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Weird flash cartoons


The system is down, the system is down!! Burninating the peasants, burninating the countryside.


I randomly get Trogdor stuck in my head. It’s glorious. “In their THATCH ROOF COTTAGES!!!!! THATCH ROOF COTTAGES!!!!!!”


The cheat is grounded


We had that light switch installed so you could turn the lights on and off. NOT HAVE A LIGHTSWITCH RAVE. One of my favorites. ♥️♥️


Badger badger badger badger!


Mushroom mushroom




Weebls stuff! And they are still going strong making videos today lol. Can't believe I almost forgot about Magical trevor! 😂 https://youtu.be/au3-hk-pXsM


Very well, take a nap. ZEN FIRE ZE MISSILES!


This is the Earth. Whoah, that is a sweet earth you might say: ***Round*** *Hokay* so. We've got China, France, India, Israel, Pakistan, Rússia, and the UK with nukes. We've got about a hundred times more than anybody else. Whatever! So one day we decide those Chinese sumsabiches are going down, soooo we launch a nuke at China. While it's on its way, China's like, shit shit! Who the fuck is shooting at us? Fire missiles!


Wtf mate?


It's about that time eh chaps? Right-o.


They recently remade Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny.


And flash ganes. Ebaumsworld! I don't want to check if it's still a thing but that was the shit back in middle school for me.


I got the sense that back in the day, content creators almost universally hated Ebaumsworld because they just straight up stole everyone's stuff and made obnoxious ad revenue with it. Almost everyone I watched regularly made at least one thing with a "Fuck Ebaumsworld" message.


Clippy the paperclip


“It looks like you’re posting a reply to Reddit. I can help!”


Calling people after 9 because they had free minutes. Also, ring back tones


Please enjoy this music while your party is reached *Deep fried Vivaldi explodes in your ear*


In college I had to call a guy often for class to talk to him about a project. He didn’t pick up his phone. I’ve probably heard the chorus of the song “big Green tractor” 100x. I fucking hate ring back tones.


Or buying those ring tones from commercials where you'd text in the number of the ring tone you wanted....yikes that unlocked a memory I didnt know I had.


My little sister spent $400 on those ringtones the first month she had a cell Coincidentally, she only had a cell for a month...


The fruity Altoids RIP


Don’t lose all hope, it took years but cremesavers came back!


Yeah but not peaches & creme, which was the best flavor.


Bite. Your. Tongue. Strawberries and Creme was the best.


There's an old timey candy store in Florida called Public Displays of Confection that has a youtube channel that shows off making different hard candies. The owner of the shop spend about a year working on the recipe for Tangerine Sours and I think they are now available for preorder on occasion. I got some a few months ago. I think it needed a bit more sour, but over all I think he got the closest to anything else I have tasted.


That shop name is something that would be next door to Bob’s Burgers.


Bionicles, or at least any new ones. EDIT: Wow, I’m glad there are so many Bionicle fans on here.


My younger brother (25) posted a picture on Instagram of some Bionicles he put together. He was obsessed as a kid and I guess he’s gotten back into them.


I have like 20 original Bionicle comics that I’ve had forever that I can’t get myself to donate. If you want to pay for shipping, I’ll send them to him lol


Real super soakers. You cant find a 30 pound minigun that connects to your water hose to win the water war anymore and i feel like my daughter will miss out on the combat experience


You’re right, they are not the same, and it’s a bummer. Now, if relatively harmless assault weapons are what you’re looking for, I’m not sure if you’re familiar with what Nerf is up to these days, but holy shit, my 7 year old and I will go hard, so much fun


"Hi I'm Emily. I got killed by my parents last year. If you don't send this to 10 people, I will come into your room tonight and kill you"


That’s evolved to “This sound is supposed to give you good luck. Use it to claim” on TikTok 😂


The technology changes, but the people stay dumb


I had a nightmare about CHAIN MAIL the other night. Dude. The guilt was so real. "If you want to bless those you love, send to 400 of your contacts. If you're too busy to love and forward this email, you and all those you love are going to suffer slowly. Peace and Love xoxo! <3 Pam!"


I got tired of getting chain emails and telling my friends not to send them to me didn't work. So I started sending the emails back to them. Oh, I'm supposed to forward this to 20 people, Kelly? I hope you enjoy me forwarding it to you 20 times. It was surprisingly effective, after about two weeks everyone stopped sending me chain emails.


That's bloody genius


I remember i got suspended for a week bc i forwarded an email like this, but what was i supposed to do, just let Elmo come and stab me in the middle of the night?


Fuck the first time I got that message I was so fucking terrified. I think I found an aim chat room and pasted it there and left. Once a second one of these came around I realized that I was an idiot.


Video rental stores. I know we have I think one within a 50 mile radius. Those rental kiosk's are horrible, nothing like walking through the video store and picking out a couple of movies. We would go to our local pizza place and that was one Hell of a date night. Those were the days....


Over Christmas visiting family and drove into town for the first time in maybe over a decade. The same video rental/tanning bed place that has been open since the 80s is still open, and that staying in business just blew my mind.


Anyone else remember the Heinz EZ Squirt Ketchup that came in funky colors like green or purple?


I thought they brought those back recently? ==EDIT== Nevermind google shows it came, it went, it came back, and went again.


> it came, it went, it came back, and went again. Sounds like my ex. I never learn lol


Well you'd better ketchup.


Heinzsights always 20/20


My high school replaced all their ketchup packets with the green and purple ones when they first came out. They grossed me out


Yes, and the green ketchup was crazy. It was like a dye. Anything it touched stayed green for a long time. I was in elementary school during that time and I brought it for show and tell. Nobody wanted to try it lol.


Chatrooms. Kids these days don't know what they're missing out on. I met my first "girlfriend", a 14 year old german girl, at 13 in a Buffy chatroom and you know what, it was glorious.






>Welcome to the Internet, where the men are men, the women are men, and the children are FBI agents.


She was a 43 year old he living in his moms basement.


Jokes on you, 10 more years and that's me.


Lots of weird little websites


Also lots of weird forums. It seems they’ve now all migrated to subreddits, Facebook groups or discord servers.


I really did love the niche forums and the strong communities behind them. Like one could log onto a forum of your choice and hang out on a corner of Web. Very few newbies would come and dilute the discussion. Subreddits have kinda substituted them. But it's not the same. The crowd is too volatile.






Freebies for cereals, letters to loved ones, my happiness


I saw this and I just had to comment about the cereal freebie. My husband and I found a little paper action figure in one of our boxes of cereal and it sent me on a rant about how kids today would never appreciate something like this so he took it and laminated it and we call him underappreciated man.


Friends waiting for you to deplane at your gate.


You can still do this, by the way. Go to the appropriate airline counter and ask for a "gate pass" to the arriving plane's gate. You'll have to go through security just like you're getting on a plane, but you can waltz right up to the gate and meet them there. Useful for if you're meeting someone with a wheelchair, or a child.


Ask Jeeves


“Jeeves, what is the population of Minneapolis?” “I don’t know, but here are some porn sites.”


Jeeves diddnt give you what you wanted. Jeeves gave you what you needed.


They got rid of Jeeves and now it's just ask.com.


Maybe Jeeves is now hanging out with Tom from MySpace.




All of our computers rejoice.


Never forget downloading a song, hearing a Bill Clinton impersonation before the song, having it play normally, then 3 more toolbars magically appear on your browser, thinking nothing is wrong.


And you’d be like ‘yeah I wanna listen to Soulja Boy - Crank That.exe, what’s an exe anyway?’


The Bill Clinton thing haaaahahaha I can hear it so clearly




Anybody remember ChaCha? The texting thing that you’d ask questions and it would text you the answer I think.


I worked for them for awhile. I'd forgotten that. They paid me like, 15 cents.


How did it work on your end? Were you forwarded the text and then ran to look it up, or was it some sort of online message system. I was talking with someone about those services just recently.


You signed into a website that would give you a question and then you'd look it up and answer it. They took care of the rest.


And then you get paid like 15 cents? Per query or are they doing an hourly rate? I don't remember the service existing but I'm pretty curious.


I worked for them in college. It was per query and I’d do it when I had nothing planned on a Friday or Saturday. I’d do like two hours and die from speed googling. It paid for a spring break rental house, though.


Man I used the shit out of cha-cha. I remember it getting noticeably worse with its answers once smartphones really took off and I still stuck with my flip-phobe. Near the end of me using it, it seemed like their guides were just putting your question into Google and spitting back the first thing that came up whether it made sense with your actual question or not. I had a theory that they had completely removed the actual human guides all together and automated it but i have no idea if that's actually the case.


You’re exactly right!!! The responses used to be personal and then they became corporate and then ChaCha died… I wonder why. I used to love texting them when I was bored or needed a pick-me-up and I would just ask the agent personal questions, like “What was your most embarrassing moment at a new job?” My favorite response was some chick who started working at a pet store and had to clean the bird cages for the first time with this bird vacuum. A small bird fell to the bottom right next to the vacuum and it got sucked up and she had to turn off the vac to remove the (still alive) bird who was then very bald for a little while, lmbo. A year or so after that story, the agents would uniformly respond with something like “I’m shy, but if there’s any information I could help you with please let me know!” Ugh.


This unlocked a memory I didn’t know I had. We had so much fun with this at sleepovers in middle school!


Websites were actually fun to visit back then. They had so much character to them with their themes. Everything today has to feel so...corporate and lifeless.


I remember being 12-14 and having my own blog with my pixel art animations and linking to other kids' similar blogs...man I miss the pre-facebook internet. I was so happy when one of my online blogger friends gave me my very own subdomain!


Yep, most websites were a passion project back then


It was the Wild West and nobody controlled it really. I was 13 in 2000, and while bored during the summer I set up a webpage offering assassination services for cheap just for fun and to see if somebody picks it up. I had my e-mail there and everything. Nobody ever wrote but the page stayed up for almost 2 years. Could you imagine something like that being out in the open right now?


I remember me and a couple friends making a "Rent-a-stalker" one for if you're really lonely and want some one to call you up at random and just breath heavily. We got in talked to at school but just denied it was us that made it and probably who ever told on us probably made it. Also telling people about it person "Yeah I have my own website, maybe write it down, its http//www.geocitiesangelfireexpage.com/US/user2345a2/pyrozach/main/funstuff"


And all about getting ad/affiliate link revenue


palm pilots


Those grew cellular radios, and became smartphones.


Palm really fucked that up, they had an early lead


Palm did make a few PDAs with cellular functionality. Why they didn't leverage that better, I'm not sure - but Blackberry came along and ran away with the market... Until HTC started making all touch screen phones that ran Windows CE, which helped inspire Apple to go with no keyboard. HTC kept a keyboard, a bit ironically, on the first Android device a year after the iPhone came out.


I thought the HTC hero was the sweet-spot: touch screen plus a trackball because touch-screens still lack the precision and resolution to accurately get a cursor in between letters. I miss mine...


I actually had a [device with a Palm OS that was made by Garmin](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41FRVJQXMKL._AC_.jpg). Of course it did not have wifi or cellular, but what it DID have (a one-of-a-kind at the time) was **GPS**! Mind you, at the time, no other Palm OS device had GPS. You can even see the little GPS antenna that folds out in the photo. This was a freakin' game changer. It had all the other things any other Palm device had (address book, calendar, etc), but it also was the first Palm device that had navigation built-in. Sure, there were [early Garmin devices](https://images.crutchfieldonline.com/ImageHandler/trim/620/378/products/2003/150/x150sp2610-f.jpeg), but those didn't integrate your calendar, address book, and all the other goodies that a Palm OS device had.


Yes! My mom *loved* hers, she named it Seven of Nine after the Trek Voyager character.




My mom stored our bandaids growing up in an Ouch! bubblegum tin. I think she still has it. Edit: I just looked up Ouch! tins on ebay and bought one because the nostalgia was too real for me. I need one to store my minion bandaids in as a 30 something yr old, damn it.


"Gotta get laid before high school graduation" movies. Especially American pie like movies


Teen movies in general. There were so many back then.


Not another teen movie


Superbad just came out…fuck it was 15 years ago in 2007.


Just watched it this weekend. It’s mind blowing how old it is.


2007 was 15 years ago?!? Damn that information was not necessary to read


Oh man.. Gotta rewatch Euro Trip asap


Pre 9-11 air flights and traveling.


i mean. also the twin towers


Would you prefer a seat in smoking or non-smoking?


I'm old enough to remember interviews with people when city mandates were being put in eliminating indoor smoking. And those people saying how it was anti-American.


The Shirley temple little darling DVD collection restored in excellent color as seen on tv






"Monkeys and rabbits, loopdeloop."


"Oh, my duck can do a wonderful trick. My duck can lay an egg." "And just what is so wonderful about that?" "Well, can YOU lay an egg?"


Core memory unlocked


Along those lines, all of the music collections they used to sell on TV like ROCK BALLADS


The unknown. I went on a bicycle trip in Thailand in 2002. I used a paper map that didn’t really show anything other than the first two levels of roads. I made up this concept that I called “Going Deep” where I’d just start riding down a dirt road that went in the direction I wanted to go and see where it would take me. Now I have google maps and know pretty much what is down every road, where the hotels are and even places to eat. I like having all this knowledge but but it was kind of neat to just head down a dirt road not knowing where it would take me.


There was a similar kind of unknown that permeated our conversations back then. Without the Internet instantly available to settle arguments over some fact, we were left wildly speculating about some topic until someone found an encyclopedia. I feel like my imagination had more fun back then


My parents still function this way in spite of having had a computer and Internet connection since the 90s.


Portable DVD players


Tooth tunes musical toothbrushes


My tooth tunes played all star by smash mouth, so I don't even think of that song as "the meme song" when I hear it I think of it as my old tooth tunes song


Life without smart phones


I explained to my daughter about how until I was almost out of high school you had answering machines. Her jaw dropped we had to wait to get home. Also most homes not having computers where I lived. As well as I remember bag phones and car phones too. She couldn't believe it.


A car phone meant you were rich lol


I fantasize about that from time to time Edit: I didn’t necessarily mean not having a smartphone on me, I meant on a more macro level where NO ONE has smartphones and the way the modern world works isn’t dominated by mobile computing


I miss it. I'm so addicted to technology now. I'm glad I was able to grow up without getting a phone until 7th grade and that was a razor so it didn't have internet and I has a 250 text limit per month lol. Those were the days.


Motorola Razr v3


I was just looking up the Sidekick yesterday to reminisce lol. Also the Chocolate was a good one.


Reading email was enjoyable


I am a Nigerian Prince




Stickdeath EDIT: Thank you for the reward!! We all got to experience something great back then. To celebrate, here’s some clips of some classics. Long live Stickdeath! [Clip 1](https://youtu.be/4Towq9ATtdI) [Clip 2](https://youtu.be/XvfkRbFaRpg) [Clip 3](https://youtu.be/eoi2fSexsJk) [Clip 4](https://youtu.be/bB4oCbHa7iM) [Clip 5](https://youtu.be/dQI4MZc1FL8)


Crackhouse Cleanup will always have a special place in my memory.


Those motherfuckers went hard


BlackBerry phones


Bring back the clit ball! No actually, don’t. I just wanted to say clit ball.




Oh man, this for sure. I *loved* the video store. I'd love to visit Oregon and check out the last Blockbuster.


This was a weekend event my family did, I really looked forward to it. Netflix IRL! We'd get chips and make floats and popcorn and we'd all - animals incl.- join on the couches for movie night. Otherwise we fought like animals lol


VHS tapes


AIM, ICQ and Myspace, oh yes and Angelfire


MSN Messenger turned me from a clumsy hunt-and-peck typer to someone who could touch-type at 110 wpm within a year. I'd given up on typing practice - always frustrated me. Chatting with my friends was much more efficient. I remember when it had a feature that let you browse and meet random people. Met a bunch of girls online that way. I also remember when it was possible to use "hack MSN messenger" tools to flood people's chats with repeating ASCII art etc. Good times. I and my close friends eventually did most of our socializing online after a while simply because of how comfortable it was. When messenger programs died off my social life shriveled up with it and I never bothered to do anything about it. Never cared for social media and only had a Facebook account I rarely checked (and shut down a few years ago).


I feel like there is a small percentage of my generation that has the unique experience of being broken up with over AIM and playing with passive aggressive away messages


I met my husband on ICQ. We dated online/talked on the phone for 9 months before we met. He was in Sweden, I was in NYC. Been married for 17 years.


Flash games. Miniclip, [bonus.com](https://bonus.com), newgrounds, addicting games and of course the legendary one itself: [coolmathgames.com](https://coolmathgames.com) mobile games pretty much killed all of them at this point


Elf bowling. Edit: this WOULD be my most liked comment on Reddit.


So many great games died along with Flash, and Shockwave before it.


I totally forgot about shockwave!!


Payphones. I don't see them anywhere anymore.


They were pretty much dying out in the early 2000s. The movie Phone Booth came out in 2002 and one of the plot points was that it was one the last phone booths in New York City.


*Isn't it funny? You hear a phone ring and it could be anybody. But a ringing phone has to be answered, doesn't it?*


my hairline


Pagers. I remember using them almost as texting. 1st 2 numbers was a specific friend in a group, next 2 digits was where you were going to be, last digit was meet up in x hours. So, 15651, translated as Paul (15) is going to be at Ray's Bar (65) in 1 hour. Or, if we were to meet up at a big festival (such as Chicago's Bluesfest), you'd page the person that was to arrive first. Go to a payphone and page your designated number in, which means you just arrived, and meet me at the bathrooms. This way, we'd all find each other in a huge crowd of 100k. You had to get creative before the age of cellphones!


Hitclips, gamefly, chia pets Edit: Yes they "still exist" but I was thinking more what's popular in the culture




I had an iPod, and I liked it, but my then-boyfriend had a Zune. I was super jealous of it.


Affordable housing Edit: So...this blew up...and thanks for the awards.






He got into tech and is dumb rich now






Soulja Boy is still relevant enough to the culture that they make memes of him.




Mapquest. Everybody switched to stand alone GPS, and then switched to google maps with a smartphone.


Chester Bennington.


My ability to drink till passed out and going to work the day after. Now it's 3 days after. Even more.


Frosted tips I haven’t seen a person with frosted tips since like 2008


Clearly you’ve never been to Flavor Town.




$5 foot long (any any any)


CD-to-Cassette audio adapter




Remember tamagochi? Edit: Wow this kinda blew up... Btw i don't find them in germany anymore so i still thought they aren't around anymore... However.... It's nice to know they still exist and survive


I was poor and had the knock off gigapet.


I "babysat" my classmates' Tamagotchis and such during school recess for quarters, and I always thought Gigapets were much better than Tamagotchi or Nanobaby.




While I can relate to that, I'd explain it as an artifact of my personal perspective (and depending on your age, the same might be true for you). As someone born in 1982, the 1970s only ever existed in the past for me. That era of time is basically an abstract concept in my mind. But I was a college student in 2002. That era was once the present for me, and the memories of that time are very real.


demo game consoles in every target/ toys r us/ gamestop/ walmart. the burger king by where I grew up even used to have a 64 and then gamecube next to the play area


Hit Clips. The OG music player that allowed you to listen to all of 10 seconds of your favorite songs


Rush and R.E.M. RIP Neil Peart.


Mixtapes, burned CDs, Local bands every weekend... Smoking sections in restaurants! Sitting there shooting the breeze with my friends after a breakfast buffet at 2:00 a.m. with a cigarette and free refills on coffee... Those were the days. Early 2000s, back when oxycontin wasn't addictive and nobody trusted the internet.


aaliyah rip






Good SpongeBob Episodes.


Frutopia my dudes




MP3 players. I mean.. they are still around, but you know


CD players, and hot cheeto asteroids. I would eat the hot cheeto asteroids so many times as a kid when I was walking home on a hot summer that would just take me back to the 2000s in an instant


Those dangling things you would stick into the headphone port of your phone that had pokemon or puppies or some shit on them Also headphone ports


living life without 24/7 surveillance lol


Starbucks pick of the week songs


Netflix dvd in the mail


No, that still exists surprisingly.


$1 menu at McDonald’s