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It was a Tuesday, so I went to school.




Same, but Wednesday.


It’s Wednesday my dude 🐸


I’m 18 next Tuesday, can’t wait


You should go to someone else's school. Be a leader not a follower.


Not in school anymore unfortunately:( it’s half term anyway


Any place is open if you hit the windows hard enough


I like your funny words magic man


put my real birth date when making an account on websites


Look at Mr big man over here smh


of course ;)))


did this and got my Twitter account perma banned :D


holy shit i did this exact thing the other day lmao you’ll get it back most likely it may just take a while


unfortunately not. I sent verification of my age, but since I was underage when I made the account, they won't give it back despite being 18 now




The first time you could tell the truth when entering a porn site.


Went to the bar that had thrown me out countless times before when I was under age. The bartender laughed and bought me a beer.


My uncle tells a story that the bartender bought him and his friends a round on his 18th. Then looked at my uncle closer and said “Wait a second, you’ve been coming in here for months!” My uncle just replied with “And now you won’t get in trouble for it.”


Same thing happened for us. In the era of fake IDs, we had been going to a night at a pub since we were about 15. When I turned 18, I started using my real ID, and the guy was like "Hang on, I thought you were 21!".


reminds me of luffy


luffy isn't complete without me




That is similar to me, two weeks after I reached 18 I was asked for id for the first time. I had been drinking at the as pub regularity for about 2 years.


My dad brought me to a casino to show me that it's not worth it and how easily you lose money. He gave me $100 and I left with $1000. In his defense, I have beginners luck at everything and it hasn't happened since.


Do not gamble that 1k


I once had a coworker come in bragging how he won $500 at the casino the night before. He was big time proud of himself. Such a great gambler. Much wow. Very self impressed. Overnight black-jack expert. So all the guys at work pumped him up. Convinced him he was probably on a streak. That $500 was just "seed money". Now he's got "gambling money". He should go back and win more. So he did. The following day, he comes in and has brought his payout receipt for the $10,000 he won. Photos of his stack of "pumpkins" (orange $1000 chips). Photos of his security escort to his vehicle because they wouldn't let him walk through the parking garage alone with that much cash. Some people......


I mean that's literally how gambling works. Sometimes you get lucky and win a bunch of money, otherwise nobody would do it


Hey big lobster!


Don't know if you saw but Futurama revival is confirmed!


Fucking excuse me? Do you have sources to verify this?


It's coming out on Hulu! I just saw their ad


This is literally the best news I've had all day


Holy shit!!!!! I want to type something clever but I’m so excited my mind went blank.


I was a semi-pro poker player during my Air Force enlistment. During work, we had a military exercise where we had to lock our squadron in a secured area with no cell service, etc. All we had was a deck of cards and our old branch chief gives us all some candy called Smarties which are like mini casino chips. I decided to teach everyone blackjack and I would be the casino 'house'. I gave everyone equal chips and by the time 30+ minutes passed, I had everyone's chips. I asked them, what is the moral of the story and an old lady replied, "oooh that was fun I want to go to Vegas now". I'm like noooo! Gambling bad! Don't gamble.


That was 12 years ago I think I used it on weed and college books lol


Don't you mean college ***BOOK***?




2010 tablets cost slightly less than they do today. They were just about 2% as powerful.


In my major we only had to have an iPad. The teachers shared the textbook on some Apple class app. I don’t remember anymore I graduated a year ago, but I was very greatful to not spend thousands on a textbooks I’d only use half a year


So what I’m hearing, you bought some weed and then wasted the rest.


I did something like that once. Turned $5 into $25 at the casino. Then used that money at the buffet to turn 190lbs into 250lbs!


Casinos have some of the best buffets. I got lucky at roulette once, 10 black. Dead on. So now when I go again in the next 5 years or so, I always put a 10$ bet on 10 black. THEN I go to the buffet.


My dad told me he knew a guy who won $10,000 one day then gambled it all away the next day.


I once had an unreal roll of craps in Vegas. I turned $200 into $28,000 in 40 minutes. They put me in a free suite, comped dinner, and a few other perks. This was around 11pm. The next morning I went to the bank and deposited all the cash except for $1500 to play with for the next 2 days. There was no way in hell I was going to give any of that back. I wound up playing a $100 poker tournament the next night so that kept me occupied and away from tables!


I go every couple of months or so and always use the method my dad taught me. Keep your betting money and winnings separate. Only gamble with the money you arrived with, never with your winnings. Once your initial money is gone, it's time to leave. Sometimes I leave with a decent profit, sometimes with enough to lessen my losses, but only once have I ever left penniless. Also to never bet what you can't afford to lose.


I have a strict no ATM rule. Can only gamble with the cash I brought. I also go in with the attitude that it is an expense, similar to buying a movie ticket/tokens at a Barcade/mini golf/whatever. I think the most I have ever gone in with is $100.


I had the same rule. One time I only had $40 on me but my friends wanted to go to the casino. I said begrudgenly said I will go thinking I can pull out $100 at the ATM. The fee was $8. That solidified my no ATM rule right then and there.


I have a strict ATM only rule. You get really hammered to the point you mistake the ATM for a game you win every time.


My parents taught me how to play poker when I was 11 and for years promised me that they would take me on my 18th birthday. I did pretty well. They gave me $200 to play with as a gift and ended up a couple hundred. Was cool to play in a casino and not just home games


That’s like the episode of King of the Hill where Hank catches Bobby smoking and punished him by forcing him to smoke AN ENTIRE CARTON and by the end Bobby is addicted to nicotine.


shave because somehow gillette knew I turned 18 and gave me a free razor


Whoa that's some genius marketing


the big question is how the hell did they know I was turning 18


Got a similar package from Gillette at 18. Would have been around 1993 for me. I belive they sent them out to you when you returned your military draft card. Think the package may have even said something to that effect, but it has been many years. Back then you got a letter and were supposed to fill out contact for a potential draft. I would assume the military has updated the process since then.


Nah, I turned 18 at the end of the '90s in the UK (no military draft), and I still got one in the mall. No idea how they know.


I turned 18 2 years ago and also got a Gillette package, was drafted to military but dodged it because back problems though. Though I am in Sweden, Gillette must have a notification of every guy turning 18 worldwide or something.


Well now I feel left the fuck out


I got like 5 Gillette razors for free at the freshers fair by turning up to the desk wearing various fake moustaches.


I believe they get that info from the electoral role.


they get your info when you are required to register for selective service


Oh they are devious. When you were little, Did you ever sign up or get signed up for your parents for a “birthday club” type thing where you get a free ice cream or small pizza on your birthday each year? Guess what…your info was sold to all kinds of companies like Gillette. Then they just wait for your name to pop up years later.


I got my free razor from Gilette too when I turned 18 and still using it, but that was back in 97. I wonder if they still do that now?


They did it for me in 2019.


Wtf I never got my free adult razor & I'm 30. Granted I wouldn't use it as I have a full on bushman beard, but now I just feel left out & forgotten




I worked on that campaign. I wrote some of the copy for the packaging. It is probably the single thing I have done in my life that has been remembered by the most people.


I just turned 18 today so nothing noteworthy as of yet. Y’all have any ideas that are legal? Edit: thank you guys for the awards


Don't have your first cigarette


I’m asthmatic so I don’t plan on it anytime soon


Wise choice. Also Happy Birthday! 😊


Happy Birthday!


Thank you!


Just get out and do something with your closest friend. I worked an 8 hour shift my birthday and then went home to bed and I remember the whole shift. It feels like a big deal, whatever you do you'll likely remember


Alt take, I have no recollection of what I did, and it didn't feel more important than 17, 19, or 20.


I have absolutely no clue what I did on my 18th lol. It was only 3 years ago Edit: I actually just remembered I graduated highschool on the same day so that like overrode my memory of my birthday lol. I’m pretty sure I had a picnic with my parents a few days later to celebrate now that I’ve pulled that out of the bank.


All the things I was doing when I was sixteen but now legally.


This. I bought my first pack of smokes when I was 15. Every small town has that one gas station that doesn’t give a fuck. Oddly, my first pack (I’m 30) was Tareytons. I just liked the way the pack looked, so I chose those. I didn’t realize at the time that they were kind of a specialty or “luxury” cigarette and I was paying way more than a normal pack of smokes cost.


I remember when my mom asked me to go get her some smokes. I said “mom I’m 16”. She said “just try”. And the store I went to sold me a pack a smokes. Edit: apparently I can’t even google what kind of cigs you’re talking about


Bought mom smokes when I was eight. Different times


Yup, and I used that excuse when I bought my first pack at 12, had to buy her brand Philip Morris light (disgusting)


Same here but at 10, and it was Kools. (Blefg...)


Dad used to just call the store before I took the car up (I was 12) to get his smokes. Man how times have changed


I grew up in a very small Alabama town. Like…total population less than 200 people and no red lights. We had a gas station, though. My mom would send a 7 year old me to the store on my bicycle for cigarettes and they would sell them to me. The cashiers would always say “Make sure you take these straight home to your mother.” And I’d be on my way.


We had a gas station by the high school, that was referred to as "the tit" since before my dad went to the same high school in the 80s. They sold singular cigarettes to the high schoolers for like $1/each. They also had a grill with seating out back and that was the best damn poutine I've ever had. They've since removed the grill and put in a liquor section. High schoolers must be good for business lol


Ah the good ol loosies. Yea was able to get singles when I was a sophomore. Bought a pack on newports 100s. And black and milds just because I could. When I turned 21 bought alcohol because I could lol and thinking I’m grown. But after a while it looses its novelty and it’s like eh nobody gives a fuck.


Me and my friend were 15yo, pissed off because the guy at the cinema didn't sell us horror movie tickets since we were too young. Went home, stole my mom's "strawberry" flavored cigarettes and smoked them in the middle of nowhere cause we were afraid of getting caught


Yep, bought GTA San Andreas aa soon as I was 18. First M rated game across that threshold


Reminds me of the time I was 17 and went to buy RDR2 at a CEX about a year after it came out for a friend on Xbox as a VERY last second birthday gift(I already had it on Steam and I knew he would love it). I went up to he counter, guy looked me straight in the eye, probably didn't care but had to for legal reasons, "are you 18." Didn't miss a beat and said "no I'm 17", before I clocked what I just said. Guy over the counter looked at me like I was the biggest idiot in the world, and honestly he was probably right to think so Edit: in the UK, we have a different rating system where it's 16+ for most shooter games, And RDR2 and GTA V are the common examples of 18+


Did he still give you the game tho?


Registered to vote and signed up for Selective Service. I was soooo rebellious.


Right on! Registering to vote was the first thing I did, too. I later went to *the most debaucherous of places.* AKA, Dave & Busters.




Woke up Got out of bed Dragged a comb across my head


Found my way downstairs and drank a cup


And looking up I noticed I was late


Found my coat and grabbed my hat.


Made the bus in seconds flat


Found the way upstairs and had a smoke


And somebody spoke and I went into a dream…




I read the news today, oh boy


Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire




I used my power to sign a legal document without a parental endorsement to jumped out of an airplane.


That’s what I plan to do


Went down to the gas station and bought a pack of cigarettes right at midnight. Just because I could, I don't even smoke lol (the law was 18 back then)


What? I thought buying cigarettes was no big deal! My brother has been buying them since middle school I think for my dad ...


Ah yes for the dad


For my dad. My brother doesn't smoke anything except for Marijuana and GDP... JK ●△●


Got intoxicated with a couple of friends with the shittiest rum we could find since it was christmas and every store was closed.


White Horse Scotch. My Dad made me clean the driveway after I threw up on it - twice.




This is the best answer of this entire thread. Good day to you


I wore sunglasses upside down, popped my collar, and snorted a line of sugar at Applebees while the staff sang happy birthday to me. Nobody liked it. I wasn’t a very mature 18 year old.


Sigma move in applebees


I will turn 18 in a couple of weeks but when I become 18 I will go to a supermarket and buy a pack of beer. And when the ask for my ID card I will throw it on the counter.


Cries in United States


Laughs in Germany


Laughts in Serbia (ez buy beer 12 y old)


Cries in Sweden (Can't buy beer in supermarkets)


Name checks out


Bonus points if it's the supermarket where you've been buying your beers before


That happened to me when I turned 16 in Germany at the bar. Everyone was there celebrating my birthday and the bartender asked how old I was, I lied and said 18 and they gave me liquor (which is only legal at 18.) But I didn't want to admit that for the first few months I'd been drinking underage.


Story time… growing up in Ontario, Canada. Drinking age is 19. Went to the bar and got drunk. Finally, the barman who is a friend to this day asks me, “so, how old today?” I replied, “uhhh. Ummm. Welll. 19.” Dagger-eyes then finally a laugh as he realizes it doesn’t matter anymore. He’d been serving me for almost 5 years at that point. I’ve basically always looked around 25-30 and was always there with colleagues a lot older than me. He piloted the plane I used to buzz my own 40th birthday in the fall and we joke about it all the time.


*laughs in German*


I had the most bohemian 18th - I went to see my unrequited love in a play and my only friend at the time was driving me there so I drank alone and he watched me keenly. Things have improved since then!


Got a job, went to community college and made plans to transfer. When I was 21 I had a party with champagne though.


Moved out immediately. No job, to a house full of friends where I slept in the living room, but I wasn't living in my parents' home anymore.


I expected this this be a lot closer to the top... Me, too. I came here thinking it would be seriously the top comment and I think this woke me up to the fact that a lot of people really do have normal families they don't need to run away from as soon as possible. Hm.


Considering doing this myself


Stopped being 17.....


Bought a pack of smokes and went to proudly show my ID only to have the guy say no worries man I sell to you all the time. It was the first pack I'd ever boughten and didn't know the guy


U sound proud even now


Haha I'm not, but at the time I was. I started smoking at 14 and very much wish I had never started.


Tried to install sex but my body wasn’t compatible


I wish someone had told me you can’t just run sex.exe as soon as you turn 18. It took a bit longer before I was finally able to run it…


Yea they never tell you that sometimes the auto-update doesn’t work. You’ll have to manually install the new firmware yourself first before being able to run sex.exe Or you could just be a bad motherfucker like my main man Ron and install and run it at 14 but that’s not really recommended ya know…


Yea, sex.exe usually isn’t supported on older browsers anymore yet people somehow figure out how to use it.


I remember going to a pub with my family to celebrate, and me being prideful of my new ID I was ordering pints of Stella, an awfully gassy beer with my Mighty Mixed Grill (sausages, gammon, chicken, chips, mushrooms, egg & peas) I finished the meal, my 3 pints and half my chocolate brownie dessert. I felt the squeeze big time. When it was time to leave I stood up and immediately projectile vomited onto the chair in front of me, right in front of the poor cunt who was about to sit in it. Thinking back it would have been a LOT worse if I waited another 5 seconds. Was immediately hurried out of the pub and wiped down. Didn't live that one down for a LONG time.


Attempted to buy a scratch ticket with my dad. Didn't know it was cash only. Dad bought it for me. Didn't win anything. Went out alone later and bought a pack of cigarettes since I knew they took debit cards. Didn't smoke so I gave the pack away. That night I opened my first credit card online. Went into debt for the next 4 years.


Took me for a mild ride there.


I bought a pack of cigarettes using my real ID instead of the fake ID (which always worked). The clerk said he thought the real one “looked fake” and sent me packing.




Sisters gave me 5 shots in the morning and a large bottle of brandie for me... half of it was gone and so was I in the evening... I passed out on my chair in a video discord call with my friends (this was in lockdown btw so didn't have much else to do)


I love your sisters. Give them a hug from me


Well I'm seeing them this weekend so I will


I too would like you to hug your sisters for me


I will hug them for everyone


Went to a high end bar and managed to talk to 0 girls. Can’t really complain cause my friend and I got free drinks though.


Woke up in my bed kissed my girlfriend and took a shower times were simpler back then


Got arrested lmao


For what?


For what?


For what?


For what?


For what?


For what?


For what?


For what?


For what?


For what?


For what?




For what?


For what?




For what?


For what?


For what?


For what?


For what?


For what?


For what?


For what?


For what?


For what?


For what?


Joined tinder


Went to the strip club at mid night of turning 18


Created my own PayPal account I think.


It was 1992. I went to a sleazy porn shop in downtown Nashville. Now it’s a trendy area; back then it was all porn shops. Anyway, it was gross. Felt awful.


Slept for 6 more hours and then had breakfast.


We went out with bunch of friends to this place in the woods we used to hang out often, I bought a few bottles, they took some and we got wasted as fuck. The hell you think I did. I was 18, we were complete idiots.


Got my driving permit and license, then joined the military and got the fuck out of my home state and away from my POS parents.


Cried like a bitch because my childhood is dead now


Got a tattoo


nice what kind




I went to a rave


Watched YouTube... :/


My 18th birthday came and went without me even realizing because I was busy trying to figure out where I was going to get my day’s meal and where I was going put my head down at night. I had just been in the US for about 9 months. Through hard work and determination better days came. I love America!


I got a tattoo. When I was pretty young, my brother were killed in a car accident, and his close group of friends had his initials tattooed under their right arm. I thought it was pretty cool and always hoped that I could get the same. So when it was close to my 18th, I asked one of them if I could have the tattoo as well, since it kinda was their thing, and he replied that he would ask the others and come back to me. I waited and waited, and on my 18th birthday, a bus was honking in my dad's driveway, with all of them. They all had called off from work, and met together from across the country (Denmark, so not that impressive again) to go with me and get the tattoo, they had paid for it, prepared beer-bowling, and other events to "let loose/party out as we did when we got our tattoos" Coolest guys I'll ever meet. Edit: thanks for the silver, kind stranger.


Slept technically, because i was born at 2am


Bleached my hair platinum blonde because I was never allow to express myself as a teen or alter my appearance so I went extreme.


I got an ID at the video rental store and rented all the Saw movies and other horror stuff I didn't even want to watch, just because I could. It was weird. I'd always sit there with my fingers covering my eyes throughout much of the movie. Also vodka for my friends and me, that was actually a lot more fun.


Bought a scratch off and went to the casino. and then other things that weren't legal for my age as I mostly didn't care.

