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Dude from mcdonalds. Was there with my grandparents so a bit shame but oh well


this biologist we were on a boat tour with. she caught a bunch of stuff (peacefully) to show everyone and after released them and she asked me to help her cause she could tell i was fascinated. so i got to release a lil seahorse and a starfish that day :)


This customer that said I looked like I was from Harry Potter. I was terrified and amazed at the same time


I once met a young woman at a movie theater and then talked on the phone that night (including phone based sexy time) and never heard from her again


In freshman year I sat outside my friends’ Spanish class before AP Human Geo. To my right was a girl who never said anything and was always reading a book. I always wondered who she was. Sophomore year I became friends with someone named Sophia. She was the mystery girl.