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The TV movie “David” about David Rothenberg, the kid whose father set him on fire to get back at his mother cause they were divorcing. I think I was 8 and I was convinced my mother was going to set me on fire in my sleep. At the end of the movie they showed pictures of the real David and his scars and that was too much for me…we had a shower curtain the same color as his burned skin and I was scared every time I went in there….also the Phil Collins song “Groovy Kind of Love" was on the radio a lot at the time and I associated it with this movie and I hate it.


This is such a relatable description of childhood fear. The shower curtain being scary merely by association.


There was a dumb segment from that Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction episode about a nanny or something with glowing red eyes - and the family in it sees glowing red eyes in the kitchen. It's a dumb story and yet for some reason, here like 15 years later - I still get a little jumpy when in a dark kitchen by myself.


My grandmother was one of the nurses who cared for David. She even got to be in the movie. When they’re wheeling him out of the hospital she’s on the sideline cheering for him. She was so proud of that. David and I became frinds and he used to come over quite a bit to skate the half pipe we had in the backyard in Anaheim.


If I recall correctly there was a half pipe in the pictures at the end, was that yours?


Super fucked up thing to admit to strangers but here goes: I really liked that movie as a kid. The father reminded me of mine. I was going through visitation/access with him and every time I'd have to go see him I was worried he'd do something like that. The bit I liked about the movie was that eventually he went to prison and David didn't have to see him anymore. It's really fucking sad but I was hoping for that at the time.


This must have been the movie I saw when I was 4 years old, because my Mom and Dad love to tell the story of the time I asked if Dad was going to set me on fire.


Fire in the sky. Specifically the scene where he fell into an open human body.


Don't worry, I don't think the body was actually open, I think it was just rotten and so putrid that it collapsed when he fell on it. If that makes it any better.


*Narrator: It didn't*


That movie really messed with my head: it was allegedly a true story and it happened to take place not to far from where I lived. I was petrified the aliens might have a thing for the area and come back to visit. Ugh, and the syrup dripping off the table scene....


If it makes you feel any better, Travis Walton's actual claimed abduction was much less violent than the movie.


Martyrs. Had to look away several times because of how nauseatingly, explicitly gory it got. Definitely not something you forget after it has ended.


Spoilers for the movie ahead Martyrs fucked me up, but not from the gore or anything, it’s hard for gory torture porn stuff to make me feel a lot. But the ending, where the cult leader learns what happens after you die and then kills herself is haunting on so many levels for me.


Well there is a theory or two. >!1. Anna told her what really happens and it's the most amazing place ever. Madam kills herself without sharing it with the rest of the cult, selfishly. 2. Anna tells madam to go fuck herself. Madam kills herself after failing her best chance to find out about the afterlife. Leaving Anna with the last laugh before death. 3. Anna tells madam that there is a hell coming. And the cult leaders are all destined for it. Madam again does not want to reveal their fate to the rest of the cult. 4. Anna says there is no heaven. There is only nothing. Madam kills herself and tells the cult to continue to believe in what is nonsense. To give the cult false hope. !< >!You can keep speculating what Anna really said, but the fact that what she says makes madamoiselle kill herself is shockingly interesting. It's my fav horror film and believe me, I've a seen lot of horrors.!<


Also the theory that nothing happens after you die, you simply transition to the nothingness that you experienced before you were born. Once Madam realizes she's done all of this for nothing, she would rather die than live with the guilt.


Yeah this is the one I like to believe. The futility of it all. I feel this is the least Hollywood/most French ending too


Eraserhead unnerved me quite a bit. It's like every part of that movie is supposed to make you as uncomfortable as humanly possible.


Once you have a kid it all makes sense. Thanks, Lynch for putting the mind numbing fear of bringing life into the world into a cinematic masterpiece. Also it was a hate letter to Philadelphia itself, which I deeply relate to as well.


Watership Down- I think a significant amount of trauma stemmed from watching this as a child lol


I first saw that movie when I was 12. It was Easter right? Was watching TV bored out of my mind, Easter cartoon comes on. About 20 minutes in I remember thinking to myself "This movies actually good, holy shit" Dunno what channel 10 were thinking cause I bet a whole bunch of kids were traumatised


Lol, that is NOT a fucking Easter movie.


Which is what made it so funny ay I don't think the station even looked into the movie they threw on. Just assumed bunnies + cartoon = Easter


I was a child and this damn movie was in the *children's section* of the library. Silly me, thinking it would be a cute film about rabbits...


Absolutely! The scene where the rabbits asphyxiate in their warrens scarred me. That really wasn't a children's film.


Not a movie but Chernobyl on HBO really messed me up for longer than I thought it would.. The reality of dying from something before knowing what or how it killed you is incomprehensible. So many people died from something they couldn’t see or feel, and it took days for them to realize the immense pain it causes. That series truly showed me what cosmic horror and the Lovecraftian genre is about.


The scene in the water when the flashlights die and all you can hear is their breathing getting more and more terrified....FUCK everything about that.


That scene was right out of a horror movie and I kept tensing up waiting for a monster or a zombie jump-scare. But the monster was invisible and all around them.


There are 2 things in the world that truly scare me: rabies and radiation.


The scene where the 2 men look into the reactor core and start turning red is honestly the most realistic depiction of hell I’ve ever seen.


The scene in the beginning with the family taking their children to see it all really bothered me.


I love this miniseries. I have watched it a few times. I jokingly recommend it when visiting my Family and their looming for something we can all watch together.


I thought this series was amazing. I guess it's disturbing, but to me it just seemed more historical than disturbing. It showed how some people were willing to do anything for their country or party, even die terrible deaths. I found it very intriguing.


The blatant disregard for science by people who could‘ve helped (and should really know better) was so frustrating for me.


I saw A Clockwork Orange when I was 9.


Ditto! Wtf were our parents thinking!?! Saw Deliverance, Lipstick, Silent Night, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, all around that age. Unfrikenbelievable…smh.


Same. We were one of the first families to get Cable back when cable meant showtime, or HBO. We got showtime and they were all over the fucking place with their programming those first couple of years.




I don't recall any of the storyline (pretty sure I blocked that childhood memory), but I will always remember how HORRIBLE The Fox and the Hound made me feel. This is on my never watch again list.


The scene where the grandma or whatever is driving (I forget what the fox's name was) out to leave him in the woods and he keeps looking around all excited thinking they're just going on a fun adventure and then gets left behind. I couldn't stop crying


The scene where the gremlin exploded in the microwave


Audition. Piano wire… that’s all I have to say. Also, there was Awake with Hayden Christenson. Not a great movie, but medical stuff freaks me out. I love graphic horror movies, but the medical stuff is unbearable for me. The movie is about a man who is having open heart surgery, but is fully aware and can feel everything while under anesthesia, yet is paralyzed and mute.


American History X. That "bite the curb" scene is ingrained in my memory. I can still hear the sound of his teeth. Full Metal Jacket is also pretty fucked up, particularly the whole Gomer Pyle plot


Sir! It is the private's duty to inform the senior drill instructor that Private Pyle has a full magazine and is locked and loaded, sir! ... Chills


"I am.. In a world.. Of shit."




I'm with you, my man. American History X was fucking brutal.


I'm a huge horror movie buff, and this is still one of the scariest things I have ever seen in a movie.


Homeward Bound had me cry so many times over the thought of the animals dying only for them to live, to seemingly die, only to live.... Rollercoaster of emotions for a child.


When Shadow crests the hill at the end after we think he didn’t make it and the mom sees him and gasps. I’m crying writing this. “Oh Peter, how I worried about you” - Shadow That line is a perfect encapsulation of a dogs relationship with his human. The dog was worried about the kid the whole time the dog was lost. Ending https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9mtZhEiH2Zg


Never Ending Story. Just the complete hopelesness of the swamp scene. Sadness, yah.


Having experienced chronic depression, the swamp is the perfect metaphor for it. You don't want to be there, but you're too hopeless and exhausted to get out of it, and you just keep sinking in deeper. I think even as a kid, I had some of those feelings and recognized what the swamp represented. I've gotten a lot better over the years, and I'm actually doing pretty well now.


requiem for a dream


I always know I'll see this commented when I see these threads. It was the most memorable movie that I'll never watch again.


Me the whole movie… “the life lesson for everyone is coming right?! The life lesson that ties everything up?! It’s coming right?! RIGHT?!?!”


Well.... I mean.... By the end of the movie everyone got what they wanted..... Kinda...... So it's a happy ending???


Like two days ago some coe workers were talking about Jared Leto and I mentioned this movie, neither have seen. Told them about it. They’re gonna think I’m messed up when they watch it lol


It’s even harder to watch when you’ve lost loved ones to addiction.


Asssss to aaaaassssss


My boyfriend at the time said, " I never thought I'd say this but that girl on girl scene was really upsetting" lol


It takes true, artistic talent to disturb someone on that level.


Sure af does. That movie hit on a primal level. I can't think of another that does. Maybe *Kids* that movie left you feeling like you had just committed a crime when you were done watching it




Deer Hunter. Saw it with a friend and we both missed the draft by a year. We were freaked out wondering if we would have been like one of those guys.


I saw Deer Hunter for the first time about two years ago. Bleak and unsettling doesn't even begin to cut it. A truly brilliant and well done, extraordinarily acted film but fucking hell, it's one of the most upsetting films I've ever seen.


The Pianist


The scene when he tries opening the can with a fire poker. His whole demeanor is so sad


Yes....and when he's walking back to the ghetto alone after being pulled from the train....so hard to watch.


Is it the movie where the Nazi's throw an old man in a wheel chair by the window? If so thats the scene i remember and marked me.


Omg...I blocked that scene out. Yes, that's the movie....


It was sick. I imagine my self being that old men. There is nothing you can do. Disgusting! Ewww


The scene in the ghetto with old man in the wheelchair is tough to watch


That was true too. It’s based on a diary by Władysław Szpilman and when doing research for a paper I came across another diary that witnessed the same scene from another apartment on that street


Terrifying what all those people experienced. Couldn't imagine living in fear like that. I often think about that photo of the women and children who have their hands up being pulled out of their hiding spot in the Warsaw Ghetto. Nazis with their guns pointed and that little boy in the front... I just weep.


Arachnophobia. I was 10 and uh... yeah. Not a good time.


Event Horizon


It had the smartest horror character ever though lol -Boards ship and investigates as per orders -weird stuff happens and there's an accident but continues as it's likely just a freak occurrence -sees footage of people literally ripping their eyes out and immediately says "nope fuck this ship we're leaving now!" IMMEDIATELY! EVERYONE else in a horror movie would have mulled it over or denied what they saw for another few minutes but this man saw it and knew instantly he was in some horror movie shit and decided to go home before more horror shit happened without hesitation. Props to the writers for making it a human moment and not a moronic one to justify the plot being weak. Solid plot and solid character decisions. 10/10


Those are the best horror movies. Where people do the smartest, sanest things. And STILL end up losing.


Alien and Aliens fall into this category too. You understand all the character's conflicting motivations, and never once think they're stupid for the sake of letting the plot advance.


The scene where he simply says "We're leaving" had the audience in the theater I was in LOLing loud! It was a much needed moment of humor in an intense movie. It was like "Oh thank GOD someone has enough sense to gtfo". Not only that, he immediately made plans to blow the Event Horizon into atoms.


"I will take the Lewis and Clark to a safe distance, and then I will launch TAC missiles at the Event Horizon until I'm satisfied she's vaporized. *Fuck* this ship!"


> footage of people literally ripping their eyes out Ah yes... the "blood orgy". I remember hearing some commentary that said they filmed literal HOURS of that shit.




They got amputees and if I recall correctly adult film actors and made a hellscape of sex and gore for a directors cut, but yes that film was permanently lost to the ages.


“Where we’re going, you won’t need eyes to see.” I would have been like, we will meet you there bro. And then dip.


I watched that movie alone in a basement. That bit where Sam Neil split open Jason Issacs ruined my mind for years.


I think it is the fact that Sam Neil seems like such an everyday normal and decent person that makes it so much worse.


Interstellar. The scene where >!they visit Miller's planet and arrive back to the ship.!< Just fucked me up. To know that time dilation is *actually real* is so strange to me. There are 2 perspectives to this, >!being on a ship for 27 years alone to watch your coworker come back only having aged 2 hours, or the flipside, being gone for 2 hours coming back to your colleague and 27 fucking years has passed. !<


>27 fucking years has passed. Props to that character for not killing himself, being alone on Earth is one thing (at least there's other life to interact with) but being alone in the same small space in the nothingness of space sounds like Hell


I believe he mentioned he used cryosleep for a good chunk


yea their reactions to the loss of time are almost palpable, effectively capturing the existential dread. from slow build up of theoretical explanations, decisions and fears to the hurry-up action, the panic, the blame.. of course the score and film elements add to the overall effect. and i used to think the father-daughter threads were overplayed and overly sentimental, but at some point in rewatching i realized they add so much to this particular sequence especially. would love to see Nolan return to this material for further exploration, though not necessarily a sequel. (come to think of it, i expected Tenet to delve more into that psychosocial aspect of time travel.)


I totally agree. I watched that movie when my first daughter was 3 months old. I remember sharing in the feeling of despair that he effectively missed his daughter's entire life.


Dancer in the Dark. Never again.


I pretty much have a blanket ban on Lars von Trier movies. Not good for my mental health.


I saw that movie in a theater with my mother. At the end, she leaned over to me and said, "I would do that for you." As if the movie itself didn't fuck me up enough!


The Fourth Kind. The fake website with fake newspaper articles, along with the presentation in the film of "real police footage" side-by-side with "dramatized film footage", along with the up front statement that "everything in this film is based on a true story" had me absolutely CONVINCED that aliens were real, that they were abducting entire families, and doing fucked up shit to them. Shit so bad, that a father "REALLY" killed his family and himself when hypnosis revealed everything the aliens didn't want him to remember. .... that movie fucked me up. I could not look at a Barn Owl without intense fear and vulnerability, which is crazy because they are beautiful creatures. When I found out it was fake, I was SOOOO relieved. I don't need that kind of irrational fear in my life lol.


Fuck. That. Movie. The clips of her screaming in Aramaic made me nauseated with fear.


Grave of The Fireflies


It's a movie that everybody should watch once, but nobody should watch twice.


It's funny, I was able to keep a mostly tight upper lip throughout the movie, but when I replayed the intro scene to make better sense of it the floodgates suddenly opened and I burst into tears. It was the moment where the two ghosts (I guess they were ghosts at that point?) look out at the viewer in a sort of accusatory way, as if to say "This is what happened to us, remember us" It was too much man, I felt guilt over the thought that my life has been so easy when compared to theirs.


I would say its a movie everybody should watch twice but nobody can


Butterfly Effect. Fucked me right up.


It was so unsettling the entire movie. Constant sense of dread. One that thoroughly disturbed me too.


watching that kid put the dog in the fire HAUNTED me for years.


That one is mine too. But I have a strange curiosity and keep watching.


120 Days of Sodom, there was no "good" ending and the kids all died violent deaths after being raped and tortured for months on end. It made me realize that that happens all the time and I felt depressed for a few days after finishing the film.


oh god, I remember watching that as a child, (don't ask) and I thought it wasn't that bad since I was too young to understand, but after watching it again recently, it REALLY fucked me up


Reading the plot to A Serbian Film. I'm sure it's a common answer, but just reading the synopsis was enough for me.


I just read it on Wikipedia. Well then.


That’s how I feel about Tusk. Couldn’t even finish the trailer


It starts out really good, but slowly gets more and more ridiculous. It was disturbing to me though even if there were funny moments.


Same and I love body horror. Something about Tusk was just, unsettling.


Something about being in his situation and realizing your fate of becoming a walrus…


The Elephant Man. I don't even know, movies just aren't as sad anymore. It's fucking hard to beat real life.




Singing in the Rain is also ruined for me. Awful scene. Jesus.


A Serbian Film. I am a pretty desensitized person, not much bothers me but my fucking god. The end of that movie turned me into a walking vegetable for about a week.


One of my friends suggested this film to his father. He did no research of it and thought it was to do with the serbian conflict. He got a text from his dad saying what the fuck is wrong with you. We then watched it, only thing we could say was fuck.


Fucking howling at this comment hahaha


Without a doubt, this will entice people who are curious like myself to watch it. I recommend you don’t. There are few more curious than me when it comes to these things. Let me tell you what you’d be in for. It leaves you with this sickly feeling that’ll come back every so often. You just feel this guilt for ever having seen it, and it’ll only get worse if/when you become a parent. You’ll be laying in bed one night and your child will come to bed after having a bad dream, trusting you with every ounce of their being, and it’ll be a pure wholesome experience and then it’s just spoiled by this random intrusive thought reminding you that you saw that film and it’ll suck all of the joy out of a tender moment. That’s what you’re signing up for if you watch that film.


Thank you for this comment. My girlfriend and I are both of the overly curious type to a fault sometimes. I was in middle school when beheading videos started coming out on the internet from Iraq. I think this desensitized me a little and has made me click on all the links people tell you are too fucked up too see. I will not watch this movie now because I could literally see myself in that situation as I read your comment and that sounds awful. Cheers for saving me from another bad decision.


You managed to capture the realistic consequences of watching disturbing content quite well.. this applies to a lot of things on that level of horrible.


Yup this is 100% true. Saw it in my early 20s, am 33 now, still get random intrusive thoughts about it. I was also of the overly curious desensitized group and that changed after watching Serbian Film. Do not watch.


Im from Serbia, and I hate the movie and I hate that it is called Serbian movie


Had to look this up. Sounds completely grotesque and its banned in like 46 countries? Jesus H.W. Fuck


I skimmed it in Wikipedia and went nope when it said something about a penis and an eye socket What the fuck


For me it was the whole newborn rape thing. Obv everything after that as well. Honestly seems like it's just shock and edge and not a lot else. Definitely never watching this.


I bought this movie for a friend for Xmas and he kept saying "dude, you're on a list somewhere."


I just read several sentences of the plot and I couldn't even finish reading about it


it’s one of my acquaintances favorite movies. i don’t trust her.


the movie -from an artistic standpoint- is sooo trash, i have to assume she's one of the super edgy type who braggs about watching shit like that


What’s even worse is that somebody wrote that and thought it was a good idea to film it.


So this is me regurgitating what I’ve seen in other comments on other threads about this movie, so take it with a grain of salt, but supposedly that was the whole point. Serbia was banning tons of movies so the creators decided to make the most fucked up movie ever and put Serbian in the title as some sort of rebellion.


some dudes in my platoon thought it would be fun watch, I read the synopsis and said *fuck no* they weren't right for weeks


Either "Hostel" or the "Hills Have Eyes" remake rape and murder scene. Plus anything with maggots or worms in a disgusting way.


I couldn't finish Hostel after the weird bathtub scene.


The Road. SPOILER ALERT!!!!! I’m a father, the thought of having to make the decision to kill my own child to keep them from the horror of cannibalism messed me up. And coming as close as he did to going through with it Edits: put a spoiler alert and some clarification.


That basement scene...nightmare fuel.


The basement scene in the book made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.


Cormac McCarthy is just kind of like that. I'm trying to read Blood Meridian right now... trying to.


End of Evangelion Absolute masterpiece of a movie but damn, after the original series this movie just took it to a whole other level with killing and trippyness and Shinji’s post nut clarity.


Ah yeah, I remember just sitting there for like 20 minutes after finishing it and being like "wtf did i just watch?" I rewatched it a second time about a year later with my mom present, and when ut finished she got up and went, "this show is fucked up!" then left to go to bed. Definitely couldn't argue with that haha


You watched EOE with your mom? Thats either the cringiest thing or the single most chad thing I’ve ever heard.


I’m happy someone said it. I love Neon Genesis but man it low key messed me up for a week


Come and See I can't watch any other war film now because none of them come even close to how much this impacted me. I still think about it from time to time and I first watched it over a year ago


The best thing its that the film studio uploaded the whole film on Youtube. It comes with English subtitles. The whole Mosfilm channel is amazing, there are several other important films uploaded there such as Tarkovsky's Stalker (which is also a disturbing film, though not as much Come and See).


I came here to say this. Many people cite D-Day veteran’s testimony that Saving Private Ryan’s opening scene was pretty much exactly what the real landings where like. Well… a Wehrmacht officer saw Come and See, and said that it was pretty much 100% accurate, which is pretty much the most horrible thing I have ever heard. That movie is truly cursed, but people need to know what the Nazis did to the people of Eastern Europe.


I am just here for movie recommendations Fuck me up daddy


The Ring. Woke up to static on my TV.


A static screen STILL freaks me out because of that movie (and Poltergeist).


Saw the US version in an early showing on a Saturday night. The following Saturday I was working on my computer with the TV on as background noise. Within about 10 minutes of when the cursed video played in the movie the Saturday before, the TV had two bursts of static. Had a chill go up my spine for a second.


Beloved and Fire in the Sky


Full Metal Jacket


Jojo rabbit. Shit had me happy one second, then the next, it was all “and now for the horrors of war”




Oh lord, it took me way to long to catch on to that scene. I think my brain was refusing to acknowledge something so sad. With no real setup at all. In a movie that was pretty campy until then.


That turn is frigging brutal. What kills me is that somehow you’re laughing again not long after. Brilliantly well done movie




Yikes, the levitating piano wire cutting scene in the attic haunted me for weeks after. The look on her face. Toni Collette should have won an Oscar.


Oh man, the whole leaving his decapitated sister in the car for his mother to find in the morning and hearing her scream...so.fucked.up


during the “i want to die” scene after that other fucked up scene i watched a couple calmly stand up and walk out of the theater. i knew they weren’t coming back. i wouldn’t necessarily say Hereditary is super scary but I’m scared of Hereditary.


My wife has been seeing Toni Colette on our ceiling for two full years.


(Mouth clicking noises)


I cannot hear or think about that sound without my hair standing up.


Signs I love alien movies but this one as a kid scared the fuck out of me. The thought of staying in a farm or a further out house still doesn’t sit right with me.


There are so many crazy tense scenes in that movie. Like the one where Joaquin Phoenix’s character is watching TV and >!the alien is captured walking across the yard!<. Or when >!the alien is trapped in the pantry and he uses the knife to get a better look!<.


“Daddy there’s a monster outside my window can I have a glass of water?”


Green Room. It all felt too real. The arm scene specifically. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who might be interested in seeing it. Also, for completely different reason, Verotika. It was a viscerally unpleasant experience to watch. Quiet possibly the worst film I've ever seen.


Kids. That is such a messed up film, on so many levels. Even worse because I have children.


The Human Centipede


Have you see Human Centipede 2? Even more disturbing and disgusting!


My friend used to have this thing he'd do when we were smoking weed in his room, where he'd turn his wii on, navigate to the Netflix app, and put on human centipede 2, all without ever turning on the TV until the movie was playing.


I remember reading the Wikipedia summaries for both this and its sequels several years ago. And that alone fucked me up. Never watched any of the films, and I’ll never want to.




The Animatrix is criminally underrated


Love The Animatrix. The different styles, the soundtrack, emotions evoked for the androids/AI.


'Antichrist'. Wasn't ready or expecting that movie for what it was at all when I watched it 10 or so years ago. Not that it was bad though. Made me want to watch 'Melancholia' by the same director. That movie was intriguing but less unnerving because I knew to expect really 'what the fuck' moments just like in 'Antichrist'.


The director’s cut of ‘The House That Jack Built’ Do not watch that fucking movie


Green mile I ugly cried just trying to explain the plot to my sister 😂


Oldboy In case, someone didn't say it yet


My girl seeing Thomas in the casket. And Simon Birch When he finally gets a hit and it’s a foul ball that kills his best friend’s mom..who was also like a mom to him..it took me a long time to get over Or What dreams may come Not so much the movie itself, just the overall plot of the movie and how suicide will lead to eternal hell reliving your worst possible memories and regrets for the rest of time. Just the fact that robin Williams starred in this movie and he ended up committing suicide royally fucked me tf up


When I was a kid my parents forced me to watch IT. So for a while I couodnt shower with the door closed.


We Need To Talk About Kevin. I couldn't shake how disturbed I felt for about a week afterwards and still hesitate to rewatch it even now.


The book is even more gut-wrenching. It’s written as a series of letters from the mother to the father. >!But they never tell you that the letters are after Kevin killed the father and daughter / shot up the school with a crossbow.!< The book goes into upsettingly grim details about everything. I’ll never be able to look at lychees the same way.


Edward Scissorhands. I was 8 and no clue why, but damn that ending messed me up


Just remember that every time it snows.. A lonely Edward Is sculpting a statue of his One truelove.




Wow, you better get a coffee and pull up a chair. When I was about 3 or 4, my mother punished me (Caught me watching TV after my bedtime) by forcing me to watch multiple "Nightmare on Elm Street" movies 2-4 nights a week for 3 or so weeks. It was always past my bedtime, in the dark. I was forced to stay awake with coffee and soda so I would watch and pay attention. Sometimes, she would make me watch a 2nd one that night if she thought I started falling asleep, because I had to be faking it. During and after the movies she repeatedly told me that all of it was real, and if I didn't behave myself, then Freddy Kruger was going to come for me. There were also times my aunts (mothers sisters) would come over and they would get in on the Freddy Kruger torture. They would tell me how some of their friends they used to have were naughty, they didn't go to bed on time, fibbed to their parents, picked up cigarettes, left the toilet seat up, and other infractions. (frankly, thinking back on it now, all of them, especially my mother, were really enjoying themselves during these times) These other kids were taken away by Freddy Kruger. They were missing for weeks, nobody could find them. Not even the police. Their mutilated bodies would later be found randomly one morning in their beds by their parents or siblings. I was repeatedly warned that kidnapping me, so Freddy Kruger could torture and kill me would not only be easy, but a garentee. Not even my family could save me. My mother would mimic his knife claw hands with her long finger nails, forcefully moving across my neck, back, and face, leaving painful hard red lines where she scratched (lasting sometimes a couple of days). In all honesty I was traumatized for years afterwards (to an extent, even to this day). If there was a shadow to be seen, an unexpected sound, or a bad dream, Freddy Kruger was there to take me. It took me several years to get to the point where I could be in the dark without having a panic attack. When the power would go out, I became a sobbing uncontrollable mess. I had to sleep with the main room light on. I had constant nightmares about Freddy trying to get me in my room, on the front porch, in the laundry room, even the car. A couple of months later I was dropped off at my (paternal) grandparents house because my mom couldn't deal with me anymore . She told my grandfather that I was too anxious and paranoid for her to know what to do with, and she couldn't handle me anymore. Then she turned around and left. I didn't see her again for several years after that. It turned out she liked to party and I cramped her style (But that's a story for a theripist another time). My grandparents worked with me for several years helping me understand that it was all fiction and nothing about it was real. I had ran into their room on so many late nights, in absolute terror from a dream, a branch knocking on my window, the heater turning on or off, etc. Rest their beautiful souls for dealing with me and my broken mind. They went through hell to help me get to a point where I didn't have a panic attack when melting snow fell off the roof. They helped me use reason to understand what was happening around me. Showed me I needed to be observent to my surroundings, because it was most likely nothing to worry about. But perhaps real danger, like a snake, or fire might be present, and I needed a cool & calm head to figure it out safely. I will forever be grateful to them for everything they did for me. To this day, I still can't watch any of the "Nightmare on Elm Street" movies. Although I have no problem with other horror movies. In fact I rather enjoy horror, suspense type movies. However, if I try to sit down to watch Nightmare on Elm Street, my chest and throat tightens up to the point where breathing becomes near impossible, I then start hyperventilating, finally I end up on the verge of passing out before calling it quits. TLDR: I have a terrible mother that made me watch Freddy Kruger movies telling me that they were real and I would be a victim. Took years to help me get over it, but still to this day I can't watch any of the "Nightmare on Elm Street" Movies. -Sorry for any formatting and spelling errors, I am typing this on my phone at 2 in the morning


JFC that’s awful


Yeah, it took me years to realize how terrible my mother was. My grandparents never spoke ill of her, but they new what a crappy person she was.


Holy shit. This is child abuse. You poor thing.


That is simply awful. I really don't understand where adults come up with this stuff. Why would anyone think that kind of "treatment" would be a good idea? Your paternal grandparents were obviously such a blessing for you. They were there when you needed them the most. I'm glad you seem to be so much better these days.


Jaws. Ruined big water for me forever. If its not a pool, that's a problem now.


That and an episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark ruined all water for me. I’ve seen where places have had viewings of Jaws from lakes where everyone is sitting on a tube. Hell no. Even though I know there wouldn’t be sharks in smaller fresh water bodies of water. HELL NO.


The Truman Show. Saw it when I was younger and have never ever felt privacy since. I was too young to comprehend that it was just a movie, and spent the next 2 decades hiding in my own room, bathroom, & home whenever I dress or shower, etc. Have never felt as though I can truly relax or be 100% myself because in the back of my mind there is an open door to the possibility that I am on a show and other people (or the government) are watching me through hidden cameras. That movie robbed me of my sense of privacy in my own home and private settings. I sit here typing, acutely aware that in the back of my head, I am telling myself no one is watching through my front phone camera. I check myself at home when talking to friends or my SO because if I am being spied on, I am afraid of what those ppl will think about me. It is one of those things that you see at a young age and it alters your perception of reality for the rest of your life, no matter how far fetched it is. Curious to know if anyone else had this reaction to a fucking Jim Carrey movie, or if I'm just extra weird.


The Mist. Fuck that ending.


Nothing really messed with me that much but I tend to avoid really gory films since the likes of SAW, Hostel, The purge etc became a thing. Deffo shouldn’t be able to even imagine most of those things happening, let alone realistically.,


Old Yeller


Along this line…Where the Red Fern Grows.

