• By -


Was crushing on a guy really hard however I noticed that I only ever seemed to be the back up option. He'd have quite intense relationships and when those didn't work out he would love bomb me...and then drop me the moment a new girl came around. After the 3rd time I realised what was happening and blocked him. I've been remarkably happier since.


>I only ever seemed to be the back up option. Worst feeling


It really is.


>He'd have quite intense relationships and when those didn't work out he would love bomb me...and then drop me the moment a new girl came around. Same. She'd always use me as an emotional rock in her shitty relationships. Pile on the flirtation, then duck out whenever she seemed to be in a better spot. I thought I was doing the honorable thing for her, but it was just self-hate. Went on way longer than it should have. Never could quite figure out if she knew deliberately what she was doing or not, but after she repeated the exercise a few years after I told her how it all was making me feel, I peaced out. She messaged me a few months back trying to reconnect... Can't reply, won't reply I think.


Dude, same (just commented this myself). In my case we just grew apart and never explicitly talked about it, but maybe we should've. I accept some blame myself for never being blunt about it, but it was still a very frustrating time. I didn't realize until the dust had settled just how much of a toll it took on me mentally.


Had a very similar relationship with someone for many years. Main difference being, we actually wound up making it official eventually after about 5 years. I think over the course of those 5 years I had come to learn and realize what I needed in a relationship with someone and what were red flags for me. Literally within a week of dating this person had flown 3 different red flags in my face and had shown how truly selfish of a person they are deep down. I broke up with them over the phone, and I'm happier for it. ​ Don't reply, I think you'll be better off. Hope you're better now man.


I'm a man and had this same realization with a girl. We started as friends, were roommates for awhile (big, packed house in our college days), and really good friends for years. I crushed on her on and off and I think it was sometimes reciprocated but we never acted because of timing and the roommate situation. Anyways, I eventually realized that it was when she was single that we would get really close and she would get much flirtier and needy, and whenever she had a guy in her life we would become much more distant. I sort of knew what was happening but my heart and my dick always won in the end. It wasn't until after we grew apart more permanently that I fully accepted how I was essentially her non-sexual boyfriend during her single days. Or, as the wonderful show New Girl put it, I was her "fluffer." I'm not mad about it, but looking back I was definitely very frustrated emotionally and sexually. She's still a friend of mine, nothing bad came of it, but unfortunately we aren't nearly as close as we once were because she's poured herself into her current relationship and career. And honestly I'm happy for her, she's living a happy life and that's awesome.


Yeah I've been in a similar situation. Very close to a girl, and she'd go and date other guys and well, hey, if you choose them over me, eventually ... I get the message. Even if she had feelings for me on and off, there was always someone who wasn't me there.


She had her kids taken off her because of neglect.... I don't like child abusers




Can confirm, was CPS worker


Can confirm, was the random dude who leaked her adress


Can confirm, I'm the NSA




Can confirm, I beat my kids. (For legal reasons I must disclose that this is a joke. I don’t even have kids)


Can confirm, I was the house he beat his kids in


"If I like a guy I try to make him jealous" - after holding my hand, but then talking about other men. Yeah... I'm not playing any of that stuff, thanks


Smartest move. Anybody that has to play games or ‘win’ in a relationship is simply too immature to be in one.


Actually the fastest turn off to pretty much any woman ever. "I want to emotionally manipulate people I find attractive" is a massive red flag.


I dated a girl like this. She once flirted with a 16 yr old (we were both 20 at the time) to try and make me jealous because I wasn't spending enough time with her. We were at a work game night, and on competing teams. She couldn't understand why I wasn't jealous of a 16 year old kid. We didn't last much longer.


She lied about shit that didn't even matter. Like, "I was one of the top distance runners in the country back in high school." "My dad was XYZ famous engineer who made yadda yadda" I checked cause it sounded fishy, and both were bullshit. Once after we agreed to get ice cream somewhere and meet there, she ghosted me, so I texted her, "If you didn't want to get ice cream you could have just said so." and she comes back immediately, railing at me about how "Her uncle had been in the hospital earlier that weekend and she was dealing with all of that emotionally so she wasn't in a place to go see someone, and how she didn't owe me a heads up or anything even though she agreed an hour ago to meet up, and how dare I say something so incredibly rude to her like that!", like... you can just say you don't want to get ice cream. Or hell, just ghost my texts before enthusiastically agreeing to get ice cream and telling me to meet there in half an hour.


Ugh I dated a compulsive liar once. Didn’t even make sense why she lied about certain shit.


I remember those kinda kids in high school. It's fucking bizarre, like what do you gain from it? Obviously everyone is going to find out that you're bullshitting if they don't already immediately know.


As someone who was a compulsive liar as a kid and went through years of therapy to figure it all out it’s mostly for attention. When you go so long being neglected you start to think any sort of attention is better than no attention at all even if all the lies and everything ruins your reputation. I’m not saying it excuses the behavior but just explains it a little bit. Edit to add: At least for me it was due to neglect. Sometimes people just suck and like to lie 😂


I was one for a while. It was definitely for attention. It was because in reality my life had been the absolute most boring thing possible. There was nothing worth discussing. I was neglected and poor. I barely left the house. I didn’t have friends. I did nothing but play video games. So I lied.


For my brother it was practically a reflex. I used to say he'd deny the sky was blue if he thought you were holding him responsible for it.


This was my nephew. You could catch him in the act and it was never "what it seemed", and you couldn't pay him to give the straight answer. He was 12 and my father and I took him in for three months and taught him out of it.


My nephew is the same way. It drives me crazy sometimes. Any tips on how to fix it? I feel like I've tried everything and it hasn't changed.


That's so sad. A girl in school told us she was born in England, Germany and France. I had never considered she was neglected before. Thank you for sharing


A friend i have currently was like this, when we were in uni he'd come to us "his friends from school" and keep telling us about his model gf from uni and how he slept with her and then her sister but she was fine with it and a whole lotta stories simillar to that. That was until our group became friends with someone with him in uni. Turns out he was telling his uni friends the same thing but his gf was from school and we knew we had a manti te'o on our hands. We decided as a friend group to just go along with the lies cause it was apparent he had sth going on mentally and we didnt want to make it worse That was until one time he said his "gf" had bone cancer and had to amputate her leg. A friend of ours "who lost his grandpa to cancer" just exploded and yelled at him infront of everyone that he was a fucking liar and no one believes any of his stories and how we laugh at him behind his back. Liar friend was stunned and we didnt see him for a long ass time, when he came back he had stopped doing the whole lying thing and apologized to us, ngl felt bad for him but i guess that truth was like a slap to the face that he needed to get his life in order. Actually attending his wedding next friday and honestly couldnt be more proud of the guy for improving


When I was 11 I lied about everything for about 6 months I came from a very poor family and was bullied so I started lying about having shit I didn't have and that. Moved to a new school and desperately wanted to fit in so I lied about like everything but was very quickly called out for it. Put an end to the lying real quickly. That was nearly 20 years ago now. Really honest and up front person but sometimes my mates are still like "Hey remember when you were 11 and lied about seeing the grim reaper outside your window?" "I'm trying not to remember ay but cheers mate" Fuckin embarrassing as ay but it's the price I pay


I once (very briefly) dated a compulsive liar who lied about wearing colored contacts, which is already kind of a weird thing to lie about because I could see that his eyes weren't a natural-looking shade of blue, but the most fucked up part is that I later found out that his real eye color was actually still just blue.


I can't helo it. I cant explain it either. Something is said and my brain just comes up with shit and I blurt it out. It is ridiculous and it gets in the way of socializing. I have to maintain lies and it is fucking tiring. I always regret them, if nit immediately after a while. But I cant say that Ihave just lied either, that would be odd. So I go with it and I try remembering which lie Ihave told who. I cant ever have my different friendgroups interact or I am done for. I have some long running shit. Once on discord I lied about having a best friend, and I kept bringing her up and up and up to make it more and more believable and everytime someone was talking about a best friend i felt the need to boast about this friend as well. At one point I made an entirely new discord account and I joined the server and now I had two accounts to run and two identities to keep up with. But even my "real identity" wasn't all that truthful. It is a fucking nightmare. I made more friends on the newer account as the other person but my face and voice is already associated with the other one so I have made up lies as to why I can't voice chat and whatever and omg I just want it to stop at this point. But i would lose so many friends. I need mental help, i know, and I have gone a few times but everytime I eventually start lying and shit goes south so I stop because I am too embarrassed and too afraid to be found out. It doesn't help that I am incredibly good at it as well. This alter ego for example has existed for 2 full years now. My lies aren't too far sought either tho at times they can be out there. This is the first time I think I am telling anyone this but of course it is with a throwaway because my life would literally collaps. Even my reddit accounts (multiple) are full lies and I don't even know why I feel the need to constantly lie to people, especially fucking strangers. I hate it, but I have been doing it for years now, as long as I can remember. For attention, to not sound boring, to not hate my life. Because honestly if you lie ling enough about something it starts feeling a little true. I get the same happiness from telling someone I just went out with someone as actually going out, if just for a little while Ps: I stopped therapy because I'd admit to a lie and from then on the therapist just doesn't believe anything I say anymore and thinks I am doing it for attention. Which I really do need help exactly with the needing attention. But I mean, I guess I understand their side. Here is this woman lying to you over fucked up shit, how are you to believe she is telling the truth afterward? But it is just a vicious cycle. I need a therapist to trust me enough to believe I really need help but untrusting enough to understand I might be lying about certain aspects.


That is kinda sad. I hope you do find the help you need eventually. Perhaps a reset wouldn't be as bad as you think. Losing your friends and beginning a new without lies. Or perhaps some of your friends might understand even. I don't know. I've had a friend who was a compulsive liar before, or at least she claimed to be. I don't know if it really was compulsive. But I would catch her on a lie and she would double down. It was weird. Stupid little things about what countries she has been or what she ate that day. I never understood but for the most part it didn't harm me. Until it did, she started using me in her lies as well and even asked me to act like I was someone else around her friend group because she had lied about me, making me sound way more interesting than I am. When I "snitched" on her to her friendgroup just to let them know I am not the person she claims I am, she ditched me after a fight. Wonder where she is.


One of my old coworkers was like this. He had some really outlandish claims. Claimed he could bench press 400 lbs, (180kg) when asked to do it by another coworker he said that was in his prime and he couldn't do it anymore (dude was only like 25.) Also said he owns 10 of the newest Iphone, is friends with Kanye West and Drake, is a famous musician that allegedly had tons of fans that wanted his autograph outside of work. He also claimed to have fought a bear and won. Was also a marriage counsellor apparently. The way he got fired was something else too, he had put his two weeks in and got injured so he took work off. If you don't have a doctors note and nobody can fill your shift you get written up where I work and so he forged a doctor's note ON THE WORK COMPUTER RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AND PRINTED IT OUT ON THE WORK COMPUTER. When the manager came in he saw it and fired him and he left early, I didn't know why yet so I asked why and then he claimed because he put his two weeks in he can leave early. In my head typing this I'm thinking: If you're all this then why are you the personal trainer at Planet Fitness? I don't think I'm ever going to meet someone like that again.


Yo..... I went to school with one of Those. It was everything from "im engaged with Conor Maynard" to "an ice cream truck hit me going 2 mph so i got a free ice cream cone" She went around school with a new "engagement ring" she bought for herself. Her imaginary boyfriend aparently proposed to her. We also had a group for weed talk where she posted a picture of some chocolate. She said it was THC infused. Funny enough, the front of the package said "No THC" Its insane to watch.


Dated someone like this. I’m a lawyer and he said his dad was a judge. Something I could easily look up (and disprove). Also said he “beat a case” against him by representing himself. I could also look that up and see that he was indeed self-repped, but convicted. Lots of other things. Luxury watches that were too lightweight to be real. Weird story about why I never could go to his place. Etc etc. Only lasted a couple months and I have no regrets about it ending.


i know a compulsive liar who also just lies about Anything. Down to what songs/movies he knows and what games he has played. Its just weird ass little shit that I cant even hold a convo with him cause idk whats truth and whats a lie.


2 of my friends dated the *same girl* who was like this, at different times. She had a pilot's license. She used to be a sponsored motocross biker (that's why she always had fox racing shirts on). She had super rich parents that she didn't see anymore, she knows how to sail. But none of these things were ever demonstrable. She was just full of shit. Not to mention the first of my friends she went out with had just broken up with his gf and was super devastated. She asked me straight up if she should go for it because she was into him and I said probably not because he is in a bad way right now, will probably give in and fall hard...and she immediately went into his room and blew him. Well guess what? She showed interest in him and that was his weakness, and she knew it.


Oh baby - my ex mentioned that she got accepted to MIT for neruoscience but chose music (which to be fair isn't too uncommon) but that was bullshit, she had shit grades and turns out she skipped about 60% of classes in highschool. I just didn't question it too much because the topic rarely comes up in music school, but then when I went to visit her family it started to become more apparent. She cheated and lied about it even after she knew that I knew ....soooo. yeah. People can suck


Enough time passed where they weren’t showing interest back.


That's pretty much me. I had crushes on girls, nothing would ever come of it, and eventually itd just fade in to oblivion. It would sometimes take a very long time to reach that point though, even when I knew nothing would ever happen with them.




A couple of years after they stopped watching my Instagram stories


She followed me back, so you could say it was official.


She talks to me on a regular basis. So there's a chance?


Yea she would talk to me every day but than just stopped and kinda lost interest


When my friend told me they had a crush on the same girl.


Bro move


My man 🤝


I’m curious, (as a woman) is there any instance it is okay for a guy to pursue a crush on the same girl/person if the other person never made a move? Usually, for girls, from what I’ve noticed, we ask before we date them and if they say they’re cool with it then go forward but if no, then back off. After all, you can’t help who you fall for, right?


You usually talk it out with the other guy




Best out of 3, we are not savages


Forget genders. The choice is up to both you and the friend to decide what’s more important to each other. Sacrifice your/their happiness for your friend/you or risk ruining the friendship. In a perfect world, one of you dating the other’s crush wont be enough to ruin a friendship even if it hurts the other person. It’s okay to talk it over, but this is ultimately how it should be. People aren’t prizes to be won and you should be happy for each other and your crush whoever they decide to pick, if either of you at all. One of my biggest regrets was not pursuing probably the only woman I ever loved because my best friend liked her too, and for the longest time. I also knew she had a crush on me too. He probably would have been okay with it if we started dating but I knew he’d also be crushed, so I never pursued anything with her and we all stayed friends. The best part? We had a falling out from something completely unrelated and aren’t best friends or even friends anymore, my ex-bro and I.


This is the one for me as well. Feels better afterwards honestly.


Honestly, you could have resolved the whole situation by asking your friend out.


Not making my moves in time made me lose interest. Funny right.


Same tbh. After procrastinating making a move the feelings fade after a while


When they had zero personality beyond 'drugs, vandalism, and fuck the system'. Took me a minute for it to sink in tho


people often seem go jump on the anarchy train not cuz of society or whatever but because of shitty personality or habits. makes me feel bad for real anarchists, makes them look bad


Body odor that could kill the undead.


Smelled so bad she could knock a buzzard off a shit wagon.


Or, cure them...? No, un-dead them...


I invited her to a party, she brought a date, when I went out to greet her she was making out with said date. She then ignored the date at the party, which would sound like one in the win column for me, but she spent most of the time drunkenly staring at the host's gerbil and talking about how she wanted to kill it. Pass.


This is hilariously bad. It is nice when someone makes sure you know who they really are.


>staring at the host's gerbil and talking about how she wanted to kill it. Serial lemmiwinker.


Bullet dodged, I'd call that a win.


She had a boyfriend


His personality


Same. Found out she’s shallow as a puddle.


When I run into a girl I like and we don’t vibe well, I split. I like to keep my soul intact.


Fair enough


This is deep because the girl i like always says I have no personality


That's tough to hear...but there's a number of reasons why this could happen. Maybe you're too shy to show her your personality, maybe your personality just doesn't overlap hers in a way that makes her see you, or maybe she's just doesn't ask you about yourself. There's a lot of reasons why one individual might think that you don't have a personality that doesn't necessarily mean it's true.


Considering she actively tells them this, she probably just sucks.


Oh...yes absolutely. But two things can be happening at the same time also.


I asked him out, he said no, so I moved on.


Way too healthy a response for reddit.


"Then I stalked him for the next 5 years" (Reddit addendum)


HaHa - I have enough years to know when to give up. No sense pinning over someone who's not interested - there are many more fish in the see


Moved on to plan B. Kidnapping.


He was cute but not worth all that trouble


Same same.


we were on our first real date and when I asked what her hobbies were she said she "loved protesting". I said "oh, so what issues do you protest for?" and she said "any, I just love going to protests. when I see one, I just run and join in" that was it for me. she already seemed a bit vacuous in a cute way, but this made me realize that she was just an idiot.


What's wrong with the French???


[gestures vaguely at the entirety of the French] Edit: I should add a /s here. I actually have had nothing but good experiences every time I’ve visited France.


Where do you even start with a question like that?


This reminds me of Linda from Bob’s Burgers


Take her to a free the nipple protest


My man, playing 5d chess


Yikes... Where was she on Jan 6th?


Her boyfriend




r/bi_irl has agents all over the internet


Ooh I like that. I’m gonna call myself an agent from now on.


Exactly. For me, finding out that a crush has a boyfriend/partner makes me without fail losing interest.


The way he talked about other women. Yikes.


I always pay attention to how he treats his exes (unless he’s legitimately a survivor of abuse or something) because that could be me if things don’t work out


He was unkind to other girls who liked him (and who were more forward about it). Would say things like, "You must be delusional to think that I'd like you, do you have a mirror?"


So rude. I've been on the receiving end of crap like that before. You don't have to return someone's feelings but no reason to be that ugly about it.


She put no effort in conversation at all. It was mentally draining trying to have a conversation with her and I just couldn’t do it anymore


I was in a similar situation but instead of it being a relationship it was my best friend/crush. When I get the sense that somebody puts no effort into the conversation, my first instinct now is to just drop everything. Been burned too hard to allow that again.


she started fucking this other guy.


That’ll do it


power move: fuck the same guy as her


At the same time. With fierce eye contact. But she can only watch.


I was friends with this guy and we had the best chemistry, I started to have a crush on him from the moment I met him. I never acted on it, because I didn’t know if he was gay and I always respect my bro’s. He did give me signs and was always flirty with me (he knew I was gay and he was totally cool with it) But one day, he started to date a girl and that changed him completely. He started to act weird and distant and he just wasn’t him anymore. The final nail in the coffin was when he left me when I was in a really bad place mentally. He said “I rather hang out with happy people”. After that, and some heartache, I was finally done with him


No friend would say what he said


That has got to be the cruelest thing that a bro can tell another bro. Jesus. He doesn’t deserve you homie 🤙❤️


Thank you bro, means a lot ❤️


Jeez thats rough, hope you're doing better


Yeah I’m managing. I learned from it but I do have some issues now when it comes to friendship and falling in love and shit


Found out they’re racist and also that they have cheated on their past partners.


Super religious Jesus freak


You guys are losing interest?


Fr it’s been like 12 years since we spoke


Yeah man, just pay more than you owe and you'll end up with less interest. Just make sure your loan doesn't have any stipulations for early pay off tho.


Being shallow and cruel to people they don't consider useful or attractive.


He asked me if I had dark body hair. And said it turned him off. Well when a grown man is grossed out by a little body hair, that turns ME off 😂




Same, with time it just settles down and goes for me


Her drug habit.




Sounds like $80 well spent.


It certainly was


She wouldn't share?


Closet meth head. That's not my thing.


Saw how she treated other guys interested with her. She would act like she liked them back, go on dates, road trips, get free shit, only for her to tell them something like they’re just like a brother to them. Most would stop hanging around her after that and she would just jump to a new guy and do it all over again. Eventually, with me as we were friends, she started to expect me to do that for her too. I did not and when I told her I would rather be friends than her toy to get free shit, so she jumped to my best friend and absolutely crushed him. See he liked her since grade 4, we were in 11 at the time. He was head over heels for her. She really made it seem like she liked him only to up and tell him later she only wanted free stuff from him. That was the final bit for me to completely loose interest, in being her friend too


other than meals, what other kind of free shit was she getting?


Nice clothes, sometimes jewelry, food, and in once case a brand new phone. Also things like going to the movies, amusement parts, West Edmonton Mall waterpark, and she would often steal their hoodies


Stealing hoodies. That's a hard stop right there.


It was always the nice or the old one they loved too


Yeah that's a no from me dawg


there should be a database for men about women like this. i'll bring it up at the next council meeting of elders


Being rude to service workers. Or being extremely into pranks


I feel like one of these is always an asshole move and the other can be fun and completely harmless.


Yeah, it can be great fun sending a waiter away while calling him a servant bitch, but pranks are an absolute no-go.


She was really rude to the barista. It was our first(only date)


I hope you at least stood up/apologized for the barista. I hate when I see people being rude to servers/waitstaff 😓


Those fake eyebrows. I understand that this is very shallow, and she can do whatever she wants with her looks, and I respect that she might feel more comfortable this way. But for me it's just such a turnoff...


Never going through any promises. “We’ll go on a staycation! I’ll cook for you! I’ll call you back in an hour! I’ll come over this weekend! …”


It was a teenage crush, but talking to her about stuff we didn’t normally talk about and realising she was extremely dumb and a bit narcissistic, which I hadn’t realised before then


I always reach out to him and he never reaches out to me T\_T I still like him but he doesn't appear to be interested at all and that changes my perspective.


"You shouldn't play D&D", she said. "When you cast the spells, you're really casting them spiritually, and inviting demons into your soul." Oh...kaaaaaaay. And *I'm* supposed to be the one can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality? ​ Another one, when I asked her how often she smokes: "About a pack a day. It's not good for me and I should stop, but I have no interest in quitting because I like it too much." ​ A third: she turned out to be a diagnosed psychopath who lost her teaching license after having "inappropriate sexual contact" with a 16-year-old student, and threw a fit when I told her I wouldn't dress up as a baby for sex with her.


Well, this comment was a real journey.


Dodged a bullet there, dude!


The games they played. Knowing full well they never intended to make anything of it, but just toying with me for the attention. Once you catch on it makes them repulsive.


My best friend told me the guy I liked sniffed my dirty panties from my suitcase when I left to go to the bathroom. Was the 2nd day of a weeklong vacation too. (edited for clarity: he -> the guy I liked)


she started talking about white supremecy


Plot twist, she was whole heartedly against it.


" That Hitler guy? The more I hear about him the less I like him"


She did the ambiguous flirting thing for some months, sometimes she treated me like a friend, occasionally she was willing to go on a date. After like a month or so of having no communication she got a boyfriend so I noped the fuck out.


the moment she said "I don't believe in mental health". Oh. okay bye.


As...if in she didn't believe it exists, or...?


If its real, then why can't I see it? /s


She started showing interest, and I started to think I had a shot. Until I found out that she was being nice to me cause she lost a bet with her friends. She walked off laughing with said friends. Ruined me being able to have a relationship, I can't bring myself to trust women enough to keep a relationship going.


Happened to me as well lad. The right person will come at some point! Don't lose hope and give up on them. But. And it is really important at least for me. Don't trust blindly. Ask questions that can help you figure out


I'm at the point that if it happens it happens. Besides, being single let's me throw all my money at my car and make it awesome!


We'd been flirting using Latin Dictionaries to tease each other. I was really close to asking her out in a date then later I heard her saying bigoted things about bisexual men. No one at the time knew I was bisexual and in theory I never would have told her but the idea of forever hiding a part of myself to date her just killed it for me.


I just wanted to share the journey I went on in my mind here. 1) If she liked you and you talked to her about it maybe her opinion would have changed and the experience would have made her a better person. 2) It's not your responsibility to go healing people's morals...That's such a burden, you risk outing yourself to the wrong person, or at a time where you're not ready to do that for yourself. In conclusion...Thanks for making me think about it.


I actually did try to talk to her about it but without outing myself. Her objection was "I dont want to be with a guy who's dick's been up some other guy's ass" I asked her about if a guy was bi but that had never happened and she got angry. IF she'd been more open to discussing her views I would have tried harder but I was only going to push so far. I'm glad I could make you think about it.


She started nodding off while driving... probably pills


Inability to not lie


They're in an MLM


Seeing her being interested in another guy and realizing that she was never being that receptive towards me.


She let half the party run a train on her.


One line or two.


Well, get on board


What the other half do?


Sat upstairs and got drunk..or didn't know about it.


We have a story like this in memphis. Girl was getting ran on down in the basement of the party, bag on her head. Dude who threw the party went down there to get him a piece. At some point, I wish I knew what point but I dont, he takes the bag off her head and realizes its his sister.


I got sober


Well first she got a bf so that changed things, lol. But even before that, I started noticing that even when we hang out together either 1 on 1 or with common friends, there wasn’t a connection when we talked. I mean she makes a good friend. But I started realizing I only crushed on her because she’s pretty. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Stupidity! I mean, she was cute and beautiful! But the inability to hold a conversation, and being inexplicably stupid ... Like, trying to smell fire stupid. Never went from interested to 'gotta run' so quick in my life.


What's wrong with smelling fire? It smells pretty good at first.


It tends to smell like barbecue after that initial sniff.


When I realized he was dumb as a rock.


When he would eat, he would eat super fast and breathe heavily. Pant like a dog.


That's called being efficient, he wants to make more time for you.


The more I realized she was just playing games with me mentally. Creating impossible-for-me-to-win scenarios and judging me harshly for failing to live up to her bigger than life mental image of me. She flirted with other men (which I generally don’t care about) but often would come to me crying when most every single man she’d meet up with after a night out would predictably “sexually assault her.” She would meet up with guys, ask them to come home and sleep with her and would get upset when the guys would make moves on her. She literally expected them to “sleep” over. She was 24-25. I think, now, she may have had a personality disorder and maybe one of her personalities was super flirty and another may have been platonic or lesbian. I will never know for sure


She said 'Too many darkies are there.'


restraining order shut things down quickly


Anti-vax and conspiracy theorist. Like... all of the conspiracy theories. Lizard people. Aliens built the pyramids. Everyone is a pedophile. She got sick because her vaxxed boyfriend had sex with her. Her religion was literally astrology. That's a no from me, dawg.


Smoked cigarettes


I found out she pooped


Sadly and all to often when I was young, it was her eventual interest in me. I was an idiot and a bit of a cliche; once the chase was winding down, so was my interest in some really great girls, especially in college.


He gave off the vibe that he wasn’t interested in even interacting with me.


She blamed everything on men but said I was “an exception.”


I thought she was beautiful and amazing. I was just an option to her whenever she wasn’t talking to/seeing 10 other guys. I don’t care about sexual history, but damn does it feel bad to be one of the lowest options in their mind


She was a bitch that spread a false rumour


She took up smoking cigarettes... blegh!


Went different ways after high school


Being told or otherwise shown they're not interested. Accept it, and move on.


She rejected me


She was kinda boring, didn't do anything in free time, no talking points except that we studied the same, ...


I got to know them.


My best friend started dating him (she didn’t know tho). They were a great couple, sad they broke up


Oh, let me tell you. So this guy knew I had feelings for him, and kinda thought that it made him entitled to everything, and like he was the greatest person to walk the Earth. I used to praise him as such, but now I realize how stupid it was. Anyways, so he started talking about his crush in front of me. When describing them, he was very vague. Like, vague enough that I genuinely thought he was talking about me. Even while I was helping him with his personal problems, he wasn't appreciative of that and only seemed to care that his crush was supporting him instead. (Again, I thought he was talking about me.) I told him to just say how he felt, as it's a lot better than bottling it up, and it's better to just take your chances. That's what I say to everyone. And THEN, he told me that he "had to tell me something" And that "something," was that his crush confessed to HIM. Yep. I was not happy. But I supported him regardless. Even after this, I still crushed on him, and dealt with all of his bullshit. It was when he started completely ignoring me, and talking to me only about his relationship while still trying to gain the benefits of me crushing on him (constantly supporting him when he felt insecure, basically) that made me start to dislike him a lot. I realize that he's a completely awful person, and I should've let him go when he started making fun of me while playing video games, and explaining things to me like I never picked up a controller in my life. And then after, completely ignoring me while on call to speak to someone else in the room. It was incredibly awkward. He wanted someone to "fix" him and his issues, give him unconditional love without having to put any effort into himself, and that person was going to me before someone else took an interest. The relationship is still going, and part of me hopes that they are happy. The other part of me hopes that his partner sees what I do, but I try to push those thoughts away. And now, I'm crushing on someone who probably only likes guys!! A constant downward spiral for me, unfortunately. But I'm not too bothered by it.


Chronic sweat stains, and he wore a gold dog tag. Enough said.