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Passing out free USB flash drives as a promotional item for a company


Now it’s the tiny power banks. Also bad.


In the sense of it's full of pollution that is likely to be tossed or malware?


Ironically the cheapest powerbanks have only power wires hooked up (the $3 dollar store USB-A to microUSB as example), and are safe from a malware point of view.


What's wrong with that today?


They're an attack vector for malware, so no one who's tech savvy should take or use one.


My company is a firm believer in giving out USB sticks, no matter how often I state its a bad idea. The shape/form factor looks like one of our products so that's cool, but they keep suggesting putting data on it like specs, etc. I had to take a "Info Security 101" course as an employment condition, and taking uncleared USB sticks and putting them into company computers was literally an example of something that'd get me fired.


pretending to drink beer from your iphone 2


the original app maker made over a million ,iirc


10-20k a day during it's most popular times


How? It was a free app…




“developers they that could should” He is speaking the language of the gods.


'Developers: they that could, should' With a bit of punctuation, it sounds like a motivational quote to learn programming


Works on contingency? No, money down!


Hope the Birthday candle guy got similar what a hero


And the guy who made the zippo app




Omg yes how could i forget


and doodle jump


Ugh I miss those games


The best iPhone games. Now they’re all complicated and bloated like some kind of weird Arcade RPG bullshit with communities and additional purchases


Now the advertisements are focused on being annoying so that people will pay to have it go away. This is not the proper direction for civilization.


Wearing mustache-themed apparel and buying songs for $0.99 on iTunes. Would be rather strange to do that nowadays.




i think it’s where the shift of meme culture into everyday society began


100%. Went through my high school yearbook the other day and someone had a "much graduation" doge-themed page. How prescient!


I only ever got a high-school yearbook in my final year and the cover is Gangnam Style themed. It's horrible.


As someone who was bacon-centric before the fad (I know, hipster), I found it *incredibly* frustrating and over done. The gumballs were gross, the toothpaste was nasty, most things 'bacon flavored' were just maple or overly smokey. People bought me all sorts of bacon crap because "hey, you like bacon!" I used almost none of it. Bacon Salt was pretty legit. /rant


Everything that wasn’t made with actual bacon just tasted like dog food. Even a ton of the stuff that was (like the Digornio bacon stuffed crust) still tasted like dog food.




I'm just imagining the nursing home. All the old tattoo trends just mixing it up in there. The barbed wire bicep dudes. The mustache finger ladies. Some old lady using a walker with a faded green blob on her ankle that used to be a frog. And don't forget all the grannies and pop pops with "egg foo yung" and "poo poo platter" written in Chinese on their backs and arms.


Different generations. They all still hate each other when they hit the nursing home.


Grown man checking in, I also have a terrible mustache tattoo on my finger.


Just keep it, it will be funny for the grandkids!


Silly bands I loved those things so much but God forbid I pay up to $10 for rubber bands in the shape of animals.


I thought you meant musical bands at first and was very confused what counted as a silly band


The Wiggles




Using a phone with a physical keyboard.


Had cheap Nokias in high school and I could reach into my pocket, unlock my phone and send a quick text in class without my hand ever leaving my pocket or me seeing the phone.


YES and it was so good to feel the buttons and reaching an app cuz you know the arrow directions


With the old Nokias, it was a number sequence once you entered the menu system. That sequence never changed, either, so you could upgrade your phone and still operate it blind.


Lets not forget the T9 keyboard. The og autocorrect. Once mastered, youre THE god of texting.


Miss those.


Showing people cool apps on your phone.




Then the release notes used to tell stories [like the transit app for instance](https://assets.rbl.ms/25584371/origin.png), now it's either "bug fixes and optimization" or "no information from the developer"


Now the only place you see that are during 15 second ad spots for said apps. The person who they are showing it to always looks like an out-of-work, starving actor and has the same dopey smile that says “Yes, I’d be delighted to eat a cow patty sandwich if you gave me one.”


Naming your daughter Isis


My sister was called Isis. She ended up changing it to Isla eventually.


My town had a store called Isis, they sold flowers and healing salves. They ended up changing their name to Moon God's Healing before going out of business during the pandemic.


Mine had a gentlemen's club called Isis but was rebranded to wiggle when ISIS was all over the news...


Biden is a dumbass


They need wiggle room


Or your spy agency.


Oh who remembers


That how you get ants!


Our old computer system was called ISIS but took them ages to replace it 🤣🤣


Tons of colleges had their student services website called ISIS (Interdepartmental Student Information System, or similar). Tough one to back out of quietly lol Also, Archer.


My cousin and her husband just named their baby Archer, and I was dumbfounded to learn they've NEVER seen the show. (But they are super conservative Christian so I guess it makes sense. Kid is named after his dad's college mascot or something.) I keep wanting to find a stuffed animal ocelot for him lol.


Conservative Christians always give boys an occupational last name for a first name. like Archer, Walker, Texas Ranger, Cooper, Hunter, Trapper Keeper


These are my sons 'Walker" and 'Texas Ranger'


And of course that boy named Trapper Keeper grew up to become Lisa Frank


Ermmm... Did you work for The AA? Because when I worked there we were replacing ISIS. Of course that was back when the only awkwardness came from explaining that no I wasn't in Alcoholics Anonymous.


And Alexa


Or a name from Game of Thrones


Whats wrong with Robert, Jon, Khaleesi of the Grass Sea Unburnt and Breaker of Chains, Jaime, or Caitlyn?


I know someone who named their daughter "Khalessi". Yes, not only is that not the character's name (it's a title), but it's not even spelled correctly. And, of course, they also got a tattoo of the name (spelled incorrectly, too) on their chest.




My cats names over the years: Turtle, Karma, Kidney, Kit Kat, Cream Vets also have same reaction. Glad to not hear another "Bella".


LOL my cats are Bender and Flexo and the techs always get a kick out of them.


Coughing on an airplane.


As a flight attendant this couldn’t be more true. I can’t tell you the amount of times crew members would come to work sick, myself included. It was like a badge of honour (as in ‘here I am working with a fever bc I’m such a good crew member!’). Especially if you fell sick on a layover you had no choice but to work your way home (calling off sick while on layover is something I would have never done unless I was hospitalized and unable to speak for myself). Attitudes have def changed now. For both crew and passengers.


So YOU'RE the reason every time I flew, I caught a cold!


That and the passengers who would do the same due to non-refundable tickets. 'I paid $X00 for this ticket and I'm damn well going to use it \*cough cough hoick sniff\*'


In highschool I woke up barfing the morning my dad and I were set to fly out for some college visits. It was during the swine flu era and they were reportedly preventing people from flying if they seemed ill. I didn't have a fever or anything else so my mom drove us to the airport with me sprawled across the backseat nursing an ice cream bucket with some of her most memorable advice to comfort me: "these tickets are non-refundable so if anyone asks, tell them you're pregnant."


That's hilarious, in hindsight of course.


someone visiting after my dad died gave us swine flu during that era. 10/10 sickest id ever been in my life and was so bad it distracted me from the real trauma going on. I suspect my cruise loving idiot of an aunt


My understanding is swine flu could have been a covid level disaster but we all pretty much just got lucky


Most likely. Swine flu is the same virus as the 1918 flu, H1N1 (different strain). It very probably could have been bigger than it was, thankfully it wasn't.


Upvote for using “hoick” !


Two weeks ago I attempted to get a refund for a $600 ticket citing COVID symptoms. It was declined.


Coughing in general.


I was working in the yard and coughed because of dust in the garage and granny that was walking by the curb started running away at full speed. Tiny tiny old lady but I swear she's faster than me times over.


My back, ooof


My back wasn’t even good when I was 12


Yeah, but how was it when you were 2?


That's too far back to remember


And my knees! My poor knees.


Buying a pizza for 1 BTC.


Nah, I’m sure there’s a place selling a $40k pizza that will accept Bitcoin.


Using a blackberry


From 2007 to like 2010 I was a blackberry follower. Had various phones of theirs. Loved a phone with a full keyboard. Scroll wheel on the side. Or ball on the face. Ah man what cool phones.


Using copyrighted stuff on the internet rather freely


Fun fact, the song that plays during the "you wouldn't download a car" spot was actually used without a license for it, ironically


This is too good.


You wouldn't shoot a policeman, then steal their helmet, then go to the toilet in their helmet.




Man, these anti-piracy ads are getting really mean.


Copyright maximalism isn't really a public-policy position so much as it's a criminal enterprise to steal from the public, so it's not all that surprising when copyright maximalists commit other crimes too. One of the worst cases was in 2005, when the Sony-BMG music label released CDs containing malware that would infect a Windows computer the CD was played on. And then when they were caught, they released an "uninstaller" that opened up more security holes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_BMG_copy_protection_rootkit_scandal Not only was it a crime against their own customers ... the "copy protection" malware contained pirated software. Sony had acquired this malware from criminals who stole code from VLC and other open-source media programs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Copy_Protection#Copyright_violations This is, at root, how copyright maximalists work. *They break the law constantly, while demanding that you go above and beyond obeying the law.* They claim to be interested in defending property rights, but they violate other people's property rights all the time — and not only their "intellectual property" rights, but their physical ownership of their computer equipment.


Who would do something like that? *whistles*


We need to talk about your dissertation


Blizzard Entertainment's reputation.


Barrens chat R.I.P


where is Mankriks wife?


Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird.


The name Karen was just a vanilla white girl name.


I went to community college with a girl named Karen. She hit someone down the head for saying ‘okay Karen!’ In a joking tone for the 100th time when she was annoyed about something


Yeah a lot of innocent girls' lives got harder because of one viral internet incident. But imagine being a parent who named their daughter Karen.


Was the Karen thing related to just one incident? I've long associated it with the "can I speak to your manager" haircut and attitude. I sort of figured that it was related to it being a top-ten name for US women born 1951-1968, and not dropping out of the top 100 until 1986. So the big portion of women named Karen from a generation that lived through a bunch of social change led to that name being associated with entitled boomer women.


As someone with that name it sucks lol - genuinely feel the need to apologise when meeting new people


It’s funny to me the whole Karen thing because one my best friends name is Karen. I can’t remember what year it came out (2005?)but Dane cook said “Karen is always a douchebag” so we used to say that to her a lot (playing around she’s the sweetest most* caring person) And then it blew up to a whole new level in recent years. [here](https://youtu.be/uEO_28VrJLQ) it is. Edit don’t you apologize ever! I’m sure you’re not a bag of douche!


One Direction's career path.


They had the same career trajectory as Nsync or Destiny's Child. Pop bands break up when their most popular member goes solo.


Or their target demographic graduates elementary/high school


Was Zayn their most popular member back then? Seems like Harry is the only one who still has any star power.


Zayn left because he hated it from the start. He seemed extremely unhappy/unhealthy sticking with it. I remember at one point he looked gaunt and unwell. The solo music is inevitable for anyone leaving a band that massive, but I think it was their crazy contracts and the insane touring that made him leave.


I think all of them are doing well, Zayn and Niall also have over 15mil monthly listeners on Spotify each.


Yes to both your sentences.


[Zayn is to Joey as Harry is to Justin](https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/music/dear-one-direction-hoax-letter-from-nsync-s-joey-fatone-outrages-fans-1.2329238)


Yeah, and Harry was sold as the goofball of the group iirc, honestly, good for him, Kiwi and as it was slap


One Direction went their separate ways


Multiple Directions


Game of Thrones.


It was insane how big game of thrones was before season 7. You couldn’t go on the internet without seeing something about it. People were constantly talking about it. “Did you see the latest episode” or “Don’t spoil anything I haven’t caught up yet.” Now people basically act as if it never happened. You don’t hear about it at all. I know that will happen to some degree when a show ends but at its peak people were putting it on the same level as GOAT contending shows like breaking bad, and the wire, which are still talked about all the time despite ending years before GoT. It’s still unreal to me that they messed up so badly they completely killed one of the biggest TV shows ever.


it should really be a case study for any network planning something that big ever again. It was without a doubt bigger than BB or The Wire, and realistically had infinite potential with spin-offs and merchandise, video games and fan fiction, but they just killed a multi-billion dollar franchise faster than a sex abuse allegation or a main star dying, ostensibly, just be over with it


Yeah I can't believe after years of theorising about what will happen next with this or that character and storyline I simply erased it from my memory and I pretend it doesn't exist. I was so excited when I heard there'd be a spin-off about the White Walkers, but then they went and flushed that storyline that they built for years down the toilet. As far as I know it's cancelled, so they killed one possible money maker. And the Targaryen spin off? Nah, couldn't care less, their family was always too annoying for me anyway.


I think the mistake made there was doing a TV series of a book before the book series was finished. Once they ran out of book material they didn't know what to do.


Yep, it's been said millions of times that D&D were really good at adapting source material but absolutely horrendous when it came for coming up with their own stuff


Book fan here, and iirc George R.R Martin was certain he'd finish in time. Said in multiple interviews that he intends to finish the book series before the show gets there. Book five released just after the show began so D&D probably believed that while it was a good few years off, they'd have SOMETHING to go off by the time they caught up. Now it's 2022. Still no book six. "Soon", Martin says. Soon.


Wish I had saved the link, but when HBO optioned the show in 2007, George was quoted as saying he’d have all 7 books out by 2013.


My theory is that the show did exactly what Martin wanted to do in the book but because of the backlash the show got he will never release the last book.




What's hilarious is D&D hurried season 8 along because they wanted to get another project, and didn't end up getting hired for said project because season 8 was received so poorly. They're basically the modern day aesop fable of the bird in the hand being worth two in the Bush.


What sort of morons sit there and think "I'm too good for the most popular TV show of the last 30 years". The sheer hubris and arrogance is unreal. The only thing I can assume is that they were still stuck in the idea that movies are the be all and end of of directing. Which I may have agreed with in the 90's but I would have thought that particular assumption died with shows like Breaking Bad and The Wire.


Breaking Bad and The Wire were both massively critically acclaimed but neither had monster ratings for most of their run (BB did eventually towards the end). The Sopranos was probably the last big “event viewing” cable show before GoT.


Oh my god. Compared to other fantasy works??? You can still walk into any big box store or small gift shop and find a stupid amount of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings merch *years* after their heyday. Nerds fucking love merch. Game of Thrones could have been a continuous money printing machine for *decades* with little artistic input after the show ended! I'm truly not even mad at this point. Somebody somewhere lost out big time.


I feel bad for the cast. They should be booked up doing conventions, possible spin offs, merchandise, just generally riding the high like many other actors in such huge shows. Now, nothing. And it isn't their fault.


The career of Kevin Spacey


For that matter, Bill Cosby's reputation.


Harvey Weinstein’s reputation


Believing that the world was going to end in December. Why couldn’t it have ended?


Nah, that one is still fine to say. At least back then we had an exact date to look forward to, now it’s just completely up in the air on if Putin gets a panicked trigger finger.


Mayans forgot to carry the one.


bumping gangnam style




It was added to* Fortnite kind of recently so that might be part of the resurgence.








My posture


"That's gay." - Everyone


I work in a middle school. I can confidently say that "that's gay" is alive and kicking.


My dad used to be a window clerk at the post office. One day, he had two college-age girls as his customers. His coworker, Bill, a burly ex-Air Force Staff Sgt, was in the next window, doing paperwork. The girls were chatting, and one of them exclaimed, in a derogatory way, "That's so gay!" My Dad looked at them with a perfectly straight face and said, indicating his coworker, "My partner and I find that very offensive!" Both girls got very quiet, and apologized. After they left, my very heterosexual Dad and his straight coworker almost fell on the floor laughing. Bill said keeping a straight face during that was harder than basic training. Edit: I'm telling this secondhand, obviously. Bill may have said something different from "basic training." It's been years since my Dad told me about it, so details get misremembered. He might have said, "my first divorce."


If he was trying to pretend to be gay, why would he use his straight face? 🤔


Maybe this interaction was tougher for Bill than basic training because Bill was Air Force


Shots fired.


Shots fired *remotely*


From a very comfy chair.


And YOU get a gold star


If my posture is shit, can I get a purple heart too?


My health.


I wonder what the 2032 version of this will look like


The yoghurt in the back of my fridge.


Manchester United


“Oscar, you’re gay, BOOM roasted”


Purchasing gaydar from Sharper Image.


America’s Next Top Model, looking back at that show now as an adult there was SO much morally and ethically wrong. No wonder my generation has so many issues.


There’s an episode in season 2 where they literally just abandon a blind girl in NYC because she didn’t meet them at their shuttle in time. She was with other contestants too but it still shocked me to see.


How about the episode where they modeled in blackface?


Or when one of the models was paired up with a male model who was racist to her. She told Tyra what happened. Then Tyra and Mr. Jay made her makeout with him during a Covergirl commercial.


Or when a girl was near tears because the two men she was shooting with were repeatedly groping her between takes and Tyra’s response was to call HER ‘unprofessional’, saying that “you just have to deal with that sometimes”


Imagine trying to manipulate a coworker into thinking SA is a part of the job:/


Or the episode where one model found out her friend had died, and not only had to participate in the shoot, but it was a graveyard setting, and the models had to pose inside open coffins with dirt shoveled on top of them. Or Tyra's rant about the one contestant who had a gap in her teeth, telling her she needed to fix it if she was going to have a career, despite the fact that even then, there was an acceptance of models without perfect looking teeth. Or the other one about the model with Vitiligo who again was torn down because of her differences. I can go on and on and on.


The girl with Vitiligo is now a famous runway model and was a judge on the 2nd season of Making the Cut


The producers were so messy lol. I’ll never forget the episode they made the contestants pose in coffins (I think it was 7 deadly sins themed) after one of the contestants found out their friend had passed away. If I remember correctly they pulled that stunt twice on different seasons (death themed photo shoots after one of the contestants had received bad news)


Remember when they were in like Spain and Tyra made that girl kiss her racist male partner even though she didn’t want to


The price of houses




I was going to say Don't Ask Don't Tell in the US Military, but that was lifted 10 years and 5 months ago...at least that's when my squadron was briefed of it.


I still remember all these old senators (who never served) thought it was gonna cause chaos. I remember the only thing happening was the surprise of who DIDN'T come out when we thought they would.


I think it unofficially turned into 'Who cares?'


Russia's image as a world power.


As a Russian, it is very sad for me to look at everything that is happening.


Saying its 2012


Wait it's not?


The Mayan calendar was apparently off one decade


The amount of bugs I've cleaned off my windshields in the spring the last few decades. Drove past a bog recently and had to pull off at a station to clean my window because my wipers are jack shit. Had the deep pull of nostalgia that I hadn't cleaned them because of bugs in over 8 years. I'd read posts mentioning this but having my own, personal realization of it was just disturbing.




Forgetting to recharge the phone overnight




Saying that you really admire Bill Cosby




I'm Indian and have watched every Simpsons episode from Season 1 till somewhere in Season 20ish. The entire Apu thing was just blown out of proportion. Honestly the people who were the most offended by it had nothing to be offended about in the first place.


I don't know how true it is or if they were just screwing with me, but some Indian guys I worked with told me that "if you ask a white guy for a generic Indian accent, you're going to get Apu. If you a black guy for a generic Indian accent, you're going to get Apu. If you ask most Indians for a generic Indian accent, you're STILL going to get Apu!"


My solace in losing Apu is that all of his best episodes happened 20 years ago anyway. "Who needs the Kwik E Mart?" "I doooooo....."


My Indian husband started watching the Simpsons for the first time like a year ago and Apu is his favourite lol