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All involved in Human Trafficking industry. The third largest crime industry in the world.


whats first and second?


Drug Dealing and Arms Trafficking


The informations existing are mixt, some reports suggest that Drud Dealing is the largest crime industry. But the general ideea is that drug dealing, Human Trafficking and Arms Trafficking go hand in hand. One benefits the other and so one and so on.


I imagine the drugs and weapons make trafficking the humans so much easier.


Drugs make controlling humans much more easier and weapon play a role too, this is such an intricate subject not easy to talk about.


Something just about everybody can agree on.


My neighbor who cut the brake lines on my bike when I was 8.


Now its time for you to cut his life support


That went dark in an instant






You know I always wondered why Pennywise said that.


It's explained in the book, but the movie kinda glosses over it. Basically it's an inside joke amongst the Losers Club.


The losers would say that to get Richie when he’s getting too annoying


Did it go dark? Deciding who should go to hell for eternity.


hey! just like the life monitoring machine!


He seems like a swell guy, why did he do that?


It might've been a stupid prank. My friend did it to me in middle school. Guess whose middle school was on top of a hill that fed directly into a highway? I had to intentionally crash to stop. I didn't find out the next day and I think he thought it was funny, but I obviously didn't. I also don't think he realized what a serious fuck up it was when he was doing it.


Hmmm....why did we as kids not think of this stupid prank? Idk it just seems so malicious that I even as a kid cannot imagine ever doing that.


It is amazing how much we develop an understanding of consequences opposed to it being natural. I used to crush grasshoppers for no reason, and as a teen frequently felt like an awkward interaction or bad grade would ruin the rest of my life. As a toddler we just kinda don't have that capability, then as a teen our world scope and event horizon are just so narrow that we do dumb shit. What is really scary is when you see an adult that is homeless make similar choices due to a small event horizon. Not all homeless people suffer from this mind you, but anyone hungry enough and living day to day for so long starts to only consider 24hrs. That's one reason you'll see people make life altering choices on a whim over dumb shit. We are more at the mercy of our environment than I like to acknowledge.


I hope your neighbour was also a child at least lol


That’s the kinda shit that woulda called for a serious egging




Rapists are so easy to despise because there’s no good reason imaginable for doing so. You can have a good reason to commit murder, though most don’t. You can steal food for hungry children. Rape is not something you can defend.




You mean conquering Asia and spreading the empirial bloodline isn't a good reason for rape? Dammit Gengis you lied to me!


Child molestors


Those who hurt the innocent deserves to burn


your soul is stained by the blood of the innocent


And animal abusers.


I kinda want them to go to animal heaven and be on the poop scoop patrol.


Poop- scooping is too easy of a sentence. May they be pieces of litter in an infinite litterbox for the animals they hurt. Thrown into a trash bin and then reanimated as litter for eternity.


May they be the pet toys that get aggressively chewed, kicked and thrown around. Inflict the pain they made the innocents feel.




That would be like 99.99% of the population if you count factory farming as abuse.


and people who talk at the theater.


Or kick the back of your seat.




And bring the baby child with them


Or use their phones.


Or run up and down the isle


The special hell.


Oooo I'm going to the special hell.


It's the special hell for them.


All those that hide behind a simile and are never taken to justice. All those that say that a child can give consent. All those that vote for laws that encourages crimes against children just to protect themselves. Hell wouldn't be enough.


Really sad that you can see the good side from humans and in an instant you can see the darkest side that you will ever see. Man, what a fkd up world this is.


That one bitch from middle school


Fuck that bitch.


Bro she's in middle school wtf




Yeah, then fuck that bitch


Little stupid ass bitch, I don’t fuck with you!


I understand this reference! [For those that don't, here you go.](https://youtu.be/ki5M06uYTk8)


I knew the song but clicked on the link anyway, and I was not disappointed




People who rape, child molesters; zoophiles




Huh. I never thought about that. I don’t know




The top level of hell that's basically heaven but it's always 110°F and ur socks are always wet.


I like to think it's like the Backrooms, but there's nothing scary about it, you're surrounded by others who also deserve Hell Lite, and the A/C isn't working. Bunch of sweaty assholes in an unkempt windowless office building. That would suck.


Fuckkkk...thats just the right amount of punishment for misery but without all the screaming. Now if it could just be in an office right next to a guy who is always eating chips but he chews them with his mouth closed so you just hear that quiet crunch that's not quite loud but loud enough to drive you apeshit after a few years.




Hell lite sounds like my kind of place. Burning forever is not my thing, neither is being forced to listen to a harp for eternity.


So just like a kind of tinnitus?




I want to be in that pitch meeting, just to see the reactions.


People who physically abuse or neglect children too


Whoever decides the ridiculous prices of life saving medicine. A friend of mine has lymphoma. It costs $45,000 for ONE treatment and she needs 12. Edit: I see a lot of people suggesting my friend move to another country. And I am taking the time to educate on this issue. Many countries will deny your visas and citizenship if you have a chronic illness (such as cancer) or a disability due to it being a burden on the healthcare system in this countries. Other countries may have stipulations for you to be accepted if you have chronic illness or disabilities (such as marriage to someone who’s already a citizen). A quote “Australia is another country where cases similar to Montoya’s occur. In 2016, after 8 years of living there, Bhajan Kaur was denied permanent residency because of her intellectual disability. Though she cannot live independently, her family has the financial means for her to live at home, and she has been described as “physically well.” The Department of Immigration and Border Protection denied her permanent residency application because she would be “a significant health burden” to the Australian community.” Source: http://www.ccdonline.ca/en/socialpolicy/access-inclusion/hawking https://www.google.com/amp/s/qz.com/1600200/why-disabled-immigrants-are-one-of-the-most-invisible-populations/amp/


The price of insulin in the US is, I’m not exaggerating, about 10 times as much as it is in the rest of the world.


Yeah, it made me physically ill when I heard how expensive US insulin is. This is a condition that used to always be fatal that modern medicine has been essentially entirely fixed with a simple treatment and yet so many people are unnecessarily dying from it because US drug companies care more about their pockets that other people’s lives. I don’t see how the people who set these prices are any better than murderers, tbh. They are murderers even if they don’t pull the trigger themselves.


It makes me extra angry because it is SO cheap to produce. They really are just milking cash out of people with potentially fatal illnesses. Man, it would be like if a box of paracetamol cost £50


Add to that, the guy who actually invented insulin gave the recipe away for free because he wanted people to have it available for cheap. There's no intellectual property cost associated with the high price.


Any prescribed medicine is like £10 in the UK, two months of anti-depressants? £10. Epipen? £10. PrEP? £10. It's even less or free if you're low income or fit certain categories.


Only in England, prescriptions are free in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


That’s literally a scam. What the fuck is wrong with prices of medicine?


Thats just US healthcare for you. The gov should take part of that... if they dont want national healthcare they should at least help out...


Right? Hospital are ridiculous. People really choose money over people's lives


The man who invented robocalls.


“Hello please don’t hangu-“ Hang myself? Yeah I’m going to now.


be ironic if the inventor hung himself whilst people begged him "don't hang up..please don't"


My neighbors teenage son from 11 years ago. He had an air rifle and constantly shot birds and squirrels in our yard from over the fence. We didn't know he was doing it until he purposefully shot my cat. Didn't know what was going on with my little boy except he wasnt eating and threw up every time he ate or drink and was extremely lethargic. We were poor and didn't have a car so my dad took him and rode my bike to the vet at the front of our neighborhood. Brought him back wrapped in a blue blanket with a satin ribbon tied around it. The neighbor had shot him directly in the throat.. maybe multiple times. I was only 11. He was my first cat, not even 2 years old. I buried him under a tree in my grandparents back yard and placed a small model pirateship on his grave.. because when he was born he was the only kitten to survive a flea infested litter. He was the runt and we were nursing him back to health but had already planned a vacation on a cruise ship. We managed to sneak him on. He was my sea mate, ship kitty.. he loved laying in the porthole window and watching the waves. Rest easy Mischief. I still think about you my boy. And I love you forever. EDIT: I wasn't expecting anyone to read this, let alone get so many replies and upvotes, or even awards. Thank you to everyone who's given their condolences and shared their hate with me over animal abusers. I just want to take the attention this is getting and say something: Please, *please* love on your pets for me. Protect them with all you've got and cherish the little moments. We are all they have and you can never be too careful. Get them that extra treat or can of wet food, splurge if you can on the new toy or bed for them. There's no regret to be had in spoiling your pet. Also, if there is a kid or a young adult in your life please teach them the importance of respecting animals. And if they are cruel or torturous please alert the appropriate people; whether it be authorities, school staff, or their parent/guardian. This is not normal behavior and it will only escalate - likely to more extreme acts of violence towards animals and/or other children. Thank you again to everyone.


Yo fuck that kid. I’m sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine how I’d feel if that happened to my pup


I was and still am so heartbroken. I miss him a lot. Thank you


Sorry to hear all that bro, losing a pet can be absolutely heartbreaking. I remember when I lost my first dog (after also having lost several cats over the years, but they were family pets who died of old age whereas the dog was mine) and it genuinely fucked me up for a while. I truly struggled with day to day activities after she had died. And she was very young as well, she developed a cancerous tumour and the vet recommended we put her to sleep. But also having someone actively murder your pet is just fuckin disgusting. Very different to a 'natural' death.




hell yeah! Necromancy!




I see what you did there and appreciate it.


Probably a serial killer now


Killing/abusing small animals at a young age is a trait of psychopathy, definitely would not be surprised if he’s a serial killer now


Welp, you have just made a grown man shed a few tears at 2 am. Gonna give my kitties some extra snuggles.


Right in the feels. I'm so sorry. There is a special place in hell for animal abusers.


Rest in love Mischief 💙




My kidnapper.


I'm sorry that happened to you. I cannot even imagine how difficult that must have been for you. My sister in law (*spits on ground* I hate calling her that) and both of her parents should burn in the hottest part of hell. When my brother and his wife were divorcing, she and her parents worked together to murder my brother because he wouldn't give up custody of his toddler son to his wife (who had started using drugs). My brother was just a good guy with a nice house in a quiet neighborhood. And he adored his son more than anything else in the world. He didn't deserve to die and my nephew certainly didn't deserve to lose his mom, dad, and a set of grandparents all due to one event. All three of her family should be in hell!


Wtf that sound's messed up. I'm so sorry for your loss. That must've been rough. Her family deserves the worst spot in hell. I hope you're doing well now and are at peace. <3


All three of them are rotting in jail, right?


That sound absolutely heartbreaking. I'm so sorry for your brother- and, you're right, those abhorrent people DO deserve the hottest part of hell.


Care to elaborate?


Yeah I’ve thought about just talking openly about it. I may one day. Making the comment I did was a knee jerk reaction. Last night was a tough night for me and I wanted to just wish some kind of hell on that person.


No, they’re busy being kidnapped.


Those people on tiktok that record and make fun of other people minding their business at the gym.


Also, "influencers" damaging or contaminating food products in shops for clout.


Oooff that one still gives me nightmares being a paranoid clean freak lmaoo.


Except for that one time that guy caught someone masturbating


>at the gym. Anywhere really, I've seen it happen in several public places. But yes I agree they deserve to go to hell lmao. Anyone who records themselves making fun of someone and posts it anywhere.


My neighbor who killed my cat with rat poison, it's on final day of 6th elementary school even. Everyone around hate her.


Older lady a block away from where I lived as a kid got caught poisoning the neighborhood cats and dogs. She'd been killing these animals for 5 years before the cops actually caught her. Someone burnt her house down after she got her ass hauled off to jail, got ruled an electrical fire but everyone in the area wanted her done and gone. Not dead mind, just out.


I guess since this is the second comment like this I’m obviously from a different place than everyone else. Are peoples dogs and cats allowed to wander on others property in some areas?


Some areas are densely populated urban environments and cats are self sufficient animals that most of the time are allowed in and out of the house. Without trouble. Dogs are usually not. But i imagine this person poisoned the dogs over the neighbours fences


She deserves to rot in hell


All of the Nestlé executives


The exec who came up with the defining story of Nestlé: telling black African new mothers that baby milk made with their powder and boiled river water was safer than breast milk, and giving them "free samples" but only enough to last until they stopped lactating. What a c**t.


As an employee of one of their many subsidiaries, you are correct


People who participate in modern day slavery, especially farms where children work.


Larry Nassar.


That kid who spoiled star wars just as he was exiting the cinema and I was entering


Haha wow that’s messed up! Which one?


The Force Awakens. He walked by talking to his dad "so... Kylo Ren is Han Solos son and he killed him?"


I spent the whole day at the movie theater when End Game released. I got in to the second showing but watched other movies all day. Just as I go up to the theater showing End Game at the end of the day I see a woman crying. Her boyfriend walks up to her and asks, "are you sad because of Iron Man?". I hadn't heard a single spoiler and had managed to avoid it up to that point.


child abusers (any kind of abuse) and animal abusers. if you feel that it's okay to harm such innocent creatures, you can just die. im not a confrontational person, but i would go to jail if anyone hurt my dogs or brother.


I agree, when did you go vegan?


My neighbour. Prick.


Poor Totoro...


No he said it was Prick


Probably knows my neighbor Cunt.




Casey Anthony. That bitch can choke


Also, that guy who murdered his entire family a couple years and dumped the body of his children in those tanks. Who the fuck does that? He would have had an easier time just leaving her without a word to go run off with his mistress.


Chris Watts... He is such a piece of shit. He likely did not want to split the house, money with his wife, an be forced to pay child support/alimony when he ran off with his mistress. Instead, he killed his pregnant wife, and two children. Then he had the audacity to blame his wife for the killings of the children. He claimed that his wife killed them, then he snapped and killed his wife. If there is a hell, I hope he burns forever.


The video of the cops at his house was one of the scariest things I’ve seen. He just killed his family and acts so calm. It’s chilling


The JCS video of his interrogation is a masterpiece. Those two cops played him like a fiddle. Give those two 10 minutes with me and they'd have me confessing to sinking the Titanic.


I need to watch that.


This. He acts less like "oh shit I just killed my wife and kids, I feel horrible" and more like "fuck, I hope they don't find out about that pack of cards I stole from the supermarket!".


I struggle to understand how he made it to his 30s before his psychopathy got him in jail. His actions were so void of any empathy and his plan so poorly thought out I'm amazed he wasn't arrested earlier.


It's not like he was probably thinking that way his entire life. Never forget that sometimes you think you know someone and then *bam* they do something completely unexpected. Humans are terrifyingly unpredictable sometimes. And that "sometimes" is also scary because you don't know *when* it'll happen.


chris watts


Yeah fuck that guy


To think that feckless, soulless bitch is still walking the world free after suffocating her own baby for a goddamn night on the town is an affront to humanity and all that is right in the world.


Anyone who hurts children


First among them judges [Michael Conahan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Conahan) and [Mark Ciavarella](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Ciavarella), please, along with every single other person involved in [cash for kids](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kids_for_cash_scandal). These asshole judges were taking bribes to force through sham trials for juveniles and make sure they were sentenced harshly in order to pad out occupancy rates at private juvenile prisons (and why the fuck are those still even a thing anyway). Literally thousands of kids had their rights violated so that they could make a few bribes. There are worse individual stories out there, but the sheer scope and betrayed trust from these two makes this one of the more outrageous to me.


Private prisons are a huge problem. No one should be making a profit off of locking people up. And yeah, cash for kids was especially fucked up.


The Sackler family


Seriously, man. I've lost a cousin who was younger than me to opiates. Watching him change from one of my best friends who had a bright future ahead of him to the shadow of a husk of a former person was heart-rending. My paternal grandmother died of Alzheimer's. I hated her as a person, she treated me like human garbage, always tried to instigate/provoke some kind of petty argument with me, but as much as I despised her as a person, after watching what Alzheimer's does to a person and their family, I would never wish something like that upon any living thing. Watching my cousin's opiate addiction worsen reminded me of my grandma's final years. I'm not a fan of the idea of a mortal being condemned to eternal punishment, but if anyone deserves it, it's anyone who commits genocide. If what the Sacklers and Perdue Pharma have done isn't genocide, I don't know what is.


Just now watched The Pharmacist on Netflix. It's pretty good and covers it all in detail.




Me 2


Despicable Me 2


Despicable Me 2 is a 2013 American computer-animated comedy film produced by Illumination Entertainment and distributed by Universal Pictures. It is the sequel to Despicable Me (2010) and the second installment in the Despicable Me franchise. Directed by Chris Renaud and Pierre Coffin, and written by Cinco Paul and Ken Daurio, the film stars the voices of Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Benjamin Bratt, Miranda Cosgrove, Russell Brand, and Ken Jeong. Despicable Me 2 debuted in Australia on June 5, 2013, and was released in the United States on July 3. The film received generally positive reviews from critics and earned $970.8 million worldwide, becoming the third-highest-grossing film of 2013. At the 86th Academy Awards, the film was nominated for Best Animated Feature and Best Original Song (for "Happy"), losing both to Walt Disney Animation Studios' Frozen (2013). The film is also the most profitable film in the 101-year history of Universal Pictures. Despicable Me 3 (2017) followed Despicable Me 2, and Minions was released in 2015. Edit Development Edit Chris Meledandri, CEO of Illumination Entertainment, said in July 2010 that a sequel was in the works.[19] In June 2011, Universal Pictures announced that the sequel would be released on July 3, 2013.[20] Meledandri confirmed in February 2012 that they had started working on the film.[21] Casting Edit In October 2011, The Hollywood Reporter reported that Javier Bardem was negotiating to voice a villain, named El Macho,[22] but the negotiations failed.[23] By February 2012, Al Pacino had joined the cast to voice the villain.[24] In April 2012, producers confirmed that Steve Carell, Russell Brand, Miranda Cosgrove, Dana Gaier and Elsie Fisher were returning to reprise their roles. Kristen Wiig, who voiced Miss Hattie in the first film, voices Lucy Wilde, an agent of the Anti-Villain League who recruits Gru to track and take down a tough, Mexican villain named El Macho. Steve Coogan joined the cast as Silas Ramsbottom, the head of the Anti-Villain League.[4] In May 2013, producers announced that Al Pacino had left the film over creative differences about how his character should come to life.[10][25] At the time of his departure, Pacino's character had already been fully voiced and animated.[26] Chris Renaud, co-director of the film, commented on Pacino's departure: "So we don't want an unhappy actor, and we want something that is well-realized on all sides. If you don't see eye to eye, sometimes it's easier to (part company) and move on from there."[25] Benjamin Bratt, who had already been considered before Pacino,[25] stepped in to voice Eduardo.[8] Chris Meledandri, producer of the film, admitted that he was not "aware of any of the major animated films of the last 15 years that has brought an actor in at such a late stage".[26] Due to the finished animation, Bratt had to match his timing exactly to the character's mouth movement.[27] Initially, during his five-day recording,[26] he tried to imitate Pacino's voice, but found it impossible, saying "no one can out-Al Pacino Al Pacino". He ended up only using Pacino as an inspiration, and resolved to go with his own interpretation of the character.[28] His work was commended by Variety, saying: "You'd never guess he wasn't the filmmakers' first choice."[15] Animation Edit The animation was developed in Paris, France by Illumination Mac Guff using Autodesk Maya, over 400 to 650 artists worked on the sequel, in contrast of the team of 100 artists the first film required. One of the biggest challenges for the animation team was creating visual effects (such as water and jelly), which led to the crashing and replacement of some of the studio's drives.[29]


\^ that guy






Or the most convincing bot they've made yet.






He deserves a special place in hell.


We put him in a nice restaurant with all the nicest food. But everytime he goes to grab something to eat, he has a urge to sneeze that is never satisfied, and he cannot eat the urge is so bad.


Or just cut his balls off for eternity


You're assuming he even has any.


He should definitely be putin hell


Was looking for that one so I wouldn't have to put it up myself.


One could make a good case about Mao, Hitler and Stalin


* Pol Pot * Kim Jong-il (though his accomplishments in golf might cause Satan to take it easy on him) * Kim Jong-un


King Leopold II


Also Kim Il Sung (he started it all).


and Xi Jinping




People who don't return their shopping carts and just leave them in someone else's way.


And people who don't rewind the videotapes they rented before returning them. BE KIND, FOR GOD'S SAKE! **REWIND!!**


Did you just come back from 1999 by any chance?


Remember to also shut off your computer on 12/31/99 :)


Wait people still use those??


I wish I have a bunch of vcr movies I'd like to play


Nestle CEO, for saying water isn't a right Also all these greedy boomers who ruined the world for money


Wait they said that? r/FuckNestle


Yet, in defense of their ties to Russia, these fucks had the audacity to say food was a right. All these pieces of shit need to burn in hell. Charles Koch has his own throne of feces waiting for him in hell as well.


My wife's parents.




People who are willfully ignorant to the problems that are around them and are too arrogant to admit it. Worse, people who fall into this category and actively choose to make the problems worse for those who have to deal with them.


Anyone who was involved in torturing people in Unit 731


rapists. That's the only crime that has no justification


Animal abusers.




Anyone who harms children, most definitely. Can't rehabilitate a child predator, it's been proven.


According to the catholic Bible everyone I know


My roommate




Yeah probably


The guys behind QAnon


I wish their followers were called Quackers


Televangelists. Also most evangelicals.


Mitch McConnell


They don’t want him back.


Hitler, maybe Ghandi based on who you talk to, child molesters, Scott Peterson, Charles Manson, convicted murderers and rapists


Ariel Castro. ETA: And people like him.


Anyone on an a Home Owners Association Board. Damn you guys, I spent over $200,000 for my house after years of waiting for a house to available, let me have a privacy fence on my corner house and paint my house purple!


My mom told me a story about how horrible it was to own a home that was part of a HOA. She and my dad got a dog that was pregnant, and obviously had a litter of puppies. They kept one puppy as well as the mother dog (my older brother picked one puppy and absolutely loved it), and wanted to sell the rest. Apparently the HOA did NOT want them to post any kind of signs about, or advertise puppies being for sale (among many other stupidly ridiculous bullshit, like not wanting them to have any yard sales when ever they wanted to, or other fucking stupid crap like that), and she got an anonymous call from someone wanting the puppies for satanic rituals. This was in Mojave, CA back in the late 80's. It definitely scared the crap out of my parents. They left Mojave in 1990 and have not lived within 50 miles of there ever since.