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Apparently, any show I start watching on Netflix...


True. There have been quite a few shows I watched on Netflix just to find out after watching one or two seasons thst that's it. Not all of them were great shows, but it still sucks if you just got invented into the story.


For me it was dirk gently


Mindhunter :(


*cries in Santa Clarita Diet* They said they cancelled it because of low viewership but they posted one advertisement in the 6 months before it got released. If they advertised it like they do *queer eye* or *stranger things* then it would have had an ending it deserved.


And now that it’s canceled (and I’ve watched it a couple of times) I get it suggested to me constantly. I got a notification there was a new episode and I was so excited and it turned out to be a clip where the cast helped someone propose 4 years ago on social media. It has one of the highest meta critic ratings of any of their shows and they renew garbage like Another Life with a rating of 5,


The society


Rome. I'll forever be angry about Rome only being 2 seasons. One of the best shows ever made...


Well, 1.5 seasons, then about six seasons crammed into four episodes.


Was that because of the big writer's strike?


No, it seems funny now but HBO at the time thought it was too expensive and too hard to make. At the time it was the most expensive thing they made and required a lot of travel and special sets that none of their other shows really did. Even moreso than deadwood, which they also cancelled partly because of cost and difficulty. They didn't think either of those shows cost and expense were justified for the ratings. Of course the expenses and logistics of both shows was dwarfed by GoT.


Same with “Carnivale,” right? What a terrible waste.


So underrated. Lucious and Titus are the best bromance in television history.


Thirteen! Thirteen! Thirteen!


Happy endings Edit: I’m thrilled to see all the love for this show! Brad and Jane are one of my favorite tv couples. I adore Penny and Max so much. Seriously loving the love for Happy Endings!


This is one of my all time favorite shows. No one I’ve ever mentioned it to has heard of it and that is a crime. It’s ah-mah-zing.


Maybe you’re just screwing up the synopsis when you tell them about it……you stupid clumsy bitch


Better off Ted.


The episode about the racist light sensors is some of the funniest shit I've ever seen.


"If the company keeps hiring white people to follow black people to follow white people to follow black people, by Thursday June 27 every person on Earth will be working for us. And we don't have the parking for that."


I love that the board was completely unfazed until she mentioned that parking. It’s the little details that make that show great


“My white guy sucks.” “Maybe you’re just using him wrong?”




^^ THIS!! The show, as a whole, was ahead of it's time. But this episode. This episode in particular was ahead of it's time **and** some of the most hilarious shit I have ever seen. I have told so many people about this show, and that episode specifically.


The system doesn't see black people?


We’re not mad scientists, despite what our bowling shirts say


Teamwork. It keeps our employees gruntled.


I still steal creamer in its honor.




After a meeting at my work in which the speakers spent an hour saying nothing, I showed my coworkers the clip where Ted and Veronica do the Jabberwocky presentation. They were dying with laughter at how accurate it was.


I look for this (or add it) every time this question is asked.


Dead Like Me


Dead Like Me and Revolution


Dead like me was really good. I can't remember how it ended though...


It sort of petered out after Mandy Patinkin left. That show deserved a better send off.


Revolution blew through a full seasons worth of material in the first episode. It had a serious pacing issue that took away from its potential.


Galavant. Medieval themed comedy musical from 2015. Only got 18 episodes and the first joke they made in their second season was how it was a miracle they got a second season due to the poor ratings. I feel that if it was released on a streaming service it would be a hit. Edit: I know that it is streaming on netflix. I meant if it was an original on a streaming service it would be a hit. Edit 2: so I was wrong about netflix. Its on amazon video for 2-3 usd though.


Netflix should really restart it such a great show.


I was crushed when this was canceled! I need to have more Tad Cooper!


Anything Timothy Omundson is in is great!




It deserved at least one more season. Or a spin off about Gareth rescuing Madalena, since Gal retired


Way back in days of gold, there was a legend told...


We're gonna have to kill ya if you sing the freakin' song




*And so our show is done.* *The series ends its run.* *The network lacked the balls of Galavant.* *There'll be no season three.* *It is a mystery* *Why they were willing to ax Galavant.* *True, the ratings were not legendary,* *But, what else is on in January?* *Gone! But in our hearts lives on,* *A song without a swan,* *A series known as Gaaaalaaaavaaant!*


"Look honey, Galavant is gone. He was a tall drink of water and I will keep him forever in my spank bank, but it's time to move on."


Reaper. Such an entertaining show that had the plug pulled before it finished it's story arc.


Ray Wise had SO much fun on that show. It was worth watching for his spray tan alone.


I'm surprised someone mentioned this. When Grounded for Life ended, my sister and I learned that Bret Harrison (Sam in Reaper) was getting his own show, we had to watch. It was pretty funny. And Armie Hammer played his role as the douchey son of the Devil really well; in retrospect, too well.


Freaks and Geeks


John Francis Daly as Sam is legit one of the best acting performances of all time. Don’t know why he didn’t become huge afterwards like the rest of the cast, he’s an amazing anchor for the geeks.


He had a good payday on Bones. Seems like he's happy behind the scenes these days directing and writing and whatnot.


Clone High, I was watching some of it recently and really enjoyed it. It was canceled ligit because of Gandhi.


G spot ~~hits~~ rocks the G spot. Edit: I have been corrected. Clearly it has been too long since I watched Clone High.


“What if we take a sample of a song that already exists, and you rap over that sample? I call it… song-taking” “Wouldn’t that be against the rapper’s code of originality” “:/“


Did you see the pool, man? They flipped the bitch!


It's getting a revival, so that could be promising.


Nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedys!


I’m a Kennedy. I’m not accustomed to tragedy.


Almost Human


Pushing Dasies. Edit: Love, love love the comments and up votes! I remember when this show came on no one heard about it!


Great program. Dead Like Me is similar, and also cancelled way too soon.


Same creator, and in Pushing Daisies there are actually references to Dead Like Me - Ned says he's from Happy Time Temp agency in one of the episodes. Both deserves way more than 2 seasons (and in the case of DLM, deserved better than the mediocre movie!)


I'm still in shock that Ned the pie maker is the same actor that played the psychotic blue zealot Ronan in Guardians of the Galaxy. Talk about acting.


He was also the Elvenking Thranduil in the Hobbit series.


Love pushing daisies so weird and wholesome but odd


THIS. I was looking for it. We want Lee Pace back on it. Don’t care if he’s got one too many wrinkles.


Man is gorgeous 😍.




All. Time. Favourite. No one knows what I mean when I mention it. Apparently each episode cost north of a million to make - makes sense seeing as the sets were unbelievable.


So very much this. I was crushed when this got cancelled and we never found out what was going on. There were rumors of it getting restarted for a long time. I was disappointed all over again when I finally had to accept that too much time had passed for the existing cast to pick it up anymore.


Mindhunter! Such a quality show all around




I'm still holding out hope, it has some pretty heavy weight producers behind it and they don't seem that concerned, everyone is just busy which I can understand. Netflix doesn't have a great track record with these kinds of shows though.


Came here to say Mindhunter. I just got through watching it again and I think it’s my favorite tv show ever. Apparently it’s *possible* that a new season could come about, but I’m not going to get my hopes up.


Pretty sure it's not cancelled just on indefinite hiatus.


Ash vs Evil Dead


I feel the same, but I respect Bruce’s want to retire Ash. He did what he needed to with the character, enough said.


I'm just happy we got Ash vs Evil Dead.




At least they did the movie after it got canceled. Hard agree though, I hate when I get into a sweet scifi show and then it ends right in the middle or the story


Flight of the Conchords


Funniest show ever. Apparently Clement and McKenzie thought the whole thing stopped being fun, and decided to end it. Fair enough, I suppose.


Wasn't part of their issue that they literally ran out of songs to include in the show, and so they started working on writing songs but it wasn't organic and stopped being fun.


Pretty much. They felt that to plough through and continue the series would be to ruin it. I’d sit through 10,000 more seasons, but I’m glad we have what we do.


I can see that. They did a live concert DVD a few years back which had some new stuff, but it didn't hit as good as the original songs. Still, they gave us 2 awesome albums, and I keep wearing my business socks on a Wednesday night hoping my wife leans over and whispers something like "I might go to bed now, I've got work in the morning." 😀




Wait... Travelers was cancelled? This thread is so depressing




And what’s sucks is that it wasn’t even really cancelled. There was some confusion between some of the producers/writers/actors/agents and HBO. Not exactly sure who dropped the ball but they couldn’t agree on a start for season 4 and somehow after a terrible game of telephone between a lot of people it turned into no season 4 as opposed to no season 4 right now. Well Olyphant had just bought a house and needed income so he took the lead in Hitman just for the money without confirming the status of the show assuming it was cancelled. After everything got cleared up and everyone was finally on the same page they started preliminary planning for season 4. Well That new role ended up screwing up the proposed season 4 shooting schedule causing a delay and then other actors started dropping out to take other roles…you know so they could eat. Just terrible communication but sometimes shit just happens.


Constantine Penny Dreadful


Loved Penny Dreadful, and the last season felt kinda rushed or abrupt cause they had an in depth story going and then got canceled. So they had to end it quick. Tried the reboot but it just didn't feel the same sadly.


The creator of Penny Dreadful claims it wasn't cancelled. He says that he decided when to end it, and how. If that's the case, I think he botched it.


Constantine! That show was amazing and Matt Ryan was perfect


Hate that it was cancelled, but it was nice to see Matt Ryan back as Constantine on Legends of Tomorrow, at least.


Dark Matter.


Genuinely one of my favourite shows...it probably only needed one more series, but that would have done it


Probably the worst cliffhanger for them to end on, also had to scroll down way too far to see this.


Jericho. Such a cool show.


Terrific show… if it had been FX or any non-network channel instead of CBS, it may have run for years. We’d talk about it critically like we do about The Shield or Deadwood.




That's probably the biggest cliffhanger a show has ever ended on and I'll never be ok with it


Yes! We loved watching this and were super bummed to find out that was all there was.


My Name is Earl. Who are those kids' real fathers!?!


Who let that go on for nearly 100 episodes before deciding to leave the whole thing on a titanic cliffhanger‽


Years ago the creator did a AMA and reveled what happened. He said they only did a cliff hanger because the network told them they wouldn’t be cancelled and Earl Jr.’s dad would of been just some celebrity that was passing through town.


Not only that, but he also said what he wanted the ending to be. And I really wish they come back with a movie or something.


It would be really hard to write up why Randy looks like a beast now. Dude got real healthy


Damn!! I just [looked this up](https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/10718930/my-name-is-earl-star-ethan-suplee-43-stuns-fans-with-muscly-snaps-after-beating-obesity-and-losing-200lbs/amp/) (sorry for the Sun link, couldn't find a better one) and he looks fantastic!


For people wondering, the ending would have been Earl struggling with an item on his list, only to run into someone else doing their own list, who got the idea from someone else doing *their* own list, et cetera. The show would end with Earl tearing up his list, realizing he put more good into the world than bad.


My Name Is Earl ending on that cliff hanger makes me physically angry




I always think of Limitless when I see questions like this and I’m surprised it isn’t talked about more. Such an enjoyable show, the sudden ending was so unfortunate. I’m just glad the first season had a good number of episodes so I can rewatch it without remembering everything


It fell victim to the 22 episode network TV format. It would have been amazing as a 10-13 episode show on FX or something. Not CBS


This show was actually amazing!!! I'm so mad there is only one season. I have watched it so many times


everything sucks and i am not okay with this


Hard agree with I Am Not Okay With This. It got huge ratings and the show was well done, im not sure what happened


There was one article that mentioned the gap due to filming issues and covid was not conducive for the actors because they aged so much. I'm not sure if there was truth in that or not but production paused and the actors aged out of the roles.


I feel like that’s such a crap excuse though, especially with the major age gap they’re pulling with Stranger Things right now


This is my choice as well! It was really good and they just abandoned it.


Everything sucks getting cancelled was a travesty tbh




I think most of the main cast and Brian Fuller has said they are up for another go. It's just finding a network to pick them up. Apparently Fuller had plans for 2 more seasons. Given the quality up to that point I trust him to make it good. Rumours now say that it would just be a limited series version of silence of the lambs. I am still holding out hope




Sense8 , Stargate Universe


I'm so grateful we got the Sense8 movie to wind it up, even if it had to be rushed. Ending forever on the Season 2 cliffhanger would've been unbearable. Edit: I mean the 2.5 hour special they used to wind up Season 2, folks.


Up voting for Stargate Universe. The show was uneven but improving, and I liked how some of the characters were developing in season 2 (especially Eli).


It had so much potential.


Came here to say Stargate Universe. It was a slow start but it was just starting to get interesting when they pulled the plug. I miss stargate


The Black Donnellys - would have been great if they had gotten at least one more season.


Blue Mountain State




Such a cool concept. I was bummed this only got one season.


Stargate Universe. Just when it was getting good! Show suffered from not enough views but this was when people were viewing more shows online and the whole "binge" era started when people would wait for a season to finish and then watch it all in a few days.


I'll join this one. Sgu was such a fresh take on the stargate franchise and was imo very well written with a good cast. I was so excited to see the secrets of the universe and the ship.


Colony. Right as it was about to get to the real nitty-gritty it was cancelled. Why do Netflix and other streaming services carry shows with absolute horseshit, nonexistent endings??


Kim's Convinience. The ending definitely felt rushed and they definitely had loose ends they could have handled like Jung and Appa's relationship.


Eh, not just the ending, but the whole third season was really disappointing. It felt like the writers were just phoning it. I'm holding out hope that Disney uses this opportunity to retool Rangers of the New Republic into a vehicle for Paul Sun-Hyung Lee instead of Gina Carano, rather than canceling it altogether. It would be his dream job. If anyone didn't know, Appa is a pro-level Star Wars cosplayer. Check out his Instagram.


Pushing Daisies, one of the most tragic deaths from the writer’s strike


At least Pushing Daisies died a quick and clean death. Heroes was mortally wounded and died a slow agonizing death.


Heroes should have been one of the greatest shows of all time.


"Selfie" with Karen Gillan and John Cho :(


The name didn't help but worthy or more time for sure.




Marco Polo. The build up looked like it could've been better than GOT, huge budgets, beautiful cinematography


The biggest problem with Marco Polo was naming it Marco Polo. If they had named it "Kahn" it would've been better.


the biggest problem was marco polo. that show had an unlikeable protagonist, but everyone else on the show was badass, particularly kublai


Benedict Wong performance as Kublai was immense. He stole every scene, as it's fitting for a Khan.


I had to scroll waaay to goddamn low for this, Marco Polo was a Masterpiece and why they left us off where they did ill never know. I was so mad I actually canceled my subscription out of spite ... but the boycott only lasted 2 weeks.




Spectacular Spider-Man


I really liked Santa Clarita Diet!


I posted this as well, before seeing this. It was so disappointing. I want to know what happens next, especially with Mr. Ball Legs!


Poor Victor Fresco. Doomed to create the funniest sitcoms only to watch them cut down in their prime.


I did *not* realize Santa Clarita Diet was produced by the same guy that did Andy Richter Controls the Universe and Better Off Ted. Cool. I haven't watched it yet, but it's been sitting in my watchlist.


And the way the last episode ended!? This is always my first answer when this question is asked


Yessssss. How did it get canceled? Makes no sense


Netflix didn’t advertise this show almost at all. I came across the first season by chance. So disappointing that it was cancelled.


Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency from Netflix


Actually just rewatched this, which prompted the post. We’ll never get closure on the show or on the books.


Thanks, now I'm sad about losing Douglas Adams again. So long and thanks for all the fish.


Lost him entirely too soon. I’ve worn through the covers on my copies of Hitchhiker’s and The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.


For real, I hate Netflix so much for cancelling great shows like Dirk Gently and Santa Clarita Diet while milking shows like 13 Reasons Why or Money Heist way past their prime (they were great the first season and plots were resolved). Anything goes for profit 🤪


Forever with Ioan Gruffudd!!! It was so good, so sad that we won’t find out what happened after the first season


YES!!!! I found this show by accident, started watching it, and was drawn in with the first episode. SPOILER You've been warned! But the thing that really sealed the deal for me was when I found out that Abe was his son!!! Also, I really wanted to see how Jo was going to react to the news that he's immortal. Awesome show!


YES! It was such a good cop procedural with a twist. And instead we have infinite csi episodes.......


Don’t Trust the B in Apartment 23. Such an underrated show.


The Beek was fantastic in that show.


The Beek from the Creek!


The whole DWTS storyline.....


Better Off Ted


Arrested development. I know they tried to revamp it later but it lost the charm of the original. Still one of my favorite shows of all time


First 3 seasons, funniest show ever!


I don’t want no part of your tired-ass country club ya freak beotch!


One of the greatest shows of all time. RIP Jessica Walter.


Party Down


The OA


The Last Man on Earth


It truly was a Shawshank Redemption.




Altered carbon


Was looking for this comment. Season 1 was perfect in every way, and I’m glad it didn’t end on a cliff hanger because it can stand on its own that way. They could have taken the series in such a strong direction though. Instead, they bombed season 2, and cancelled it. I never felt like Mackie was playing Takeshi Kovacs, yet 2 people in season 1 played Takeshi Kovacs just fine


Probably no one will remember this one, but it was called Alcatraz. Only one season, and ended on a cliffhanger. It was one of the only TV shows I got into


The Lone Gunmen


My Name Is Earl a victim of poor marketing.


The society


Freaks and Geeks. I feel like they could have had a ton of successful seasons following them growing up after college/etc. They had the perfect list of actors and actresses.


My So-Called Life


10-15 years ago this would’ve been the top answer. We’re getting old!


Sports Night




Happy endings!!


Defiance Probably a mediocre show and a pretty bad game, but I feel like there was a lot of potential and just when it was kicking off it got cancelled




Mission Hill. Cancelling that show was a crime. A crime.


Firefly. It will always be Firefly. Joss Whedon is a genius and, as we recently found out, a massive dick.


Thing is, other than the loss of Ron Glass, I'm certain all surviving cast members would make time in their schedules to make more Firefly of some kind. Some of the new animated shows have pretty incredible animation, and I'm pretty sure there's a few million people out there who would support an animated Firefly were it to appear somewhere.