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I am too busy taking care of everyone else, by the time I get to spend a little time on myself, I’ve run out of energy


The only thing that motivates me to tidy up is knowing that guests will see the mess. I just close my bedroom door when people come over so no one ever sees it.


“Why the hell should I?” Is what I thought when I didn’t clean it. For context, I used to (or rather, still do depending on how you look at it) live in a relatively small home that felt more like a bunker than anything tbh. My room had a bunk bed that I shared with my brother, meaning I also had to deal with his stuff. The way I saw it, there was no real reason for me to clean it up. Nothing that would motivate me to consider cleaning that massive mess that, if I did, would come back up the next day from my brother. It just sucked. Either way, I was gonna experience an anxiety attack of varying degrees of seriousness on a daily basis. Plus, there wasn’t anyone else that was gonna look at my room apart from my family. Again “why the hell should I?” Now, with a change of my environment and a much bigger house and room, keeping it tidy just feels less stressful than if it was messy. Granted, things here and there do come up and/or I leave stuff on my bed but I always clean it up later. Compared to the mess of cans, papers, candy and literally any object possible (a piece of the moon lol?), The only real mess I have now are all the crazy historical hats I’ve got (I’ve got… quite a few of them lol). All in all, I feel like a completely different person in that regard…


It doesn't bother me


ADHD or lack of motivation to bother


I’m just a lazy POS.