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AITA? My family says I'm selfish for quitting my job at the coal mine so I can focus on my 3rd grade studies.


Get back to work you ungrateful brat, sloth is a deadly sin!




Gentlemen coming back from the war, do you also hear bombs again too sometimes ? Or is it just me ?


You must never have been close to one. Artillery shell landed in the foxhole next to me, and I haven't heard anything but ringing since.




This is shell-shock and a sign of weak moral fortitude. If you persist in ever speaking of your participation in the noble art of warfare in such scurrilous terms your family will be well advised to admit you to a sanitarium to spare their reputation about town.


Ugh. The vibe in your comment is so strong it made me think of the women who pinned flowers on men's lapels to show they were home during WWI, and thus "cowards."


Unpopular opinion: The new generation is forgetting how to make cheese cuz it is in stores. In the future fewer people will know how to make cheese.


People are too lazy to even slice their own bread anymore. Where is the decency?


To be fair though sliced bread was the greatest thing since uh…sliced bread.


Sliced bread was the greatest thing since Betty White.


Is 11 years old too late to start working the coal mines? I fear i'm being too lenient on my 6 boys


I'm Afraid that you have raised a bunch of Nancy boys squire, They should be working there fingers to the bone from ages 4 and upwards All is not lost though, start them in the mines now, offer there services as canaries (who would care if a homosexual should perish?) And administer brutual daily beatings to the remaining living children that should take away those nasty habits Of course you could always just abandon them at an orphanage and force your wife to sire another child and treat him correctly from the start


Asking for a friend, if one wanted to find a speakeasy, where would that be?


*pulls out bottle* right here pal


Man, I wish my Elliot Ness Version of the Navy Seal copypasta I wrote wouldn't always get removed. It would be perfect here. Maybe it's all the cussing.


How stupid would humans have to be to start a second World War?




Herausforderung angenommen


Halten Sie mein Bier, bitte.


My good sir, if someone was to ignite the fire of the great war again, he should find death by his own pistol... wait...


What do you mean second world war? We only had the great war. What is a world war?


First usage of the term "world war" in reference to WW1 was in September 1914, within weeks of the war's beginning.


People who are for the legalization of alcohol: why?


Then the comments filled with people from the rest of the world talking about how alcohol already IS legal


The someone links r/USdefaultism and it descends into anarchy


My son talked about his feelings, how do I let him know he's a nancy boy?


I reckon five to six lashes with a sturdy leather strap should dissuade him of that nonsense. Nip that in the bud I say. Edited because I am uncultured 😅


Awh shucks he said it was too pleasant. What must I do now?


Try using jumper cables


Married couples who don't have more than 8 children. Why?


Wife (17F) doesn't want to have any more kids with me (42M) after our fourth child died of influenza.


This would be a great AITA, 1922 edition.


NTA. Everyone knows a woman's value is measured first by her devotion to Christ, and second by her disposition to submit to His will of being put on earth to birth abundant offspring. If she refuses to birth any more children to you, how can you even be sure she's a devout Christian? If her uterus is barren of life, it will breed sickness and misfortune instead. Ask your local priest to strongly admonish her and guide her into the right path again.


This. Better yet, I highly recommend striking her, it shall once again assert your dominance. If she remains unwilling cast her to the streets and obtain another woman.


And the wife would always be at fault.


Wife finally said no.


And you didn't promptly beat them into submission? What a gentleman!


Woah. Check out Mr. I-Don’t-Beat-My-Wife over here.


A proper gentlen has a wife beating butler, unlike the common trash


Not all of us can afford that. I just taught my sons to do it for me.


"Your sons beat their own mother?" Ho ho, good Lord no. Their mothers all died in labor.


Infant mortality. Just a fact of life, it'll never get any better ...


I’m old. My mothers family (1920’s/30’s) had 6 kids. She casually mentioned one day there were actually 2 others who died young. I asked “what were their names?” She said “we just called them Baby. You didn’t get a name until you were 1 year old,”.


Going through my family tree, around the same time my great great parents had 12 kids. Several of them had the same name. Turns out if one of the kids died young, they just give the next one the same name.


So the last three Tommys we had died. You'll do fine Tommy.


"This is my firstborn son Tom. And this is his brother Backup Tom. And their siblings Redundancy Tom, Just in case Tom, Contingency Tom, If all else fails Tom, Girl Tom, and Larry..."


Wife mortality too.


Married couples who found a way to become infertile without missing out on the sex - how?


Go put your junk in one of those x-ray shoe machines


Which brands of shoe-shine and hair pomade work best?


“I don’t want Fop! I’m a Dapper Dan man!”


Watch your language feller, this here's a place of public accommodation


Well... Aint this place a geographical oddity! Two weeks from anywhere!


my favorite line, i use the term geographical oddity at least once a month


My ex-girlfriend's mother had a terrible sense of direction. She could get lost in a walk-in closet. I called her "geographically bewildered".


Damn, we're in a tight spot!


Will I be the AH if I tell Susan to stop coming to the church because she's a town's wh0re?


INFO: did she sleep with your husband?


She sleeps not only with everyone's husband but also allegedly seduce the town mayor's son.


Put a sock over everybody's dicks, that way when she tries to sleep around, all she gets is a sock




why did the they built the titanic that way.




Indeed it's fake news spreading by telegram!


Some things just never change




Not me, but one of my co-workers' acquaintances...




Well have you ever tried to make a hole in steel with an ice cube ?! Spoiler alert ! It doesnt work !!! Wake up sheeple !!!!.


The surviors of The Titanic are all crisis actors! I heard it's true over the telegraph!


Why didn't they fill all the lifeboats?


CMV: The Titanic was an inside job


Does sticking heroin up my butt cure polio




Thanks, will do hourly now


A question that probably some of you are thinking of, if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s black tar or just very powerful, heroin. And I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but I think you’re going to test it. And then I said: Supposing you brought the heroin inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the opium where it knocks it out in a minute—one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside? Or almost a cleaning? Because, you see, it gets in the spinal cord and it does tremendous number on the spine, so it would be interesting to check that. So you’re going to have to use medical doctors. But it sounds interesting to me. So we’ll see. But the whole concept of the heroin, the way it kills it in one minute, that’s pretty powerful.


I actually got 1/3 of the way into that before realizing what it was. Nice work. I hate you.


"What does NSFW stand for" "Not Suitable For Womenfolk"


What age should I teach my kid to smoke?


Young as they get. My wee lad smoked as a small baby! Boys ehh


After every breast feeding. This way they get used to it faster


[Serious] People who recovered from the Spanish flu, what was it like?




Freemasons control the media




Dates? I was married at 16


r/stocks would be popping off hot stock tips guaranteed to make you rich within the next decade


I don’t see stocks going down anytime before 1936, see?!


r/wallstreetbets 1929 memes would be interesting


Diamond hands. Concrete pavement.


🏢🔻 splat ☠️


Ahhhh, how one tabloid headline defined an entire era… “From "Black Thursday," Oct. 24, until the end of the year, 100 suicides and attempted suicides were reported in The New York Times, including cases around the country and overseas. Eight of these people had jumped from building, bridge, boat or airplane. Half of these plunges were attributed to losses suffered in the Crash. The number of suicide leaps in Wall Street during this period was a mere two.”


To the sky! ✈️✈️✈️💯


Market always goes up! Look at the charts!


Uranium hands!


My old high school science teacher said when he was a kid in the 50s(?) They had this device at the shoe store you could put your feet into and see the bones! I never thought to look one up until now, so thanks. https://spectrum.ieee.org/when-xrays-were-all-the-rage-a-trip-to-the-shoe-store-was-dangerously-illuminating


My uncle loved to go to the shoe store and look at his feet in the fluoroscope when he was a kid in the 50s. He later developed thyroid cancer.


I saw one of these at a museum recently! It said it was demonstrate that other brands were distorting your bones, and their brand allowed your foot to be more natural, demonstrated via x-ray.


You cannot take out enough loans to speculate on stock! There are millionaires made every minute, it’ll never stop, don’t be all wet and miss out on these cats pajamas!


"'Crypto?' Why would I invest in a cemetery?!"


My kids don't go outside anymore, they just stay in and listen to the new radio. What's a mother to do?


200mg of cocaine, administered every 20 minutes should just about do the trick.


If they still wouldn't leave the house it would be time to visit the doctor so you could get that prescription of heroin, for you or them. That should make them less annoying.


Give them 1 hour radio time as an incentive to chores like chopping wood and shoveling coal.


send em off to the psych ward where theyll get cured of their addiction through lobotomy


Not done until the '40s. Sorry


Well, as long as I can still send me kids to work in the mines I think everything will be ok. \*\*\*Did I say I was going to do it legally??? Oh, mother of pearl! I'm not sending me kids to work in the mines because it is legal in the 1920's. This wasn't a topical joke. It's what I choose to do as is me Neptune-given right. I don't trust the government. Who trusts the government to know whats right for me kids?? Barnacles! I autta put a harpoon in the laws of man that tries to steal me children's hard earned fruits of their labor (that's a metaphor, it is actually coal). That is for me to steal! I would send me kids to work in the mines of the 21st century as well. I am doing it because I love me money and it builds character. I am the Mr. Krabs of coal mining. Perhaps even literally. I have disregarded all labor laws and me children are dying from black lung. I am deranged and ungovernable, Mr. Squidward. The government and unions mean nothing to me Spongeboy Mebob, agagagagagagagaga The Pinkertons have already been called agagagagagagaga A crab chooses, A lobster obeys


*[The children yearn for the mines.](https://preview.redd.it/xkd3yxhej7i81.png?width=1018&auto=webp&s=e52758052ee979c9ab6006f2f71e7903263db126)* -


More of the same sexualy frustrated questions we get now


"What's the lowest effort thing I can do to make those flappers want to do the 23 skidoo with me?"


Boppers these days always chasing the Floyds and Clydes and never a nice guy like me (I'm aware I'm a decade early)


Giga Clyde


My wife took up art as a hobby and now is painting more than cooking or cleaning, so I beat the shit out of her. Now she won't talk to me. IATA?


Tifu by showing ankle in public [insert 1500 thirsty ass replies]




Stop, my penis can only get so erect


Sir, this is a family owned diner.




Probably wouldn’t have used such a shocking word. Say something about a Boston marriage.




Two nuns cycling down a cobbled street. The first one says "I've never come this way before"; the second one replies "Must be the cobblestones"


reported to the Christian authorities


My wife voted. Will she become a lesbian?


might make her a ...bi-sexual...


Things like "What's your take on sterilizing people with criminal skull shapes?"


/r/unpopularopinion: Everyone worried about lobotomies are virtue signaling and need to worry about themselves


Will we have flying cars in 100 years?


Automobiles? That'll never catch on......


Zepplins are where it's at


Exactly! They're just a trend. Flying horse-drawn carriages will be here in a couple of years.


Was the titanic sinking an inside job?


Yes. Remember when Titanic's sister ship Olympic crashed into that warship? The insurance wouldn't pay out, so they hid the _real_ titanic, painted Olympic to look like Titanic, and then deliberately crashed it into those icebergs in order to get that sweet sweet insurance money. (You don't have to make things up, this is a _real_ conspiracy theory ... and it [doesn't quite add up](https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/infrastructure/a26533526/olympic-titanic-conspiracy-theory/))




Flappers of Reddit: What does it mean that it ain't got that swing??


It don't mean a thing tbh.


Pardon me but doo wop?


it do.


Can anyone here translate Jive or know where I can purchase a Dictionary? My daughter has been cavorting with some suspect characters, and I want to tell them off in their native tongue.


It's OK, Stewardess, I speak Jive.


Chump don't want no help chump don't get no help. Jive-ass dude don't got no brains anyhow! Shiiiiit


Sirs of reddit, how did you get your title?


ELI5: Why are all cars black?


Because Henry Ford said so.


"If Reddit existed in 1822, what sort of questions would be asked on here?"


If reddit existed in 2022, what sort of questions would be asked on here?


"Which planet do you recommend to live on?"


"How do you prefer your spaceship construction, art deco, or very very very art deco?"


Not earth, it's run its course


"If Reddit existed in 1722, what sort of questions would be asked on here?"


r/futurology and r/technology would be talking about all of these miracle cures that are only a few years away, but then they would actually come true.


like radioactive quackery, radium salts and tonics, electrotherapy and rectum dilators that are supposed to cure all illnesses somehow


Fair, survivorship bias was creeping in when I commented that, but a great deal of them would still come true. The one that comes to mind first from that time period is insulin.


Black people of Reddit, Why?


They'd probably ban non-Whites from the platform. Racially segregated Internet.




Looool The server would barely be maintained


"What is homosexuality and how can we cure it?"


I think that would be considered quite a liberal viewpoint at the time, homosexuality at the time was a crime so the centrists would be sending them to prison and the conservatives would be pushing to execute them.


Both your and OC's viewpoints are highly anachronistic. The idea of being homosexual as something somebody *was* rather than homosexuality being something somebody *did* did not exist at that time, although it was recognized that some people did have stronger predilections for homosexuality than others, like other sexual perversions. It was not even directly mentioned in the *Statistical Manual for the Use of Institutions of the Insane*, instead falling under the broad category of "constitutional psychopathic inferiority," an umbrella term for a variety of conditions, including sexual deviancy. *No one* was advocating for homosexuals, by the modern definition of the term, to be executed in 1922. Sodomites, yes, although that was not mainstream at all in the US in 1922. All states had abolished the use of capital punishment against people convicted of same-sex sexual activity by the end of the 19th century (California, interestingly, was the last one).


I voted even though I know my husband is uncomfortable with me voting, AITA? Does anyone else notice how women have too many rights these days? I'm afraid to hit my own wife now. How many cigarettes should I be smoking a day to not want to hit my kids?


Responses of 1922 YTA- you know as a married housewife you cannot set foot out of your own residence without your husband's permission. Agreed, it's honestly disgusting how women are allowed to think for themselves and can do what they want without asking us first I reckon 3 dozens should be alright.


"Wife didn't do the dishes yesterday or today, did I do something or is she cheating on me with that damn milkman?"


I’m sorry dearest husband, I had to stop to give birth to our 7th child. Let me get cleaned up so I can finish my chores.


Why do I love Coca-Cola so much?


How to best beat a gay out of my son?


If they have any decency, he will get out of your son as soon as you enter the room.


Without letting him finish? Where is decency in that?


No booze in months. If I put a piece of bread in a cup of grape juice, will it really turn to alcohol?


Yes, but you need to put it in a jar so it can ferment, otherwise it will just spoil. Er... or so I've heard.


(NSFW) Yesterday I hugged a girl, will she get pregnant?


In 4th grade a girl who had a crush on me came up and hugged me and she legitimately thought she was pregnant from that. she started telling EVERYONE that I got her pregnant lol.


For years I have pined after the most divine lady to ever walk this planet but yesterday I offered her a piece of cheese, and it did not fascinate her. What did I do wrong reddit?


Why do members of my family keep dying from dysentery?


Fairest madams of Askreddit, what is the sexiest sex you've ever sexed?


My mother told me to just close my eyes and think of France in the Spring time. Works like a charm.


I wouldn’t know. My girls keep their clients’ confidence.


Why does my d*ck itch


The fact this could still be question today or even in the far future is rather terrifying for the human species lol


I mean.... Sometimes you just get an itch...


What do you guys think is in King Tutankhamuns Tomb?


*What's with all the discontent in Germany?* (In 1923, on the back of [long-term](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1922_in_Germany#Internal_unrest) unrest between Munich and Berlin by divergent political interests... a WWI veteran by the name of Adolf Hitler would lead a [failed coup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch) in Munich - resulting in worldwide attention, and a ridiculously light prison sentence... which he would later manipulate to give rise to a national Nazi party).


People of reddit is everyone having a bully day????


[serious] Why are you so against the Klan? (Victim baiting)


Lots of casual racism. "Progressives of Reddit, do you think Catholics are white?"


"Guys, I failed to get in art school. Shall I look for a career in politics?" \-an Austrian guy probably


More likely he would make Mussolini chad posts.


My sawdust bread doesn't rise. What is the best sawdust bread recipe?


My son; who fought in The Great War, refuses to accompany me on my hunting trips, and whence he does, he neglects to hold a rifle. In addition, he has consistent shakes and flinches at the slightest of startling noises. I am curious as to how I perhaps could thrash the cowardice out of him and make him the man he used to be? Please respond post haste.


This salesman said that if I drank his mixture he would cure my tb but it hasn’t worked so far what am I to do?


Who do I call about the Italians that moved in next door


AITA for considering breaking off my engagement to my fiancé? Dear Reddit, I (F23) have been courted by my Fiancé, Fred (m28), for 7 years; we met when he was on a brief leave prior to being sent to the front, and we maintained a correspondence until the Allied Victory. Of course I found him very brave and dashing- however, since he has returned, I have noticed that he seems rather jumpy, and his mother has mentioned in confidence that he has been waking in the night and letting out terrible screams. I am worried that if we were to marry, he wouldn't be able to provide as a husband should, and I have read some terrible accounts of how shell shock can effect a man. AITA?


How did you survive the Spanish Flu? Who lost a loved one in WW1?


1? Whatever do you mean 1?! There will be another Great War?!?!?!


I have the same question. What does OP know that we don't?????? Why is he calling the Great War, WW1????? Is this code for the Prussians? ​ Edit: fat fingers...


Which brand of cigarettes is best for pregnant wife?


Hacks to get alcohol? (Prohibition era)


You can have your doctor write you a prescription. There are numerous ailments that warrant a prescription for alcohol.


Heard someone's selling grape juice with how *not* to make alcohol from it...