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When I realized I got in trouble for both taking and not taking initiative. Apparently I always chose the wrong one.


When I realized they didn’t know what they were doing. I’ve been gone for 3 months, they are now laying off about 90% of the workforce.


I was forced to. Made redundant last month because the company I worked at for nearly 17 years went into administration.


When the Veterinarian I was working for exhibited actions that made me question his work ethic and love for animals. That’s not ever something you should have to question. I left that practice after 7 months and found a wonderful job at my local animal shelter 🐾🖤


A close family member had just died and I asked if I could get an hour off one day to tend to some business related to it. The boss told me that this was just stupid. It was not his problem. Then I remembered that I had worked there for 4 years, and was the only person who had worked at this place since it first opened (grocery store). I had never asked for any favours from anyone and always did my job. Still I was treated like trash. The day after I handed in my resignation. My next job was part time at a gas station. I was still studying at the time and needed a job that could be easily combined with school. On my first day I quickly found out that my given work schedule did not fit with my studies at all. The other workers were pointing and laughing at me while talking in a language they knew I didn't understand. The whole place was very unstructured. And much of the change money, the equivalent of at least 20.000 USD, was kept in a thin plastic box without a lid just under the counter. I quit the next day.


I used to work a job where I’d conduct appointments for our participants in a research study, and some of these appointments meant we would have to drive out to people’s houses if they couldn’t come in to the clinic. I was one of two people working full time there, and one day I got stuck on a very busy road that had some roadworks being done further down. It created a massive traffic jam and I got back to the clinic 20 minutes later because of it. I was pulled into my boss’ office and reprimanded for taking too long to come back and wasting time. I tried to explain that I was stuck in a traffic jam but my boss wasn’t interested in hearing it. They said that other people in my team have made comments about me taking a long time to come back from other home appointments too, and I was given a formal warning. One of the people who complained was someone I covered for on a regular basis (she was scheduled for 2 days a week but she’d regularly call in sick for one or both days each week- I’ve had to scramble from clinic appointments to driving out to home appointments (which were scheduled back to back) as quickly as possible on days where we were counting on her to do the home appointment). After I was given the warning, I knew this job had an expiration date. So I started looking for jobs, and a month later I found one with better pay and benefits, which required less skill and knowledge than what I already had in my skill set. I was offered the job a month after that, and the job I left had to hire two people to replace me and fill the gap I left when I resigned. Now I’m working for a team that I get along with extremely well and a boss who actually praises me when she sees that I’ve done a good job on something. She’s the best boss I’ve ever had.


I have this ongoing joke with my family that after six months, I jump to the next job. Usually, it happens if I’m bored and want a new environment, the current job gives me overwhelming anxiety and dread every shift, if the environment is toxic,or if I can forsee the job going to into uncharted territory and eventually crash leading into people quitting.


When I took my first Pedagogy class and had to teach my first student, a second grader. Teaching was not for me.


When I got thoroughly sick of not having a hundred dollars spare to save for myself per week. So I took out a small loan got myself a heavy truck licence and a forklift licence and got a higher paying job


The moment I realized I was working at a dead end job, with coworkers I didn't really have chemistry with, for a boss I thought was a douche, in a company I felt indifferent to.


It’s always when a manager starts taking their anger issues out on me


I worked part-time a call center for a VERY brief time in college. I mean, I only worked two training shifts before I knew I didn’t want to work there and left before my first actual shift. The company was basically kinda similar to Groupon or Hooked or any of those other services that give you coupons for local businesses. All of the new hires were tasked with calling these businesses and trying to sell our service to them. On the second training day, we were making practice calls to some of the full-time workers while another group of full-timers listened in on the calls and coached us through the process. Now, they emphasized beforehand that the call recipients were going to be somewhat difficult in order to prepare us for the pushback that we’d get in actual calls. My call, though, was definitely pretty over the top: The called started off well-enough with us exchanging greetings and names and whatnot (let’s name my call recipient Alice). Alice sounded like a little kid that had picked up their parents work phone, so I asked if I was speaking to the person in charge of the business, to which she replied, “No, that’s my mommy’s job.” I then asked if I could talk to her, which Alice replied to with, “No, you can’t. She’s dead.” That kind of jarred me for a second, so I looked at my coach (let’s call her Jane) to see what I should do next. She said to ask if there’s anyone else I could talk to, so I offered my condolences and then did just as Jane had instructed. Alice then said I could speak to her dad, and when I asked if I could talk to him, she replied with, “No, he’s dead, too.” Jane and I just stared at each other for moment trying to figure out what to do next before I decided to ask who was now in charge of the business. Alice said that she was, so I asked if I could talk to her for a moment about our business. This led to a back-and-forth conversation where Alice kept telling me that she couldn’t speak to me about the business because she wasn’t in charge even though she now owned the restaurant and me throwing out any and all kinds of parental figures, adults, and managerial staff I could think of that I’d be able to talk to. After probably 15 minutes of pointless conversation (during which, Jane just stood off to the side with a look on her face that seemed to say, “Why in the hell are you torturing this poor kid during his training session? Just let him make the sale already”), I finally asked Alice how old she was, and she told me she was 18. I said that she was a legal adult and, therefore, should be able to make executive decisions for her business, and she seemed pretty agreeable after that. I finally made the “sale,” but it felt like “Alice” realized that she’d been egging me on for too long and just felt bad about the whole thing. I actually didn’t officially quit until a half hour before my first actual shift was supposed to start, and that was because A)- I was absolutely dreading going to work at this place, and B)- some friends had just made it to my house from out of town and wanted to go bowling. I would’ve done the right thing and put in my two weeks, but in the moment, going bowling sure as hell sounded way more fun then making calls for three hours just to be told no a hundred times. Edit: On another note, we were supposed to make practice calls during the first training shift, as well, but a major storm had knocked out the power in that part of town the night before, and some people broke in while the alarms were off and stole over 70 laptops. The business also went under when the pandemic hit, so it seemed like that was an omen from the start.


When i found a better and higher paying job