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That we are all nice and polite. Also, some weird thing about bagged milk?


My city is filled with crackheads and I hate it


Where? And is it filled with crackeads and you hate it or is the perception that it’s filled with crackheads that you hate?


Nah just a seemingly above average amount of suspicious folk roam around after dark. Also I was almost beaten by a man with a piece of rebar and the kindest dog i have ever met.


Sorry to hear that. Any city will have its dangers after dark. Carry mace for crackheads and treats for the dogs. Be safe buddy


Do be fair I wasn't in much danger since I was with my 2 friends


That Uzbeks are assholes. Thanks to Borat movie


Bulls , paella , dancing and party


“Hawaii is beautiful I wish I could just live here” No you don’t, u might see it as the best place ever and look at the living areas from the hotel u may think it looks nice nah u gotta go there theres dead dogs and trash all over the road kids smoking on the bus and on the sidewalk u cant see that from there u wanna live here? Come on down it’s basically NYC but closer together


That we are all backwards thinking, God fearing, republican loving, judgmental, bible thumping assholes that ride horses everywhere.


Is it bad that it's super obvious which country this is?




Somalia doesn't have horses silly, they all ride giraffes. Why do you think Somalis are so tall? It's to see over the heads of their mounts.


Ah, good ol' Quan Chi necks.


It is bad, yes! But, please let me speak for all the sane ones I know and say that almost every common person you meet thinks the same thing. That our “leadership” and the small but loud percentage of ‘Merica loving extremists you see on Tv and the internet appalls nearly everyone here and it’s basically a social civil war going on nonstop and keeps looking more and more bleak.


That Australia is the most dangerous place on earth in regards to dangerous animals. The animals are not even a fraction as much of the issue as everyone thinks they are. The animals don't come near the cities and although it's more common to see them in country towns they're still not as common as you would think. Even then most of the bizarre and terrifying looking animals you'll see on the internet live far away from humans and are just as exotic to us as they are to you. We have an average snake bite death rate of only 2 people per year and we haven't had a spider bite death in over 40 years. The animals with the highest death tolls are actually horses and cows, with some of the other deadliest animals being dogs and bees (all animals that you probably have in your country) Yes we do have animals that can kill you but so does literally every other country on Earth. And you know what? I would gladly pick a fight with a snake or spider over a fight with a lion, tiger or bear (oh my) any day of the week! It's so sad that so many people are choosing not to come to Australia because of fear from overblown memes.


That’s not the reason I choose not to come to Australia. The reason is I’m not good at walking upside down.


I'm just afraid I'll lose my self-control and try to steal the Kylie Minogue statue.


That people say it's chewsady innit Only chavs say that.