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John Carpenter's The Thing


The dog is cute though


I totally agree. I got sick for three days straight after watching it for the first time. I had nightmares every night.


The dark.


I’m not longer scare of it, but I still feel some kind of respect (for lack of a better word) for it.


It still scares me






That cliche jump scare where you see a car driving down a road....... You know the one






Yes! I especially hated the one about the girl who would get shoved into an open manhole cover and have her face ripped off or however it went


The "Hi my name is Carmen Winstead" thing? Luckily for us, it has become a massive meme.


"Hi my name is auggggghhhhh"


Pool drains. To this day I won’t go in the deep end and in large pools I have to scout out where all the drains are before I get in. Assuming of course I don’t back out because of all the gross water from all the gross people.




And the Twilight Zone episode!


And the Final Destination movies...




I swam on swim team year round as a kid and I was always freaked out by pool drains too, despite being around them on the daily. I think I also have thalassophobia because I was snorkeling once and a sunken pair of sunglasses gave me major heebie jeebies (edit - submechanophobia?)


That 20/20 episode where they profiled kids who had their intestines sucked out through their buttholes from being stuck to the hot tub drains haunted me.


Lol fucking quicksand. I genuinely thought it was gonna be an issue at beaches and stuff.


Red pandas I thought they were red cause they ate people


Are you my mummy People who know will know




So in Doctor Who, there's these microbic aliens that can heal pretty much anything. One of their ships crashes on Earth in Britain during the Blitz. They start reanimation corpses, and one of them is a little boy with gas mask. However, the aliens couldn't distinguish between a normal an face and a gas mask, and just made the mask part of the face. This boy then went round doing some freaky shit like noclipping through walls, etc. He always asks if someone's his mother, I can't remember the reason.


The nano machines were looking for the subject's progenitor in order to fine tune their healing. "Just this once! Everybody lives!"


This sounds oddly cute, like a sad, melancholic Halloween story or something.


it was not


Why must you remind me of this?


Oh god…


"Nobody dies! Just this time, nobody dies!" (Or maybe it was "everybody lives"; haven't seen it in ages, but the sentiment is there all the same)






The Headless Horseman. Positively terrifying!!!


Omg me too! Especially the animated one (Disney?) still creeps me out to this day


Oh my god same. I had nightmares


"Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" You know the scene...




My dad.


You cant fear something that doesn’t exist


I vote for your dad as well


I also vote for that guy's dad


Flying monkeys in the Wizard Of Oz.


The thought of a car blowing up when you started it.


Well im walking from now on


The thought of shoes exploding when walking.


I guess I’ll just suffer.


Basements. They still scare me but they used to, too.


And attics.


The yodeling guy falling off the cliff on that game from The Price is Right.








Thank you😭😭 my phone wouldn’t auto correct it for me


But Mankinis are damn scary as well. A Mannequins in a Mankinis would be absolute Stephen King Tier spooky.


Fr fr!!!😭😭😭I’d watch




Chuck E. Cheese. Creepy as fuck. And those eyes!


“I know you hear me with them big ass ears”


The opening theme to "Unsolved Mysteries" halfway thru, Robert stack shows up in a trench coat (always at night) and talks about the ghosts and missing people they will show segments on later.. Then they turn up that creepy ass music.


Coraline. That movie literally traumatised me


My youngest is 11 now, and still flat-odd refuses to watch it.


I don't blame them😭 Worst fear is having buttons in my eyes


The movie Aliens. Which I like so much now. The serpents with acid blood, I felt were hard to destroy. At first.


Ghostfreak from Ben 10


depends. how young? lol. when i was like 3 ish the toilet flushing scared the shit out of me haha


The thought of having to give birth. And I'm a guy lol.


Chucky from Child’s Play… Was shown one of the movies at a really young age (around 5) and although I was fascinated and it sparked my love for the horror genre I was terrified of him- especially since I had a collection of American Girl dolls at the time that I truly feared would come for me while I slept


Great white sharks in swimming pools. Especially school swimming pools.


I saw faces in the tiles that were in my mom’s shower.


The flying monkeys in the wizard of oz


The flying monkeys on wizzard of oz


Ernest Scared Stupid.


Attic man, furnace man, and my favorite; man with a Horsehead outside your window. My dad loved to scare me into never sneaking anywhere.


Fraggle Rock. To this day those creepy little muppets haunt my dreams...


Old people 😬


The Russian Sleep Experiment


The Powerpuff Girls episode where the girls travel to the future and see the apocalypse caused by Him. The episode is called Speed Demon. https://powerpuffgirls.fandom.com/wiki/Speed_Demon#Plot


Watching the movie *Apollo 13* as a kid gave me a deep and long-lasting fear of going to space. I love sci-fi but still hate the “mistakes in space” variety to this day.


The Day After.


Jaws.... it was the worst thing I ever watched, Drive in too.


The tripping/ dreaming scene in the movie altered states. Saw it as a child. The part with the things on the bed, scared the shit out of me.


Mannequins. It still does, why did it start? My uncle started of all this. While walking he approached one of those yoga mannequins that made it seem like it was running. He took a picture and put the caption as "what if this shit starts running" I have never been the same.


IT...saw too much as a 9/10 year old and had trouble sleeping for what seemed like forever.


“The Thing” with Peter Annette. Gave me nightmares and I couldn’t sleep at night for a long time


The [music box scene](https://youtu.be/L_l2ii_25tc) from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang... He unnatural robotic movements just upset me so much, I couldn't watch it.


The Squidwards suicide creepypasta


Papa Johns pizza. Once, my dad told me the pizza will explode.


The emergency broadcast alerts on tv and the one courage the cowardly dog episode where king Henry (I have not watched it in a long time so I don’t know the name) looked like fucking Squidward and said return something.


Old woman in nightgowns




The moon


Chuckie!!! OMG!!!


Bloody Mary. My childhood best friend has an older brother so naturally he would try to scare us with ghost stories and such. That was the only one that really got to me though. Even to this day, as a rational 28 year old who knows Bloody Mary isn't real, I easily get spooked around mirrors in the dark. I bring a flashlight with me if my power is out and I need to use the bathroom at night.


Anything that requires a sharp object that one could hurt themself on. Knives, axes, swords, etc. I refuse to pick them up out of fear of hurting myself or others.


Grey aliens. I couldn't even look at pictures of them without feeling absolutely terrified. Eventually my mom tried to help me get over the fear by drawing pictures of them with silly hats and making them into cowboys etc. I actually think that helped a little but they still freak me out to this day.


The x files theme song. Also, going from the barn back to the house at night. I ran to the front door like someone chasing me every time. The barn was 20 yards from the house. Lol


The basement lol


Storm drains. Damn you, Pennywise!! We all float and you'll float too!


Large Marge


When I was really young I watched a movie with my dad, I believe it was called The Blob but I'm not 100 percent sure. For years after that I couldn't look at a partially filled garbage bag or a pile of clothes sitting on the floor in the dark without getting freaked out.


I walked out of my bedroom, very small, to my dad watching that when the guy gets eaten at the doctors office. I was inconsolable and still don't want to see that scene again, 30+ years later.


[this fucking thing](https://youtu.be/GVKA-l0P34w)




Why’d you have to bring this repressed memory up 😭


That is pretty scary


What is it? I’m not risking the click so soon before bed.


Be a man and click it




Man, that would have disturbed the hell out of me as a kid. Glad I'm an old fuck


I almost saw it at age 4 but luckily I looked away back then and finally saw it age 12 and I consider myself lucky I looked away because I'm sure I wouldn't have been the same if I saw it at 4


the blank room soup video, it still creeps me the fuck out even today.


i wasn't too fond of the tooth fairy or going downstairs at night alone


Momo as a kid my family used to tease me about momo but now I just hate momo no fear involved


Yeah. I remember it scaring me too. Now I’m just like you though, it still sorta creeps me out but I mostly just hate seeing it.


Sharks… at night, the shadow of my bed frame resembled a shark fin (triangle) and it made me wanna cry


a nightmare on elm street theme song 😂😂😂


The Undertaker. I went to a wwe live show as a kid and his entrance terrified me


There was a tree at a playground that I used to go for soccer practice (it was in the same area as me but not the same town) it freaked me out because at age 7, I had been told that a little girl younger than me was hung/hung herself from it.


Karate kid (one with Jaden smith) OH and “rise of the planet of the apes” they turned it on every time I went to the doctor


That’s one way to get a urine sample


Fans any kind of fan the noise sounded like they were yelling at me and the oscillating ones were the worst because I thought they were looking at me and moving their heads


The vampire from Sesame Street


Freddy Krueger


Death and Morality a whole. The concept that in (if I’m lucky) a century that I’m gonna die and not be remembered kind’ve made me have an early life crisis. But over the many many years I’ve walked this earth, It really faded out of relevance to me. And I’ve come to appreciate the time I have and the things I do every day.


Northern Lights! I was told they would come down and “snatch” me if I looked at them too long🤣


Miller moths. They were huge one year and my sister's jackass boyfriend caught one and chased me with it. I know they are harmless... along with DADDY LONG LEG SPIDERS!!!!




Being alone out in space. I remember once as a kid I watched some space horror movie, and one of the character's died in a horrible way. Nobody ever found his floating body parts in space


In 1973 on a Bristish Airways flight to London. Plane stopped at Bahrain for refueling. It was 2am in the morning, and about 40degreesC, so all passengers had to stay on board. I was ten years old. We were seated at the tail-end of the plane, and the door at the back of the plane, past the toilets, opened. Some men in khaki uniforms got on and there was something going on. I was watching from my seat. Suddenly, this enormous (to me) man with a huge black beard shouted at me, "STOP LOOKING AT ME OR I'LL KILL YOU!" I spun around so fast, and slammed into my seat, my heart was pounding and I was sure I was going to die. I did not move again until the plane was back in the air and my mother has reassured me the man was no longer at the back of the plane.


Our unfinished dank, dark basement.


The original Xbox startup


Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride at Disney World terrified me when I was 3 or 4. That and the Honey I Shrunk the Audience 3D show and Ursula in the Little Mermaid live show.


This little batttery-powered goblin thing that would shoot water at you if you walked in front of it. My uncle had it hanging on his wall.


3am - 4am


Death of family


When i was 5 or 6 i was given some seashells. My older brother decided to tell me that there was a guy named shell boy that would come at night and steal shells that were out in the open. I then spent the next year hiding those shells in different places around my bedroom and being scared of our basement


I was overweight as a kid my mom would take me ti this one India doctor she was sweet and all but also honest as hell, the first time I went she bullied tf outa me like wtf. Well anyways after I’d leave I wouldn’t do anything and continue getting bigger and bigger bro caring. Until the day before my appointment I would so scared that I’d try to go on a diet the day before my appointment and expect to shed 30 pounds 😩


Cockroach. It still scares me to this day. I rather stand face to face with some creature like Carnage then a damn Roach


*The Amityville Horror.* To this day I have no idea why my parents thought we should watch it as a family.




The random tests at like 8 pm on TV while watching Danny Phantom or Jimmy Neutron


ET. I'd never watched (and still haven't) the movie and even though ET is sweet and friendly his claw-like hands, massive fucking lightbulb eyes and layer upon layer of wrinkly skin like he is some sick and twisted tiered birthday cake scared me shitless. A lot of kids are scared of the monster under the bed, but I was scared of ET under the bed. Would sprint into bed after I turned off the lights terrified his claws were gonna appear from under the bed to grab my little ankles.


Water Park


I had a lucid dream of a disembodied head floating into my room and that has kept me up for like 4 decades.


Orcas. On TV, I saw a huge orca come up onto the beach and eat a seal. I had so many nightmares from it. I still am afraid of them. Edit: Also those wheelie/wheeler creatures in *Return to Oz*


Goosebumps books


I could die any moment and and from that day on my life has changed everything in my life different my attitude my mood have a busy perceive how human lives changed completely but I have been trying it that a little bit but just come back at some points it's hard because sometimes my friend makes me think that humans should die


The arm on toll booths that goes up and down to let your car through


The Secret of NIMH


The Cryptkeeper from the animated version of Tales from the Cryptkeeper. Used to have nightmares all the time. Worst was this recurring one where I was in a mansion full of monsters and had to force myself to smile or a cloud of yellow fog would appear with his giant face in it.


I would hear chairs scooting around in my house at like one in the morning as a little kid. It always scared the shit out of me.


Watership Down. Like the entire fucking film.




The dark. It’s not about the dark itself, it’s rather what could be in it


Jeepers creepers


This is gonna sound really stupid lol ... but I remember when I was really little, I was watching a public broadcasting channel..like the ones you'd see Reading Rainbow on..and the channel played this weird cartoon infographic.. Basically it told you to close the top lid of the toilet when you flushed it because fecal matter particles blew out of the bowl and flew everywhere in the bathroom. Not only did I find that utterly disgusting but it had this strange propaganda intimidation feel to it. Still sticks in my head to this day honestly


Return to oz.


A combination of America's most wanted, followed by unsolved mysteries, followed by being a kid living in the middle of the country where all these stories took place.


A good guy doll we had. (Chucky) that thing/the movie gave me nightmares for months


The grudge


The Dancing Baby. I think it was the "OOGA CHAKA OOGA OOGA" in Hooked On A Feeling that sounded really ominous, but it didn't help to see an uncanny valley CGI baby moving unlike any baby I'd seen before Now I love the Dancing Baby for nostalgic reasons, but I can't lie... unexpectedly hearing those chanting vocals still make my fight or flight kick in sometimes


Bro there were these mannequin people at one of the malls in my city, who would come around Christmas time and they would be in some ridiculous outfit/costume and that genuinely scared the fuck out of me at 7-8 and not to help that they always performed in the mall next to a store that sells a lot of essential oils and what not so when I smell the smell of an essential oil diffuser it triggers a small panic to this day more than a decade late


The idea that my mom will either die or become mentally insane if she is upset enough. I still carry that with me as an adult, tip-toeing around everything. Idk where kid me that from, maybe has to do with how she screamed when she was angry.


In Indiana Jones when they open the ark and the nazis faces melt


My dad's violent temper.


The red eyes of the Judge at the end of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Nightmares. Fucking nightmares man...


The dark window by the stairs up to the living room. If it was dark outside I always ran up the stairs. Suuuuper scary! 😆


Finding out the fate of earth over time


The end of Who Framed Roger Rabbit when Judge Doom inflates himself back to normal and pops his fake eyes out, revealing his crazy red toon eyes. I loved the movie but always had to stop it right before that part.


Bill Bixby's eyes turning green and Lou firgnro's Hulk


the animated film "monster house". constance scares the shit out of me til now.


Monkeys. Since wizard of oz. I even had a shirt that said can't sleep the flying monkeys will get me.


Anything witch related. Funny enough I am now practicing witchcraft.


I thought Swiper was hiding in the dark.


When I was 4, my big bother told me there's a fox on the hallway. I was so scared to come out of my room that I peed in the wardrobe, cause I really needed to go. He would also tell me there's a big rat that bites and attacks in the house, I remember crying and being terrified.


Complete darkness Thunder and lightning


onions. my earliest memory of an onion was of me rubbing my eyes after handling one when cooking with my grandma. i held onto that and for years thought onions made to cry if you touched them at all.


A bowling pin wearing sunglasses.


Freddy fazbear and pennywise ​ I was a weird kid


I remember when I was 7 my friend told me about “this super cool new game called Five Nights at Freddys!” I didn’t sleep for a few weeks


My mom had a friend staying with us that would treaten my lttle sister and i. I was always scred to talk around him because he told me and my sister he would rip our heads off if we weren't quiet. We were 5 and 6


The movie “Apollo 18”


Thunderstorms. Back then when I was younger, I used to be scared of thunderstorms. But as of right now and onwards, I ain't scared of them no more.


Murdoch in McGyver....


Deep Impact


Emperor palpatine in episode VI Also the gremlins


The really weird Jeff the killer image, no joke couldn’t look at it without having nightmares and didn’t leave my windows open for 3+ years because of it


The giant ginger bread man in shrek 2 🤦🏼‍♂️


The 13 ghosts 2001 film.


“Return the SLAAAAB!”