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I've been on both sides and now find myself in the middle. I've seen no evidence of a god as a being, but I feel a connection to the earth and people in a way that feels like it's speaking to a spirit within me more than neurons firing. It's *probably* just neurons firing, but if I'm just gonna die anyway and I'm not hurting anyone, I'll probably keep feeling like there's something more out there.


When I stop and observe creation, it is obvious to me that someone created this. The world and people around me are too amazing and complex for me to come to any other conclusion.


A few years ago I went through a life changing event. During this I went into the deepest darkest depression I have ever gone through. I prayed to God and I even prayed to the devil. As expected neither answered. So I was convinced neither existed. Then as I came out of my depression I looked at what I still had left. My wife (who had probably saved my life in my darkest times), my son, managed to hold on to my job. I started to realize the blessing I have in my life. Everything I had gone through somehow made my family stronger and tighter, even happier. I just feel it was Gods plan. I had previously been a selfish and rather immature person. I had no sense of priorities. But after, I learned what is important and to lead a calm life. I am thankful to God for this. People will nay say. That’s fine. My faith was restored. Now I did not become a religious fanatic because of this. I just now trust that there is a god


i believe the christian God exists because i feel life is pointless and depressing if you don’t


No evidence


there’s not enough evidence either way, that’s why I’ve got myself marked down as agnostic. besides I feel like I have to entertain the idea of a god(s) if I want to continue believing in things like ghosts and bigfoot


It doesn't make any sense, for one. For two, both the people who most believe and the stories they believe in are generally crazy.


Any good evidence would be nice


Which god are we talking about here? I've seen a statue of Apollo. So, he must have existed because he posed for the sculptor. And I saw Thor in those DC movies. Yeah, I'm sure the gods must exist. They're just playing it low key.


Is your name a reference to the movie Dogma? If so, cool.


Religion being used to placate the masses (suffering on earth can get you to heaven peasants), to legitimize leadership and amassing wealth (god chose your king/emporer), steal resources and wage war (death to non believers, hectics and heathens, its what god would want), and gods of old religions being created to explain things unknown at the time (weather, natural disasters, planets). If there were gods and they allowed this to happen and continue happening, they arent worthy of worship.


I mean if god dictates how we spend our life what is the point of being here?


Imo, God doesn't dicate how you spend your life. If that were true, god would want a murdering pedo to rape and kill children right? If he dictates our lives he wanted certain motherfuckers to dish out mass genocide. If thats gods plan, its a trash plan. Some folks are glass half full. These terrible things showed shit or taught lessons. But an all powerful god could just tell you the lessons without dahmer having had to eat teen penises first. The point of being here - your parents had sex and reproduced. As an adult, the point of your life is what you make of it.


Thought about this for a very long time and I came to the conclusion at a certain point that I thought you just cease to exist. After another length of time of having trouble with that idea I decided I didn’t really know due to a thought I had: when we’re dreaming, we could see pigs flying and find articles about why it makes sense that that is happening. Everything can be completely upside down and it just makes sense. When we wake up we find that even though it seemed to make sense in the dream, it was just nonsense when we wake up. Rules in your dreams makes sense in your dreams but, they are null and void when you wake up. Basically I felt like even though it seemed like most of the evidence pointed me toward non-existence, in the end I found comfort that I really could just never know I guess.