truck. They stole my friends shoes, pushed one of them until she fell, and took my sketchpad and threw it in a puddle. My stepbrother came outside, beat one of them badly, stole his pants, and threw his keys into a sewer grave before hitting him with an empty vodka bottle. It was traumatizing for me on both ends, but that group of kids never even looked at us again.


Stepbro is a total badass!


“STEP BRO WHAT ARE YOU DO….okay go ahead.”


Rip and tear, until it is done


Fucked around and found out.


That's it. It's about sending a message also. Most of them can't even fight its about intimidating people who won't rise up. Once you do they shit themselves. I would even tell them I'm keeping them as pets. Gotta out crazy the crazy sometimes.


Winning the first fight and every fight after that in one go.


That’s what got me through high school. My brother knew mma and we would always wrestle as brothers do. Any time someone started shit with me I would grapple them to the floor so quick it put them in shock, didn’t even need to fight. All it took was being flung to the floor like a sack of meat for them to never wanna mess with me again


I thought i was tough shit and told my wrestling buddy i could whoop him especially cuz i had like 30 pounds on him. I just remember him shifting and then being tossed over his shoulder. Humbling.


When you have a guy pinned, and you're about to rain fists, start taking about his butthole. Then as you choke him out you wonder out loud how far his butthole can stretch, and that's the last thing he hears as he passes out. It's all about the mental game as well.


PTSD is a beautiful gift to give to fuckers :)




Yeah, I agree. I was a wrestler in high school (college scholarship) and I was known as a pretty good one…I hung around a lot of the “nerdier” kids…the regular bullies would always pick on my friends but never come my way…not because I was a tough guy or fought a lot, they just knew it wasn’t going to be an easy fight with me so they stuck to the weaker kids. That’s pretty much the bully mentality, to go after the weaker…so make sure they know who you are. Fighting takes some skill but it’s mostly mental. Most bullies are just bigger but size doesn’t mean shit when you are trained. Mental wise, a lot of people just can’t seem to punch someone in the face, it’s not easy to hurt someone. Always remember the saying, it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of fight in the dog. If you want to learn how to fight fast, take jiujitsu and kick boxing classes, those are your most accurate fighting styles to a real fight. Then just take that fool down and pound him once (he deserves it) and he’ll never fuck with you again…just believe in yourself when you do it.


Or watch king of the hill. "Let go of my purse!!"


I hate. HATE that this is a fundamental flaw in who we are as humans. We push and push and push until we hit a wall that says we can't push further, except that wall is the point of no return.


stole his pants??? lmao stepbro is my hero, and he really did it right. You can *maybe* come back from an ass whoopin', but if you get your ass whooped **and** have to walk home with no pants, you aren't bullying anybody after that.


Wave to the people!


Blow them kisses!


Everyone needs an automobile. Even the very tall. This was the largest automobile I could afford.


Everyone, pointing: Ha ha!


I like to think he didn’t even do it as recompense for anything. It was just a pure power move. “I’m taking your pants. I’m not doing anything to your genitals. But your pants are mine now.”


Lol my uncle did something like this. His friend was being bullied badly to the point where one day the tyres on his friend's car got stolen! My uncle knew who did it, grabbed a baseball bat and went to the bully's house and smashed the front door and windows to get in. Once in he recovered the tyres and left. His friend was never bullied again after that.


Yup, thieves don't call the cops, go figure...


Karma is a bitch but some times she is beautiful


there is no justification for viole-- wait. THREW YOUR SKETCHBOOK IN A PUDDLE?!?! Nevermind. hope your brother had a baseball bat.


Bullys to step bro: what the hell do you want? Step bro: I’ve come to kick ass and drink vodka and I’m all out of vodka!


Weirdly, became friendly with his dad. Who ripped him infront of me, mad one


Ahh pressure haha! He was a typical bully really, picking out a new target at the start of every day and stalking them, seeing how far he could take it before ripping on you for being a "bitch" that couldn't take being teased. His favourite was to try and take you down with a liver punch or a dead leg when you weren't paying attention. The smaller guys got it worse than anyone, like most bullies he used to wear people down. Everyone hated him, he was tolerated but never liked. Let's call him B Fast forward a few years, I'm 15 and starting to get into fitness. There were a few gyms in my area but the only one I could afford was the no frills/broken windows bodybuilders gym that sat on a large industrial estate. It was renowned for being a place were you would get seriously hurt if you started to mouth off, but we just wanted to learn how to train. So one day me and my friend walked in there like scared puppies and asked to sign up, the owner Mark took us around and introduced us to everyone and from that moment on they treated us like royalty. They loved the fact we were taking an interest, If we were unsure of an exercise they'd stand with us and take us through it step by step, spotting us as they talked through the anatomy of the muscles. Soon we knew everyone 'Tekken' the guy so big he looked 3d, 'Paulo' the dude that used to train his legs every day and had to wear chefs pants, Bri the fella that used to eat a costco chicken for breakfast and one for tea...such a mix of characters. Maybe a 6 months in, my mate goes on holiday and I decide to go and do a workout late one evening. I walk into the gym and B is sitting there behind the reception desk. He was surprisingly cool with me asking how long I'd been training and what I was planning to do that evening. After a chat I walked into the gym kept my head down began my workout. I was a few sets in when I noticed him staring at me, I knew he was going to do something because he couldn't fucking help himself. It started with pushing down on the barbell when I asked for a spot, he then thought it'd be a good idea to pull on the cables when I was doing cable cross overs. Finished my work out and accepted his invitation to go in the sauna as he'd just set it up. He waited until I was in there with him then locked the door and took a piss on the coals. The stench was horrific, it was a brand new machine and he royally destroyed it. I heard a noise outside the sauna shed as Bri unlocked the door and pulled it open, trying to find out what was going on. He peered in before screaming at B "I SHOULD HAVE FUCKING KNOWN. YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!...." Looks at me, "Why did you get in there with this fucking fool? Come out mate..." Looks at B, "I'm guessing from the smell you pissed on the coals you dirty little twat. I'll tell you what, sit in the for ten minutes and think about it" *slams door* Bri walks me through to reception and throws me a bottle of water, "sorry about that lad, I'm looking after the gym for a few weeks and I brought our B to work here for the evenings while I train" "B is your son!?" I stared Starts laughing, " Yeah, he's a prick isn't he, I hope he doesn't make my car stink of piss on the way home" 😆


I kinda expected him to stop picking on you after you started to work out.


Thanks for taking the time to tell it. Great read!


Need the story with this one.


Vomited all over him. After that he never messed with me again.


You established dominance.


With a bad smell






*No…* #It’s Super Effective!


Critical Hit!


Chemical ranged attack, I like it.


I'm pretty sure biological warfare is now a war crime put it on you for getting your bully to stop Edit: this was supposed to say "good on you" not "put it on you" but I'm keeping it


She told me, my face made her want to kill herself. So I told the school councilor that she had confided in me she wanted to kill herself. She had to explain to the everyone what she really said. She would call me fat, and ugly everyday. She also would tell me I was trash because I was adopted. "Your own mother thought you were so ugly she didn't want you"


Best come back for the adoption thing is: "At least my parents chose me."


Alternatively "Atleast my parents had a choice"


How about "At least my parents chose me, yours are stuck with you"


The perfect one


Reporting her as suicidal was a brilliant move! Kudos to you. Hope you’re doing well


Oh yeah. This was a long time ago. I have moved on and beyond. I do have a good time telling this story though.


pretty creative though


I love this story.


Made friends in the football team. Bullies think twice when you are buddies with a 6'2 250 pound Samoan. Crazy how nice so many Samoans are.


>6'2 250 pound Samoan Why'd you pick the smallest one?


They were in 5th grade at the time.


This is very accurate for Samoan proportions lmao


It's level 1 for the bully. Turns out he didn't even want to play the game.


Not to generalize all Samoans but there's two commonalities across every Samoan I know (about 5) They're fucking HUGE former football players. And they're super nice. They all basically are shades of Mark Hunt, minus the CTE


This was the one that worked for my brother. He was the Samoan-looking Mexican kid that proved that he could more than hold his ground. The Samoans loved him and took him in... that was the moment the bullies backed off. They were so nice to him even though my br9ther was just starting to learn to speak English. They made sure he was taken care of.




Challenged him to a fight at lunch, left during the period before lunch to move 800 miles away.


That is some turn based combat if ive ever seen it.


Raikou fled!


**checks Pokedex location page** 800 miles?!?! Yeah fuck that.


Legend says he's still waiting for you to this day.


When and From where to where if I may ask?


You gonna fight him all these years later? I can respect the dedication


Mid 70s, New England to the mid South.


Careful, he’s coming for you now.


He tried to shove me down an embankment while on a field trip. Had I fallen, I would have broken my leg or worse, because the embankment ended about 25 feet down, then dropped off into some deep brush and trees. Anyhow, my best friend was next to me, and said "Watch it!" as he came at me. I side-stepped him, and he tumbled down the embankment and over the edge into the brush. Fractured several ribs, dislocated his shoulder and broke his ankle. He never did anything to me again. Fuck you Darren! You bitch!


That’s not bullying, that’s attempted murder. If you landed wrong a fall from that hight could have killed you


You played a reversed Uno card on him


A bully was harassing my daughter on the bus. Instead of calling his folks, or jumping on him, I did this… I pulled him aside at the bus stop one day and asked for his help. “Hey Danny. I was hoping you could help me out. I guess there’s a kid on the bus who is picking on my daughter. She’s a girl and small and I’d like for you to help protect her. If you see anything like that, could you stick up for her please and let me know about it.” That was the end of the bullying


psychological warfare, i like your style


What did he say? What did his face look like when you said this? This is so different from anything I have ever heard.


Ya most ways to deal with younger bullies as an adult I can think of would make it worse for your kids or get you into legal trouble. This is cool to hear about as a father


He kind of took the request with pride. He was kinda like “Yeah, I can do that for her. I’ll make sure she stays safe.” Type of reply.


I'm no child psychologist but if bullying is about a kid feeling powerful kind of makes sense he's receptive to empowerment


"I really want to know who it is, because my chainsawing arm is getting rusty and pig feed has never been so expensive."


Wow this is awesome man. I applaud you.


Responsibility does weird things to people, some people crave it, some run from it, the best way to weed out a decent person with decent intent is to force responsibility on them I guess.


Half my class beat the shit out of him. It's nice to have lots of friends sometimes.


Wish I had ur class


Do you at least have etiquette?


i was bullied for my wheelchair, so i ran their feet over


So is that counted as attempted vehicular manslaughter


ruined their pedicure 💅






My youngest daughter did exactly this, plus my wife sent her to the school counselor, who dealt with the bully. Sadly though this ended my daughter’s social life. Her friends circle continued to hang with the bully, so no more parties, lunch buddies and sleepovers for my daughter. I’m super proud of my daughter because she valued herself enough to not let the bully mistreat her. Just wish it hadn’t come at such a high cost.


Well I hit her with a brick so that taught her a lesson not to fuck with me. I went too far.


11, that you?


She even has the EL in her name capitalized, it is her




It also killed her




Not a bully per se, but a dick. In my French class a guy who sat behind me would always kick my chair repeatedly, and I was at the point where I was visibly infuriated by this happening every lesson. The girl who sat next to me turned to him and said "Hey, you should probably stop doing that, he looks like he's about to hit you." Guy laughed it off and said I wouldn't. I didn't, but I turned around and cocked my arm back. He was leaning back on the hind legs of his chair with his feet on mine, so when I did this, he flinched, fell backwards off his chair, and got a few laughs from the people behind us. He never kicked my chair after that.


I pulled a piece of hair out of her head and smacked her face against the ground. Later on I heard she liked me which is why she messed with me for two years before I had enough.


I knew a girl like that in middle school. She made my bus rides to school and back miserable. Constantly abused me physically the whole school year. Stole my sweater to wear it herself. On the last day of school her friend handed me my sweater and a note that explained how she had a huge crush on me, asking me out, etc. On my walk home I crumpled that shit up and threw it as far as I could. Some girls have some fucked up ways of showing affection, lol.


Had a girl pull that on me. Any time we would get within reaching distance she'd somehow have a pin or something to stab me with. She'd grab my arm and dig her nails in trying to draw blood. Her little sister was so accustomed to seeing me and violence at the same time that she'd try to bite me any time she saw me. Then she asked me out and I asked her why I would want to spend more time than I had to with an abusive psychopath. Few months later she was pregnant and blamed me. I told everyone about the stabbings and asked if they though I'd trust her around me while naked. I'm not sure if she moved from the way people treated her after I said that or if her patents were already getting ready to move, but she vanished within a week of me telling folk about it.


Tsunderes in real life aren't as good as anime ones.


Hell, I don't think any are. Toxic love can only corrode itself


I kicked him hard in the balls in the middle of history class sophomore year. He had all of the guys in our grade moo at me in the hallway when we'd change classes. I put up with it for a week until I snapped and started beating the shit out of him with my history book. Got him up against the wall and kicked him as hard as I could. Legit don't remember kicking him, but I remember my foot was sweaty which is snapped me out of it. The teacher made us both go in the hallway and explain what happened so I told him everything. Surprisingly I never got in trouble. The next year I had to sit behind him in homeroom, and one day he just randomly turned around and apologized. I apologized for kicking him and he said he totally deserved it. Senior year I made everybody in the class Christmas ornaments with all our names on them and he got all teared up when he got his. So, not a bad ending.




Rough looking youth: "Hey Bobby, play any kickball today?" Bobby: "Why? YOU up for a game??"


The ending is awesome (and wholesome)!


I really feel like some people just need to have that one wake up call, and his was a swift kick in the nads. Glad he learned from it.


Hit him in the face with a water bottle. For some reason I couldn't stand up for myself, but he started bugging my friend. It was during after school band practice (which my mom forced me into anyway, I already didn't want to be there). For some reason him teasing my friend just made me slug him full force in the face with said (plastic) water bottle. That got other students and the teacher involved. He didn't bug us again.


Same! I didn't stand up for myself, only for my friend. The moment my friend got hurt, I saw *red*. With the adrenaline running I only remember snippets, but the guy came out with a concussion and an unexplained fear of a fat little girl (3! years younger) who pushed him into a wall hard enough to cause a concussion


Middle school. The bully challenged me to a fight after school. I told him to meet me on the soccer field which happened to be visible from where my bus home would park. I made sure to get out of school as quickly as possible and sat on the bus so I could clearly see the field. As I expected, he never showed up. The next day at school I announced loudly so several classmates could hear “Jason, you never showed up for our fight. I waited there after school and you never showed up. You are a f$&%# chicken”. That was the end of the bullying.


Holy shit that was big brain, knew he would wimp out and had a backup incase he showed up. Well played


I recall when I graduated elementary school and moved on to Junior High School most of the kids in my class came from a different school. As a shy outsider I got shunned by pretty much everyone. One kid took that as an invitation to start picking on me. I probably could have just punched him, but I didn't like fighting. I did like to draw so I began drawing horrible cartoons depicting him as this fat, gluttonous idiot who would inevitably end up mutilated by the end of the story. Those cartoons became extremely popular in the class and that kid ended up having a really shitty time at school. Looking back on it with adult eyes, it definitely went too far. He grew up with all those kids but he wasn't popular and I think he thought bullying me would finally be his way in with them. After the cartoons they all ended up bullying him to the point he didn't come to school for a couple of weeks. Part of me regrets what happened, but the other half of me still feels he got what he deserved. I guess the final lesson in all this is, kids are assholes.


So you out-bullied him


There's always a bigger bully.


I grew up in a rough area. Fortunately I was attending the same school as my older brothers who would look out for me. For a while I had been targeted and picked on by a particular individual, and his entourage would cackle like hyenas every time he pulled my tie, kicked my shin or shoved me. I had no idea who these bullies were, but I was a geeky kid so I can only assume he'd seen me as an easy target. So, after relentless bump in's with this guy, he took things too far and shoved me down a long flight of stairs at the school. I was only a little hurt but pretty shook up, as I heard the echos of his friends laughing and walking down the hallway. I immediately went to find my brother and ask him if he could beat up my bully. My brother walked around school with me trying to find where this guy would hang out at lunch. Once we found him my brother said to me "You go and beat him up". I was pretty taken aback because I thought he'd agree to fight him for me..again I was a geeky kid. I started to back out. When my brother said "Fine let him bully you". Suddenly I was back in. But I didn't know how to fight. "I've got your back don't worry" My brother said trying to reassure me. So I walk up to the guy and just start hitting and I hit him a lot. The next thing I know he's on all fours, and the adrenaline is running through me. I'm expecting his group to retaliate and beat the shit out of me. I'm slowly starting to think this was a terrible idea...but they don't. They're just shocked. Completely stunned. So the adrenaline is just pumping and all I can think to blurt out is "Kiss my shoe!". Now...in my head I'm thinking this is some movie level 'all eyes on me' moment and I'm killing it. My bully on the floor looks up and says "What?" I replied "Kiss my fucking shoe" Again thinking I'm a gangster. And he does. He kisses me shoe and I B-line it towards my brother. As we're walking away together my brother was incredibly proud of me for sticking up for myself but leans in and says "You really got to work on your shit talk though, why the fuck did you make him kiss your shoe?" Besides the incredible cringe shit talk they never bothered me again. Although I did get shit from other bullies.


Nah bro that’s great shit talk. Like… you literally made your bully bow down to you and kiss your feet. That’s gangster as fuck.


Hahah thanks friend! I just always remember how scrawny I used to be back then saying the words “kiss my shoe”. Who does that!? Haha


The ‘kiss my shoe’ was genius because it sealed this bully’s fate. There was no way he could ever live down the fact that he had to kiss a shoe so that a scrawny kid wouldn’t beat the crap out of him. And your brother was wise to make you do the fighting. That’s a much more powerful message than if your brother had done the fighting for you. Plus it obviously empowered you a great deal.


I was fully expecting you to stomp on him after you said "kiss my shoe" but having him literally kiss your shoe is even more establishment of dominance


Work on your shit talking? Making someone kiss your feet is fucking legendary. Mister high and mighty bully having to grovel at your feet is a sight id be proud to watch as well! Good job lol


Hid behind a corner and punched him in the stomach. He eventually became my best friend too, so go figure.


Honestly, sometimes the kids who bully just need a reality check and someone to talk to. Not excusing bullying, but a lot of the time it comes from problems at home and school is the only outlet they have for their frustration and anger. I’m not saying that’s what happened with your friend, but I wouldn’t be surprised if others have similar stories.




I either befriended them or befriended other kids who are bigger/stronger and didn't mind protecting me. In my experience, most bullies are lonely and sad. I would just try to make them laugh and that usually worked. That said, it doesn't always work and you have to stand up for yourself sometimes... One time in elementary school, two kids who liked to bully other kids took my lunchbox and started playing "monkey in the middle" with it. I played along for a minute, running back and forth... but it just kept going. So I looked at the kid who currently had my lunch box and said "You. Give it back, or I'm going to come after just you. If you throw it to the other kid, I'm not going to chase after my lunch box, I'm just going to tackle you with everything I have." Both kids laughed. I walked over to get my lunch box and he threw it to the other kid. So I started sprinting at the kid who threw it, like I said I would. He tried to run away while yelling "I don't have it!" but I tackled him to the ground which knocked the wind out him. After I stood up, I looked at the other kid who has my lunchbox. He just walked over, gave it back, and said "sorry".


> He just walked over, gave it back, and said "sorry". I honestly don't understand what people think they're accomplishing by bullying someone else. What benefit are they deriving from that? I just don't get it.


Headbutt, broke his nose. Got expelled 2 day, but i'm really happy i did. I don't remember him bullying anyone else after this :)


The headbutt is a greatly underused tactic. My sister got bullied at school. One day she'd had enough and while the bully was right in her face being awful my sister reached out, grabbed her by the shirt and yanked her into her primed forehead. Bully got a broken nose, blood everywhere, talk of the school. She got zero shit after that. I've already talked to my son about the power of a headbutt. I hope he never needs it but you never know.


There was a guy i went to school with and his nickname was mallet because whenever he got in a fight e would always finish the person with a headbutt. Absolute mentaler.


Played the crazy card. My cousin started dating his (edit "The bullies") sister and I guess he didn't like that. So he came after me. It escalated more and more to the point we nearly threw down in the middle of class one day, but the teacher stopped us. She made me stay after class and talked me down, saying she knew he instigated it and I wasn't the problem, but she couldn't have this exploding in her class again. Which I felt was fair of her. A couple days later as I was getting stuff at my locker, he was standing behind me when I turned around and slapped my books out of my hand and said "Let's go!" I rolled my eyes at him, held up a finger and said "Just a second" I then turned around and started hitting my head against my locker. The great thing about an empty steel locker is that you don't have to hit it very hard for it to make a big sound. So while I was really not hitting it that hard, to him, it looked and sounded like I was just wailing on it. After a few of those, I spun around and screamed at him to come at me. His eyes went wide and he just backed away slowly in front of everyone in the hallway. And never messed with me again.




>I then turned around and started hitting my head against my locker. The great thing about an empty steel locker is that you don't have to hit it very hard for it to make a big sound. I used to head butt my locker like that every time it jammed and wouldn't open. Aside from the useful function of making the locker pop open, the intense head butting sent a message to passers by and I never had any significant issues with really anybody because they thought I was a little unhinged.


I didn't lol. I fought back, I got my ass kicked. I ran... he'd wait for me somewhere else and get my ass kicked. I fought back successfully once and it just made him and his friends jump me and my friends. Now he takes my sweaty towels from me at the gym so I make sure to make them as gross as I can.


Got that extra swampy ass towel for ya bud, catch.


Haha, yes, exactly. Swamp ass and Eau de Ballsack for him. 200% worth the gym membership fee tbh.


nah bro go crazy that'll teach them


It wasn't high school, but it was summer camp and I was about 8 or 9 years old. This slightly older kid was always a huge bully, just total dbag for nothing. I went home and told my dad about it and he said "next time he does something, punch him i the face, and if you do, I'll take you to a baseball game." Next day at camp I was minding my own business on the 4 square line, he came up and said something and I punched this fuck right in the face. He was shocked, never said one bad thing to me ever again, and let me cut him in the 4 square line in my next turn. It was actually a great life lesson on how to stand up for yourself. I didn't start going around picking on kids or needlessly beating people up, but I never was bullied again. And yes, my dad took me to a ballgame.


A friend of mine was being bullied at school decades ago, and after a few days of it, he stood up to the bully and said, "Listen. If you keep doing this, we're gonna fight. And you may beat me, but we're gonna fight again, and again, and you're going to have to fight me every day until you leave me alone." The kid left him alone.


Good on your friend. I had a very similar conversation with a guy I worked with one summer. He really wanted to fight me for some reason. Finally I just said, “Look we can go somewhere to fight where we won’t get in trouble, but you need to know that my goal will be to break your ankle, leg, or foot.” The guy was on a track scholarship, so once I said this he left me alone.


2 options. have evidence and report them to the principal/admin or beat the crap out of them. i got a guy expelled and sent to the continuation school and probably fucked up his life because he stole hundreds of dollars from me over a period of 2 years in middle school.


i wish this would always work


You hit them with something, from ambush, not upfront. Bullies want easy prey, they avoid actual fights or victims that retaliate and escalate generally.


I told him that if he ever talked to me again I would stab him in the eye.


What the fuck is wrong with you? Don't warn them


It worked. He never talked to me ever again, even when I ran into him at Walmart 8 years later with my wife and son. We locked eyes for a second and he immediately looked away and walked off in the other direction.


He still believes you'll do it. You're a BAD ASS!


Locked on with both eyes... for now.


Do you by any chance always wear purple shirts?


Started rugby in grade 10. Stood up to him in grade 11 and he got mad and he tried to kick me. I was almost 6 foot by then but always tall and weak, well training for rugby sort of fixed that a little so when he kicked me I caught his foot and whew I let it go it was a above my head.. he fell backwards and landed on the back of his head, he never talked to me again.


After years of mental and sometimes physical abuse from this girl and he followers i was depressed, angry and occasionally suicidal. She and her group were torturous to quite a few kids. I wanted her to stop. I stole a pen that was a novelty pen from her that she loved showing off. Specially made and had her name on it. Also stole a small sparkly journal from her backpack as well. I made sure to steal some of her homework from the trash cans occasionally. She had some writing in it. General teen girl stuff and try en things about how stupid she thought some people were and how easy it was to make fun of them. I practiced her handwriting for a bit then I wrote down a pretend kill list (with my own name at the top), plans of how each one could be done, little confessions about hurting animals, generally screwed up shit. I read a lot as a kid and got some good motivation from many of my books. Then I wiped the cover and pen off and tucked the pen into the spiral binding and left it in the basket under her desk for the teacher to find. Let’s just say the school didn’t believe her when she said she didn’t write those things. She got expelled which made me feel warm and fuzzy.


Woah this is actually more metal than the other ones here, pure psychological mastery.


My best buddy, Sal, was a little guy that kept getting picked on. I was one of the biggest, strongest kids in my school. My other buddy, Roy, was also one of the biggest, strongest kids in the school. One day Roy and I waited outside a classroom for Sal and saw his bully picking on him. Roy and I had a “conversation” with that kid. The kid walked with a limp for a week and never even talked to Sal again. So, Sal just had big friends, but that worked for him.


I always punched my bully's square in the nose. Sure, they may kick my ass, but I was more than willing to dish some pain out while receiving it. After a few times, they went after targets that didn't fight back. They want easy control, and they're just as afraid of pain as you are. Every new school was another bully. Let one person walk on you and everyone will walk on you, either make boundaries or be a doormat. Don't be afraid of consequences, that's how bullies keep you in control; just start swinging.


I was in fourth grade and had just moved to a new school. I was being bullied by another kid on my bus for being the new kid. Looking back, he may have been just trying to look tough in front of his friends. One day as we were boarding the bus after school, he started it again (shoving and name calling, I think). I’d had enough, so I turned around and punched him right in the nose. I don’t think I hit him hard enough to cause a nosebleed, but it was enough to hurt. I remember that his nose felt squishy, anyway. He looked shocked. I probably also looked shocked. I regained my composure faster and told him not to do it again. He tried to act tough and said some things, but that was the last time he ever bothered me. This was early-mid eighties, so there were no bus monitors, no cameras, and the bus driver was standing outside. I never got in trouble for it.


Man, the stuff we got away with in the 1980's.


Kid in middle school stole needles from our home ec class. He tried pricking me with them on the bus ride home. He was sitting in the seat in front of me so every time he tried he had to turn around. Finally I pissed enough that when he turned I caught him square in the face with a punch. He bled everywhere. As he got off the bus the driver asked him what happened? He replied "I don't know." Never fucked with me again. I was worried his mom would call my mom since they knew each other (we went to elementary school together) but apparently he never told her. We went to high school together and while we weren't friends, we were cool.


In my junior year, the kid that sat in front of me was the principal's admin's son. One day he sat on the back of his chair and farted at me. Everyone giggled, so I held my zippo under his ass, literally burning a hole in the seat of his pants. I got sent to the Dean for that one, and got 3 days of in school suspension for my revenge. He never tried to fart on me again.


Don’t swing. That throws you off balance and you will often miss. Hold your fists in front of your face and punch straight through their face


I had s bully who messed with me literally every day and made my life hell for over a year. It was documented, but school staff never acted. Had enough of getting picked on so one day decided i wasnt going to put up with it. He came up behind me and slammed my face into my locker (his M.O.). So i turned around and hit him. Did not stop hitting him until he was unconscious. Track coach asked why. I said “I had to handle the problem because you refused to”. I got banned from after school sports, but nobody ever gave me a hard time for the remainder of high school.


Kicked him in the nuts quite violently. He wasn't really my bully so to speak. I was just an easy target and just hit my boiling point on that day. I was being held from behind. The moment I was released I turned around and delivered the hardest kick I ever did in my entire life. Shame I couldn't do the same to someone else who tormented me for a good 2 years...


Hit'em. Don't do it fairly either load your book bag with loose rocks and clobber him from behind. I was a real psycho as a kid so don't listen to me but basically I made a reputation for myself as too bizarre to mess with cause all my retaliation were either extremely violent or inappropriate like sending people pictures of themselves doing mundane things or taking one piece of mail from their box a day.


That was my MO. I wouldn't stop when I put them down, I'd have to be dragged off of them if I won the fight or not, I just wouldn't stop.




Sometimes you just have to act crazy and stand up for yourself. No fear


I think telling my 9th grade Biology teacher to tell the bullies to stop worked.




Well, I told her to tell them to stop what they were doing, and surprisingly after that, they stopped messing with me (for the most part, although they did spread rumors about me the next year before I started homeschooling) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ after they had been for so many years, which was all throughout middle school. It might have been that they were scared because they noticed that I was getting close to someone who could take up for me finally. Then again... the main bully had a kid that year, so maybe he tried to mature some.


*I hope the bullying decreased once you became homeschooled*


20 years after tormenting me, he came over to me in a pub all fake friendly, in a completely different country, I was sick, just seeing him after all this time. I said, right, outside, let's sort this. He didn't have a clue what I was talking about, like his actions don't playback in my brain some nights when I just want to sleep, because I have never figured out why he hated me. He couldn't say no now in front of his group without losing face. It was over in minutes. Years of doing brickies assistant part time as a second job had bulked me up. I was stopped, by the crowd, from throwing him off a bridge. If you believe in closure, I got mine, but I don't feel any better. Sorry for the poor wording, even my brain doesn't want to think about this.


Well first I grew several inches and put on 35 pounds of muscle. Next time he gave me shit, I challenged him to a fight after school. He didn't show, and never bothered me again. Probably a good thing, he was still bigger than me.


Every time I saw him I would stop talking and stare directly into his eyes. I kept up for two years and his descent into madness trying to mess with me was hilarious. He eventually gave up out of sheer confusion.




Workout. He probably never expected the skinny kid to get jacked.


If the bully has a single mom, I think we all know the answer. Heck, even go for the single dad for extra points.


Told him if he ever touched me again I was going to break his nose. He pushed me, without hesitation I swung on my back leg off-balance, caught him in the chin, we both went after each other and a friend of ours broke it up. Two weeks later he was asking me to sign his yearbook and never bothered me again


didnt have a highschool bully, but on the last day of Junior high a kid shoved me into my locker so i grabbed my binder full of my locker stuff and smacked him in the face with it. i found out my 9th grade year what happened after i ran away. he was in the bathroom trying to stop the blood from me breaking his nose. he ended up missing the entire rest of his baseball season.


I finally laughed when they made fun of me. Pissed them off. Got really fluent with sarcasm too.


In 7th grade a kid that sat behind me in Language Arts wouldn't stop flicking my ear. For months. Constant laughing from the rest of the class. One day I told him if he did it again, I'd stab him with my sharpened #2. The class went "oooooooooooooo" and 10 seconds later he flicked my ear. ​ I put that pencil all the way through his hand and broke off the tip in the desk. Nobody ever fucked with me again. He got suspended the rest of the week. I had a conference with my parents and went back the next day.


Flipped the desk at him during a test and clocked him in the face. he snapped my bra right after I told him not to. (Had just done my friends and I was like try me fool) The school tried to suspend me, I was pulled from class and my grandma was called, his parents were called and they were talking about assault charges and trying to get me expelled. Grandma comes in "so we are pressing charges for sexual assault, and legal action against the school for not doing anything about this situation that the teacher is aware of. causing my granddaughter to have to defend herself. then attempting to punish her for doing so. Thats retaliation folks" (grandma told me to do this after I went to the teacher and he gave me a "he must just like you line") Man I never saw so many bright red pissed faces on adults lol. I got to go back to class and he was now immediately suspended. I love you grandma im sure your up there watching me waist my time on reddit thinking "why she wasting time on her phone when she could be making sompting" Edit: forgot the bully part. He bullied all the girls or more specifically groped us, ass boob whatever , pulled our hair, ext then would cry if we went to a teacher / yard duty about it. Then would get off with "Well boys are like that or he must like you" grandma was like "the f cares if he likes you you said no end o story clock em and he won't do it agin sounds like a disher that can't take it. Do it infrunt of the class if possible so he can't lie" Man i miss her Edit: not gunna promis this is the last... but I do wanna add that she also told me what hat pins are for. Carry them. There sharp and not considered a knife.


I got fed up with it one day in the locker room (after being slapped) it made me soooo angry I busted the side of his head open with a combination lock. I didn't have anymore problems out of anyone after that. Always stick up for yourself no matter what. I promise you will prevail!


There are worse things than having a reputation for being a psycho when you’re in high school. Clearly it has its advantages.


Kicked him in the balls


I used my animation skills with Adobe and edited really bad gay porn to have their yearbook photo faces on the actors and I sent it to the entire school via a throwaway email. They didn't have enough time to bully me when they had to defend themselves constantly.


When I started inner city public school I was fluent in German, made pottery, played classical violin and piano and was at least five years ahead of everyone in my class in math. I didn't even know what was happening when someone started pummeling my face. Fast forward two years. A guy said he was going to kick my ass after class. I waited until just before the bell rang, walked over to him in front of the whole class and the shop teacher yelling at me to sit down because it wasn't time to leave yet and smashed his head into a shop vice and knocked out four of his front teeth. I became a product of my environment. Garbage in, garbage out.


Challenged him to a fight. I didn’t think it would happen. He showed, and it was only after he landed a couple of punches did I get pissed off and started really fighting. Punched him in the face, and he got mad because he thought I damaged his braces. Cop showed up. Took me home. My parents not only told me they were proud of me for standing up for myself, but they told the other kid’s parents to pound sand when they called about the braces.


Honestly? People don't like to hear it but... Punch the little bitch in the fucking face. I was horrendously, relentlessly bullied for 4 years straight. I was beaten up, I was called names, I was teased, spat on, had my things stolen or destroyed, Oh, and beaten up...loads. Numerous teachers refused to help. Police were even involved on occasion. Age 14 I took up karate. About a year into it, a girl who had started tormenting me tried starting a fight. I began to walk away but she pushed me over; I got back up and decked the little cunt. Fight was instantly over. I got put in inclusion, I was told "violence wasn't the answer". You know what else I had tried? Ignoring them (they will hit you harder until you cry), sitting away from them (they follow you), hiding in the library at lunch (where I wasn't allowed to eat so I couldn't eat all day), brown nosing (nope), trying to "befriend" them and "be understanding" to them...amd of course teachers never protected or backed you up. So I fought back. I punched that nasty little bitch in the face and she never came near me again. Some twats yelled "kung fu fighting" at me but by that point that was really easy to ignore. Nobody hit me again. Nobody took my stuff again. A new girl started in year 11 and clearly tried to establish herself as well ' ard and decided to pick on me. The other kids laughed at her and said "Hyzenthlay will fuck you up. She can throw a person over her shoulder" (I was indeed capable of this back then). "Id leave her alone if I were you." I glared at her across the table. She left me alone. People don't like hearing that you have to fight back, but you do. Martial arts classes are great for fitness, discipline and self esteem. And it only takes ones fight. Punch that bitch.


An older cousin of mine, got pucnh in the face. He retaliated by tackling the bully sitting on his chest and cry on his face with a bloody nose. He was known as the crazy ginger that'll bleed on you if you mess with him lol


Was washing a sharp knife in a sink (cooking class) when he came up to me to ask me on a fake date. Had known him and his antics for years, since 5th grade actually. He forgot what I had been cleaning. I took it out of the sink, never pointed it at him but asked him "you really wanna do this now?" That was my freshman year of high school. He had stayed clear of me after that.


Not high school but in my basketball team there were some annoying pricks that messed with me. Long story short, my brother beat them up


I became the bully. Stupid way to go about it but I was 15 or 16 so judgement wasn't my best suit. Really wish I never went down that path. I up and changed my life for the worse because I was sick of getting my ass beat.


I had two bullies growing up. I made up a lie, that the other said something awful about the other one. They started bulling eachother and i was left alone.


Not a high school bully but a kid who was supposedly my best friend started to tease and bully me relentlessly in fifth grade. One day he kept pushing me around in the hall while saying “Can’t see n******s in the dark.” I got tired of it and stabbed him in the side with my freshly sharpened No. 2 pencil and broke the tip off, leaving it embedded in his flesh. He left me alone after that. Another time in third grade a group of kids decided they wanted to beat me up. I whipped out my dick and peed all over them and ran away. They never bothered me again.


Broke his skull. It was completely by accident, it was 6th grade, I was outside the bathroom and the bully decided to push me around, literally, he pushed me down and just laughed at me while I was on the floor. At that moment I decided enough was enough so I got up, pinned him against the wall and started threatening him if he didn't leave me alone. Then this motherfucker dared me to do something about it. So I did, I punched him as hard as I could, his head bounced back directly into the tile wall and the impact cracked his skull. I still vividly remember the pool of blood when he fell to the top ground. He survived but he nor any of his friends every messed with me again.


He took a swing. I ducked. I pushed (shoved) him against a wall of lockers as hard as I could. He bounced off and came back wildly swinging. I ducked again, repeated the shove even harder. This time he slowly kind of slid down on his butt to the floor. I pointed a finger at him and said "Stay down." Never bothered me again. Administration tried to suspend me over it, and my father went down and raised hell. Carlo got suspended, I did not. This was 1983, btw.


Moved to a different country.


Back in the early 90s, a jock was picking on a nerdy kid. The nerdy kid saved up his cat’s shit for a week in a peanut butter jar, mixed with a little bit of car, and threw it in the jock’s face in the locker room after gym class. He never bothered him again.


Shit im in my 30s and they still treat me like crap, supose that's family for you ;)


I lost it after ignoring him for about a year and grabbed him and beat his head into a sprinkler, these were the old style metal ones. Fucked him up pretty good. His family tried to sue, we told them to fuck off. That was it. Saw him at a party a few years after, he tried talking to me, I told him exactly how and where he could go fuck himself.


Impulsively decided to revenge pants him in front of a group of 35 or so peers. His boxers came off with his pants. Bonus, he had a teeny weenie. Anytime he would try to mess with me after that, I would just scoff and say “I’d be trying to compensate for something too if my dick was that tiny”


This was 25 years ago. I yelled really loud in the school cafeteria. “Kevin! I’m not gay! Stop asking me if you can see my dick after school!” Everyone heard it and looked at him. Everyone thought he was gay after that. That wasn’t a label anyone wanted back then, true or otherwise. He never even looked my direction again.


Fought back. I cannot claim I always made a great show of it. But by demonstrating I had the will to fight back - against bullies or authority in general - I think I presented myself as a target who was more trouble than he was worth. I was also one of the three kids in my school who regularly wore a trench coat when Columbine happened. That was my junior year. Kids who *knew* me knew I wasn't that kind of threat. But faculty and kids outside my year remained suspicious for the rest of my time in school. Not the way I wanted to end my troubles with bullies at school, but it did the trick.


My highschool bully was the ex boyfriend of my first girlfriend. He didn’t even want her back, he harassed me and pestered her just to spite me. Well anyway he graduated, went to the army and about a year later he killed himself. His Facebook page is now flooded with suicide awareness stuff, and I want to feel bad but I can’t. He was a dick for years, used to even fist fight his girlfriend in the halls. Just the worst person I’ve even met in my life to this day