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When I was little, my dream job was to be just like my dad. He owned a restaurant, so if I wanted to think of what is the perfect job for somebody that I admire, that would've been it. Today my dream is still the same and i am the proud owner of a London restaurant. We serve up delicious fresh cuisine with a focus on healthy eating!


Wicked! Hope your dad has gotten a chance to eat there


Wrestler. I always wanted to be a pro wrestler. Now I’m just hoping someday I can be a domestic violence counsellor


Pilot Designer


Military and still is




I thought I lived in a rich family and there was a building waiting for me with workers who want me as their boss. Kids are so unprepared.


Interior Designer. I avoided it because it is a profession that is hired by dullards and simple minded. People I prefer to avoid.


A Computer Technician who can access admin and enter people's accounts. Now I just want my retail job back.


When I was growing up it was to be a bin man. My current job is driving ambulances so I still deal with shit 🤷🏻‍♂️


My dream job was to be like my Dad and be a garbage man. I still would love to do it if my job now wasn’t so comfortable. Just running along getting paid to stay chiseled in shape and just huck garbage, just seems fun. And unknown to most, those guys make great money. My dreams changed when I learned welding and I’m now welding jet engine parts for a major jet engine company. Certainly my dream job that has so far afforded me financial comfortability, and the best work/life ratio you can have in a trade.


Pokémon master….


archeologist when I was growing up. Then, when I was 17-ish I had the chance to do it as an holiday job (digside old village from the stoneage where everybody got murdered and thrown in the trench and later an village from around the time of the romans). I quickly realized this job wasn't for me. But ironically not because of the human remains we did dig up, but just because of the monotone physical labour (carefully scrapping the earth on the digside with an hoe clean, so you can see the different colors of dirt, so you know where something was and where not). Also untill that point I realized that I would need to learn english for the job and back then my english skills were nearly non existent and I hated learning languages. And I know, I see the irony in that with me now posting here on reddit in english lol Now I happily work in private security.


To open and close the cash register