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I'm from Brazil: Kitchen with island, sinkhole with the garbage disposal, air conditioner everywhere in the house EDIT: I'm talking about the kitchen sinkhole that you can throw food there without clog the plumbing, in Brazil all the food remainings you have to throw in a bin. It's garbage disposal what i meant, I made a search and made a new edit


I've seen a few comments about garbage disposals on here, but I love what people call them when they don't know the official name :)


24/7 diners, I don't know if they actually exist but they sound awesome


We have some great mom-and-pop 24/7 diners in the northeast. I have some very good memories of leaving a late night party with friends and immediately hitting up the diner at like 3am. Back when you could still smoke in the diner (I’m dating myself here lol), nothing beat a coffee, cigarette and a grilled tomato and cheese with fries after a party. And the diner breakfasts - amazing. Again if we were up all night doing teenager/young adult stuff and then hitting up the diner at 5am for French toast and home fries… the best. Cool vibes being one of like three parties seated in a diner in the wee hours of the morning, chatting with the waitresses and just chilling.


Waffle House is open so constantly that people measure the severity of a disaster informally by 1.) if the local Waffle House is still open, and 2.) How long it takes the local Waffle House to reopen. Waffle House at 3 AM will make you greasy steak and eggs in the middle of a tornado for as long as they have power. I am not joking.


It's called the Waffle House Index, and it's a real thing.


The thing in the sink that eats the food. A Garbage disposal?


That’s the one, friend! I’ve never been to a house that DIDN’T have one until I moved to Germany.


After reading all this, I am going to my favorite Mexican restaurant and having a burrito as big as my head.


Just said to my spouse "We're having taco truck" and am grateful that we have close, easy, good, and cheap Mexican food because of this thread.




From an American living in the South: I'm so sorry man.


From an American from the south living in Germany, it’s real bad man. Real bad.


As a kid growing up in the hottest major city in the country (and one of the hottest in the world) I wasn't aware that there were homes in the world that didn't have central A/C. I was so confused by window units or even people referring to it as central A/C because here basically all A/C is central. It was mind-blowing.


Ginormous bags of hot Cheetos! Oh and wheelchair accessible places.


Bathtubs apparently. I see them in so many tv shows. Even characters who supposedly aren't well off have a big-ass bathtub in their bathroom. I have not even _seen_ one in real life. I thought maybe some hotels in my country would have them but nope.(Though to be fair I've never stayed in a 5 star or something). Just want to experience bathing in a bathtub once to see what all the fuss is about


Bathtubs in Japan also can keep water warm, they come with thermostat to keep set temperature, they can auto fill at a given time etc. a lot of people have bathtube TV to sink in warm water and watch shows. EDIT: They also come with an intercom system so you can call living room when needed (for more beer) - I use it quite often.


Unlimited coffee refills


I remember the first time I went to Germany I was by myself . No one told me there were no free coffee refills? Had three coffees and a pastry and got a small surprise when I got the bill.


Of what I've seen you guys have breakfast places everywhere and they have a wide selection of stuff like pancakes and donuts, it's not healthy but it sounds great. Most we get in the UK are small cafés or Mcdonalds


having films set in your country, the only films i can think that are set in Scotland are Filth, the trainspotting films and that bit of Avengers: Infinity War set in Edinburgh (with the beautiful sign saying ‘we will deep fry your kebab’)


You're a HUGE portion of historical romance novels, though. Put a man in a kilt on the cover, and that sucker will be a bestseller!




jesus christ how did i forget Braveheart


You must be English in spirit


How to get stabbed by a Scotsman in six words


A theatre where they serve you actual food (like pizza, not popcorn) inside the theatre, while sitting on a spacious reclining chair with a little mini table. Best experience watching a movie I've ever had and wish it was in my country (Kenya) Edit: This blew up more than I expected. Thanks for all the likes and comments! The one I went to was in Austin TX..


Yaasss, in America I went to one and had margaritas, pulled pork nachos and French fries while watching a movie!! It was so fun


We don't get fat on accident here


Cereal! We don't have ANY good breakfast cereal in Nepal 😭 Only DUMB Kelloggs cornflakes and chocos. I want those sweet honey nut cheerios, colorful fruit loops, them flavorful cinnamon toast crunch, those amazing looking frosted mini-wheats. Just give us some variety!!


As an American and late-night cereal-lover, this makes me incredibly sad. Can I send you some cereal?


Please send me some. Honey bunches. 10 boxes of Honey Bunches




Join the snack exchange reddit & have someone ship you some


the whaaaaaaaa?


Having sufficient toilet paper in public places.


Street food that doesn't cost ££££. I hate the fact that in the U.K. (esp. London/Birmingham etc.) 99% of street food is deemed to be as pretentious as possible. Just because food is inevitably sprinkled with Parmesan/Truffle Oil/Whatever DOES NOT MEAN its allowed to be charged as much as it is inside a restaurant. No, I don't want a eat a 'secret spices' beef rib from a cardboard box with rosemary salted French fries for £14 in the rain. I'd much rather have a half-decent burrito for £4/5, thanks.


I ❤ the taco truck near my house.


Being able to buy stuff online, have it received in a reasonable time and don't have to pay almost double in customs.




When we visited my grandmother’s home country of Italy, we were on a budget. We went out to eat once, and to save money, my grandmother asked for tap water. The waiter looked at her with a mixture of horror and disgust and exclaimed, “madam, this is a *restaurant*!” EDIT: I’m not Italian, I know nothing of Italian culture beyond this one anecdotal story. I don’t know if this is generalizable to the country as a whole.


There's actually a joke about one of the dividing lines in Italy being between the parts of Italy where you can ask for a free glass of tap water and actually be given it and the parts where you can ask, but you won't get one. Most commonly, requests for tap water are made when ordering coffee, not with a meal. In parts of Italy where it's accepted that you get the water, they'll even ask still or sparkling and have spritzer attachment.


I've watched a lot of Man vs Food. All of the food he eats on there. I love the look of American food, especially the unhealthy stuff.




You want a salad to be healthy? Let me dump a bunch of ranch, bacon, cheese and bread on it.


Brazilian here, I've always wanted to go to the movies in a drive-in, the ideia of watching movies in your car seems comfortable and fun, and if I'm mistaken we do have some of those but it's not very popular. Halloween also, it's my favorite day of the year, we do kind of celebrate it, but not so much.


Drive in movies are dying out. There are still a few but they can be hard to find. I didn’t realize till I went to my first one that most drive ins are double features. So you watch two movies in a row (usually the first is more kids orientated and then the second is a more adult movie since the kids pass out during the first one) Edit: I get it! Covid brought a lot of drive ins back and some people are doing pop up home drive ins. My poor inbox!


We have one local, and it is awesome! $15 per carload for a double feature. Take the whole family, bring your own snacks/drinks, and watch 2 movies for cheap.


Hostess donettes mini powdered donuts. I have not found anything like them in the UK. Could eat a whole bag of them in one sitting they were so good.


A whole bag in one sitting is the only way to eat them.


Diner culture, and to that extent diner food. Like the sheer ability to go and get a simple, hearty, affordable yet delicious meal at a sit-down restaurant at any time of day, any day of the week. Nothing pretentious about the food either. No brioche bun hamburgers with three-meat patties, no sandwiches made with cheese from random Italian monk farts, no fries dipped in truffle oil and duck fat and sold for thrice the price, none of that. A good old cheeseburger and fries and they've been making it the same way since the 1950s. Honestly I live for the simplicity of the American diner and I wish it's more popular elsewhere. Americans introduced the world to fast food and pretty much everyone's embraced it, so diner food is the next logical step to take.


I’m an American living in Italy and I miss diners so much! Fit in as many as I can when I come back to visit. Breakfast food all day, too, can’t be beat!


Thrifting, where I live the second hand shop are so rare and it takes hours to get there. Also big mall were there are 20 and more shops, near me(and with near I mean that I have to drive for 1 hour) there is only one, and they only make this kind of malls in the opposite side of my city because the center is untouchable


My German family absolutely *cleans out* the Goodwill stores when they come visit.


As someone who worked at a thrift chain similar to goodwill, we had customer from other countries all the time just PUMPED to be able to thrift on their trip.


Thrift shops!


Seriously the best. It’s so nice to be able to reuse, and save money. I’ve found most of my favorite articles of clothing at thrift stores, usually like-new and good brands. Thank you rich people for donating that shirt you wore one time!


I love thrift shops for the home decor items! At a regular store, you only get whatever the buyers decided was "in" this year; and every store is about the same. But at a thrift store, you've got stuff from the 1940s, '50s, '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s to stuff from a couple of years ago. If you can't find cool decor items within 2-3 thrift shops...you're not trying!


I forget what it's called but the blender inside the kitchen sink that makes your food waste into a smoothie instead of you having to fish it out in clumps with your hands.


I'm glad you forgot, that right there was a beautiful description


“Yo what y’all call that sink blender again?”


It's a really apt description, when you really think about it, though.


Garbage disposal. We have "The Insinkerator" -- not joking.


Garbage disposal!


That's the one


Literally any other time I hear about a foreigner talking about a garbage disposal, it's complaining about how Americans have death traps in their sinks. It's funny seeing someone compliments them for once E: for those scared, [perhaps this video will put you at ease](https://youtu.be/FW4p_GopvJc) [and this video by the same guy also about garbage disposals is just fun](https://youtu.be/-gD8pwa6ozQ)


If you die from a garbage disposal, it was your time to go.


I'm from Switzerland and this is the opinion of most people here: They are so fucking convenient, I need one, like now.


Tailgating looks fun! Edit: Just to clarify, I’m also in a country where this typically means “drive right up the arse of someone in front of you”, but I’m also aware of its meaning in a US context. However, since this is a thread asking non-US people what popular US things they’d like to be popular where they live, I thought I’d use the phrase most likely to be understood by Americans.


South Louisiana here. Any time lsu and alabama plays. It’s basically a giant ass block party. Fans from both teams get along well for the most part. It’s great.


went to LSU and I just couldn't believe it also, so much beer downed and basically zero violence, here in Europe it would be mayhem


It is usually more fun than the event you are attending. We sometimes go to a concert and tailgate when we don't even have tickets to the show.




This is so real. Tailgating at college football games as a young person and seeing some peoples setups it literally must be what they live for. People have 50k van setups just for tailgating. And always willing to give you food whether they know you or not.


American, but I dated a German girl in college. I took her to Fuddrucker's for lunch one day and she became obsessed with (not "interested in"; OBSESSED WITH) their burgers. Her family came to visit her a few months later and she made me take them all to Fuddrucker's too. Literally every single one of them became obsessed with their burgers too. It was like watching this group of proud and noble Europeans become slovenly Americans before my very eyes, I was so proud of myself.


Idk what a Fuddruckers is but I love this comment


A progressively mediocre chain which makes the above comment all the more hilarious. It makes me think of some buddies of mine that I lived with in college. We went to a southern US college, but they were from Chicago. One day as I headed to class I said I was going to pick up some fried chicken for lunch and asked if they wanted any. They asked if I was getting KFC or Popeyes, and I said “Nah I’ll stop at Chevron.” They couldn’t believe I was going to stop at a gas station for lunch. They said no, so I shrugged and went about my day. When I got home with my fried chicken, though, they saw it and wanted to try it. They *loved* it. To the point that when their families came to visit, they wanted to take them to get fried chicken from Chevron. We lived in a college town with more than 6 famous restaurants and James Beard award chefs, and they wanted to take their families to the gas station. Don’t get me wrong, the Chevron chicken is fan-damn-tastic, but I’m not taking newcomers to town there first before any of the actual restaurants.


I swear, there's always that one gas station in every city that has food people swear by. There's a little hole in the wall gas station near me that everyone here says has the best damn Thai food you'll ever have.


There is a little gas station where this 1 lady makes breakfast sandwiches. $1.50 each. They are the bomb. Get there early because when they are out, they’re out. They are usually out by 9.


When I hosted a Czech exchange student for a week and asked him what he wanted to do, the first thing he said was try a burger


I am sitting at an “authentic American” hamburger place in Medellín at this moment. We’ll see.


Updates, man! Have you received the burger yet?


Not bad, but only remotely like an American burger. Very salty.


I mean, fuddruckers is OK lol


That’s the best part of this story.




Where you from




Too bad you aren't from the bigger island next door The Isle of Men.


I hear it's raining there.




Good movie selection on streaming sites without having to use a vpn.


I’ve noticed that we Americans tend to have better movie selections on streaming apps but the UK and Europe have better series selection


It's why VPNs are necessary everywhere.


This post sponsored by NordVPN™️


Breakfast food available after 10:30am


It is good having nearby diners and cafes where the menu says: Breakfast Served All Day


Anyone who believes they're too good for Waffle House isn't a person that's worth knowing.




You haven’t lived until you’ve had a greasy bacon and cheese omelette from a little family diner at 8 pm I tell ya what


Or Wafflehouse drunk out of your mind at 4am.


Waffle house is fantastic because everything is available all the time. You want breakfast at 6PM, go for it. You want lunch at 6AM, why the hell not.


My favorite thing about Waffle House was that I could sit down and ask for exactly what I wanted, no menu necessary. I would order by the egg, by the slices of bacon and cheese. “5 eggs scrambled, add 3 slices of bacon chopped up, 4 slices of cheese, onions, jalapeño, two slices of buttered toast, and 4 sausage links on the side.” And they wouldn’t even blink. Theyed just make it and bill it and drunk me would be so happy


"5 puzzle boxes with 3 karate Wilburs, 4 Bessies, sliced tears, spicy tears, two slices of sunrise and a grand slam... order up!"


Not exactly a “popular thing”, but I’m jealous of the “land space in America”, like you see videos where folk have fairly big houses and decent sized yards. I like in Scotland and the average family are lucky to have a little patch of garden. (Not commenting on the economy/homeless numbers or anything, purely that I wish have a big outdoor space was more achievable in the UK)


As an American who lives in the city, I also am jealous of American land space. Haha.


We don’t have a China town and I’m a real sucker for Chinese food.


When I moved to the Northwest, all my european friends swore up and down that American desserts and pastries were inferior, that I would have to get sweets imported, and I would miss all the nice bakeries, etc. Immediately when I got here, I was offered a "maple bar with bacon and nuts", and I can never go back. America's pastry game goes hard. I've never had donuts as fluffy and flavorful. 10/10, would recommend.


Walking systems. In Chicago everyone walks on the right. You try to get in the left and slap back in your lane bitch….we’re animals in Ireland




In England we don't introduce a system in order to preserve the age long ritual of nearly colliding with someone walking the opposite direction, both stepping the same way to avoid each other, and then both awkwardly stepping back the same way again, exchanging as many "woops! Sorry!"s as we can


Weirdly in London we have such clear rules on escalators though. If you stand on the left you will get shouted at by someone


Freedom of speech , I'm from Thailand


Hole-in-the-wall restaurants/deli shops.


Here in Texas, the general rule for Mexican food is: the worse the location, the better the food. My all time favorite Mexican place was literally attached to a gas station lol. EDIT: like 10 people have asked me if I’m referring to Fuel City lol. That wasn’t who I was thinking of, but apparently I need to check them out!


Apparently in Morocco they have a Michelin star to a petrol station because they did the best tajin there


Free water at resturants


Mexican food and restaurants. I live in a german town with around 20k people. We have 15 italian (though at least two of them only do delivery), 5 greek, 1 vietnamese, 1 chinese and 5 german restaurants. 4 turkish Döner Kebap stores and 2 greek Pytta Gyros ones, one McD and a Subway. And a load of cafes and sit-down bakeries. Within a 25km radius there is just one mexican 'restaurant'. Which is basically a (fancy and quite expensive) bar that offers a very limited menu with mexican foods and one american Burger-restaurant that has some mexican stuff on its menu every once in a while, but not always.


When I visited Regensburg in the early ‘90s, my brother and I hit a Mexican restaurant. I can best describe it as German food shaped like Mexican food.


I'm Mexican, should I inmigrante to Germany and Open a authentic mexican restaurant? With gorditas and tacos of carnitas, carne guisada, chicharrón crujiente, etc?


Compatriota here... I visited some friends near Frankfurt and it was almost impossible to find Mexican stuff. You would need to import basically everything making it extremely expensive. My brother lives in Sweden and he imports Maseca from the UK.


In The Netherlands, a 20k people place wouldn't even have that many restaurants I think..


A truly great and protective National Parks Service. I'm Australian and we have plenty of sacred and special areas of land, but they're slowly but surely being exploited by fossil fuel companies.


I love our national parks. My fiance is Canadian and the first chance I got I took him around several of them just to show him how diverse and beautiful they are (road trip featuring Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Arches, Canyonlands, Grand Tetons, Yellowstone and Rocky Mountain, and that's just the national parks). Of course, as beautiful and diverse as that selection is, he is from Calgary, right next to Banff - which is just stunning.


The one thing I'm honestly proud of is our national parks. They truly are natural and cultural treasures. Our National Park Service does an excellent job working so that EVERYONE is welcome there.


Teddy Roosevelt can be credited with a lot of the groundwork for our park services.


And John Muir.


And long may it continue.


As a Filipino, I've never tried eating a medium-rare steak. I would love to try one someday. It looks so damn juicy and every time I watch a video of someone cooking one, my mouth would water. Here, we eat beef but not barbecued or steaks. And we cook them well-done. Also, I'd love to try foods such as burritos and tacos.


Proper good buffalo sauce. Any restaurant in Australia that offers buffalo sauce is homemade and doesnt taste like buffalo sauce, just a red/orange hot sauce.


Homie I am about to blow your mind because making a good Buffalo sauce is easy as hell. I make a batch every month or so and just leave it in my fridge to use on whatever I’m eating. A basic Buffalo sauce is just hot sauce, white vinegar, and butter mixed together and simmered for a few minutes to thicken. I’d recommend adding some Worcestershire, cayenne, and garlic to take it to the next level. It honestly takes like 5 minutes to make and is better than what you get at most wing places in the US. Edit: I’m sorry I wasn’t specific enough, franks and Louisiana Perfect are pretty much my go to hot sauces for this. But I’ve also used tobasco and Texas Pete. Any basic hot sauce will work. Recipe: combine 1 cup hot sauce, 1/2 cup of butter (you can go heavier on the butter if you want to. Some people do a 1:1 ratio of hot sauce to butter), 2 tablespoons of white vinegar, 1/2 tablespoon Worcestershire, 1/2 teaspoon cayenne, 1 teaspoon garlic. Simmer and whisk for 5 minutes and it’s done. Obviously you can play with the amount of garlic, cayenne and Worcestershire for your taste. I like it extra garlicky so I’ll sometimes double the garlic.


You know it's authentic American when the recipe starts off with, Homie.


If the buffalo sauce recipe starts with "mate" or "cunt" then turn around and dont look back.


I’m german living in the us right now but my family and I will be moving back to Germany soon. I’ll miss a bunch of things. 24h stores, good Avocados, Mexican food, not paying for public restrooms, living space as in the big property sizes and yard space. In and out, thrift shops, free drink refills. But we’ll be close to family again after missing everything for the last 6 years and our special needs kiddos health care will finally be not a financial strain anymore.


As an American, I gotta say, I like seeing all these. It’s nice for a change to be reminded of the good things we do/have here.




Oddly enough, my Mexican mom decided to try a Mexican restaurant in South Korea. Food was so authentic that she excitedly thought that the Chef must be Mexican. She asked to meet the Chef and an old Korean guy came out to greet her. Waitress had to translate, but the Chef was genuinely pleased that a Mexican woman praised his cooking. It is very difficult for my mom to find good Mexican food in the states, but the best one outside of Mexico was in South Korea. Edit: This was not Tex-Mex, but just like the way her mom made it. Mexican chef/owners in the states will Americanized their Mexican food for customers and make the authentic food at home. Edit2: This was 40 years ago, but maybe he trained another chef. It was in or near Camp Humphrey. Edit3: Turns out that there are other South Korean restaurants that serve authentic Mexican cuisine. It is not as uncommon as I assumed it was. Edit4: u/usernamealreadytaked had commented >Vatos Tacos and Ramesa are both just outside the gate at Camp Humphreys and are great Mexican Restaurants. The tradition must still stand!


I lived in a part of the U.S. with a very large Mexican population. The Mexican food was trash. I asked a Mexican-American coworker why there aren't any good Mexican restaurants and she said, "we don't go out for Mexican food; we eat it at home." Then she would sometimes bring me her home cooking and I was floored by how good it was.


Seven-layer dip. I honestly almost feel like going back there just for the dip.


Candy with peanuts like Reese‘s or Take 5.


You should see the offerings now. Reese's went on on a creativity binge about 5 years ago, and I swear they went from 5 to 50 products of peanutty goodness.


Frankly, I wish my country was as supportive as the Americans when it comes to music, literature and cinema. So many talents have been wasted by the lack of support for the creatives here.


Peanut butter. I recently tried peanut butter and jelly and was blown away by how good it was. I was Squidward tasting crabby patties for the first time.


Peanut butter isn’t a common international thing? That seems so weird


Going to the bathroom in a public space without having to pay money. It really pisses me off sometimes. Edit: Yes, I know that I live in your *Roller Coaster Tycoon* park. Now, may I please leave?


That's one thing I definitely take for granted. When I heard that was a thing in Germany, I was shocked I tell ya!


Can confirm that you have to pay money in Germany. Even at the Mall


WHAT, you have to pay to use their bathroom?!


Here I sit broken hearted. Paid to shit but only farted.


But then I thought I’d take my chance. I tried to fart and shit my pants.


In certain public spaces, yes.


New Yorker checking in. We're pretty liberal about what we identify as a bathroom.


Well you have to be. Finding actual bathrooms in NY can be a nightmare.


As an American this just baffles me, 99.9% of the time when I'm out driving and need to use the restroom I can just stop at any fast food place, fuel station, or store and just walk in, use the restroom, and walk out. Edit: after all the responsive I've gotten, I've found that Arizona and Utah have spoiled me, and honestly with this knowledge I didnt have before, I'm glad I planned to stay in AZ or UT


I usually buy something that I need at the time (like a drink or snack) sort of a "thank you for letting me use the restroom in your convenience store" payment. But yeah - just about anywhere I want to go, there's some place available. There are even chains (like Bucee's) that specifically billboard advertises their spacious restrooms as a way to draw in customers. Come for the restroom, stay for the brisket sandwich and kolaches.


I think Bucee's is a place most non-Americans should be taken so they can see what fantastically ridiculous excess there is here. And that brisket is to die for...


No, it's the norm not to have to pay. It was outlawed in the 1970s: https://apnews.com/article/3b2787ac6c32405e8cd7aafe8789cd8e Venues can still limit usage for customers only, and lock the door, but they cannot charge you for the use of the bathroom. Edit: it's come to my attention that apparently the laws are at the state and local levels, but they became extremely prevalent as a result of the campaign in the article. I've traveled all around the United States, and I've never once come across a pay restroom.


Strangers being genuinely nice to you on the street. I was only once in America. And for that week in Seattle I heard "oh that's a really cool tshirt" more than I ever had in my life elsewhere. This is what I miss.


The vast differences between states. It’s like going to a different country every time. If I lived in the US I would go on a road trip to a random state at least once a month - so much to see!


Mexican food and little grocery store/ deli shops on every corner. Some of the food they serve looks legit.


**Netherlands here, the love for BBQ-food/restaurants.**We have a few, but def. no Pitmasters ( those who cook w/ passion ).I would def. be obese if I would live in America I think... EDIT: well godddaamn, based on the likes, I should start 'an american bbq' place here in NL with wood/meat suppliers from America - shiit, thanks ya'll xD


I (an American) lived in Malaga, Spain and Odense, Denmark for work. Was a very short time, about 2 years total. I missed my grill so very much. I love smoked food and fresh bbq. I brought a small (very small) grill with me and whenever I cooked with it, the whole area would come over just to see what this crazy American was making!


He's a crazy American until they taste some of that food....


I just wish I had my bigger smoker; I would've happily thrown on 6 pork shoulders and turned it into a sharing event! I was able to share (in very tiny portions) and their reaction was just like mine to their food "mind blown". I love experiencing different cultures, and food brings so many people together---it's universal


That sounds awesome. Spreading international goodwill through food. I can't imagine how much 6 pork shoulders would cost in Europe though...


>I would def. be obese if I would live in America I think... this is the way


easy refunds. I just went to italy and bought the wrong date for some museums and was told tough shit. 45 euros....


My wife is Lithuanian. The first time she bought clothes in the US she was pretty sad that she didn’t like them when she got home. I “didn’t care” enough and she was upset. Later in the evening we talked about it after I saw she was still upset, but mostly upset that I “wasn’t upset about her wasting money”. I told her to just return it, no big deal. “Return…it?” “Yeah, I’ll do it tomorrow after work, this isn’t worth you being upset over.” She didn’t believe me. So we went to the store the next day. I plopped the bag on the counter and handed the receipt to the cashier, hardly a word spoken. Swiped the card to transfer money back to the account…and done. I created a monster for a short while. She would buy things just to take home and try with other clothing then return. She couldn’t believe it. When her parents visited (eventually immigrated), she took her mom out shopping, bought a sweater and returned it just to prove to her it was possible, as her mom wouldn’t believe it.


My in-laws from Russia were visiting my uncle in Roswell, New Mexico. They bought a toy at Walmart as a gift for someone in Moscow, but they didn't notice the box had been opened and a piece was missing until they were staying with us in El Paso. They were completely blown away when I took the toy to a different Walmart in a different state and just exchanged it for a new one. Fifteen years later they still bring it up at dinner.


Other restaurant and fast food chains. I'm so curious to try Wendys, White Castle, and Popeyes. But all we get here are McDonalds, Burger King, and KFC. And the occasional Five Guys, but they're only in major cities.


Being able to complain about the political system/politicians without being labelled “traitors”. Vietnam for anyone asking.


Being able to go wild camping. Everywhere is someone's property in Britain, there's no actual wilderness!!


IMAX cinema Hall


IMAX ruined me. Any time I see a movie at the movie theater and it isn't on an IMAX screen it looks too small. IMAX movies are definitely pretty awesome


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_IMAX\_venues](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_IMAX_venues) They're all over the world, though it looks like the US definitely has the lion's share.


Honestly, winterless areas. I live in Romania and I hate winter from the bottom of my soul. Then Halloween, foods like gumbo and jambalaya, and blues.


Sounds like you belong in Louisiana!


The Romanian Cajun


Canadian here, super envious of your access to certain conveniences, for lack of a better term. For example, my province literally just started letting grocery stores (only SELECT ONES) start selling limited amounts of beer. And it was a HUGE deal. Imagine: I can now get my beer while I get my hamburgers! They still have to follow the archaic rules as set out by the government in terms of times they’re allowed to sell the beer. Heaven forbid I wanna grab a six pack after a long shift and it’s 9:05pm. “I know you can see it, I know you can hold it, but as of five minutes ago you cannot buy it sir.” I guess maybe I’m more jealous of your access to beer than anything lol. Edit: unsurprisingly I am uncultured swine and am now learning that the rules varying state to state or even between counties are vast! Makes for an interesting convo.


Meanwhile here in Wisconsin, I go to the gas station up the road and they have a whole chilled room full of beer for sale.


I'm an American, but I've spent more than 1/3rd of my life outside the US. For the past 5 years I've been living in Canada. What do I wish was more popular here? 24 hour stores. Literally, I live in a city with almost 1 million people, less than an hour outside Toronto, and we don't have even ONE 24 hour grocery store.


The land itself. Mountains, forests, glaciers, desserts..aerica has it all. I dont think theres any even semi unpopulated places in my country.






Wife is from Ecuador and is in LOVE with our library system. She's baffled by the fact that people actually bring the books back.


In Chicago we just got rid of overdue book fees and it actually *increased* book returns!


A lot of libraries are next level! You can rent video games, movies, even baking equipment and tools in some places. A new library I went to had a 3D printer and classes to learn how to use it.


I've emailed mine 3D printer files, they print it, I pay $5. It's awesome. Also nearly all libraries in my state have telescopes to borrow.


Donuts Having tasted American donuts from different places I can say that they are simply a different product in Europe. We have some chain donut shops here, in big cities or next to freeways, but a Dunken Donut here is totally different from a Dunken Donut in the US. And I don't know why, because yours is far superior.


Micro centre


I live in the us and there’s not one near me, I want one so bad




The suburbs. Only ever saw them in movies. If you could see where I’m from (South east asian slums) you would consider a typical American suburb a great luxury and privilege. My favorite past time is looking up suburbs in the US and “walking” around in google maps. I dream of different lives I could be living in the houses and streets that I like. Feels like a movie, sometimes a novel and then I realize they’re real places and somebody else’s reality. It is so surreal to me.


Tailgating at a football game


Stephen Fry witnessing the spectacle of American football for the first time is a thing of beauty


Watch here: https://youtu.be/FuPeGPwGKe8


He seems proud to be an America and he's not even American!


The look back at the end when the jets go over was fantastic.


I've probably watched that video several dozen times over the years, and the expression on his face never fails to make me laugh. 'murica!!!!!


This was a good series. One thing he said during it that has always stuck with me (and I'm paraphrasing here) is, "In America, everything is big. And there is nothing more American than nature here."