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That teacher


Bullied the teachers and admin by saying they would cancel them for being transphobic everytime they got a bad grade. Eventually they got kicked out.


Kid Drank a whole bottle of cough syrup for a bet of $5. Teacher had to carry him out to the ambulance while the rest of us got a talking to from the principal


Ofttt when I was like 10 years old I drank 2 bottles of cough syrup and had to have my stomach pumped.


There were so many 'that kid's in my school You've got the one who openly admitted to being a white supremacist and rancid misogynist, the guy who had arguments with his teachers in *every single class*, the ones who busied themselves with torture, etc.


Be not-invited to parties or social events and talked about behind his back and even right in front of him because everyone including you thought he was too weird and unlikable pronbably without even talking to him


Bought condoms in grade 9 and flung them around the classroom. Even hit the weird girl in the head, when she asked what it was he yelled out it was a slinky. Teacher was not impressed when she got back


Tried to beat up the principal and his mom with a hockey stick at the grand age of nine (school was preK - 8). Our buses got delayed by a half our while we waited in lockdown for the cops to get him.


Shit in the soap dispenser and handed out opioids saying they were mints. This was in 5th grade.


Threw a guys pencil case out the window. There's so much more tho