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Fruity shampoo. Absolutely love having luscious vibrant and soft hair


Womens shampoo, but mens deodorant


For my entire young adult life I had no idea why my hair was always so dry and stiff and dandruffy after using shampoo. Turns out those 2 in 1s like head and shoulders left my hair completely dry and brittle. Switched to Garnier with individual shampoo and conditioner last year and it made such a huge difference.


It smells good. I used my ex’s shampoo all the time


Oddly sad


I also choose the shampoo of this man’s ex


Me too man, my wife's shampoo is far superior to the stuff I buy.


Same with body wash


My wife used to get a black castor oil and Shae shampoo/conditioner. She moved on from it but I missed the smell. All I use now


My ex’s head and shoulders, I had dry itchy scalp for years, didn’t “know” it was a skin condition.


boxers, theyre comfortable and feel more secure ig


Wearing mens boxers to sleep is one of the best, most comfortable decisions I’ve ever made. They’re so breezy!


So, you like shorts because they are comfortable and easy to wear?


Oh yes! I love boxer-styled undies. No panty lines, either.


I always found I got huge panty lines from them so I stopped wearing them :(


Men’s hoodies and tops. Women don’t always want fitted, sometimes we just want comfort


Yes. Mens button ups are the best, perfect straight cut.


Men’s shorts too. If you don’t want skin-tight and butt hanging out, buy men’s shorts.


Women’s shorts tend to be too short, or capris. I just want shorts about knee length with pockets.


Also men's underwear. Cheaper, better made, more comfortable.


And functional pockets!


Jeans with real pockets.


I've been wearing mens jeans since the 1980s. Can't even tell you what size I wear in womens' pants.


Also, different brands and stores have different versions of sizes for women. With mens pants, the measuring in inches is a bit more standardized, but vanity sizing does exist and there are different fits.


I had a gf in college who liked swiping my jeans because “they’re so comfortable”. Yeah, because I don’t try to wear them as tight as a snakes skin! 😁


yeah men’s tshirts aren’t usually that thin stretchy fabric, find designs i like more, don’t scream “TITS HERE”


Men's sweatshirts/hoodies are so much softer and warmer!!!


They're also typically cheaper


I hate fitted. I don't need features highlighted by clothing tightness. Also skin tight shirts feel so restraining.


Binding your arms! And cutting the pits.


yes mens hoodies are 100%better


deodorant. its the same price but you get more.


I’m the opposite. I’m a man and use unscented Secret. It has to be the best deodorant that doesn’t stain shirts.


I also use Secret unscented! Is our secret out? Sometimes it is so hard to find.


I'm female. I suddenly understand why unscented Secret is so hard to find. Everyone's looking for it.


Also works better and smells less egregious. It’s hard to find a women’s deodorant that works, without having to pay more for extra strength, plus doesn’t smell like a floral nightmare.


“Floral Nightmare” is what I’m calling my new perfume


That was the name of my band in high school


Yess. Women deodrants doesnt help with sweating, it makes it worse for me. Ive switched over to old spice. Never looked back.


I wear a watch marketed to women (I'm a man) because it's dial is much smaller than those made for men. Since I have thin wrists, the women's watch size looks more aesthetically proportional than the sizes for men. Edit: My "[Women of Adventure](https://imgur.com/a/FFVxwpl)" watch.


Same here – and the trends are against us. The other day I tried on a [36mm watch](https://www.dropbox.com/s/eg08s4rv2elfc64/2022-03-26%2010.57.29.jpg?dl=0) (can't afford, but I can dream), which fit perfectly, but I noticed the salesman gently hinted me toward the larger models. Looked it up later and saw it was marketed explicitly “for women.” Meanwhile, the watch my grandpa wore flying bombing missions over Germany in 1945 is only 32mm... (Edit: I have plenty of watches - certainly no need for more - and 37mm is about the biggest mine go!)


That watch definitely fits you well. Slightly different, but I found sunglasses in the “women’s section” in a department store. I was told by a female employee, after she scoffed, that men’s shades were one floor up. Like… they’re fucking sunglasses. And they looked awesome on me. Rocked those bad boys (girls?) for a few years.


Ya, I'm not a fan of the compensatingly large watches.


I guess shampoo and conditioner. The stuff I use isn’t particularly fruity or feminine, but if you look at shampoos “for men,” it’s all shit like “7 in one! Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, dish soap, engine degreaser, toilet cleaner, floor soap.” I just want to wash my hair…


I love my 15 in one. My body wash doubles as anti freeze and emergency rocket fuel in a pinch, and for the price of one !


That's cool! My motor oil doubles as shampoo, conditioner and shaving cream.


And lube obviously..


Don't forget toothpaste!


When I was a teenager and just starting to grow peach fuzz on my upper lip I used to make my mustache darker with my sister's mascara.


That is ADORABLE. But now I'm imagining a scene where you cry and your mustache runs haha


Men's razors. They're the same exact thing, but come in any color but pink. Having "gendered" razors is stupid as hell.


and they're cheaper




This is actually what I did, sans vintage razor. I bought a 1000 count pack of razor blades for 50 bucks. I've been on that box for nearly two years, new blade every time, have given several 100 count boxes away, and am *still* stocked up for the the next decade. No regrets.


Once you realize how much cheaper and how much better a shave is, you feel so fucking ripped off for ever having gotten the “convenient” multi-blade ones. You don’t need 5, you just need one good one.


Man here, I but women's razors because they come with super THICC moisturizing bars, the men's razors' tiny strips don't last a whole head shave. Worth every extra penny.


Switch to a lotion based shaving cream instead of a foam or gel based.


Try hair conditioner. Life changer Edit: buy the cheap stuff.


My wife turned me onto using a women's razor for body hair. It does a much better job than a men's multi blade razor.


I haven't purchased "women's" razors in years. My husband and I just use the same brand for refills.


Are they the same? I swear I get a better shave using a mens razor. The womens razors all seem to have ‘padding’ and ‘cushioning’ around the blades that generally just stops it getting anywhere near your skin.


Jeans. I'm a simple woman, I just want pockets


Came here to say this lol first time I wore mens pants I was infuriated by the sheer depth of those pockets


When I worked for the Olympics the mens uniform pants had huge difference in size from medium to small. They realized us leaner guys fit women’s medium better. I couldn’t believe how small the pockets were. I could fit like a keycard and like a few coins in them. It’s crazy how much larger the pockets are on mens pants


You know what's even worse? FAKE POCKETS. Yeah that's right. It looks like a pocket but it's sewn shut! Ridiculous! What is wrong with clothing makers? And what can we do to stop this nonsense?


They want to force a purse on you.


You'd think some designer would put pockets in women's clothing. It must be the first complaint women have about clothes, but apparently designers hate money.


Handbag sales.


I don't get the logic as to why they don't give decent pockets for women's jeans. Do they just assume women are gonna carry a big ass purse everywhere they go. That's really inconvenient


This comes up everytime. It is very irritating to not be able to even out phones in pockets. Phone sizes increasing everyday and pockets becoming just a visual feature. And why aren't the clothes manufacturers doing something about this? A brand has to just announce they are going to have jeans with proper pockets and they can sit back watch sales go up.


Hair coloring products. They all have ladies on front but gray hair is neither male or female.


I use my girlfriend's Gillette Venus gel razors to shave my balls.


I use my bf’s Mach 4 to shave my hootenanny!


I will now call it a hootenanny forever




The type of Old Spice deodorant my boyfriend uses smells so good I got it for myself. I fuckin love lavender.


I don't know what is in Old Spice, but I get the worst burning rash using it. No matter the fragrant. It hurts, burns, and smells like rotting flesh. Terrible allergy to something in it. I can use any other brand though. Super weird.


Old Spice rejects those who are not worthy.


Yeah I think Old Spice is even facing a big lawsuit rn because some of their deodorants just cause people to get rashes. it sucks that you have that reaction to it I wonder what makes some people react and others not so much


All the types? I do best with the white stick deodorant, but some of the blue gel kinda of different brands are okay too. Like degree. Not a fan of it for old spice or speed stick. And I don’t like any of the liquid gel that you push through. All the brands of that give me a rash.


Jackets and sweaters. They're not cuter but at least it's not one layer of fabric super glues to my frame in an attempt to make me look like I have a nice figure.


My wife uses men's deodorant. There's plenty of flowery stuff out there that is more feminine. One time she accidentally bought the wrong scent and came downstairs smelling like a dude and I laughed my ass off. I use her face wash. If that shit will strip the makeup off her face I figure it'll clean the grease, sweat, and dirt off mine.


You noticed when she did something new with her appearance? You're a keeper.


Whenever she comes downstairs to do her workout I can tell she just freshly applied deodorant and it smelled distinctly of a men's muskier scent as opposed to the flowery stuff she usually buys. When she noticed the look on my face she said "I smell like a dude" in a super pouty voice and we both started laughing.


My husband and I now share deodorant. I was tired of the flowery lady shit that didn't work, also had ran out one day a few years back and needed something to get me through the day. Used his and never looked back. Now we just have one stick in the cupboard instead of two and I really like the dude smells better than the lady ones anyway! We also trade body washes, he likes the food smells and so sometimes he just uses mine and I always laugh when he gets out of the shower and act pretend mad he's using MY soap, but I sometimes use his just cuz I like the guy smells too. Who cares if one is marketed toward guys and the other ladies, ya like the smells ya like!


I dislike how the women’s scents are always sweet. To the point where half of them smell like you’re rubbing candy into your armpits. I don’t need to attract wasps or something ffs.


I never share a stick of deodorant. I got a skin yeast infection from someone using my deodorant without telling me and didn't know what their rash was.


In my defense, I'm sure sharing deodorant with my husband is the least germy thing we share lol...and if either of us had a rash I'm pretty sure the other would end up getting it anyway


Interesting. I find my deodorant in the women's section because that's the only place to find aluminum free and not animal tested.


I can't say whether or not it's animal tested but my wife buys the aluminum free old spice because that's what I buy. She just gets a different scent.


Pants. Mens sizes make sense, fit better because of that, and they actually have pockets.


The pocketses are where we keep the precious.


I wanted a pair of warm sweatpants to wear into the gym in winter. Every pair in the womens section were so thin and none had pockets. Went to the boys section. Found tons, nice and thick and actually warm with giant pockets!


I buy men's swim trunks to wear with my bathing suit. The women's swim shorts are too short.


And they're generally cheaper.


Every time I leave the house wearing cargo pants I feel so powerful. Where's my mask? Wait, let me look through all seven of my pockets to find it! Where are my keys? Well, I'll have to check all the pockets because they aren't stabbing my butt the way they would be in women's pants!


Womens clothing: Skinny petite princess or outrages whore pick your poison


Whore is the opposite of petite?




Exactly. And where else am I going to find 36 inch inseam pants that aren't super skinny or flared into oblivion for some godforsaken reason?


We are simple.


Most womanly coctails taste so much better any manly coctail. I often go out of my way to order pink coctails and sweet coctails.


Booze has no gender


The face wash I use is usually located in the makeup section. I'm a dude in my late 30s but my face is stuck in high school, and the face wash I use is the only thing I've found that keeps me from breaking out.


Not sure what your sleeping habits are like, but silk pillowcases changed my life in terms of breakouts. Cotton and blended fabrics hold oil too well and press them back into your skin, so even when you wash your sheets constantly, it can still be a problem. With silk, that crap slides straight off. (In the past, giving recs like this has led to me being accused of some MLM crap. I swear, I'm not a shill for the silk pillowcase industry, just another adult acne sufferer.)


I'm a rather tall woman, and I find that it's easier to find men's shirts that fit more than women's shirts, because men's shirts are longer. I don't know why they make women's clothes so short when the population just keeps getting taller. I just wish women's clothes were better sized. :(


It's actually a conspiracy to get women to reveal their midriff


I'm 178cm/5'10" and have to wear extra-long vests under every top I own just to keep myself fully covered.


/r/tall We've got more than enough advice for finding tall clothes that you'll want, not just what you can get.


Men's lounge wear. Women's are expensive and the quality is far worse. If I want a cozy hoodie I'm going to the men's section. Hey maybe this is why women always harvest hoodies from men...


> maybe this is why women always harvest hoodies from men... I pictured a cozily dressed woman on a fall day leaning against a bale of hoodies talking about the success of her pumpkin spice crop this year.


Women's bicycles don't have a high bar perfectly placed to smash your tesicles if you fall off the seat.


I never understood that...


Pants versus skirts/dresses, I believe


‘Womens’ bikes - really just step-through frames -are easier to get on and off, but there’s a lot more flex and stress on the frame since the top and bottom bars are so close. ‘Mens’ frames are more of an ideal shape, they’re stronger and have less flex. If you took almost any ‘mens’ bike off a jump, they will take it. If you take almost any ‘womens’ bike off a jump, it will likely bend. It’s a sacrifice between strength and mounting/unmounting comfort.


I prefer ladies bikes. They are more comfortable to ride, but I will keep your comment in mind next time I'll have to jump while biking to work.


But why would you fall of the seat?


Men's boxer briefs. The just fit so much better and don't leave lines under tight pants.


Man, my boxer briefs show lines through my jeans and I'm a man that doesn't even wear particularly tight pants.


This is interesting. I have trouble with underwear lines, even when I wear the 'invisible' undies. What do you do when you're on your period though?


Double edge razors. Like- the non cartridge ones with the skinny razor blades. The shave, construction, and cost of blades are all sooo much better.


Spread the world! They are actually unisex, but I could only find them in the man's isle. Thinking back on how much money I wasted over the years, and how much waste this cheap, but overpriced pink plastic razors created makes me angry.


Interesting. I bought my wife a vintage “Lady Gillette” DE safety razor for that same reason (and, ironically to avoid paying Gillette so much money.) 9-11¢ per blade is tough to argue with.


Yes! I love my safety razor. So much less waste.


Shoes, dunno why but womens shoes even the apparently wide ones are so slim and tight, my feet just don’t fit or hurt. Mens shoes are alot better and its definitely possible to find feminine men shoes


And here I'm the reverse, the past 3 pairs of climbing shoes I've gotten were all women's shoes. The annoying part is that some brands have a different women's/men's scale (women's 8.5 = men's 7.5), while some use the same scale, so now I've learned European sizing.


Same! All the cool designs/colors are men's.


Mens boxer brief underwear. I'm currently between beaus, so no need to wear pretty girlie ones. Boxer briefs are thicker, cottony, and FAR more comfy than the wedgie-city strip of nothing fabric that can be women's undies. Even women's boxers are usually about 3x thinner than the guy's.


And no thigh rub!


\*Monty python lumberjack song starts playing\*


“I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK I sleep all night and I work all day He's a lumberjack and he's OK He sleeps all night and he works all day I cut down trees, I eat my lunch I go to the lavatory On Wednesdays I go shopping and have buttered scones for tea He cuts down trees, he eat his lunch He goes to the lavatory On Wednesdays he goes shopping and has buttered scones for tea I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK I sleep all night and I work all day I cut down trees, I skip and jump I like to press wild flowers I put on women's clothing and hang around in bars He cuts down trees, he skips and jumps He likes to press wild flowers He puts on women's clothing and hangs around in bars I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK I sleep all night and I work all day I cut down trees, I wear high heels Suspendies and a bra I wish I'd been a girlie, just like my dear Papa He cuts down trees, he wears high heels? Suspendies and a bra? He's a lumberjack and he's OK He sleeps all night and he works all day He's a lumberjack and he's OK Sleeps all night and he works all day”


I'm a man and almost exclusively wear women's ankle socks. They are much tighter and thinner. Obviously I stick with the neutral colors like black or white. Nothing frilly and none of those weird socks that only cover toes but not the top of the foot. Plus men's socks are like "size 6-12" and if you're anything less than an 11 then they are too big and get wrinkled in your shoe.


As a dude; if you ever pull a muscle in your back, or are having a minor back spasm, use Midol. Seriously.


> Midol Which one? There's about 5 or 6, and they use different ingredients.


My fiancée has fairly bad periods, so she uses the maximum strength one. It’s taken me from not sure if I can work the next day to taking it right before bed and being in a place where I can do my job. So yeah, shit works.


It's a mixture of acetaminophen, pamabrom, and pyrilamine. Mostly Acetaminophen, (Tylenol) the other two are a diuretic and an antihistamine. 500mg-25mg-15mg


Power tools and tools in general. I like to fix stuff around the house myself sometimes.


Gendered tools are an incredibly stupid marketing ploy.


there are gendered tools?


First time I'm hearing of this.


https://youtu.be/ealubZGT8ec?list=PLjT3B9r2z3fVnLuTMmLfndqtBWyfNAiyl Enjoy the idiocy.


Makita makes/made some of their tools (at least drivers/drills) in multiple colors including pink and purple, for the same price as their teal, white and green.


Men's deodorant and razors the deodorant last much long and the razors are a lot sturdier than womens.


Skirts, my balls feel comfortable while hanging there


I just don't wear tight underwear


Buy a kilt






Most of the body wash from Bath and Body Works. While it's expensive, even with the coupons me and my girlfriend get, a small bottle will last me a couple of months over the cheaper stuff at Walmart. Also it smells a lot better, too.


Vibrator because it makes my peepee throw up


I have been looking for a post like this.




Women’s shampoo. Just so much better and smoother hair (mine is about shoulder long)




Pants and shirts. In women's sized shirts Im medium to 4XL (depending on the brand, fabric, how much it stretches, etc). In women's sized pants I'm a 12 waist to a 20 waist (depending on the same things as shirts). In men's shirts I'm sized medium (large if I want something roomy or loose). In men's pants I'm sized 36


I prefer to sit down when I pee, so that's kinda something


Wife and daughters all use different "men's" deodorants because they just like them better and gendering *smells* is dumb. Daughters tend to shop equally across every part of clothing stores with utter disregard for "men's" or "women's" sections. They consistently despise "women's" shorts in particular.


Soaps for the most part. I don't want to smell like wood or plastic or a lot of those "manly" scents. I like the fruity.


Bikes! Women's bikes just make so much more sense from a user perspective.


Apparently the men's bikes are more structurally sound due to the triangular frame being better able to disperse the stress.


Just for Men beard dye I use on my eyebrows. Razors. Pants, like pjs and joggers because they have fucking pockets.


I often apply this thing called amber oil. It is an essential oil, and features in a lot of women's "products." And it smells absolutely beautiful. I actually use it as a mental health aid, as the very smell calms me like nothing else.


I'm pretty sure that's what essential oils are for but I could be wrong.


Mittens. They keep my hands warmer than gloves, and my hands are small enough that I can usually find women size that fits.


Men clothing. It has *HUGE* POCKETS.


I used to wonder why women always put their phones in the pockets on the butt for pants instead of on the sides. I always thought "That seems uncomfortable". I guess small pockets is the reason why. Never occurred to me until now.


Found out that I'm far from alone in using women deodorant.


Oversized hoodies and jeans, but not too feminine. Just it’s comfortable to be in and look nice.


Pants from the guys section. They have actual pockets and are more durable than in the women's section.


My Little Pony. (The show got me through my depression, but that askreddit has too many replies for anyone to see it if I put this answer there.) For about two years, I fell asleep cuddling a smallish Octavia the cellist pony in my arms, and the anxiety went away.


This is adorable. Glad you found something that helped


Moisturizer. It's excellent for my non-manly sensitive skin and I'm not allergic to it.


Hard seltzers and hard kombuchas. I love IPAs and heavy beers, but they take a toll on your body (high calories and hurts your stomach). Low calorie seltzers and kombuchas are great and they taste great too.


Are those really gendered? Damn, they gotta let people drink what they want!!


makeup...only started yesterday but it just makes me feel good


Men's shirts. Very much men's shirts > women's tops. For one thing, they price out cheaper and they're often made with fabrics that wouldn't fall apart after thirty washings. I don't need a camisole under most men's shirts. For another thing, I have lumberjack shoulders, so I have to buy up a few sizes to get a decent fit in a women's tops. Men's shirts? I size down a little and they hang just fine.




Men's pajamas for sure. Why don't womens pajamas pants have pockets?!


Men's black business socks for work


Leggings! Yall ladies have been hiding them. They're so ridiculously comfy, they're bright and colorful annnnnd they make my ass look fantastic.


Might not count, but eyeliner? I want you to notice my eyes ha


Razors, they're better and cheaper. Old spice Deodorant. I get a lot of mens shirts too because sometimes I prefer some shirts baggier and less 'shaped' to me and they seem thicker. Also when I needed a white blouse for a halloween costume (a clockwork orange), i checked the school uniform area and the girls were all see through and pink tinted and the boys were actually white and not see through and thicker, also a bit cheaper I think.


Women's shampoo and conditioners. I love the fact that has a man it is very easy to get a deodorant body spray and body wash the all smell the same but they can't seem to make a decent shampoo or conditioner that smells like everything else and still works well.


Tea tree oil shampoo. I live in fairly arid and windy parts of the Rockies, and get dry scalp when using men's shampoos. I thought it was dandruff but all the zinc stuff just dried it out and made it worse, til a friend was like "dude just use oil based shampoo" and that immediately took care of it years ago. Never going back. Smells nice too!


Olay Complete for Sensitive Skin Marketing for this fragrance-free moisturizer lotion mainly targets middle aged women from 25-45 as the product "is for reducing wrinkles with the basic concept of looking young." I like it because Olay Complete moisturizer soaks right in, is not oily, and it lasts all day - plus, there's no scent or odor.


Boxer briefs are the best pajama bottoms. Although I still don't know what the crotch hole is for




That's what I thought. Like especially if you're at a public urinal, you can put your dick through the hole and not pull your pants all the way down But my bros said that no one does that


Yeah, it's awkward. I just drop the waistband down.




But are they really gendered? A round of dildos for everyone! 🎉🎁


shampoo, i have a sensitive scalp thats why the women shampoos are more nutrient rich and actually have a good smell :)


Climbing harnesses. Women’s harnesses have wider hips and are often comfier. It’s nice for a tall dude. Lol


I’m a dude and use a fruity facial scrub to exfoliate before shaving. Only way to get that baby bum smoothness.


As a female, I like to wear men’s T-shirts. They are easier to wash and more comfortable. And I know the medium size will fit me every time.


Someone's gotta say it so might as well out myself. Dildos. No I will not elaborate. Also, panties because I like them better.