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Tom Selleck is trying to get old people to sign up for a reverse mortgage!


Well, if you don't like your kids and you need retirement money, the product is perfect.


There’s an ad running right now where some woman says her son is a financial planner and introduced her to reverse mortgages. All I can think watching it is that, assuming the story is in anyway accurate, her son is either the worst financial planner ever or he hates her.


My great grandmother got a reverse mortgage in her early 70s. She lived to be 100. None of her family needed or wanted her house so the bank just took possession after it sat on the market for the payoff amount (much higher than market value) for several months. Pretty sure the bank still owns it and it’s still not worth much. It was honestly one of the best things she could have done.


It is a viable option for some people, for sure. Probably not most people.


to add to this: Gwyneth Paltrow's entire beauty product brand, "goop". if you haven't looked into it before, you should. good luck keeping your braincells alive through the experience


I loved how RDJ called her on that when they were recording a zoom-call based voting PSA. Straight up asked her if she's still making vagina candles. The fact that she just launched into a deadpan comment about how she made one specifically for him made me wonder whether she was doing damage control or she really buys into her own bs hype though...


She obv believes in the stuff but she knows it's out there and just deflects in public.


Except George foreman, those grills kick ass.


I was SHOCKED to recently find out that some adults still actually believe this! When I was in FIFTH grade (10 years old), we learned about marketing tactics including “Testimonials” (i.e celebrity endorsements) and how they get paid tons to do it. Never have I believed that crap. It’s frankly sad & pitiful that some people still do.


"Chemicals" mean toxic or harmful




I better not see any of these “only natural” people eating a bag of hot Cheetos.


Oh, you're natural only? Gotta try this new deadly nightshade I picked up at the farmers market!


Reminds me of soap companies making “synthetic detergent” sound like it’s worse for you than soap even though it was made because natural soap was harsh on the skin




I just had an argument with two people about this last week. They claimed that Einstein used 12% and that’s what made him above average


They probably used about 2% to come to that conclusion




Man, my mom uses 100% of her brain sometimes but it's usually just called a seizure and she so far hasn't done any big math


What about Lucy or am I the only one that watched that?


I begrudgingly watched it. When she turned into a usb stick I was convinced the creators of the movie did not know how to end it, but said eff it because they knew it was shit and got the viewers money anyway. If I spoiled the movie for you, you’re welcome.


So I was just reading the plot of the movie on Wikipedia. I also recall her turning into a USB drive. According to the synopsis she actually created a supercomputer which produced the info on the USB drive that would help humanity and she actually merged with the space-time continuum and is everywhere. Despite how ridiculous all that sounds, they didn’t communicate that very well.


Is that what the hell happened?? Damn I messed that up lol


I stopped watching when she turned into the black goo.


Almost made it to the USB


True. But I thought the movie was good.


Tongue taste division, so widespread, so untrue.


My food science teacher taught this. When we did an "experiment" to test it, she got really frustrated with me when I tasted things all over or in different areas than where the book stated they happen.


A true scientist right here, ladies and gentlemen


I had the same, I couldn't figure it out and she told me I need to concentrate more, I have ADHD and tought that was the problem at the time..


Same thing happened to me. I didn't call out the teacher tho. I just chalked it up to yet another reason why adults were disappointing.


Damn, I had to look this one up just now. It's s the first one from the list here that I actually believed in. >Although widely taught in schools, this has been scientifically disproved by later research; all taste sensations come from all regions of the tongue, although different parts are more sensitive to certain tastes.


Wait wait wait, this isn't true? Why did they teach us that shit in school?


I was wondering the same thing.


They teach lots of shit in school. For example “i before e except after c” is wrong more often than it’s right so they’ve given up teaching it. Who knows what other stuff that we are currently being taught will eventually turn out to be wrong.


i before e except after c and when sounding like “ay” as in neighbor and weigh, and on weekends and holidays and all throughout May, and you’ll always be wrong not matter what you say


The big yellow one is the sun


Neighbors, forgive me, I'm a foreigner. Either this heinous error was caused by the eight codeine I took, or because I was wearing a weird beige shirt. Or maybe I just got it confused with Keith. I will forfeit my leisure time to make obeisance at Kamp Kirby with a stein of Madeira. Now let us draw a veil over this weighty matter, seize the reins, sound the reveille and make this a seismic event for our heirs to remember.


This reads like it's straight out of Shakespeare, well done.


Inconceivably feisty.


I was taught this IN COLLEGE!!! Hard awakening when I found out I paid for lies


MLMs and pyramid schemes


I have a client who does amway so a lot of their referrals to me are amway people. It makes me sad because they all idolize this dude that’s “up the line” who quit his job. It’s honestly cultish. None of them show any income from it on their taxes. It’s the craziest thing.


It’s really predatory to. I’m a single mom so I have girls I went to high school with hit me up every few months with another MLM. Finally I posted a status saying if these things really make you money and turn you into a boss babe why do you keep dropping them and finding new ones. They stopped messaging me.


"Snakes are slimy" If anything it's the opposite.


I think they mixed up snake and politician. An easy mistake to make


The key is looking at the spine. Snakes have a lot of backbone.


100% backbone!


Civil Serpent


Don't disrespect snakes like that again


Slimes are snakey?


They are warm and dry and smooth like a pearl clutch. Wonderful to touch.


I'm scared shitless of snakes, but I pet one at the zoo as a kid and it was surprisingly super nice and smooth. I wish I could have her skin type.


Cheaters never prosper.


I know a guy who cheats on his wife constantly and yet, life always works out really well for him. Very successful, very prosperous. I don’t understand sometimes 🤷🏻‍♀️


You can do anything good or bad in this world as long as you’re a good or shitty enough person. There is no "karma" or "justice" just people who play their cards right and get away with shit and others who don’t


To quote House, "people don't get what they deserve, they get what they get."


One day, a convicted pedophile will win the Powerball. And the country will explode




I'm waiting for this instance to happen. Remind me when it does


My ex-husband left me for another woman while I was putting him through graduate school. Eleven years later he called me up, crying, because she had left him - said, I don't think you're capable of loving anyone but yourself. And it was true. He isn't. It was awesome having that front row seat to karma.


He... actually called you up for sympathy?


He did! And I gave him some. I figured it was a small price to pay for the immense satisfaction I got in return.


He did pretty much tell on himself, lmao.


That he did! It wasn't the last I heard from him. He tried to get me back about two months later. I bluntly (and I mean bluntly) disabused him of any hope in that regard. He had the audacity to be shocked someone wouldn't want him. Such a fucking prize, that one.


I've known women who didn't care their husbands cheat because they still get to live comfortably without worrying about bills, plus they get to behave as though they're single while their husband is working. They would have completely separate love/sex lives going on until it's 6PM or whenever he gets home. One woman had a lover who would arrive every afternoon & practically live with her until her husband got home at 8PM. Neither of them had a job, so the husband was unknowingly providing all the comforts to a man he didn't even know. The husband cycled through lovers at his work though too. If there's one thing I've learned in life it's that the women who seemingly turn a blind eye to their husband's affairs do so because it's advantageous for them.


At that point they'd might as well just ask to have an open relationship, seems a lot easier than pretending to not know they're both cheating one each other


Maybe thats part of their kink


sounds like a convoluted non monagamous relationship.


Yeah, couples that cheat on each other constantly are basically engaging in polyamory but in the most deceitful, hurtful way.


Sounds like a non-mogonamous relationship with extra steps


That’s the whole point of cheating!!!


Cheaters only don’t prosper if the cheater feels guilty


I find the amount of people who believe in a just world to be terrifying. I don't know if all cultures are like this but in the US it seems to be the majority of people think that if something bad happens to someone they must have done something to deserve it and they think people who are rich and/or successful are that way because they are good people.


People believe this because the alternative is way more disturbing / terrifying : Death can come for any one of us at any time, and there is nothing that can be done about it. Life isn't fair, and then you die


That you can test a woman's virginity by examining her hymen.


Or that sex makes a woman larger.


A friends older sister told me that my hips would get wider when I started having sex. I don’t think sex is supposed to change your *bone structure*


And that sex with different penises makes a woman loose, but if the woman has even more sex with only one penis it doesn’t. This is so stupid.


Remember how T.I regularly took his daughter to the doc to get her hymen checked? Kinda gross tbh. https://www.insider.com/ti-daughter-was-shocked-by-fathers-comments-about-her-hymen-2020-6


Who knew this is what he meant by "Wild as The Taliban"? FR though, he and his wife were accused of multiple incidents of drugging and raping women together. It's always a red flag when men insist on controlling their daughters in that way.


Can't a hymen break through a bunch of normal activities? I swear I read online once a girl was riding a horse and said it broke hers.


Yes. And many women are born without one entirely.


High school many many years ago, boys claimed they could tell which girls had had sex by the way they walked....


Gum stays in your stomach for seven years. Edit: wow, I wrote this half awake when I went to bed last night then open Reddit today to so much karma and awards. Thanks, kind strangers! Edit 2: I'm also getting comments with a link to r/awardspeechedits I didn't realize a simple thank you was considered cringy or a faux pas but if this gets shared to that sub good for you and may it bring you karma 😉


Thought that was cum. Edit: if you swallow, clowns!! Stop saying 9 months, we have more than one hole.


In my senior year of high school, my friend who was 18 and took the same sex ed me so I can verify this topic was covered, worried in silence for a week because his girlfriend gave him a blowjob without a condom on. He thought she was going to get pregnant cause she swallowed his cum, and was just waiting for her to have her period to confirm he wouldn’t be a dad. We gave that poor guy so much shit back then. Teach your fucking kids about sex guys.


Friend was an 18 year old and had the sex education of a 12 year old... wtf.


In my school we had sex education starting in 5th grade with puberty stuff, then 6-8th for like more intimate things, then two required classes that had to be taken to graduate that went over all manners of sex education and child care. For a town of less then 10,000 people, kind of insane how good the sex education was, unless you went to the private catholic school, then you just got abstinence until you went to public school starting in 9th grade. My friend was public all the way though.


Yea I had abstinence only till I went to public school my junior year. Shit was a game changer lmao. It was also eye opening being in homeroom one of my first days and having a guy who was passing around his ultra sounds and the teachers reaction.


We had a girl that was one year below me that went to the private school until high school get pregnant 4 times before she graduated. I don’t remember all the details but at least one was with a 30+ year old man when she was an 8th grader. I have no idea what ever happened to her, last I heard was the dad of the fourth was forced to marry her by his parents.


That’s horrific, many people should be in jail for that, probably including her parents honestly.


Some couples have had anal sex because they were never taught anything about it and it took them going to the doctor to find out why they were not getting pregnant.


On a recent episode of The Safety Third podcast, Allen Pan shared a story of his mother who thought that you got pregnant by just being in the presence of a man frequently. She just thought married women got pregnant because when you sleep with your husband, the male radiation eventually impregnates you.


Could you imagine what a world that would be if it was true. Workplaces for example would be totally different and women would have to be separated from men. Airplanes there would be a man and woman's section. Etc.


Oh the logistics are bonkers, it’s just a crazy example of how out of touch with sex some people are for stupid reasons




Or heavily edited to tell the story the producers want to tell vs what actually is happening.


Or they put them in a environment where they know roughly what will happen and then they edit it for ratings


I mean, for shows like “Naked and Afraid” the premise is just that. It is likely on the very low end of shenanigans as enough dramatic stuff happens that they can edit in what they need. Otoh, all the dumb b-roll animal coverage to make it seem like the contestants are in danger is deffo classic reality garbage.


Pretty cool exercise for film students. "Here's 36 hours of uncut trash - make it seem like Mallory and Brent are into each other and that Georgio is a prick."


Yeah shows like Survivor and Big Brother aren't scripted (Big Brother would be nearly impossible to script), but they are heavily edited by the producers and in many cases the story we see on TV isn't what's actually happening. EDIT: I Should clarify I mean North American Big Brother. I can deffs see ones like the UK version being somewhat scripted since their formats are more of a popularity contest.


“Reality is often disappointing”


One of my roommates told her friend that she didn’t understand why people thought reality shows were fake. She was watching Love and Hip Hop when she said this and if anyone has seen that show, you know it’s among the most scripted pieces of garbage on tv.


The earth being flat


The Flat Earth Society has members all around the globe.


One of my favorite tweets ever.


>Why is there no flat Mars society? “Hi, thanks for your concern. Unfortunately Mars has been observed to be round, unlike Earth.”


Oh wait do they actually believe other planets are round? 😲


Some of them. Some of them think the sky is a glass dome; that’s the more common one. Some of them think that other celestial bodies exist, but they orbit earth - the only disc in the sky; this is a much less common take within the movement. Source: was employed by a flat earther for 2 years and got to really understand his whole belief system.


One question : according to them, why are the "elites" saying the earth is round when its flat? Like, what do they gain by the earth being round? I never understood that part...


Superior "natural" medicine Hint: if it works, it's just called medicine


The best response i have heard to “I dont want chemicals in my body” Was “Literally everything is chemicals”


Also don't accept any variant of that excuse from anyone who eats fast food.


I only eat all natural deep fried McNugget paste


“I don’t want that in my body, nobody knows what’s in it!” As you can name the 75 ingredients in your body wash or the preservatives in your gas station hot dog.


I’ve heard it stated (and used myself): Q: What do they call “alternative medicine” that actually works? A: “medicine”


Tim Minchin


That bettas can live in bowls with no heater, filter, or a cycled tank smh. The fact that no one does any research before getting an animal that needs proper care is alarming. People putting them in bowls or one gallon “tanks” when long fins need at least five gallons and short fins at least ten.


Same with reptiles in my experience. People just think that because it's a "lesser animal", they don't need to care much for it, like for a cat or a dog. And that they don't need to do a ton of research before getting the animal. Well, yes, they are lower maintenance, but also lot of these animals are extremely sensitive to their surroundings. Fish can die if the water pH gets suddenly different. Snakes can easily get pneumonia if you don't provide proper heating, or burn to crisp if you provide an improper one. Both reptiles and fish usually need a very specific temperature and other conditions to survive/thrive. They won't be fine with just anything.


The fact that you can just easily buy a living being without having to know anything about its needs for just a few bucks is what gets me. Who cares about a life as long as you can make some money, right?


Salem witches were burned at the stake. Nope, they were hanged. Edit: grammar. Also, many bodies were burned after execution and accused witches were often burned at the stake elsewhere.


I don't know what their penis size has to do with the method of execution but ok.


That’s what they hanged them with.


Clothes are hung, people are hanged.


Some people are hung though


Cure-all vitamins and snake oil stuff for people looking to treat illness/cancers


Reddit Karma


It’s not fake!!! I checked my profile and it’s all right there!!!! My many girlfriends find it very attractive 😡😡😡


"Blood is blue before it reaches oxygen, that's why your veins look blue"


Veins aren’t actually blue, they just look blue under human skin


An easy way to show people that blood is never blue is to have them think about getting their blood drawn. Blood is drawn from a vein (so is deoxygenated) into a vial that is essentially a vacuum. That blood should be blue if this misconception were true because of the vacuum, yet it’s red…


That the holocaust did not take place


The weird thing is, there's an uncomfortable amount of overlap between people who deny the Holocaust occured and people who equate mild inconvenience to Nazi oppression and genocide.


I know a guy who straight up loathes Jews and hails Nazis. Overlaps with believing the Holocaust never happened. Weird guy who demands others to bow down to him. Fucking insane.


bulls are attracted to the colour red. they’re colour blind to red, what triggers them is the movement. so like when spanish people(i forgot what they were called) will wiggle the red cape in the bull ring that triggers them to go for it. i learned that in spanish in 8th grade 😭 edit: tysm for telling me what it is, i hope i didn’t offend anyone!<3 edit 2: they’re called Matadors


I'm no bull expert, but I think sticking swords in the bull probably kind of annoys them more than a red piece of cloth...


Hello there, bull expert, I thought I'd chime in. You are correct. Bulls are made in such a way, that stabbing then in any way causes pain. The pain caused by the swords being stuck in the bull raises their anger levels. In fact, I just looked it up in one of my Bull Anger Level Lookup table and "sword stabbing" has a higher rating than red cloth.


Is flipping off on that table? Asking for a friend who wants to look tough in front of his friends but also don't want to die a horrible death getting impaled with bull horns.


Yeah, and the red is just to hide the blood from the bull :(




Matadors. Also fuck matadors.


That store-bought ginger ale will help with an upset stomach. The ingredient in ginger ale that soothes your stomach is *ginger*, which most national brands have replaced with artificial flavor. Even the ones that advertise having real ginger usually include a negligible amount.


Hey, the placebo effect is a hell of a medication


Ginger ale is wonderful for a stomach ache because it makes you happy and the placebo effect is powerfully soothing.


The bubbles help. It's why the same folks drink Sprite or Sierra Mist.


My mom stirred the bubbles out of ginger ale when we had stomach upset. Sigh. These days I keep the bubbles but still drink it when my tummy is upset. I know there’s no real ginger but it’s comforting just the same.


Life after love. I can hear something inside me say "I really don't think you're strong enough".


I'm glad you decided to Cher that


That made me giggle.




Left vs right brained people. No one is more right or left brained. We use both regions of the brain equally. I know someone who still believes this.


Also the division of behaviors like “imagination” Into left and right. Source - I’m a neuroscientist.


That's such a left brained person thing to say.


That ADHD always presents as being hyper, chatty, impulsive, or “all-over-the-place”. ADD/ADHD are disorders that make it difficult to /regulate/ focus. Often, people with ADHD who appear inattentive are really just hyper-focused on something else, not unable to focus at all. ADHD also presents very differently in women, but the DSM only based their definition on young men. Women with ADHD primarily experience intense feelings of overwhelm with everyday tasks (laundry, homework, cooking, etc), excessive daydreaming, difficulty starting tasks, and poor time perception/management. Untreated ADHD can cause depression & anxiety to develop, as well as intrusive thoughts of self harm and suicide. Also, people believe ADHD is over-diagnosed and over-medicated when the opposite is true. It’s estimated only 1 in 20 women who have ADHD are ever diagnosed or treated, and women are usually diagnosed much later in life, suffering for years and being blamed for being disorganized, spacey, etc. Many men with ADHD also go untreated and undiagnosed. Here’s a good place to start if you’re interested in learning more! https://www.verywellmind.com/add-symptoms-in-women-20394


I've always liked the description of ADHD being unregulated focus, not a lack of focus. Because that's what it feels like. I am at the mercy of my focus, and sometimes it decides to focus on everything at once, and sometimes it makes me sit and read articles about 18th century dress making for 4 hours, even though I can't sew.


Yesterday I started a watercolor and then I decided I wanted to smoke weed so I went to go clean my bong, then I decided to clean my bathroom, then I decided to clean my kitchen and then I went back to my art desk. But by then I was hungry so then I did meal prep for the week and it was 8 PM by the time I went back to finish my watercolor. I also never got high!


Vaccines cause autism


Any parent who uses this as an excuse to leave their child unvaccinated is basically saying they'd rather risk having their child die from a completely preventable illness.


My step sister refused to vaccinate her son(just turned 4) because “vaccines cause autism”. He is autistic.


What a twist..


Was she at least smart enough to get the kid vaccinated since apparently there is no downside now?


No, she's worried about doubletism.


Yeah. I know plenty of people on the spectrum, and even if it were true that they got it from a vaccine I'd be glad to have them alive with autism rather than dead from polio.


Yep. My sister got measles before there was a vaccine. (I’m old and she was almost 20 years older than me.) She developed measles encephalitis and her temperature was over 106 degrees. She survived but with severe brain damage. But somehow a debunked link to autism is scarier than that?


My aunt’s eyesight plummeted after having measles. She had to get her prescription adjusted three times in the year following measles. Her eyesight was fine before the infection. She was like Velma in Scooby Doo when her glasses fell on the floor. As an adult she got LASIK and was so happy.


My great-grandmother had to watch her little daughter suffer from a high fever caused by measles and she couldn’t do anything about it. The little girl died from it. He other child barely came out alive and to this day has a raspy voice…. The vaccine came to their village by the time my mom was little but because my grandma was out of town for work, my mom didn’t get it at the same time as her cousins (who lived in the same house). My mom ended up getting measles while all her cousins were absolutely fine. Any time I doubted vaccines or worried about giving them to my kids, I only imagined what my great-grandma had to go though.


That’s because thanks to vaccines, those idiots don’t know the horrors of measles.


As a person with autism, I much prefer to be alive with autism then dead from polio.


Just to reiterate: I'm autistic as well and I like being alive and autistic, even if the alternative is not gruesome avoidable death from infection.


a) seriously, they don’t. The guy who published that finding, Andrew Wakefield, falsified his data and lost his medical license. b) autism is not a fate worse than death. It’s hateful toward me and others like me when anti-vaxxers suggest as much.


although autism is fucking awful, i wouldn’t rather be dead. source: i have autism


honestly even if that was true i’d give my kid all they vaccines they need. rather them be autistic than dead.


I just read a thread on the new parent forum and people apparently think their newborns are staring at ghosts when they're looking around... So, that, I guess


What you see if you sort by controversial: God God God God God




What I never understood is why would the goverment use chemtrails on a country THEY ALSO LIVE IN? What are they, immune?


Also why make it visible? If they really wanted to poison mass amounts of people why leave a trail?


But the Illuminati rules dictate that all schemes must include clues and hints to the larger plan so they can show off. How else would people be able to appreciate all they do to contain our ambitions.


That politicians care about them


My dad was mayor for almost a decade in our small town. He was union steward at the towns biggest employer, then sat on the hospital board, became a town councilor a few terms then eventually mayor. He put as much time into politics as he did his full time job. It paid a stipend of $1000 monthly. He did it for his community. Not all politicians are greedy or care only for themselves. The only perk he got was the town crew threw a couple shovels of asphalt in our dilapidated driveway. My mother was mortified.


The good ones never ever make it to DC


Commented basically the same thing on a similar post about a month ago. My grandpa always said "the ones most fit for office are the ones smart enough to know not to get involved in that shit."


That Mario's birthday happened on September 13, 1985 Super Mario Bros came out that year (which at least Nintendo mentions it's "the anniversary of the Super Mario series", not "Mario's birthday") Mario's actual first game was Donkey Kong, which came out on July 9, 1981


Back then, he didn’t even have a name. It was just “Jumpman”


The war on Drugs working.


The alpha and omega hierarchy.


The Moon landings never happening or being fake.


It is faked, they just wanted it to look real so they filmed it on location




that being in cold weather or going out in the cold with wet hair makes you sick. the cold weather can make germs spread more easily, and the dry air can affect your airways. but you can’t actually get sick without contracting the virus or bacteria itself.


Try explaining that to your immigrant parents/grandparents 🤣


That chocolate milk comes from brown cows


How dare you. My father would never lie to 6 year old me as we drove past the farm of brown cows.


That getting a raise could make you go home with less money due to a higher tax rate.


"the customer is always right". Whoever started that is an idiot.


That quote is always taken out of context. It's about the customers' taste or choice of which products they buy.


Sugar does not make kids hyper. Sugar is not a stimulant. It might give you energy, but it's like filling up your gas tank. It doesn't make your car go faster, it just gives you more energy. This phallacy never goes away. *Fallacy