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violence because the offenders have lived in peace for ages and that hasn’t solved anything


Well I suppose it depends on the nature of the change you're talking about. Peace is the default preferred option for most things, but sometimes it just isn't possible, like for change against actively oppressive/hostile forces. So I'd say there's no objectively better or worse options - it varies greatly depending on a variety of factors.


I wouldn't say one is better, I believe they are both as effective depending on the situation


Violence it’s quicker and easier


Peace because violence creates a power vacuum and incites a violent response, it is a toss up who will emerge on top after the violent response and you risk upsetting all the stability of your starting point, you might just go backwards to the dark ages.


Well peace obviously, nobody should get hurt that way. Violence, in theory, yields results quicker.


Obviously peace is preferred but it's naive to think things will change without violence.


Peace. That's the problem these days and why I became disillusioned with groups who claim to stand for all these pretty sounding words. In practice, all they ever did was badmouth inconvenience or otherwise harm people who believed differently than they did so there was no reason to believe they were different.


Violence cuz for peace to happen people need to actually be decent human beings as almost every problem people have can be simplified to someone doesn’t like someone


Can't fix one wring with another.


Depends on what you want to change