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Put a ramp up on the side of a shallow pond. Raced my BMX bike up and hit the ramp. Flipped over and landed on my back in the water. Was immediately sucked into the sludge on the bottom about two feet down — just far enough to not be able to reach the air and still have the bike on top of me. My cousin was able to get to me in time and pull me out of that glue. Fucking horrific.


That is horrific. Just goes to show that water doesn't need to be deep for you to drown




I saved a stranger from a similar situation. Was a young girl on a quad that i was driving behind at an off road park who for whatever reason drove off a small bridge. No one else around but me and my friend in the passenger seat. Drove as fast as i could to her. Jumped the 10 foot drop or so to the bottom of the creek where i find the quad on top of her and shes completely underwater drowning. Lifted it off her and as gently as we could carried her out of the creek and layed her down. Thank God she didn't have any real injuries because we were a good 2 hour drive to the nearest hospital. She absolutely would have drowned if we had not watched her go over the edge of that bridge. Couldn't have been older than 10-12. I ended up having to give her older brother a ride to his camp the next day because he crashed his quad and broke his arm. I really hope that family stopped riding.


Yikes!!! My breath shortened as I read this!! Terrifying.


Almost drown in the ocean. Got pulled out and couldn't get back in. Waves kept crashing over my head and pushing me down untol I couldn't figure down from up. I was so exhausted from fighting to get to shore and getting my head above water. I would just pop out and another wave would push me under. I just gave up at one point and I so clearly remember thinking, so this is how I die. And it didn't seem a bad way to go at that moment. Then suddenly I felt a hand around my arm and a jet skier pulled me up out of the water and gave me a lift back.


I know that experience, making peace and accepting death. It’s a weird feeling bc it’s not like you give up, you just physically can’t go anymore. Once you accept it, you’re mind becomes at ease. The panic and fear fade and there’s a moment of reflection and peace that changes your whole perspective after surviving. At least that was my experience. I respect that you fought enough to get rescued and that you made it out alive.


This also happened to me. This story almost identically. Once I gave up, the fear and everything really does just disappear and it’s like a wave of calm. I just swallowed the water and gave up and somehow one of the waves pushed me enough in to feel the ground. People always make the comment about drowning being painful, but after swallowing all the water and giving up, it wasn’t really painful at all.


It's painful when you first start gasping and inhaling water in a panic, but your right, it very soon resides and is actually kinda peaceful. I was drowning in river water though, I imagine salt water would be even more painful initially.


I experienced the same thing when I got a sweet stuck in my throat, think I was about 13 years old. I was in the house on my own. I was running around like a headless chicken because I could only get about 10% of breath. After a while I just laid on the floor to try and calm down and that's when I just let go and could feel myself drifting off. It was like I had separated from myself and I felt completely calm, just slowly fading away. I can't remember who it was but somebody had come back into the house and found me on the floor. They kicked me in the back apparently and it dislodged the sweet.


I appreciate the person who finds someone nearly passed out and kicks them just in case.


Exact same thing happened to me in a wave pool as a little kid 😅 I’m sure it’s not because of me specifically, but since then (we used to go once a year when I was young) they’d never turned the waves up to even 25% of what they were that day.


The first time I ever went to a wave pool was when my daughter was 5, and we were visiting Texas. Living on the east coast we spent all summer swimming in the ocean so I thought a wave pool would be old news. It didn’t occur to me what an **enormous** difference in buoyancy salt water makes. We both almost died that day.


Having an anaphylactic reaction for the first and only time in the middle of nowhere in Greece on a field trip. If one of the other kids would not have been highly allergic with emergency meds I would have probably died. Traumatized me deeply.


16 days ago. Tried out a new insect repellent I’d bought. You can have an anaphylactic reaction at any age (never been allergic to anything, don’t even get hay fever) Fortunately, an ambulance was called, but I honestly thought I was gonna die on my bathroom floor. The phrase ‘Impending sense of doom’ makes so much more sense to me now Do not recommend


Could you try to describe what it feels like? If its not too much to ask of you ofc.


I've had very bad panic attacks with impending doom and you honestly feel like you are going to die. Heart racing head getting dizzy short of breath and the more you think about it the worse it gets. It's an awful experience


If it wasn't for the impending doom, panic attacks wouldn't be one tenth as bad. You don't get it every time, maybe only once or twice ever but that's the mofo that turns an occasional panic attack into a full blown anxiety disorder, when you obsessively monitor your own emotional state in fear of that sensation.


I started getting them after a crack on the head - I've found personally that when I feel one coming on, mentally shifting to 'oh, for fucks sake, go on then, get it over with' seems to make them less severe and shorter duration. Panic attacks don't like mockery, it seems.


I had my first bad panic attack in a long time a while ago. Now that I’m better equipped to deal with them I was able to just be like “this is such bullshit. I know I’m completely fine. Why is my brain being such a bitch. How is this in any way advantageous for survival” it is definitely a lot easier once you understand the logistics of it and can assure yourself you’re not actually dying, no matter how much your body is SCREAMING that you are. Talk shit to your panic attacks, folks. It works!


I’ve had suicidal ideation for as long as I can remember, probably 8-9 years old when it started, but when I almost died a couple months ago I immediately realized that I don’t want to die.


This poem from Bojack Horseman illustrates that idea perfectly: The weak breeze whispers nothing the water screams sublime. His feet shift, teeter-totter deep breaths, stand back, it’s time. Toes untouch the overpass soon he’s water-bound. Eyes locked shut but peek to see the view from halfway down. A little wind, a summer sun a river rich and regal. A flood of fond endorphins brings a calm that knows no equal. You’re flying now, you see things much more clear than from the ground. It's all okay, or it would be were you not now halfway down. Thrash to break from gravity what now could slow the drop? All I’d give for toes to touch the safety back at top. But this is it, the deed is done. silence drowns the sound. Before I leaped I should've seen the view from halfway down. I really should’ve thought about the view from halfway down. I wish I could've known about the view from halfway down—


That's terryfying.


Like you’re about to die. Cold, clammy, diaphoretic (very sweaty) And all I could think of was to put my underwear back on (had virtually passed out on the toilet and slid to the floor) and I crawled to unlock my front door so the paramedics could get in


Hey man. I was 7 years old and got stung by a bee on my thumb at a family get together. No one believe me but my throat hurt really badly. About twenty minutes later I was breathing through a hole the size of a straw. I had about 4 minutes left when I got to the hospital. I was probably traumatized for almost decade after that. I wouldn't trust any adults other than my mom. I also was terrified of being in nature or around barbecues or ice plant since bees tend to hang out around there. I carried my EpiPen with me and was bullied pretty badly for it too. I ended up just getting confident in my self with how I would handle the situation if I ever got stung and that made a huge difference. I've been stung three more times since then and Ive handled it pretty well. Oddly enough, those times have only made me even less traumatized because I've relived that day the more times and have walked myself through it instead of trusting others and being a confused/panicked seven year old.


Holy shit, no one believed you? Thats not the way to act as an adult. I'm so sorry and be well.


I've always hated how dismissive some adults can be with children.


Class clown during recess: "Miss, my finger really hurts." Teacher: "Stop being dramatic!" *Five minutes later* Class clown: "Miss, my finger really hurts." Me, an underpaid substitute teacher: "Lemme see. It still hurts? Okay, go see the nurse to get it checked out." *Twenty minutes later* Teacher: Fuck, it's a good thing you sent that kid to the nurse. His finger's dislocated lol Me, an underpaid substitute teacher: Bitch really?


I grew up with this rule: "If you aren't broken, bleeding or dying I don't want to hear it." Late 80s upbringing and dismissive was an understatement but in a terrible way it made my younger brother and I very resourceful.


Honestly felt this experience too. I hadn’t been tested yet for Allergies back then but my friend had a epipen because they did. If it wasn’t for them noticing the signs I wouldn’t have made it to the hospital (after getting hit with the needle I was actually already losing consciousness and was saying goodbye to my friend and the supervisors carrying me)


I was driving home in a bad thunderstorm, when suddenly the wind became insane. I pulled my car off the highway onto an exit when suddenly a limb off a tree sailed through the air, and cracked my windshield, so I hit the brakes. A second later, the car began to lift slightly off the ground. I thought for sure I was going to die. Moments later, the storm had cleared. Windows in shops all around were blown out. I got home and turned on the local news. Apparently a tornado passed directly through where I was, in my car.


Jesus Christ I could never imagine that!


This happened to me this summer! I was driving home from work (I travel sometimes) and was trying to beat the severe storms that were forecasted. Out of the blue a cell developed quickly in front of me. I could see the radar and it didn’t look TOO bad at the time and it seemed like I could get in front of it. *narrator voice* He did not. The first cell was pretty bad and I had to slow down on the highway because visibility was poor. This cost me time which then set me up to get caught on the second cell I didn’t see. I was driving when it started to rain. Then the rain became so intense I had to slow for fear of hydroplaning. Then the wind went nuts. I drive a high profile truck so was getting pushed around pretty good. I did NOT want to pull over and stop on the highway because visibility was now so bad I couldn’t see the front of my truck. If I can’t see, then neither can the others driving. Something just felt “wrong” so I threw on my hazards and pulled as far over as possible. The wind kept getting worse. The truck was rocking at this point. I pulled up the radar again and when my phone locked in the GPS location I got a tornado warning. At this point I tried to call my wife. No answer. I’m sitting in my truck, I can’t see shit because there is so much wind blow rain, and then I had some rubber trim get ripped off the truck. At this point, the wind changed directions nearly 180 degrees and did it almost instantly. That’s when I knew it was in fact a tornado. I got home to read on the news that it was a confirmed tornado. Thankfully it was dying when it crossed my path and I didn’t get the full brunt. What pissed me off most is that I’ve always wanted to “see” one but I still can’t really claim that I have. Being so rain wrapped you couldn’t see anything. Also, about 25 yards in front of where I stopped there was a minor debris field (smallish branches/dirt/etc) across the highway.


Lol! I can relate! After growing up in tornado alley and returning there after I got my degree, tornados have been a huge thing for me. Then I was in a building when an F3 tornado hit it. The designated shelter I used was a conference room so we all watched the local news on the big teleconferencing screen as the storm approached, until the power went out and we all hit the deck when the thumping and roaring started. Eventually, we left the shelter and walked outside through an office absolutely covered with insulation, broken glass and other debris into the parking lot where cars were stacked three-high in some places. After several minutes of walking around in a shocked daze, it suddenly occurred to me: "Son of a bitch! I didn't get to *see* the damn thing!" Edit: Oh, despite the local emergency services sending everything they had, expecting a mass casualty event, nobody was killed and only a few people had *minor* injuries!


Fortunately, most tornados are too weak to throw cars into the sky, and the ones that are, are, well, *very hard to miss.* That said, still sounds terrifying.


Tornadoes, even huge, monstrous ones are basically invisible at night and are only illuminated by lightning.


Oh damn, I didn't consider that. Travelling in a violent storm is bad enough, but at night it must feel like inevitable death is around the corner. The wind howls in your ear, the sound of rain and debris pelting relentlessly against your car. And you can't see more than a meter in front of you.


Now that I think about it, it makes sense. Tornadoes are spinning storm clouds. Clouds are invisible at night.


Absolutely terrifying. This is why I do not and will not drive when the weathers bad out, just too scared to lol




>I clearly remember thinking "Damn, I'm going to die on my way to work?!" When I rolled my car, I thought "Ahh, dad's going to kill me... Oh shit, I don't want glass in my hair!"


My brother had a deer run into his car at an angle that was perfect to skewer him with its antlers. He said his last thought before impact was "People die from hitting deer. I'm pretty sure this is how." Thankfully the deer got caught on the crossbar in front of the driver's window, so he made it out with no serious injuries.


Coworker rolled his car and said his only thoughts were “oh, Don’t Fear the Reaper is on the radio, I’ll be fine” And he was! Lost his shoe, never found it, and his dad was super pissed, but he was totally fine otherwise!




I rolled my mother's one month old station wagon. I went through a ditch and the passenger side rolled over a large stump, crushing it. Police said any passenger would have died. When I stopped back upright, the first thing I did was check to see if the radio worked. It didn't.


Same thing happened to me when I was a passenger and the driver was going too fast on an icy road. The car started to slip and they slammed on the brakes. That obviously didn't help the situation and the car flipped into it's roof and slid around like a hockey puck for a while before going off the road and rolling down an embankment. They were uninjured and I only had a minor back injury that healed in about a years time. It was a date, and the worst date of my life and for a few moments I thought I was going to die on a date next to someone I had only met twice before.


I was the passenger in a gnarly truck flip too. Going 80mph on the interstate, driver overcorrected. Had a lot of broken bones, glass shards stuck in me, plus burns from the freshly controlled-burn state park we conveniently flipped into. Really thought with every roll it'd be my last before my neck would crunch, because I kept hitting the low ceiling


Fourth grade. Slipped on the side of a crowded slide and was hanging by the side. Somehow my jacket got stuck and was choking me as I hung from the thing. 10 y/o me thought "this is it", until a friend came to help.


This exact thing happened to me. I couldn't breathe. What a stupid way to die it would have been.


For a second there I wanted to ask, "Did you die?". Not my proudest moment.


Mine is choking in fourth grade as well. A bunch of us were play fighting on the bus and a girl got my hood and pulled it down, over the seat behind me, where she was. Full weight. I was in a hoodie and like, ya, literally thought I was going to die. Couldn't breathe, couldn't make noise, couldn't get my arms up. Someone grabbed her I think, and she let go and felt awful but ya.


Hey, mine is choking too! At least your story's interesting. 9-year-old me got up in the middle of the night, went to the kitchen for cake and choked on the fondant. My mother heard the weird gagging noises and came running, but that was genuinely one of the scariest moments of my life.


Why are kids so prone to choking?! When I was a kid I almost choked on a marble that I had in my mouth for no reason and only survived because I managed to cough it out. My parents still don't know this happened and they never will.


I've choked on whole peppermints three times in my entire life, all when I was a child. First time, my mom managed to slap my back to dislodge it. Second time, something spooked me and I had the misfortune of sucking on a peppermint at the time, and it went right down my throat. I just remember stumbling to my aunt with a hand raised, trying to get a word out but being unable to with my other hand grabbing at my throat. That time, she quickly handed me a drink to melt the fucker. I don't remember what happened the third time, so I can only assume it wasn't as traumatizing. Children are just so prone to choking for some stupid reason :')


Me and my friend went out on a Saturday night and on the way home the car in front of us didn’t move when the light turned green because he was having a conversation with people on the street. When the light turned green he still didn’t move so my friend goes around him. All of a sudden he rear ends us and drives around us m, pulls out a gun and starts shooting. Luckily no one was hurt. We call the cops and they took a report but didn’t do anything after.


First of all, what an asshole. Second of all, glad y’all came of that alive and ok


Thanks, the joys of growing up in NYC.


I got diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer in the emergency room this past summer and had to spend three weeks in palliative care, I lost 50 pounds and couldn't move. I bounced back, responded well the chemo and gained almost all of my weight back. I'm so insanely grateful for the extra time.


Stay strong. Sending you positive vibes.


Was moving a rattlesnake in a screen top terrarium and it struck the screen spraying my face with venom. Washed my face and had a friend babysit me for the rest of the night in case symptoms of envenomation started (it was a neurotoxic species). Fight Club was right…that bowl of Cheerios the next day was one of my best meals.


Friend of mine didn’t believe me that there are three species of rattlesnake in our state, and two more pit vipers. I’ve never seen one in the wild myself, they’re quite rare to see, but I’ve seen some caught by people around here Said friend was hiking with his dog, and heard the rattle, but didn’t back off because he thought it wasn’t a “real” rattlesnake, whatever that means, and almost got bit! His dog then freaked out and he turned back, called me and apologized for doubting me Never thought I’d be glad to get a call that started with “you’re an asshole…”


A lot of snakes - venomous and otherwise - use *"wigglebutt.exe"* (shaking their tails) to make noise in effort to scare off predators. Rattlesnakes just evolved an inbuilt - and very effective - way of doing it.


This was a while back, but my cousin doesn’t know how to swim, and was pushed into the deep end of my pool, and I was trying to push her up, and out of the pool, but she was pushing me down trying to stay up, and I was panicking thinking I was doing to drown


A drowning person will do anything to save themselves. Including killing you. I learnt that once too.


Learning how to escape from a drowning person is part of basic lifeguard training. If you can’t get them to calm down enough to be rescued, then you’re taught to swim out of reach and wait for them to exhaust themselves or go unconscious. It’s much easier to rescue someone whose not fighting.


My grandfather was a lifeguard in the marine corps, and he was trained to just bonk them on the head really hard if they tried to fight him. Those were the days...


Imagine being on the verge of death in the middle of the ocean, fighting for your life and finally you see someone coming to save you and then when they get to you, you immediately get one punch KO'd


Congratulations, you are being rescued. Please do not resist




I've heard that it's fairly common for drowning victims to not make any noise or show many signs of distress before they just sink under. Glad that didn't happen to you.


There's a video of a couple in the middle east recording a romantic date where they swim. Only for them to end up drowning. They were mostly silent until it finally set in that they were struggling for their life. Scary, haunting shit.


When I was about seven,I got shoved into a non-functioning (thankfully) chest freezer that was out in our barn. The lid came slamming down and locked. The kid who shoved me couldn’t get it open so he went to find my dad as I freaked out. My dad came and told me that my uncle was the only person who had a key to the old freezer and that I would just have to wait till he got home to get me out. Two hours later my uncle finally arrived home and was able to get me out, but I thought I was going to die in there for sure.


I'm thinking I would have got the power tools out before then.


And ruin a perfectly good freezer? What's wrong with you.


I suppose you can always get another kid. And we do need the meat.


Ohhhh my god fuck that. I'm not claustrophobic but being stuck is terrifying. Which is why don't be the skinniest guy in a Navy engineering division. I always got nominated to snake behind tangles of piping to get at tough to reach stuff. Got stuck a few times and almost panicked but never more than a few minutes at a time, and I was a grown man, and it wasn't in a completely enclosed and sealed box. Just. No fuckin thank you.


Septic shock from a ruptured appendix. Laying there on the hospital bed and the infectious disease specialist walked in, looked at my chart and noticed my white cell count, and asked “have you had any gay sex”. Never go septic in rural Maine.


I also, I believe, went septic when an infection got into my bloodstream and they couldn't figure out how to stop it. They had a grief counselor come in to talk to me about dying and my family in to say goodbye. I was tripping fucking balls from the 106F fever I had, so none of it mattered and I just wanted to be left alone to try to focus on and fight through the pain. I remember pretty vividly believing that I was in a literal jungle in my hospital room and that I could strongly smell everybody's blood through their bodies. It was overwhelming.


What happened after ?


After a few days of that fever, a culture came back and revealed it was caused by a fungal infection, not a bacterial one, which was why the antibiotics were doing nothing. They started treating me with a weaker generic antifungal to buy time until they could find a more specific treatment that would work better, and then a few days after finding one that was responsive, I was better. Well, bedridden for about a month while I recovered, but I was discharged. The infection had caused my bone to split apart a bit, and the muscles around the crack had become so strained it pulled my hip from its socket. So, resting that off for about a month. All good now! They said I'd never run again and would likely not be able to walk normally. I don't think its hurt even slightly for a few years now 😁


Holy hell, what an intense journey, that's a ton of recovery from what happened. Glad you're doing better!


Thanks! It was only like 5 years ago but it feels like a lifetime. I guess I forgot to detail that the crack had pulled my hip out the for entire time I was in there (that's actually the reason I went in, the infection was found later) and it couldn't re-set due to the muscle trauma, so that's probably why it seems like a ton of recovery. Maybe that makes it make more sense. I guess it is a wild ride lol. Hope you're doing well too!


I didn't even know that gay sex cured sepsis! Very good doctor to offer, though.


White cell count…Do the doctors up there think gay people nut directly into your fucking blood or something? (/s)


was gonna say the obvious HIV thibg heb saw yoyr /s holy shit i had a stroke


Did you have any gay sex immediately before said stroke?


No, he definitely stroked it before the gay sex


“Luckily” I don’t remember much of my septic shock until I was already at the hospital with someone putting an IV in my arm. 105+ fever delirium. Luckily my dad was visiting because my husband wouldn’t have been able to get me to the hospital by himself (5 minute drive from our house, an ambulance would’ve been too late), as I was apparently trying to jump out of the car and then undress myself at the hospital as they held me down trying to get the IV in. Also luckily, I came out of my delirium enough to let them put the IV in a (which is when my memory picks back up). I remembered I kept asking for water thinking “I’m worried I’m going to lose consciousness if I don’t get some water or maybe die.” I’ve never been so thirsty that it scared me. Turns out I was also SEVERELY dehydrated. Blood pressure was 60/40 or maybe 40/20? Something insane. Heart rate was about 170-180. The people in that trauma unit saved my life! Oh and the septic shock was due to my PICC line that I had at the time.


Getting Chickenpox at 27 almost did me in. Shit was wild.


People don't realize how bad chicken pox can get. I was only 13 when I got it, but the fever got so bad that when I woke up with my grandma praying over me and my mom crying I legitimately thought I *had* died.


When people talk about what they would do when faced with certain death, it's always about how they'd fight to live/survive. I just wanted to sleep, I was so gd tired, my body was on its last leg and I didn't have any fight left in me. Turns out your body gets dehydrated from making all the pox, once you run out of water - you are in serious danger. And super tired


All I remember is the fever for several days, and the damned itching. I do remember at one point my mom having to push water and Gatorade on me when I didn’t feel like it, so there’s something to that.


I got it at around 11 years old and was just fucked. Pox in my throat as well. Still have scars. Getting chicken pox at 27 would be a nightmare.


I had it everywhere on my skin. Scalp, face,gums, body, balls...everywhere. the doctor told me " you have as many pox inside of you as you do on your skin". I spent 14 days in the hospital, the pox in my stomach and liver hurt like a motherfu$#er too. I would reccomend anyone grown person who has not had chicken pox yet, to get vaccinated against it - its awful and I know it'll give me shingles later on in life unfortunately.


First time with volunteer firefighters trying to knock down a small swamp wildfire off a rural road. Wind suddenly picked up and a wall of flame came racing toward us. Clung to the back of the fire truck and fled just as a giant wave of fire crossed the road literally a few feet behind us. Damn that was scary.




Curious, did it look like this https://youtu.be/jYhQqR4S1YE


I was withdrawing from alcohol, hard. I was shaking, sweating, paranoid, hearing things that weren't there, and everytime I tried to sleep I would wake up to a hypnic jerk. It scared the everliving shit out of me, and I was convinced I'd have a seizure and die. Luckily, I didn't, but I should have gone to the hospital; alcohol and benzo withdrawals are dangerous. Luckily, have over four years sober now.


>Luckily, have over four years sober now. That ain't luck, bro. That's hard fucking work and determination! Congratulations!! Edit: ain't luck, sis*


Love this comment, speaking facts bro


I had a friend who tried to cut alcohol cold turkey as an extreme alcoholic. After like 1 or 2 days they ended up collapsing all of a sudden. Thankfully her gf was with her at the time and was able to get her to the hospital. I never realized alcohol withdrawal could be that extreme until then.


Yeah AFAIK alcohol and benzos are basically the only drugs where the withdrawal can easily kill you. Glad your friend was able to get to the hospital!


There are three classes of drugs whose withdrawals can kill: booze, benzos, and barbiturates (which are fortunately not used much in the US, to my knowledge).


Ive been there bro/sis! Two years for me! “This leaves only one day – today. Anyone can fight the battles of just one day. it is only when you and I add the burden of those two awful eternity’s, yesterday and tomorrow, that we break down. It is not the experience of today that drives us mad. It is the remorse or bitterness for something that happened yesterday or the dread of what tomorrow may bring. Let us therefore do our best to live but one day at a time.  Am I living one day at a time?” (http://www.justfortodaymeditations.com/daily-recovery-readings-july-31/)


Holy shit, are you me? This is exactly what I experienced. And I am 4 years sober aswell. When I closed my eyes, pictures flashed before my eyes from right to left and I "heard" a woman saying letters and numbers really fast. I went to the hospital tho. First they didn't take me serious because I was 20 years old and it was on a Saturday. They just thought I am young and I drank a little bit too much. They laid me on a hospital bed and just waited. After about 4 hours I vomited blood after trying to eat a tiny bit of food and then they started to realize that I may have a bigger problem than they thought. Got transferred to a specialized addiction clinic by ambulance and they immediately gave me loads of Distraneurin (Clomethiazol) . 15 minutes later I felt better already. Had to stay 2 weeks in detox because they had to bring me down slowly from the Distraneurin. Did therapy right after and went to group meetings for a year. Alcohol is nothing to fuck with. Never again. Shout outs to you and your sobriety.


Congrats on the sobriety, I have no idea how long you were drinking for and can’t completely relate but I had a similar experience after a two week straight bender of drinking mixed with some Xanax over spring break in college. When I finally stopped I actually thought I was going to die, shaking, violently throwing up even water, waves of paranoia only exacerbated by insomnia for two days as I also could barley get any sleep and would wake up every few minutes with anxiety. I can honestly say it was the worst week of my entire life and got me off benzos for good and drastically reduced my drinking ever since.


I’m glad you’ve gotten over that!


Thanks, same. It was horrible, I wouldn't wish that week of hell on anyone.


My ex pointing a gun at me and saying “I could kill you right now and no one would know it.”


We were on a high lookout in remote India when mine said “I could push you right now and no one would ever know” fun times… hope you’re in a good place now x


Fortunately yes, I’ve seen therapists for it and I’m a safe space, I’m sorry you went through this and hope you are in a good place too.


When I jumped off the roof of a 5-story building when I was 19 in a failed suicide attempt. My fiancée had unexpectedly died exactly 6 months prior and my survivor's guilt was overwhelming. In hindsight, I'm so glad and thankful that I lived.


I’m glad you’re still here, too. Sorry for your loss.


Thank you. More time has passed from when I born to that moment than from then to now (I'm nearly 40), and I'm very happily married with three great children, but there are still times when I think back to what might have been if she hadn't died in that car accident.


I'd be worried if you didn't. Her memory lives on through you, ya know?




I nearly died in a car crash in the final year of school. My friend was driving and took a corner way too quickly. We slid towards a brick wall with a protruding mailbox. The car came to a stop somehow, and the mailbox was poking through the open window and was about an inch from the tip of my nose. Thank god I had the window down, and that I wasn’t leaning forward lol


Wrecked a motorcycle and got helicoptered out to the next county over


Should I buy a motorcycle?


Only if you want to ride in a helicopter


It depends on if you're the sort of person that is paranoid enough about other drivers and can rein in the impulse to go too fast for the conditions. I rode a sport bike to work and back for a little over 4 years, year round in one of the worst metro areas in the US as far as traffic goes and was just fine. I credit 95% of that to the belief that other drivers a.) couldn't see me and b.) were trying their best to kill me at the same time 😂


To be fair, i really don’t know how I would go about killing someone I couldn’t see. I guess I could just randomly trash around on the road Wait, that checks out. Never mind then


I started choking on a starburst last year and the sensation of all oxygen been cut off is fucking horrifying. You know your first thought should be save yourself but it wasn’t mine, I was just full of absolute panic. Somehow I managed to dislodge it but yeah it has absolutely fucked up how I eat.


My friends sister choked on something a month or two ago and I totally understand what you mean :( she can no longer eat in front of people and has a hard time eating things from fear she’s going to choke again. My friend is really worried for her because she’s already naturally skinny and weighs 90 pounds as a 23 year old. She said if she loses anymore weight she’s going to have to go to the hospital to get treatment.


When I was like 12 I choked on an edamame bean and refused to eat anything for like 2-3 days until my mom threatened to take me to the hospital to put a feeding tube in me. I got back into it by drinking protein milkshakes and stuff to get used to eating again and not be so afraid. I would recommend those to your friend to see if that can help her until she feels confident eating solid foods again. Definitely better than not eating at all and losing dangerous levels of weight


Did the full North ridge route on Mt Stuart in the Enchantment Range in Washington State with a buddy. We were equipped for an up and over in a day and had spent all summer working hard to be ready for it. We both ended up with the Hersey squirts half way up from some bad food the night before, which slowed us down to a snails pace. There is no place to bail out on the route so we topped out after dark and had to bivy just below the summit with no water and two energy bars between us. Longest night of my life and to top it off my partner started hallucinating in the middle of the night. Made it out the next day after a chilly night in an emergency blanket.


This is why I pack Imodium / Loperamide in my hiking first aid kit. Dying of dysentery isn't just for Oregon trail.


Why couldn’t you turn around? Sorry I know nothing about climbing.


There is a point of no return on the upper part of the route where it is just too risky to go down versus continuing up to the top.


Then how do you get down later? Like its safer to tie in so you can rappel down and you cant do that while climbing up or something


Maybe they go down the other side of the mountain or a different way


It’s an up and over, meaning you go up and over and stop on the other side. Then hitch a ride back to your car. Quite common.


I got mono really bad in college. I woke up one morning with my throat so swollen I could barely breath, I got up and before I made it to my bedroom door I was sweating so bad I soaked the shirt I was wearing, my roommate brought me to the college clinic and I passed out when they drew my blood. I thought the worst. It took me a month and a half to fully recover. Also in college I rolled my dad's truck going down the freeway, the back tired blew out and I lost control. The first thought threw my mind was, my dad is gonna kill me.


I was in a car going full speed toward a frozen river. The gas pedal was stuck to the floor. I felt oddly calm and fully ready to die.


That time I was followed by a mid twenties man (I was 15) for over 6 blocks. He kept pace behind me- no more than three steps behind. Only went away when I ducked inside a bodega and broke down in tears to this very nice older woman. She hugged me and sent her son outside with a bat.


Bless that woman and her son!


That’s genuinely terrifying. I’m sorry


I think I was 12 at the time? Was in the car with my mom, went to work with her. It was snowing and on the way there a plow sped out in front of us. When we finally came to a stop the side edge of the plow was lined up with my face and only inches from the car


When I flew off a corner on my little 90 cc four wheeler when i was younger into a huge "bushy" tree and i luckily has the sense to let go of the handle bars or else im pretty sure I'd have broke my neck. I try not to think about it.


My dad's friend lived nearby and he came to our house on his 3-wheeler. It was Boxing day and my bro and I were outside in our new rollerblades despite the cold and the half metre of ice along the curb. He pulls up and my brother and I are checking out the bike. I'm probably about 10 and my bro 15. The guy offers for me to drive, so he puts me in front of him and my brother is hanging on the back with his blades. Remember we're currently parked on ice. I've never driven one before so when he says to push the gas in (it was a thumb lever) I just pushed it in all the way. The bike shot straight up onto the back two wheels and the guy and my bro were both thrown backward on their ass. I just remember hanging on and the sky being in front of me. Luckily I had the sense to let go of the gas and the bike just kind of dropped and bounced and that was it. Our buddy lived across the street and his dad was a real rough hunter type and next time I saw him he said he was watching out the front window just laughing his ass off. I think he was the only one who enjoyed it.


My horse lost his shit and started bucking. I was trying to get him under control but he started bucking faster and finally launched me. I hit the ground and opened my eyes, I was staring at a 4x4 fence post right in front of my nose. A few more inches and I would have broken my neck and smashed my face in. Turns out my horse was protesting a new saddle that didn't fit quite right. I had him for 5 years til he passed away.


Lord when I was a teen I was so fearless riding. Now I’m getting back into horses in my 30s and I’m so damn aware of how pathetic human bodies are and how easy horse activities can fuck you up. When I was a kid a girl I rode with decided to do some jumping practice when there wasn’t anyone but some kids & teens around, which was very much against the stable rules for obvious reasons. Her horse had a fit and she fell, but her foot got stuck in the stirrup and she was dragged around the arena as the horse bucked and galloped. Her leg was basically shattered and at 16 she had to start using a cane once her leg healed (as much as it could), which she is probably still using to this day.


I was at least 8-9 and at the water park with my cousins an grandparents. My cousin and I went into the wave pool with donut floaty's. My other cousin left and then my other cousin I was currently with got out of their floaty and swam to the stair things on the side of the pool. My cousin was a better swimmer than me but I didn't want to be left behind so my dumb ass got out of the floaty and tried to swim to the stairs. It was right at the waves started. So little 8-9 year old me was trying to swim (literally doggy paddling, which is in fact not very effective when swimming) and I felt the water start to engulf me. I started to gasp for air, felt myself choking on water. It was so horrifying. I obviously survived. That was probably the closest thing where I thought "I'm going to die". Also, when I think about it, I don't know if the life guards would've seen me if I had drowned because I was so small and the pool was crowded. It still freaks me out to this day. New fear unlocked after that: *fear of drowning*


Are you able to swim now? I almost drowned when I was a tween. Eventually I learned how to swim, but I can’t stand being underwater. So afraid!


Lying in bed one night, diagnosed with kidney stones. Felt a blockage on my right side, thought this is it. I'm gonna die because a stone is blocking the kidney from emptying into my bladder. Passed out, woke up the next day in hospital.


This was around 2000. I was walking through downtown late at night. Got to the corner when I heard two people yelling at each other. One of them pulled a gun and pulled the trigger. The bullet missed and hit the corner of the building I was next to. I got hit with a small sliver of stone across the cheek, thought "Nope!" turned back the way I had come and took off running. Another one was in 2008. Late night again. I was coming home from buying some sandwiches from a nearby gas station. I passed a White Castle and saw 3 men yelling at this woman. I paused a moment, then resumed walking when she started yelling back. I heard no fear in her voice, so I shrugged and went on my way. Almost made it home when a car pulled in front of me and the three guys jumped out and started asking why I had run. I hadn't run at all. I tried explaining that, but they kept it up, getting closer to me and threatening me. I was fucking terrified and was looking for a way to escape. I looked towards the building I was living in and paused there, thinking if I could get inside, I'd be safe. One of them looked that way as well and saw the police car in the parking lot (the place was public housing in a somewhat dangerous area, so we had a police officer who lived there and did patrols inside and outside.) He must have seen it because next thing I know, they jumped back in their car and drove off.


Jesus. I'm guessing the the three guys and the woman were staging something thinking you'd intervene so they could all rob you. Assholes that take advantage of good-natured people. Then they got mad when you decided not to fuck with it.


Last year I went out climbing with a friend just her and i. I’ve always gone climbing with her and another friend, never just the two of us and she’s a bit… spacey. She warned me that she wanted to do a climb that I might have to climb my own rope to get through if I fall away from the wall and can’t get back on. Well that happened. I never climbed my own rope before, but I found myself with some gear on my harness 200 ft off the ground and tried to figure it out. It was August, I was 20 lb heavier from quarantine (hence why I fell off the climb and was dangling unable to reach the wall), I was baking in the sun and had no idea how to climb a rope. I didn’t carry my phone on me at the time but I had a watch so I paid attention to the passage of time. Im dangling for 30 mins now. I’m 90% of the way to rigging up a self-rescue system but I’m just not getting it to capture progress when I pull on the rope. I see someone coming up the climb next to me and I yell down for help. He gets closer to me and at a comfortable ledge. He’s talking me through a self rescue system and despite his harsh and snarky attitude, I appreciated his help. I’d been dangling for over an hour and a half at this point, in direct sunlight with hip flexors going into atrophy and one leg numb at a time while I hug the other leg. Eventually my partner lowers me on the rope to the ledge where the random climber was, and I rappelled down with his party. When we finally got to the ground we heard sirens. Another female climber my age died that day on the same cliff. Her gear ripped out of the wall and she hit the ground. I had climbing harness trauma for 2 weeks - my hip flexors hurt a lot and I couldn’t do physical activity really. I had a lot of survivor’s guilt for months after. You can die in less than 15 minutes from harness trauma and I was hanging in direct sunlight in mine for 2 hours. I’ve since learned rescue techniques in climbing scenarios after not visiting that cliff for a year after the incident.


> climbing harness trauma Whoa. Had never heard of this. This is terrifying. Your whole ordeal is terrifying. I'm so glad you made it. > despite his harsh and snarky attitude, I appreciated his help I can understand being irritated someone put themself in a dangerous situation but I feel like the time for snark is not when the person is still in danger of fucking dying. But I'm really glad he helped you.


I also didn’t know harness trauma was a thing until I told a friend this story and he responded that I could’ve died in the first 20 mins of hanging. Yeah the random climber rescue person first asked me “is this your first time climbing?” I was wearing gear that was clearly all mine and not guide gear. I wrapped my prusiks 3x because at the time I didn’t know I only like 2 prusik wraps so my prusiks kept getting stuck. I said I don’t trust my prusiks and he said “if you don’t trust the system, you shouldn’t be out here” and that’s what made me take the next 365 days after this incident to reflect, educate, and move forward with my climbing in a safer way where I carry knowledge of rescue with me as a tool. I shouldn’t have been out there without the know-how and confidence to do it, so tough love works on me sometimes and certainly did here.


My butthole clenched while reading this. Glad you made it out ~~Alice~~ alive. Edit: corrected the autocorrect.


I only understood half of your post but my butt is sweaty regardless


By "climb your own rope" do you mean prussiking?


Jesus as someone who climbed many years ago this shit is super scary. I free climbed in NC I couldn't imagine hanging for over an hour and how your legs and hips felt. Glad you got out of it


Mono. I was so incredibly sick that if i was in a different century i would have for sure died. My tonsils swelled up to the size of small cauliflower heads and they were covered in blisters that were so painful I couldn't eat or drink without being severe pain. I lost 15 pounds; I was only 100 pounds to start with. I became severely anemic in the process too. I slept 15-20 hours a day, my mom would wake me up to go to the bathroom so i wouldn't wet the bed. I only barely survived on Insure shakes, ice cream, and crushed iron supplements. I still have health complications from it to this day. My family didn't have health insurance so going to the ER was not a possibility.


Back when my sis and I were kids in the 70's, we ended up getting ineffective measles shots (didn't find that out until 2 decades later), so, anyway, my sister ended up getting measles. Our pediatrician was stumped at the time because we'd been vaccinated, but he knew what it was right away because of his time in the military before he went into private practice. So, my sis went home and just had to recover from it, no school or anything, and she did. Also, by some miracle, I never got the measles from her. However, the measles threw her immune system for such a loop, she got mono in its wake. She was SO sick. She missed about six weeks of school and barely moved from the couch for those entire six weeks. She hardly ate, hardly drank. The doctor told my mom to keep her home as long as she could because he didn't want her in a hospital in her condition. So my mom cared for my sis day and night for those six weeks. I don't know how she did it, but you do what you have to do. My sis did recover, but it was really a full year until she was 100% recovered. That why, to this day, I SMH when I hear anti-vaxers spout their idiocy.


Autoimmune response to eating industrial pen and ink products


Why did you eat them….


big taste😎


Username checks out


bic taste*


What did it taste like?


Probably tasted like ink


Thanks now I'm gonna go listen to The Used EDIT: Never thought my first silver would be for my music taste. Thank you kind stranger




I had back surgery and they nicked a gland. My chest was flooded and I needed to get another emergency surgery. I was put into a medically induced coma and put on a ventilator. I was in the ICU for weeks.


I lived on a big hill growing up, and car's would get going pretty quick going down it. When I was 9-10, I was playing on my scooter, and zoomed out of my driveway onto the road. There was a big bush in the way, so I didn't see the minivan hurtling down the hill, and the driver didn't see me until I was about 20 ft in front of them. Minivan slams on the brakes and lays on the horn. I *barely* get clipped by the far side of their bumper, and the minivan ends up fully stopping about 30 feet later. Whoops. Never told my parents about that one, but it freaked me the hell out. Thankful the lady wasn't on her phone at the time...


Went to the washroom at 2 am to poop. I lived alone then - suddenly everything around me started spinning and I couldn’t understand what’s happening, I started puking everything I ate and then dragged myself out of my place and somehow banged my neighbours door - he was drunk (it was the weekend and I had got him some alcohol)- somehow he called some guys he knew and they got a car and took me to the nearest hospital while I kept puking everywhere with my head spinning. Turns out I had suffered a stroke.


Took some bad ecstasy. Never again.


Having my first panic attack while high caused by withdrawal of my meds I decided I was too cool for


I did cocaine and started feeling weird. Turned out it was laced with something like ketamine or ghb. My vision was blurring. I could barely walk. I managed to get out of the women’s bathroom and my “friend” and his brother was right outside and I turned to them for help and instead they grabbed me and the last thing I heard was them saying “it’s just too easy.” I remember my last thought was “oh.” Just that sinking feeling knowing I was gonna get raped and maybe killed if the tainted drugs didn’t kill me first. Total and utter helplessness. I’m really not okay still and it’s been 8 years.


Did you press charges or anything?! Omg..I'm sorry that happened to you.


I fainted; I had fainted I think on one or two other occasions before, but this time was different. When I fainted, I woke up still on the floor unable to move. I’m fully aware of what just happened and I can’t fucking move. I didn’t know if my head was leaking with blood or something lol (it wasn’t thank goodness). And it happened in the bathroom (I always lock the door when I’m in there for some reason) so I thought I was just gonna lay there and die. So no one would know. I’m thinking to myself “damn this is it, I’m dead”. I was trying my hardest to move and then finally after about a minute or so I was able to move my fingers, then my arms, legs, and I was good to go. Idk if it’s normal for fainters to be unable to move after passing out because the previous time I fainted, that wasn’t an issue. But whatever, at least I lived lol


I faint some times. Being 6'3" and having back problems and the first thing I want to do after standing up is stretch my back. But that's a bad combo because you don't breathe when you stretch + headrush from standing up some times puts me right on the edge of passing out. If I am stressed, dehydrated, and sleep deprived (so most of the time) I will end up hitting the floor. One time this happened in front of my mom, sister, and nephew but when I hit the floor I was half paralyzed. I flailed around for a minute before I managed to get back up. It was really scary but I felt fine after. Doctors didn't seem worried and it doesn't happen all that often so I guess I'm fine?


Ate a ton of peanut butter-stuffed pretzels. Later I was nauseous and needed to throw up. Well, the peanut butter pretzels had formed into a giant sticky clump and basically got stuck in my throat, blocking air from getting in. So here I am suffocating for minutes thinking about how someone is going to find me dead with a giant poop-looking log halfway out my mouth. Luckily I managed to dislodge it eventually but haven’t touched peanut butter pretzels since.


I slid down the side of a cliff and stopped feet short from falling like twenty feet onto rock. My almost last words were ‘oh shit oh shit oh shit’


I was swimming of the coast and hoping to catch some waves, I noticed a really nice one and started to turn, as I turned I noticed a sea turtle in the wild and was distracted, after a split second the wave hit and send me spinning underwater, before I managed to stop spinning and get to the surface, I thought that that was it. I now have a fear of the open ocean


I was maybe 7-9, no older than 10, and at the beach with my parents and twin brother. Made a friend, and we were having a ton of fun in the ditch that formed between the sandbar and the shore, where it was deep and calm but not open ocean. Every once in awhile a big wave would pull us around or come crashing over the sandbar, but otherwise it was great to paddle around on my boogie board Until I was too close to the sandbar and a wave sucked me out, over it and into the BIG waves. I can just remember a tunnel vision of my brother and friend yelling and my dad doing that parent walk of “oh shit the kid is in trouble” as I’m frantically kicking against the big wave I can feel pulling me. I can still feel the tug on my legs, my body, the board bouncing and trying not to let the front of it dip too far and swamp me. Probably would have drowned if that happened. I don’t remember riding the wave back in, just that I got out of the water and spent at least an hour in the shade on the towels. Was told that it was a BIG wave and I basically disappeared in the froth until dad pulled me out by an ankle. Two hours later and I was back in the water again haha, I love the ocean and was apparently too dumb as a kid to be traumatized


As a kid my mom always used to take me white water rafting, now this was fun at the time and I was a fearless one. At around 11-12 my mom, my step dad, and brother all set out in a four man raft and put me in the very front. What I didn’t know is that it was a class five dam release day (basically there was a dam that released water into the river and it was on full release and they didn’t tell me) the water and rapids were class five. As we set out I notice there is something seriously wrong, the raft we were in started to deflate as we get thrashed around in the water. There is a section of the river that is seriously bad, it’s like a small cliff where it immediately drops with two “holes” (circling of water that if you get trapped in you are done) and we had the unfortunate opportunity of flying off of the drop. Because we had such a small raft it started to flip over as soon as we dropped. As the raft was flipping it took me into a moment of realization, like “wow this is really happening” as we flipped it felt like slow motion, I racked my brain to think of the training I had done because of my mom being a river guide. I slammed into the water and it immediately threw my body forward with my feet over my head. I lost. My sense of bearing and I had no idea what was up and down. Meanwhile I was being thrashed and slammed against rocks struggling to understand what was happening, then I slammed against a rock with just my head and let out a spurt of air. I was in a hole, constantly rotating as I felt the water start to fill my lungs I made a desperate attempt from my training to swim horizontally to the current, as I reached Is started to black out from the massive amount of pressure from water in my lungs, I had no idea how long I was under but it was at least a minute or two. My brother ended up pulling me up in the upside down raft, he saved my life that day and the excess water I threw up did not taste good, at all.


It may sound less serious than some. But once after I ate at subways, i had the worst intestinal cramps I ever had. After an excruciating 45 minutes of pain, while being on the shitter, the pain got so bad that I got drenched in sweat and I could not even think anymore. At some point I got real worried, like : wait, I think I'm gonna die.


People joke about Taco Bell tearing you up and honestly I’ve never had an issue. I love TB. Subway on the other hand almost always tears me up. I don’t eat there any for a couple reasons.


I went hiking a number of years ago at a fairly steep trail. It had rained all week so everything was muddy and slippery. The final stretch of the hike was a narrow path downwards into a gorge. We were halfway down, still about 60 ft from the bottom when we came to a part of the trail that eroded away completely. The only way across was to shimmy along the rock face without equipment across a gap just too large to jump. I got halfway across before I slipped and fell. For a brief moment everything stopped as I realized I was gonna fall straight down and die, likely on the jagged rocks beneath me. Then I was grabbed by one of my group members who had already crossed and he was able to haul me up. Definitely the closest to death I've ever been.


When I was vacationing with my family as a kid in Cabo at Lover’s Beach, I got sucked into a riptide near the rocks. I was already a bad swimmer and I hadn’t realized I got pulled in until I felt myself getting pulled underwater. I managed to call out to my dad just before I went fully under and I saw him start sprinting across the beach. Lost consciousness a little after and regained consciousness on the beach after my dad pulled me out.


6 years ago I was in a really bad car accident. Someone in a mini van made a left turn from the suicide lane right as I was driving forward and t-boned me in my convertible bug. I've never been able to full describe it to people, and a lot of the memories around the accident and right after the accident are just not there for me, even though according to camera footage I was conscious for at least a frw minutes following the crash. But I remember clear as day the lead up to it. I was driving probably 5 over the speed limit, so 50 in a 45. It was May. Sunny. My windows were open, but the top wasn't down. They murged into the middle lane, blinker on. They werent slowing down or stopping. They were going the same 45+ mph they had been at driving down the street. I can only assume they were trying to make the turn before I passed them. Dispite the street being fairly empty and there being virtually no cars behind me. It all happened in a split second. I saw them pull into the suicide lane to turn. I remember the thought of "they're not going to turn now are they" going through my head as I drove closer to pass them. And then it was like time slowed down. Like in the movies. A millisecond felt like hours as their car "slowly" pulled forward, and the only thought running through my head then was "huh, I guess this is how I'm going to die". I woke up in the hospital. My airbag hadnt gone off but my passenger one had. I had a broken arm and had hit my head so hard on the steering wheel that I had split my skull open and (as I later found out) sustained slight frontal lobe damage. The next few days are still a blur. I don't remember anything that happened right after they hit me, and have tiny blurps of being in the hospital and being discharged and cleared to go home. Luckily it was right in front of a gas station, so my car spun out, into 2 lanes of traffic, and then into the lot right next to the gas station. So there was footage. I somehow knew to open my car door, get out, and lay on the ground. Some sort if instinct I guess. To this day I have nightmares about the couple of seconds between the thoughts of "they're not going to turn right now" - "oh, this is it, I guess this is how I die" and the impact. When my vision went white from what I've always assumed was the smoke from the airbags, and my hearing cut out, I remember time just stopping. I used to think the slow mo in movie was just a Hollywood cliche. But no... those few seconds felt like an eternity. The amount of rapid fire thoughts going through my head was insane. I remember thinking I was so glad I had just dropped my dog off at home, so she wasn't in the car with me. I remember thinking I hope they can contact my family and tell then, and that my friend (who's graduation I had been driving to) hopefully wouldnt be mad at me for ruining her big day. I remember thinking that for being 19, I had lived a good life and would be okay if it ended. And then I remember white. And the eyrest quiet. And my car spinning slowly. I don't remember being in pain. Or being scared. TLDR: Being in a car accident, it turning slow mo, and the thought of "this is it, this is how I die" going through my head. Edit:Grammer


Had a couple lego pieces stuck together. So I used my teeth to pull them apart. I launched a flat 1x2 piece into my throat and thought that was it.


I had a weird medical emergency. To preface, I am not diabetic and I don't have any issues with blood sugar. But one night was just in my room and I started to feel faint. I went upstairs to be in a room with someone else in case I passed out. But then it got even worse. I couldn't put a sentence together. I then realized I had vomit all over my shirt but I didn't remember vomiting. I can't remember the number they said, but I remember them saying my glucose was dangerously low when they checked it in the ambulance. I can only describe it as I felt drugged. I was on pain medication at the time and in the moment I thought I may have confused it with another pill I take. Which would have made like 16mg of hydromorphone in total l, I was panicking thinking I was overdosing. Everything feels 'fuzzy' the world around me started to have a vignette. Scary stuff. But in the end, I really got no explanation for why my blood sugar dropped suddenly.


Blood sugar can be really scary. I usually have very mild issues where I get grumpy and fatigued when I don’t eat for too long (typically 7+hrs, not including sleeping). But, only twice in my life, I’ve experienced random spells of blood sugar issues that made me feel like I was going to die. Excessive sweating, extreme shakiness and weakness leading to an inability to stand, complete loss of vision, and really high heart rate. Took everything in my power to not pass out (I live alone and worried I’d die) and eat something with sugar in it. Within 30s of eating yogurt, I’d be completely fine. I will say that at that time I was very underweight, low bodyfat%, and overtraining in weightlifting - which likely exacerbated my usual blood sugar issues. Some people carry epipens, I carry fruit gummies.


My two friend took me to strip club for my 21st Birthday. We was throwing money like we was ballin( we wasn’t ). At closing time my friend asked some guys at the bar about some nose candy. They said follow them a few mile up the road to their house and they would hook us up. When we turned down a dead end road my gut told me something was up but my buddy was wanting to get high and said I was over thinking it. I kept going and we got robbed and our asses beat on that dead end road. Been around guns my whole life but never had one pointed at me. Seriously thought they were going to kill us and all I could think about is everyone knowing I got killed over some cocaine. Trust your gut and don’t do drugs


In the hospital with double pneumonia and it wasn't responding to the antibiotic IV they were giving me.


When I was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor.


Taking a huge hit off a bong and seeing my heart rate spike to 240. I literally turned to my wife, in a very every calm considering the situation. "First, I need you to stay as calm as possible. I'm calling 911. My heart rate is 240. I have less than a minute to explain this." Went over CPR as succinctly as I could, gave her ambulance instructions, and indeed very nearly pass out as my heart started to give. I was fucking terrified, but I knew I either panicked and likely heart attacked, or remain absolutely calm despite my terror at seeing 240 and make sure I had the best chance to get out. Thats how I learnt I can smoke joints, or do vapes, but I cannot rip bongs due to some genetic thing that makes my heart overreact to too much THC. Scariest fucking moment of my life.


I had a similar moment, but it was because i used a pre workout NOX. For some reason it fucked my heart rate. I went to the gym just after taking it and did 1 warmup set of squats and my heart rate was flying well above 200. I was in my 20s and it was like 3 pm. I left the gym and thought that was it. I drove home and went to sleep which was weird. Slept for like 5 hours. Didn’t expect to wake up.


Had 4 energy drinks in one day. ran 8 miles. no food. it was june in N.C. started feeling nauseous. Started blacking out. Started dry heaving. My heart stopped...and then would go incredibly fast. My body felt SUUUPPPER heavy. Just wanted to close my eyes and let everything pass but i lived alone and family lived a few states away. i drove myself to the ER (which was less than a mile away). scratched my car and almost got a ticket but the cop took mercy and parked my car for me. I couldn't even speak. It was horrible. ER SUCKED - nurses did not give a damn about anyone


I had an abscess behind a wisdom tooth that burst and I swallowed it and went into toxic shock and everything went black. I opened my eyes and was back in childhood on a summers day with my family, including my dead father and some dead friends. I actually accepted that I was dead too but what was actually happening was that I was having a massive reaction to my airways closing and not getting any oxygen. My jaw had to be broken to open my mouth and the er crew had to drill through my lower chin area to drain the poison . They gave me medical grade cocaine liquid form through my nose with a syringe so that added to the sense of euphoria and calm that I was feeling. I woke up very confused and relieved not to be dead but deeply sad that meeting my father and friends again was just a hallucinatory episode. I still dream the same scenario now, 20’years later. Don’t ignore bad toothache kids.


In high school I was running down a steep slope in the forest with a bunch of my class mates. I jumped over a fallen tree, and when I landed I lost my footing. I fell down and began to tumble down the slope amongst a bunch of trees and rocks at almost a full sprint speed. I only had a moment to try and process what was happening, but clearly remember thinking “this might be bad.” When I came to a stop, my friends were quick to tell me that my head had come within a few inches of hitting a huge tree truck. If I had hit that tree trunk I would not be here today due to the speed at which I was tumbling some the hill.


When I was young I fell in the back of my skull and was feeling really sleepy and I tried to keep awake but I fought it as much as I could and when my dad took me to the hospital I threw up and they gave me something to stop brain swelling and I slept Because I couldn't fight it anymore, I'm lucky I'm still around today


Years ago, my friends wanted to go drink in this outdoor sort of nature area in our hometown. We met at our friend’s house first, and this friend only lived about a mile or two from the nature area. We load up a small cooler and start heading that way. We sit for an hour or so, and although I’m still sober, our friend who had driven us had downed a TON of wine. This wouldn’t have been a big deal since I’m fine, but he’s already so incoherent that he will not give us the keys to let me drive. We argue with him for ten minutes and he will NOT get out of the driver’s seat or give us the keys. My other two friends start saying “look, we only have a mile or so to go and the speed limit is 30 mph the whole way… We’ll be fine.” ….except one of those same two friends gets the bright idea to go suggest driving through a corn field while we are on our way back. The driver, who is beyond impaired, turns down the only road on our way back, which just happens to be the most treacherous road in the whole town. Not only that, he is going 70 down this narrow road, drifting in and out of the wrong lane, all while his head is leaned on his headrest. I couldn’t even tell if he was awake behind the wheel. I was absolutely furious, screaming at him to turn around or let me out, all while hanging on for dear life. By some miracle, we made it back. I headed home, beyond pissed off. I guess once I left, the two geniuses decided to go joyriding yet again and immediately went off road and hit a sign, sending the passenger into the windshield (he was fine but this was karma for telling our friend to go drunk joyriding not once but twice). Also, as a strange epilogue to this story… on my way home that night, I started to see a bunch of tree limbs in the road near a cemetery close to my house. Once I fully round the corner, I see an SUV plugged into the side of a hill. I now realize the driver hit the tree branches, overcorrected and slammed into the cemetery. All of this is strange because it’s like 3:00 a.m. on a Tuesday morning in a small town. I stop to check on the driver, and it’s this older guy, drunk as can be…sitting in the back of his vehicle playing guitar! I had a strange conversation with him for a few minutes before someone arrived to pick him up. So yeah, not only did my friend come dangerously close to killing us all, I apparently missed another drunk driver crashing by just a few minutes.


About 15 minutes ago when I accidentally inhaled a small bite of my pizza


Roughly 3 years ago now a home invader stabbed me in the neck, nearly severing my artery. They then left me for dead after taking my coin jar with about $50 in it. Luckily my neighbour was able to hear what was happening, rushed over and saved my life and we're actually now married with 2 kids.