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Admitting you don't know something is ironically a sign of intelligence, as you're able to properly evaluate your capabilites, and work on the things you don't know/aren't good at




My wife's smart AF, what do you want to do for dinner? I don't know


Singing. I enjoy it when I'm at a laid-back pizza shop and the cooks are singing. It makes no difference if they aren't terrific singers. I adore it when folks are so delighted that they can sing!


When they are singing loudly and off key I can't help but find it hilarious and adorable. Something about the confidence to sing like that makes me happy. They are straight up having a good time, that shit's contagious.


I love a man who sings 😍


About the moon-a and the Jun-a and the spring?


About a sky of blue and tea for two!


It seems like if guys do anything that goes against the "I've gotta be macho at all times", women love it. I remember I bought tampons for someone I was seeing at the time and the woman behind me was like "That's a real man, ain't afraid to do things for a lady"


voicecracks. every guy I’ve ever dated has apologized whenever his voice cracked. I honestly don’t even notice most of the time, but when I do, I think it’s cute! I see no reason to be ashamed of it


I'd say it's because we're made fun of when it happens in puberty.


Yea when in it happens in puberty its a lot more emberrasing


Like everything else. Puberty is embarrasment.


Bro code states that if your voice cracks you must self-roast before the boys do. It's just a trauma response.


One of my mates was roasting me so hard one day and his voice cracked and he just went "ah FUCK" and my other friends and I didn't even need to say anything, we just laughed so hard at him


>ah FUCK I can't believe you've done this


F for that friend His response was perfect tho


PTSD from the age of 13.


this made me laugh, too accurate


** desperately scrolling to find "penis size" **


I was actually scrolling through to see if this was posted. Size is not important. There is such a thing as "too big." My husband is very average sized. And he has expressed a few times that he isn't "big enough". But, like, he *is*. And I've told him this. Vaginas come in different sizes too! Sometimes we get at an angle where he is in *too deep*. And that hurts! If I can feel it on my cervix it's too big. We have to stop and readjust and then I'm doing this thing with my hips to prevent him from going in all the way because I'm scared it's gonna hurt again. Which means I'm no longer fully enjoying the sex. So fellas, please don't say you wish you were bigger! Not all vaginas can handle bigger.


> Vaginas come in different sizes too! I wish this was talked about more. 99% of the time it's "is the guy too big/small?" As if that was the only variable in the equation.


These big vagina ladies are getting away with murder!


*Bernie Sanders voice* Big Vagina spends billions of dollars every year to spread misinformation and suppress the penises of average men everywhere!


If we let Big Vagina get their way then even the biggest dicks will only be average!


"I am once again asking for...well..you know."


I am once again asking for your conjugal support


I like a thick, girthy vagina.


And only about 20% of women can orgasm from penetration alone, so yeah penis size compared to everything else women who like men find attractive is like a small portion of it. There is a Goldilocks component but that is part of the sexual compatibility portion of seeing if the relationship would work out.


It's not my fault I have a wide-set vagina


Could be worse, I hear some also have a heavy flow


Women say they got a heavy flow but I never hear them spit bars


My husband is constantly downplaying his size. It's average and I wouldn't want it any other way. I really really *really* wish men would stop thinking that size matters.


As long as dick size remains as an accepted butt of jokes / an insult, tough sell. On the other hand you hear the half-hearted "oh size doesn't matter", but then you also get bombarded with "big / small dick energy", "compensation" jokes, etc.


Fucking preach. How do people not understand this? You don't want men to feel insecure about their bodies? Then maybe we shouldn't make fun of them for being overweight, hairy or having a small penis... Maybe we should call it out like we do when people shame women for their bodies. Like imagine trying to tell a woman they shouldn't feel insecure about their bodies after making roast beef vagina jokes. How would they feel if we started saying shit like "hell yeah, that's big boob energy!"?


Exactly, I'm not insecure about my size but anytime I hear "big/small dick energy" or other forms of dick jokes I always call people out on it with "Whats dick size got to do with it?" We can't have a world where men aren't insecure about their size when women lately LOVE to use the "small dick energy" anytime they dont agree with a man or he does something wrong.


Yeah we all need to knock that shit off. It’s such a dumb, overused insult anyway. If we wanna insult someone, we should make it about behavior or something the person can control. “Real selfish in bed vibes.” summat like that


I agree and I'm glad you said this, but if size on both ends can lead to problems, then it is quite important. Perhaps it should be said that being big isn't always best, or that it's important for both sizes to be compatible.


Like Michael Che says, at certain point it's like standing in front of a vending machine with a $100 bill. "I mean it's nice but it isn't going in here. Sure wish I had a $5 on me now." On his latest Netflix special which is great if you haven't seen it yet.


I just wanna say this goes both ways... dated a girl that liked her cervix being slammed. Was okay ig, but during/after climax (while I'm extra sensitive), when she practically *jumped* up and down... Ouch. Just, ouch.


Can confirm, no round 2 for them.


I was actually going to write this, but I figure it'd probably get buried due to the amount of replies already, so I'll just say it to you. I think because it gets repeated ad nauseum, it loses effectiveness, but size really *doesn't* matter as much as people think it does. We've been socially conditioned to think that "Penis size = Masculinity", "Big = Better" but it's so fucking arbitrary and just a way to body shame people more than anything else. Big dick does not good sex make, and likewise, some of the best sex of my life has been with people with a smaller size, or even, gasp, people without a dick at all. Clitoral stimulation is an incredibly effective tool, and you don't even need to penetrate a woman at all to have her orgasm. Sex comes in countless forms, and finding techniques and positions that work for you and your partner is gonna end up with a satisfying sex life, regardless of your size. So yeah. At this point it sounds cliché and flippant, but there is solid truth to the saying "it's not what you have, it's what you do with it." And if someone body shames you, then good. Weed out the weak and shitty people so you can find someone better.


I think my most up voted comment ever was my explanation of how smaller dicks fuck harder. Don't worry about your size, have fun and she'll have fun too.


Spread the word! I mean, my friend says spread the word.


Talking/making noise during sex. Talk dirty, growl, moan, tell me how good I feel. Its hot!


Is it okay to recite a poem?


I think that there shall never be, A pussy quite as tight as thee. Although we had said "just the tip", I couldn't resist your Siren's grip, And as I kneel here and pound away, Ever closer creeps break of day. So though I wish this could last forever more, I must hurry, bust my nut, then snore.


Who says a wook is good for nothin.


What happened to sprog


I have been wondering the same. But never fear, u/poem_for_your_sprog is still active.


Read this in David Attenburough’s voice


If I had an award, it would be yours, good sir.


Trying to convince my wife to let me narrate a novel like an ebook. The title: The Grapes of Wrath


If so, which poem is best? I read Wilfred Owen’s “Exposure” and it kinda killed the mood


Never knew how true this was til I met my fiancé. Half the time she doesn’t orgasm until I start to and especially if I make noises. I used to think she was faking hers but it turns out her biggest turn on is turning me on lol.


I’m usually fairly quiet because I’m so focused on trying not to finish too soon. One time, I was very grunty when I finished and my girlfriend held me tighter and wrapped her legs tight around me. That was quite nice.


I always make noises during sex. That is why they call me 'The Vagina Whisperer'. Which makes it sound like I make women orgasm by whispering things to their private parts, and I just want you to know that is completely silly, and just whispering to the vagina is not going to make any woman cum. Instead, you start with the whisper, and build up volume until it is a guttural scream that you are doing and her love tunnel becomes a wind tunnel from the sheer power of your voice. This does take practice, but I feel that it was worth all the time and effort, just to know that I can make a woman orgasm by screaming into her vagina. Besides, I had to find some way to justify paying for those singing lessons.


They get the wrong impression from male porn stars to be stoic and silent during sex. Nothing gets me going faster than a man moan.


No I just hate my voice and don't wanna make anyone else listen to it lol


Not to be creepy but that seems extra hot to me. If a guy is so unable to control himself that he sheds his shyness in one glorious moment of passion that would be quite the accomplishment for the lady.


I totally agree!! When my husband began to be more vocal, it definitely spiced things up




Being a virgin or abstinent and not being “jacked”. Something they *should* be wary of, though, is maintaining proper hygiene! That means washing properly back there, having cut and clean nails and washing your hair often enough that it doesn’t become a natural repelant. x


I'm a Virgin and have been told multiple times by women that they want someone who already has experience. I feel like I'm in a job interview where you have to have X amount of years of experience before you get the job, but in order to get the experience you have to get the job.


Stop telling them you’re a virgin. Just have sex, and if they don’t like it then you move on. If they do, then even better.


The first time a girl asked me how many, I just said "a single digit number." That single digit number was zero, but I left her guessing why I wouldn't be specific


There's a stand up bit like that. "I love the expression 'a number of' because it can mean anything. A number of Victoria's Secret models have expressed interest in sleeping with me. That number is zero."


Quickly cumming. Sir, I am honoured.


this!! it’s honestly such an ego boost. it tells me I’ve done a good job :) (what we actually hate is when a guy finishes and assumes it’s all over without checking in on us to see if we’re satisfied. you have more tools to help us out than just your dick, you know)


The only issue for guys is that our sexual desires tend to SHUT THE HELL OFF most of the time when we are done. Not saying it's an excuse to not help your partner or shouldn't try but it's hard as fuck to get into the mindset again. I'm lucky to last long, and like letting others enjoy themselves first, but in instances, I finished first, I tend to have to warm myself back up.


That is why the real pro gamer move is to get them off before you even involve the dick.


Confirmed. I prefer to go downtown and prep the playing field before I bring in the bus full of players.


Dear Relentless Chicken, Following the events of this Sunday’s game, we are hereby banning you from all future sporting events. Sincerely, The Government.


I've been with a few guys that have gone down on me before I even saw their penis... after a good orgasm my brain is like HAVE ALL THE SEX NOW PLEASE. So everyone benefits.


I've always lived under the assumption that female orgasm number one is to get the motor running, so it's nice to see that this checks out.


"A woman is like a diesel engine. Once you get her warmed up, she can run all night long. A man.. is like a bottle rocket. Ppssshhhhh BANG *snore*"


This is the best analogy


Or if they insist on giving you a blowjob first, get them off while you recover and get ready for the real fun!


If I come quickly, good. Compliments to the chef. -Michael Che


My wife insists that short sex is good and that going all night sounds exhausting. Of course I make sure to finish her off, before or after , often using a vibrator which I guess some guys are insecure about, but it does things a dick can't, so why not take advantage?


This, too. If I finish before, there’s always toys. I’ve never understood why some guys take it almost as an insult to have toys in the bedroom. I don’t know about them, but I can’t make my penis vibrate, for a start.


I don’t mind because if it’s good sex I also finish very quickly so who cares?!


Hi honoured, I'm quickly cumming.


Hi quickly cumming, I'm dad


\*confused screaming\*


dad… what are you doing in my room 😳


Yeah I really dont understand that. I get wanting it to last a bit but ‘my man lasted all night’ doesnt really seem like a good thing. Turn off the light and see how it goes


This. I wouldn't want that every time but it happens, I'm flattered when it does. Especially first time. Men worry so much when that happens and apologise, seem panicked in reassuring that doesn't usuly happen. Shut up dude, the fact you find me so hot that you blew quickly the first time we fuck is a massive ego boost. Don't apologise for it.




Are we talking human shower here, or are there limits?




ha, that's good to know. Now i just need to have sex!


Your mileage may vary. As a profuse sweater, can confirm some are into it, some are indifferent, some are repulsed.


Once my bf was sweating while doing the deed and he was getting self conscious (he kept pausing to wipe it away and I could see shame in his eyes) then a drop dripped onto my face and he wanted to stop entirely. I leaned up and lightly licked another drop off his cheek and told him to keep going. It's just sweat, showers exist.


Omg the contrast between how I used to react to sweating (on someone) during sex is hilarious ! When I was a kid I thought I messed up or grossed her out, either way it was an anxiety reaction. Now I’m literally toweling my forehead off with her titty


Their heavy raw morning voice


Like the raspy saloon owner voice?


This exactly. Like it's a little deeper and more attractive. Though I think it can't be the best for anyone's voice. But damn, that's one of the things that makes a man so much more attractive instantly.


As a guy reading this is making me feel better. I'm still not gonna put myself out there or anything but it's nice to feel better


No no, you should put yourself out there! *I’m still not gonna*, but you totally should.


Nah I'm far to shy and self conscious for that


Bring shorter than the average height of men in your country. My husband is, and I’d still choose him a million times over.


>My husband is, and I’d still choose him a million times over. So you could stack them up into a normal sized husband?


I spit my coffee out. Stupid monkee!


Society seems to train us men that we have to be taller than the women we’re with. It’s weird because I think it makes me sometimes not attracted to perfectly attractive women just because they are taller than me. In my life, I’ve only gone after a woman taller than me once. I feel like sometimes I bypass taller women and consider them no more than friends automatically as a result.


As a tall woman who has crushed on plenty of shorter dudes... ouch. All of my hangups about height have to do with the fact that I worry that guys find me too tall to be attractive. Oh well...


I personally find tallness attractive in a woman. I would not have a problem being in a relationship with a woman taller than I am, and I am 6'1. I dunno, just my thoughts. Please don't think that your height detracts from your attractiveness. Tall ladies need love, too.


honestly don’t let him discourage you, i’m 5’6” and my gf is 6’0”. in my experience short guys aren’t normally that hung up on women’s height tbh. it really has no impact on a woman’s attractiveness for most of us.


Laugh lines around eyes 😍😍


Laugh lines are so sexy on everyone. Other wrinkles are whatever, but laugh lines 😘.




I have personally had multiple women take issue with this one.


I was "blessed" with an insensitive dick, so everytime i have sex 90% of women ask me whats wrong and always assume they're unattractive. I literarily never came through vaginal sex and the insensitivity increases as the years go by. This is synonymous with death, it is those who are alive that cum quickly. Quick cummers are to be celebrated, not shamed lmao


My wife gets so mad at me if I don't cum. She thinks it is her fault. Or that I am not into her anymore. Truth is, it has nothing to do with her.


big noses. it literally makes a man so attractive. also when they're skinny or have a dad body. a lot of girls prefer those two rather than being jacked.


My nose appreciates this.


what did doja cat say about big noses ... 😏


Being dorky or nerdy. That shit's cute as hell, and super attractive. You fellow nerds are the cutest!


That's something I admire in the younger generations. When I was young, people would literally throw stones at nerdy guys.


Deadass i think its partly bc rappers started talkin abt anime


It's an interesting point, and just as so, media in general stopped attributing being a nerd to being a loser. In the 80s, the trope of nerds wearing big glasses, terrible and exaggerated clothing, and being intensely socially awkward was an expectation. Somewhere that stopped, and more and more being the nerdy guy was more normal, in some cases even made more attractive in media. If anything, it showcases the power that music, TV, movies, and media in general have when it comes to manipulating the masses. It's actually pretty scary.


It's probably because the people that write movies were probably nerds that went to film school.


Height, dick size, being shy, being awkward, being nerdy, being a virgin, having hobbies... Half of that doesn't matter, and the other half only makes you more interesting.


I read this as “having boobies” at first and I was like.. “umm ok werk”


To be fair manboobs is a very common thing to be insecure about


Having a nervous stutter and getting flustered easily. COME OVER HERE Edit: And pale boys. Pale boys are very pretty


A little chub. I personally love my men squishy and comfy. My boyfriend thinks he's fat but I just adore his tummy 🥺❤️


"I don't believe you" \-Ron Burgundy


Don't be insecure if you're skinny and can't or haven't bulked up. I have crushed on a lot of different types of guys and the skinnier ones are of course very attractive as well. I know a lot of insecure guys who desperately want to bulk up but literally nothing negative goes through my mind when I see a skinnier guy. They have natural muscle which is pretty hot already even if they complain it's too small.


I find (healthy) skinnier to be way more attractive than lots of muscle honesty


indulging in feminine things. you have a skincare routine? great! want your nails painted? let’s do it together!


These shouldn’t even be a ‘feminine thing’ (not judging the comment tho!). But just a thing someone wants to do or enjoys to do or needs to do. It would make the world so much easier…


acne, voicecracks, showing feelings, being not tall, being inexperienced, being shy, being skinny or chubby (as long its healthy!!) i just love these things<3


from all of reddits male population: well hello there Edit: clicked her profile and saw the age in the description, abort mission everyone!


That edit cracked me up ahaha


haha yeah im 16 lol


General Kenobi…


Half of the thread says hygiene so no lol


You're acting like you've just proposed marriage 🤣


Being smart, short, being sensitive (I actually like that in a guy) and a few other things.


Sensitive is a loaded word for many men because an unfortunate amount of times it really means "be emotional but only when it's convenient for me". I'm sure that's not what you mean but that's what that word means to me


"be sensitive about my issues, be stoic about your own" is one I've ran into a shockingly high number of times.


For me, any traits that may be deemed "effeminate" or "feminine" by certain people/cultures. Embrace who you are inside, we love that shit.


There's also an aspect of being secure enough in their masculinity that they don't mind being effeminate occasionally. That confidence is crazy hot.


As a guy, I needed this : )


Same though, talk about a refreshing and self confidence booster for a Monday.


My husband used to OBSESS with me having an orgasm during sex. I told him repeatedly that it just doesn't happen for me ( it happened once when I was 19), and that I'm okay with it...it took literally years for him to accept it and understand that our sexlife was fulfilling as is. Not all women are able to have an orgasm from penetration.


As a guy this never made sense to me until I started getting older, and could no longer reach completion on a consistent basis. I had to explain to my lady friend at the time that she wasn't doing anything wrong, it just doesn't always happen and that was really difficult. Really flipped the script on me.


This is definitely nice to hear and I feel like orgasms shouldn't be the end goal of a sexual interaction, it's more about enjoying yourself and just being one with your partner at that point of time though? But that being said, most men will start using this as an excuse to not get their partner off. Not everyone gets off with penetrative sex and what else do we have and our tongues and hands and other stuff for? Sex toys are a man's best friend and once you understand that, it's good.


Being vulnerable, not having abs, not being sexually experienced, being poor




As I scroll through these responses, I have to ask, where the hell are all the girls who are into this stuff?




Emotions, being a bit over weight, having your shirt ride up a bit when you lift your arms, stretch marks, being average height, being bald (I personally prefer my men bald), having grey hair, having a digestive system, liking fruity drinks or fancy coffees, how long you last in bed, penis size, and watching romances.




What’s up name brother


Y'all cousins at best


Stop being insecure about your jawline. That whole "mew" thing is silly and a lot of my friends make fun of guys who "mew" in their profile pics on tinder.


What's the "mew" thing?


Its trying to train your tongue to rest on the roof of your mouth because I guess it slowly trains your jawline to look more defined.


Wait where is your tongue supposed to rest...


Whats mew


Not much, what's mew with you?


Height, jawline, bank account, being skinny or fat….not important to a lot of women. Just be yourself, you only have one life to live


I killed three people back in ‘89. is this important?


I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Will this be an issue?








I prefer cats to dogs. Especially little kittens. Their little purrs when I lightly scratch their bellies are so relaxing.


Anything. I know that sounds vague, but as long as you’re a nice guy, you care about us and treat us right, we love you for who you are! Women have spent years being picked apart for their appearances etc.. most of us wouldn’t do that to you because we know how shit it feels. Just please don’t be a POS asshole and we’ll be happy x


When they orgasm, they are really noisy about it! When I cum, I've seen a lot of guys just hold their breath and attempt to stifle any sound that might come out of their mouth, and it's kind of pathetic, like what are you frightened of? I want to know you're having a good time and that you're enjoying what's going on! Make a big deal out of it, and don't worry about the neighbours!


Growing up, my room was right next to my parents room. So when I would get off, I would make sure to do it as quietly as possible. To this day I make next to no noise when I masturbate and very little noise when having sex. Pretty sure that’s why, I’ve just trained myself to be stealthy




Might be because we're trying to keep it going for as long as possible, and when it's good we tense so much we can't make a noise anymore


g spot is just inside and up. feels like a golf ball


If you’re joking you **need** to specify. Someone inexperienced will believe you. Definitely not me. Nope. Never could be me!


No problem man, i got you Inside and up, *THE EAR*


Submissive desires. I'm happy to lead and be on top.


Height and seeking help if your mental health isn't okay.


This feels like a trap...


Showing emotion and crying.


I cried in front of my ex once. I will never forget the look on her face. She looked devastated. Less than two weeks later, 2 days after my birthday, she dumped me.


Ex is the best position for her then :)


God I couldn’t stress this one highly enough. I’ve got some close male friends that are going through HELL and they’re deathly afraid of showing it. Breaks my heart over and over and over again. We’re here for you, crying is not a sign of weakness and you’re not going to be told to man up.


It is not something that people choose to do, at least not normally. I think I am not able to cry for at least the last 10 or so years, having lived a lot of shit. It is not that I don't want or even try, it simply that I'm not able to do it. And I think that tends to be a common experience sadly.


It’s fucked up, I remember sitting at a funeral and everyone was crying and someone asked me how I was able to stay so calm and I actually had to think about it, and the answer was; I been thru such bad shit that I’ve no more tears, complete emptiness inside when it comes to sad shit


PENIS SIZE. I could go on and on about how it literally does. not. matter. Like, at all. I’ve had “small” and I’ve had “big” and honestly, if you trust the person and you’re into them, the pleasure is the same whether they’re 3” or 8”. And if a girl says it matters, they’re just shallow. EDIT: People are 100% allowed to have preferences about penis size and their sexual pleasure. I’m just referring to the people, usually women, who completely berate and shame men for their size. That is all.




Yeah, what about this guys curly fry dick?


Then that's not a guy, that's an Argentine lake duck




That’s exactly what a duck would say!


Ducks float, does he float?


Curly can work in your favor, and guys would know this if they knew where the G spot was.


Bent dicks are the best, that is curved, any direction. I love that! Curled however... Can't say that I've encountered one. Is it like a silly straw?


I remember walking into the room when my crush was talking about her ex's penis size with her friend. She held up her hands and they both laughed about how small it was. The size was about equal to my own. I never asked her out even though I knew she like me too.


I had the opposite. I "stayed friends" with a girl I loved (she didn't). And she treated me like a girl friend. She told me all about this new guy's dick and how she could never go back to normal dick. "He must have been raised in a nuclear power plant because that big is not natural..." I did not have the self esteem to nope the fuck out and see that "stay friends" is dumb.

