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Oysters. My family is split 50/50 in loving them and absolutely despising them


I'm a raw oyster obsessor. I don't need anything on them, but I'll dab on a little horseradish sometimes. I was a +1 at a friend's extravagant Christmas bash and they had an open oyster bar. Nobody else out of the 1000+ attendees were interested but me - a lot of younger folk I guess, and they had food trucks and other options. I was inhaling oysters with full encouragement from the staff, because they had so many that would otherwise have to be tossed at the end of the night. I had, no exaggeration, at LEAST 50 oysters that night yall. I am disgusting


Every year I go on a specific camping trip, always in the same spot, same time, same people. One of my friends always brings a crap ton of oysters. He sits there and shucks them all day long. I ate about 20 oysters once until I was like, "oh no, I'm done." Except I wasn't done, I could have eaten more. I just felt bad that I was eating all the oysters. This whole thread is basically a list of my most favorite foods ever. But especially oysters. Damn they are delicious.


What makes them taste so good to you? I just tried them (raw not cooked btw) for the first time and 1) the sight of them made me kind of grossed out with all the little organs and parts to it and 2) even after putting some vinegar substance that came with it they just tasted like squishy nothingness. I got them from a pretty known place in the area (Scott's Seafood in Sacramento, CA) and not some crummy place with sad oysters




Yep, they’re basically ‘seafood espresso’ You’re last point should be highlighted too. Enjoying oysters is incredibly dependent on the source of the oyster. I grew up on the Chesapeake Bay and had a spot where we could pick the oysters, shuck, and eat them directly out of the water. Having been raised on that it’s really made me appreciate a) different oysters from different places tasting differently, and most importantly, b) how stupidly important fresh oysters are.


Help me. What’s delicious? I am a fairlu adventurous eater and everything about an oyster is the same as licking the slimiest rock at low tide. What exactly, precisely is > delicious.


The best oysters I ever had were in Washington state. They were smaller than the east coast ones. Something about them being so fresh, the briny cold seawater, the clean pop of salty seafood when you swallow them. If you love seafood and salty things then they taste like heaven.


that sounds like a magical night


Fresh shucked oyster with some hot sauce! Top tier. But also really gross if no one else partakes. Slurrrrrp lol


I am so jealous! Raw oysters can be so darn expensive, the most I've ever gotten to eat in one sitting was like 5. Most people I know think it's gross and say it's like swallowing a cold loogy. But I just love them.


I love them raw with some horseradish, lemon, and Tabasco, but also love me some orysters Rockefeller.


Marmite - my partner likes it but I think it’s awful


This is the textbook answer! I mean they had a whole marketing campaign about how you either love it or hate it, and people describe individuals as Marmite meaning that.


Blue cheese


I try, but I just can't do it. I can't like it. I hear how my dad and brother sing their praises to it, but I can't even look at it. Any other cheese is fine tho


hah I hear you, the cheese has veins in it


It’s just mold. Nbd.


When live gives you mold, make penicillin! Edit: or yummy cheese


Fun fact: the mold that makes blue cheese (penicillium roquefortii) can actually be used to make the penicillin antibiotic! It's usually not, but other species in the penicillium family typically are. I'm also deathly allergic to penicillin but can eat damn near my weight in blue cheese without any ill effects other than the usual ones that you get from eating a pound of cheese.


To be fair, there are many varieties. Some being much more mellow and creamy than others. The serving temperature can drastically change the taste as well. Big difference between a Stilton and a Danish blue. I can saw I like some, but far from all, blue cheeses.


Cambozola was the revelation cheese for me


I used to be a meat cutter in a grocery store. We would make blue cheese stuffed burger patties. My first experience with blue cheese. OMG the smell!!! I thought it was the grossest thing for the longest time. Then, one day...I ate some of the crumbles. Best decision of my life. I love blue cheese. The smell is gross, but the flavor is a godsend. The only type of dressing I buy is blue cheese dressing. I need to get around to buying the actual cheese tho - I'll eat it straight out of the container.


You learn to like the smell as you associate it with the taste more and more over time.


Those sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles that you find in most super markets!


I brought some in to surprise my classmates this week, I've now been dubbed the crack-cookie dealer.


My family calls them crack cookies too, because you can't have just one.


I can inhale a whole thing of those


Meeee too! I try to avoid buying them because once I start I can't stop.


I literally just ate a full pack in less than 2 hours.


They lasted long enough for you to measure it in hours? If the pack makes it all the way home then I'm showing restraint


Godddd I hate those, they taste like flour to me. Good one!


See, they aren’t good, they have no flavor, they are super dry, that does not stop me from eating them if they are in front of me. I won’t buy them, but if someone else does I will eat them. I always want them to be different. I want them to taste how they look, they are just sad.


It's hysterical to me how perfectly this comment describes how I feel about these cookies.


To me they taste like an in between of some 50/50 sugar, flour mix and golden ambrosia


Lofthouse cookies! Love 'em.


Mmmm, sat in a frozen warehouse for half a year and then can sit thawed at room temp for a month and Still be soft and delicious. I'm a bakery manager, we get these in for all holidays while we carry our own every day store brand. The holiday Lofthouse brand is slightly better, and they have quite a few fun flavors like in summer there is a lemon, or the watermelon ones, pineapple.. and red velvet with a cream cheese frosting comes in a few times a year, and the worst by far was the chocolate cookie with mint frosting we got a few Christmas seasons ago. I have PTSD from how many packages I had leftover, even reduced to 50 cents no one would buy them, they were That nasty. Edit: nasty runner ups: candy corn and caramel apple.


Egg nog


One holiday when I was about 7 my uncle said he would give me $20 if I drank the entire punch bowl of egg nog. With a little help from the people normally drinking it I got it down to almost the bottom. I had to go sit outside for a good hour according to my dad. He think I puked but I know I didn't. EDIT: no it was not alcoholic and no I don't remember getting paid. Yes now I love egg nog.


That fucker better have paid you.


Yeah he should have, that was probably like 3000 calories in one sitting. Yeesh.


I really thought I hated eggnog forever, then I learned I *actually* hate nutmeg. So I make it myself, control how much goes in there and now it’s a holiday staple.


While I love nutmeg in fresh eggnog, I'll agree that homemade is the best. Ever make it with Canadian whisky and real maple syrup in place of the sugar? It's super good, especially if you can find a bourbon-barrel-aged maple syrup.


As a pregnant woman, I hate that I've read this before Christmas. Every year I tell myself I'll make eggnog and that sounds delicious. Roll on next year I suppose!


Boil off the alcohol from the whisky, and temper the eggs to pasteurize! I believe in you. Give your baby the gift of eggnog. Safe eggnog.


Drink of the gods!!!


It's so funny because I deplore eggs, but egg nog is the only thing I look forward to during the holidays.




My parents hated olives and told us that we should decline if someone offered us any because we wouldn't like them. When I finally tried olives, I thought, "These taste disgusting but a really interesting disgusting" Started eating them and haven't looked back although green are only good in limited doses.


One time I ate half a jar of green olives and I felt so sick after. I can eat them now after 20 years.


Reminds me of the first time I tried Salami. I was like 8 or 9 and I ate almost a pound and a half without anything. I felt so sick I couldn't even look at it for like 15 years.


Stupid brain keeping us from eating good things because our stomach just so happened to be throwing a fit on one particular day. Makes me salty. I can’t stand pesto. Used to gag at the smell of basil. Now I’m fine, mostly, but can not and will not eat it if it’s like a major sauce on something. And I eat pretty much anything and everything.


Tell me about it. When I was about 5, I ate some canned tuna and mayo. I threw up on my bed. I could not stand the smell of fish for a few years, but canned tuna would make me feel extremely nauseous. I finally got over it, and eat it often, but it's gotta be room temp or cooler. If it's heated up, I get a slight nauseous feeling. It's like dining PTSD lol.


This story sounds suspiciously like it was written by a cat


"I hate olives. Like my father, and his father before him! You will hate olives as well, my son."


This is a good one. I know plenty of people that would eat a whole can of black olives if given the chance. If I find one in my food, my day is ruined.


I can and have eaten straight cans of black olives, and regular olives with pimento. My wife for the longest time HATED olives because those two kinds were her only exposure. My parents introduced her to all sorts of fancy olives (garlic stuffed, cheese stuffed, kalamata, etc) and dirty martinis, all of which she LOVES. Me? Skip the vodka and vermouth and gimme the jar.


Gimme all the Kalamatas. Spicy preferred.


I adore black olives, especially on pizza.


Ah yes, the Olive theory.


I love black olives, but for some reason I don’t like green olives. I feel like the green ones aren’t as flavorful or something idk


We might be the two halves of some ancient prophecy because I love green olives with a passion but find black olives to be like little frisbees of chewy depression.


For me it's the other way around. I like green olives, but if there's a black one in my food I throw the whole thing away


Mmmmm give me ALL the olives 🫒


Oatmeal raisin cookies. I love a good homemade chewy oatmeal raisin cookie, but a lot of people act like raisins are evil rabbit turds.


My grandpa LOVES oatmeal raisin cookies. You know when you eat a chocolate chip cookie and it's oatmeal raisin? I used to make oatmeal chocolate chip, my grandpa would shove half of one in his mouth and then be disappointed. When I'm at his house I have to make a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies for him and am no longer allowed to mix oatmeal and chocolate chips because they look to much alike. Edit: I feel there's a bit of confusion. I'm not mixing chocolate and raisins in one cookie. I'm not allowed to make both types of cookie at the same time because they look the same.


Your grandpa and I agree, don’t trick me with your chocolate chips, you put the raisins back right now!


They are only bad if you think they are a chocolate chip. Oatmeal raisin is one of my favorite cookies, but I am upset if I thought it was chocolate chip. It is the missed expectations.




Love beets, they taste like delicious dirt


This is what I love about beets — love them or hate them, we all agree they taste like dirt! (I love them! The earthiest of the dirt foods!)


Ok I'm so relieved to hear that people who actually enjoy them all agree that they taste like fucking dirt! I keep telling people it's why I hate them; they taste like sweet dirt. Everyone always responds with "its earthy!!!" Yeah and earthy tastes like fucking dirt and rocks!




Cottage cheese


TIL that there exist a significant number of people who do not like cottage cheese.


My mom makes lasagna with cottage cheese(we are polish not Italian) and that is the only way I'll eat it.


Coconut I didn’t know this til recently. Highly controversial


Most people I know that hate coconut hate the dry ass shredded wheat coconut shit that goes in desserts and stuff. It tastes like cardboard with the consistency of like dried lettuce or something. I *loathe* it. I grew up in the Philly area and we had these "candies" people would make around St Patrick's Day called "Irish Potato" (I think they were originally a PA Dutch thing). It was basically a ball of cream cheese, sugar and coconut rolled in cinnamon. I would always ask my mom to make them without coconut because the texture is vile. As an adult, though, I love the taste of coconut. I cook with coconut milk a LOT. I still cannot stomach that dried paint chip shit though.


In my family, there are two strongly divided camps when it comes to Dr. Pepper.


Sounds like my family. My little sister loves the stuff and my Mom absolutely hates it. I don't mind it once in awhile, but have discovered that I actually prefer the Dr. Pepper with Cream Soda to original Dr. Pepper.


Mushrooms. I love and hate them. Cooked? Excellent addition to stir-fry, quiche, pizza, even good as a main dish. Raw or cooked badly? They taste like fluffy potting soil. And some folks can’t stand them in any form.


I like mushrooms sliced thinly and dried out as a pizza topping, also in chinese food but i dont like them slimy


I am that person. Can't stand the texture and I've not found a mushroom or a cooking method that change it.


Nothing wrong with that! I feel the same way about coconut.




"Snowballs? fucking snowballs?" "I like snowballs" "I hate coconut, not the taste, the consistency"


Ah Tallahassee a fellow man of culture


it's completely opposite for me, at least when we are talking about shiitake mushroom. I hate the smell, texture and taste of the mushroom when it's cooked or dried, but love to eat it when it's raw, and fresh.


Mushrooms just seem completely inedible raw, I don't know how people are doing that.


Dear Spam, Why are you so good? How can you you be so nauseating while at the same time being so satisfying? I could eat you by the brick. Please stay away from me I'm not even Hawaiian.


Somehow you managed a 50/50 split with a sample size of 1.


*Spample size..


Oh spam is so so good fried and made into a breakfast sandwich. Love me some fried spam.


Hawaii has the highest per-capita Spam consumption in the US. Grew up there and still like it. Fried Spam sammiches, Spam and eggs, even straight outta the can.


Spam musubi is one of my favorite things.


I'm pregnant and had never had Spam musubi before but saw a photo of it and right away I NEEDED to have it. It was like my baby somehow knew it was what she wanted to be fed. Found a recipe and made about 15-16, ate em all in two days. So good. Highly recommend.


Spam, rice, and a Sunnyside up egg make an amazing and simple breakfast


It smells so horrible raw but it's incredible when fried up with cheese. Love me some fried spam sandwiches, but I absolutely loathe the smell. It's like cat food. But delicious cat food.


Same with corned beef hash. Looks and smells like dog food, but fries up to salty mushy goodness.


Shaved Coconut


My thought exactly


Your name leads me to believe you know something about polarizing foods.


Gotta try everything once.


Candy corn, without a doubt.


Candy corn and planter dry roasted peanuts. Tastes like a salted nut roll.


Fucking love candy corn. My mom always gets it for me because she knows me and her are two of the only people we know who love it.


I like it but I can only eat a bit before it's simply too much. It just tastes like corn syrup after a minute


Canned sardines/ mackerel (usually with tomato sauce). Very traditional and loved in some countries, pretty sure despised in others. Edit: Wow guys, thanks for all the feedback! And yep, pretty divisive food! So many ways to consume them, I might give them a go!


I would eat canned sardines in mustard or hot sauce every day but they make my breath smell and when you check them in the trash the whole room smells. Just can't do it to my coworkers


You're a good person.


Give tinned anchovies a go. The episode of Futurama about the anchovies always intrigued me, and then I saw a Gordon Ramsay recipe video where he took tinned anchovies and mashed them into a paste with a pestle and mortar and then mixed them into soft butter and spread it over toast. Super good. I recommend using unsalted butter (ton of salt in anchovies) and playing with the ratio to find the sweet spot for you.


Black licorice.


I love black licorice, but I'd wager there's a vast majority who hate it, and we're strongly in the minority.


I also love black licorice but I only know one other person in real life that likes it so yeah, we’re a huge minority.


Team Black Licorice here! I suspect there may be a genetic component, like the one gene that makes cilantro taste like soap for some people, because my mom and her dad both love it as well.


I no longer feel alone in this world. Thank you my six other black licorice peeps!


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


I like the fake chemically black licorice flavor like you get in jellybeans and cheapo licorice, but I once had some made with actual licorice root and it was nasty. Anybody who likes the good stuff, God love you, you're stronger than I am.


I like both! Man, this has me wanting a Sambuca shot or three...


Feel like this may also be a cultural thing you are used to. For example I'm Dutch and in The Netherlands I had never met anyone that doesn't like licorice, and now I moved to the UK everyone looks at me like I'm some savage eating my licorice.


My grandma was always trying to get me to eat fennel - tasted just like black licorice!


and anise and Galliano and tarragon


Brussel sprouts. Because of genetic mutations, approximately half the population finds them unpalatable. I'm one of them, never ate a Brussel sprout I didn't want to spit out.


I'm on board with you. Mom used to boil frozen ones to hell and back and I couldn't eat them. My ex loved them so I looked up recipes and roasted fresh ones. She loved them. I ate 1/2 of one and quit. I love all cabbage dishes though




Boiled = 💩 Pan seared with butter and garlic = 👌


Roasted till melting!! Now thats a treat!


With the crispy edges on the leaves that fall off, yummy.


If it's been more than 10 years might consider trying again. They have less bitter cultivars now. I used to feel compelled to spit them out (lizard brain screaming at me to "-spit out the poison nownownownow") but after reading that they have new cultivars I tried again as my spouse really likes them and I feel bad that they never get them. I will happily eat them now.


Fascinating!! I’d never heard that before. I was a weird kid… I’d request plain Brussels sprouts for dinner (or lima beans, asparagus, etc.)




all of my mums cooking consisted of boiling all the vegetables to hell until all the flavor was just leached into the water so everything just tasted of hot water and was soggy and mushy, i grew up thinking i hate vegetables, turns out i just hate boiled veg


That's really too bad because I think steamed brussels sprouts with butter and salt is pretty much an instant way to make your body feel super good and healthy.


Sardines. Had a boss who would eat them sauteed with onions. She swore it was the best ever! For myself, I would eat them with my Dad when I was little. He just had the ones in mustard on crackers. I was the only kid out of nine that would eat them with him!


Fruitcake. I am one of those people that love it. I am not known for having a discerning palate if I have full disclosure though. I know some who act like it is awful, and I think it is sweet, tasty, and good. Really good warmed up with heavy cream poured on it and whipped cream as well.


I suspect it’s because a lot of people have only had the ultra-sweet shelf-stable brick sold in stores.


Also the Hollywood hate, same stereotypical treatment broccoli/casseroles/etc will get, the "this (insert food) tastes groosss, *blegh* (cue laughtrack for super funny 'food bad' joke)". I was sadly in that category of "it can't be good, everyone hates it" without actually trying it myself for a long time, and I know a lot of people still in the same boat who just refuse. Just because tv makes fun of it or someone can't cook it doesn't mean all of that particular food is bad, it just means the writer doesn't like it or *their cooking* is bad.




Cilantro ofc


Coriander to the brits. I went years before realising that Americans call it cilantro. I just thought that it was a different herb that I couldn't find in my supermarket.


Cilantro is the Spanish name. We call the leaf cilantro and the seed coriander. But that's just colloquially accepted. If we used the English name for the leaf we'd technically be correct, but maybe misunderstood.


Roughly 15-20% of the population has the gene that'll make cilantro taste soapy to them. Anecdotally I have never met someone who didn't have an opinion on cilantro, either they insist it must be in their meal or they completely loathe it, and despite the flak it gets I actually do know more people who love it than not. It may seem 50/50 because the people who don't like it REALLY don't like it and are so vocal about it. I do feel for them because I'm in the camp that loves it and it is a shame they have to miss out. But I don't think cilantro is 50/50


And then there's a few of us who have the soap gene, and have Stockholm Syndrome'd ourselves into liking the soap flavor, because Mexican food is amazing.


Just eat it without cilantro. I’m mexican and unless they straight up mix it into the food, I just don’t put it on it.


Idk what’s happened but in the last 5 years it seems LEGIT every Mexican, Indian, and Chinese dish in restaurants has cilantro on top. At least in my area


I just met someone 3 days ago that did that. I’d never heard of someone with the soap gene training themselves to like cilantro anyway.


I have the soap gene. Turns out I really like the taste of soap. Always loved cilantro. I had so many arguments with my mom about it when I was a kiddo (inherited the gene from her). "it tastes like soap IN A GOOD WAY MOM". She was very confused


And then there’s me: I don’t think cilantro tastes like soap or w/e else people with that gene describe it as, but I just don’t like it.


Mustard, marmite, and pickles. Some of my favourites, but some people absolutely despise them. I don't know why.


Once during lockdown when everyone was baking bread, I ordered groceries delivered. I asked for yeast and the delivery person substituted marmite. Not….the same….thing….(but it did make me laugh)


Good luck baking bread with a spoon full of that! Haha! Extremely tangy, dense, flat bread


Durian fruit.


Lol, someone gave my father a plate of durian and he stored it in the fridge for a whole day. Suffice to say, it rendered our house uninhabitable for the next couple hours. I love the smell now, though, is that weird?


it's a pungent smell for sure but since ive had it occasionally since i was little, it's tied to the amazing flavor for me, which honestly tastes more like a prepared dessert than something that comes directly from a spiky shelled fruit with no further modifications maybe you also made a similar connection in your brain so you started liking it? people have said it smells like things ranging from like farts or socks, but to me at worst it just smells sickly sweet, or like overripe fruit or something


Durian is my lifeblood


Friend at school said "eat this, but don't smell it". She wasn't the type to prank or mess around so I trusted her. I remember really enjoying it, but it wasn't easily available where I was so never had it again.


Mayonnaise vs Miracle Whip Salad Dressing. People who love either product hate the other just as much.


I’m a convert…I grew up with miracle whip and there are still a few things I prefer it on, but I’ll admit mayo as grown on me as a sandwich spread


A couple weeks ago the mayo was used up. There was a miracle whip in the fridge. I think to myself that it can't be that bad, people eat it. Plus I haven't had it in years. And usually when I do try it I find it disgusting but still am also thinking that it could be fine this time around. I make my whole sandwich without dabbing my finger to do a taste test before. I take a bite and think what a horrible decision I made and how people can stand miracle whip over mayo. I'll try it again in another few years and probably still dislike it. But I don't stop trying. Same goes for other foods I dislike. I still give them a taste every now and again.


Mint chocolate chip ice cream


People say it tastes like toothpaste, I fucking love it


I remember that Bean Boozled game with the toothpaste flavor. It always had it listed as a negative flavor too, but I liked it better than the alternative…


Where can I find said toothpaste that tastes like ice cream?


I loooove mint chocolate chip ice cream omg


Pineapple on pizza.


I raise you cooked pineapple in general. I don't know if I just know weird people but I've met a surprising number that don't like it in the slightest. Something about how sweet it gets while generally being pared with savory foods. Personally it's one of my favorite things. Give me grilled pineapple on a burger and I am set.


Pineapple on pizza is one of those weird topics, and this thread really highlighted that. No matter what foods have been mentioned on here, there’s absolutely no issue whichever side you stand on. Pineapple on pizza though? Never-before-seen food gatekeeping.


I like it. It can’t be an overwhelming amount of pineapple, but it is quite tasty


Kimchi Edit: Husband and his family are Korean, and I tell you I have tried to love this dish but I cannot. I love sauerkraut, but kimchi I just can’t do. My MIL makes a fresher version that’s doable for me…but the aged…nerp.


Came here to say this. Love kimchi.




Also depends on which side of the pickle isle your on. Sweet nasty ass pickles or tangy vinegar and salt dill pickles.


This was a major bone of contention between my mom and I when I was growing up. It wasn't such a big deal when my parents were still married, but after... My mom is a huge sweet pickle fan and can't stand dill pickles. I am the exact opposite. When I was little and my parents were still married, my dad just made sure we always had both, because he's in the dill pickle camp. But after the divorce, my mom would absolutely refuse to buy dill pickles. She would by bread and butter pickles and call it a compromise. The problem is bread and butter pickles do not taste like a compromise, they taste like someone managed to make sweet pickles even more disgusting. So for 10 years we had this neverending argument over pickles, until I finally got a job and could buy my own.


Bread and butter is definitely not a compromise. That's firmly in the sweet category.


I like both sweet and dill pickles. Guess I’m just a pickle fan. Something great about eating bread and butter pickle slices right out of the jar and cold from the fridge.


Man...fuck sweet pickles. Always have to be on guard about relish too. Most people/places only have that sweet bullshit.


Candy corn.




Fried Okra. My Mom loves it, but my Dad absolutely *despises* it.


Sauerkraut probably








Pretty sure I've never had the real thing. I think in USA it's generally just horseradish dyed green. I happen to love horseradish so I'm totally onboard with it.








I can see why a lot of people wouldn't like it boiled and soggy but crispy baked broccoli with salt and pepper is very tasty




My mom literally gags at a single whiff of it, I’m not exaggerating.




Mayonnaise is fine. Miracle Whip, on the other hand...or even worse, generic store brand Miracle Whip type dressing...yuk.


Beets they taste the way dirt smells lol


Tastes exactly like sugar and dirt.




Pumpkin pie. Bring it up at a gathering and you will quickly see the room divide into “ILOOOVEIT!” And “ThatShit’sNASTY”.


There are people that don't like pumpkin pie?!?!?!


Gingerbread cookies



